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10000 quiz questions and answers

10000 general knowledge questions and answers

10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): Carl and the Passions changed band name to what How many rings on the Olympic lag $hat colour is "ermilion a shade o 'ing (og ruled which country $hat colour is *poc+,s blood $here in your body is your patella $here can you ind 2ondon bridge today $hat spirit is mi5ed with ginger beer in a 6oscow mule $ho was the irst man in space $hat would you do with a 9ashma+ $ho betrayed <esus to the %omans $hich animal lays eggs On tele"ision what was !lipper $ho,s band was ?he Quarrymen $hich was the most success ul -rand National horse $ho starred as the *i5 6illion >ollar 6an An the song $altzing 6atilda ; $hat is a <umbuc+ $ho was >an >are,s greatest enemy in the =agle $hat is >ic+ -rayson better +nown as $hat was gi"en on the ourth day o Christmas $hat was *+ippy / on ?7 0 $hat does a unambulist do $hat is the name o >ennis the 6enace,s dog $hat are bactrians and dromedaries $ho played ?he !ugiti"e $ho was the 'ing o *wing $ho was the irst man to ly across the channel $ho starred as %oc+y Balboa An which war was the charge o the 2ight Brigade $ho in"ented the tele"ision $ho would use a mashie niblic+ An the song who +illed Coc+ %obin $hat do deciduous trees do An gol what name is gi"en to the No # wood A you has caries who would you consult $hat other name is 6ellorBs amously +nown by $hat did <ac+ Horner pull rom his pie How many eet in a athom which ilm had song *pringtime or Hitler Name the legless ighter pilot o ww2 $hat was the name o inn in ?reasure Asland $hat was =rich $eiss better +nown as $ho sailed in the Nina ; Pinta and *anta 6aria $hich leader died in *t Helena $ho wrote -one with the $ind $hat does ring a ring a roses re er to $hose nose grew when he told a lie $ho has won the most Oscars $hat would a *cotsman do with a spurtle $hich award has the words or "alour on it

Beach Boys !i"e %ed Albania -reen 'nee / it,s the +neecap 0 3*A / Arizona 0 7od+a 9uri -agarin $ear it ; it,s an Arab "eil <udas =scariot >uc+ billed platypus >olphin <ohn 2enon %ed %um 2ee 6a@ors *heep 6e+on %obin /Batman and %obin0 Calling birds ?he bush +angaroo ?ightrope wal+er -nasher Camels /one hump or two0 >a"id <ason Benny -oodman 2ouis Bleriot *yl"ester *tallone Crimean <ohn 2ogie Baird -ol er *parrow 2ose their lea"es in winter *poon >entist ; its tooth decay 2ady Chatterlys 2o"er Plum *i5 ?he Producers >ouglas Bader Admiral Benbow Harry Houdini Christopher Columbus Napoleon Bonaparte 6argaret 6itchell ?he Blac+ >eath Pinocchio $alt >isney =at porridge /itBs a spoon0 7ictoria Cross

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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Questions Quiz 1
A you had pogonophobia what would you be a raid o $ho would ta+e sil+ as part o their @ob $ho won an Oscar or the A rican Queen $ho sang the theme song in 8 to ) $hat in business terms is the A6! %ingo *tar narrates which children,s ?7 series $hich country grows the most ruit $hich company is owned by Bill -ates $hat would you do with a maris piper An Casablanca what is the name o the nightclub $hat was the irst <ames Bond boo+ $hat +ind o animal is a lurcher $hat is the currency o Austria $hat is the Aslamic eCual to the red cross An able who sold a cow or i"e beans How did Al red Nobel ma+e his money $ho was the irst man to run a sub our minute mile $hat are 6unroes $hich car company ma+es the Celica Air 2ingus is the national airline o which country $ho disco"ered radium $hat does an alopecia su erer lac+ $ho painted ?he Haywain ?ris+adeccaphobia is the ear o what $hat is a baby rabbit called $hich country had ?he >auphin as a ruler $ho did 6ichael Caine play in the Apcress !ile /both names0 $ho won =uro song contest *a"e All 9our 'isses !or 6e $hich country had the guns o Na"erone installed Actheologists study what $hat is a $inston Churchill $ho or what li"es in a ormicarium $hat type o acid is used in car batteries AtBs a loc+ o sheep what,s a group o owls called $hat animal would you ind in a orm $ho in boo+s and ilms was the man o bronze $ho was *tan 2aurels partner $hat +ind o ood is Cullan *+in+ $hat is classi ied by the A B O system $hat plant does the Colorado beetle attac+ $here did the Pied Piper play ?o where in !rance do the sic+ ma+e pilgrimages An which city was the amous blac+ hole Christopher Coc+erel in"ented what %ay Bolger played who in ?he $izard o Oz *abotage is !rench ; $hat did the saboteurs use $hich part o the human body contains the most gold A you had rubella what would you ha"e caught 6ohs scale hardest substance is diamond ; what,s the so test 2a -iaconda is better +nown as what

Beards Barrister Bogart >olly Parton Anternational 6onetary !und ?homas the tan+ engine China 6icroso t =at it ; itBs a potato %ic+,s Casino %oyal >og *chilling %ed Crescent <ac+ / and grew a beanstal+ 0 He in"ented >ynamite %oger Bannister 6ountains in *cotland ?oyota %epublic o Areland or =ire ?he Curies Hair <ohn Constable Number 1# 'it or 'itten !rance Harry Palmer Brotherhood o 6an ?ur+ey !ish Cigar Ants *ulphuric Parliament Hare >oc *a"age Oli"er Hardy !ish Blood -roups Potato Hamlin 2ourdes Calcutta Ho"ercra t *carecrow *hoes ; sabot means shoe ?oenails -erman 6easles ?alc 6ona 2isa

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ):

Puccini Andia -eorge Orwell *hoema+er China Barbara *tanwyc+ -renadine Art o >ancing Horses Ale5ander >umas Hocus Pocus 2ouis Bleriot >r No *ilence o the 2ambs Addis Ababa 6edicine 6otorcycle %acing Alas+a Berlin 6e5ico2ondon $oody Allen Amnesty Anternational Nelson 6andela ?utan+amen tomb Pluto <ac+ie <oyner;'ersey <ayne Austin Archimedes <ohan *ebastian Bach 6innesota twins 9our Holiness =dinburgh ?chai+o"s+y ?he >ea <ac+ Benny <onah 6rs >oubt ire Bishop Blitz+rieg Cabbage AE 'ingdom Brunel >onald Campbell Buic+ ; Chrysler <oseph Heller Netherlands Chess $orld Champs Chrysanthemum Hit -ong Bordeau5 2ogarithms AB6 !O%?%AN

$ho wrote the Opera 6adam Butter ly $hat lin+s ; -oa ; 'erula ; Assam ; Bihar =ric Arthur Blaire was the real name o which author Names ; Ba+er Coo+ ob"ious what did Cordwainer do $hich country do *inologists study %udy *te"ens became amous under which name $hich non alcoholic cordial is made rom pomegranates $hat is Orchesis ; either pro essional or amateur ?a+en literally what should you see in a Hippodrome $ho wrote the 6an in the Aron 6as+ $hich 188# >isney ilm starred Bet 6iddler as a witch $ho piloted the irst light across the =nglish channel $hat was the irst <ames Bond ilm $hat 1881 ilm won best ilmD actorD actressD director Oscars $hat was the capital o =thiopia Aescapalious emblem sta sna+e -ree+ %oman god o what -iacomo Agostini ; 122 -rand Pri5 1) world titles what sport $hat is the largest state in the 3*A 2ed >eighton trilogy -ame *et 6atch $hat # Capitals Alan *tuart 'onigsberg amous as who $hich human rights organisation ounded 18.1 got Nobel 1811 $hose autobiography was ?he long wal+ to !reedom $hat was disco"ered in 1822 by Howard Carter Clyde ?onbaugh disco"ered what planet in 18#: $ho won the women,s heptathlon at *eoul in 1844 $ho wrote Northanger Abbey $ho ran through the streets na+ed crying =ure+a $ho composed the Brandeberg concertos ull names $ho won the $orld *eries in 1841 $hat is the correct term o address to the Pope An which city was Ale5ander -raham Bell born in 14&1 $ho composed the ballets *leeping Beauty and ?he Nutcrac+er A- Bell opened school in Boston in 1412 or ?eachers o what Ben@amin 'ubels+y 148& ame as what comedian An the Old ?estament what boo+ comes between Obadiah ; 6icah %obin $illiams dressed in drag or which 188# ilm $hich chess piece could be a member o the church $hich -erman word means lightning war used in $$2 Broccoli belongs to what amily o plants $ho designed the irst Aron ship the -reat Britain in 14&) $hose boat Bluebird was recently raised rom Coniston water in 18)1 which /o two0 car companies introduced power steering $ho wrote Catch 22 /both names0 $hich country set up the worldBs irst chemistry lab in 1.): $hat lin+s the names Bot"ini+D ?alD 'arpo"D !ischer $hat is the national lower o <apan Bombardier Billy $ells was seen on many %an+ ilms ; why $here in !rance do claret wines come rom $hat did mathematician <ohn Napier in"ent in 1.1& $hat was the worldBs irst high le"el programming language 18)1

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2
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?uberculosis >elaware $inds %oald >ahl Oscar $ilde 'ir+ >ouglas *ir !rancis >ra+e ?ara $ashington %eds+ins !reemasons Bob >ylan 2ead <onathon *wi t *un+en !ence Hari 'ari ; suicide $illiam Har"ey Hedge *parrow -reece Hermes %oc+ Hudson Aldus Hu5ley %egions o Ataly <odhpur <ohn <udo *+iing >iamonds *tanley 'ubric+ -lass Cli"e *taples 2ewis *Cuirrel !irst test tube baby Adol Hitler -randma 6oses Asrael *herloc+ Holmes ?rees Oedipus ?homas Paine Palermo Polaroid Pin+ !loyd Pinocchio 3ranium Porcelain -ermany Pendulum cloc+ Hindu Oil 'enya

Consumption was the ormer name o which disease $hich American state is nic+named ?he >iamond *tate $hat are the *iroccoD 6istral and Chinoo+ $ho wrote about $illie $on+a and the Chocolate !actory $hoD at 3*A customs declaredD nothing but my genius Assur >anielo"itch became amous a who $ho sailed in the -olden Hind $hat was the name o the plantation in -one with the $ind $ho won the 1844 *uperbowl $hich group belie"es in ?he -reat Architect o the 3ni"erse %obert Alan (immerman real name o who Processed -alena produces which metal $ho wrote -ulli"erBs ?ra"els /both names0 $hat is a Ha Ha An <apan what is *eppu+u $ho disco"ered blood circulation ?he dunnoc+ is another name or which common bird A someone said they were rom Hellas ; which country $ho was the son o (eus and 6aia ; -ods 6essenger %oy *cherer @r became amous as who $ho wrote Bra"e New $orld / ull name0 $hat lin+s CalabriaD 2iguriaD Puglia and 7eneto $hich city in %a@asthan has riding breeches named a ter it Portugal has had si5 'ings with what irst name $hat martial arts name means gentle way <ean Claude 'illy amous in which sport 'imberlite contains what precious item $ho directed >r *trangelo"e ; 2::1 ; ?he *hining / ull name0 %ene 2aliCue ; Art Nou"eau designer wor+ed what material $ho created the children,s land o Narnia and 2ion $itch $ardrobe $hat animal li"es in a drey $hy is 2ouise Brown ; born 1814 amous ?he title o whose boo+ translates as my struggle Anna 6ary %obinson ; amous American painter ; what name An which country would you ind the Nege" desert $hich character has been played by the most actors An -ree+ mythology a Hamadryads spirit guarded what <ocasta was the wi e o 2aius and the mother o who $ho wrote ?he %ights o 6an ; and ?he Age o %eason $hat is the capital o *icily $hat was in"ented by >r =dward 2and in 18&1 *yd BarettD %oger $atersD %ichard $rightD Nic+ 6ason ; -roup Carlo Collodi created which amous children,s character $hat is mainly e5tracted rom pitchblende $hich connects >el tD *e"resD $edgwoodD Chelsea $hich country introduced the worlds irst diesel loco in 1812 in 1.). Christian Huygens in"ented what type o time+eeper >u"aliD >ushira and Holi are religious days in which religion An what industry did <ohn >a"idson %oc+e eller get rich ?he 6au 6au were terrorists in which country late ):s early .:s

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ):

?he -reat =scape Nosebleed Around the world in 4: days Hippopotamus Perseus ?in and 2ead 'oda+ 1 ; hand held roll ilm cam Philosophers Barometer Pablo Picasso Pitcairn Aslands Po Husband Colonies o Portugal 6oonshine Priam 6achu Picchu *an !rancisco &8 ers Herman 6el"ille >ic+ ?urpin ?he !lash 6ercedes Queensland %agnaro+ 3nderground railway Arthur %ansom 6ustard 7id+un Quisling %abat *Cuare ?hus *Cuare meal Buddhist 2inu5 computer operating system %hesus 6on+ey %hodesia %ice 2awyer *tethoscope ?he %olling *tones (ero =rwin %ommel %osetta *tone ?he 3ni"ersity Boat %ace !aberge Cured Fsmo+ed cod roe *cience !iction %andolph *cott ?aste *ein !ein %ansome Olds Christian Barnard

$hat mo"ie cast included <ames -arnerD %ichard AttenbouroughD *te"e 6cQueenD Charles BronsonD >onald PleasanceD <ames CoburnD -ordon <ac+sonD Angus 6cPhee among many others A you su er rom epista5is what is wrong An which boo+ would you ind the manser"ant Pas Partout $hat animals name translates as water horse An -ree+ mythology who +illed the -orgon $hich two metals are alloyed to ma+e pewter An 1488 the =astman company in the 3*A produced irst what $hat lin+s ; *arteD NeitzscheD %ussell and >ecartes An 1.&# ="angalisa ?orichelli in"ented the irst what $hich *panish painter has irst e5hibition at 1. ; also & year blue $here did the mutineers o the Bounty settle $hat is the longest ri"er in Ataly $hat does a polyandric women ha"e more than one o $hat lin+s BrazilD 3ruguayD 6ozambiCue and Angola $hat is the American eCui"alent o the Arish Poteen $ho was the last +ing o ?roy +illed by Achilles son Pyrrhus An 1811 the archaeologist Hiram Bingham disco"ered what lost city $ho won the *uperbowl in 1848 $ho wrote the boo+ Billy Budd also 6oby >ic+ $hich highwayman rode the horse Blac+ Bess Barry Allen was the alter ego o which >C comic superhero An 18:1 which brand o car was seen or the irst time Brisbane is the state capital o which *= Australian state An Norse mythology what is the name o the ultimate battle An 148: the irst electric what opened in 2ondon $ho wrote the children,s no"el *wallows and Amazons Oil seed rape belongs to which plant amily $hich Norwegian politicians name became a word or traitor $hat is the capitol o 6orocco $hat shape were the sailors plates in Nelsons na"y $hat religion lin+s $easa+D >hrammacac+aD and Bhodi day 2inus ?orwalds in"ented and wrote what ?he bander macaCue has which commoner name (ambia and (imbabwe used to be called what $hat is the staple ood o one third o the worlds population Paul %obeson the singer o old man ri"er had what pro ession %ene 2aennac in"ented which aid or doctors in 141: <aggerD %ichardsD $ymanD <onesD $attsD *tewart ; which band $hat digit does not e5ist in %oman Numerals $ho was nic+names ?he desert !o5 /both Names0 $hat aid to archaeologists rom 181 bc was ound in =gypt 1188 $hich annual sporting e"ent between 2 teams started in 1428 $ho was the @eweller to the %ussian Court amous =aster eggs $hat type o ood is ?aramasalata $hat lin+s *amuel >elaneyD !redric+ PohlD Harlan =llison %andolph Crane became amous as which cowboy actor Ageusia is the loss o which sense $hich Arish political parties name translates as we oursel"es Henry !ord used assembly line in 18:4 but someone be ore 18:1 $ho per ormed the irst heart transplant in *outh A rica

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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>og *tar *lide %ule *ocrates ?homas Octa"e 6urdoch *opwith *outh >a+ota 6alaria 6ariner 8 %egions o *pain *+iing Agor *tra"ins+y *ubpoena <ohn *urtees Breaststro+e century *witzerland ?hermometer ?an+ ?antalus =dgar %ice Burroughs ?ea 6arconi 6artina Na"ratilo"a ?erracotta *tate o ?e5as 6acbeth <ohn Buchan New 9or+ -iants *oya Bean Curd G "ia *oya mil+ ?riton ?ina ?urner 3**% ?renton Peter 3stino" 7acuum or thermos las+ 7esta 7ines Colour ?ele"ision >ashiell Hammett 9osemite 3*A (ip !astener Napoleon Oral Contracepti"e $hittle <et =ngine ?ennis 2ancaster Pennsyl"ania !ay $ray America,s Cup Hops Congo ABO Blood -roups -eorge $ashington 1184 1182

$hat is the common name or the star *irius $hat calculating aid was in"ented by $illiam Oughtred in 1..2 $hich Athenian philosopher wrote nothing ; immortalised by Plato $ho designed the $$ 1 plane Camel and co designed Hurricane Crazy Horse and *itting Bull were born in which 3* state An 1... <esuit Bar+ was used as a pre"ention against what An 1811 which 3*A space probe was irst to orbit another planet $hat lin+s CataloniaD AndalusiaD CantabriaD -alicia Angemar *tenmar+ won record 4) world cup races in what sport $ho wrote the music or the ballets !irebird and %ites o *pring $hat common legal item literally means under penalty $ho was the only person to win world titles on bi+es and cars $hat is the oldest swimming stro+e $hich =uropean country is di"ided into areas called Cantons $hich medical tool was de"eloped by *anctorius in 1.12 $hat weapon was in"ented by =rnest *winton used in 181. $hich mythological 'ing chained grapes rose water ell $ho created ?arzan /all names0 in 181& Camellia *inesis e"ergreen shrub better +nown as what An 18:1 who irst transmitted radio signals across Atlantic $ho won si5 consecuti"e $imbledon titles in the 184:s $hat Atalian building material translates as ba+ed earth $hat lin+s Buddy HollyD 2yndon <ohnstonD <anice <oplin $hich eponymous character was ?hane o Cawder -laimes $ho wrote the #8 steps /both names0 $ho won the *uperbowl in 1841 $hat is the ood to u made rom $ho was the son o Poseidon and Ampherite Annie 6ae Bulloc+ became amous under which name /both0 $hat lin+ed ArmeniaD -eorgiaD 2at"ia and 6olda"ia $hat is the state capitol o New <ersey $ho won an Oscar or best supporting actor in *partacus 18.: $hat was in"ented by <ames >ewer in 1412 $ho was the %oman goddess o the hearth 7iticulture is the growing o what plants An 18)# what was irst success ully transmitted in the 3*A $ho wrote the ?hin 6an in 18#& /both names0 Angel alls 7enezuela Highest but where second Highest $hitcome <udson in 1481 in"ented what or astening shoes $ho sold 2ouisiana to the 3*A in 14:# -regory PincusD <ohn %oc+D -erhart >omang+ de"eloped what ?he -loucester = 24F#8 irst lew in 18&1 ; what was unusual $omen compete between 3*A and 3' in $ightman Cup ; *port $oolworth,s ; the ) F1: cent store started in which us state 1818 $hich actress starred in the original 'ing 'ong in 18## /both0 =5cept Australia 1 New (ealand 1 3*A all since 141: wantH $hat,s missing rom ale thatBs included in beer 3ntil 1811 what was the name o (aire 'arl 2ienstater disco"ered which medical brea+through in 18:1 $ho is the only American president elected unopposed

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hich countries men use the most deodorant $ho played Billy the 'id in ?he 2e t Handed -un $hat was the irst credit card $hat lin+s Humphry >a"ieD 6ichael !aradayD 6adam Curie Hippophagic society members support what $hat did Britain swap Ha"ana or with *pain in 11.# $hat is the crime o embracery $hich country made the worlds irst eature ilm in 18:. $ho wrote -entlemen Pre er Blonds $hat was Norman Bates hobby in Psycho $hat was Casano"as day @ob $here is the worlds largest gold depository $hy did the state o Andiana ban %obin Hood in 18)# Angelo *cicilano better +now as who How did -eorge AA die $hat did 6arlon Brando and -eorge C *cott re use $hy was con"ict 2)88 unusual in Pen *tate prison 182& $hat is . inches bigger in *ummer $hat two ingredients ma+e the dish angels on horsebac+ $hat was Charles >ic+ens last /un inished0 no"el $hich sea on =arth has no beaches %euben ?ice died trying to in"ent a machine to do what >e $itt $allace ounded what $ho is the Patron *aint o thie"es According to his business card what @ob did Al Capone do Humans are 1:D::: times more se5ually acti"e that what animal *hirley *chri t became amous as which actress An 'ansas what can a waiter not do in a teacup /legally0 $hich country has the smallest birth rate $hich 18). ilm caused riots in cinemas $ho did the 3*A buy the 7irgin islands rom $ho played the scarecrow in the $iz /all blac+ wiz o oz0 $hat was or is a $altzing 6athilda $hich country was the irst to introduce old age pensions $hich hats became popular with children in 18). 6alden *er+io"itch amous as which actor $hat is it illegal to pawn in New 9or+ $hat hospital did >r 'ildare wor+ at Collecti"e nouns ; a smuc+ o what $ho was Cleopatra,s irst husband $ho was <ohn >aw+ins better +nown as $hich ilm star has his statue in 2eicester *Cuare 7irginia 6c6ath became amous as which actress $hat is the name o Captain Ahab,s ship %oose"elt won the 18#2 election ; who lost it $ho wrote ?he History o 6r Polly $hat is the irst day o 2ent 6r Chips said goodbye ; rom which ictional school $ho buried the treasure on ?reasure Asland $hich ?7 series was narrated by $alter $inchell

<apan Paul Newman >iners Club Poisoned by chemicals wor+ =ating horsemeat !lorida <ury Bribing Australia *tory o 'elly gang Anita 2oos *tu ing birds 2ibrarian !ederal reser"e ban+ 6anhattan Communist G rob rich Charles Atlas !ell o toilet Oscars >og doing li e or +illing cat =i el tower Oysters ; wrapped in Bacon 6ystery o =dwin >rood *argasso sea >ewrin+le prunes %eaders >igest *t Nicholas *ell second hand urniture %abbits *helly $inters *er"e wine 7atican City %oc+ around the cloc+ >enmar+ 6ichael <ac+son *wagmanBs 'napsac+ -ermany >a"y Croc+et 'arl 6alden American lag Blaire -eneral <elly ish Ptolemy >ionysus G her brother Art ul >odger Charlie Chaplin -inger %odgers PeaCuod Herbert Hoo"er H - $ells Ash $ednesday Broo+ ield Captain !lint ?he 3ntouchables

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An which country was Auschwitz $hat was the irst British instrumental to top the 3*A charts On which national lag is there an eagle and a sna+e $hat group o animals would be in a clowder $hat is a *am Browne $hat is the chemical symbol or tungsten $ho are the two most translated =nglish writers Citius Altius !ortius is the motto o what organisation $hat is the main ingredient o sauce 2yonnaise $ho played 6iss 6arple in . ilms /both names0 !rom what language does the word alphabet come An the nursery rhyme what is !ridays child $hat was the irst ilm made in cinemascope $here was the battle o Hastings ought A pearmain is what type o ruit $hat colour is the bull on an archery target $hat was the %olling *tones irst no 1 hit Name both ri"al gangs in $est *ide *tory An gol what do the Americans call an albatross $hich classical composer wrote the Hungarian %hapsody $hen is *t *withens day $hat are ceps morels and chantrelles $hich part o his body did Charlie Chaplin insure An gol what would you put in your shag bag A bind is a group o what type o ish $hich author created !u 6anchu 6rs >arell $aters /translated 124 languages0 pen name $ho played the pawnbro+er in the ilm o that name $hat was the irst manu actured item to be sold on Hire Purchase $hich letters denote <esus Nazareth 'ing o the <ews An !rance i you were ser"ed le miel what would you eat ?he -ree+ or circle o animals gi"es it name to what $ho was the %oman god o agriculture $hat is i+ebana $hat nationality was 6orse in"entor o the amous code -oa used to be a colony o which nation $hat does a galactophagist drin+ $hat did -od create on the i th day /both0 $here was Bob >ylan born An the 14th century what would a pencil be Agrippa poisoned her husbandFuncle who was he $ho was the mother o Castor and Pollu5 $hat are the sna le Pelham and $eymouth $alter 'oenig played which part in the *tar ?re+ series $ho had a hit with >e"il $oman $hat were the irst alse teeth made rom ?he @ealous Athena turned who into a spider $hat was the irst Carry On ilm $ho was the emale lead in ?he *hootist $hat is a dzo

Poland ?elstar by ?he ?ornados 6e5ico Cats 6ilitary belt $ *ha+espeare G Agatha Christie Olympic Onions 6argaret %uther ord -ree+ ;alpha beta 2o"ing and -i"ing ?he robe *enlac hill Apple -old Ats all o"er now *har+s <ets >ouble =agle !ranz 2iszt 1)th <uly 6ushrooms !eet Practice Balls *almon *a5 %ohmer =dith Blyton %od *tiger *inger sewing machine in 14):s AN%A Honey (odiac *aturn !lower arranging American Portugal 6il+ *ea creatures and birds >uluth 6innesota Brush Claudius Helen o ?roy Horse bits =nsign Che+o" Cli %ichard A"ory Arachne Carry on *ergeant 2auren Bacall Cow 9a+ cross

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): Hypermetropic people are what $hich leader li"es in the Potola $hat wood was the cross supposed to be made o <oseph 2e"itch became amous as who A you planted a bandarilla what are you doing $hat was the irst Pin+ !loyd album in which city was the irst public opera house opened An what =l"is ilm did he play a double role ?he Aphrodite o 6elos has a more amous name ; what $hich country in"ented the concentration camp <ohn Huston scored a hit with his irst ilm ; whatH *tan laurelD 6ic+ey %ooneyD 2ana ?urner what in common $hat real person has been played most o ten in ilms *cotopic people can do what $hat is the most critical thing +eeping bananas resh transport $hat is the name o the Paris stoc+ e5change $hose music eatured in ?he Cloc+wor+ Orange $hat was the ?roggs most amous hit An <apan what colour car is reser"ed or the royal amily only $hat city has 'ogoshima as its airport $hat was gangsters -eorge Nelsons nic+name $hose irst wi e was actress <ayne $yman An 6A*H what is %adars a"ourite drin+ $hat do you gi"e on the third wedding anni"ersary $hat is a baby whale called An which ilm did the %olls %oyce ha"e the number plate A31 7ladamere Ash+enazy plays what musical instrument $ith which organ does a sna+e hear On what is the 6ona 2isa painted $hat is the second most common international crime Count de -risly was the irst to per orm what tric+ in 1188 $ho wrote 2es 6iserable $hich bird turns it head upside down to eat ?he colossus o %hodes was a statue o who $ho rode a horse called Bucephalus ?o which 2ondon club did 6ycro t Holmes belong $hat did $illiam Addis in"ent in prison $hat is the only duty o police -racthen"issers in Amsterdam 'leene5 tissues were originally intended as what in 181) $ho in"ented popcorn $hat is the colour o mourning in ?ur+ey !or what is spirits o salt another name $hich game is played on an o"al with 14 player per team An the $innie the Pooh stories what is 'angaBs baby called $hich actor is common to 6agni icent 1 and >irty >ozen $ho sa"ed Andromeda rom the sea monster $hat lower is the symbol o secrecy $hat item were originally called Hanways $hat is Brussels best +nown statue in which language does -od <ul mean happy Imas

2ong *ighted >alai 2ama 6istletoe <erry 2ewis Bull ighting Piper at the gates o dawn 7enice 'issing Cousins 7enus de 6ilo Britain ; Boer war 6altese alcon 4 marriages Napoleon Bonaparte *ee in the dar+ ?emperature not below 1# C ))! Bourse Beetho"en $ild ?hing 6aroon ?o+yo Baby !ace %onald %egan -rape 'nee High 2eather Cal -old inger Piano ?ongue $ood Art the t *aw woman in hal 7ictor Hugo !lamingo Apollo Ale5ander the -reat >iogones ?oothbrush 6otorists in canals $$1 -as mas+ ilters American Andians 7iolet Hydrochloric acid Australian ootball %oo Charles Bronson Perseus %ose 3mbrellas ?he 6anneCuin Pis *wedish

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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Questions Quiz )
$hich lying pioneer was nic+named the lone eagle Horse statue ; mounted man ; on two legs ; how man die $hich American state produces the most potatoes $ho wrote >r (hi"ago $ho is Charlie Browns a"ourite baseball player / ictional0 =merald is the birth stone or which month $hose yacht was called Honey !itz $hat is the white trail behind a @et plane made rom $hat Atalian habit did ?homas Coyrat introduce to =ngland 1.:4 Purl Plain !isherman,s Cable types o what $hy was 6ary 6allen loc+ed up rom 181) to 18#4 A you were doing "accimulgence what doing !or what purpose was the chow chow dog originally bred $hat +ind o ruit is a +umCuat $ho was the -ree+ goddess o lo"e $hat irst appeared in New 9or+ $orld 21st >ecember 181# $hich group o animals are called a cete $hich herb did the %omans eat top pre"ent drun+enness $hat is the original literal meaning o the word bride $ho ran the irst marathon $hat is the only creature that can turn its stomach inside out $hat is 6ilan,s opera house called $hat is the oldest most widely used drug on earth $hat type o animal is a *amoyed An which country did draughts /chec+ers0 originate *hane !enton became amous as who $hat is the worlds most popular green "egetable $hat does a racoon do be ore eating its ood $hat other name is used or the snow leopard $hich drin+ did Bach en@oy so much he wrote a cantata or it $ho in"ented the irst sa ety razor in 148) $hat nationality is ?hor Heyerdahl $hat # ingredients ma+e a sidecar coc+tail A spunder or dri t is the name or a group o what animals $hat is =rse On oometer measures what $hat did table tennis balls used to be made rom A you had "ariola what disease ha"e you got $hich playing card is called the Curse o *cotland $hich painter did Hans "an 6eegeren most a+e $hich country had the irst women 6Ps 18 in 18:1 An 18.8 what category was added to the Nobel prizes An which city was Bob Hope born An the human body where is your occiput $ho wrote the *tar *pangled Banner $hich ood did 7ictorians deride as little bags o mystery $hich actor was dubbed the muscles rom Brussels $hich ilm star was the irst to appear on a postage stamp $hat would you e5pect to ind in a binnacle $hich Hollywood star has made the co"er o 2i e most times

Charles 2indbergh 'illed in Battle Adaho Boris Pasterna+ <oe *hlabotni+ 6ay <ohn !itzgerald 'ennedy Ace Crystals =ating with or+s 'nitting stitches ?yphoid 6ary 6il+ing a cow As ood or Chow *mall Orange Aphrodite Crossword Badgers Parsley ?o coo+ /ancient tutonic0 Phidipedes *tar ish 2a *cala Alcohol >og =gypt Al"in *tardust 2ettuce $ashes it in water Ounce Co ee 'ing Camp -illette Norwegian Brandy Cointreau 2emon @uice *wine Arish -aelic language Birds =ggs Cor+ *mallpo5 Nine o >iamonds 7ermeer !inland =conomics 2ondon /=ltham0 Bac+ o head !rancis *cott;+ey *ausages <ean Claude 7an >am -race 'elly *hips compass =lizabeth ?aylor /110

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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6onaco Once thought to be Aphrodisiacs ?reacle ; molasses !al+land Aslands *ergeant <oe !riday 2iberia Albion Ats belly Not wear underwear Batchelor maybe gay A moose Contains ?elephone Punch and <udy man Press suits Cloc+s right and wrong con use de"il >ubbed in their singing "oices !erruchio 2amborghini News stories Hot *ausage =at it ; itBs a potato No"ember *ome 2i+e it Hot Quart glass %oller *+ates Hert ord Here ord Hampshire He was dead ?in oil Port !reemasons <oan %i"ers ?oothache Alcohol strength =ye 1)E1) inches ?ransyl"ania Asaac Newton Put male emale washing together ?o pic+ noses e iciently 2ittle %ichard A +ind o hairnet <ayne 6ans ield Britain ?ea Pot Abyssinia ; =thiopia !ran+ie 7alli Cotton 'issing =lectric chair 6e5ico /1::: a year0 *ha+espeare o"er #:: -uinness Boo+ o %ecords

