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MCQ 1. Input is the __________ that you enter into the computer. A. B. C. D. data program software information

Answer : A

2. Processors contain __________. A. B. C. D. a chip and an adapter a motherboard and a port a contro unit and an arithmetic ogic unit adapter cards

Answer : C

!. CD"#$% and D&D"#$% are e'amp es of __________. A. B. C. D. #A% #$% optica dis(s magnetic dis(s

Answer : C

). __________ are connected to the hard dis(s and the D&D*CD"#$% dri+e. A. B. C. D. ,-B ports ID. cab es .'pansion s ots Adapter cards

Answer : B

/. 0ormatting a dis( _______________ A. erases a data on the dis( B. di+ides the hard dis( into se+era partitions C. ma(es a bac(up copy of the data on the dis( D. mo+es the data around on the dis( to sa+e space
Answer : A

1. 2e usua y format a hard dis( using fi e systems. A. 0A3 B. .43 C. ,0D. 530Answer : D

6. Before you can format and use the dis(7 you need to _______________ A. scan the dis( B. create the partition C. bac(up the dis( D. defrag the dis(
Answer : B

Questions 8 and 10 is based on the fi u!e be"o#$

8. In the machine cyc e steps i ustrated in the accompanying figure7 _____ is the process of
obtaining a program instruction or data item from memory. A. fetching B. storing C. e'ecuting D. decoding Answer : A

9. ________ is the process of carrying out commands.

A. fetching B. storing C. e'ecuting D. decoding Answer : C

1:. 3he process of trans ating a program instruction into signa s the computer can e'ecute is
ca ed _______. A. fetching B. storing C. e'ecuting D. decoding

Answer : D

MATCH%&' 1. Based on the diagram be ow7 P7 ; and # are the components on the motherboard. Identify P7 ; and # by matching it in the Co umn A to Co umn B.



CO(UM& ) CPU E*+ansion s"ots RAM s"ots Po!ts and ,onne,to!s Me-o!.




CO(UM& ) CPU E*+ansion s"ots RAM s"ots Po!ts and ,onne,to!s Me-o!.

2. %atch each the machine cyc e from Co umn A with its suitab e functions on Co umn B. CO(UM& A CO(UM& )


Performs the re<uested instruction7 such as adding two numbers or deciding which one of them is arger. -tores the resu ts in an interna register =a temporary storage ocation or in memory>

1ECO1E Determines what the program is te ing the computer to do. STORE #etrie+e the ne't program instruction from the computer?s memory.

Answer: CO(UM& A /ETCH E0ECUTE -tores the resu ts in an interna register =a temporary storage ocation or in memory> 1ECO1E Determines what the program is te ing the computer to do. STORE #etrie+e the ne't program instruction from the computer?s memory. CO(UM& ) Performs the re<uested instruction7 such as adding two numbers or deciding which one of them is arger.

!. %atch the picture with the correct steps in PC assemb ing.

p ace the processor to the @I0 soc(et attach and s ide the hard dis( dri+e to insert pinsert ace chec( insert the the the memory motherboard fthe compact oppy fina dri+e card connection disc on to todri+e #A% the !./A des( bay s ot its bay


p ace the processor to the @I0 soc(et

attach and s ide the hard dis( dri+e to its bay

p ace the motherboard on the des(

insert the memory card to #A% s ot

insert compact disc dri+e

insert the f oppy dri+e to !./A bay

chec( the fina connection

/%(( %& THE )(A&2S 1. 3he ______________ is a number system that has Bust to unit digit : and 1. A _____________ is the sma est unit of data the computer can process. 2hen 8 bits are grouped together as a unit they form a ___________. (binary system; bit; byte) 2. 3he four genera components of computer hardware are : a. ____________________ b. ____________________ c. ____________________ d. ____________________ (input) (process) (output) (storage)

!. _________________________ consists of programs designed to ma(e users more producti+e and*or assist them with persona tas(s7 and inc ude 2eb browser7 word processing software7 and spreadsheet software. Application software

). _________________________ is software that a ows users to organiCe data in rows and

co umns and perform ca cu ations of the data. 3he rows and co umns co ecti+e y are ca ed a _______________ . A ___________ is the intersection of a co umn and row in a wor(sheet. %any wor(sheets ce s contain a number that can be used in a ca cu ation ca ed a ________________. Spreadsheet software; worksheet; cell; value

/. ________________________ is app ication software that a ows user to create +isua aids for
presentations to communicate ideas7 messages and other information to a group. 2hi e7 __________________ Presentation software

0igure A 1. 3he 0igure A shows one of the steps in PC assemb ing which is _____________________. inserting RAM into RAM slot inserting RAM

TRUE3/A(SE 1. A uti ity program is a program that assesses and reports information about +arious computer resources and de+ices. 3rue !alse

2. Database programs7 spreadsheets and graphics software are e'amp es of uti ity software. 3rue !alse

!. An $perating -ystem is a set of programs that coordinates a the acti+ities among computer hardware de+ices. "rue ). ,sers can distribute the proprietary software free y. 3rue /. -ecurity is a maBor issue in proprietary software. "rue 0a se !alse 0a se

