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Group 22

Solving Linear Equations1

Overview: Objective: Description:
This lesson will teach students how to solve for any variable in a linear equation. Given a linear equation, students will be able to solve for any variable with at least 90% accuracy. The learners are at-risk children from 4th-10th grade. We specifically chose 8th-9th graders as that is the grade in which most students learn algebra. The learning environment is a fairly large room on the college campus. The room includes small whiteboards, a computer for the teacher and a projector. The intended learning goal is to teach the kids something STEM related. We chose to teach them how to solve linear equations (i.e. students will learn how to solve for x). The lesson content will start by defining what a linear equation is and then using examples to help students learn how to solve the equations. We were inspired to do our lesson on this topic as understanding linear equations is a really important basis for not only math classes, but for any subject that deals with math, such as physics. We found a great lesson plan just by using google to search for linear equation lesson plans. We adapted a good chunk of it in our lesson plan. We decided to use MindMup as we thought it would be the best way to organize our lesson plan out of the three given technology options. We also made a powerpoint that will be shown using the projector in the class. We chose to do this because powerpoints can be really appealing to some students, especially younger ones. Also considering these students are at-risk, some of them might have lower attention spans than others so by showing them a nice looking powerpoint, it might do better at keeping them engaged then only writing on the whiteboard. The teaching method is meant to be engaging by starting off the class with an activity and also ending it with one. We believed that the best way for students to learn is to make them practice the skill they just learned so thats why we finish with an activity. While the teacher is the leader of the class, the buddies are there to also help students that might be having a hard time with the concepts. The following standards are derived from the Indiana state learning standards for 8th grade and Algebra I students: MA.A1.2 2000: Students solve linear equations and inequalities in one variable. They solve word problems that involve linear equations, inequalities, or formulas. MA.8.7 2000: Students make decisions about how to approach problems and communicate their ideas. Students will need pencils and notebooks to take notes. They will also be given dry erase boards, and markers for the




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Group 22

beginning of class activity. The teacher will be using the whiteboard to write examples, and the computer/projector to show a powerpoint presentation on the topic.


Well start off the class with an activity. Well have two students along with their buddies at each round table. The student will pair with their buddy to form a group. Each group will be given a dry erase board and a marker. When the teacher says so, the groups will be given 5 minutes to write down an incomplete math sentence (such as __ + 5 = 34 or __ - 7 = 52). Then they will give the dry erase board to the other group to solve the math sentence. The students will be the ones solving the problem and the buddy will let them know if its right or wrong. The process will repeat till the end of the 5 minutes. The rest of the lesson will then continue as follows. These steps are all part of a powerpoint. 1. Ask the students what an equation is. 2. Define equation: An equation is two expressions set equal to each other. To demonstrate this, use a couple of the completed math sentences from the Board Race activity. 3. Now define a linear equation: Is an equation that is in the form ax + b = c where a, b, and c are any value. The value of the unknown variable x is what we are looking for when solving linear equations. 4. How do you solve linear equations? A. Simplify the equation by using the distribution property and combining like terms. B. Use addition and subtraction properties to get the variable term to one side by itself. Remember that what you do to one side, you must do the same to the other. C. Now use multiplication and division properties to isolate the variable (get x by itself). D. Plug the value you received for the variable (x) back into the original equation to check your answer. 5. Now give some examples of solving linear equations using these steps.

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Group 22

The equations will be shown in the powerpoint but it will be written on the whiteboard so the students can follow along step-by-step. Example 1 - 3x + 1 = 4 1. Simplify the equation. This equation is already simplified. 3x + 1 = 4 2. Get the variable term on one side by itself. 3x + 1 = 4 3. Subtract 1 from both sides. 3x + 1 - 1 = 4 - 1 3x = 3 4. Isolate the variable. 3x = 3 5. Divide each side by 3. 3x/3 = 3/3 x=1 6. Check your answer. Plug the value of x back into the original equation. 3(1) + 1 = 4 3+1=4 4=4 Example 2 - 2(x - 1) + x = 10 1. Simplify the equation. 2(x - 1) + x = 10 2x - 2 + x = 10 (Distribute the 2) 3x - 2 = 10 (Add like terms) 2. Get the variable term on one side by itself. 3x - 2 = 10 3. Add 2 to both sides. 3x - 2 + 2 = 10 + 2 3x = 12 4. Isolate the variable. 3x = 12 5. Divide each side by 3. 3x/3 = 12/3 x=4 6. Check your answer. 2(4 - 1) + 4 = 10 2(3) + 4 = 10