$hich 6editerranean countries orchestra is bigger than its army $hat lin+s stags tailsD pic+led wormsD gallstonesD tomatoes Ba+ed beans were originally ser"ed in what sauce $here can you buy a copy o Penguin News $ho was the hero o the old ?7 cop series >ragnet $hich A rican country was ounded by Americans $hat was Britain called ; be ore it was Britain $hat part o a rog do you rub to hypnotise it How did multi millionaire %ussell *age sa"e money How was 3*A president <ames Buchanan di erent rom all rest $hat,s in"ol"ed in 2:J o car accidents in *weden $hat,s unusual about e"angelist Amy *emple 6cPhersons co in $ho would use a swozzle $hat does a tailor do with his plon+er Churches in 6alta ha"e two what 6arnie Ni5on what >eborah 'err Natilie $ood Audrey Hepburn $hich Atalian tractor ma+er tried ma+ing cars in 18.:s $hat irst appeared on Page 1 o the ?imes # 6ay 18.. Caruso put what in Nellie 6elbas hand singing tiny hand rozen $hat would you do with an =dzell blue An what month did the %ussian October re"olution ta+e place Nobody,s per ect is the last line in which classic comedy ilm How did Bu alo Bill stic+ to one glass whis+y a day An 11.: what means o personal transport was in"ented $hat three counties were =liza >olittle taught to pronounce An Hitchcoc+,s ilm ?he ?rouble with Harry ; what was the trouble $hat was the irst gramophone record made rom $hat did -eorge $ashington soa+ his wooden teeth in or taste -eorge 71 6ozart Al <olson Casano"a ; which organisation $ho said KAts so long since se5 A orget who gets tied upK *t Appolonia Patron *aint o what $hat is measured on the -ay;2ussac scale A sCuid ound in New (ealand had the biggest what e"er seen $hat was the irst country to guarantee reedom o worship which amous person in"ented the cat lap By law what can you not do in 6innesota with your washing line $hy do ?ibetans grow long nails on little ingers %ichard Penniman became amous as who $hat is a snood $ho said Kmen are creatures with two legs and 4 handsK $hich =uropean country eats the most brea+ ast cereal Philosopher <eremy Bentham has a "ery unusual pet ; what $hat country did Ataly in"ade in 18#) $ho sang the title song in the ilm -rease $hat is produced in a ginnery $hat was made illegal in =ngland in 1&#8 $hat was in"ented by >r Albert *outhwic+ in 1441 An which country are you most li+ely to die rom a scorpion sting $ho is the most ilmed author =5cluding religious wor+s what is the worlds top selling boo+

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho sold the most albums on a single day $hat was the last item shown on British ?7 be ore $$2 $hat countries people had the longest li e e5pectation $ho said KA li+e Beetho"en especially the poemsK $hat does the entire economy o the island o Nauru depend on <ohn -len irst 3*A to orbit earth was in which ser"ice Oedipus was named a ter what ; literal translation $hat ish can hold ob@ects in its tail $ho is the most ilmed comic strip character $hose "ersion o A 7iew to a 'ill reached 1 in 3*A 2 in 3' $hich country grows the most potatoes $hat does a drosomoter measure $hich =nglish 'ings armour has the biggest codpiece $hich country was the irst to abolish capitol punishment 142. An law what is a co;parcener $hich pop group had a hit with *ilence is -olden -ree+ mathematician cylinder enclosed sphere car"ed on gra"e $hat does a psephologist study $here would you ind line o 6ars ; -irdle o 7enus British call this bird species tits ; what do Americans call them $hich country owns the Hen and Chic+en islands $ho created the ?7 series ; ?he man rom 3NC2= $hich ilm director described actors as cattle *hirley Bassey sang three Bond themes ; which # ilms Barring rain ; in which athletics e"ent would you get wet $hat colour is the lesh o the Charentais melon $ho appeared on the irst 3* postage stamps /both names0 $ho was the irst person elected to 3* swimming hall ame ?he guillotine was in"ented or chopping o what $hich country in"ented the bedsprings $hets the di erence between og and mist $hat did *panish scientists it to cows to increase mil+ yield $hat people ounded cheese ma+ing in =ngland $hat is the irst name o 6r ?oad ; in ?oad o ?oad Hall Atephobia is a ear o what $hat are -rapnelD BruceD >an orthD Plough types o H $hy did Handel compose ?he 6essiah %ed lags lown by !rench ships ; <oli %ouge origin o what name in which country could you spend a 'wanza <ohn Henry >eutchendor amous as who /both names0 6itre >o"etail <ig and Hac+ are types o what ?racey and Hepburn irst ilm in 18&2 was what Antimacassars were itted to chairs ; what is macasser <ac+ 'etch 1..# 1.4. had what @ob Ne+al was the irst type o what product /-ermany 18110 $ho was the irst -rand Pri5 dri"er to used a sa ety belt in 18.1 ?he *! award the Hugo is named a ter Hugo whoH 6aurice 6ic+lewhite became amous as who $hat do Ombrophobes ear A you had a Brassica %apa what "egetable would you ha"e

=l"is 2: million day a ter death 6ic+ey 6ouse Aceland %ingo *tarr Bird shit ; -uano ertiliser 3* 6arine Corps *wollen eet *ea Horse (orro >uran >uran %ussia >ew Henry 4 %ussia Czar Nicholas ; *iberia instead <oint Heir ?remaloes Archimedes 7oting ; =lections Palm ; lines in Palmistry Chic+adees North island New (ealand Aan !leming Al red Hitchcoc+ -old ingerD >iamonds are !ore"erD 6oonra+er *teeplechase Orange $ashington ; !ran+lin <ohnny $eismuller Hands -ree+s *eeing >istance under 1:::yd !alse ?eeth %omans ?haddeus Amper ection Anchor !or Cash <olly %odger Angola <ohn >en"er *aw $oman o the 9ear Hair oil Hangman >etergent <ac+ie *tuart -ernsbec+ 6ichael Caine %ain ?urnip

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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April !ools >ay 1st April Bigamy ; ?ried 1822 Blac+beard *oap Blac+ Camels Captain Bligh ?he %oad %unner -ree+ <amaica 2enny Bruce (ip !astener !BA Harry Belle onte C;P#O Pigs Hair Aluminium Chester -ould Onion !rec+les 7ery small pig 6argarine =lias ?he Pope Bacon Prunes A Play ?he $ho -ira e 6uscles >eep Blue <* Bach !ly across Atlantic Alcoc+ Brown <ewish ra"ioli 6agpie Beards >ecca Aran Nightstic+ *upergirl 7enezuela ?wo penny Blue Hungary 7ietnam currency %obin Naming Hurricanes (one Ampro"ement Plan Birch ?ur+ish bath Polo 'ellogg corn la+es

Boob >ay in *pain is what day in Britain /practical @o+es played0 $hat crime did ?heresa 7aughn commit .2 times in ) years $ho sailed in a ship called Queen Ann,s %e"enge *aponi ication is the process that ma+es what common product Blue red green yellow our Olympic rings colour what,s missing >etecti"e Philip 6arlow smo+es what brand $ho landed on ?imor Asland a ter being cast adri t $hat is the more common name o the Chaparral Coc+ An what language did *t Paul write his epistles Aan !leming,s house was called -oldeneye ; which country Al red *chneider became amous as who A C;Curity was the original name o what common ob@ect !idelity Bra"ery Antegrity is which organisations motto $ho was the irst blac+ entertainer to win an =mmy award Anthony >aniels played who in a series o ilms O what material was the hairspring made in early watches An 14.: Napoleon AAA banCuet ; ser"ing dishes dearer gold ; what $hich author created >ic+ ?racy $hat is the worlds most widely used "egetable $hat are lentigines $hat type o animal is a "mi;"mi $hat did 6ege;6ouries in"ent in 141: winning a Napoleon prize $hat was $alt >isney,s middle name $ho would you e5pect to ind in Castle -ondolo o $hat two items ma+e up the dish de"ils on horsebac+ $hat does ludo mean /literally0 ?he >etours changed to ?he High Numbers then what name $hat animal was belie"ed to be a cross camel ; leopard An elephant has &::::: what in its trun+ $hat colour is cerulean $ho composed the Air or the - string /init and name0 $hat were ?win+letoes ; 2uc+y <im /stu ed cats0 irst to do $hat are +replach ?he pica pica is what common bird $hat male human eature was ta5ed in =lizabethan times $hich record company re@ected the Beatles as being past it !rom which country does spinach originate British policemen ha"e truncheons what is 3*A eCui"alent An >C comics 2inda 2ee >an"ers is whose alter ego An what country does the cow tree grow ; sap loo+s tastes mil+ ?he penny blac+ ; worlds irst stamp ; what was second $hich country produces ?o+ay $here could you legally lash your dong ; then spend it ?he Bald =agle is Americas bird ; $hat is Britain,s Australian Clement $ragge instituted what $hat does (ip stand or in the American (ip Code $hat wood is plywood mostly made rom $hat is a Hummum An which sport are le t handed people banned rom playing $hat ood was in"ented in a sanatorium in 148:

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is a Bellwether $hat was Procul Harem,s greatest hit Percy *haw in"ented what in 18#& $hat animal produces its own sun tan lotion $hat was a Nuremberg egg $hat was the name o Asaac Newton,s dog ; caused ire in lab $ho was eaten by dogs in the Old ?estament An literature who is the alter ego o Percy Bla+ney <uglans %egia is the real name o what type o nut tree $hat album co"er /by the %olling *tones0 had a zip on the side $hat li"es in a holt $ho is the Patron *aint o dancers and actors $hat is the worlds tallest grass $ho owned the newspaper in 2ou -rant ; Nancy 6archand $ho reputedly irst said ; i in doubt tell the truth <ohn %ichie became amous under what name An -ree+ mythology who rowed the dead across the ri"er *ty5 Al red $hite was a amous author under which name $hich acid was irst prepared rom distilled red ants $ho in"ented doctor $ho $hat too+ place on 2ondon,s serpentine irst time 1. <une 18#: $hich =uropean city was the bride o the sea $ho /not Peter *ellers0 played Anspector Clouseau in 18.4 $here could you ind the 2utine Bell 9abusame is the <apanese "ersion o what sport $hich >ic+ens no"el is considered an autobiography >endrologists worship what $hat is the national sport o !inland $ho was Agrippa,s son Peter -oldma+ in"ented what in 18&4 6ilton lost which sense $hat are camel haired brushes made o How did the -ree+ dramatist Aeschalys die Playing card ; %aymond *haw trance ; 6anchurian Candidate =i el designed the =i el tower ; what was his irst name ?he *al+ "accine is used against what disease A you are born between <une 2#rd and <uly 2#rd what star sign An alloy o Aron ; Chromium and Nic+el ma+es what $ho said KPublic ser"ice is my mottoK >ra+es -olden Hind was originally called what An what ilm did =l"is play a %ed Andian $hat did the 7ictorians call ser"ant regulators $hich country irst used the ountain pen $hat is the more popular name or the 2ondonderry Air !reyr was the Norse god o what ?AP is the national airline o which country An which country is the port o !rey Bentos ?he 'oh;i;Nor is a amous diamond ; what does the name mean A nilometer measures the rise and all o what $hat was Britain,s irst colony /anne5ed in 1)4#0

2eader o loc+ o sheep $hiter shade o pale Cats eyes Hippopotamus Poc+et watch F cloc+ >iamond <ezebel *carlet Pimpernel $alnut *tic+y !ingers An Otter *t 7itas Bamboo 6rs Pyncheron 6ar+ ?wain *id 7icious Charon <ames Herriot !ormic acid ?erry Nation 6i5ed Bathing 7enice Alan Ar+in 2loyds o 2ondon Archery >a"id Copper ield ?rees 6otor %allying Nero 2P record *ight *Cuirrels tails =agle dropped tortoise on head Queen >iamonds -usta"e Polio Cancer *tainless *teel Al Capone ?he Pelican *tay away <oe Alarm Cloc+s =gypt >anny Boy !ertility Portugal 3ruguay 6ountain o 2ight %i"ers /originally Nile0 New oundland

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His sister >ar+ie 2ady -odi"a Carbon <ames -handi Napoleon at $aterloo !o5es ?ommy Burns G both 1st 'Os ?ail 3nit 2ousia 6ay Alcott Aris Brussels Ham -ra"y 6aria 6orris -arages Charlie Chaplin Cyclops %ain all Bowls 'orean %ussian logging whip =nglish Burt 2ancaster Cholera <apan %oman & horse chariot Hot *= Aussie wind 9iddish Beetroot Polynesia $alter -o into space !inland An"il they are parts o it Beech -reen =ncore *heep >ried meat 6ac+erel Cheese -reece Cholera 2assie %ats Hole in >oughnuts 6aori Ne"il *hute A"ocado

<oseph 2ister ; irst operation antiseptic ; 14.1 on who $hat was Blac+ Beauties original name $ho was the original Peeping ?om loo+ing at $hat element is present in all organic compounds $hat was Pro essor 6oriarties irst name $ho was +nown as the 2ittle Brown *aint $ho rode a horse called 6orengo A s+ul+ is a group o which animals $ho de ended $orld hea"yweight title twice on same night in 18:. $hat part o an aircra t is the empennage $e +now who wrote 2ittle $omen but who wrote 2ittle 6en $ho was the -oddess o the rainbow An =uropean city can you be @ailed or not +illing urry caterpillars $ho was Oli"e Oyls boy riend ; be ore Popeye *ienna law orbids women o what name rom prostitution $hat do the letters 6- stand or on cars $ho was the irst actor to appear on co"er o ?ime magazine Polyphemus was the leader o which group o mythical giants $hat does a plu"iomoter measure $hich game was illegal in =lizabethan =ngland $hat nationality was Odd@ob $hat is a 'nout $hat language has the most words $hich ilm star used to be a circus acrobat ?he comma bacillus causes what disease $hich country in"ented 7enetian Blinds $hat is a Cuadriga $hat is a bric+ ielder Pupi+ means belly button in what language $hat is the main ingredient in Borsch $hat was the name o >r >olittleBs Parrot $hat was the name o $illiam ?ells son /the apple head boy0 2ai+a was the irst e"er dog to do what $here could you spend a 6ar++a $hat lin+s a bic+D throatD hal swageD punching hole ?he !agus is the 2atin name o what type o tree A you ha"e Chlorosis what colour does the s+in go ?he !rench say Bis ; what word do the =nglish use O what are 'ara+ulD ?e5elD %omney 6arsh types $hat is biltong $hat type o ish is *comber *combrus $hat are bric+D ontinaD port salutD Cuargel types o An which country did the turnip originate ?chai+o"s+y died o which disease *am Barraclough owned which ilm star $hich animals can li"e longest without water Captain Hanson -regory Croc+ett created what "oid in 14&1 'a+a means parrot in which language $ho wrote A ?own 2i+e Alice $hich ruit contains the most protein

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<esuits 6achia"elli ?ur+ey *heherazade ?he Pic+wic+ Papers -rease 2iCuorice Annie Oa+ley 'appa ?obacco *mo+e Coo+ A"erage Cloud Co"er %ide new escalators %owena >a odil Ballet >ancer *ocrates Armour 2oire October 6@olnir 'ing Herod Oswald the %abbit Penicillin P C $ren 2aughing cos he was not dead 6ustapha the tailor $isconsin Hitched a li t passing car %ed Peacoc+s ?ea =gypt ; used mouldy bread China ?able ?ennis Oregano 6arcel Charms ; ward o e"il Policeman >apple An"isible in+ writing $atch %a"ens Animal s+ins -rey Pepsi;Cola >octor >olittle 6ischa =ggs 'ittens

Agnatius 2oyola ounded which organisation $hich century Atalian wrote ?he Prince A meander bend in a ri"erD named rom ri"er meander ; where $ho tells the story in ?he Arabian Nights Al red <ingle appears in which >ic+ens no"el 7aselina and Brillantino were alternate names which ilm Chaplin ate a boot in the -old %ush ; what was it made o Phoebe Anne 6ozee better +nown as who $hat is the tenth letter o the -ree+ alphabet A you were misocapnic what do you hate An sailing ship days who o ten acted as the ships doctor An isoneph on a map @oins places o eCual what Bumper Harris ; wooden leg ; what <ob on 2ondon 3nderground $ho is A"anhoe,s wi e ?he 2ent 2illy has a more common name ; what $hat would you be i you were a coryphLe $hose last words were ; KClito A owe a coc+ to AsclepiusK $hat does the -erman word Panzer literally mean $hat is !rances longest ri"er An which month is the 6unich beer esti"al held $hat was the name o Norse -od ?hor,s hammer $ho ordered <ohn the Baptists e5ecution $hat was $alt >isney,s irst cartoon character $hat medication disco"ered in 1824 but introduced 18&: $ho wrote Beau -este Prophesied the Chalus the -ree+ ; >ie on day ; did o what $ho is Aladdin,s ather $hat American state is the Badger state $hy was !red 2orz disCuali ied 18:& Olympic marathon An China what colour does the bride traditionally wear A muster is a group o which birds Bohea is a type o what An which country were antibiotics irst used $hich country grew the irst Orange -ossima was the original name o what game $ild mar@oram is also +nown as what $hat was the name o %oses mon+ey in !riends Horse brasses ; on dreyhorses ; originally what purpose Al red Hitchcoc+ admitted to being terri ied o what $hat was the name o *ancho Panza,s don+ey $hat is *teganography An Albert chain is usually attached to what An un+indness is a group o what birds A ellmonger deals in what items $hat colour habit do !ranciscan mon+s wear Nenen;'ona is sold in %ussia ; what do we call it Hugh 2o ting created which amous character $hat was the name o %ussian bear mascot 184: Olympics $hat ingredient must !rench ice cream contain by law A +indle is the name or a group o what young animals

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is the commonest symbol on lags o the world $hich country is alphabetically last *miths Bon;Bons changed their name to what a ter 14&: 6iner"a is the -oddess o what $hat type o animal is a @ennet A you were crapulous what would you be $here would you $edel $hat is the correct name or a baby otter $hat colour is the gemstone peridot *ans+rit is an old language ; what does the word mean An which country do they play houlani ; type o hoc+ey $hat does the name ?abitha mean $ith what is spangy played $here did *pam get its name ?he Pogues too+ their name rom Pogue 6ahone ; what mean $hat comes a ter the year o the sna+e ; Chinese calendar 6osi;oa;?unya ; *mo+e that ?hunders ; what natural eature One person e"ery . seconds dies rom what Appro5imately &: million o what are consumed each year $hat is the worlds largest rodent $hich winter game is +nown as the roaring game ?he irst +nown what happened in $isconsin 1414 $hich 2 countries will host the 2::2 *occer $orld Cup inals An 18#) Charlton C 6c-ee in"ented what in the 3*A $hich !rench philosopher created analytical geometry ?he length o what is appro5imately 1F1:th circum erence o earth $hat was the world,s irst computer bug in 18&. $hat does a polythesistic person belie"e in $ho ounded the -ree+ theatre 6aria 6agdelana 7on 2osch Beyyer +now as who A you su ered rom tantartism what would you be doing $hich literary prize started in 18.4 $hat lin+s !itzroyD =ssendenD Collingswood and Carlton $hat countries people spend most pri"ate money on recreation $hat lin+s ?he %ei"ersD -rapes o $rathD HumboldtBs -i t 3*A has most airports which country has second most An 1428 $alter Hunt in"ented what common item !redric+ *anger disco"ered which medical li e sa"er $ho in"ented punched cards used in early computing 144:s $hy did %oselin !ran+lin /pre disco"ered dna heli50 no Nobel $hat is a >war -oby $hat types can be saddleD plane or pi"otal 1):: paces was what %oman measurement >enis -abor o Hungary 1811 Nobel prize or what in"ention $ho ga"e the 3N the land in N9 to build their HQ An 1118 Abraham >arby built the worlds irst what $hat is the worlds oldest monotheistic religion An aubade or alborda is a song ; but what type $hat sport lin+s Castle CupD %ed *tripe CupD %an@i ?rophy $hat countries leader does not ha"e an o icial residence

*tar (imbabwe Christmas Crac+ers $isdom *mall *panish horse >run+ *+i slope 'itten -reen Put together G Per ected ?ur+ey -azelle 6arbles *piced Ham 'iss my arse Horse 7ictoria alls Contaminated water diseases Bananas Capybara Curling Organised motor race <apan ; *outh 'orea Par+ing 6eter %ene >ecartes -reat wall o China A moth 6any -ods ?hespis 6arlene >ietrich >ancing 6ania Boo+er 6cConnell Aussie rules ootball teams ?aiwan,s Pulitzer Prize winners Australia *a ety Pin Ansulin Herman Hollerith *he was dead $orlds smallest true ish Body <oints 2eague Holograms <ohn > %oc+er eller 6etal Bridge <udaism 6ourning Cric+et Cuba

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1::

Questions Quiz 8
$hich writer coined the word Cyberspace in 184& >emeter was the -ree+ god o what /Ceres %oman0 $hat ilm won the 18&# Oscar as best ilm $hat do ungulate animals alone ha"e >r 2udwig 2 (amenho in"ented what 1441 Poland $ho wrote ?he Picture o >orian -rey in 1481 $ho composed ?he Planets suit /both names0 $hat lin+s >oricD AonicD ?uscanD Corinthian and Composite $hat is phonetic alphabet word or 3 $hy were women barred rom original Olympic -ames An which 3*A state is Churchill >owns racetrac+ An 14.1 2ucian B *mith in"ented what restraint An 18.1 which Henry 6ancini record won -rammy record o year $hat lin+s $illie BrantD 2ech $alesaD 9asser Ara at $hich countries go"ernment spends most in social security J Archaeoptery5 was the irst what An 141: in =ngland Peter >urand in"ented what $ho was o ered the presidency o Asrael in 18)2 /turned down0 $hat is the oldest +nown in ectious disease A <P=- is a picture ile ormat ; what does <P=- stand or $hat is the worlds largest sea /in area0 $hich islands wildli e is 8:J uniCue $hat are tru les ; highly prized as ood $hich -ame is Played 1) a side and scores # or 1 points $hat was in"ented in 14)) &) years later than it was needed $hat lin+s *issinniusD (osimusD 2iberiusD *ergius 71D7ictor AA $hat is the world largest seed Bristlemouths are the worlds most common what $hat swims at 1F4 inch an hour ?rypanophobia is ear o what Chogori is better +now by what boring name Colonel <acob *chic+ in"ented what in 1824 in 3*A $hat lin+s >u+e $ellingtonD =arl >erbyD 6arCuis *alisbury An 188. which Celine >ion album -rammy album o year $hat weight is the lightest in Amateur Bo5ing $hich country has the worlds biggest /on land0 National Par+ $hat language spea+ers were shot %ussia and -ermany 18#:s %onald %oss campaigned or the destruction o what $ho won two Nobel prizes in di erent ields Name #rd cent BC -ree+ mathematician wrote ?he =lements ="idence o what alternati"e treatment ound in )#:: mummy North !or+ %oe %i"er ; worlds shortest ; which 3* state An 1418 <ames %itty in"ented what $ho wrote the no"el ?om <ones in 11&8 $hat lin+s 6illionairesD 6etropolitansD Blac+ Haw+sD *il"er se"en $hat country ; largest earthCua+e o 2:th cent 4E. %ichter 18:. ?he o+api belongs to what amily o animals >imitri 6endeleye" is credited with the disco"er o what $hat eature o a triangle ma+es it scalene ?aphophobia is ear o what

$illiam -ibson G Neuromancer Har"est Casablanca Hoo"es =speranto Oscar $ilde -usta" Holst Classical Architecture 3ni orm 6ale entries nude 2ouis"ille 'entuc+y Barbed $ire 6oon %i"er Nobel Peace Prize 3ruguay Bird ?in can / ood0 Albert =instein 2eprosy <oint Photographic =5perts -roup *outh China 6adagascar !ungi -aelic !ootball Can Opener Popes Coco;de;mare palm G double coconut !ish *perm Anoculations G An@ections '2 =lectric %azor 3' Prime 6inisters !alling into 9ou 2ight !lyweight Canada G $ood Bu alo 11#::s ml =speranto 6osCuitoes ; stop malaria 6arie Curie Physics 18:# Chemistry 1811 =uclid Acupuncture 6ontana Cash %egister Henry !ielding *tanley Cup winners Ace Hoc+ey Colombia -ira e Periodic ?able >i erent side lengths Buried Ali"e

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1:
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An the Chinese New 9ear what year ollows %at -enuphobia is the ear o what Percy 2eBaron *pencer in"ented what in 18&) in 3*A *t Peter was the irst Pope ; $ho was second $hat 18&) ilm won best pictureD actorD director Oscars $hat is the literal translation o pot;pouri $ho did <ames Bond marry ; character ; /both names0 $hat is studied in the science o somatology $hat was Hugh He ner,s @et plane called $hat pro ession did Handel originally study $hat =uropean nation was the irst to drin+ tea Beau ort ; the wind scale man ; had what @ob $hat bird is the symbol o Penguin boo+s /children,s section0 >iane 2eather was the irst woman to do what $hat is Admiral *ir 6iles 6esser"y usually +nown as $hich part o the body is most sensiti"e to radiation $hat ilm made )4 times ; cartoonD porrnoD operaticD ballet 6r Chips said goodbye rom Broo+ ield school ; $hat sub@ect An which American city can you get doctorate in hambugerology $hich author created ?he *aint /both names0 $hat is sericulture $hat was =disonBs irst practical in"ention !rigophobia ear o what $hich company in"ented the transistor radio in 18)2 $ho is the only solo per ormer to win =uro song twice !ranz 2iszt was the arther in law o what composer An what town was 2eonardo >a 7inci born $ho directed the Halloween series o ilms $hat metal impurity ma+es rubies red and emeralds green Helen 6itchell became amous as what soprano %obert $hithead in"ented what weapon in 14.. (ymase and -lucose combine to orm what drug ?ranslated literally what does tele"ision mean Not as soups what ha"e gazpacho ; "ichyssoise in common $ho was the -ree+ goddess o retribution &1 people wor+ed on a committee to produce what wor+ $hat boo+ was made into the irst eature length British cartoon $ho irst said KPublish and be >amnedK =dwin >ra+e san+ the irst o them in 14)8 ; what were they Calico cloth was in"ented in which country $hat is dittology $ho played Pin+ in the mo"ie ?he $all %habdophobia ear o what >r C $ 2ong was the irst to use what /anaesthetic0 in 14&2 Hey Big *pender comes rom what musical <amie !arr played what role in 6A*H $hets the correct name or gol club called ?e5as $edge $hose nic+name was slowhand /both names0 $hich country in"ented the mariners compass $hat countries international car registration letters are >(

O5 'nees 6icrowa"e O"en *t 2inus ?he 2ost $ee+end Putrid Pot ?heresa >raco ?he Body Big Bunny ?he 2aw ?he >utch *ailor /Admiral0 Pu in *ub ) minute mile 6 /Bond ilms0 ?he Blood Cinderella 2atin Hamburger College G Chicago 2eslie Charteris -rowing *il+worms ?ic+ a ?ape or stoc+mar+et Being Cold *ony <ohnny 2ogan 184: G 1841 %ichard $agner 7inci <ohn Carpenter Chromium Nellie 6elba ?orpedo Alcohol !ar *eeing *er"ed Cold Nemesis Authorised "ersion o Bible Animal !arm in 18)& $ellington re Harriot $ilson mistress Oil $ells Andia >ouble meaning Bob -eldor Being Beaten =ther *weet Charity Corporal Clinger Putter =ric Clapton China Algeria

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he name 6alissa means what $hat was Acadia >ragoonD AntwerpD PoulterD ?umblerD Horseman types o what $hat was the irst rozen ood a"ailable in Britain in 18#1 A you su er rom cynanthropy what do you thin+ you are $hat is the phonetic alphabet word or letter P $hat is a runcible spoon ?he artist Abbott ?hayer,s de"eloped what or military use $hat did !rancis Bacon call ?he Purest o Pleasures $hat is the largest single +nown gold ob@ect in the world 6adame Pauline de 7ere irst emale circus per ormer ; do what How was Ale5ander the -reats body preser"ed Cali ornian law no shooting any animal ; mo"ing car e5cept what Peter !al+ plays 2t Colombo but who was irst o ered role $hat type o birds /Hugin M 6unin0 sit on the shoulders o Odin $here are you most li+ely to ha"e a serious accident 6el"in % Bissell in"ented what in 141. in the 3*A Peniaphobia ear o what About which game has most boo+s been written Albert >e *al"o was better +nown as who $hat was the last =uropean nation to accept the potato *tudents at Cambridge ; no dogs ; what 2ord Byron +eep 'ing 6ongut had apro5 8::: wi e,sFconcubines what country Only appro5 one third worlds population uses what regularly $illiam ?ayton was the irst man to do what Clemintina Campbell amous as who $hat should you gi"e a ter 1) years o marriage $hat is a Charollais $hat place is called %apa;nui by its nati"e inhabitants $here wasFis the original Penthouse $hat pop group too+ their name rom a Herman Hess no"el How o ten does a Hebdomadal Council meet $hat was unusual about ?yrell,s car in the 181. *panish - Pri5 An what country is the =ucumbene >am 6ales outnumber emales by ) to 1 in what addiction !or what would an =dgar be awarded or won $hat are salopettes $hich society cared ; plague "ictims when physicians le t 1..) >omeni+os ?heotocopoulos born Crete ; died *pain ; who $hat nation on a"erage ta+es most time to eat meals >r ! 2anchester in"ented what motor sa ety aid in 18:2 Halophobia ear o what Arthur <e erson better +nown as who $hy is the city 2a Paz in Boli"ia sa e rom ire $hat is the national drin+ o 9ugosla"ia Agnes the girls name means what $hat were the wic+s in the 7estal 7irgins lamps made rom $ho is the Patron *aint o !rance $hat are you supposed to gi"eFget or &: years o marriage $hat is the %oman Numeral or 1:::

Bee No"a *cotia /!rench Name0 Pigeon Asparagus >og Papa A broad Pic+le or+ Camou lage colours ?he -arden ?utan+hamens Co in Head in 2ions 6outh An large @ar o honey $hale Bing Crosby %a"ens An your home Carpet *weeper Being Penniless Chess ?he Boston *trangler !rance Bear *iam ; ?hailand !or+ Appear on ?7 G at Bairds demo Cleo 2ane Crystal ?ype o Cattle =aster Asland An a %eal ?ennis Court *teppenwol $ee+ly *i5 $heels Australia New * $ales Alcoholism 6ystery $riting *now proo >ungaree trousers Apothecaries =l -reco !rench >isc Bra+es *pea+ing *tan 2aurel ?o high ; Not enough air to burn *li"o"itz Chaste Asbestos *t >enis %uby 6

