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CHE 352 Spring 2014 Full Technical Laboratory Report Assignment #1: Introduction to data searching & plotting;

plagiarism review
Electronic submission due noon January 22, 2014 Hard copy submission due 10:30am in class January 22, 2013 Context This assignment will serve as a tutorial that takes students step-by-step through the process of completing an assignment for any of the courses instructed or co-instructed by Professor Veronica Burrows at Arizona State University. It will also introduce student to the pre-and post-reflection process required in all of Dr. Burrows courses, give some practice in finding data online, take students step-bystep through the process of generating a high-quality tables and plots, and reviewing the proper use of others work (avoiding plagiarism). DO NOT BEGIN THIS ASSIGNMENT BEFORE DOWNLOADING AND READING THROUGH THE ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINES IN Assignment_formatting.docx! Learning Objectives The learning objectives for this assignment are that students: 1. Achieve and demonstrate Comprehension Level of Learning1 for preparation and submission of documents according to a specified form. 2. Achieve and demonstrate Comprehension Level of Learning for the pre-and post-reflection process to support life-ling-learning. 3. Achieve and demonstrate Application Level of Learning for using the ASU library/online resources 4. Achieve and demonstrate Comprehension Level of Learning for the preparation of high-quality scientific plots 5. Achieve and demonstrate Comprehension Level of Learning regarding plagiarism. Assignment 1 - Task One: Find and present in a properly formatted table, the following data: a. The normal boiling points of at least 8 members of a homologous series of straight-chain 1alkenes. b. The enthalpy of vaporization (at the normal boiling point) of the hydrocarbons in part a. c. The normal boiling points of at least 6 members of a homologous series of straight-chain 1alkynes. d. The enthalpy of vaporization (at the normal boiling point) of the alkynes in part c. e. The normal boiling points of at least 12 members of a homologous series of unsaturated 1alcohols. f. The enthalpy of vaporization (at the normal boiling point) of the alcohols in part e. A good place to start finding the data is in Knovel. Be sure to properly cite your source(s) in the table caption. Describe how you found the above data.

The Levels of Learning are from Bloom [Bloom, Benjamin S. (Editor), Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Book 1 Cognitive Domain, ISBN: 0-582-280109-9, Longman, N.Y., 1984 (1956)]; a shorter document describing them can be downloaded at printed 3/9/2014 Document1

CHE 352 Spring 2014 Full Technical Laboratory Report

Assignment 1 - Task Two: a. Generate two properly formatted plots using the data from Task 1: on one set of axes, plot the normal boiling points of each series as a function of carbon number; on a second set of axes, plot the enthalpy of vaporization (at the normal boiling point) of each series, as a function of carbon number. Each set of axes will have three plots on it. Be sure to properly cite your data source(s) within the figures captions. b. What do the plots tell you? Are there theories that would predict the behavior shown in the plots? Can you use the plots to interpolate? To extrapolate? Assignment 1 - Task Three: a. Find and give the URLs of at least three online plagiarism checkers b. Find and give the URL of at least one location where it is possible to find and download copies of lab reports from previous semesters of CHE 352. c. The ASU Libraries website provides learning materials about plagiarism. Using the guidance given in these materials, provide: i. An example of a properly quoted and cited item of information about plagiarism, derived from the internet ii. An example of a properly paraphrased and cited item of information about plagiarism, also derived from the internet. d. Describe at least two items of information from your reading about plagiarism that concern or surprise you. This assignment will be submitted in both hardcopy and electronically. The electronic submission is due no later than noon on January 22. The hard copy submission will be due in class on January 22, before class begins. Hard Copy Submission: Submit, properly clipped/stapled, in the following order: 1. The Completed Assignment Checklist 2. The Pre-reflection 3. The Body of the Work (including Appendices and References) 4. The Post-Reflection Electronic Submission: Submit only the Body of the Work (including Appendices and References) in a single, properly-named MS-Word file via Blackboard SafeAssign, which will perform a plagiarism check. I will review any submission with a SafeAssign score above 5%. SafeAssign will show high scores if you: copy, even with a few word changes text from the Web, from hard-copy publications, or from existing lab reports from this or any other semester (this counts as plagiarism, for which sanctions will be strongly pursued); include the checklist in the electronic submission (do not, please), or if you directly copy the assignment description provided by the instructor (also, do not, please); or include document titles in your References section (f you follow the required ACS citation format this should not happen very often).

