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Text Book Series



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Double clicking mouse The use of the space bar The use of the back space key Game application Bottom row keys Using the mouse to draw

DOUBLE CLICKING THE MOUSE What is double clicking? Double clicking is pressing of the left mouse button two successive times very quickly. When you move the mouse, something moves on the computer screen. It is called a mouse pointer. The mouse has two buttons on the top. If you press the mouse button, it is called clicking. If you press the mouse button twice, it is called double clicking. You can only use the left mouse button to double click. Double clicking is used to open things on the computer. You do not have to move the mouse to double click. You have to press the left mouse button fast, when you double click. What is a keyboard? It is an input device which is used for typing. The keyboard has numbers. It also has letters. They are called keys some keys put spaces between letters or numbers. This key is called space bar key. It is a very long key on the key board. You must press the space bar key with your thumb. The space bar puts spaces between letters and numbers. THE USE OF THE BACKSPACE KEY The computer keyboard has different keys. What is a back space key? It is a key which is used for removing letter or numbers. The backspace key is also used to close up spaces between words. You can use the little finger on your right hand press the back space key. Games application You can learn how to use the mouse by playing computer games. Bottom Row Keys


The keyboard is used for typing. You can use it to send information to the computer. The letters on the keyboard one arranged on a three rows. The row in the middle is called the home row. The keys on the home row are as show in the picture below. ASDFGHJKL;: You can use only one finger to press a key on the home row. The row at the top is called top row. The top Row Q W E R T Y Row. The keys on the top row are as shown in the picture below. QWERTYUIOP() You can use only one finger to press a key on the top row. The row at the bottom is called Bottom row. The keys on the bottom row are as shown in the picture below. ZXCVBNM<,>.?/ You can use only one finger to press a key on the bottom. USING THE MOUSE TO DRAW The computer is an information tool. You can use the computer mouse to put information on the computer. You can draw pictures on the computer by dragging the mouse. To drag the mouse, press the left mouse button down. Move the mouse pointer to a new location, and then release the left mouse button.


SECTION 1 Mouse and keyboard skills (1) UNIT 1: Double clicking 1 10 LESSON 1: Revision on mouse skills handling the mouse properly single clicking uses of the mouse 1 3 LESSON 2: Revision on Desktop Icons Doubling Clicking on Desktop Icons 3 4 UNIT 2: The use of spacebar and Icons 4 5 LESSON 3: Key boarding skills 11 13. The typing keys 14 15. LESSON 4: Identifying the Home row Keys 16 17 Learning to type 18 21 Learning to type the home keys 22 23 LESSON 5: Using the spacebar and back space 34 25 Typing letters of the home row keys 25 28

UNIT 3: Introduction to games Application 29 32 The keyboard 29 The game of 30 32 Minesweeper SECTION 2 MOUSE AND KEYBOARDING SKILLS (2) UNIT 1: Dragging of mouse 34 44 LESSON 7: Drawing and colouring shape Starting with Microsoft 34 37 Paint The paint toolbox 38 39 Lesson 8: Drawing objects 40 Drawing straight line 40 Drawing free form line 41 Drawing a curve 41 Drawing letters of 42 Colouring shapes 43 44


UNIT 2: Top row keys 45 49 LESSON 9: Top row keys of 45 The keyboard Indentifying letters 45 46 Of the Qwerty row Keys Fingers and keys on the 47 49 Row keys UNIT 3: The use of games application LESSON 10: The game of 50 54 solitaire SECTION 3 Mouse and keyboarding skills (3) UNIT 1: Using drawing and images to present information LESSON 11: The three ways of giving information 56 Verbal information 57 58 Body language information 59 60


LESSON 12: Drawing images to communicate 61 65 UNIT 2: Typing short sentences 66 70 LESSONS 13: Bottom Row keys of the 66 Keyboard Typing letters of the Bottom 67 68 Row keys LESSON 14: Typing words using the Home, 69 Bottom and Qwerty row keys Typing simple words 69 Typing short sentences 70 UNIT 3: The use of games application LESSON 15: The game of spider solitaire 71 75