Page 21

10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 11
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat ashion did -eneral Ambrose Burnside start in Ci"il $ar An what "illage do ?om *awer and Huc+leberry !inn li"e $hat Opera,s story is about a emale cigar actory wor+er = is the international car registration plate or which country 3*A has most roads what country has second most An the Chinese calendar what year ollows 6on+ey $hat ri"er lows through 4 countries and our capitols $hat does the word >esert / rom 2atin desertus0 translate as An 14&4 ?he 2ondon >aily News carried the worlds ist what $hat is a 'a+apoo Part o the human body can e5pand 2: times its normal size An the 182:s >r Ada %ol de"eloped %ol ing as what alt therapy $hich dinosaurs name translated as speedy predator Price one +ilo went rom N.# to N2.: in 181. when sale illegal ?he island o 9ap has the worlds largest what $hich tennis player was sued by his an club $hat animal ; aster horse ; longer no h2: camel ; see behind $hat is a chemically castrated coc+ called Nessus +illed Hercules ; $hat was Nessus ="a *hain was the irst woman to do what Ben !ran+lin in"ented it ; Britain tried it in 181. ; $hat An which country is 6ount Aspiring National Par+ Al red $allace coined which phrase ; $rongly gi"en to >arwin $ho won the irst Nobel prize or Physics in 18:1 ; ga"e away $hat countries days include !ire dayD $ater day and wood day $hat city has the longest metro system 9oga /the meditation0 is a *ans+rit word meaning what $hat was in"ented 18:# ; patented 18:. - C Beilder $hich *! author in"ented the idea o the com *atellite $hat country consumes the most coal each year $hat was Hebe the goddess o $hat are a -alliardD *arabandeD 6orisca and Courente $ho composed the o"erture Hebrides /!ingals ca"e0 two names ?an@ong Panger Container ?erminal where worlds largest con port $hat would an anemometer measure An Britain pool and snoo+er players call it side ; what 3*A name $hat orm modern sculpture in"ented Calder named >echamp $hat boo+ eatured ?opsy who growed $here ; accident 18)# ; motor sport +illed 4# spectators <ames Outram in"ented what A you were eating calemare ; what are you snac+ing on $hich women in@ured ridingD eloped with a poetD dog called !lash ?he Bermuda Bowl is world championship in which game %O' international car registrations which country 3*A has most cars what country has second most All *i+hs must possess i"e things ; one is a 'angha ; what is it $hat colour graded slope do e5pert s+iers use %andy Newman said short people donBt ha"e what ?o which gentleman,s club did Phineas !ogg belong $hatBs the only alt therapy ully recognised $estern medicine

*ideburns *t Petersburg Carmen *pain /=spania0 Andia Chic+en >anube Abandoned $eather report F orecast Nocturnal New (ealand Parrot *tomach :E) litres to ) litres >eep 6assage 7elociraptor A"ory Coins up to 12 eet across <immy Connors -ira e Capon Centaur <udge pro hea"y bo5ing 6atch >aylight sa"ing ?ime New (ealand /*outh Asland0 *ur"i"al o the !ittest $ilhelm %oentgen <apan ?ue $ed ?hu 2ondon 3nion Photocopier Arthur C Clar+ China 9outh >ance ?ypes !eli5 6endelssohn *ingapore $ind *peed =nglish ?he 6obile 3ncle ?oms Cabin GH B *towe 2e 6ans ?ramways *Cuid =lizabeth Barret Browning Bridge 'orea <apan Comb Blac+ %eason to 2i"e ?he %e orm Osteopathy

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 11
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: O"er 8:J o the worlds total population o what gone since 181: 14:& < 6 <acCuard in"ented irst programmable de"ice ; what *obe+ was an =gyptian god ; in what orm is he seen ?he Amati amily were amous or ma+ing what Oli"er was ed gruel ; its made rom water and what Arnold Cream was a amous /early0 bo5er ; who Bunyon wrote Pilgrims Progress ; where $ho did 6or+ call to each wee+ on Or+ $hat composer boasted KA could set a laundry list to musicK $hat dinosaurs name translates as three horned Nacre is more commonly +nown as what An the 14th century *iberia used solid bloc+s o what as money An able who pulled the thorn rom the lions paw ; not eaten ?homas Chippendale mostly wor+ed in what wood ?he 3*A has the most railtrac+ ; what country second $hat de"ice did Henry >oherty patent in 1812 =arl > Biggers created which oriental detecti"e /both names0 $hose bac+ing group was ?he Coconuts $hat does so"iet mean $hat is a smew Ale+sei 2eano" was the irst to do what $hat is the name o 6oses and Aaron,s sister ?he American ?riple Crown ; Belmont st 'entuc+y >erby andH <ohn -oreD =dward *aunders pioneered what org in Australia $hat dog in ancient China was restricted to the aristocracy $hich actor wrote the boo+ ?he Outlaw ?rail $hat was pirate Captain !lint,s ship called Bartommelo Christo ori in"ented what $hat is a ziggurat >aisy Haw+ins original name o which Beatles hit song Name Captain Nemo,s pet seal %ouget de 2isle did what to ma+e him amous ?he Caspian <a"a Bali what became e5tinct in 18th Century $hose magazine is called ?he $atchtower $hat does a manometer measure $hy did the 3*A go"t open 2incolns co in in 1441 and 18:1 9ou,ll Ne"er $al+ Alone came rom which 18&) musical show $hich -ree+ philosopher wrote ?he %epublic and ?he 2aws =A3 international car registration plate which country Aolanda Balas ; %omania ; won 1): consecuti"e e"ents ; what $hat county has the largest army in the world An which city is the worlds oldest museum ; Ashmolian 1.18 $hich American state has the motto =sto Perpetua ; its ore"er $hat is the correct name or ?he 2aughing <ac+ass 6arilyn 6unroe was the model or which >isney Character $hich insect has the best eyesight ?he Campbell;*to+es recorder measures what with a glass ball $hich country are the current Olympic %ugby Champions 182& $hat did $illiam 9oung in"ent in 14:: $ho was 2a Purcelle o 7oltair,s poem

%hinoceros 2oom /programmed punch cards0 Crocodile 7iolins Oatmeal <ersey <o $alcott Bed ord <ail Orsen %ossini ?riceratops 6other o Pearl ?ea Androcles 6ahogany Canada Pooper *cooper Charlie Chan 'ing Creole $or+ers Council A type o wild duc+ *pace wal+ 6iriam Prea+ness *ta+es *al"ation Army Pe+inese %obert %ed ord $alrus Piano 6esopotainian ?emple tower =leanor %igby =smeralda Composed 6arseillaise ?igers <eho"ah $itnesses -as pressure Chec+ body still there Carousel Plato 3ganda High <ump 18). ; .1 China O5 ord Adaho /-em *tate0 'oo+aburra ?in+er Bell >ragon ly *unshine 3*A >i erent shoes le t right <oan o Arc

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 12
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): Name the actor who played Ben Casey /both Names0 $hat lin+s =l"is PresleyD Bruce $illisD %ichard -ere $hat ; ad"ertised phrase K="en your best riends wont tell youK $ho wrote >on,t count your chic+ens be ore they are hatched 2ast $ords A am >ying with the help o too many Physicians 6an shall not li"e by bread alone ; $hich N? boo+ %2 international car registration plate which country $hich dinosaurs name translates as double beam $hich *! author wrote ?he >ay it %ained !ore"er $ho said K?he die is castK /on crossing the %ubicon0 $ho composed Peter and the $ol in 18#. /both names0 $ho painted the $ater 2illy Pond in 1488 /both names0 6agazine wrote K!ighting or peaceK is li+e uc+ing or chastity An what ilm was line A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do $hich amous whore said ; -od is lo"e but get it in writing <enny 7on $estphalen was married to who $hat city is closest to Copacabana beach $ho wrote the music or the ilm =? /both names0 An -ree+ legend what was Pygmalion,s +ingdom $hat was the irst penal colony in New *outh $ales An Hamlet who is Ophelia,s ather -uru Nana+ ounded which religion $hat was unusual about the -ossamer Albatross aeroplane $hat country is nearest to the North Pole A you were in 2ou -rants o ice what city are you in $ho wrote Pri"ate 2i"es ; 18#: ; Blyth *pirit 18&1 /both names0 !or which company did =l"is Costello program computers An what Hitchcoc+ ilm did *hirley 6ac2aine debut in 18). ?he original Peeping ?om had what @ob $hat song is sung the most $hat city is +nown as ?he worlds chocolate capital $hat is detecti"e Hercules Poirot,s brothers name ?o what amily does the hippopotamus belong *mith most common 3*A name what,s second $ho secretly married *ara 2owndes in No"ember 18.) ?he 6buti tribe in A rica are the worlds what -race 6etalious wrote which amous no"el /and ?7 show0 $ho said Old age isnBt so bad ; considering the alternati"e $ho composed the opera Billy Budd in 18)1 /both names0 $hat ilm was a Cali ornia cinema showing when it went on ire $hat phantom ship is said to haunt ?he Cape o -ood Hope An which city is the worlds oldest tennis court rom 1&8. $hat word appears o"er &.::: times in the Bible $hat ood dishes name translates as pepper water An 1481 what city held the irst weightli ting world championship An what magazine does Al red = Newman appear $hat amateur %eached $imbledon *emi inal in 1811 $ho said Politics is the art o the possible 11 Aug 14.1 $hat ad"ertised phrase Born 142: still going strong Hugh O,Brian played the lead in what Old $estern series

7ince =dwards 6arried in 2as 7egas 2isterine mouth wash Aesop ; 6il+maid and her Pail Ale5ander the -reat 6atthew &E& 2ebanon >iplodocus %ay Bradbury <ulius Caesar *ergai Pro+o ie" Claude 6onet 'na"e 6arch 1811 Alan 2add *hane -ypsy %ose 2ee 'arl 6ar5 %io de <aneiro <ohn >en"er Cyprus Botany Bay Polonius *i+hism 6an /pedal0 powered -reenland 2os Angeles Noel Coward =lizabeth Arden ?he trouble with Harry ?ailor Happy Birthday Hershey Pennsyl"ania Achille Pig <ohnson Bob >ylan *hortest race Peyton Place 6aurice Che"alier Ben@amin Britain ?he ?owering An erno ?he !lying >utchman Paris And 6ulligatawny G rom Andia 2ondon 6A> <ohn 6c=nroe /aged 140 Otto 7on Bismarc+ <ohnnie $al+er $yatt =arp

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 12
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat dinosaurs name translates as roo lizard An which country did ?ur+eys originate $hat is %adar rom 6A*H home town An 6acbeth what witch spea+s irst $hat abled monster has a lions head and a serpents tail CH car international registration plate which country $ho said ; -i"e us the tools and we will inish the @ob !eb 18&1 An ?he 6arriage o !igaro ; who did !igaro marry $hat state was ounded by 6ohammed Ali <innah $hat nationality are the most immigrants to the 3*A $ho steals the Pin+ Panther in the original ilm $hat is Challa Cher Ami sa"ed the 2ost Battalion in 1814 what was it $hose girl riend was 7irginia Hill ; he +illed her B Hills 18&1 $hat is the oldest +nown alcoholic be"erage An 184. -raceland was the -rammy album o the year G whoBs Bob Cummings played which character /both names0 Complete ad"ertising phrase rom 18#) 6y -oodness $ho said ; K?he bigger they come the harder they allK 1488 $hat is 2olita,s surname in 7ladimere Nabo+o"s no"el !rom what country does the =l+hound originate An isohel on a map @oins place o eCual what A %egatta is a boat races ; where was the original %egatta An =ngland what would you buy or get at a 6op !air $ho was the little gentleman in "el"et ; death $illiam AAA !rom what country does soa"e wine originally come Antipater o *idon irst listed what 2nd Century A> $hat are 2imeric+D %ound BendD Aberdeen and Octopus $hat luid ran through the -ree+ -ods instead o blood $ho is OscarD (oroasterD PhadrigD AsaacD NormanDHen+leD =mmanualD Ambrose >iggs ?he 6arie Celeste sailed rom which port An 6ilton,s Paradise 2ost what was the lowest point o Hell Pat %eid wrote which boo+ ; ilmed and ?7 o ten How was $illiam Hus+inson +illed in 14#: ; irst e"er An which country is (ug $ho was captured and +ept in a cage by *tromboli $hich 3*A record producer played maracas *tones 1st album $ho was nic+named ?he Brocton Bomber Name the Hotel in Arthur Haley,s no"el F ilm o same name !ran+ and <esse <ames ather had what @ob $hat was the -rammy album o the year in 18.1 /!ull name0 6c2ean *te"enson played which character in 6A*H $hich company slogan was K$e,re No 2 $e try harderK $ho said the Cuic+est way o ending a war is to lose it ) items a *i+h must ha"e Comb >agger Hair 6etal Bracelet and =dward ?each became amous as who ?o which dog was a statue erected in =dinburgh $hat does a Puissance e"ent test in show@umping $ho wrote the music to the ilm ?he Odessa !ile $hich >ic+ens no"el eatures $a5 ord *Cuears

*tegosaurus 3*A Ottumwa ; Aowa ?he irst witch Chimera *witzerland $inston Churchill *ussanah Pa+istan 6e5ican ?he Phantom Bread ; o ten plaited Pigeon Bugsy *iegel 6ead Paul *imon 6a5well *mart 6y -uinness Bob !itzsimmons Haze Norway *unshine 7enice *er"ants or Hire A 6ole Ataly 1 $onders $orld !ishing Hoo+s Achor $izard o Oz New 9or+ Pandemonium /Hells capitol0 ?he Colditz *tory %un o"er by %ailway ?rain *witzerland G smallest Canton Pinocchio Phil *pector %oc+y 6arciano *t -regory 6inister Beatles *ergeant Peppers Colonel Bla+e A"is rent a car -eorge Orwell 'nee length undershorts )'s Blac+beard the Pirate -rey riers Bobby High <ump wall Andrew 2loyd $ebber Nicholas Nic+leby

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1#
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is the national lower o Australia A nudist is *pain ined O.) ; O.: or being nude and O) or what Adol Hitler too+ nude photos o A"a Brown ; $hat part why $hat lin+s *he ieldD =dinburghD %ome $hat pet did !lorence Nightingale carry with her $hat did the * stand or in Harry * ?ruman $omen #1) ; 1 6en 1&:: ; 1 chance o doing what $hat colour is Octopus blood A %a ter is a collection o what creatures An 6aryland it is illegal to maltreat which creature $hat are the worlds smallest trees ; /not Bonsai0 Paul %e"ere was a sil"ersmithD copper engra"er and what $hat ruit did ="e gi"e to Adam in the bible -a"rilo Princip assassinated who $hat is the only bird that can smell Apart rom man what is New (ealand,s only nati"e mammals $o !at was the enemy o which ?7 detecti"e $ho entered a contest to ind his own loo+;ali+e and came #rd $hat colour is worn or unerals in =gypt $hat country e5cludes women rom the gra"eside rituals An Arab horse has less what than other horses An e5ultation is a group o what animals Pertussis has what more common name $hich actress was @ailed in 1842 or ta5 e"asion An what country did red onions originate 6arch 21st to April 2:th is what *tar sign 7iscum Album pro"ides an e5cuse or stealing what A haboob creates what !eli5 *alten wrote which >isney cartoon Nephologists study what *peed s+ating started in which country $hat @ob did =rnest Hemmingway do in $$1 Betty <oan Pers+e is better +nown as who $hat was the name o the %oman -od o sleep 7i"aldi the composer had what other pro ession $hat is the name o the our holy boo+s o the Hindus Pat *ulli"an created which cartoon character $hat is the national lower o 6e5ico ?he Pindus is the main mountain range in what country $hat animal always gi"es birth to same se5 twins $hat was the inal episode o 6A*H called <oe 9ule @r born 182: became amous as who An what sport are ?ri usD 6iller and %udol mo"es Albert !inney turned down which role ; Peter O ?ool ; Oscar >ouglas =ngelbart in"ented what ; we all use it Hans Christian Anderson had what @ob be ore writing $hat colour is named a ter a battle ought in Ataly in 14)8 An *cotland what was the tawse $hich authors boo+s are most borrowed rom libraries $hat do you add to "egetables to ma+e the dish salmagundi

?he $attle Blossom Ha"ing no A> papers Arse ; so she not recognised Built on 1 Hills An Owl /in her poc+et0 Nothing 2i"ing to 1:: Blue ?ur+eys Oyster >war $illows /-reenland0 2 inch >entist !ig G Apple mistranslation Archdu+e !erdinand =mus Bats *te"e 6ac-arett Charlie Chaplin 9ellow China Bones ; one "ertebra less 2ar+s $hooping Cough *ophia 2oren Ataly Aries A 'iss /its 6istletoe0 *andstorm G >esert $ind Bambi Clouds ; 6eteorology Netherlands Ambulance >ri"er 2auren Bacall *omnos Priest ?he 7edas !eli5 the Cat >ahlia -reece Armadillo -oodbye !arewell and Amen 6ic+ey %ooney ?rampolining 2aurence o Arabia 6ouse Actor 6agenta ?eachers *trap or belt Catherine Coo+son >uc+ or Chic+en

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1#
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is unusual about the nobody crab Collecti"e nouns ; what group a animals are a labour >urbarry is cream o a "egetable soup ; what one $hat is the Australian name or a long narrow o5 bow la+e 2es %eed wrote which amous song or a $elsh singer $hat does hours d,oeur"e literally mean Nossa *enhora da Aparecida is the Patron *aint which country $hat airline used to be called >obrolet ?he Acropolis ; what does the word literally mean $hat is a >olly 7arden $hose last words were ; K?hat was the best soda A e"er tastedK $hat is the common name or the astyeroidea <onCuil is a shade o what colour 7incent !urnier is better +nown as who A you were se"ered a dish ,belle h,elen what ruit would it be ?errance Nelhams became better +nows as who >ic+ ?urpin the highwayman ser"ed and apprenticeship as what $hat is the main ood o the Oyster catcher bird An which cop show did Petrie and Asbec+i appear An the Bolshoi ballet what does the word Bolshoi mean $hich acid gi"es nettles their sting An the Hindu religion what is a 6andir $hich wine grape "ariety is most planted in Cali ornia A paddling is a group o which animals !rom what country does the dish s+ordalia come $hat is a geoduc+ $hat is *ean Connery,s real irst name $hat nationally was 6ata Hari shot as a spy $ho said ; ?oe err is human ; But it eels di"ine Names ; Ba+er ; Coo+ *mith easy ; what did a Chandler do >eclan 6c6anus became amous as who %obert !itzroy captained which amous ship $ho said KA ha"e no problems with drugs ; only policemenK $hich American city was named a ter a British Prime 6inister *pelling counts ; what is the singular o scampi $hat plant was named a ter the -ree+ goddess o the rainbow $hich sailor dreamed o ?oasted Cheese in ?reasure Asland $ho played the girl on the motorcycle in a ilm o same name $hat writer was paid N) or writing than+s $hat sort o animal is a ennec 7ermicelli pasta literally translates as what =rnest HemmingwayD Oscar $ildeD %anier 6aria %il+e ; Common $hat oodwise is a !ieldlane >uc+ $hen does a Bride wal+ up the Aisle How did 6arc QuinCuadron die while setting a new world record $hy two car thie"es caught trying to sell stolen car in 181. Billie HolidayD <ames >eanD ="a PeronD <anis <oplin ; Common $hat sub@ect Ben !ran+lins letter to %oyal Academy ; Brussels %eginald Carey became amous as who $hat is a Chorizo

?ransparent appears No Body 6oles Cauli lower Billabong Ats not 3nusual G ?om <ones Out o course hence =5tra >ish Brazil Aero lot Highest point /o a city0 2arge Hat 2ou Costello *tar ish 9ellow Alice Cooper Pears Adam !aith Butcher 6ussels Cagney and 2acey Big !ormic acid ?emple Chardonnay >uc+s -reece Clam ?homas >utch 6ae $est 6a+e Candles =l"is Costello ?he Beagle 'eith %ichard Pittsburgh *campo Aris Ben -unn 6arianne !aith ul %udyard 'ipling >esert !o5 2ittle worms 6others made them Crossdress Ba+ed *heep,s Head Ne"er Aisles at side only !ood Poisoning ate 1 snails # min ?ried to sell to owner All were Prostitutes Per uming !arts %e5 Harrison *picy *ausage

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1&
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat do the Cuarters o a hot cross bun symbolise $hat is the literal translation o terrapin $hat to a !rench or *panish man is an O7NA $hat is it against the law to +ill in Paci ic -ro"e Cali ornia =rnest Hemmingway said what would protect against allergies ?he -ettysburg Address was written on what Collecti"e nouns ; a siege o $ho was banned rom writing 3*A Constitution ; secret <o+es ?he 8 banded armadillo and humans ha"e what in common How did Attila the Hun die on honeymoon $hat better name is 6ary $estmacott better +nown An the Bible what did >a"id gi"e *aul as a dowry or 6ichal $hat did >r *amuel 6udd do that your inspired Kname is mudK How do you %izzle something A you su ered rom pruritus ; what would be wrong Andr,e -ide the writer was e5pelled rom school or what crime $hat is the most popular *aints name $hat type o ood is a 6unster plum Old superstition $earing soc+s inside out protection rom what $hat ood item did Pythagoras ad"ise his ollowers to a"oid $hat happened to the irst tra ic lights outside HP 14.4 $hat was unusual ; beauty contest @udge Percy 6oorby 184) $hat ruined Cesar Borgia,s honeymoon night <ohn %us+in ; Art Critic ; 6arriage collapsed when wi e had what $ho called himsel 4th wonder o world cos o his big dic+ $hat gi"en out celebrate birthday o 'ing B@umbal ?hailand 184# $hat would a nidologist be interested in An the 14th century what @ob did a art;catcher do $hat is a young pigeon called Around which !rench town is the champagne industry located $hat country in"ented castanets $ho is the patron saint o music $hose irst bo5 o ice ilm was called %is+y Business $hat is the smallest state o Australia $hat is measured by an inter erometer $hat airlines identi ication code is 7* An which -P* operetta is eating a sausage roll a secret sign $hat emperor ordered *t Peter cruci ied $hat was the name o Ali Babas emale sla"e An which no"el does the character Quebec Bagnet appear *arah <osepha Hall wrote what $hat is the main ingredient o aggots $ho were the irst people to measure the year $ho "oices the emale hyena in the lion +ing Anthony 6c6illan became amous as who %oy ?hines played >a"id 7incent in which ?7 series $hat colour is the cap gi"en to an =ngland cric+et player $hat capital city began as the "illage o =do $hose music was on the soundtrac+ o $hen Harry met *ally An which sport is there a 9or+ round

!our *easons =atable /AlgonCuin word0 3!O Butter lies G local ordinance #)2 Ha"ing lots o se5 3sed en"elopes Herons Ben@amin !ran+lin Both catch 2eprosy Booze G Honeymoon #: day booze up Agatha Christie 2:: !ores+ins rom Philistines ?reated < $ Booth 2i e imprison *un dry Atching 6asturbating during lessons !eli5 ; .1 <ohn .) Potato $itches Beans ?hey e5ploded He was Blind 6ate ga"e him 2a5ati"es Pubic Hair Charlie Chaplain !ree 7asectomies Birds nests A ootman G wal+ behind master *Cuab =pernay =gypt *t Cecilia ?om Cruise ?asmania $a"elength o light 7irgin Atlantic ?he -rand >u+e Nero 6orgiana Blea+ House 6ary had a little lamb 2i"er Babylonians $hoopee -oldberg %obbie Coltrane ?he An"aders Blue ?o+yo Harry Connic+ <r Archery

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1&
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An Penny 2ane what is the nurse selling rom a tray $hose last words were Klets do itK ?he Blac+ *wan is nati"e to which country $ho said KAll the world,s art ain,t worth a good potato pieK Collecti"e nouns a ?oc o what A you had podobromhidrosis what would you ha"e $hat instrument is also called the octa"e lute $hat type o ood is coulibac $hat spice is used to ma+e a whis+ey sling $hat sort o creature is a tarantula haw+ $here does the spice sa ron come rom $hat tennis player had trials with Bayern 6unich soccer club $hich children,s character was created by 6ary ?ourtel $hat does the name -hengis 'han mean $ho was Canada,s irst prime minister An 3tmost -ood !aith is the motto o which organisation ?he *hadows irst record went straight to no 1 ; what was it $hat is the most common disease in the world Cirrus is a cloud type ; what literal translation o its 2atin name $hich country was the irst to ma+e seat belts compulsory $hat do *tacey 'each and Oscar $ilde ha"e in common 6athew $ebb swam the channel ; where did he drown An what mo"ie did *inatra sing 6y 'ind o ?own $hose last un inished no"el was ?he 2ast ?ycoon $hat do callipygian people ha"e Collecti"e nouns a Host o (ubin 6ehta conducted who in concert $ho wrote and starred in the 1822 "ersion o %obin Hood $here were the 18)2 Olympics held !ranz Halls ?he 2aughing Ca"alier ; what,s the paintings real title Cheers e5terior shots eatured a real bar ; what,s it name $hat la"ouring is used in the Belgian beer 'rie+ A young what is called an =yas $ho was gi"en an honorary Oscar in 184) a ter ): years acting Handel,s Harmonious Blac+smith was written or what instrument $hich 3* state is +nown as the Nutmeg *tate An a -ynocracy ; who rules An gol the no 1: iron is usually called what $hat was the name o the <ester in As 9ou 2i+e At $hat alternati"e scale /not %ichter0 measures earthCua+es A paratrichosic person has e5tra what $hat is added to brandy to ma+e a sidecar <osip Broz became amous as who ?he Pampero blows o"er which mountains $hich Canadian city is +now as ?he *teel City A an alloy is an amalgam what metal must it contain $hat stretch o water separates Ataly and *icily ?he Althing rules in which country $ho won an Oscar or the soundtrac+ to Chariots o !ire Collecti"e nouns ; a Barren o what

Poppies -arry -ilmore Australia 2 * 2owrie Capercailzie *melly !eet Piccolo %ussian !ish Pie Nutmeg $asp ; hunts spiders ?he Crocus Boris Bec+er %upert the Bear 7ery 6ighty %uler *ir <ohn 6ac>onald 2loyds o 2ondon Apache >ental Caries 2oc+ o Hair Czechoslo"a+ia %eading <ail Niagara !alls %obin and the 1 Hoods ! *cott !itzgerald Prettily shaped buttoc+s *parrows ?hree ?enors >ouglas !airban+s Helsin+i Portrait o a man Bull P !inch Cherries Haw+ <ames *tuart Harpsichord Connecticut $omen $edge ?ouchstone 6ercalli Hair in unusual places Cointreau or ?riple *ec 6arshal ?ito Andes Hamilton ; Ontario 6ercury *traights o 6essina Aceland 7angelis 6ules

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1)
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): >orethy Par+er said K*cratch an actor and you will indK what $hat animal could be *iberian or Caspian Collecti"e nouns ; an Array o what ?he Plains o Abraham o"erloo+ which city ?he 6ariners Compass or Py5is is what ?he *am 6aguire ?rophy is played or in which sport ?he *omers Aslands has what more amiliar name ?he ?hree *tars is the national ice hoc+ey team which country How did camerawoman 2ee 2yon die while wor+ing $hat type o animal is a mar+hor $ho recei"ed the irst e"er -old >isc $hat is the National Bird o Andia $ho directed *har+y,s 6achine ?he $eir o Hermiston ; last un inished no"el o who $hat is the last boo+ o the Bible $hat historical e"ent was re erred to as Blac+ &1 $hat game was patented under the name *phairistri+e $hat organisation did C ? %ussell ound Paris and $hat other capital had the worlds irst telephone lin+ ?empera uses water and what to paint with $hat colour is the cross on the -ree+ !lag $hat was used be ore the baton was in"ented to conduct 2eslie 2ynch 'ing became amous as who $ho was Andromedas mother 2ac+ o "itamin B1 causes what condition $hat song was ?he Pittsburgh Pirates anthem $hit countries parliament is called ?he *torting $ho directed !our $eddings and a !uneral $hich company de"eloped the 2aser Printer Parsley is a member o which amily $hat does lager literally mean in -erman !ranz 'a +a wrote in -erman what nationality was he $hich car company produced the irst ront wheel dri"e 18#& $ho produced the ?om and <erry cartoons until 18). ?he name o which countries capital means good air ?he sac+but de"eloped into which modern instrument ?he -%A go"ern which sport $hich record label signed the %olling *tones in 1881 An heraldry gules are what colour %eginald ?ruscott;<ones became amous as who $hat is the ood o the secretary bird $hat bridge lin+s a Palace with a *tate Prison ?he A rican and !rench marigolds are nati"e to what country $ho is the Patron *aint o -ra"e diggers $hat is 6uc+le !lugga 6ary %ead and Anne Boney had what @ob in common *hort actors stand on what wooden ob@ect ; to appear bigger $hat is the commonest name or a pub in Britain $hat does the word economy mean in original -ree+ Po+ ta Po+ started in 6e5ico ; what modern gameFsport is it

An Actress ?iger Hedgehogs Quebec Constellation -aelic !ootball Bermuda *weden Charged by =lephant $ild -oat -len 6iller G Chatanooga cho cho Peacoc+ Burt %eynolds %obert 2ouis *te"enson %e"elations Arish Potato !amine 2awn ?ennis <eho"ah $itnesses Brussels =gg 9o+e $hite A 7iolin Bow -erald !ord Cassiopeia Beri Beri $e are !amily G *ister *ledge Norway 6i+e Newell Cannon Carrot *torage Czec+ Citroen !red Quimby Argentina G Buenos Aires ?rombone -reyhound %acing Association 7irgin %ed %ay 6iland *na+es Bridge o *ighs G 7enice 6e5ico *t Anthony %oc+ and 2ighthouse on 3ist Pirates Panca+e ?he %ed 2ion Home 6anagement Bas+etball

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1)
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: -eorge *imenon created 6aigret ; what nationality was he Country singer Han+ $ang ord had what pro ession Pit *traight ; 2esmo Bend ; %oggia Bend ; which -rand Pri5 $hat is a Chuc+walla =dward $hymper was the irst to do what $hat is Pancetta An what ilm did Bruce $illis play a time tra"elling criminal $ho was the irst gymnast to score a per ect 1: in Olympics $hat bird is sacred in Peru $hat was Colombo,s dog called $hat industry would use a mordant Catherine the -reat o %ussia was born in which country $hat tan+er caused a se"ere oil spill in 1848 $hich soul singer was *ittin on the >oc+ o the Bay An which city would you ind ?he Blue 6osCue $hat country ma+es *u+hindol wine ?he minnow is the smallest member o what ish amily 2ucille 2e *ueur became amous as who An which city is ?he Abbey theatre $hich islands capital is !lying !ish Co"e $here in the world is %adwic+ racecourse situated $hat has a palimped got ?rei a oods are orbidden to which religious group $hich metal is the best conductor o electricity $hat ship was sun+ in Auc+land harbour in 1841 A 6yologist studies what Orpheus went into the underworld to rescue who $here on the human body is the s+in the thinnest Colleen 6cCullough wrote which best selling boo+ $hat would you put on your escutcheon ; i you had one ?he -ermans call them *tumphhose ; what are they $ho might wear a wimple $hat is the largest country in A rica $hat tree can be =nglishD American or =urasian $hich dictator pre erred ):D::: ri les to ):D::: "otes $hat was Al+a;*eltzer irst mar+eted as $hat would be happening i you su ered rom canitis According to the pro"erb which ruit tastes sweetest $hat animals name literally translates as earth pig $hat dance is usually per ormed to Orpheus in the 3nderworld $hat country was once named New !rance Name ship sun+ by the submarine ConCueror !al+lands $ar An which country were modern ban+notes irst used $hat was in"ented in the Humpty >umpty store O+lahoma $hich country produces wine in the Casablanca "alley ?he Air Canada *il"er Broom is won in which sport Aain *tewart ; dropped ; loo+ed too normal ; what pop group $hat is the main la"our o aioli $hat was the worlds irst passenger @et aircra t $hat does the syrin5 help a bird to do

Belgian -ynaecologist 6onza Ataly 2izard Climb 6atterhorn Bacon ?wel"e 6on+eys Nadia Comaneci Condor !ang ; Basset Hound >ying ; to i5 a colour Poland =55on 7aldez /Alas+a0 Otis %edding Astanbul Bulgaria Carp <oan Craw ord >ublin Christmas Asland *ydney Australia $ebbed !eet <ews ; opposite o 'osher *il"er %ainbow $arrior /-reenpeace0 6uscles =urydice =ye ?he ?horn Birds Coat o Arms ?ights A Nun *udan =lm Benito 6ussolini Cold Cure -reying Hair !orbidden Aard"ar+ Can Can Canada -eneral Belgrano *weden *upermar+et ?rolley Chile Curling ?he %olling *tones -arlic Comet *ing