printed 3/9/2014


CHE 352 Spring 2014 Full Technical Laboratory Report

I normally use SafeAssign settings that allow you see the SafeAssign report for your submissions, however, you will not be able to revise and resubmit, so you may wish to use an online plagiarism checker before you submit.

Name: Manukumar Balaraman ________________________ 1. 2. Self Evaluation Assessment Symbol/Color Instr/Grader Evaluated by Assessment Symbol/Color

Team: ______________ Date 1/22/2014 _____ Date 1/22/2014 _____



Self-Regulation Issues (to be completed by Instructor/Grader)

A. The electronic version was submitted on time B. The hard copy version was submitted on time C. The top sheet of the submitted assignment was this checklist with all Features self-assessed

Required Items Yes No

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Checklist Item
The work meets all or nearly all expectations of Assignment_formatting.docx. The work includes a Pre-Reflection and a Post-Reflection written in the first person. The work is professional and ethical All non-original work is properly quoted/paraphrased, and properly cited All required items, (with all subtasks), are present. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Task 1 (parts a f) Task 2a Task 2b Task 3a, b Task 3c (both examples) Task3d There is a References section, appropriately and consistently formatted

Comments on the quality of the expected features and/or how they might be improved

Rating* 0-5

Rated Features: Rate the Quality of each of these Features: 0 = Missing; 1 or 2 = Weak, 3 = OK/Good, 4 = Superior, 5 = Clearly outstanding
6. Rate the quality of the information presented for Task 1 (number of species, quality and amount of data, quality of description of data searching)

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CHE 352 Spring 2014 Full Technical Laboratory Report

Rating* 0-5 Rated Features: Rate the Quality of each of these Features: 0 = Missing; 1 or 2 = Weak, 3 = OK/Good, 4 = Superior, 5 = Clearly outstanding
7. Rate the quality of Table presented in Task 2 (consistent with Table presentation expectations, professional appearance) The introduction and background help to understand the reader about the history and working principle of the pump,it also introduce the design of the centrifugal pump and working principle of the centrifugal pump and also explain why this design is important today .This help the reader to understand how centrifugal pump used to move fluid for different application 8. Rate the quality of Task 2b (quality of discussion) The material and apparatus section give good idea about what are equipment used this lab and also reader get idea about how each equipment functioning. The diagram of coss-sectional of centrifugal pump help reader to understand more about the pump, It also give clear picture about how this pump working. 9. Rate the quality of the work for Tasks 3a, b, and c (number of examples, formatting, and discussion, if any) The result section give clear unserstanding about all raw meassurement and by using plots it shows how two type of data are correlating each other. This plot are simple are readable ,reader can easily undrstand the trend of the discussion section also disuss about the plot ternds . 10. Rate the quality of the work for Tasks 3d (depth of observation and insight)

11. Rate the quality of the Pre-reflection and Post-assignment Reflection (addresses issue as described in Assignment_formatting.docx)

Extra Credit* (each can add up to 0.15 to Rated item Average)


Describe features of your work that you believe qualify for Extra Credit


* If you self-assess rated item at 4 or 5, or claim Extra Credit, you MUST explain WHY, and ideally explain why using the reasons given in the courses Assessment/Grading document.

