Lesson Plan For Oil Pastels

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Name: Amanda Staman Placement and Grade Level: High school Art 1 *DONT FORGET TO INCLUDE Title of Lesson~

Creating the light values of an object with oil ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT Pastels
throughout ~ choral response, whiteboards, signaling, movement, think/write pair share, learning partners. See Instruction for All textbook pgs. 88-89 for ideas. *

Standards Addressed~(Content Content area: Visual ART

Area, Grade Level, Standard, Concepts and skills students master, Evidence Outcomes)

Grade level: 9-12 Standard 1. Observe and learn to comprehend: Explain, demonstrate, and interpret a range of purposes of art and design recognizing that the making and study of art and design can be approached from a variety of viewpoints, intelligences, and perspectives. Concepts and skills: 2. Historical and cultural context are found in visual art. Evidence: Analyze innovations in art through historical and cultural context.

Standard 3: Invent and discover to create Concepts and skills master: 2. Assess and produce art with various materials and methods. Evidence: Skillfully use a variety of techniques and media to create works of art. Skillfully create and exhibits one's own works of art. st 21 Century Skills/Workforce Critical thinking: Interpreting visual art provides an ability to place contemporary art culture in a broader, historical context. Problem Readiness skill embedded in solving skills are employed in making works of art. Visual art rely on reflective processes to create new and evolved works of art lesson(critical thinking and through introspection, collaboration, global connection, reasoning, information literacy, experimentation, and research.
collaboration, self-direction, invention)

Set Up Classroom Management Expectations~

Attention getting cue: Give me 5: 1. Eyes on me, 2. Quiet, 3. Hands free (Put all things down), 4. Be still, and 5. Listen Student remember to wait until all students are response: Discussion, thumbs up/down, and a final sample product. quiet and listening before you begin Transition strategy: To have all students siting in their assigned seats teaching. Praise students who are during presentation, then have them all students sit around ready and positively prompt students demonstration table for demo. Then I hand out supplies for their who need extra direction. 1. What is practice project, which they will complete at their desk. Once your attention getting verbal cue finished students will hand in practice piece on center table and wait and/or signal? 2. What is your to be let out.
student response strategy to ensure all students answer questions? 3. What is your transition strategy?

Pre-Assessment (if applicable) ~ how did you pre-assess and do you Pre-assessment: I asked students to think about different drawing need to Differentiate for any learners? techniques we have learned in the past to use with oil pastels. Do all students have access to the Universal Design: For this lesson I created a prezi presentation

that included many visual examples and I talked about different examples. The presentation is located on Infinite campus for the students who need to refer back to the presentation. I also used discussion through-out this lesson to give multiple means of engagement. Anticipatory Set ~ introduces the I asked student to think about, discuss, and share this questions: lesson in an engaging What real life job would require this technique of learning values of mannerconnects to the learner an object? EX. Photographer and architecture. The objective for today's lesson is to successfully use color and Lesson Objectives/Learning value to create three dimensional objects. Why: They need to Targets~ use kid friendly language and tell students /display learn this process to asses objects in a real world situation. Then for students to review: apply that into a drawing to create a 3D object on a 2D plan. To WHAT they will be understand that different perspectives of an object will change the learning? WHY they view and value of an object. How: By the end of class students need to learn it for the real will demonstrate their learning by successfully drawing and creating world: PURPOSE a 3D shape using value and color with oil pastels on a black piece of (relevance and construction paper.
content because you prepared with Universal Design in mind? (see cheat sheet)

application)? HOW they will show their learning? (Demonstration of Learning D.O.L.)

Input ~ always pair visual with

auditory, kinesthetic if possible Provide a handout with

Handout a graphic organizer to fill out with the Prezi presentation. Show photographic examples, verbally define important vocabulary, and draw a visual representation.

info/concept with space for student to take notes, draw visual representations etc.

Active Engagement Strategies Check for understanding by using fist 1-5 I will also check for understanding by looking at their practice *~ how will you use active engagement strategies to check for project.
understanding throughout the lesson?

Please view videos to see explicit instruction. Oil Pastel Demo Demo with student giving the steps and directions graphic attached) They create a practice project of one shape with oil pastels on a Review/Connect to previously black piece of paper. learned information Scaffold Instruction for Lesson Procedure/Learning Plan: (see explicit instructions
I DO (Teacher models task: check for understanding) WE DO (Guided practice: Teacher and students do task together: check for understanding) YOU DO (Independent practice: Student tries/practices task independently) Consider Differentiation ~ The Print out a worksheet with all slide information listed. Information Learning Pyramid, Multiple will be oil pastel vocabulary, picture examples, and project Intelligences, Brain Based directions. If students finish early they may free draw out of a "How Learning, Universal Design, to Draw" book. Differentiating content, process or

product (See attached cheat sheets) State any accommodations or modifications for students who; excel, struggle, learn differently, identified as Gifted/Talented or Special Education. If some students finish early, what will they do? Lesson Closure~ Brings lesson Hand in their 4x4" practice project of one shape and review to appropriate conclusion, revisits important information learned. Exit ticket the content and ensures understanding and DEMONSTRATION OF LEARNING (D.O.L.) After viewing their practice projects, I decided that I need to explain After the Lesson Student

Achievement Data ~ Provide and give more examples of the importance of having a light source. quantitative data on how students did on the D.O.L. and comment on needs for reteaching, improving, and next steps.

ONE PAGE: Simple Lesson Plan with all components embedded:

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