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1.
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat member o the weasel amily is o"er 1 meter or # eet long Capability Brown was a amous 2andscape -ardener 1st name Boccaccios collection o ten stories are +nown as what $hat do ennel lea"es taste o $hat country is the home o the Ashanti people 12 is the atomic number o which metal $hat was Beetho"en,s only opera An which o Aristophanes plays do the women re use se5 $hich Australian writer won the Nobel prize in 181# $hat is a hypocaust $hat 14th century -erman soldier told "ery tall tales o himsel $hich country imports the most champagne ?homas 'eneally wrote which boo+ /Oscar winning ilm0 $hat is the name o the metal discs set in a tambourines rim Beetho"enD BrahmsD ChopinD HandelD 2isztD %a"el what in common $hat were China 1& %aduga 1& Himwari # $hat is a !lemish -iant *omerset 6aughamD A < CroninD %ichard -orden ; in common $hat does *tet mean to a printer An Paris what are !> %oose"elt *talingrad 2ouis Blanc =nglish writer ; >ied ?yphoid ; >ran+ Paris water ; Pro"e sa e $hat ood item in !rench literally means twice coo+ed $hat religions sacred writings are di"ided into the ?ripita+a Herodotus the -ree+ is +nown as the ather o what ?he old !rench %oyal amily ; Boy *couts share what symbol $e ha"e used the 2atin phrase ad hoc ; what literally mean $hich dancer died in 1821 strangled by scar on car wheel $hat do astronomers call the red s+y be ore sunrise A beast o prey sometimes called a glutton ; what is it !rench no"elist ; nearly 1:: boo+s all 2a Comedie Humaine $hat is the correct name or ood permitted under 6oslem laws $hat country is +nown to its inhabitants as *uomen ?asa"alta $hat !rench blue cheese /similar to stilton0 is made ewes mil+ A *u ragan has what @ob *egmentalD Primiti"eD >oucineD =lliptical are types o what $ho got <udas @ob as the twel th apostle $hich amous horse race was won 3rban seaD CarnegieD 2ammtarra =l"is *to@+o was an ice s+ating word champion ; what country $hat animals ma+e up the *uidae amily $hat is the word /deri"ed rom 6alay0 or unhus+ed rice <oel Chandler Harris wrote which series o stories $e ha"e heard o the %enaissance ; what,s it literally mean An ilm ma+ing what does a Blimp do $here would you ind a $alloon $hat do we call what the <apanese call Oshugatsu ?ete;beche is a amiliar term in which hobby -ood 'ing $enceslas was the 'ing o which country *ir <ac+ Cohen ounded what $hat does rabbi literally mean $hat port lies at the mouth o the *wan ri"er

Badger 2ancelot >ecameron Aniseed -hana 6agnesium !idelio 2ysistrata Patric+ $hite %oman Heating *ystem Baron 6unchhausen -reat Britain *chindler,s Ar+ <ingles Bachelors Orbiting satellites %abbit Not $riters ; >octors 2et the Original stand 6etro *tations Arnold Bennett 18#1 Biscuit Buddhism History !leur;de;lis !or this special purpose Asadora >uncan Aurora $ol"erine Honor,e de Balzac Hal;al !inland %oCue ort Bishop ; no parish G helps other Arch /in construction0 6atthias Pri5 de l,arc de ?riomphe Canada Pigs Paddy 3ncle %emus %ebirth Co"ers camera G reduce noise *outh Belgium G Nati"e !lemish New 9ear *tamp Collecting Bohemia /-ermany0 ?escos ; supermar+ets 6y 6aster !reemantle /Perth0

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1.
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho starred in the ilm *i5th *ense '26 is the national airline o which country Name the most amous =nglish artist who painted mostly horses $ho were Curier =llis and Acton Bell $hat is the o icial title o the ambassador o the Pope ChaconneD %igadoonD Passepied are all types o what $hat British birds lay only one egg during the nesting season $ho would use a <iggerD BuzzD !lagging ironD %ound sha"erD Adze $hat pop group had a K6essage in a BottleK A an Atalian was ha"ing Pranzo what would they be ha"ing $hat currency consists o 1:: -roschen An -ree+ mythology who created man Hibernia was the %oman name or which country 6incing 2ane in 2ondon is traditionally home o what trade $hat sport is played at *miths 2awn $hat are allowsD lutinos and opalines An Paris there are two islands ; Ale de la Cite and what 6apother A7 is the real surname o what ilm star <ean;Christopher >enner in"ented what musical instrument 6enda"oy and 6artinez are characters in which ?7 show !redric+ Bulsara was the lead singer o what pop group ?he ?itanic has a sister ship ; name it $hat was shar+s+in once used as $hat does an otologist study $hat is the essential ingredient in a 6ornay sauce *ardines are the young o which ish $ho wrote Oedipus %e5 ?he Camorra was the orerunner o what organisation in the 3*A $hat is a Ha"ana Brown $hat did *imon o Cyrene do in ?he Bible An what sport is a stimpmeter used -ene Hac+man sheri Big $his+ey ; got Oscar ; $hat ilm $hat countries lag red circle on green bac+ground -eorgius Panayiotou became amous under what name /both0 Capers are pic+led lower seeds o what plant An 182) at $indsor Boo+ies went on stri+e ; against what $hat is a doucet $hat is the worlds largest sand island northeast o Brisbane !? /2ondon0 >ow <ones /3*A0 what is <apans *hare Ande5 called $ho was the leader o the wol pac+ in ?he <ungle Boo+ $hat,s the di erence between sleeping gorillas and men Nobody >oes it Better was sung in which Bond ilm Halcyon is the poetic name or which bird $ho had a hit with *yl"ia,s 6other $ho composed the music or the opera ?he ?ales o Ho man An the Bible rom whom did >a"id steal his wi e Bathsheba ?he CassegranianD -regorian and *chmidt are types o what *ha+espeare ; AntonyD %omeoD Othello ; what in common $hat instrument is sometimes called the clown o the orchestra $hat world capital city is heated by "olcanic springs

Bruce $illis Holland -eorge *tubbs Bronte sisters G pen names Nuncio Old style dances !ulmar or -uillemot Cooper G ma+ing barrels Police 2unch Austrian *chilling ?he demigod Promethus Areland ?ea Polo Budgerigars Ale *t;2ouise ?om Cruise Clarinet N9P> Blue Queen ; !reddie 6ercury ?he Olympic *andpaper ?he ear and its diseases Cheese Pilchard *ophocles ?he 6a ia A *mall %abbit Carry Christ,s cross -ol ; measure greens pace 3n orgi"en *ingapore -eorge 6ichael Nasturtium Betting ?a5 A *tags ?esticle !raser island Ni++ei A+ala -orillas donBt snore ?he *py $ho 2o"ed 6e 'ing isher >r Hoo+ <acCues O enbach ?he Hittite warrior 3riah ?elescopes *uicide Bassoon %ey+@a"i+ /Aceland0

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 11
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is the main ingredient o a 6aron glace Only one woman,s li espan is gi"en in the Bible ; $ho $hat causes the tangy smell at the seaside An 181. in 3*A 2# people got swine e"er and died rom what $ho said KA a lie is told in the $hitehouse Ni5on gets a royaltyK An the 181. Olympics who were the 9ellow Bananas Amuhea Princess o 6edes was the wi e o who $hat %oman =mperor was +illed by an o"erdose o la5ati"e How did ol+ singer %oy Harper catch ?o5oplasmosis $hat was 2ouis 1&th born with two o ; that amazed e"eryone ?he Associated Powers ; the original proposed name o what $hich author published )8 new boo+s in 18)) A you had distri5 what condition would you ha"e $hat did the ancient -ree+s use instead o soap I only letter in alphabet that there is no name or who using $hat country do Brazil nuts come rom $hy would women disli+e using a $est Andian >ildo $hich country in"ented !rench ried potatoes An 188: there were 88 public e5ecutions *uadi Arabia ; >rugs How 6arion Barry ; 6ayor o $ashington arrested or what $hat head o -o"ernment was the irst to gi"e birth in o ice #&J o Cali ornian 6ale students 1:J o !emale lied to get what ?he sale o what counter eit delicacy outranged the !rench An !ebruary 188: 1.: million bottles o what were withdrawn $hat sport was deemed to "iolate ci"il rights banned New 9or+ $hat is >amson Cheese $hat was the name o the ship that brought >racula to =ngland An Australian slang what is underground 6utton P- $oodhouse boo+s Bertie $ooster used what 2ondon Club $hy would a train spotter want to see number &&.4 *amuel de Champlain ounded which city ?our de !rance what colour @ersey best Hill Climber wear $hat country had an airline called %ottnest !uggles and -oldings are "arieties o what !ingal O,!laherty $ills is better +nows as who Britain,s call it sellotape ; $hat,s the brand name in Australia <ohn >unlop de"eloped pneumatic tyres ; what pro ession (oisite is a semi precious stone ; National stone which country ?he ?hunderbirds boys were named a ter what theme Britain,s most dangerous @ob used to +ill one person e"ery # days An the Bible who did -od appear to on 6ount Horab $hat animal head appears on the badge o the %C6P *t <ohn the >i"ine wrote which boo+ o the Bible Collecti"e nouns ; A Chair o what /tradesmen0 >ista is the emale amily side ; what is the male $ho is the patron saint o -ypsies An coo+ery how is something @ulienne prepared An Areland what is a -ombeen 6an An Australian slang what is a dishlic+er How ; two thie"es con"icted 184& e5ecuted in *udan Aug 188:

Chestnuts *arah $i e Abraham 121 -enis 2# %otting *eaweed ?he ?reatment %ichard Ni5on O icials /cos o uni orm colour0 Nebuchadnezzars Nero ; by an aunt 'iss o li e ; to a sheep ?eeth ?he 3nited Nations =nid Blyton Hair ; split ends Oli"e Oil ?he >e"il Boli"ia Ats a cactus Belgium Beheading Possession o Crac+ Benazir Bhutto G Pa+istan *e5ual Partner ?ru les ; $hite dyed Blac+ Perrier G contaminated benzine >war ?hrowing G !rom Aus 1. eet ?hic+ >amson <am >emeter Coo+ed %abbit >rones ?he 6allard G record steam train Quebec %ed Pol+a dot Australia Hops Oscar $ilde >ure5 7et Norway Apollo Astronauts ?rawlerman 6oses Bison %e"elations -lass Blowers *pear *t *arah ?hin *trips 6oneylender >og Cruci ied

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 11
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is *amsoe a type o A yl ot is a heraldic name or what symbol $here would you ind a howdah An what country is the language !anti spo+en $hat lowers name translates rom the -ree+ as $ater 7essel $hich o Henry the =ights wi"es was the widow o elder brother ?he Boys rom *yracuse is based on what *ha+espeare play Hathor was the =gyptian goddess o what ?he lar"a o the clic+ beetle is called what An Australian slang what is a ten ounce sandwich $hat is the name o the largest moon o <upiter ?he 6ason;>i5on line separates Pennsyl"ania and what state ?he +in+a@ou belongs to what amily o animals $hat is the Hindu 'ush Caligari is the capital o what island -runge music originated in which American city ?he word bungalow comes rom which language $hat is the <apanese *hin+asen An what country are the >ra+esberg mountains Name the author who created Hannibal 2ecter >odie *mith wrote what boo+ /later ilmed by >isney0 7enice stands on what ri"er -ary Bo+er Bobby Harrison %ay %odger were in what pop group $hat country launched its irst space roc+et <anuary 18.1 $hat ha"e <an (a@ic and Quang >uc got in common An 18.2 ; cost 2:D::: ; size o a small suitcase ; what An !rance what is !ramboise $hat held up a Cric+et test 6atch between =ngland Pa+istan $hat was banned rom New 9or+ schools in 18.2 How to Handle a $oman came rom which stage musical <ames >rury starred in which ?7 western series $ho had a hit with the song 2oco;6otion $ho won the ?our de !rance & times 18.1 to 18.& $hat new domestic de"ice was launched by Hoo"er in 18.# $hat was the *o"iet 7osto+ # space light the irst to do $hat was the irst country to lea"e the 3nited Nations $hat car company made the irst glass ibre racing car $hat whis+y brand was ad"ertised with two terrier dogs >orothy Ca"is;Brown made news at $imbledon ; why $hat did ?he 6usician 3nion ban on ?7 in 18.. $hat is a tra"elator $ho wrote the no"el 2o"e *tory /Both Names0 $hat @ob did Agatha Christies husband do Britain Areland and what country @oined the ==C simultaneously An Australian slang what +ind i ood is a mystery bag $ho was Cuisine 6inceur designed or !rench riot police were ordered to the %i"era to deal with what $ho recorded the Album An ?hrough the Out >oor <an 21 181. $hat lin+ed Bahrain and %io de <aneiro An the .:s a 9ellow -olliwog worn by a girl symbolised what

Cheese *wasti+a Bac+ o =lephant /bas+et0 -hana Hydrangea Catherine o Aragon ?he comedy o errors ?he *+y $ireworm 2iCuid 2unch ; Can o Beer -anymede 6aryland %accoon 6ountain %ange *ardinia *eattle Hindi High speed ?rain *outh A rica ?homas Harris 1:1 >almatians ?he Arno Procul Harem Ataly *el Ammolation Portable computer %aspberry 6ouse on pitch %eading o Prayers Camelot ?he 7irginian 2ittle ="a <acCues AnCuetil *team Aron *end bac+ ?7 pictures Andonesia 2otus Blac+ P $hite 2ineswoman ; slept in chair Artists miming to records Horizontal =scalator =rich *egal Archaeologist >enmar+ *ausage *limmers /!ine coo+ing0 Hundreds topless women /18110 2ed (eppelin 1st Concord passenger destinations Proud o non "irginity

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 14
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat +ind o creature was *am on the 6uppet *how $ho had a hit with ?iger !eet Patty Hearst was +idnapped /later @oined0 which organisation ?he 6urry ield %acers play which sport Qua+ers NaturalD Prewetts HoneyD Cali ornia %e"i"al ; types what $hat was Paul 6cCartney,s irst solo album called $hat company pioneered loppy discs $hat were ?ricity ?riumphD 'el"inatorD 2ec >e 2u5 $hat tennis players name meant ?all trees by still water $hich musical did the song *end in the Clowns come rom $here in Australia were British satellites launched in early 1:s $hat was Clint =astwood,s irst ilm as a director $ho wrote the *cience !iction no"el *laughterhouse !i"e $hat was a %oyal Na"y rigate accused throwing Cod $ar 181# $ho wrote the no"el ?he !rench 2ieutenants $oman $hose cat was sold or N1)#::: in an Arizona auction $ho wrote the play Amadeus <e 2ynne ; %oy $ood ; Be" Be"an ; what pop group $here did <im 6orrison die $hat did the Ayatollah 'homeni ban in 1818 6stisla" %ostropo"ich was a maestro on what instrument $hat is 'ensington -ore 6argarita Carmen Casino became amous as who $hat @ob does the -a er do in the ilm industry $hat was the name o >agwood Bumstead and Blondies dog $hat short sighted cartoon character had a nephew ; $aldo $hat *ha+espeare play was the basis o ?he !orbidden Planet !rederic+ Austerlitz became amous as who $hat is a 6aine Coon once thought to be e5tinct $hat dictator was the irst to be abducted prosecuted 3*A drugs An which ==C country is abortion still illegal $hat hea"yweight bo5er was nic+named ?he Cinderella 6an $hat is the capitol o Chechnya $hat is absinthe traditionally la"oured with An 1428 Cyrill >amien in"ented which musical instrument At the battle o Actium who beat 6ar+ Anthony and Cleopatra $hat lin+s Ada ; 2isp ; Algol How did <oy !riederic+e 7ictoria Adamson die in 184) $hat city stands on the ri"er ?orens An Hindu mythology Agni is the god o what ?o the ancient -ree+s what was an agora ?omi+a and 3yeshiba are the two main orms o what $here was Napoleon born A@accio ; $hich -ree+ astronomer wrote the Almagest ?he Queen has what music with her brea+ ast Baile Atha Cliath ; O icial name what capitol city An the wild what animal pollinates banana plants $hat colour is the Blac+ Bo5 carried in aircra t ?aid@e 'han became amous under which name Autolycus ; accomplished in"isible thie -ree+ myth whose son

=agle 6ud *ymbionese 2iberation Army Ace Hoc+ey 6useli 6cCartney AB6 %e rigerators ="onne -oolagong A 2ittle Night 6usic $oomera Play 6isty or 6e 'urt 7onnegut Carrots at Acelandic -unboat <ohn !owles Adol Hitler,s Peter *ha er =lectric 2ight Orchestra Bath ; in Paris hotel 6usic on radio Cello Actors a+e blood %ita Heyworth Chie =lectrician >aisy 6r 6agoo ?he ?empest !red Astair A 2: lb cat -eneral 6anual Noriega; Panama Areland <ames < Braddoc+ -rozny $ormwood Accordion Octa"ian ; =mperor Augustus Program 2anguages 6urdered in 'enya Adelaide ; Australia !ire Public meeting place F mar+et / orum0 Ai+ido Corsican capitol Ptolomy Bagpipes ; *tarted by 7ictoria >ublin ; its Arish -aelic Bats Orange 9ul Brynner Hermes

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 14
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An the theatre what is behind Barn >oors <oe 9ule became amous as who Norse mythology who was +illed with mistletoe by blind Hodur Bob Clampett created which character in 18#4 $ho wrote the children,s classic Ann o -reen -ables -aurD -ayalD Banteng and 'ouprey are types o what $hat is the literal meaning o Cenotaph ?he 9ellow 'id by %ichard !elton Outcault in 148. irst what $hat did drin+ers irst see on <an 2& 18#) Allium *ati"um is better +nown as what %hapsodyD AromelD ?amella Cambridge a"ourite types o what $hat artsFliterary mo"ement ounded by ?ristan ?zara in 181) $hich author wrote screenplay Bonds 9ou Only 2i"e ?wice >almatian dogs are born which colour or colours $hat did =mily >a"idson do =dward de Bono ; 6altese >octor ; de"eloped what concept ?he song A ?al+ to the ?rees comes rom what musical $hat is the capitol o -hana An -ree+ mythology who was the -oddess o Chastity $hat was 6adam Curie,s husbands name ?he 3*A president li"es in the $hite House ; $ho Blue House $hat does an aronophobe ear $hat lin+s =degraD Ca"etra and =ri5 An what city is the worlds largest carpet manu acturer $hat element was named a ter the -ree+ word or green $hat hotel hosted the irst Oscar ceremony ?he name o which Andian city means 7illage o Boiled Beans <ames Hoban designed what *emiology is the study o what $hat county has its map on its lag $hat I rated mo"ie won an Oscar 2uc+now is a city in Andia ; and what other country 6itsibushi ; now cars ; planes during war ; literally means what $hat in"ention was nic+named the Noisy *erpent in 18:2 An which sport would you ind the *ag $agon $hat product was introduced as a cure or urinatary problems An New (ealand what is morepor+ An what city was Audry Hepburn born An what country was the worlds irst wildli e sanctuary set up $hat word could =rnie Bil+o not say without stuttering $hat country has a regiment o bicycle mounted soldiers $ho did 7alerie *olernis shoot on <un #rd 18.4 in New 9or+ *ha+espeare character says KBlow winds and crac+ your chee+sK An what Hitchcoc+ ilm did the heroine ind shrun+en head in bed Ama5ophobia is the ear o what ?he Bo"espa is the stoc+ e5change in which country $hat is a >andie >inmont *hoot a $aco was the original name or what drin+ $ho wrote the satire Candide published in 11)8 $hose ghost appears in *ha+espeare,s <ulius Caesar

=lectricity *oc+ets 6ic+ey %ooney Balder ; most lo"ed god Bugs Bunny 2 6 6ontgomery $ild Cattle =mpty ?omb Comic *trip G New 9or+ $orld Beer Can -arlic *trawberry 7arieties >adaism %oald >ahl $hite ; spots come later *uicide under +ings horse 181# 2ateral ?hin+ing Paint 9our $agon Accra Artemis G sister Apollo Pierre President *outh 'orea Anternet Brand;names or 7iagra 'ashmir Chlorine %oose"elt Hotel Bangalore ?he $hite House *ignals Cyprus 6idnight Cowboy Canada ?hree >iamonds 7acuum Cleaner Cycling ; it pic+s up dropouts Pepsi A Bird ; call sounds li+e morepor+ Brussels *ri 2an+a #rd cent BC 6illion *witzerland Andy $orhole 'ing 2ear 3nder Capricorn %iding in a "ehicle Brazil >og ; Borders ?errier >r Peppers 7oltaire Caesar,s -host

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 18
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An which play and ilm does <ean 7al@ean appear Psychologists says men who do what during se5 are insecure $hose is supposed to ha"e had se5 with his nanny when aged 8 $hat animal can sleep # years but only mates once ; 12 hours An Norway 184: man ined or being drun+ in charge o what 2ouis the I7A !rance only two /recorded0 what in his li etime ?he same 2ouis did not consummate his marriage 1 years ; why Only . people died in what historic e"ent $hy could $illiam ?ell not ha"e shot the apple with a crossbow How did the =mperor Claudius die $hat country do -reat >anes come rom $ho said ; KOne more drin+ and All be under the hostK ?he a"erage Britain in their li e consumes 1::: lb o what $hat animal pro"ide ):J o all the protein eaten in Peru <immy Carter was the irst 3* president to ha"e done what $ho won an Oscar posthumously $hich actor has been portrayed most on screen by other actors *ergai 'aleni+o" holds the world record in what An Cali ornia you can,t legally buy a mousetrap without what $ho won the best actress Oscar 18)8 %oom at the ?op $hat did ancient =gyptians rub on their dic+s to enlarge them $hich animal has legs but cant wal+ A Paris grocer was @ailed or two years in 1814 stabbing wi e what Howard Hughs used to store what in large metal containers $hich classical poet said Amor "incet omnia 2o"e ConCuers all A you were eating ragrant meat in Hong 'ong what is it $hat country in"ented Phonecards $hat was in"ented in %ome .# bc by 6arcus ?iro $hat is the literal -ree+ translation o *arcophagus !rench artist ACuabouse paints cows in what material An ArabFAsraeli band Abu Ha la ; record called Humping meaning !irst ad on %adio 2u5emburg 18#:s or Bible Beans ; which areH 1& year old 6argaret $eldon !2 2 hole in one 2 days ; unusual An 1841 the <oc+ey Club disCuali ied a horse that had eaten what A Baseball tra"els 8J aster in which 3* city $hat was <oseph Pu@ol ; 2a Petomanes stage act <ames H Pierce was the last silent ilm actor to play who $hat said A,m ne"er through with a girl till A,"e had her three ways Aris *omer"ille ; +illed 2ondon 1842 ; 2ightning struc+ what $hat play is set in 7enice and Cyprus An 1181 # pence could buy you a good /second hand0 what Between 1.)8 and 1.41 illegal celebrate what in 6assachusetts $hat *aint said ; 2ord grant me Chastity ; but not ye t ?he a"erage Britain in their li e consumes 14 lb o what %oller coasters originated in what country $hat unusual item can you buy ; "ending machine Paris 6etro $e,"e heard phrase A donBt gi"e a toss ; but ?os -ree+ or what A >orset shop sells boo+ends made rom 1&: mill year old what ="ery ship in the %oyal Na"y ha"e customised what $hat meat outsells mutton and lamb combined in *weden

2e 6iserables 'eep soc+s on 2ord Byron *nails 6obile "acuum cleaner Baths O"ergrown !ores+in !ire o 2ondon 1... Crossbow not +nown 1#th century Cho+ed on a !eather -ermany >orethy Par+er Carrots -uinea Pigs Born in a Hospital Peter !inch G or Networ+ Charlie Chaplain Pig 'issing Hunting 2icence *imone *ignoret Crocodile shit Hummingbird A wedge o hard cheese His 3rine 7irgil >og Ataly *horthand and the P sign !lesh =ater Cow shit =n@oyable -athering 2a5ati"es *he was totally blind aided hubby 6ars Bar >en"er ; thinner air He arted G imitating music etc ?arzan <ohn ! 'ennedy 6etal *upport on her Bra Othello ; *ha+espeare $i e Christmas *t Augustine >irt bad washed ood %ussia ; ice on sleds 2e"i ):1s in 1: sizes Bear !ossil >inosaur *hit (ippo 2ighters Horse meat

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 18
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An American in 6aine got a di"orce cos wi e ed him only what How did Pope Hadrian A7 die $ho said Kse5 appeal ):J what you got ):J they thin+ you gotK *t !iacre is the Patron *aint o what $illiam Buroughs coined what phrase used by *teppenwol 18.4 $hat ?7 did && million 3*A watch while 21m =isenhower sworn in Between 1) and 2:J o what disappear rom shops each year !rench racing dri"er <ean Behra +ept a spare what in his poc+et President %oose"elt was the irst president to do what $hat is unusual about the number 4)&811.#2: $ho said in 18)1 ; KA married beneath me ; All women doK An Aowa 1814 <udge dismissed drin+ dri"ing charge ; why 18#. ilm started with world war and ended with space light An 184& BA stewardess called police she,d le t what in cupboard 3ntil 1418 technically you could be hung or what in Britain $hat,s still legal in Paraguay i the participants are blood doners ?sar Paul A decreed death by logging to anyone mentioned what $hat actress said KA dress or women ; 3ndress or menK ?he a"erage Britain in their li etime eats )&:: what Here we go round the mulberry bush ; what was original bush $hat hath -od $rought was irst message sent by $ho 14&& An what city 184) was the worlds irst computer museum opened $hat elements name comes rom the -ree+ or light bearing Astronomer <osephe;<erome de 2alande eat what on bread butter *+eleton is deri"ed rom -ree+ ; what is its literal translation =dward Hunter 3*A <ournalist in"ented what term 'orean war A man has irst at 14 then e"ery day spent 1:. days by .: what $hat lin+s >a 7inciD PicassoD Charlie ChaplainD Ben !ran+lin !lies and humans can both get which condition $e call them ?ur+eys what do the ?ur+s call them ?he Audi car company created by August Horch G means what 2atin $hat country has the worlds most "ending machines per capita $ho said ; KA woman only a woman ; good cigar is a smo+eK Hans *teininger had the world longest what ; that +illed him An Czarist %ussia it was illegal to do what $hat play has line ; *hall there be no more ca+es and ale A isherman in the Arral sea had his boat destroyed by what *t Brigit o Areland could do what amazing tric+ or "isitors ?homas $atson in 18&# there is a worlds mar+et or ) ; what $hat product did the irst commercial in the 3*A ad"ertise =stimated there are & 1:: million billion molecules cubic inch what An Ohio by law pets ha"e to carry what ?he a"erage man or woman spends one year o their li e ; what 4:J o household dust is actually what material $hat is the best wood or ma+ing pencils ?he a"erage Britain in their li etime eats &8:1 what Oysters can do what ; according to water temperature Name 3*A city it,s illegal to ha"e a nude shop dummy on display A dog was arrested in *e"ille in 184# or what crime $ho starred as >aisy in ?he -reat -atsby

Pea *oup Cho+ed on a ly *ophia 2oren Piles Hea"y 6etal ; Born to be $ild A 2o"e 2ucy *upermar+et ?rolleys Plastic right ear !ly 18&# secret trip Casablanca >igits alpha order 2ady Nancy Astor ?oo >run+ to sample ?hings to Come H$ells Husband in Bondage Cutting down a tree >uelling His Baldness Angie >ic+inson Bags Crisps ; chips ?ree in $a+e ield prison wal+ed round * 6orse $ashington to Baltimore Boston Phosphorous *piders >ried 3p Brainwashing *ha"ing 2e t Handed Athletes !oot American Birds Bear <apan %udyard 'ipling Beard ; ?ripped o"er it down stairs *mo+e ?wel th Night A Cow ; 3*A air orce dumped it Bathwater into Beer Computers G he chairman o AB6 Bulo"a $atches Air 2ights on tails at night On the ?elephone >ead s+in Ancense Cedar 2oa s o Bread Change se5 New 9or+ Handbag *natching 6ia !arrow

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2:
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): <acCueline >u Prey is a master on what instrument $ho wrote the music or *howboat $ho said se5 is a bad thing it rumples the clothes ?he a"erage 6anhattan wi e ta+es 1& minutes to do what in bed $hich animal sleeps with one eye open *andra $es o ?e5as died in 1811 was buried in what $hat happened to the man who tried to hang himsel o"er ri"er A ter se5 what does the emale marine bristleworm do $hat nationality was Pontius Pilot by birth *cottish ; ?he a"erage person spends 12 years o their li e doing what *t Appolonia is the patron saint o what Pac+y =ase an amateur bo5er ; what name become amous $hat was stolen rom a Hotel -arden in Britain in 1881 $hat word comes rom Arabic means reunion o bro+en parts Charles Conrad too+ a cassette to the moon on Apollo 11 who !irst eature ilm 3* ?7 Heart o New 9or+ what was sub@ect %oyal *ociety Pre"ention Accidents 1881 1):: in@ured by what &::: patents or a "ariation o what issued since irst 14#4 A 2imousine was originally what /!rom 2imousine in !rance0 >wight =isenhower was the irst president to hold what $hat does a geophage en@oy ?he %e+nas company ; Calcutta worlds biggest e5porter what At least a Cuarter o humanity is what $hat irst occurred at Cali ornia >isneyland in 6arch 1841 $ho said Kse5 older women best they thin+ its their last timeK Ping Pong and Pang are characters in which opera 1#:: to 1):: it was illegal or =nglishmen to ha"e # what a day Harold < *mith a Canadian changed name amed as side+ic+ $hat is special about the hooded pitohui bird /New -uinea0 An 184& Bloomingdale,s started selling 1::::: year old what $hat happened to gol er 2ee ?ra"ino on green 1# 21 <une 181) $hat lin+s elephantaD bad;i;sad;o;bistrozD oeD whulyD zonda $hat tree is mentioned @ust once in the Bible ?he a"erage Britain consumes 1&)11 what in their li etime $hat @ob in"ol"es wal+ing an a"erage .: miles in a ) day wee+ An the 3' #J o people store what in their ridges ?he city council o Chico Cali ornia set a N):: ine or what A tittiliomaniac has a compulsion to do what Police in $inchester ; got call ; 6an being held by wi e ; how *tephano and ?rinculo characters in which *ha+espeare play $illiam Hurt won best actor Oscar or which 184) ilm !escue is a generic type o what Creed Prayer Alms !asting Pilgrimage i"e pillars what religion Ale5 %aymond created which comic strip character in 18#& $hat does a carpophagus animal eed on -regorys powder is a type o what $hat does a Ha iz +now Pocahontas was baptised and gi"en what =nglish name An 2ondon 181) what became illegal sub@ect to O1:: ine $hat is the longest ri"er in Australia

Cello <erome 'ern <acCueline 'ennedy Onassis ?urn o 2ight >olphin Her blue !errari %ope bro+e G drowned in ri"er Bites o eats penis !ortingale nr >un+eld $atching ?7 ?oothache Bob Hope Onion Crop Algebra <erry 2ee 2ewis $ashing machine in"entors *hopping ?rolleys 6ousetrap !rench shepherds protecti"e cloa+ Pilots 2icence =ating earth Human /s+eletons0 *hort *ighted 6urder Aan !leming ?urendot ; by Puccini 6eals <ay *il"erheels ?onto AtBs highly poisonous -lacial ice rom -reenland Hit by 2ightning All winds Poplar Pints o beer $aiter 2i"e 6aggots =5ploding nuclear bomb in city *cratch Hidden arti icial leg ?he ?empest ?he 'iss o the *piderwoman -rass Aslam !lash -orden !ruit 2a5ati"e 'oran by Heart %ebecca Buying a round o drin+s 6urray;>arling