Results of Initial Assessment (to be completed by Instructor/Grader)

If substantially incomplete (NC), grade is 0; if any requirements not met or average of Rated features less than 3, grade is 50 (NI); otherwise, Grade = average of Rated Features + Extra Credit E, all Yess for Required Items, no Rated Items below 3, Rated Item average above 4.6 M, all Yess for Required Items, Rated Item average at or above 3 NI, any Nos for Required Items or Rated Item average below 3 printed 3/9/2014 Document1

CHE 352 Spring 2014 Full Technical Laboratory Report

NC, there is little to no work to be assessed; Rated item average below 1.8

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Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

Pre-Reflection Assignment #1

During the sixth semester of Chemical Engineering Course at Arizona State University, for CHE 352, I am required to submit my first assignment for my junior lab. The assignment is submitted to Prof. Dr Burrows. The assignment is to format a table and plot the boiling points of various hydrocarbons. By doing this, I will learn to develop a formatted table and thereby to prepare high quality scientific plots. With this exercise, I expect to utilize my technical writing skills learned in FSE 100, critical thinking and analysis as well as the knowledge attained. I will also access resources from the library as well as from the internet. By utilizing these resources, I plan to develop my problem solving skills as well as my critical thinking abilities. This is the first exercise of this category and there by the level of complexity is low. But this assignment will serve as a stepping stone for much larger and complex process and experiments that I will encounter in future.

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p. 1

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

Task 1 a) Table 1 : Normal Boiling Point of Homologous series of straight-chain 1-alkene (data from Journal of Research of National Bureau of standard Vol-45 No.5 Research paper 2151 by Alphonse) Coumpound Normal Boiling Point ( Degree Celsius ) 1- Pentene 29.968 1- Hexene 63.485 1- Heptene 93.643 1- Octene 121.280 1- Nonene 146.868 1- Decene 170.570 1- Undecene 192.671 1- Dodecene 213.357

A series of compounds with same general formula is know as Homologous serious ( Ed vard hjelt 53). As we see in the table-1 the boiling point of alkenes is increasing with increasing in mass of the alkenes , this is because of the strong intermolecular force of attraction. So Boiling point of alkene is a function of carbon numbers

b) Table 2 :The enthalpy of vaporization ( at normal Boiling Point ) of Homologous series of

straight-chain 1-alkene (data from Journal of Research of National Bureau of standard Vol-45 No.5 Research paper 2151 by Alphonse ) Coumpound Enthalpy of vaporization ( KiloJoules/mole) 1- Pentene 25.47 1- Hexene 29.2 1- Heptene 31.9 1- Octene 34.07 1- Nonene 36.8 1- Decene 39.0 1- Undecene 41.2 1- Dodecene 43.2 As we see in the table-2 the Enthalpy of vaporization of alkenes is increasing with increasing in mass of the alkenes , this is because of the strong intermolecular force of Enthalpy of vaporization of alkene is a function of carbon numbers

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p. 2

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

c) Table 3 : Normal Boiling Point of Homologous series of straight-chain 1-alkyne (data from
Journal of Research of National Bureau of standard Vol-45 No.5 Research paper 2151 by Alphonse and from the website Normal Boiling Point (Degree Compound Celsius) 1-Propyne -28 1-Butyne 7.8 1-Pentyne 40.9 1-Hexyne 71.4 1-Heptyne 99.7 1-Octyne 126

As we see in the table-3 the boiling point of alkynes is increasing with increasing in mass of the alkynes , this is because of the strong intermolecular force of Boiling point of alkyne is a function of carbon numbers

d) Table 4 :The enthalpy of vaporization ( at normal boiling point ) of Homologous series of

straight-chain 1-alkynes (data from Journal of Research of National Bureau of standard Vol-45 No.5 Research paper 2151 by Alphonse and from the web site www. ) Coumpound Enthalpy of vaporization ( KiloJoules/mole) 1- Propyne 21.60 1- Butyne 24.52 1- Pentyne 27.3 1- Hexyne 30.0 1- Heptyne 32.5 1- Octyne 35.83 As we see in the table-4 the Enthalpy of vaporization of alkynes is increasing with increasing in mass of the alkynes , this is because of the strong intermolecular force of attraction. So Enthalpy of vaporization is a function of carbon numbers