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Group 22

6 + 4 = 10 10 = 10 Example 3 - 10(x -2) + 2 = 6 + 2x 1. Simplify the equation. 10(x -2) + 2 = 6 + 2x 10x - 20 + 2 = 6 + 2x (Distribute the 10) 10x - 18 = 6 + 2x (Add like terms) 2. Get the variable term on one side by itself. 10x - 18 = 6 + 2x 10x - 2x - 18 = 6 + 2x - 2x (Subtract 2x from both sides) 8x - 18 = 6 3. Add 18 to both sides 8x - 18 + 18 = 6 + 18 8x = 24 4. Isolate the variable. 8x = 24 5. Divide each side by 8. 8x/8 = 24/8 x=3 6. Check your answer. 10(3 - 2) + 2 = 6 + 2(3) 10(1) + 2 = 6 + 2(3) 10 + 2 = 6 + 6 12 = 12 To end the lesson, the students will pair up with their buddy and take turns writing down simple linear equations on their dry erase boards and answering them. If the student gets stuck on a problem the buddy should help them out by reiterating the process explained by the teacher. The teacher will also pass out a worksheet as homework.

Evaluation: Resources:

The students will be given a worksheet at the end of class to take home and turn in the next day Lesson plan adapted from: Fauser, J. (2009, November 24). Solving Linear Equations. Lesson Plan. Retrieved from Plan.pdf

James, C.E. (2011). Students at-risk: Stereotypes and the schooling of black boys. Urban Education, 47(2), 464-494. doi: 10.1177/0042085911429084.

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Group 22

Since the students who are to be taking part in the hypothetical classroom situation on which this assignment is predicated, I thought that it would be pertinent to include some research that worked explicitly with at-risk students. In theory, this would provide my group member and I with some vluable insight into instructional tactics and schools of thought regarding at-risk students that would pay dividends in the development of our lesson plan. Essentially, I was more concerned with acclimating myself with general characteristics of at-risk students so that my group could tailor our lesson to activities that are considered to grasp their attention more fully than others. I will offer a slight disclaimer, this article does not seamlessly fit the situation of this case study, for it concerns solely black students in a Canadian school system, who were at-risk. I took the liberty of deducting, after reading the article, that geographical and racial characteristics would not alter the instructional aspect of studying at-risk students and their tendencies. This article discusses the many stereotypes that follow students who are labeled as at-risk, such as athletic, lazy, unmotivated, undriven, poor socioeconomic status, etc. These constructs have accomplished nothing but further ostracize these students from the educational experience that they rightfully deserve, as the article indicates. The author also concludes that this is more of a societal discrepancy than an educational, and must be solved on that level first. In terms of how it pertains to our lesson plan, I feel that by allowing these students to use their mentors as a scaffolding mechanism as well as a role model for future academic drive and development, they will be gaining an insight that seemed completely foreign to them before taking part in this program. Also, by teaching students material through a competitive activity in which their drive and motivation is maximized, the teachers and mentors will mostly be present to facilitate learning instead of trying to force-feed it to the students. All of these components are worthwhile instructional strategies when trying to motivate at-risk students and help them move away from societal stereotypes so that their future classroom experiences are enriched and meaningful, instead of the opposite. Pugalee, D. K. (2001). Algebra for all: The role of technology and constructivism in an algebra course for at-risk students. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 45(4), 171-176. This journal article discussed how using a constructivist approach when teaching algebra to at-risk students can help the students learn algebra better than if an objective approach was used. A study was done with a class of at-risk students where the teacher would help guide students to the answers to questions rather than lecture at them. She would do things such as giving them linear equations and having the students graph them on calculators then discuss how the lines relate to one another. Then through a series of guided questions, she would help the students discover the connection between the slope and the y-intercept. The author also discusses how technology helped the at-risk students in their constructivist learning, specifically the use of graphing calculators. There was a lot of group work in the class as well. Ultimately, by using

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Group 22 constructivist teaching methods, the students became more involved in class work and performed better academically. In our lesson plan, we actually do group activities that have the students creating their own equations at the beginning of class, which then leads into the explanation of what a linear equation is and how that relates to the activity they did at the beginning of class.

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