Mouse and Keyboarding Skills UNIT 1: Double clicking Handling the mouse properly. In our class one (1) lesson, we learnt how to handle the mouse and use it properly. Con you handle the mouse properly? Let us go over the handling of the mouse. Do you want to hold the mouse correctly and use it properly? Then fellow these steps. STEPS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place your palm flat on the mouse. Bend your fingers so it carvers around the mouse. Let your thumb be firm to the right side of the mouse. Let your little finger be firm on the left side (button) of the mouse. Raise the two fingers that come immediately after your thumb and open them a bit apart. 6. Let the first finger after the thumb (index finger) click on the left button and the next finger click on the right button. 7. The buttons are clicked one after the other. SINGLE CLICKING When you press on any of the mouse buttons, you will hear a sound. Try it and see. When you press any of the buttons with your finger, we say you are clicking the button. What is single clicking? It is the act of pressing the mouse button and releasing the finger or button as early as possible. USES OF THE MOUSE The mouse is used to do many things on the computer. 1. The mouse has a pointer that goes round the computer screen. 2. It is used to start or close programs on the computer. 3. It is used to select items on the screen.

4. It is used to draw and move objects on the computer screen. Answer the following questions. 1. The one of the important parts of the computer made to fix well in the palm. 2. The mouse helps ..of the pointer on the screen. 3. The mouse is usually placed on a flat surface called.. 4. The mouse has two different buttons. These are the.. 5. The sound that comes after pressing the mouse buttons is a The screen of the monitor when the computer is switched on for the first time is called desktop. Do you remember we also learnt about the small pictures that are usually arranged on the left hand side on the monitor? These small pictures are called Icons. DOUBLE CLICKING THE MOUSE What do we mean by double clicking? Double clicking is the act of clicking the mouse button twice very quickly. Double clicking on the desktop Icons: When you double click on any icon, you open the content of that icon. The content comes in a window form. For example when you double click on the Recycle bin icon, you have opened the recycle bins window. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES 1. When the computer is switched on, the first screen is called.. 2. The small pictures usually arranged on the left hand side of the screen are called. 3. To make two quick clicks on the mouse button is.. 4. When you double click an icon, it gives you a .. THE USE OF SPACEBAR AND BACK SPACE KEYS Lesson 3: Keyboarding skills Keyboard is one of the important parts of a computer. The keyboard is a rectangular board with many keys fixed on it. The keyboard enables you to type

letter, figures or numbers, spaces, punctuation marks and other symbols into the computer. The Keyboard Keys Are Grouped Into Four. These are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Function keys. Alphanumeric keys. Cursor control keys. Numeric key pad.

FUNCTIONS OF THE GROUPS 1. Function keys: The first 12 keys vertically arranged on the keyboard are called function keys. It has been labeled F1 to F2. The function keys are used to perform special commands and functions. 2. Alphanumeric Keys: These are the keys that have the alphabets, numbers and symbols. They are keys used to type texts like letters, numbers and symbols into the computer. 3. Cursor control Keys: They are arranged in between the alphanumeric keys and the numeric keys. They are used to move the cursor to specific areas on the monitor. 4. Numeric Keypad: They are used to feed numbers or figures onto the computer. The numeric keypad works just like the ordinary calculator. THE TYPING KEYS The alphanumeric keys are sometimes called the typing keys. The alphanumeric keys on the keyboard are also grouped into three. They are: a. The home row keys b. The top row (QWERTY) keys.
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c. The bottom row keys.

COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The rectangular board with many keys fixed on it is called Keyboard helps us to into the computer. The keyboard keys are grouped into .. The first 12 keys vertically arranged on the keyboard are called The alphanumeric keys on the keyboard are grouped into three. a. The row keys. b. The .row keys. c. The .row keys.

