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2893 L. CakhursL urlve, SalL Lake ClLy, uLah 84108
hone: 801- 399- 9763 (Cell) 801- 383- 1863 (Pome) L- Mall: beccalax[comcasL.neL


Academy for MaLh, Lnglneerlng, and Sclence - SalL Lake ClLy, uLah 2010 - resenL
(AMLS Plgh School) Class of 2014

Concordla Language vlllages - Al- Waha Arablc lmmerslon rogram, AugusL 2012
8emld[l, MlnnesoLa


3%(1 3/,)4"5/2 - l.!. & !eanne Wagner !ewlsh CommunlLy CenLer, Summer 2013
SalL Lake ClLy, uLah
ln charge of a group of slx year-old glrls for Len weeks.

6"%$7.)8 944.4-%)- - CongregaLlon kol Aml, SalL Lake ClLy, uLah 2009 - resenL
AsslsL Lhe flrsL grade Leacher ln managlng Lhe class. 1each eLhlcs, blbllcal sLorles, and Pebrew Lo
lndlvldual sLudenLs, as well Lhe class as a whole. Pelp prepare lessons and classroom acLlvlLles.

:""2 6,-/2 - AMLS Plgh School, SalL Lake ClLy, uLah 2012 - resenL
1uLor AMLS hlgh school sLudenLs ln Algebra, CeomeLry, and Algebra ll (MaLh l, MaLh l Ponors,
MaLh ll, MaLh ll Ponors), Arablc, ChemlsLry, and hyslcs. AsslsL wlLh homework. Lxplaln and help
clarlfy Lhe sLudenLs' undersLandlng of baslc concepLs.

;/5,)-""2 - 1he Chlldren's CenLer, SalL Lake ClLy, uLah Summers 2011 and 2012
Worked wlLh chlldren ln Lhe LherapeuLlc preschool. AsslsLed ln Lhe classroom by playlng wlLh Lhe
preschoolers and maklng sure Lhey were safe and followlng Lhe rules. Culded Lhe chlldren wlLh
poslLlve relnforcemenL.

<-%== .) 62%.).)8 - !CC 8anch Camp, uenver, Colorado !uly - AugusL 2012
Shadowed Lhe ropes course speclallsL. Led Leam-bulldlng acLlvlLles for campers on Lhe low ropes
course. Lnsured camper safeLy on Lhe hlgh ropes course. AcLed as a counselor for a cabln of slxLh
grade glrls. Pelped organlze, Pard 8ock" and A nlghL aL Lhe Cscars," evenlng acLlvlLles for Lhe
enLlre camp.


92%#.$ 9$%+"(.$ 9?%2+ - Ames Plgh School Aprll 2012

@).-"+ A"?.47 B"+"2%-./) /= @-%7 - Annual CommunlLy ulnner november 2012
Asked by Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe unlLed !ewlsh lederaLlon of uLah Lo represenL Lhe
sLudenLs of 1he 8afl SchwarLz 8ellglous School. lnLroduced CrlL Sommer, 8ellglous School
ulrecLor, one of Lhe Lwo honorees aL Lhe fundralslng dlnner. WroLe, prepared, and dellvered
speech Lo over 130 members of Lhe communlLy.


Avallable upon requesL

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