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho said KNo se5 is better than bad se5K $ho won the =uro"ision song contest with <ac+ in a Bo5 6argie Belcher pro"ided the body mo"ements ; which character ?he a"erage person spends 4 years o their li e doing what 1841 A Philadelphia Councillor bill banned carrying what in public Alain Boubil ; Claude;6ichael *chonberg music what hit show Pluto /the Planet0 was almost called what name 6ost lipstic+s contain what une5pected item At is illegal to pawn what in 2as 7egas *lugs ha"e our o them ; what $hat word in =nglish has the most de initions <ohn !lynn in"ented what ser"ice in Australia ?he -ree+ "ersion o what is called the *eptuagint ?he eyes o which animal ha"e rectangular pupils 6odern Olympics ; only -reece and which country in all $hat is the only bone in the body unattached to any other bone ?here are more than 1):: "arieties o what ood 6ageiricophobia is a ear o what $hat animals eye is larger than its brain An 188: there were 1)::: accidents in"ol"ing what %oman men had to swear on what to testi y $hy did pirate wear earrings 3nder the snow and ice Antarctica is actually a what An ancient China people committed suicide by eating what $ho too+ out a N)::: li e insurance be ore dying in battle ?he a"erage Britain consumes &8:1 what in their li etime $ho said KAB"e sometimes thought o marriage ; then re;thoughtK Name actor 7on %yan,s =5pressD ?he ?hird 6anD Brie =ncounter An 3*A F Britain gi"e inger ; $hat do you show in ?hailand $hat was the traditional ancient Persian new years day gi t ?he !rench 2aurousse -astronomiCue 8 recopies coo+ing what $hat common item was a sign o wealth in 18th century =ngland An 3tah in 141:s what could you get rom a slot machine $hat do male butter lies li+e to lic+ >esire or more cows is the translation what *ans+rit word =l"is Presley collected statues o what amous woman $hat is the most mentioned name in the Bible ?ip ?hroat 7amp Collar *han+ are parts o what ob@ect $hat is a spermologer interested in $ho is the biggest landowner in New 9or+ city $hat ish can blin+ its eyes $hat was the irst name o the cartoon character 6r 6agoo At is against the law in Albania to play what on *undays Hearts bells lea"es and acorns card suits which country $hich "egetable got its name rom a precious stone On a"erage 1:: people a year cho+e to death on what An 2::: what state remo"ed con ederate lag ; statehouse dome $hat language /not dialect0 has the most characters in it !lorinzel is a character in which *ha+espeare play $hat is 2::: in %oman Numerals

-ermaine -reer Clodagh %ogers >isney *now $hite Being ill *na+es 6iss *aigon (eus !ish *cales 9our >entures Noses *et !lying >octors Old ?estament -oat Australia Hyoid in throat %ice Ha"ing to coo+ Ostrich 7acuum cleaner Holding their testicles Ampro"e their eyesight >esert *alt One lb will +ill you -eorge Armstrong Custer 2oa"es o bread Noel Coward ?re"or Howard *ole o oot =ggs Camels An 3mbrella >i"orce ; Papers cost N2E): *tones ; to get nutrients $ar ; same in =nglish <oan o Arc >a"id ; <esus is second $oman,s *hoe ?ri"ia Catholic Church *har+ Quincy >ominos -ermany Onion ; 2atin unio large pearl Ballpoint Pens *outh Carolina Cambodian ?he $inters ?ale 66

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 21
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho said K?his game is about beating the crap out o e"eryoneK


Bears Quarterbac+ <im 6c6ahon $ho ailed his entrance e5ams to school aged 1. =instein G (urich poly $here are a cric+ets ears located !ront legs An 18:# !ran+ Hanaway was 3* irst what in ?he -reat ?rain %obbery *tuntman $hat is the irst race in the -rand Pri5 season Brazilian 3ni"ersity $estern Australia de"eloped a robot to do what *hear *heep ?he word ban+ comes rom the Atalian banco ; literal meaning what Bench G where moneylender sat ?he %oman roadbuilders lac+ed which elementary tool $heelbarrow ?he $elcome *tranger 11# lb was largest what e"er ound 14.8 -old Nugget An 1.:) <apanese =mperor made what compulsory in schools 2earning swimming $ho re used the Nobel 2iterature prize in 18)4 Boris Pasterna+ A P Herbert editor o Punch once wrote a cheCue on what *ide o a cow $hat was the Acta >iurna introduced by <ulius Caesar )8 BC >aily News /paper0 posted in orum $hat happened to women who tried to watch original Olympics ?hrown o cli -ertrude =derlie /3*A0 was the irst woman to do what *wim =nglish Channel $hat is the sacred animal o ?hailand $hite =lephant ?he word puppy comes rom the !rench poupee ; literally what >oll ?he leach has #2 what ; humans only got one Brains $ho spea+ a language called 6udderschproch Amish /Pennsyl"ania >utch0 !ran+ 7os Bob *eagren $ol gang Nordwig all held what Pole "ault record ?ransyl"anian people belie"ed sleeping with what was dangerous 6outh open $e ha"e all heard Hari 'rishna ; what does 'rishna mean >ar+ as a cloud An <apan what would you ind in a Heya *umo wrestlers $hat modern dance was supposed to cure a spiders bite ?arantella A you had 2 eight enders in one bonspiel what are you playing Curling A comet or the -ree+ 'ometes literally means what 2ong Haired *andra Bulloc+D 'ris ChristophensenD Bruce $illis ; <ob 2in+s Not Acting G Bartender An 9emen a ter a wedding what lasts an a"erage 21 days ?he wedding east $ho eatured on the co"er o the irst %olling *tone magazine <ohn 2ennon $hat was Christopher >eans @ob be ore Ace *+ating Policeman An a"erage o 1:4 what in the 3*A each year ?ornados At -erman country weddings the couple had to do what together *aw through a log *chubert always slept with what on *pectacles ; in case he got idea *atori is a term in which religion (en Buddhism $hat is the astest swimming ocean ish o"er .: mph *ail ish ; 6arlin A you were ta+ing a class in pistology what are you studying !aith Pine =yes is the literal translation o which characters name Pinocchio !eline cats ; Bo"ine Cows ; ACuiline what =agle $hat is the translation o the -ree+ name 7anessa Butter ly $ho re ereed the 141. *har+y !itzsimmons ight with a gun $yatt =arp ?he AlgonCuin Andians belie"ed the earth was on what -iant tortoise A gazette ; is ob"ious what was a gazetta where word comes A small Atalian coin G pay or news $hat country has the highest "oting age 2) Andorra ?wo out o # adults in the 3*A su er rom what Piles $here was the irst public library opened in 11&1 $arsaw Poland An Atlanta -eorgia what is it illegal to do to a gira e ?ie it to tel pole !ederal law prohibits the recycling o used ; what in 3*A =yeglasses $hat did a clue originally mean Ball o ?hread $hat animal is the symbol o long li e in 'orea >eer New Orleans 3*A ; *outhampton -B same nic+ ootball team *aints

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 21
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he <apanese belie"ed =arthCua+es caused by underground what 2os Angeles alone has more than the whole o !rance ; what An !lorida women can be ined or alling asleep under what An 18th century !lorence it was illegal or women to wear what $hat is the o icial state ood o ?e5as $hat was the name o %ip 7an $in+les dog $oodbury soap was the irst to show what in its ad"ertisements >ana+ill tribe =thiopia ; mans gra"e 1 stone or each what he did 2&J o American adults admitted to participating in what An what sport is the Charles Brownlow award or airest player All li"ing things contain what An ancient China what meat was reser"ed or the =mperor ?he name 6ar+ translates a what $ho was the Queen o *parta Noologists study what $hat is +nown as %adishes in >enmar+ $hat common item in Andia are %ound An New 9or+ it is illegal to shoot what rom a mo"ing trolley car $hat animal was the symbol o reedom in ancient %ome An what sport did Prince 2eopold o Ba"aria compete $here did the Angel alls get its name *O* the distress message stands or what An <apan what is 9omiyuri *himbun $hat is the national drin+ o Poland $hat is the worlds most popular irst name Old <oe was the name o what on where $hat is ne"er shown in a 2as 7egas Casino An 6or+ and 6indy what was the capitol o Or+ ?he name -regory is rom the -ree+ meaning what An what sport did <e ery Archer win an O5 ord Blue /3*A 2etter0 Pope Clement 7AA made it illegal or anyone else to eat what ?he =mperor Augustus banned his men wearing sil+ ; why ?he A"erage American does what 22 times a day $hat was the irst mo"ie to ha"e a seCuel ; 18## $ho made a ?7 ad"ertisment or *outhern 6aid >oughnuts ?ime 6agazine named what as the 6an o the 9ear 1842 ?he irst o icial baseball hat was made o what ?he Nitty -ritty >irt Band irst 3*A group to do what 1811 An Queensland Australia pubs must still ha"e what Baseball is not sport ; state o mind ; cant learn it ; what author $hat animals teeth were used as +ni e blades by the Andians ?he word tragedy is -ree+ what does it literally mean H1& N2 is a poisonous al+aloid consumed daily by millions what ?imbuc+too is in which country 6r Cat Poop was the Chinese translation what Nicholson ilm $hat ood item are most people allergic to ?wo out o e"ery i"e American women do what A du er is Australian slang or what $hat common & legged animals ne"er wal+ or trot 2,=Cuipe is !rench daily newspaper co"ering mainly what

-iant *pider <udges Hair >rier Buttons Chilli $ol !ull length nude woman 18#. 6an 'illed Allegal -ambling Aussie %ules !ootball $ater Por+ Hammer Helen o ?roy ?he 6ind Cartoon strip Peanuts Playing Cards %abbits Cat 6otor %acing Pilot <immy Angel crashed 18#1 Nothing ; NO? sa"e our souls Newspaper G worlds best seller 6ead 6ohammed Camel on Camel Cigarettes ?he ?ime ; No Cloc+s 'or+ $atchman Athletics 6ushrooms At was = eminate Opens !ridge 'ing 'ong ; *on o 'ong =l"is Presley ?he Computer *traw ?our 3**% Hitching rail or horses <ohn *teinbec+ Bea"er -oat *ong ; used to sacri ice goats Nicotine 6ali As -ood as it -ets Cows 6il+ >ye their Hair Cattle ?hie %abbits *port

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 22
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An what game would you see *tamenD Blac+wood and -erber $hat was the name o <ohn *teinbec+,s dog Charley ?he male o what species e5plodes on mating ; then dies !rom what modern country does damas+ come rom Anethum tastes a little li+e aniseed ; what herb is it A you were studying Aatrology what would you be studying An $isconsin its against state law to ser"e apple pie without what An 9or+ its legal to +ill a *cotsman /not *unday0 what weapon $hat comes in "arieties called >uncanD Burgundy and 6arsh ?he 3nited Nations in New 9or+ were originally where $hat is the last element ; Alphabetically An what country is the northernmost point o A rica $hat +ind o animal is <ormangard in Norse mythology Assassin 6agazine and *o a come rom which language An what boo+ did we meet the =oli and the 6orloc+s An what ilm ; Charlie Chaplain ha"e his irst spea+ing part 18&: $here was Harry Houdini born 7ille 6arie was the original name o where Omphalitis is an in ection o what part o the body An Call o the $ild by <ac+ 2ondon what was the dogs name Charles Bingley was a character in what classic no"el $hat are ormed by Orogeny Ha,aretz is a newspaper in which country 7ootery is the practice o what $hich is the worlds busiest metro system !luctat nec 6ergitor ; $a"e tossed but not sun+ ; Cities 6otto An New <ersey what is it illegal or a man to do ishing season $hat @ob would a !oley Artist do $hat lin+s Caprino (iegen+ase and -ais+asli $hat Prophet in the Bible had a tal+ing don+ey $ho did Perseus turn into stone with the -orgons head $hat are a Boomer and a Blue !lier $hat is 'abu+i in <apan Quinsy is the in lammation o which body organ due to abscess An what religion are the 7edas a central part *t Boni ace is the Patron *aint o which country $hich boys name means ; he who resembles -od *crambled =ggs was the wor+ing title o which Beatles song Abracadabra comes rom what language 2e Poireau is what type o "egetables An *witzerland what de"ice is illegal on *undays =dith 'night wrote which classic story /later ilmed0 An what country does >isney,s Beauty and the Beast ta+e place ?he ancient =gyptian word or cat was mau ; what does it mean An what game would you use a sCuidger ?rouw is a newspaper in what country An Hood ri"er Oregon what do you need a licence to do $ho is the Patron *aint o housewi"es $hat common word comes rom the 2atin or who are you $hat is unusual about mating in the whiptail lizard

Bridge *tandard Poodle Honeybee *yria >ill *cience o 6edicine Cheese Bow and Arrow -rape ruit *an !rancisco (irconium ?unisia *erpent Arabic ?he ?ime 6achine G H- $ells ?he -reat >ictator G Adenoid Hin+el Budapest Hungary 6ontreal Na"el Buc+ Pride and Pre@udice 6ountains Asrael >eceit or 2ying 6oscow Paris 'nit Ancidental mo"ie sound e ects -oats Cheese Balaam Atlas Adult 6ale G !emale 'angaroo Common peoples theatre ?onsils Hindu -ermany 6ichael 9esterday Hebrew 2ee+ 2awnmower 2assie come home !rance ?o see ?iddlywin+s G Big disc Netherlands <uggle 6artha Quiz No 6ales ; emales clone

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1::

Questions Quiz 22
An Alberta what are you not allowed to Paint /its illegal0 >ish ser"ed A la Crecy is garnished with what $hat is studied in Aerology $hy did sailors wear tattoos $hat were early diaphragms A3> ; >utch cap made rom An -ree+ myth who was the irst woman 6#1 is the nearest gala5y to us ; what is its other name Napoleon had a ear o what ; Aelurophobia $here are the most e5pensi"e seats at a bull ight $here does the word COP come rom $ho had the motto Non *ans >roit ; not without right $hat is the oldest +nown science ?he 2ou"re 6useum ; Palace ; but what was it irst A you committed 7aticide who would you ha"e +illed A you graduate with a degree in music what colour tassel wear *candina"ian aCua"it is la"oured with what An 6ain what is it illegal to step out o An the Bible who built the ancient city o Babylon 6atador and *ni are two "arieties o what game Paul 6orel was a character in which classic no"el Ananas is !rench or what ood $hat ictional archaeologist trained under Pro Abner %a"enwood $hat singer did =l"is Presley say was the greatest in the world ?o whom is the $izard o Oz dedicated An $yoming in <une it is illegal to ta+e a picture o what $hat is the name o Alice,s cat >isney Alice in $onderland Bur+e and Hare supplied which doctor with cada"ers !ran Philps o Canada was the irst woman to do what $hat was the irst team sport played in the modern Olympics Philadelphia cream cheese was introduced in what city $hat was Barnaby <ones usual tipple Alopecia meaning baldness comes rom -ree+ word or what An Chicago it is illegal to eat in a restaurant that is what $ho played Commodious in the Oscar winning -ladiator $hat was the irst 3*A team to win the *tanley Cup $hat actress said KA acted "ulgar ; 6adonna is "ulgarK An Pennsyl"ania it is illegal to sell irewor+s to who Clamart means what ood will be used in the dish Arthur !legenheimer became notorious under what name Old superstition ; a sneezing cat means what $hat does the amily name Per+ins mean $hat instrument does -rumpy play in >isney,s *now $hite 7ienna is the setting or what *ha+espeare play $hat was disco"ered at Qumran ?he giant '"asir in Norse mythology has what power Annuit Coeptis ; No"is ordo seclorum ; mottos on what item 'imgazer is a newspaper in what country %awdon Crawley was a character in what classic no"el An 6innesota what pleasurable acti"ity is totally illegal A you practice =ncraty what are you doing

$ooden 2og Carrots Planet 6ars Pre"ent Catching Po5 Orange s+in ; Hal an orange Pandora Andromeda Cats *hade ; *ombra Constable on Patrol $illiam *ha+espeare Astronomy !ort Prophet Pin+ Cumin or Caraway !lying Plane Nimrod >ominoes *ons and 2o"ers Pineapple Andiana <ones %oy Orbison ?he 9oung in Heart A %abbit >inah >r 'no5 %each the North Pole $ater Polo New 9or+ 6il+ !o5 ; 6ange Q Bald On !ire <oaCuin Phoeni5 *eattle 6etropolitans 6arlene >ietrich Pennsyl"ania residents Peas >utch *chultz At will rain ?he %oc+ Organ 6easure or 6easure >ead *ea *crolls $isdom %e"erse -reat *eal 3*A Cyprus 7anity !air Oral *e5 Abstinence or *el %estraint

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2#
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): By law in China to go to school you must be what ?hree *cottish +ings and eight Popes share what name $hat 2atin word means elsewhere Pompeii was buried by 7esu"ious in A> 18 ; what other city $hat emergency sa ety de"ice was irst used in 18&) $hat is the literal meaning o -ra iti %ussian word means dissolute ; nic+name -regory = imo"itch $hat is the only !rench spea+ing republic in Americas $hat Atalian word means swan+ By law in >enmar+ be ore dri"ing you must chec+ car or what )1 what were destroyed by the -reat ire o 2ondon And who was commissioned to rebuild them 2usitania was the %oman name o what modern country $hat was the irst day o the year in the %oman calendar $hat is the royal house o 6onaco $hat boys name would be signalled in 6orse by si5 dashes $hat *panish title is eCui"alent to princess $hat <apanese word means good or nothing $ho played ?he ?alented 6r %ipley An Asrael on *aturday its illegal to do what 9ggdrasil is what in Norse mythology A haemodializar is a mechanical what 'er+ira is the -ree+ name or what Asland $ho signed the 6agna Carta at %unnymead An what country was Bonnie Prince Charlie born $hat does 'arao+e literally mean $ho was the irst !rench women,s designer to design or men $hat is the bass Iylophone called -ladys 6ary *mith became amous under what name By law what unpopular thing must prostitutes now do in Holland $hat would you do with your +o+o in <apan Around the alter o which -od were the early -ree+ plays done -eococcy5 Cali ornicus is what /cartoon0 animal A *cotsman tosses his caber ; what does caber literally mean 6intonette was the original name o what sport ?ia 6aria ; 7od+a and Co+e ma+e what coc+tail Clarence Birds =ye had what @ob An what country did stamp collecting start $hich *ha+espeare play has an =nglish placename in its title By 2aw Portland Oregon a minister cannot marry a couple where $hat,s the name o the worlds irst National theatre Paris 1.4: $ho wrote ?he $itches o =astwic+ = H *hepherd illustrated which series o stories Albrecht >urer drew what ; without e"er seeing one Bam 9at and Holon are in which country $here do the $hite and Blue Niles @oin $hat appears in the middle o the %wandan lag 'a+iemon is what <apanese product Aotearoa is 6aori name or New (ealand ; what,s it mean By 2aw 2e5ington 'entuc+y what can,t you carry in your poc+et

Antelligent Ale5ander Alibi Herculaneum =@ector *eat *cratched >rawings %asputin Haiti 6a ia Children 3nderneath Churches *ir Christopher $ren Portugal 2)th 6arch -rimaldi ?om An anta 9a+uza 6att >amon Pic+ 9our Nose ?ree 'idney Cor u No One ; <ohn sealed it illiterate Ataly =mpty Orchestra Pierre Cardin 6arimba 6ary Pic+ ord Pay Ancome ?a5 Play it G 6usical instrument >ionysus %oad %unner Pole 7olleyball Blac+ %ussian !ur ?rader !rance ?he merry wi"es o $indsor Ace %in+ Comedie !rancaise <ohn 3pdi+e $innie the Pooh %hinoceros Asrael 'hartoum ; in *udan Capital % Porcelain 2ong >aylight Ace Cream

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2#
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat two sports use mallets C2 H) OH is the ormula o what An what country is 2egoland $ho was assassinated by her own bodyguard in 184& $ho said ; %emember time is money $hich o <esus disciples was the treasurer An the Old ?estament who married his cousins 2eah and %achel Aegis belonged to (eus what was Aegis $hat disease is spread in minute water droplets By 2aw ; Nebras+a Barbers can,t do what between 1 am 1 pm $ho was the go"ernor o New *outh $ales in 14:4 $ho said Knecessity is the mother o in"entionK $hich metal gets its name rom *wedish or hea"y stone *olanum ?uberosum is the 2atin name or what plant $hat are young bats called $hat plant has lowers but no lea"es $hat is the 2atin word or liCuid produced by the !icus =lastica $here in a woman would you ind the pisi orm bone An -ree+ mythology who were the guardian spirits o the sea By 2aw in North Carolina you can,t do what An what country are the ports Oran and Bone *t 2u+e ollowed what pro ession be ore @oining <esus A will please is the 2atin translation o what medical treatment $hat mountain ; -ree+s belie"e was the home o the 6uses $ho was 2ed (eppelins original lead singer Be"erly Hillbillies Ban+ managers secretary ; ull name Nic+ Nolte played the Poor 6an who played the %ich 6an ?he character 2ieutenant Pin+erton appears in what wor+ $hich metallic element atomic no 4# soothes -astric 3lcers By 2aw An $ashington it is illegal to do what An what city is the worlds largest medie"al cathedral $ho was the %oman -oddess o peace An wac+y races what were the gang o criminals called A get around was a hit or which group Anspector Buc+et appears in which >ic+ens no"el 3' band in"ol"ed in a 3* court case ; *ubliminal messages 4:s 7od+a and orange ma+es up what coc+tail $ho plays >ata in *tar ?re+ the Ne5t -eneration $hat is the *A unit o illumination By 2aw in 6assachusetts what can you not do to a pigeon *tanley Burrell became amous as who $ho created the cartoon character >roopy $ho wrote ?he Prime o 6iss <ean Brodie $hat is the 2atin name or the North *tar $hat is a ?ragopan $hat is a baby sCuirrel called 6ardu+ was the creator o the world to what ancient people $ho said ; K?he mass o men lead li"es o Cuiet desperationK $hat lin+s Colorado and $yoming By law in Boston what is banned rom the bac+ seat o a car

CroCuet ; Polo Alcohol >enmar+ Andira -handi Ben@amin !ran+lin <udas =scariot <acob A *hield 2egionnaires >isease =at Onions Captain $illiam Bligh O"id ?ungsten Potato Pups Cactus 2ate5 $rist Neriads *ing out o ?une Algeria 6edicine Placebo Helicon %obert Plant <ane Hathaway Peter *trauss 6adam Butter ly Bismuth %ide an ugly Horse *e"ille Pa5 ?he Ant Hill 6ob Beach Boys Blea+ House <udas Priest *crewdri"er Brent *piner 2u5 *care it 6C Hammer ?e5 A"ery 6uriel *par+ Polaris A Himalayan Pheasant 'it or 'itten Babylonians Henry ?horeau %ectangles on 3*A map -orillas

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2&
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): By 2aw in ?ulsa you need a licensed engineer to open what Alphonso >,Abruzzo became amous as who $ho had a @ob as a -ra"e >igger $ho is $arner Brothers oldest cartoon character <uly 1&th is a national day o celebration in what country


*oda Bottle Alan Alda %od *tuart Por+y Pig !rance ; Bastille >ay ; rom 1148 A you are born in 6arch what is your !lower 7iolet $hat should be gi"en on the 8th wedding anni"ersary Pottery ; some say willow &8J o Americans go out to dinner on what day ?heir Birthday CANA6 is a ma@or competition in what ,sport, Cheerleading By law 2as Cruces New 6e5ico can,t carry what in mainstreet 2unchbo5 $ho would use a Pig,in *tring Cal %oper %odeo G ?ie its eet One eighth o the 3* population ha"e done what $or+ed in 6ac>onald,s >o ?his constantly 8 year 11month #day &# min power Q A bomb what Pass $ind ; !art >o this 11 yr .mn 14 day 12 min ; power to heat a cup co ee $hat *hout =ight Arms ?o Hold 9ou ; wor+ing title ; what mo"ie Beatles Help %oger Bresnahan introduced what to baseball in 18:1 *hin -uards $hat is the only word in =nglish that ends in mt >reamt $hat city was once called 9or+ ?oronto ; by British go"ernor 118# $hat star once sold lingerie door to door Burt 2ancaster $hat type o candy is banned in $ashington state 2ollypops >a"id %obert Hayward;<ones became amous as who >a"id Bowie $hat sport is legal in only 1. American *tates -reyhound %acing $hat is a 7itrine -lass >isplay Cabinet -re"ys and Burchells are types o what animal (ebra $hat was !onzies a"ourite magazine Hot %od An what American state do most people wal+ to wor+ Alas+a $hat was Bugs Bunnies original name Happy %abbit $ho was Ben Casey,s boss >r (orba 81J o Americans do what regularly 2ie An Alabama it is illegal to be what while dri"ing Blind olded ?op 3*A ood consumption days ; Imas ?han+sgi"ing and what *uper Bowl *unday $hat word spelled the same !renchD =nglishD -ermanD *wedish ?a5i Hamburgers were in"ented in what country China 2alo *chi rin composed which amous ?7 series theme 6ission Ampossible G plus others =ure+a ; is the state motto o what state Cali ornia Clinophobia is the ear o what Beds 9ou dot your i ; what is the dot called ?ittle $hat star had a @ob as aircra t actory inspector 6arilyn 6unroe =rnest ="ans became amous under what name Chubby Chec+er An 6ontana it is a elony or a wi e to open her husbands what 6ail $here could you see or do an Ollie and a 6c?wist *+ateboarding $hat country does !rench toast come rom Ataly ; %ome $hat boy scout merit badge is earned most o ten !irst Aid $ho was the wise cat in ?* =liot,s boo+ o cats Old >euteronomy $hat company irst guaranteed satis action or your money bac+ 6ontgomery $ard 141& $hat actor did time on a -eorgia Chain -ang ; =scaped . days %obert 6itchum G 7agrancy One in our Americans has done what Appeared on ?7 An 181& *omalia created its irst e"er what $ritten language $hat is the birth lower or <anuary Carnation An Ar+ansas it is illegal to +eep what in your bathtub Alligator

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2&
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An -eorgia what can you not +eep in your bathtub 2eonard *ly became amous as who Perry Como the singer once wor+ed as what $hat colour did Ada 6c'inley ban rom the $hite House $ho said Kcomputers are useless they only gi"e you answersK $hat country has a Bible on its lag $hat animal can smell a "irgin same type rom 1E4 miles away .1J o the worlds population ha"e ne"er done what An Albany N9 in winter children were arrested or what illegal act $hat county irst used pepper An !lorida public singing is illegal i you are wearing what $hat was the irst 3*A ?7 series screened in the 3**% ="ery year 44:: people in@ure themsel"es with what 84J o <apanese citizens are what $hat is the only number in =nglish that has letters in alpha order *il"ester in -ermany is what day in 3*A F =ngland $hat is the worlds largest herb $hat is the only ri"er that lows both north and south o eCuator An a"erage American consumes .:: what a year Clar+ -able had what @ob be ore acting An Beacons ield Quebec it is illegal to own what $ho said K?oo much o a good thing is wonder ulK $hat games name literally means ?o -rope !rantically $hat is the most ordered sea ood item in a restaurant *chmuc+ in -erman literally means what An Pro"idence %hode Asland its illegal to buy what on a *unday $hat is Bart *impson,s middle name $hat was created in Canada in 182# or irst time criminals ?here are &2 what in a standard dec+ o cards /e5clude @o+ers0 6ary Cathering Collins became amous as who An 6innesota it is illegal to wear what in bed %aCuel $elch was once a what $hat happens to 12J o Americans each year An 184# a <apanese artist copied the 6ona 2isa in what material An 3* on what >ay are most collect calls re"erse charges made $hat was <immy Ho as middle name $hat country has the most doughnut shops per capita Poona was the original name o what sportFgame $ho sang the theme song or ?he 2o"e Boat $hat lin+s Pauldron Crisse -orget and ?assle An Cheyenne $yoming its illegal to do what on a $ednesday $ho in"ented *cissors $hat is the name or 1::th o a second $ho said Kne"er +ic+ a resh turd on a hot dayK $ho was the irst A rican American to play in a NBA game 1:J /by weight0 o the worlds land animals are what species $here is the -reyhound %acing Hall o !ame located >iane Belmont became amous as who $hat star was once a "acuum cleaner salesman An ?e5ar+ana itBs illegal to ride a horse at night without what

>on+ey %oy %odgers A Barber 9ellow Pablo Picasso >ominican %epublic -ypsy 6oth 6a+e a phone call *ledging and sledges were bro+en China *wimsuit !raggle %oc+ ?oothpic+ Cremated !orty New 9ears ="e Banana ?he Congo Cans o *oda ?elephone %epairman 2og Cabin 6ae $est *crabble *hrimp <ewellery ?oothbrush <o<o A *pan+ing 6achine =yes Bo >ere+ Nothing ie be na+ed $eathergirl Arrested ?oast !athers >ay %iddle Canada Badminton <ac+ <ones 'nights Armour ?a+e a shower 2eonardo >a 7inci A <i y Harry * ?ruman =arl 2loyd Ants Abilene 'ansas 2ucille Ball %oc+ Hudson ?ail 2ights

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2)
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An Connecticut a pic+le must do what to be legal $hat lin+s *ergeant <oe !riday and Babe %uth 1&J o Americans could not identi y which country on a map $hat is the only bird with a ully ormed penis An the ilm -remlins what is the true name or -izmos race $hat are the ridges on corduroy called $hat is the o icial sport o 6aryland An Atalian translation who is 6r 'iss 'iss Bang Bang At is against the law to do what to the 6ayor o Paris Old apothecaries weights 2: grains in a what An Hart ord Connecticut it is illegal to educate what ?he mil+ o what creature will not curdle Collecti"e nouns ; what are a group o apes called $hat do coc+roaches do e"ery i teen minutes ?he initials pc on a medicine means it should be ta+en when $here could you ind a rundle An what city was the irst 3* circus April #rd 118# Babies are born without what $hat animal eats rests and sleeps on its bac+ 2J o Americans admit to doing what An 7ermont it is illegal to do what under water $hat was the worlds irst I rated cartoon ?win+ies originally contained what la"oured cream =nola -ay dropped the irst A bomb ; what plane dropped 2 2ocal law ; Atwood con ; cant play what i waiting politician spea+ 6r *poc+s blood was green ; but what group *igmund !reud had a phobia ; what was he a raid o An ancient =gypt what ood was reser"ed or the Pharaohs Noah,s Ar+ had two o e"erything including what eature ?homas Holden was the irst to top what list An Portland 6aine it is illegal to put what under a girls chin 6ethacrylate resin is used to ma+e what 4:J o Americans say they belie"e in what An what city was the worlds irst blood ban+ opened 18&: ?he An"isible =mpire is better +nown as what A castrated male reindeer is +nown as what $hat is the most played song on radio 3*A in 2:th century Between 14:& ; 141# 1.1. patents issued or what item O ten a bridesmaid ne"er a bride ad"ertised what $hat does $> stand or in $> &: $ater An Baldwin Par+ Cali ornia where is it illegal to ride your bi+e A you were caught pandiculating what were you doing 1 in 2: women say they ha"e ne"er touched what Persian *ultan *elim hanged 2 doctors ; ad"ised him stop what $hite !ungus is the best selling canned what in China $hat is the most popular meal ordered in 3* restaurants An what country are !u@i !ilm rolls made > > Palmer was the worlds irst what $hat animals head appears on the label o -ordon,s -in $hat happens e"ery &) seconds in the 3*A

Bounce 11& ; !ridays badge no %uth record America *wan 6ogwi $ales <ousting <ames Bond *tare at Him *cruple 9our dog Camel *hrewdness !art A ter 6eals 2adder ; itBs a rung Philadelphia 'nee Caps ; orm at 2 ; . years *ea Otter A air with Postman $histle !ritz the cat Banana G Changed ww2 ; no bananas Boc+s Car *crabble ? ; Negati"e !erns 6ushrooms $indows !BA ten most wanted !eather >uster Prosthetic eyes 6iracles New 9or+ G %ichard Charles >rew 'lu 'lu5 'lan Bull 9ou,"e lost that lo"ing eeling $ashing 6achine 2isterine >isplacer An a *wimming Pool 9awning *ho"el >rin+ing Co ee *oup !ried Chic+en -ermany Chiropractor G Osteopath Boar House !ire