IDENTIFYING THE HOME ROW KEYS In this lesson we are going to learn about some important things on the keyboard. 1. Home row keys: Where can we find the home row keys on the keyboard? The home row keys can be find in the middle of the alphanumeric keys. When ever we want to write something into the computer using the keyboard, we start from the home row keys. When we write something into the computer using the keyboard, it is typing. Typing is the correct way of striking the keyboard keys to write something into the computer. When we strike a key on the keyboard with our fingers, it is seen on the screen of the monitor. Let us strike some keys on the keyboard using the notepad application and watch what appears on the monitor LEARNING TO TYPE It is wrong to use one and the same finger in typing all the keys on the keyboard. When typing we use all our ten (10) fingers to type letters into the computer. Each key on the keyboard has a special finger that strikes it.

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To begin typing, all your ten (10) fingers should be fixed on some eight permanent keys. Theses permanent keys are called the home keys. Why are they called home keys? They are called home keys because whenever the fingers move up or down to strike different keys, they come back to rest on these same keys. What are these home keys? They are: A, S, D, F, for the left and fingers and ; , L, K, J, for the right hand fingers. All these keys are found on one row on the keyboard. This is why they are called home row keys. The other keys on the same row are: G and H. Look on the keyboard and identify the home row keys. How are they arranged on the keyboard? From left to right we have: A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, ;. These keys are called the home row keys. CHOOSE AND UNDER LINE THE CORRECT ANSWER 1. Home row keys are on the ..of the keyboard. 2. When we write something on the computer using the keyboard, we call it.. 3. When we strike a key on a keyboard, it is seen on the 4. It is .to uses only one finger in typing. 5. We use all ourfinger to type letters on the computer. 6. When we want to start typing, eight of our fingers must be on the Fill in the missing letters to make the home keys. A . G H . L .. LEARNING TO TYPE THE HOME ROW KEYS LEFT HAND FINGER Finger (1) = little finger Finger (2) = ring finger Finger (3) = middle finger
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RIGHT HAND FINGER Finger (1) = little finger Finger (2) = ring finger Finger (3) = middle finger

Finger (4) = index finger Finger (5) = thumb

Finger (4) = index finger Finger (5) = thumb

FINGERS AND KEYS ON THE HOME ROW KEYS LEFT HAND FINGERS KEYS A, S, D, F G, H Left finger 1 = A Left finger 2 = S Left finger 3 = D Left finger 4 = F Left finger 4 = G Left thumb = space bar LESSON 5: Using the space bar and Backspace to type words In this lesson we are going to learn about how to use two important keys on the keyboard. These keys are space bar and the backspace. The space bar: What so we usually do when we are writing in our exercise and note books? We leave spaces in between our words, sentences and figures. These spaces make it possible for us to separate one word from the other words and one sentence from the others. Again, we leave spaces in between figures to identify one finger as different from the other(s). We so the some when we are typing. The keyboard makes it possible for us to leave spaces in between our words, figures and sentences. This is made possible through the use of the space bar. The space bar is different from all the other keys. The space bar has a rectangular shape. It is longer than all the keys on the keyboard. We use both the right and left thumbs to click the space bar during typing. RIGHT HAND FINGERS KEYS J, K, L, ; Right finger 1 = ; Right finger 2 = L Right finger 3 = K Right finger 4 = J Right finger 4 = H Right Thumb = space bar

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TYPING LETTERS OF THE HOME ROW KEYS ACTIVITY Open to WordPad application and type these letters using the right fingers and making good use of the space bar. Practice to strike each key by the right finger. Type each line 4 times. aaa sss ddd fff ggg ;;; lll kkk jjj hhh aaa aaa sss ddd fff ggg ;;; lll kkk jjj hhh kkk aaa sss ddd fff ggg ;;; lll kkk jjj hhh fff aaa sss ddd fff ggg ;;; lll kkk jjj hhh jjj aaa sss ddd fff ggg ;;; lll kkk jjj hhh sss

THE BACKSPACE What do we use to write in our books? We use pencils to write in our books. We do make mistakes when we are writing. What do we do when we make mistake when we are writing? We clean the unwanted letters or word of figure with an eraser and continue with our writing. During typing we do make similar mistakes and clean the letters, words and figures which are wrongly typed. The back space key is found at the right hand end of the top row keys. It usually has an arrow ( ) as a symbol on it. The backspace is a very important key during typing.

