Project - Bonafide Certificate Specimen

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Saveetha Engineering College

Saveetha Nagar, Thandalam, Chennai 602105

20 December 2012
Prof. A. Gandhi Head, Department of Management Studies


Dear Sir !adam, S"#$ !.%.A. Seme&ter Pro'e(t )e*"e&t Greetings! We introduce ourselves as, Saveetha Engineering ollege started in the !ear 2001" The college presentl! has # under graduate and $ postgraduate courses in Engineering and Technolog!, M % and M&%" 'ur college is approved b! %( TE, affiliated to %nna )niversit!, hennai and an (S' *001+2000 certified institution" The ollege has been consistentl! maintaining ver! good academic standard from the ver! beginning and is presentl! ran,ed 11 th b! the %nna )niversit!, hennai" We have e-cellent facilities and dedicated facult! members in all the academic departments" We believe that mere classroom learning, though essential, is not enough in imparting management education" .eal time e-perience, direct observation and interaction /ith industries and the practicing managers through a four /ee,s pro0ect /or, /ill do /ell in enriching the student1s ,no/ledge and s,ill in management" To/ards this goal %nna )niversit! has prescribed to do pro0ect /or, as a re2uirement of the course" During the course of pro0ect /or,, student can be utilised to stud! the issues prevailing at organi3ation and arrive at some possible solutions" %ll the students are e-pected to report their progress of the /or, on a date, /hich /ill be communicated" %lso students are e-pected to be guided and continuousl! monitored b! an e-ternal supervisor from the organi3ation /here the pro0ect is being done and an internal supervisor /ho is a member of facult! of this department" We see, !our active help and cooperation in allo/ing our student, !r. !.+A)T,-C+ .)eg no / 2122116010051 doing the M&% course, to do a &eme&ter 2ro'e(t 3or4 in 5o"r e&teemed organi6ation d"ring 7an"ar5 8 !a5 2010. We /ould be grateful if !ou could ,indl! permit the above student to do the pro0ect /or, in !our esteemed organi3ation" Than,ing !ou 4ours faithfull!,

.Prof. A. Gandhi1
///"saveetha"ac"in Phone$ 0556##$2##$# 7Direct8, 05562#9105** hod"mba;saveetha"ac"in E-t+ 112: Email$

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