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2)
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An -ermany what can you not wear during a stri+e $hat colour toothbrush do most people ha"e Homichloriphobia is the ear o what $hat is Pennsyl"ania,s o icial drin+ .:J o =nglish women cannot orgasm without what $ho was ?ime magazine man o the year 18)2 An what ilm was the irst lushing toilet seen ?he word "inegar come rom !rench meaning what An ancient %ome by law prostitutes had to do what An Athens they can remo"e your dri"ing licence i ound what An Paris what has been de ined as a deadly weapon 4:J o "ibrator using =nglish women donBt do what with it An Ba"aria what is de ined as a staple ood ?here are more what in Ataly than Canadians in Canada $hat animal has a or+ed penis $hat did the word bald originally mean An what Hitchcoc+ ilm does he NO? appear $hat colour is a -rasshoppers blood ?he a"erage male loses a lb /weight 0 o what in 1: years #8J o women admit doing this to their boy riend An *audi Arabia by law women may not become what $hat country eats the most cereal per capita 6ost blue eyed cats are what Humphry Bogart played %ic+ in Casablanca ; %ic+ $ho ?here are one what or e"ery . people in Canada Ancient =gyptians worshiped what ood item America what is the second most common word said be ore die $hat cartoon character was born April 1st 184: $hat was the irst ocean liner to ha"e a swimming pool ?he word or soda in <apanese when translated means what An Cali ornia it is illegal to eat what while bathing $hat is unusual about a %acoons penis =s+imo culture encourages male "isitors to do what $hat is *outh Carolinas o icial state dance $ho was the irst 3* to ha"e indoor plumbing installed $ho started li e as >ippy >awg $ho is the Patron *aint o bric+layers $hose horse was called ?ra"eller An ?e5as it is illegal to ha"e oral se5 with what *audi Arabia law women get di"orce i husband donBt gi"e her it $ho was the irst emale monster to appear on ilm ?he bac+ o what item is called a gore $hat is Homer *impson,s middle name An 1::: bc Asraelites paid their ta5es in what An 1888 &1: Chinese were in@ured by what ?he word Calendar comes rom 2atin and means what An what musical note do most toilets lush 4)J o women do what An 6aine it is illegal to bite your own what $e,"e only @ust begun was bac+ground music ad"ertising what

A 6as+ Blue !og 6il+ 7ibrator Queen =lizabeth AA Psycho *our $ine >ye blond or wear blond wig Poorly dressed or unbathed Ashtray Ansert it Beer Barbie >olls Possum Clean or $hite 2i eboat $hite Beard ?hrowing a shoe at him A >octor ?ur+ey >ea !leming %i"er Cabbage *hit Bart *impson ?itanic Poisoned $ater Oranges Contains a bone *leep with hosts wi e ?he *hag Henry $adsworth 2ong ellow -oo y *t *te"en %obert = 2ee A Chic+en $hatH ; Co ee Bride o !ran+enstein A *oc+ <ay %aisins =5ploding beer bottles ?o Call Out = !lat $ear wrong bra size 2andlord Ban+ ; % Carpenter heard it

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2.
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An Cali ornia it is illegal to do what in a hotel room ?he numbers on what i added come to ... $hat do chimpanzees do when ner"ous ?he a"erage person does what 1. times a day ="ery year 11::: Americans are in@ured doing what Pigs =ye was the original name o what 6innesota city $hat lin+s !antasy >e"ils Coral and Christmas $ho was the ounder o the Qua+ers /both names0 $hat actor lin+s 7on %yan,s =5press ; 6agni icent *e"en An 6ichigan illegal woman do what without husband permission $hat was a *piney Pear $hat happens e"ery #: seconds in America An China i you order white tea ; what do you get $hat was the original scumbag ?he name o which animal means does not drin+ $ho wrote the no"el *H= /both names0 =nnio 6orricone wrote the music or what ilm series $ho was poisoned ; shot ; and drowned ri"er Ne"a 181. !ran+lin was a 3* state till 118. what,s it now called An *as+atchewan it is illegal to watch what i drin+ing booze Name only non electrical musical instrument in"ented 2:th cent $ho are 6ic+ey 6ouse,s nephews *uomi is the name the nati"es gi"e to what country #1J o women pre er what to se5 $hat creature has a penis 2: times the length o its body ?homas =dison had a phobia what was it $ho had a dog called Boatswain Collecti"e Nouns ; a Con"ocation o what $hat ?7 character li"ed in $aratah National Par+ An Ar+ansas it is illegal to ser"e what drin+ at a party $hat was the name o the horse be ore *il"er in lone ranger On an a"erage day in 3*A &: people are hurt doing what Armand ?armizan is the ,real, name what cartoon character An proportion which animal has the largest eye Canada is an Andian word meaning what $alt >isney had an obsessi"e compulsion with what $hat lin+s 'elly Highway Bloc+ and $ales $ho sang the theme song in !rom %ussia with 2o"e ?here are 1. bottles o Champagne in a what At is illegal to cross the Aowa state boundaries wearing what 6arried men do it twice as o ten as single men G what $hat is the most commonly used descripti"e word on menus $hat is 2ieutenant Colombo,s irst name $hat American building has double ; needed toilets ;segregated Pigs can become what ; li+e humans $hat shape is Anelli pasta An 3' its 1: 3*A its 4 Continental =urope its #4 what is $hat was the name o Abraham 2incolns dog *tabbed to death ?erra Psittacorum was an early name or which country An *witzerland it is illegal to do what in an apartment a ter 1:pm

Peel an Onion %oulette wheel 6asturbate *wear ?rying out bizarre se5 positions *t Paul Aslands -eorge !o5 Brad >e5ter Cut her hair Pineapple ?eenage pregnancy Boiled $ater Condom 'oala %ider Haggard -ood bad ugly etc *paghetti westerns %asputin ?ennessee *trippers G =5otic >ancers *teel >rums 6ortie and !erdie !inland *hoe shopping Barnacle ?he >ar+ 2ord Byron =agles *+ippy Petrol ; -asoline >usty ?rampolining Principle *+inner Cat Big 7illage Cleanliness ; washed hands e"ery ) min Clint =astwood character names 6att 6unroe Balthazar >uc+ on your head Change 3nderwear 6om Philip Pentagon Alcoholics %ings $omen,s dress size !ido Australia !lush ?oilet

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 2.
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: 7ermont woman cant wear what without written husbands permit $hat is the -erman word or poison Chicago comes rom a nati"e Andian word that means what $alt >isney in an inter"iew admitted he was scared o what 84J o Americans eel better about themsel"es a ter doing what Ats cold enough to reeze balls o a Brass 6on+ey ; what is it >om Perignon in"ented champagne ; what else $hich nationality drin+s the most co ee per person per day $hat lin+s Helicon Hutchinson 6acmillan and Penguin An !rance it is illegal to sell what doll How many ponies did the pony e5press use wee+ly 4#J o all Americans purchase what product 6adrid there are more what in one street than all o !inland A $oman to %emember was the worlds irst what in !eb 18&1 Collecti"e Nouns ; a Cast o what $hat lin+s <ac+ 2o"ing -irls and Nurse $hat does the girls name %ebecca mean A you landed at Carthage airport where would you be $ho is the Patron *aint o 9oung Boys An *alt la+e city it is illegal to carry an unwrapped what in street 8.J o American children can recognise ; who At is estimated that at any gi"e time 1J worldBs population is what ?he irst puc+ used in an ice hoc+ey game was made o what A -andy >ancer has what @ob $hat lin+s -rey Bean Canada Brent Barnacle $hat is # or a child . a woman 8 or a man 6oses 1: plagues on =gypt ; what was the ourth ?he Blur 6a5 medal was named a ter 6a5 who Berlin stands on which ri"er An ?e5as its illegal to put gra iti on your neighbours what $hat country introduced the secret ballot or go"ernment 14). $here does the American lag ly 2& F 1 ne"er ta+en down $ho wrote *leeping beautyD 6other -ooseD Puss in Boots 6arried men in !rance use more what than their wi"es An Animal !arm Ben@amin was what type o creature $hat does ?ri"ia literally mean ?here are 12 bottles o champagne in a what A you landed at *chipol airport where are you $hat shape is !ar allini pasta An 'no5"ille ?ennessee it is illegal to lasso what ?o an Australian what is an es+y $hat country eats most tur+ey per capita annually ?he $ H O recons there are 1:: million what each day On a"erage man uses 2::: ; woman 1::: what a day Collecti"e nouns ; A ?roubling o what $ho ounded the *amaritans in 18)# /both names0 $hat lin+s Hong 'ong *ingapore %io and 3topia )2J o Americans would rather spend a wee+ in @ail than $hat $hat was <immy *tuarts middle name An America what colour is the -reen Card

!alse ?eeth -i t Place that smells bad 6ice !lushing ?oilets *tac+ brass cannonballs Cor+s in bottles *weden Boo+ Publishers =? ; >olls human aces only None ; ?hey used only horses Peanut Butter Bars ?7 *oap Opera !alcons Carry on !ilms Noose ?unis *t Pancreas 3+ulele %onald 6ac>onald >run+ !rozen cow shit %ailroad repair gang ?ypes o -oose !uneral Bell ?olls !lies 6a5 Ammelmann *pree Cow Australia ; 7ictoria 21 ; 4 ; 14). 6oon Charles Perrault Cosmetics >on+ey ?hree %oads *almanazar Amsterdam *mall Butter lies !ish Portable Beer Cooler Asrael *e5 acts $ords -old ish Chad 7arah %oad !ilms Be President Crane $hite

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 21
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is the non ob"ious lin+ *uperman 1 and the -od ather Collecti"e nouns ; A bloat o what Champagne bottles ; . bottles o champagne are in a what !iochetti is what shaped pasta Cal"ados or Apple Brandy and >ubonnet ma+e what coc+tail $hat city stands on the Hooghly ri"er Chloe the girls name means what Coc+ney rhyming slang what is elephants /trun+0 Philippe Pages became amous as who $hat lin+s 9grana ; 7alentino and Cerrutti $ho is the Patron *aint o coo+s $here was %in ?in ?in set A you landed at Capodichino airport where are you ?he 6erryman and his 6aid alt title what -P* operetta Americans consume 2 billion lbs o what each year A bear is ursine ; what bird is pa"onine $hat =uropean countries lag is sCuare $here would you ind your lunula $hat =uropean capital city is NO? on a ri"er $ho only author to ha"e a boo+ in e"ery >ewy;>ecimal category $hat is an octothrope Only emale humans and what ha"e hymens Hari;'ari is "ulgar name *eppu+u ; what,s it literally mean Captain <ean 2uc;Picard +eep a ish called what An A lo"e 2ucy what was 2ucy %icardo,s maiden name ?igers ha"e stripped ur ; what colour is their s+in $hat were Cinderella,s slippers originally made rom $here would you ind a porcelator $hose inal words were KAt hurtsK Collecti"e nouns ; A parcel o what $ine barrels ; ?here are 4# gallons in a what 6a alde is what shaped pasta 7od+a ; ?riple *ec and lime @uice ma+e what coc+tail !ran+ urt stands on what ri"er ?homas the boys name means what 6ichael >umble;*mith became amous as who $ho is the Patron *aint o learning ?urno" %usty and Bobo appear in what stage musical $hich nation in"ented sauer+raut Henry !ords irst car lac+ed something we e5pect ; what $hat bird has the most eathers per sCuare inch One death per day is caused by what &:: what per wee+ permanently close in the 3*A ):J o 11 year old Americans can,t do what according 1:: club An 1818 what did President Carter apologise to Australia about A dog is canine ; what animal is o"ine How did 2i"erpool ootball club get An ield Old =ng law ; you can,t beat wi e with anything wider than what A you landed at Cannon airport where are you Coc+ney %hyming slang what is 6utt /mutt and @e 0

6ario Puzo write both stories Hippotomi %heoboam Bows Bentley Calcutta -reen shoot >run+ %ichard Clayderman Paris ashion houses *t 2aurence !ort Apache ; Arizona Naples ?he 9eomen o the -uard Chocolate Peacoc+ *witzerland !ingernail ; white part 6adrid Asaac Asimo" ?he R symbol Horses Belly *plitting 2i"ingston 6c-illicuddy *tripped !ur ; changes to glass in 1.::s *in+ ; itBs the top drainhole Charles >e -aulle Hinds Puncheon Corrugated *trips 'ami+aze 6ain ?win 6ichael Craw ord *t Ambrose *tarlight =5press Chinese %e"erse gear Penguin $rong prescription F dose handwriting Churches %ead *+ylab alling on their country *heep ="erton e"icted not paying rent 9our thumb G ?hus rule o ?humb %eno >ea

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 21
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat lin+s AguanasD 'oalas and 'imono >ragons $ho wrote the >une series o *! no"els $hat would you use you zygomaticus muscle or An what city is the =ncyclopaedia Britanica based and published ?hese were in"ented ; )1 years later us president got one ; what >a"id Coo+ became amous as who $hat capitol city stands on the ?agus %i"er $hite creame de menthe and brandy ma+e what coc+tail Barrel sizes ; there are 14 gallons in a what Collecti"e nouns ; An array o what %outine is what shaped pasta Amy the girls name means what $ho is the Patron *aint o ?7 $a+ame ?engusa and 6ozu+u are <apanese what ?ennis what lin+s Co+e %ole5 *lazenger %obinson,s Barley water $ho rode %ocinante $hat 3* president was nic+named 6iss Nancy A you landed at Hanedi airport where are you On what common ob@ect would you ind a slee"e and a tray <onathan Buttall is well +nown in art by what name Only two elements liCuid room temperature ; mercury and what Al red Nobel in"ented dynamite what did ather Ammanuel in"ent $hat was chec+point Charlie named a ter $here would you ind *aracens Bluestones and ?rilithons An <apan what is <igali ?homas Harris created what character -eorge Hoy;Booth became amous as who An Coc+ney rhyming slang what is a butchers /butchers hoo+0 Corzetti is what shaped pasta $hat city stands on the 6aas %i"er A cat is eline ; what animal is murine 6ildrid Harris 2ita -rey Paulette -oddard Oona O Neil ; 2in+ $hat was irst wor+ o iction blessed by the Pope $hat Hollywood actress was the 2aurence Oli"ier o Orgasms $hat is considered the most success ul poem o all time Brand name was translated as Bite the wa5 tadpole in %ussian $hat was the irst Beatles song licensed or use in a Ni+e add $hat was the name o >orothy Par+ers Parrot $hat is the -ree+ word or =gyptian ?eaching what sub@ect banned O5bridge 3nis 'ing -eorge 7A ?he Aztecs Ayecotl is a orerunner o what current ood ?he 'ing o Barataria alternati"e name what -P* operetta A you landed at 2indberg airport where are you $ho is the Patron *aint o 9oung 7irgins <ohn *imon %ichie became amous as who -eorge the boys name means what -in ; lemon <uice ; *ugar ; *oda ma+e what coc+tail ?ubetti lunghi is what pasta shape Barrel sizes ; there are 21. gallons in a what Collecti"e nouns ; An army o what

?wo Penises !ran+ Herbert *miling Chicago ?elephone on his des+ >a"id =sse5 2isbon *tinger 'ilder+in Hedgehogs $heels Belo"ed *t Clare =dible seaweed Only ad"erts $imbledon Centre >on Qui5ote <ames Buchanan ?o+yo A 6atchbo5 -ainsborough,s Blue Boy Bromine Plywood Charlie G Phonetic Alphabet *tonehenge !emale *uicide Hannibal 2ector -eorge !ormby 2oo+ Coin shaped %otterdam 6ouse or %at Charlie Chaplains wi"es Ben Hur G 2ew $allace Hedy 2amarr A ; %udyard 'ipling Coca Cola %e"olution Onan ; He spilled his seed on the ground Coptic Astrology Haricot Beans ?he -ondoliers *an >iego *t Agnes *id 7icious !armer ?om Collins =lbows ?un Caterpillars

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 24
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho wrote ?hree 6en in a Boat $ho owned %in ?in ?in in the series Collecti"e nouns ; A sleuth o what $hat was the name o the horse in Animal !arm Barrel size ; what beer barrel contains 1:4 gallons Bozzoli is what shape o pasta 'hons was the =gyptian god o what $hat countries national anthem is ?he Bayambo song $hat ilm star was born in *a+halin *iberia ?he %imac ri"er runs through what city $ho is the Patron *aint o Artists $hat does a 9ellow !lag %ed stripes mean in motor racing A you landed at 6erignac airport ; where are you An ?he Be"erly Hillbillies what was the name o =llie,s Chimp Name the boo+ ; irst line ; At was a pleasure to burn $hat is the worlds biggest pro ession An =nologist studies what $ho said Kability is useless without opportunityK An heraldry i an animal is passant what is it doing $hat is in the tyres o a commercial airline 1J o Arelands annual barley crop is used or what ?here are three par+s in the 3*A dedicated to what 9'' 9oshida 'ogyo 'abushibibaisha worlds largest ma+ers what Collecti"e nouns ; A sute o what $here was 'eanu %ee"es born $hose original name was <asper $hat common word in 6orse is ;; ;;; ;; $hat does the boys name Neil mean $hat lin+s AP A3P CP %euters Anternational dialling codes ; what country has .1 as code Hitchcoc+ ilm he did not appear 2i eboat 18&& who emale star $hat composer wrote the Pomp and Circumstance marches %ich >uncan %obert $hittle ?homas *uchane+ champs sport $hat bird has the ma5imum recorded li e span #. years ?he -olden %ain is the common name o what tree -erman wine is made rom mainly what grape $hat is the lower o *eptember $hat lin+s 7espasian ?itus >omitian Ner"a $hat was the Atalian 3mberto Nobile irst to do in 182. >ermaptera are what species o insects An Blythe CaE you cant wear cowboy boots unless you own what $ho rode a horse called >iomed An Bonanza Hoss Cartwright was a raid o what $hat lin+s Ho 6alomo (agreb Belgrade Porto 7arna 7e"ey Natasha -urdin became amous as who On a"erage the !rench eat 2: million what a year $hat countries nation anthem is 2and o ?wo %i"ers Collecti"e nouns ; An obstinacy o what $ho sang about *yl"ia,s 6other Barrel size ; what wine barrel contains 12. gallons

<erome ' <erome %usty Bears Bo5er Butt Cocoons 6oon Cuba 9ul Bryner 2ima Peru *t 2u+e *lippery ?rac+ Bordeau5 Cousin Bessie !ahrenheit &)1 %ay Bradbury ?eaching $ine Napoleon $al+ing Nitrogen ; Air reezes 6a+ing -uinness Butter lies (ips Bloodhounds Beirut ; 2ebanon ?om ; !rom ?om and <erry 6O6 Champion ; Arish News Agencies Australia ?allulah Ban+head =dward =lgar Hang -liding Herring -ull G %oyal Albatross 2aburnum %iesling Aster or 6orning -lory %ulers %oman =mpire .8 ; 84 Airship Crossing North Pole =arwigs 6inimum ) head o cattle >u+e o $ellington ?he >ar+ Anternational ilm esti"als Natilie $ood !rogs AraC Bu alos >r Hoo+ Pipe

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 24
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat shape is !usilli pasta $hat amous person was born in Ahmaddnagar Andia $ho is the Patron *aint o *pain A you landed at *hannon airport where are you $hat boo+ starts with the words ; Call me Ashmael An 6assachusetts its illegal to ha"e what in the bathroom ?he !A* go"erns what sport Queen Ale5andria,s is the worlds largest what !rance Che"alier -ermany %itter *pain Caballero what =nglish $ho would use a chimere and a rochet 7H international airline registration letters what country An 3*A 2:s 6ary ):s 2inda 1:s 6ichelle what most pop 8:s name $hat does a CA? scan stand or $hat does the girls name Arene mean $hat,s is the correct name or a emale Badger Collecti"e nouns ; A train o what $hat does a blue lag white cross mean in motor racing An the !lintstones what was Betty %ubbles maiden name *amuel Hahnermann de"eloped what type o therapy $hat ilm won the best picture Oscar in 18.1 $hat are the A+i ; >ai;shimizy ; *ei+an in <apan *omething Happened 1& Picture ?his 44 Closing ?ime 8& author <ames 2eblanche *tewart became amous under what name $ho painted ; A -irl Asleep ; ?he 2etter ; ?he 'itchen 6aid An what game do countries play or the 7enice cup BA British Airways AA American Airways what is AA An %oman mythology !aunus was the god o what %osetta <acobs became amous under what name $hat does the girls name 2inda mean 6yosotis is the 2atin name or what blue lower ?he $$*3 go"erns what sport *usan Abigail ?omalin became amous as who Anternational dialling codes ; $hat country has ## as its code $hat lin+s Augsburger ; 2a *tampa ; =l Pais and >uma $hat countries national anthem is ?he Patriotic *ong $ho rode a horse called 6agnolia $hat pop singer was born in 2uc+now Andia An Bonanza what was Hoss Cartwright,s characters irst name $ho said K?he child is the ather o the manK A <oc+o is what type o animal Coc+roaches will eat anything e5cept what Boo+ At was a bright cold day in April and cloc+s were stri+ing 1# A you landed at 6irabel airport where are you $hat sport would you see at Arthur Par+ $ho is the Patron *aint o hunters $ho sang Come on =ileen $illiam the boys name means what $hat shape is 6illerighi pasta Barrel size ; what wine barrel size contains 1: gallons Collecti"e nouns ; ?eam Plump !lush *a e *meath o what

Cor+screws *pi+e 6illigan *t <ames 2imeric+ 6oby >ic+ A lightswitch Anternational *+i !ederation Butter ly 1 oot wing 'night Bishop ; parts o dress Australia Ashley Computerised A5ial ?opography Peace ; -ree+ *ow Camels -i"e way or be disCuali ied Betty <ean 6cBric+er Homeopathy An the heat o the night ?unnels <oseph Heller *tewart -ranger <an 7ermeer Contract Bridge Air Andia Prophecy Piper 2aurie *erpent G meaning wisdom !orget me Not $orld $ater *+iing 3nion *usan *aradon !rance Newspapers -ermany Ataly *pain Bulgaria %ussia -eorge $ashington Cli %ichard =ric $ordsworth Chimpanzee or ape Cucumbers 184& -eorge Orwell 6ontreal -rand Pri5 %acing *t Hubert >e5ies 6idnight %unners %esolute Protector ?ubes An+er >uc+s

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 28
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat does the girls name Amy mean %abbit #2 ; Cat .2 ; !erret &2 ; *Cuirrel && ; Hedgehog &: what ?he ?ilia is the 2atin name or what type o tree $hat grape "ariety is used to ma+e champagne $hat is the traditional gi t or a si5th wedding anni"ersary An heraldry what shape is a pile Anternational Aircra t %egistration what country is *3 $hat word is spelled out in 6orse by ; EE ; dash dot dot dash $hat author was born in Petro"ichi 3**% in 182: An 18.& <ett Boc+ composed the music or what hit show 3*A courts spend hal their time with cases in"ol"ing what An -ree+ what does the word clima5 mean An Australia what is the no 1 topping or pizzas $hat is the deri"ation o the word "anilla *mell o la"ender liCuorice chocolate doughnuts increase what Bamboo har"ester was the real name o what ?7 character $hat animal has a prehensile penis According to a sur"ey what is Americans a"ourite smell >ismus and -estas were who Collecti"e nouns ; a strea+ o what $omen do it & times to a mans once ; what 1&J o American women say what is biggest dating turn o An >isney,s !antasia what is the *orcerers name $hat is the ma@or e5port o 2iechtenstein $hat does the girls name >eborah mean $hat bird has the longest ledging period #.: days A you were eating a 6alus Pumila what would it be An Hazledon Pen a lecturer can,t legally do what while wor+ing >aysypgal people su er rom what $hat creatures se5 act lasts e5actly two seconds 88J o Andia,s ?ruc+ >ri"ers can,t do what $hat was the sub@ect o the irst boo+ printed in =ngland $ho once had a @ob as a co in polisher $hat has 12::: eyes $hat does *cotland e5port to *audi Arabia $hat,s the most unusual o icial sporting e"ent in China $hat is opened somewhere e"ery & seconds A spat is a baby what Only ))J o men do what $hat country is the worlds largest e5porter o !rogs 2egs An Adaho you cant gi"e a citizen something more than ):lb ; what On a"erage what contains ) ; 1 calories Brasco is Australian slang or what Queen 7ictoria said it the saddest place in all Christendom where $hat is Andia,s National !lower $hat is ?he >aily Planet in Australia $hat is 'imogayo in <apan Penis comes rom the 2atin meaning what &) is the Anternational ?elephone dialling code or what country $hat does the girls name >onna mean

!it to be lo"ed G rom !rench -estation days 2ime Chardonnay *ugar An"erted Pyramid =gypt ?A? Asaac Asimo" !iddler on the %oo Cars 2adder =ggs !rom 2atin 7agina resembled pod Blood low to penis 6r =d >olphin Bananas %obbers ne5t to <esus ?igers *hopli t *wearing G !oul 2anguage 9ensid G >isney re"ersed !alse ?eeth Bee ; rom Hebrew 'ing Penguin Apple *ip Carbonated >rin+s Hairy Arse 6osCuito %ead %oad *igns Chess *ean Connery A Butter ly *and -ranade ?hrowing Can o *pam Oyster $ash hands a ter toilet "isit <apan -i t o candy *ingle e@aculation ?oilet 6earsyside 2otus Biggest Brothel G 2isted company National Anthem ?ail >enmar+ 2ady ; !rom 2atin

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 28
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?here are o"er 1#:::: species o what on earth Quercus is the 2atin name o what ?ree $hat is the most common plastic surgery per ormed 3*A men $hat ri"er did the Pied Piper drown the rats in $hat did the irst issue o Playboy in 18)# not ha"e ="ery citizen o 'entuc+y must do what by law annually $hy do lawyers traditionally wear blac+ $hat gi"es piggy ban+s their name $hat was the name o the 6on+eys only ilm made in 18.8 $hat sna+e builds a nest what musical play ; ind a character called 6agnolia Haw+s ?he able ?he Hare and the ?ortoise ; what animal @udges race $hat happened <uly 1) 141) on H6* Bellerophon $ho was Humphry Bogart,s irst wi e Herb Caen is credited with in"enting what word Collecti"e nouns ; a +not o what An =ngland it is illegal to dri"e a car without doing what %CA released the irst 2P in 18)8 without artists name ; who $hat was <ames Bonds athers name =? dran+ which brand o beer 7ladi"osto+ stands on what body o water $ho wrote the poem 'ubla 'han $hat is 2ittle %ed %iding Hoods name A you were eating a Prunis >omesticia what would it be $hat does the girls name (oe mean $hat is the traditional gi t or a 1#th wedding anni"ersary $ho li"e in !rostbite alls 6innesota ?he !rench call it 2, Herbe %oyal what do we call it $ho was the star o ?he *i5th *ense An North >a+ota i you are in a co"ered wagon you can do what Asmene and Antigone are whose daughters Ben 7eeren played what character in Arthur Hailey,s roots $here would you ha"e ound Bin+y An+y Pin+y and Clyde $hat type o ood is Ota+ Ota+ in 6alaysia $hat was the irst ilm Paul Newman directed Bentlet >rummle appears in which >ic+ens no"el $ho is ?he Ancredible Hul+s girl riend At $oodstoc+ 18.8 ))): what happened $ho appeared or the irst time in Beetons Christmas Annual $ho wrote the no"el Heidi -ulyas soup is a delicacy in what country $hat is the correct name or a Hawaiian -oose An 14&) Boston it was illegal to do what without a doctors note An <ames Bonds boo+s what was >r No,s irst name Collecti"e nouns ; A bale o what $ho wrote the play $aiting or -odot in 18)& 8: is the Anternational ?elephone dialling code what country An heraldry an animal reguardant is doing what $hat is the more common name or the Buddleia $hat does the boys name Paul mean

Butter lies Oa+ Breast %eduction $eser >ate ; unsure i it would continue ?a+e a bath 6ourning Queen 6ary *cotland Pygg ; type o clay their made rom Head 'ing Cobra *howboat ?he !o5 Napoleon surrendered Helen 6enc+en Beatni+ ?oads *itting on ront seat =l"is Presley Andrew Coors *ea o <apan *amuel ?aylor Coleridge Blanchette Plum 2i e 2ace %oc+y and Bullwin+le Basil Bruce $illis *hoot mounted Andians Oedipus Chic+en -eorge Pac 6an -hosts -rilled !ish Pate %achel %achel -reat =5pectations Betty %oss Births *herloc+ Holmes <ohannes *pyri Hungary Nene Bathe <ulius ?urtles *amuel Bec+ett ?ur+ey 2oo+ing bac+wards Butter ly Bush *mall ; rom 2atin

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #:
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): 2ycopersicum esculentum is what common ood Anternational Airline %egistrations N is what country 2:s %obert ):s %obert 1:s 6ichael what 3* top boys name 8:s $hat is ?op 'anal in Poland %ice;'ellogg in"ented what in 182& Brea+ ast at ?i anies ; amous ilm ; who wrote the boo+ Cecil B >e 6ille the ilm director had what middle name A music was played leggiero how should it be done $ho sculpted %imaD -enisis and =cco Homo ?he !ool in !rench and the %unner in -erman what in =nglish An what gameFsport is the 6c%obinson shield played or )# is the international dialling code or what country Nut ; Neuth ; Nuit alterati"e names =gyptian goddess o what An heraldry animals addorsed are in what position ?he locals call it Al;6agrib what do we call this country ?raditionally what should be gi"en on an 11th anni"ersary BarbaraD CarignanD CinsautD and Nebbilo are "erities o what A you landed at Balice airport where would you be -alt 6ac>ermot wrote what 18.1 musical stage show $hat planet in our system is not named a ter a god By 3* Congress law 14#2 citizens should do what annually $hat boo+ was banned in Areland in 18#2 An Breton Alabama there is a law against riding what down street $ho would use a claCue 14J o 3*A coins 1J o notes ha"e what on them Oryza sati"a is what staple ood item Catherine the -reat +ept who in an iron cage in her bedroom ?he *elenas 7alley was the re@ected title what *teinbec+ boo+ Azote was the original name o what element $hat animals cannot swim An %i"erside Cal its illegal to +iss unless both wipe lips with what $hat 3*A city is also a slang name or a pineapple $hat was banned in 3* mo"ie theatres in the 182:s A you were per orming a illip what are you doing $hat unusual la"our did the <ell;O company try in 18&2 ?he interior o what is called the paste $hat was %obin $illiams paid or >isney,s Aladdin in 1842 6ore than &:J o 3*A women were once what $hat uses 24 calories i done or one minute An 142: what was ta5ed in 6issouri $hat is the o icial drin+ o the state o Ohio ?he %ussian composer Ale5ander Borodin had what other @ob 14J o animal owners do what with their pets ?he 3A? go"ern what sport 8:J o Americans consider themsel"es what An 6innesota it is illegal to tease what animal *he is the Chinese name o what year /animal0 $ho wrote ?he >ecei"er 1881 and ?he !ist o -od 188# $hat does the name *tephen mean ; rom the -ree+ Anternational Airline %egistrations *I is what country

?omato America 6ichael Commercial ?7 station 2oudspea+ers ?ruman Capote Blount 2ightly <acob =pstein Chess Bishop ; !ou G 2au er CroCuet Cuba *+y Bac+ to Bac+ 6orocco *teel Atalian wine grapes Cracow Poland Hair =arth !asting and prayer Bra"e New $orld G Aldus Hu5ley 6otorboat Actor ; Paid audience clappers >angerous Bacteria %ice $igma+er =ast o =den Nitrogen -orillas %ose $ater Chicago Popcorn ; too noisy *napping !ingers Cola Cheese round *cale N&4) day M Picasso Painting -irl *couts 'iss Bachelors ?omato <uice Chemistry Pro essor *t Petersburg *hare beds Anternational shooting union *hy *+un+ *erpent !rederic+ !orsyth Crown -reece

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: *port "ariable ground size 12:51):yd min 11:52:: ma5 ):J o >utch men ha"e ne"er done what A you Absterse something what do you do 6usa acuminata is what a"ourite ood item An a year the a"erage person wal+s our miles doing what $hat was the irst ilm to use stereophonic sound ?he letter B comes rom =gyptian hieroglyphics meaning what in 188) 1# boo+s e"ery minute sold in 3* were on what sub@ect ?here are more telephones than people in what city An the middle ages you could be ined our pence murdering who $hat ood *cots once re use to eat cos it was not in the Bible ##J o what are a+e in the 3*A $hat holiday islands ha"e no ri"ers or la+es ; rain water only A you su ered rom Chirospasm what ha"e you got $hat lin+s Bob Hope <ohn Huston %yon O,Neil Bo >iddley 2ittle <umping !lea literal trans o what Hawaiian instrument An Alas+a it is illegal to loo+ at a moose rom where 6ore that AF# adults do what a"erage # time each morning A ur y is Australian slang or what $ho said China is a big country inhabited by many Chinese An a recent sur"ey women disli+ed what part o male body most ?he 3* had )J world population and 1:J o worlds what An 18:2 $hat did 6ary Anderson in"ent A you landed at Arlanda airport where would you be ?he !=A go"ern what sport ?raditionally what should be gi"en on a 2:th anni"ersary An *omalia its illegal to carry old chewing gum where $hat ood did the %omans call Pointed *tic+ Name the pet alligator in 6iami 7ice An Cali ornia 22 K is the minimum legal length o saleable what On any gi"en day hal o Americans are on what -ondolas in 7enice are traditionally what colour Ben@amin who was the irst 2ord 6ayor o >ublin $hat country declared itsel irst atheist state in 18.1 $here was Bacardi originally made $hat is si5 inches in height and no bigger by the rules 3ntil 14.2 there was a ta5 in =ngland or those who used what a Paralian always li"es near what ?he 3* uses up 1::: tons o what annually Allium cepa ; one o the lilicaea ; world most used ood item Anternational Airline %egistrations OO is what country $hat "egetable was considered a cure or se5 problems in old =gypt An 6ilan citizens can be ined N1:: i they donBt always do what $hat does the name Barbara mean ; rom -ree+ ?he locals call it 6isi what do we call this country *port is played on a "ariable ground ):51::yd min 1::51#: ma5 Ca"alier in !rench *pringer in -erman what in =nglish $oodwind Anstrument size between Clarinet and Bassoon $ho wrote O Human Bondage and ?he 6oon and *i5pence $hat is the %oman numerals or #:::