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1. When we mistakenly leave more than one space in between words during typing, we use the backspace key to close up the unwanted space(s). 2. When we make mistakes during typing we use the back space to correct the letters that are wrongly typed. Exercise 6 1. The spacebar is used to leave in between letter, words, numbers and sentences. 2. The space bar is longer than all the other key board keys. 3. We use both .to click the space bar during typing. 4. The back space is found at the right hand end of the bottom row keys. 5. We use the back space key to .unwanted spaces. UNIT 3 Introduction to Game Application LESSON 6: Computer game: A game is an activity or sport in which people compete with each other according to agreed rules. A game helps to improve or sharpen some skills we have learnt. Computer games also help in the same way computer games are played with the parts of the computer. We play computer games to entertain ourselves and to help improve or sharpen some skills we have learnt. There are many types of computer games. They include: digging join, pin ball, free cell, fun puzzle, solitaire, minesweeper, hearts, spider solitaire some of these games are played with keyboard while others are played with the mouse. We shall be playing the games that use the mouse so that it can help us to improve or sharpens our mouse skills. MINESWEEPER OVER VIEW To play a game: 1. Go to start. 2. Select all. 3. Select all programs.
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4. Select games. 5. Click on the game (minesweeper).

SECTION 2 MOUSE AND KEYBOARDING SKILLS (2) Dragging of mouse Drawing and Colouring Shapes When we were in Basic 1, we leant about how to open the Microsoft paint Application. Do you still remember al the steps we used? Let us go through them a gain and see if we can remember them. To start Microsoft paint. Steps: On the desktop 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to the task bar and click on start. Select all programs. Select accessories. Click on paint.

The paint application The paint application enables us to make simple drawing and painting. On the paint window, we have: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The title bar (minimum, maximum and close icons). The menu bar. A tool box. A drawing board or working space. A colour box Status bar

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THE PAINT TOOL BOX There are a number of tools in the paint tool box. Each of the tools performs different function. When we move the mouse to each tool, the name of the tool is display. Let us name some of the tools. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Eraser Pencil Line Rectangle Rounded rectangle Fill with colour Curve Polygon Ellipse.

LESSON 8: Drawing objects. Dragging items using the mouse. A. 1. 2. 3. To draw a straight line steps: Go to the tool box and click on line. Go below the tool box and click on the line width. Dray the pointer to the drawing board and draw your line.

To draw another line, release the mouse button, click on it again and draw. B. To draw a free form line steps: 1. Go to the tool box and click on pencil. 2. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your free form line. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. To draw a curve Go to the tool box and click on curve. Go below the tool box and click on the line width. Drag the pointer to draw a line. Click on where you want one are of the curve to be.

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5. Drag the pointer to adjust your curve. DRAWING LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET We can use the paint application tool box to draw the letters of the alphabet using our free hand and the mouse. Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to the tool box and click on pencil tool. Drag the pointer to the drawing board and draw your first line of the letter. At the end of the line, release the button. Click on the button again and place it at where you want to continue from to draw your next line or curve of the some letter. 5. Release the button at each and continue. Exercise 9 Use the mouse and paint application to draw A- Z. Colouring shapes using the mouse and tools in paint application. In this lesson we shall be applying colour in the shape we have drawn. The colour box has many colours, we can choose many of them to colour of fill our shapes. Can you identify some of the colours you find in the colour box? Let us now learn how to apply the colours. Colouring our shapes

Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Drag the mouse to the tool box. Select or draw your shape. Click on the fill in tool. Move the mouse to the colour box. Click on the colour you want to use. Click on the shape. The colour fills the shape.