1. $pen source software is software pro+ided for use7 modification and redistribution. "rue 0a se

6. Proprietary software is popu ar because this software is a c osed softwareD any programmer can ma(e impro+ements which can resu t in a better <ua ity software. 3rue !alse

SECT%O& ) 1. Processor is an e ectronic component on a computer?s motherboard that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer. =a> 5ame the two components of a processor. #ontrol $nit (#$) and Arithmetic and %ogic $nit (A%$) =b> Based on your gi+en answer in =a>7 state the functions of each components. ALU "he arithmetic logic unit (A%$) contains the electronic circuitry that e&ecutes all arithmetic and logical operations' "he arithmetic logic unit can perform four kinds of arithmetic operations( or mathematical calculations) addition( subtraction( multiplication( and division' "he arithmetic logic unit also performs logical operations' A logical operation is usually a comparison' "he unit can compare numbers( letters( or special characters' CU "he control unit contains circuitry that uses electrical signals to direct the entire computer system to carry out( or e&ecute( stored program instructions' "he control unit does not e&ecute program instructions; rather( it directs other parts of the system to do so' "he control unit must communicate with both the arithmetic logic unit and memory' 2. %ost computers are digita and recogniCe on y two discrete states: off =:> and on =1>. 3o represent these states7 computer use the binary system. Based on the abo+e statement7 answer the fo owing <uestions. =a> Define bit and byte. A bit is the smallest unit of data a computer can process' *yte is formed when + bits are grouped together as a unit' (Additional ,nfo ) ,t provides enough different combinations of -s and .s to represent /01 individual characters') =b> -tate two of the coding scheme used in data representation. "he series of bits represent by using coding schemes( such as AS#,,( 2*#3,# and $nicode'


1. Based on the diagram be ow7 answer the fo owing <uestions.


2 Primary

4 -econdary

E #A%

@ #$%

=a> .'p ain two differences of 2 and 4. Answer: Primary Storage #omputer memory( also known as primary storage( is closely related to the central processing unit but separate and distinct from it' Memory holds the data after it is input to the system and before it is processed; Memory holds the data after it has been processed but before it has been released to the output device' ,n addition( memory holds the programs (computer instructions) needed by the central processing unit' Memory can hold data only temporarily because it re4uires a continuous flow of electric current; if the current is interrupted( the data is lost' Secondary Storage Secondary storage provides additional storage separate from memory' Recall that memory holds data and programs only temporarily; thus there is a need for secondary storage' "he two most common secondary storage media are magnetic disks and magnetic tape' #apacity Access Speed #ost per M* Portability 5eed PR%MARY Small !ast 2&pensive !i&ed #ompulsory SECO&1ARY %arge Medium #heap Portable Alternative

=b> Fi+e two characteristics of E. RAM is usually volatile' ,ts contents are lost once the power is shut off' RAM can be erased or written over at will by the computer software' =c> .'p ain two differences of E and @. RAM : Stands for Random Access Memory' Also called main memory or primary storage; "he more RAM a computer has( the faster it responds; 3ata in memory can be accessed randomly( no matter where it is( in an easy and speedy manner' RAM is usually volatile( this means that its contents are lost once the power is shut off' RAM can be erased or written over at will by the computer software' ROM : Read6only memory (R7M) contains programs and data that are permanently recorded into this type of memory at the factory; they can be read and used( but they cannot be changed by the user' !or e&ample( a personal computer probably has a program for calculating s4uare roots in R7M' R7M is nonvolatile 66 its contents do not disappear when the power is turned off'

2. 3he fo owing <uestions are based on the figures be ow.

A =a> 5ame the two types of app ication software A and B. A : Word Processing software B : Spreadsheet software

=b> #eferring to your answer on =a>7 gi+e two differences between the two app ication software. 8ord processing software lets you create( edit( format( store( and print te&t and graphics in one document' A word processing program is an office application that enables users to create( edit( format and print te&tual documents' A spreadsheet is a program that processes information in the form of grid of columns and rows' Spreadsheet are indispensable tools for anyone who works with numbers' =) mar(s>


!. Based on figure abo+e7 answer the fo owing <uestions. =a> 5ame P and ;. =b> Fi+e two differences between operating system software P and ;. =c> A i wants to insta an operating system in to his new computer. Ge decided to insta -7 but he is not +ery sure with his choice. -o7 he see(s for your ad+ice. Eou7 as an I3 technician7 e'p ain the ad+antages and disad+antages by using of - as an operating system. Answer: (a) P ) Proprietary Software 9 ) 7pen Source Software (b) Two differences between operating system software P and 9' P : Proprietary Software ,t is also called closed source software' 7ffers a stable system with support if the software fails or malfunctions' : Open So!rce Software ,ts is not a closed source software Software provided for use( modification and redistribution' Software that any programmer can download from the ,nternet for free and modify with suggested improvement' "he only 4ualification is that changes can:t be copyrighted'

(c) Ad"antages of MAC OS 2asy to install *est ;raphical $ser ,nterface (;$,) Secure and stable #isad"antages of MAC OS Support only Apple computers *ase hardware more e&pensive than other platforms !ewer utilities available !ewer games than 8indows Many applications still being updated to run with MA# 7S'

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