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Delta Brown

Brisette District, Lucea P.O. Hanover Tel: (876) 813 !"11

Pro#essional $%&eriences
2013-2013:Security Guard (Ruseas High School) 2012-2013:Nurse Assistant ( est Ha!en" #o$s Hano!er)%

Ad&inistered &edication #hec' $atient !ital signs (er)or& *lood $ressure chec's

2010-2011:+))ice Attendant" A,-,, .ruc'ing" /ontego ,ay%

/ade *an' de$osits 0nsure +))ice 1as clean and organi2ed Restore o))ice su$$lies +$en and closed o))ice

2003-2003:Roo& attendant" ,eaches Sandy ,ay%

/ade *eds #lean and saniti2e roo&s and surrounding areas #ollect and dis$ose o) 1aste Re$lenish *athroo& su$$lies


Ruseas High School estern Hotel .raining School(#erti)icate in house 'ee$ing) 4r!ing 4nstitute (#erti)icate in $ractical nurse)

5ey s'ills:

+rgani2ed .i&e &anage&ent

Attention to detail

#usto&er ser!ice oriented


A!aila*le u$on re6uest

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