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IDENTIFYING THE TOP ROW KEYS A. Finger and keys on the top row keys. The left and right hand fingers are showing the keys each finger will type on the top row. Left hand ginger keys Q, W, E, R, T, Y, U, I, O, P Left finger 1 = Q Left finger 2 = W Left finger 3 = E Left finger 4 = R Left finger 4 = T Left and right thumb = space bar. Typing letters of the top row keys open to WordPad application and type some of letters using the right fingers and making good use of the space bar. Type each line 5 times. qqq www eee rrr ttt ppp ooo iii uuu yyy qqq www eee rrr ttt ppp ooo iii uuu yyy qqq www eee rrr ttt ppp ooo iii uuu yyy qqq www eee rrr ttt ppp ooo iii uuu yyy Right finger 1 = P Right finger 2 = O Right finger 3 = I Right finger 4 = U Right finger 4 = Y

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THE USE OF GAME APPLICATION LESSON 10: The game of solitaire To play the games of solitaire: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to start Select all programs Select games Click on the game

The game of solitaire is played with the mouse. It aims at building the 4 different suit cards in its ascending order beginning from the Aces. TO PLAY SOLITAIRE: 1. On the game menu, click deal. 2. Click, drag and drop any aces on the seen stacks to the space at the upper right of the screen. 3. When you have made all available plays on the board, click deck to begin truing over new cards. 4. You will be building row stacks and suit stacks. 5. The card that is face up on the deck is always available for play. 6. You build row stacks to free up cards that you need to build the suit stacks. i. Row stacks are built one on top of the other in descending order in read, black, red, black colours. For example if K is Black, Q must be red, J must be black, 10 must be red, 9 must be black in that order. ii. Suit stacks: are built one on top of the other in ascending order but in the same suit group: starting from Ace. For example Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, up to K makes a complete suit. 7. You will build the row stalks until you came across a card that is read for the suit. 8. To move a card or a stack of cards, form one row stack to another, click and drag the card or stack. 9. When a row stack is open (on cards in the row), you can move a king (along with any cards that right be in its stack) to the open row stack.
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10.To specify the design of the deck you would like to play with, click the game menu, click deck, and then make your selection. SECTION 3 Mouse and keyboarding skills using drawing and image to present information LESSON 11: The three ways of giving information We learn in basic one lesson that there are three different ways of communication. Do you remember the three ways? They are the ways of passing or giving information from one person to the other. Can you mention all the three forms? 1. Verbal information. 2. Writing information. 3. Body language information.

1. Verbal information: Verbal communication involves sound. When people give information, they talk to each other. They produce sounds when they talk. B. chooses and underlines the correct answer 1. When people talk, they. 2. An example of verbal information is 3. Circle the verbal way of giving information in these words. (i)Nodding (ii) Poster (iii) Talking (iv) Teaching
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(v) signs (vi) smiling (vii) singing (viii) story telling

2. Body language information. There is no sound in this form of giving information. This is because people do not open their mouths to talk. They use the movement of some parts of their body to give information to others Examples: weeping, smiling, moving the shoulders, movement of the hand, winking of the eye, nodding the head, showing serious looks on the face and many others. Exercise 11: Answer with true/false 1. 2. 3. 4. In body language communication, sound is produce. People use their mouth to talk in body language. In body language people move their body parts of to communicate. Faltcing is not an example of body language communication.

LESSON 12: Drawing image to communicate the other form of giving information is by drawing or using images. This is a way of passing on information to a person or persons through the use of drawing and images. There is no sound produce in this form of information. It can also be done through the use of posters, signs and symbols.

UNIT 2 Typing short sentences LESSON 13: Bottom Row keys of the keyboard. In this lesson, we shall be using the notepad application to improve on our keyboarding skills by learning about the bottom row keys at the key board. The bottom row keys are found below the home row keys.
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This means that we shall be moving down the home row keys to type the letters there. Write all the letters at the bottom row keys. Z X C VB N M, . / Typing letters of the bottom row keys. ACTIVITY: Open to WordPad Application and type these letters using the right fingers and making good use of the space bar.