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p. 3

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

e) Table 5 : Normal Boiling Point of Homologous series of unsaturated 1-alcohols (data from
Journal of Research of National Bureau of standard Vol-45 No.5 Research paper 2151 by Alphonse and website Coumpound Normal Boiling Point ( Degree Celsius ) 1- Ethenol 23.50 1- Propenol 60.50 1- Butenol 88.9 1- Pentenol 115.4 1- Hexenol 140.4 1- Heptenol 163.887 1- Octenol 186.181 1- Nonenol 207.4 1- Decenol 227.695 1- Pentynol 144.3 1- Ethynol 77.135 1- Propynol 102.806

As we see in the table-5 the boiling point of unsaturated alcohols is increasing with increasing the number of carbon atom, this is because of the strong intermolecular force of attraction. So Boiling point of alcohols is a function of carbon numbers

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p. 4

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

f) Table 6 :The enthalpy of vaporization ( at normal boiling point ) of alcohols (data from Journal of
Research of National Bureau of standard Vol-45 No.5 Research paper 2151 by Alphonse and from the web site www. ) Coumpound Normal Boiling Point ( Degree Celsius ) 1- Ethenol 31.5 1- Propenol 38.325 1- Butenol 38.4 1- Pentenol 41.2 1- Hexenol 43.99 1- Heptenol 46.63 1- Octenol 49.16 1- Nonenol 51.6 1- Decenol 53.97 1- Pentynol 44.4 1- Ethynol 37.09 1- Propynol 39.861 As we see in the table-6 the Enthalpy of vaporization of alcohols is increasing with increasing in number of carbon atom, this is because of the strong intermolecular force of attraction. So Enthalpy of vaporization of alcohols is a function of carbon numbers

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p. 5

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

Task 2 a)
Normal Boiling point of Alkynes Normal Boiling point of Alkenes Normal Boiling point of Alcohols

250 NORMAL BOILING POINTR 200 150 100 50 0 0 -50 Number of Carbon Atom 5 10 15

Figure A1: Normal boing poing of alkenes,alkynes and alcohols with number of Carbon atom ( data from Journel of research of the national Bureaue of standards and from web site

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p. 6

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014



40 Enthalpy of Vaporization

Enthapy of Vaporization of alkynes Enthapy of Vaporization of Alcohols Enthapy of Vaporization of alkenes




0 0 5 10 Number of Carbon atom 15

Figure A2 : Enthalpy of Vapourization of alkenes, alkynes , alcohols ( Data from the journal of research of the national bureau of standard vol-45 and


b) enthalpy of vaporization is the function of carbon numbers. enthalpy of vaporization of alkenes and alkynes are similar but the alcohols are different and they experience high enthalpy of vaporization and because they have low boiling point.

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p. 7

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

Task 3 References

a) , , b)

c) i)Example direct quote: "English as a Second Language and English as a Foreign Language are used interchangeably by many teachers, despite the obvious distinction." (Brown 55) ii) Example paraphrasing: In the US many teachers use the term ESL, while in Europe, where people speak many languages, teachers often use the term EFL. (Brown 57)

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p. 8

Appendix A

Student Name Team Date

Appendix A: (title of Appendix A) (Appendices are usually optional. each appendix begins on a new page. continue regular page numbering. Be sure to edit the header.)

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p. 9

Student Name:Manukumar Balaraman Team Date1/22/2014

Post-Assignment-Reflection Assignment 1

Post Reflection This is the first assignment on Chemical Engineering Lab. My approach was to collected all the necessary data required for the assignment, including the criteria, ahead of time, there by I will have enough time to organize and plan for the assignment. This is an individual assignment. I hope that I was able to utilize my technical writing skills as well as MLA Formatting. By doing this assignment, I learned to plot the graph and develop a formatted table. I also learned that good organizational skills, self motivation, hard work and self disciple pay off.

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p. 10

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