Aussie rules ootball !lown in a plane 24J ear it Clean it Banana 6a+ing their bed >isney,s !antasia House *tar ?re+ $ashington 3*A ?ra"elling 6usician Potato Blondes Bermuda $riters Cramp Bo5ers early in li e 3+ulele $indow o any aircra t Hit *nooze button on alarm cloc+ !alse story or rumour Charles de -aulle !eet 2awyers $indscreen $ipers *toc+holm *weden =Cuestrian China *tuc+ on your nose Broccoli ; rom Brocca =l"is Halibut A special >iet Blac+ -uinness Albania G banned religion Cuba ?able ?ennis Net *oap ?he *ea Currency ; it is shredded Onion Belgium %adish *mile ; Not Hospital and !unerals *trange or !oreign =gypt Association !ootball /soccer0 Chess 'night Cor;anglais *omerset 6augham 666

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): ?he lac+ o calcium in the diet causes what condition $here would you ind 2unate ?riCuetral and Hamate $hat are <ean BernardD Pierre *t;6artin and Berger in !rance >allol =thiopia has what claim to ame $here are Bay o Heats and Bay o >ew *inus Aestuum ; %oris ?he star constellation 2epus has what =nglish name 2auris Nobilis is the 2atin name o what common herb A you su ered rom "aricella what ha"e you got Chi is the Chinese year o what A Comte !rance 2andgra -ermany Conde Ataly what =ngland An heraldry what is a "ertical line di"iding a shield called ?he ?empleton prize is awarded annually or progress in what Anternational car registration letters what country is (A An =ngland what is the most popular girls name o the 8:s %osencrantz and -uilderstern are dead ; name playwright 2ucy <ohnson became amous under what name $hat is a ?am ?am !A?A are the go"erning body o what sport >enzil $ashington,s irst ilm as director was what $hat is Canada,s oldest city ounded in 1.:4 An the <ewish religion what,s banned during ?he three wee+s $ho wrote the hymn Hear my Prayer #4 million Americans one in i"e donBt li+e what Alan -insberg is credited with in"enting what .:s phrase $here would you ind a pintle $ho created $oody $oodpec+er $inston Churchill had a dog ; what type $ho was born in Chicago )th >ecember 18:1 died 18.. $hat is the name o Paul 6cCartney,s o icial an club By 3* go"ernment igures people ha"e tried 24::: ways o what A you su er rom ?inea Pedis what ha"e you got $hat colour is 2lamas mil+ An Alberta its illegal to play craps i you are using what Narcotics comes rom the -ree+ ; what it literally mean $hat did Pope <ohn II1 use as e ecti"e eyewash %hodopsis original =gyptian Cinderella had what @ob $hose attendance compulsory at priests banCuets in =gypt *iddhartha -autama became better +nown as who An ancient -reece young brides had to sacri ice what Caer;2ud was the ormer name o what capitol city &J o women ne"er do what according to sur"ey An superstition i you marry on *aturday you will ha"e what $hat was the irst million dollar seller paperbac+ $ho ounded 6ethodism in 11#4 $hat was the ancient =gyptian cure or haemorrhoids 6iddle ages 6on+s denied meat on ast days ate what $here was Ace Cream in"ented Brittany *pears ; what is her a"ourite drin+ $hat @ob does Charlie Browns ather do Anternational direct dialling codes what country has #)#

%ic+ets Bones in $rist $orlds deep ca"es $orlds hottest a"erage place 8& Near side o 6oon ?he Hare Bay Chic+enpo5 Coc+ =arl Pale %eligion *outh A rica %ebecca ?om *toppard A"a -ardner Orchestral -ong Archery !inding !ish Quebec 6arriage or Haircut 6endlesson *e5 !lower Power Hinge ; itBs the pin holding it $alter 2antz 6iniature Poodle $alt >isney Club *andwich 2osing $eight Athletes oot 9ellow >ice =lectric eels ; put on oreheads Babies 3rine Prostitute ; bird stole her shoe 6ummies G dead reminded short li e Buddha ?heir >olls G show they were grown up 2ondon $ear 3nderwear No luc+ at all A the <ury G 6ic+ey *pillane <ohn $esley Beer ; lots o beer %abbit !oetuses G *aid were eggs China *prite Barber %epublic o Areland

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is the main ood o walruses Clams #:J o people Cuit this @ob in 3*A each year ; what @ob Napoleons li e was sa"ed by a dog what breed G and he hated dogs An 1421 <acob !usel worlds ist commercial actory ma+ing what ?he star constellation -rus has what =nglish name Anternational aircra t registration letters what country is PP or P? $hat was the irst #: minute animated >isney show A renaissance doctor ; what treatment e5cluding bleeding 9ou could be e5ecuted or drin+ing what in ancient ?ur+ey $here did the ancient =gyptians paint pictures o their enemies $hat is ound in one third o American homes Bowling or lizards was whose a"ourite ?7 program ?he name <esse means what in Hebrew According to strain theory crime is mainly committed by who An what country was the longbow in"ented $ho ma+es Pringles $hat airline started 2&th *eptember 18&. single >C# ; Betsy $hat are a swallowtail and a burgee $hat is the most common se5ually transmitted disease in 3*A $ho was the Angel in 6ilton,s Paradise 2ost #::::: American teenagers get what e"ery year !rancesco *eraglio in"ented what in Australia in early 18.:s $hat was *ocrates wi e,s name $ho K2o"ed not to wisely but too wellK *ha+espeare play $hat did Anna *age K?he lady in %ed doK $ho ma+es 'leene5 tissues Poon 2im holds the record o 1## days doing what Holden Caul ield ; Catcher in the %ye ; where <> *al get name 6arcus -ar"ey ounded what Ancient %oman brides wore a wedding dress ; what colour .&J o American teenagers ha"e what in their bedrooms Charles *tratton became amous as what circus act $hat is the most common se5ual complaint o emales o"er ): $ho ma+es 6iller 2ite beer ?he name Cal"in has what un ortunate 2atin meaning $hat author was the irst published by Bantam paperbac+s An ancient Andia what was cut o adulterers An British Columbia is illegal to +ill what ?he *pear 2ee+ was the original name o what ood item $hat was the name o the irst $ings album $ho started 2augh O -ram productions *igmund !reud used a dog to help his psychoanalysis what breed An a 1844 sur"ey 12 million Americans donBt +now what 2obster Newberg was in"ented at what amous restaurant An 14th century =ngland what would you do with whim wham ?he !AC go"ern what sport An =ngland what is the most popular boys name o the 8:s Anternational car registration letters what country is A* An heraldry what is a horizontal line di"iding a shield called ?he star constellation Ara has what =nglish name

*chool Bus >ri"er New oundland G sa"ed rom drowning Ace Cream ?he Crane Brazil >uc+ ?ales =nemas Co ee !oot o *andals *crabble !red !lintstone $ealth ?he lower classes $ales Proctor and -amble Cathay Paci ic !lags Herpes Beelzebub 7enereal disease ?he $oolmar+ logo Ianthippe Othello Betray <ohn >illinger 'imberly Clar+ *ur"i"ing on a ra t 6o"ie marCuee $ Holden < Caul ield %asta arians 9ellow ?ele"ision ?om ?humb 7aginal >ryness Philip 6orris Bald 6ar+ ?wain 2i e on the 6ississippi Noses ; and they tried to hide it *asCuatch -arlic $ild 2i e $alt >isney <o;!i a Chow $ashington >C was capitol >elmonicos =at it Cream sponge Canoeing >aniel Aceland !ess ?he Alter

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #2
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hich %oman =mperors name means little boats An =ngland what can you not hang out o your window ?he constellation Norma has what =nglish name Chu is the Chinese year o what animal 7or was the Norse -oddess o what OB is the international aircra t registration letters what country $ho composed the classical piece Peter and the $ol An what sport do women compete or the 3ber cup $hat was the last seCuel to win best picture award How did *tonewall <ac+son die $hat are ?he Chiuhauhan Nubian and Alas+an Anternational dialling codes what country is 4. ?hie"es 2iars 6agicians and who were in >antes 4th circle Hell Alphabetically what is the irst element in the periodic table $hat order o insects contains the most species $hat amous battle was ought at Pancenoit $hat colour is natural cheddar cheese $here was the irst Pony =5press set up $hat animal originated -roundhog >ay Abraham (apruder made the most scrutinised ilm all time what Aesculus is the 2atin name o what type o tree $here were bagpipes in"ented $hat is %ice Paper made rom <orn 3tzon o >enmar+ designed what landmar+ $hat is the most popular pizza topping in *outh 'orea $hich people used to settle legal disputes by head butting Hitihita is a character in what boo+ and ilm How does a male +oala attract a mate Bohemian %hapsody was on what Queen album $hat is a Boodie $hat character on ?7 and ilm must ha"e se5 e"ery 1 years $hat was the name o Hamlets ather Bugs Bunny was a caricature o what actor *herloc+ Holmes li"ed in Ba+er *t ; $hat other >etecti"e did *pumador was whose horse An what American state do most ail to graduate Names rom <obs ; what in the middle ages did a wal+er do Al red Butta in"ented what in 18&1 ; mar+eted 18&4 Phobos and >eimos are moons o 6ars ; what do names mean $hat colour is a gira es tongue =rica is the 2atin name or what shrub $hat is the capitol o !i@i >isney,s *leeping Beauty what is the name o the Queen witch $hat is the name o *ha+espeare,s irst play %egnat Populus ; ?he people rule ; motto o what 3* state A Cow 6oos ; A Coc+ Crows ; $hat does an Ape do ?he AH! go"ern what sport 2e"i *tubbs %enaldo Benson Abdul !a+ir 2aurence Payton $ho ?he constellation 2acerta has what =nglish name Collecti"e nouns ; An Army o what

Caligula A Bed 2e"el Boar ?ruth Peru *ergei Pro+o ie" Badminton *ilence o the 2ambs to 6anhunter *hot by own troops G by mista+e >eserts China Politicians Actinium Beetles $aterloo ; / our miles away0 $hite G itBs dyed red Outer 6ongolia Badgers ; in -ermany 'ennedy Assassination Horse Chestnut Aran G then Persia A ?ree ; ?he %ice Paper ?ree pith *ydney Opera House ?una Anuit ; =s+imo 6utiny on the Bounty ; ?ahiti chie Belching A Night at the Opera A 6arsupial related +angaroo rat 6r *poc+ Hamlet Clar+ -able *e5ton Bla+e 148# 'ing Arthur -eorgia Clean Cloth *crabble !ear and ?error Blac+ Heather *u"a 6ale icent ?itus Andronicus Ar+ansas <ibber Anternational Handball !ederation ?he !our ?ops 2izard !rogs

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #2
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat 3* state has no motto Babs -orden is better +now as what heroine <im ?horpe won Olympic pentathlon 1812 who was i th !irst Ampressions was the original title o what classic no"el $hat country spends the most per capita in casinos An Andia in 188& who were inally allowed to "ote An what language was the irst complete bible in 3* printed <ohn $ayne called what ilm K?he most un;American thing e"erK $hat country produces the most tobacco in the world Collecti"e nouns ; A Business o what A you were eating Olea =uropea what would it be $hat is <ane !onda,s middle name $ho is the %oman -oddess o loc+s and herds $here were the irst winter Olympics held in 182& $hich album is on the Billboard top 2:: the longest since 181# >a"id <ohn 6oore Cornwell became amous as who An ?he Hobbit what colour is Bilbo,s door An what game might you use a lat stic+ called a +ip $here was Holmes pal >r $atson wounded during the war Collecti"e nouns ; A Hus+ o what Blac+ and Blue play %ed and 9ellow at what game $hat ran+ was -eorge Armstrong Custer when he was +illed Old superstitions ; it is bad luc+ to do what in the morning $ho said KBigamy is one husband too many li+e 6onogamyK $hat colour were =?s eyes $hat is the smallest species o penguin $hat do !romologists collect An the original $izard o Oz what colour were the slippers ?he Be"erley Hillbillies came rom what Ozar+s town Collecti"e nouns ; A leap o what Anternational dialling codes what county is 2: $hat 3* states name means long ri"er in Andian $hat country has the most elephants An $$2 the -ra *pee was orced into what harbour $ho were the irst Australian group to sell a million records $hat was <ames >eans middle name Collecti"e nouns ; A !loat o what An %omeo and <uliet what day is <uliet,s Birthday -eorge C *cott ; what does the C stand or An Ataly a man can be arrested i ound wearing what ?he Arcocarpus altilis was in"ol"ed in a mutiny ; what is it An what =uropean country ha"e most land battles been ought -wizador in Poland is who in =nglish An what sport is ?he 2ugano ?rophy awarded e"ery 2 years $ho composed the ballets ; ?he !irebird and ?he %ite o *pring O> international aircra t registration letters o what country Bragi was the Norse -od o what 6yrastica ragrens is what common spice ?he constellation 6ensa has what =nglish name Collecti"e nouns ; A amily o what

Alas+a Batgirl -eneral -eorge * Patton Pride and Pre@udice Australia =unuchs AlgonCuin Andian High Noon China !lies and !errets Oli"e *eymour Pales Charmoni5 !rance Pin+ !loyd >ar+ side o the 6oon <ohn 2e Carre -reen ?wo 3p *houlder <ac+rabbits CroCuet 2ieutenant Colonel *ing =rica <ong ; !ear o !lying 181# Blue ?he !airy Penguin Cheese labels *il"er Hooter"ille 2eopards =gypt Connecticut ?anzania 6onte"ideo ?he *ee+ers All ne"er ind another you Byron Crocodiles #1st <une Campbell A *+irt Bread ruit Belgium *anta Claus 6en,s National ?eam $al+ing Agor *tra"ins+y 2ebanon Poetry Nutmeg ?able *ardines

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz ##
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho was the irst woman to recei"e ?he Order o 6erit 18:1 An terms o hair what does !*H stand or On a prescription the 2atin e5pression ?er in >ie means what $hat was *herpa ?ensing surname 'olduns popular in %ussia as analysts in America what are they $hat month was named a ter 2atin or to open $hat is the more common name or Al+ane How long can a bedbug li"e without ood $hat is a Caryatid An Portugal i you bought sem chumbo what is it $hat <apanese name means ried ood o ten at the table $hat is Nelson 6andela,s middle name $hat thin net o sil+ or %ayon named a ter !rench place it made $hat !rench word literally means little s+ip Bib;label 2ithiated 2emon;2ime *oda better +nown as what An *lo"enian i you heard Na 6esta Pozor (da@ what sport $hat country has the most Post O ices $ho said about his songs Ksome are 1: minutes long some are .K $ho would use a punty in their @ob $ho would use an an+us in their @ob $hat is the correct name or the honey bear or potto ?he 6arino sheep originated in what country $hat was the irst battleship powered by steam turbines 18:. >ic+ ?racy the comic strip started li e as what name Carson City in Ne"ada ; dubious distinction irst what 182& $hat magazine started in America 6arch 182# ?enzin -yatso became what in 18#1 An what country was 6other ?heresa born An 1814 what were <elly Babies renamed $ho was Prime 6inister o China 18&8 to 181. ?he =gg and A was whose irst ilm $hat British 6otor "ehicle displayed at 18&4 Amsterdam show $ho irst appeared in All *tar Comics in 18&1 $hat ashion designer was responsible or K?he New 2oo+K ?he British Patent O ice since 18&8 banned patents or what $hat colour was Aan !lemming,s typewriter $hich Canadian won the 18)1 Nobel Peace Prize or *uez $ho was the irst commoner to appear %oyal 6ail pac+ 18.& $hat did Canada,s -rand !alls change their name to 18.& $hich comic character was dynamited to death in issue &24 $hat happened to Charles Broo+s in 1842 $hat artist was nic+named K<ac+ the >ripperK action painting An what -eorge Bizet opera do (ugra and Nbadir appear Charles Adrian $ettach became amous as what clown 6artin !allon Hugh 6arlow <ames -raham Harry Patterson who $ho created Popeye ?he ilm ?he 6adness o 'ing -eorge AAA >ropped AAA ; why $ho had the part o >irty Harry ; hurt hand ; dropped out $hat are >emyD 6ediumD %oyalD >ouble Crown Collecti"e nouns ; A Chatter o what

!lorence Nightingale !ollicle *timulating Hormone ?hree times daily Norgay $itches April Para in or 'erosene One 9ear Building support woman shaped 3nleaded Petrol ?empura %olihlahla ?ulle Cabriolet *e"en 3p Athletics ; 6ar+s set -o Andia Bob >ylan -lass blowers rod 6ahout to goad an elephant 'in+a@ou *pain H6* >readnought Plainclothes ?racy -as Chamber used ?ime >ali 2ama Albania Peace Babies Chou =n;2ai 6arilyn 6unroe 2and %o"er $onder $oman Christian >ior Perpetual 6otion 6achine -old 2ester Pearson $illiam *ha+espeare Churchill %obin !irst legal death by lethal An@ection <ac+son Polloc+ ?he Pearl !ishers -roc+ <ac+ Higgins =lzie *eger *o Americans donBt thin+ itBs a seCuel !ran+ *inatra Paper *izes Budgerigars

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz ##
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat word rom the Persian means per umed $hat is a collection o penguins +nown as A place name including worth eEgE ?amworth what,s worth mean Cum -ranlo *alis is 2atin or what phrase $hat does a crapulent person su er rom $e ha"e used a cassette but what does it literally mean %ey+@a"i+ translates into what Chambre means what when re erring to wine $hat is a *% N& $hat is Christmas >isease $ho wrote the 188& biography KPrincess in 2o"eK Clemantine Campbell became amous under what name An Ortaline is a cross between what two items $hat 3* state is the magnolia state ?he -lis -lis was attened and eaten by the %omans what is it 12J o what country is co"ered by orest $hat was $oody Allen,s irst ilm as writerFactor On what are the worlds smallest paintings painted $hat city used to be +nown as Bytown 6are Nostrum was the %oman name or what 'ong (i is better +nown as who ?he %omans called it Cambria ; what do we call it ?he %ed %ose City has what more common name in <ordan ?he Pirate 'hair;ed;>in had what Atalian name meaning redbeard Chopin played what instrument as a child An what *ha+espeare play does the character Caliban appear Cerumen is the technical name or what body part A a dish is ser"ed !lorentine what will it contain !ran+ -orshin played what role in a .:s series ilms $hich Puccini opera eatured Nessun >orma British *tandard B*212& might protect what body part A you saw Ca"e Canem written what would you +now $ho was the minstrel that ound %ichard A imprisoned $hat is a negus ; named a ter in"entor *tingray Bay named by Coo+ is now +nown as what *e5tilis was the original name or what $hat does a copoclephist collect $ho is the Patron *aint o lorists and gardeners <obs rom names ; what did a $ayne do $hat countries highest award is ?he Order o the =lephant $hat is ?halassophobia a ear o $ho does a !ilicide +ill !rom the -ree+ meaning apple what do we call this ruit $hat creature gets its name or the *panish or slowly Name >e 2eopards one armed drummer 6r 6ybug was only interested in se5 with !lora in what boo+ $here would you ind your Co5a Bad be ore a -erman town name means what $hat name rom the !rench to Cuibble means a no trump hand Collecti"e nouns ; what is a group o swans

Attar %oo+ery Homestead $ith a grain o salt >run+enness *mall Bo5 *mo+y Bay *er"e at room temperature Ho"ercra t 6ild Haemophilia Anna Pasterna+ Cleo 2ane ?angerine ; Orange 6ississippi =dible >ormouse !inland $hat,s New Pussycat Pin Heads Ottawa 6editerranean *ea /Our *ea0 Con ucius $ales Petra Barberossa Piano ?he ?empest =arwa5 *pinach ?he %iddler ?urendot =yes ; *unglasses Beware o the >og Blondel />e Nesle0 Port 2emon hot sweet spiced Botany Bay August 'ey %ings *aint >orothy $agon 6a+er >enmar+ ?he *ea *on or >aughter 6elon %emora %ic+ Allen Cold Com ort !arm Hip <oint AtBs a *pa ?own Chicane Herd or Be"y

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #&
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho had a no 1 Album .:s 1:s 4:s 8:s $hat was *pencer ?racy,s last ilm $ho was the third and a"ourite son o >a"id in Old ?estament $ho had a hit with K*on o my !atherK in 1812 $hat ish was the sub@ect o dispute *pain Canada in 188) %atatos+ was what animal in Norse mythology ; relayed insults $hat ship was blown up at the end o ?he A rican Queen %ichard Carlisle in"ented an early "ending machine selling what Ne"ada means what when translated rom Andian $here is the oldest +nown restaurant in the world $ho is the %oman -oddess o orchards and gardens An a recent sur"ey what J o 3* wi"es thought husband cheating $hat was the irst country to recognise the 3* as independent $hat so t drin+ was de"eloped as a hango"er remedy =dinburgh Castle stands on Arthur,s *eat what was Arthur,s seat $ho should ha"e played Andiana <ones and dropped out ?he *an Andreas is what type o geological ault Name any o the demonstration sports at the *ydney Olympics $here was the irst 6iss $orld contest held in 18)1 And what country won it <apanese hi tec toilets auto wipe buts using what An -ree+ legend who turned men into swine A ter Cali ornia what 3* state produces the most wine $hat series was "oted the best iction o the 2:th century $hat 3* state was the last to rati y abolition sla"ery 188:s HippopotomonstrosesCuippedaliophobia is the ear o what ="ery day in the 3* people steal N2:::: rom where C11 H21 N:& is the chemical ormula or what $ho ired the irst shots in the 181: ilm 6A*H $hat is the worlds most widely eaten ish Be"eley Hills Cop was =ddie 6urphy but who was it intended or $hat is the literal meaning o 'angaroo A digitabulist collects what $ho said KAB"e watched a lot o baseball ; on the radioK Collecti"e nouns ; a group o police o icers An Norse mythology ?yr is the god o what Bra"e Belt was the original name o what group ?he Hula Hoop was illegal in what country 2eonato is the main character in what *ha+espeare play $ho wrote the boo+ !orest -ump $hat product uses the most sil"er $hat was the ormer name o the Chrysler Corporation An the Bible who was the ather o Abraham $hat was the name o the shepherd that got ?remponina Pallidium $hat sport was called Harpastum by the ancient -ree+s $ho was the male star when ?he 6ousetrap irst played $ho was the irst actress to endorse a product commercially $hat is a Caldera $ho wrote the opera (aide $hat was 188#s biggest selling single

Barbara *trisand -uess whose coming to dinner Absolom Chicory ?ip ?urbot *Cuirrel ?he 2ouisa Boo+s *now 6adrid Pomonia Ninety J 6orocco Pepsi Cola 7olcano ?om *ellec+ Conser"ati"e Ballroom >ancing G *noo+er 2ondon *weden 2asers Circe New 9or+ 2ord o the %ings 6ississippi Big words 7ending machines Cocaine ?he !ootball game ?ime+eeper Herring *yl"ester *tallone A donBt understand ?himbles -erald !ord A 6ess $ar Bachman ?urner O"erdri"e !inland 6uch ado about Nothing $inston -room Camera !ilm 6a5well 6otors ?erah *yphilus !ootball %ichard Attenbourough 2illy 2angtree >epression le t by "olcano 6ozart All do anything or lo"e

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #&
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is a dhoti An Heraldry what is a mullet !ANA is the go"erning body o what amateur sport &:J o Americans ha"e ne"er been where $hat is *witzerland,s o icial name $hich drin+ was designed as a malaria cure $hat are lop cheong $ho would use a barny to reduce noise An A!?s top 1:: mo"ies only 2 seCuels ; -od ather and what 'ing ?hibaw ; imprisoned by the British ; last +ing o where An 1828 the irst what happened on an aircra t $hat is the name o the second highest mountain in A rica $ho would use a *yllabary $hat was >a"id 2eans irst ilm ?he oldest written plan o go"ernment in e ect is in what country $ho wrote the poem K?he Pied Piper o HamlinK An what ilm did ?ommy 2ee <ones ma+e his debut An ancient <apan what was used to clean teeth $hat can you shag in -eorgia but its illegal in !lorida <ulian >ic+ -eorge Anne and who ma+e the amous i"e $ho was ?he 2ittle Play ul One $here was !reddie 6ercury born $hat was the name o ?homas <e erson,s home Crazy Horse and Custer shared what childhood name Bridge %i"er 'wai ; Bridges ?o+i %io ; what actor lin+s ilms $ho runs the *pirit !oundation ; Aged Abused Orphaned ?halia is one o the muses ; what,s her sub@ect An the 2ittle 6ermaid airy tale what happens to her $hy was Clar+ 'ent re@ected military ser"ice during $$2 $ho wrote the title song or 2i"e and let >ie <ohn Quincy Adams was the only 3* president to do what $ho cut o *amson,s Hair /'ing <ames =dition0 $ho was the irst woman to win an Oscar best actress 1824 $hat *ans+rit word means great +ing No"el ga"e Hemmingway nic+ spea+er o the lost generation $hat is the name on a+e credit cards $hat did Ben@amin !ran+lin claim as his trade $hich 3* state gets the most o"erseas "isitors $hat is a wood pussy $ho wrote the epic poem *amson Agonites $hat is the state tree o Adaho $ho is the adopted son o 7ito Corleone $hat was the name o the irst presidential aircra t Bill 6edly was part o what group $ho is >umbella $hat lower is the symbol o culture $hat country consumes the most co+e per capita An Heraldry there are .: "arieties o what $hat does pp on a music score mean 2O? is the national airline o what country

An Andian male loincloth A *tar *wimming ?o a >entist *wiss Con ederation Benedictine Chinese *ausages !ilm Cameraman cosy o"er cam !rench Connection AA Burma Birth 6ount 'enya Arabs ; their alphabet Oli"er ?wist 3nited *tates o America %obert Browning 2o"e *tory ; As Han+ *tale 3rine A Porcupine ?immy the >og Pocahontas (anzibar 6ontecello Curly $illiam Holden 9o+o Ono Comedy *he >ies !ailed eye test Paul 6cCartney 6arry a non American woman An 3nnamed 6an <anet -aynor 6ahara@a ?he *un Also %ises < 2 $ebb Printer Cali ornia G !lorida second *lang or s+un+ <ohn 6ilton $hite Pine ?om Hagan *acred Cow ?he %ighteous Brothers >onald >uc+s sister ?he 2otus Aceland Cross 7ery Cuietly Poland

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #)
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An ancient Andia how were dead parents traditionally disposed o Phalacrophobia is the ear o what Humans lose 21 what a day $ho would use a brannoc+ or what or $hat is the smallest boo+ in the 2ibrary o Congress 2ucille 2anghan+e born 18:. won an Oscar as who in 18&1 Harrison !ord played CAA agent <ac+ %yan ; who else has ?he song A +now him so well comes rom what stage musical 2ewis =rnest $atts became amous under what name $ho had a hit with !irst Cut is the >eepest in 1811 And who wrote the song $hat is the thing that wi"es do that annoy most husbands And what,s the top annoyance among wi"es Name the author who created Brer %abbit and Brer !o5 (ane -rey the western writer had what initial pro ession 7i"aldi composed ?he !our *easons ; what,s his irst name An which Arish county is Bantry Bay Burning potassium has what colour lame >e,cappo means what in music Name irst animated ilm to be nominated or best picture Oscar <azz ?rumpeter <ohn Bir+s was better +nown as who <acinth or Hyacinth are alternati"e names o what mineral Nanoo+ is a Canadian word or what animal An what prison did Nelson 6andela spend 18 o 21 years in @ail $hat should you gi"e on a #)th wedding anni"ersary ?he Pun@ab is an area o Andia meaning what An 6orse code one dash our dots what number $hat country has the worlds largest merchant na"y 3ntil computers replaced it who would use a Bloggoscope $here did 6athias %ust land his Cessna in 1841 $hat does A6*?%A> stand or *t *ithney is the Patron *aint o what $hat was *uper 6ario,s original name Pitcairn Airlines were the irst to pro"ide what in 1822 *otheby,s sold a 2:: year old bit o ?ibetan what N1):: in 188# $hat caused the irst %ednec+s to be %ednec+ $hat is 7irga A Pullicologist is an e5pert in what >uring their li etime the a"erage person eats our what *mith most common =nglish surname what,s the <apanese Annually 2):: le t handed people die doing what All windmills turn counter cloc+wise e5cept where ?he word melee comes rom what sport On the PH scale what does PH stand or An 6ichigan it is illegal to chain what to a ire hydrant 6agni era Andica is the 2atin name o what ruit $hat *earchers hit was written by *ony Bono $hat was %obert Browning,s pet name or his wi e =lizabeth #1J o people said what was the most disgusting personal habit $hat song lin+s 2ittle ="a and 'ylie 6inogue

=aten by o spring as a sign o respect -oing Bald 6oulted Pubic Hairs 6easure oot shoes Old 'ing Cole G thumbnail size 6ary Astor Alec Baldwin Chess <ohn 6ills %od *tuart Cat *tephens Nag 3ntidiness <oel Chandler Harris >entist Antonio Cor+ Purple %epeat rom start >isney Beauty and the Beast >izzy -illespie (ircon Polar Bear %obben Asland Coral !i"e %i"ers *i5 2iberia O* 6ap 6a+ers rom Aerial photos %ed *Cuare 6oscow Alan 6ichael *ugar ?rading 6ad >ogs <umperman Air *ic+ Bags Cheese 7itamin > >e iciency ; poor diet %ain the donBt reach ground !leas *piders in their sleep *uzu+i 3sing right handed products Areland !ootball "illage play Potential Hydrogen An Alligator 6ango Needles and Pins Portuguese *pitting ?he 2ocomotion

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #)
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat colour ?uesday did the %olling *tones sing about 1811 $hat is the e5tinct animal 6egantheron better +nown as Har"ey 2ee 9eary AA became amous under what name Oi+ophobia is the ear o what An 1884 there were ):4 hospital causing in@uries what sport A someone Anpissates a soup what ha"e they done An ?he 2ion the $itch and the $ardrobe whets the 2ions name 2utitia is what the %omans called where $here would you buy a *teinlager beer $ho sang the theme song or %awhide -@etost is the national cheese o what country Philippe Pages is the real name o what pianist $ho rode a horse called Aethenoth A you su ered rom ozostomia what ha"e you got $hat colour are !rench letter bo5es ?he %oman Apian $ay went rom %ome to where $hat was the code name or 3*A landings 6orocco in 18&2 $hat was the name o Haile *alassie be ore he was crowned <ayne Austin had i"e brothers and one sister name her $hat happened in Britain *ept #rd 11)2 Complete the Quote KAlasS Poor 9oric+S A +new himD HK $hat colour is ca eine $ho wrote the irst song KCome OnK %olling *tones recorded .# $hat was the name o !eli5 the Cats girl riend 7erdi,s opera Aida is set in what country <erome *iberman became amous as who $hat battle does the !rench 2egion Celebrate Annually $hat is !ala+a Hr"atas+a is what the nati"es call what country $hat @ob 6ichael Cane 3ma ?hurman *idney Poitier common $ho sang or 2auren Bacall in ?o Ha"e and Ha"e Not $hat animal has the worlds shortest sperm 6agnum PA wore a baseball cap supporting what team ?he *wathling Cup is played or in what sport %obert %ed ordD *te"e 6cQueen Paul Newman re@ect N&m role *aint 2ydwina is the Patron *aint o what sport $here was the worlds irst tele"ised baseball game Atamae ha"e what @ob in <apan Chuc+ Berry Art -ar un+le %obert %ed ord had what @ob An ?he 6uppet 6o"ie who sang or 6iss Piggy $hat country consumes the most tea per capita An Australia what is a $illy;$illy ?able ?ennis competitions only two coloured balls allowed what =ye or =ye ; ?ooth !or ?ooth what comes ne5t >emetria -ene -uynes became amous as who $hat colour was ?weety Bird originally An what country would you buy 'ing isher lager A Quidnunc is a what ; rom the 2atin Quidnunc what now $hat was *heena =aston,s original name ?he !rench musical instrument ?he 7iola has what other name