Type each line 5 times ZZZ XXX CCC VVV BBB NNN MMM ... UNIT1 DOUBLE CLICKING OF MOUSE LESSON 1 Revision on mouse skills Mouse: It is one of the important parts of a computer made to fit well in the palm. It is attached to the computer to direct the movement of the pointer or cursor in the form of an arrow ( ) on the screen. This mouse is usually place on a flat surface called a mouse pad. The mouse pad helps to protect the mouse and enables it to work well.
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There is a roller ball under the mouse that rolls on the mouse pad to direct the movement of the pointer on the screen. The mouse has two different buttons. These are the left and right buttons. The left Button: This is one off the parts of the mouse which is used to do many things on the screen. It helps to: a. b. c. d. e. Select icons and items. Start programs. Move text. Maximize, minimize and close windows. Enlarge or reduce windows.

UNIT 3 The use of Games Application LESSON 15: Spider solitaire over view to play the Game of solitaire: 1. 2. 3. 4. Go to start. Select all programs. Select game. Click on the game.

The aim of spider solitaire is to remove all of the cards from the ten stacks (boxes) at the top of the window in the fewest number of moves. To play spider solitaire: 1. On the game menu, click new game. 2. To remove cards from the ten stacks at the top of the window, move the cards from one column to another in descending order until you line up a suit of cards in order from king to Aces. 3. When you line up a complete suit (K, Q, J, 10, 9, to Ace), those cards are removed automatically and packed at the bottom left corner. There are 8 suits in all to make a complete game.

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4. When you do not know where to move a card to, click on the score box to be directed where to move the next cared to. 5. When the score board fails to assist you click on a deal in the bottom right corner of the window where the remaining cards are placed in five stacks for a release of new row of cards on all the columns. 6. When there is an empty box (slot) you are not allowed to deal a new row. 7. Any card can be fixed in an empty space to make way for a new deal.

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Work Book Series

I.C.T. Class Two

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1. The computer is a. A machine b. A plant c. A box

2. The keyboard is used to enter words and numbers into a computer. a. True b. False

3. How many buttons are on a mouse? . FILL IN THE SPACES WITH THE WORDS BELOW: (Single, Home Row, Backspace, Spacebar) 4. A, S, D, F, J, K, L, ; are the keys. 5. A selects items.

6. The is used to give space between words.

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7. The used to erase space. FILL IN THE SPACES WITH THE WORDS BELOW: (Bottom Row, Click, Left, QWERTY Row, Home Row, Twenty Four) 8. We muse the mouse to select an item. 9. The button on the mouse is used to select.

10.The keys are the bottom row keys. 11.The A, S, D, F, keys are the keys.

12.The keys are the QWERTY keys. 13.There arealphabet on the keyboard.

14.We can type try on the QWERTY row .. 15.The home keys are in the center of the keyboard. 16.There are three shift keys on the keyboard. .. 17.A single click of the mouse selects an item.

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18.The backspace key is used to erase any mistakes we make when typing. 19.Maps give information about an area....................................... 20.Shapes are not used to give information on road signs. . 21.The space bar is the same as the backspace key. . 22.The ra.. r .a crss . g gives warning on railroad crossing. 23.The p.. .t gon is used for school advance warning sign. 24.The diamond is used for w. signs.

25.The r. signs give directions. 26.M .p. gives us information.

COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING WORDS 1. M--------- --------se p---------d 2. P------og--------am

3. B--------- ----------tons 4. Poi -------- --------e --------29 | P a g e

5. Ap-------- ----------ica---------ion 6. Wi------- -------ow

7. Cur------- --------r 8. S----------ree------

9. C-------rv-------

COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING WORDS 1. De------k-------op 2. Mo------i---------or

3. Doc------- --------en---------s 4. Inter---------- --------- ---------

5. Con----------- ------nt-------6. I--------- ---------n

7. Do-------b------e c-------ic-----8. C-------m------- --------ter

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9. Rec--------- --------- -------- b-----n 10.Le---------tb------- -------ton ACTIVITY: Draw a key board and label it.

1. This object is used to move things on the screen of the monitor a. Mouse

b. Monitor

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c. Cooler

2. Which of the following is not used for sending information. a. Post office

b. Computer

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c. Cell phone

d. A chair

e. A Bus

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3. Which of the following is not used for receiving information. a. Sound system

b. News paper

c. Book

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d. Table

4. What is this object?

5. How many buttons are on a mouse? 6. Match up the following words with their correct pictures

a. For words and numbers

b. For moving on the screen telephone

c. To send and receive information keyboard

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7. The following are keys on the keyboard. Match them with their right pictures. a. Space bar ASDFJKL; b. Back space c. Home keys ZXCVBNM d. Bottom QWERTY e. Qwerty

8. Label the parts of the computer below

9. Identify the following parts.


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. 10.Use the following words to label the keyboard. 1. Function keys 2. Alphanumeric keys 3. Cursor control keys

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4. Numeric keypad

11.When we write something on the computer using the keyboard, we call it . a. Mousing b. Typing c. Counting 12.Home row keys are on the .of the keyboard. a. Side b. Right c. Middle


3. Se..ia. 4. S.ri...ig

5. F.. ge...s
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7. Tx. 8. H.m keys

9. a tor 10.Ke. .. oad

11.Pro.. a 12.Alpaum..ri keys

13.Q..e y keys 14.Bo ..o keys 15.N.mri.. keys 16.C.u.or keys 17.Fill in the missing letters to make the Home keys complete. ------ S ------ -------- G ------ J K ------ ; 18.The space bar is used leave ---------------------in between letters, words, numbers and senteness. a. Space b. Keys c. Clicks 19.The space bar is longer than all the other keyboard keys. a. True
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b. False 20.We use both to click the space bar during typing. a. Thumb b. Small fingers c. Index finger. Complete the following words in the paint application program. 21.T-----t-----e b-------r 22.D-----aw------ng b----a------d 23.C------o------ou------- b----x 24.-------en------ Ba--------25.T------ -------l Box 26.S-------at------s Bar 27.E-------a-------or 28.P-------nc-------l 29.------i------e 30.R-------ct------ng-------e 31.F---------llwi-------h c------lo-------r

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Complete these words

32.V-------r------al information 33.Dr------w-------ng (image) information 34.B-------d------ language information 35.---------ym------ -----ls 36.La-------gu---------g-------37.P---------st-------rs 38.--------tre-------t 39.---------raf-------ic

40.An example of verbal information is . a. Reading b. Nodding c. Teaching 41.People use their mouth to talk in body language. a. True b. False not an example of body language. a. Weeping b. Smiling c. Talking 43.What is information?
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.. 44.Mention two information tools you know a. .. b. .. 45.Mention six (6) ICT tools you know. a. . b. .

c. . d. .

e. . f. .

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46.Draw two people exchanging information using Mobil phone in the box below.

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47.Draw a digital thermometer in the box provided.

48.Draw a set of computer in the provided and colour it.

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49.Draw a desktop and a tower system unit.

Desk top


50.When we want to start typing right of our fingers must be on the a. Home keys b. First keys c. Right keys 51. Draw mouse and label it with the following words in the box provided i. Left button ii. Mouse pad iii. Right button iv. Scroll wheel

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52.Draw a man sitting behind a computer typing in the box below.

53.What is technology?

54.Mention five (5) technology tools you know. a. b. . c. . d. .. e. ..

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55.Draw a telephone and a mobile phone in the boxes below.


Mobil phone

56.Draw a man and a woman communicating verbally.

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57.Colour the following shapes a. b. Red green



c. Yellow

d. blue



48 | P a g e

58.Identify the following ICT tools a.


49 | P a g e

FILL IN THE SPACES WITH THE WORDS BELOW (Bottom Row, Click, Left, QWERTY Row, Home Row, and Twenty Four) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. We must.the mouse to select on item. The .button on the mouse is used to select. The A, S, D, F, keys are the keys The ..keys are the bottom row keys. The keys are the QWERTY keys. There are alphabets on the keyboard.

Fill in the spaces with the words below (Single, home row, backspace, space bar) 1. A, S, D, F J, K, L, ; are the keys. 2. A selects items. 3. The is used to give space between words. 4. used to erase space.

50 | P a g e

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