%uby *abre ?oothed ?iger 2ee 6a@ors Houses *noo+er Pool ?hic+ened it Assan Paris New (ealand !ran+ie 2ane Norway %ichard Clayderman 2ady -odi"a Bad Breath ; Halitosis 9ellow Brindisi ; Brindisium Operation ?orch %as ?a arri Cassandra Nothing ; day ne"er e5isted Horatio $hite powder Chuc+ Berry Phyllis =gypt -ene $ilder Camerone ; A >e eat ?ur+ish eet beating Croatia >ish washers Andy $illiams Hippopotamus >etroit ?igers ?able ?ennis *uperman ; C %ee"e paid 2::' Ace *+ating ?o+yo Che ; An !ront o cutting board Carpenters <ohnny 6athis Areland $hirlwind $hite and 9ellow Hand & Hand ; !oot & !oot =5 21 2& >emi 6oore Pin+ Andia -ossip ; used to be all politicians *henne Ore ?he Alto

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #.
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): !emale bathing caps were in"ented to pre"ent what Clinton O+lahoma see two ha"ing se5 in car what,s illegal you do Name Australia,s highest mountain $hat colour is malachite $ho won the irst Oscar or a musical in 18&# An ?he ilm %eser"oir >ogs what song was discussed at the start $ho was the Beatles original Bass Player $hich nati"e Andian tribe ne"er signed a peace treaty 3* go"ern %alph $onderone became better +nown under what name *ho"elheadD 'nuc+leheadD Panhead types o what 6urphy,s Oil soap is most o ten used to clean what An *ingapore you can be publicly caned or ailing to do what Cathy %igby was the irst woman to do what $hat la"our sweet was created or %onald %egan 2emniscate is the correct name or what symbol Corduroy literally translated means what $hat is the only 3*A state without a natural la+e 2auds Prime ?ierce *e5t Nones what comes ne5t $hat colour was 6rs Bates dress in Psycho $hat was Napoleons mothers name ?erry Bollea became amous under what name An $isconsin its illegal to do what during your wi e,s orgasm $hat is the only breed o dog that gets gout $hat country has the worlds oldest National Anthem $illiam Bla+e $inston Churchill <ohn 2ennon what lin+s $hat domesticated pet is ne"er mentioned in the Bible 'ellogg,s Corn !la+es were in"ented to do what An ?e5as its illegal to swear in ront o what $hat was Al red Hitchcoc+,s irst sound ilm $hat was +nown as Arabian $ine $hat does the blac+ and white B6$ logo represent An Arizona you must register with state be ore becoming what $here are the 2u5emburg gardens $hat was 6a5well *marts co"er $hat is the state insect o ?e5as P> <ames wrote thrillers what does P> stand or An what Bible boo+ is K?he lo"e o money is the root o all e"ilK An the Be"erley Hillbillies what was a potpasser <ac+ Haley played the ?in 6an what was the ?in 6ans name >isney Cuestion ; who are >aisy >uc+s three nieces Brassiere comes rom an old !rench word meaning what ?rimontaine was the original name o where An 14.1 >ows -inger Ale was the irst to be what An 2ouisiana what personal act is illegal in public $hat breed o dog bites the most humans Only humans and what primate can ha"e blue eyes $hat creature is the symbol o Bacardi An which country are condoms most commonly used $hat was the name o the saloon in -unsmo+e A 7igule or *olidus is what character

Clogged up >rains A you 6asturbate 6ount 'oscius+o Brown <ames Cagney 2i+e a 7irgin G 6adonna *tuart *utcli e *eminoles 6innesota !ats Harley >a"idson =lephants !lush ?oilet a ter use Pose Nude sports illustrated Blueberry <elly Babies An inity Cloth o the 'ing $est 7irginia 7espers Periwin+le Blue 2aticia Hul+ Hogan !ire a -un >almatian Netherlands Ordained >ruids Cats %educe 6asturbation A Corpse Blac+mail Co ee *pinning Propeller G B6$ made planes Allegal >rug >ealer Paris -reetings Card salesman 6onarch Butter ly Phyllis >orothy ?imothy .T1: Pool Cue at ancy eating table Hic+ory ?wic+er April 6ay <une Arm Protector Boston 6assachusetts *old in a Bottle -argling -erman *hepherd G Alsatian Blac+ 2emurs Bat <apan 2ongbranch *lash F ; not bac+slash

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #.
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: *our@ is Armenian or what $ho wrote Heart o >ar+ness An the mo"ie what is *ha ts irst name An Pennsyl"ania legally a man needs written permit rom wi e do what -rilled on a Ploughshare literal meaning what <apanese dish !ran+ Heyes 182# on *weet 'iss only @oc+ey e"er to do what


Co ee <oseph Conrad <ohn Purchase Alcohol *u+iya+i $in a race a ter death ; heart ailed during An an authentic Chinese meal what is ser"ed last *oup ; to swim the duc+ digestion ?opolino in Ataly is who here 6ic+ey 6ouse Holland 1.#& 1:::lb cheese & o5 4 pigs 12 sheep bed 1 what 7iceroy ?ulip Bulb $here in the body is the labrynth =ar An *ha+espeare,s Hamlet what herb is said to be or remembrance %osemary $hat is Papins >igester ; An"ented >enis Papin 1.18 Pressure Coo+er A web site with sa in the name is in what country *audi Arabia <ulius Caesar Hamlet 6acbeth %ichard AAA lin+s not Ob"ious All plays contain ghosts An >en"er Colorado it is illegal to lend what to your neighbour 7acuum Cleaner $here were Chinese Chec+ers in"ented =ngland $hat was the irst ilm gi"en the title Bloc+buster <aws $hat was the third leading cause o death in 18:: >iarrhoea $here would you ind your -labella *pace between your eyes 3ntil 188: what was still legal tender in =ast -ermany *ausages On what hobby is most money spent -ardening $hat city has the worlds biggest ta5i leet 6e5ico ; o"er .:::: &::: people each year are in@ured by what household item ?ea Pots $hat is the current no 1 aphrodisiac /reputedly0 Asparagus An >elaware it is illegal to pawn what $ooden 2eg $hat animal is mentioned most in the Bible *heep $hat lin+s *ocrates Aristotle <anis <oplin Bise5uals $hat is the most common ear people ha"e Public *pea+ing A ter the 3* what country imports the most scotch !rance An 'ansas City its illegal or children to buy what Cap -uns G but shotguns are O' $hat is o icially the poorest 3* state 6ississippi And what is o icially the richest >istrict o Columbia *mith <ohnson $illiams Brown <ones ne5t 3* common surnames 6iller ?he 3* eat most ice cream per capita what country second New (ealand An Andiana what is illegal in winter Bathing An what country did the rumba originate Cuba 'itty the most common cats name in 3* what,s the second *mo+ey According to Homer *impson what is a eline An =lephant $ho sang *hattered >reams in 1841 <ohnny Hates <azz An ?ucson Arizona it is illegal or a woman to wear what Pants *cottish clan were traitors and caused the -lencoe massacre Campbells $ho played *arah Conner in 184&s ?erminator 2inda Hamilton $hat country consumes the most calories per capita Areland $hat species o ish is caught most Ancho"etta ; Ancho"y At is illegal to use what to plough cotton ields in North Carolina =lephants $hat is the top New 9ears %esolution 2ose weight $hat 3* state has the most murders Cali ornia $hat crime causes the second most number arrests in 3*A >rin+ >ri"ing $here did doughnuts originate Holland = $ Hornung created which ictional character %a les

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An Baltimore it is illegal to ta+e what to the mo"ies ?he word 6atri5 in the Bible means what $hat lin+s Herbert Hoo"er and %ichard Ni5on ; not the ob"ious $ho is Homer *impson,s brother An >allas ?e5as it is illegal to possess a realistic what $hat country drin+s the most beer $hat is the most common breeding bird in the 3* Public *pea+ing is the most common ear what,s the second O"er 24 million Americans are what An O+lahoma it is illegal to bite some else,s what An Asrael what une5pected item is certi ied 'osher $hat was shown o"er parliament on a Canadian 2 dollar bill $hat lin+s the Cassowary 'a+apo and the 'agu On the ?7 show !razier what was the dads dogs name Between October and 6arch what is illegal in Andiana *yl"ester and ?weety Pie ; Cat Bird started out as what Potatoes were ist sold as what $hat is >ennis the 6enace,s last name Ancient China ?reason %obbery Adultery what punishment At is illegal to sell what in 2ehigh New =ngland $hat does the Australian slang word Hooroo mean *e"en million o these are thrown away each day ; what 7ampire bats pre er to bite what part o a sleeping person An what language was ?he Communist 6ani esto written An Natchez 6issouri it is illegal to pro"ide beer to what A Parthenophobe has a ear o what $ho recei"ed 4::::: an letters in 18## $ho recorded their irst song under the names ?om and <erry 6onology is the study o what An 3tah where is it illegal to ish $hat is the penalty or drun+ dri"ing in *umatra *tag Party was the original name o what $hat is the name o !red !lintstones paperboy ?he word *ahara is Arabic or what 6ontana its illegal to ha"e what in your cab without chaperone An coo+ing si5 drops eCual one what $hat was the name o the s+un+ in Bambi $hat do toads do be ore mating $hat country is the worlds oldest unctioning democracy An 6iami it is illegal or men to be seen in public wearing what $hat President appears on the 3* N1::::: bill 4:J o the worlds population wears shoes made in what country A study in shades o grey in the name o what picture $hat is the worlds oldest snac+ ood ; .1: A> An !argo North >a+ota you can be @ailed or dancing with what An 14#8 what inno"ation was added to bicycles $ho was ?ime 6agazines irst man o the year /18210 $ho li"ed at 1&#1 North Beachwood $hat is the most eaten ood in the 3* 3ntil 1884 by law ?he Q= hotel must do what i you rent a room

A 2ion $omb Both Qua+ers Herb Powell >ildo -ermany %ed $inged Blac+bird Heights Hearing Ampaired Hamburger Postage *tamps An American !lag !lightless Birds =ddie ?a+ing Baths Clown and Baby Ornamental Plants 6itchell Castration >oughnut Holes -ood bye Pennies ?oe -erman An =lephant 9oung -irls ; 7irgins 6ic+ey 6ouse *imon and -ar un+le *tupidity !rom Horsebac+ 2oss o a hand Playboy 6agazine Arnold >esert A *heep >ash !lower *ing Aceland Any strapless gown $oodrow $ilson China $histlers 6other ?he Pretzel 9our Hat on Pedals Charles 2indbergh ?he 6on+eys 6il+ and Cream !eed your horse reely

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: By law e"ery i th song on Canadian %adio must be what An ?he *impson,s what was the name o the Barbie type doll $hat country consumes the most ish per capita 6ac>onald arm *heep Cows Pigs Chic+s >uc+s >on+eys and what Hamida >@andoubi in 1811 was the last one ; what An Cheyenne $yoming what is illegal on $ednesday $hat was the irst product sold in aerosol sprays $hat was the irst magazine to publish a hologram on its co"er $hat ood was regarded as an aphrodisiac in the 6iddle Ages An Arizona you can ha"e no more than two what in a house Nonpariel 6ission Caramel Neplus Peerless types o what $hat is a Bunt a part o $ho had a hit with No"ember %ain $hat is the pro"incial bird o 9u+on An Columbus Ohio it is illegal to sell what on *unday $hat was the irst toy ad"ertised on ?7 in 3*A <ohn Benyon Harris became amous as what * ! writer *u++ot is a esti"al in which religion A you su ered rom pyre5ia what ha"e you got An 6orris"ille Penn a woman must ha"e a permit to do what An -ermany what are the Neubaustrec+e $here could you see a li+eness o Pharaoh 'ha res head !>A regard ) !ruit ly maggots #oz per can acceptable ; what $hat are Puli *loghi and 'u"aszo+ An O+lahoma it is illegal to wear what in bed $hat are 6isty %ain *unshine Blue Honey %ose -in ?riple *ec /Cuantreau0 and pineapple @uice what coc+tail *ilent night the Christmas carol was irst played on what >uring 3* recessions which group ha"e the most unemployment An !lorida what is banned in public places a ter .pm ?hursdays $here would you ind the phrase Annuit Coeptis Nine inches in nautical measure is called what Bibendum is whose real name $hat is a logogram ; a N sign is one An ?ennessee it is illegal to dri"e i you are what $e +now what lasagne is ; what is a lassagnum its named rom $hat colour 6P6 is most pre"alent in each pac+et $ho is $oodie $oodpec+ers girl riend $hat product sells best in 3* supermar+ets 84E2J o shoppers An Ac+worth -eorgia all citizens must own what by law $hat are (ap *pirit Crazylegs and Chuc+les $hat is the name o ?oys % 3s -ira e *anta Clause wor+s in 3*A but who deli"ers gi ts in *yria $hat are a <alpa <arama *hamal and 6era+ $hat amous re erence wor+ is illegal in ?e5as %heoboam is a bottle size but also the last +ing o where $hat is the state bird o $isconsin ?he Primes and ?he >istants merged to orm what group $hat country drin+ the most mil+ per capita An Boise Adaho where by law are you not allowed to ish

By a Canadian 6alibu *tacey <apan ?ur+eys Person -uillotined in !rance ?a+ing a *hower Ansecticides National -eographic Chic+en *oup >ildos ; any more and itBs a brothel Almonds *ection o sail -uns n %oses %a"en Corn la+es 6r Potato Head <ohn $yndham <ewish !e"er $ear Cosmetics High *peed %ailways On the *phin5 Canned 6ushrooms =5otic dog breeds 9our Boots Porn *tars Aloha -uitar Automobile assembly wor+ers !arting >ollar Bill -od a"oured our underta+ings A *pan 6ichelin ?yre 6an *ign representing a complete word Asleep A Coo+ing Pot Brown ; #:J $innie $oodpec+er ?oilet paper A %a+e - A <oe igures -eo rey A $ise mans Camel Atalian *ports Cars Britannica ; At shows beer ma+ing Asrael ?he %obin ?he ?emptations Aceland !rom a -ira es bac+

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #4
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho is 9ogi Bears girl riend $hat ashion designers symbol is a swan .4J o Americans do what /?rying to be punctual0 $hat animal is the mascot o the 3* Na"al Academy $ho dri"es a car licensed .9(.&# $here was "olleyball in"ented 6iso a traditional <apanese coo+ing ingredient is what $hat is mosCuitoes main ood An the $innie the Pooh boo+s what name is o"er Poohs door $hat is the name o *uperman,s *upercat $hat is the most common name in the Bible Anternational dialling codes ; where is .12 Newspea+ ; Portable Handheld Communications ?ranscribers $ho is >ic+ ?racey,s girl riend $hat was irst man made ob@ect to e5ceed sound barrier $hat se"en letter word do all Americans pronounce wrongly $hat is the main ingredient o moc+ turtle soup $hat would a -erman do with a -ra"enstein How many pints will the 21 inch Americas cup hold $here would you ind your purlicue $ho was Barbara *treisands irst husband $hat is the name o Por+y Pigs ather Nathan Burnbaum became amous under what name An <apan what is *hogi $ho +illed his grand ather with a Cuoit at the 2arrisan games *haddoc+ is another name or what $hat was built by the inmates o Changi Prison Camp An -ree+ legend what was eaten on the Asland o <erba $ho was >r (hi"agoBs lo"e An the 6odern 148. Olympics what was the irst e"ent decided $hat was the name o Australia,s irst girlie magazine in 18#. $here did the British Brown Bess mus+et get its name 2u+e wrote two Bible boo+s 2u+e and what $hat was the only rema+e to win the best picture Oscar *oylent -reen the band too+ name rom ilm and boo+ by who Prescribed as cure Beri Beri it cured scrotal dermatitis ; what Colonel ?om Par+er =l"is,s manager had what earlier act $hat large animal has a less than two inch erect penis According to #.J o Americans they ha"e done what By Andonesian law what is the penalty or masturbation By law in -uam who are not allowed to marry 2orne -reen has only one what /an alligator ate the other0 21J Americans donBt do it e"ery day )J ne"er do it ; what Name the country that starts with A but does not end with A Collecti"e nouns ; a group o what is a charm $ho re used the leading male role in -one $ith the $ind An !lorida its illegal or a housewi e to do what more # times daily An America its noise is B lat in =ngland its - what is An what 3* City is most blond hair dye sold How many sheep are used to produce one angora sweater

Cindy Bear -loria 7anderbilt *et their watches ahead -oat !red !lintstone !rance *oybean Paste Nectar rom lowers 6r *anders *trea+y (achariah Antarctica A Pencil ?ess ?rueheart ?ip o a whip $rongly Cal ,s Head =at it ; a yellow apple None ; its bottomless *pace between thumb and inger =lliot -ould Phineas Pig -eorge Burns <apanese Chess Perseus -rape ruit Burma %ailroad 2otuses 2ara ?riple <ump 6en ?hin line o uni orm brown rust Acts Ben Hur Harry Harrison 6armite >ancing Chic+ens G on hot plate -orilla *po+en with -od >ecapitation $hich headH To0 7irgins ; ?hey pay men to pop em Nipple 6a+e their bed A ghanistan -old inches -ary Cooper Brea+ a dish Buzz o =lectric %azor >allas ?e5as None Angora comes rom rabbits

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #4
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is umet 4)J o American people will eat what this year 6anu National Par+ Peru has 1#:: di erent species o what $ho is Oli"e Oyls brother 6ontezuma,s nephew Cuitlahac name means what $hat ma+e was the irst car with air conditioning An Bristol =ngland an old law says dogs can do what ?he name o what product ; -erman water -ree+ oli"e Oil $hat +illed hal the 3* soldiers in $$1 An >enmar+ what is a *"angers+abs orebyggendemiddel $hat was the irst ?7 show in colour ##J o American women lie about what $hat does the word -rizzly mean ; as in -rizzly bear Collecti"e nouns ; a ?rip o what $ilhelm *teinitz was the world,s irst what in 144. ?elesphobia is a ear o what Arish Pro"erb ; A you want to be criticized do what Cher Ami a homing pigeon won the >*C and had what item $ho are the >iascuri Nichole >unsdon was the last what in October 1882 =mperor Claudius passed a law legalising what at banCuets President Andrew <ac+son,s uneral 14&) who remo"ed swearing ?here are more the #4::: types o what $hat country has the most boo+shops per head population Chase and *andborn irst sold what in tins in the 3* $hat is the opposite o Plenum *trontium 8: was the original name o which band An 6assachusetts it is illegal to duel with what Charles <ung in"ented what in America $hose last published no"el was 6urder rom the Past A Quee is the name or what A an Australian had a Bingle what would it be $ho declined a Pulitzer Prize or his boo+ Arrowsmith 2otta and 7assar were the irst two brands o what ?he <elbu++ is a *wedish Imas decoration ; what is it $here is >a"id 2i"ingstone Buried /?wo Places F countries0 *unglasses were in"ented in China to do what ?he Atalian >ate is a common name o what ruit -raham 'err became amous under what nic+name $hat was the name o the last silent mo"ie made 1828 $hat 3* President said A Promise instead o A swear inaugurate $hat is banned by law in <apanese restaurants $hat is measured in *cro"ille 3nits A an Australian had trouble with his don+ who would he call on An 'entuc+y a man cannot purchase what without his wi e $hat country issued a banana shaped stamp $ho was the irst male to appear on the co"er o playboy $hat colour are an American porcupines teeth 4J o people in the world ha"e an e5tra what 2eader o the AroCuois Andians same name as what car

Concentrated stoc+ *pam Butter ly Castor Oyl Plenty o =5crement Pac+ard $atch se5 in your bed 7aseline $asser =laion 1814 !lu =pidemic A Condom ?he Cisco 'id ?heir $eight -rey ; but they are yellow brown -oats Chess Champion Being 2ast 6arry A $ooden 2eg Castor and Pollu5 6iss Canada !arting ; or public health His Pet Parrot 6ushrooms New (ealand Co ee 7acuum ?he Police $ater Pistols !ortune Coo+ies Agatha Christie !anny !art Car Accident *inclair 2ewis $rigley,s -um *traw -oat $estminster Abby F ?anzania Hide a <udges eyes ?amarind -alloping -ourmet ?he !our !eathers %ichard 6 Ni5on ?ipping Heat o Chillies 6echanic ; >on+s an engine A Hat ?onga Peter *ellers Orange %ib Chie Pontiac

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #8
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): A you were drin+ing castle beer in what country would you be President Hayes 1414 started which annual $hite house e"ent Assac and $illian !uld in"ented and patented what in 1482 $hat product only sold 12:: bottles in its irst year -erman +ids wear what round nec+ or good luc+ on New 9ear A an Aussie called you a Bananabender what would he mean $hat is the closest li"ing relati"e to the ? %e5 $ho was the %oman -oddess o the land 6ao 6u+a Ne+o Pisica are what Chinese -ypsy <apan %umania Bonnie Booth /#40 used what to remo"e a corn rom her oot An 6ichigan it is illegal to put what on your bosses des+ 18&8 Popular 6echanics said that uture ones less 1E) tonsH $ho said KA",e ne"er had an accident worth tal+ing aboutK $hat is <oeys a"ourite ood in !riends $here was the worlds irst oil well drilled An any gi"en . month period &:J o Americans are what $ho said KA *ingle death is a tragedy a million a statisticK A $eaner is a baby what Collecti"e nouns a rhumba o what $hat product sold ##: in the 3* in its irst year An Bi+er *lang what is a Belly *ho"er $hat do humans get rom the Cassa"a A you are on the Cho+e mountains what country are you in An the language o lowers what does the cucumber lower mean $ho is the Patron *aint o desperation How o ten must one per orm a Cuotidian tas+ Bra"e New $orld ; Aldus Hu5ley ; where name rom -ail Borden in"ented what ood item $here do men play each year or the Challenge Cup !ried ish lettuce spinach is a traditional Imas e"e meal where An a"erage American eats 24 what in their li etime $ho li"e at 1&2 ="ergreen ?errace An Baltimore it is illegal to scrub or wash what 3* 18:: census people with 2 or less what were lower mid class $ho was the pilot in the irst atal air crash $hat is the scent o an arti icial hare at greyhound trac+s Name two sports where the winner mo"es bac+wards ?here is one gallon o water in e"ery cubic mile o what An Australian slang what are apricots $hat product only sold 4 in its irst year in the 3*A *cottish Hebrides island is de ined a big enough sustain what $ho said K?he internet is a good way to get on the netK $hat ma+es a noise middle octa"e +ey o ! 2yssophobia is the ear o what $hat capital city translates as Capital City in the nati"e tongue $hat la"our is ramboise liCueur Collecti"e nouns a rag o what ?wo out o # "isits to an American doctor are or what problems An Bi+er *lang what is a Coupon A you were drin+ing ?iger beer in what country would you be

*outh A rica =aster =gg %oll Oiu@a Board !rench -erman Oui 9a 2iCuid Paper ; ?ippe5 Pretzels 9ou were rom Queensland state ?he Chic+en ?erra Cats & languages &1: shotgun G a ter razor hurt A *+un+ Computers Captain = < *mith o the ?itanic *andwiches Pennsyl"ania A ected by mental Allness <oseph *talin =lephant *eal %attlesna+es 7$ Beetle A %acing bi+e ?apioca =thiopia Criticism *t <ude >aily *ha+espeare,s ?he ?empest Condensed 6il+ $imbledon Armenia Pigs ?he *impson,s A *in+ *er"ants Or"ille $right Anise %owing ; ?ug o $ar !og ?esticles %emmington ?ypewriters One *heep %epublican candidate Bob >ole House ly buzz -oing 6ad *eoul ; *outh 'orea %aspberry Colts *tress %elated ?ra ic ?ic+et *ingapore

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz #8
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho said KPeople only see what they are prepared to seeK An 3tah you can get a licence to hunt what =pistemophobia is the ear o what $hich magazine declared ban+ruptcy in the early 188:s $hat ood are astronauts prohibited be ore a mission $hat product sold 2) bottles in its irst year or N): cost N1) ?o what Patron *aint would you pray i you had a headache <!' was actually baptised <!!' what was the other ! or $hat is the punishment or drun+ dri"ing in Norway 8.J o all what are purchased by women $hat did Oli"er Polloc+ in"ent in 1114 $hat are $aist O"eralls An the language o lowers gi"ing a mushroom meant what O%> are the identi ication letters o what airport $hat woman has the most statues o her Choo 'i+o $api ; what ha"e A as+ed in *wahili An Helsin+i !inland what,s the police alternati"e to par+ing tic+ets $hat word did non;=nglish spea+ers say sounded prettiest A you were drin+ing Cobra beer in what country would you be An Aussie slang what are Bum Nuts An Palding Ohio police o icers can legally do what to dogs New <ersey has a museum with )&:: e5hibits o what $hat does a myrmecologist study =Cuator,s a"ourite dish is *eco de Chi"o ; what is it $hat is a Pygmy Blue =melio 6arco Palma was the irst to do what in 1814 A ter homes and @obs where do Americans spend most time $hich 3* place name translates Andian as place o drun+enness 2uchiano Pa"erotti has what in his poc+et or luc+ when singing All Ne"er !orget $hatshisname 18.4 ilm irst said uc+ G who Philematology is the science o what $hat is the most popular name or a boat Collecti"e nouns ; A 2abour o what A 9ou were drin+ing %olling %oc+ lager what 3* state are you in An Bi+er *lang what are -iblets An 6innesota its illegal or a woman dressed as what on street $hat word comes rom the 2atin phrase to crowd together An 1888 >allas ?e5as passed a law banning what rom city On *cooby >oo what was *haggys real name $ho ailed his music class at school $ho or what was Blac+ Betsy 2:J o <apanese publications are what $hat was the irst music C> burned in America An ancient <apan public contests were held to ind what $hat are scutes A a -hanian says A ishapa what ha"e you been told *t -erard is the Patron *aint o who An the language o lowers gi"ing mint meant what Collecti"e nouns ; A cloud o what ?here is a museum in Philadelphia 211 North #rd *treet to what

%alph $ =mmerson >inosaurs 'nowledge *uccess Beans ; !arts damage spacesuits Coca Cola a ):J loss *aint >ennis !rancis ?hree months o -o"ernment lectures Candles ?he dollar sign N <eans ; 2e"i *truss *uspicion O,Hare Chicago <oan o Arc &:::: $here is the toilet >e late cars tyres >iarrhoea Andia =ggs Bite them to Cuiet *poons Ants -oat stew on rice *mallest butter ly Born in Antarctica *hopping 6alls 6anhattan Bent Nail 6arianne !aith ul 'issing Obsession 6oles Pennsyl"ania Chrome add ons *anta Clause Constipation Con *ta Pay *hun %oosters noise pollute Nor"ille =l"is Presley Babe %uth,s &&oz Baseball Bat Comic Boo+s *pringsteen,s Born in the 3*A Best !arter loud and long *na+es belly scales 6erry Christmas Pregnant $omen 7irtue -nats Pretzels

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &:
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is the most reCuently accessed article $orld =ncyclopaedia $here would you ind a coi e or muselet 6en a"erage 12 a year women 14 a year ; what $hat classic no"el sold only ): copies authors li etime ?he a"erage human has se"en what each day A an Australian called you a cadbury what would he mean An the language o lowers what does straw mean A young what is called a Cheeper $ho is the Patron *aint o authors $hat does a Caligynephobe ear Collecti"e nouns ; A group o bea"ers is what )4J o people li+e what during se5 $hat is a braCuette ?he $alibri tribe central Australia greet each other how An ?remonton 3tah illegal or a woman not man what in ambulance An Aslamic law a ter ha"ing se5 with a lamb mortal sin to do what 3* !ed laws speci y what colour underwear or Crash >ummies $here is your Popliteal !ossa $hat is the national dish o the !aeroe Aslands $hat is 'umiss made rom in Asia A 6ai ?ai is a coc+tail literally meaning what in ?ahitian $hat is chiengora Only #:J o women do what ?he chupacabra is a legendary 6e5ican animal what in =nglish An !ranz 'a +as 6etamorphosis -regor *amsa wa+es up asH >anny (u+o was a main character in what ilm A you ordered ?ori 3don in a <apanese restaurant you get what $ho said KCanadaH A don,t e"en +now what street Canada is onK $hat lin+s <erry -arcia Buster 'eaton Boris 9eltsin $hat is the literal translation o haute couture ?he Colossus o %hodes was a statue o who 6ar+et research says what colour ma+es people spend more Hac+ ; Hog 2ine ; House are terms in what sport $hat do Al -ore and ?ommy 2ee <ones ha"e in common Collecti"e nouns ; A tiding o what 9ou can get ) years in 'entuc+y or sending a riend what Hipopota Agra"is or guasano is what in 6e5ican ?eCuila $hat is the name or a special "ibrator worn with straps $hat is a toCue $hat mo"ie had the line K$e,re on a mission rom -odK $hat is the ourth most common language in the 3*A .:J o women e5perience what $hat is 2inus last name in the Peanuts cartoons An what mo"ie did $hoopee -oldberg ma+e her debut $ho turned down the Bogart role in Casablanca $hat to+en was added to 6onopoly in 1888 Alcohol comes rom the Arabic word Al 'ohl meaning what An $ashington state it is speci ically illegal to ha"e se5 with who $ho is the Patron *aint o brewers A an Australian called you a -umsuc+er what would he mean

*na+e An ormation Bottle wire cor+ hold %ead Boo+s 6oby >ic+ *e5 !antasies Cheap >run+ Agreement -rouse Partridge Quail *aint Paul Beauti ul $omen Colony >irty ?al+ !a+e >ic+ e5tension 1&th century *ha+ing Penises Ha"e se5 =at its lesh ?ea %ose Bac+ o 'nee Pu in stu ed with %hubarb !ermented Cows 6il+ Out o the $orld >og Hair spun into yarn *wallow -oat *uc+er An Ansect -rease ?hic+ Noodles broth with Chic+en Al Capone 6issing a bit o inger High *ewing Helios the sun god 2ight Purple Curling At Har"ard ?ogether 6agpies Bottle beer or booze Not $orm G Butter ly Caterpillar A Butter ly A Canadian winter hat ?he Blues Brothers A*2 American *ign 2anguage 6enstrual Cramps 7an Pelt ?he Colour Purple %onald %eagan *ac+ o 6oney ?he =ssence 7irgins *aint Nicholas 9ou were rom 7ictoria state

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An the language o lowers what does oa+ lea"es mean $hat does a Coprophobe ear Collecti"e nouns ; a leash o what An 2ebanon it is legal to ha"e se5 with who F what 'an Pei ; ?er"eyde+si ; Op <e gazonheid # ways saying what 2)J o women regularly do what $ho tell o the mythical Bunyips that eat people $ho wrote One lew o"er the Cuc+oos Nest <apanese *oya noodles are made rom what $hat word in =nglish has the most synonyms $hat =nglish word comes rom 2atin or *heath or a *word At the end o ?7s 6A*H what character stayed in 'orea April 2: 148. was the irst time people paid to do what ?here are ## words on the bac+ o a bottle o what beer Brigham 9oung 3ni"ersity o ers what unusual 6a@or $hat product was originally called Baby -ays $omen do it twice as o ten as men ; what $hat is the only la"our <ell;o containing any real ruit =instein ne"er wore what i he could a"oid it $hat is a tuc+et Beetho"en,s 8th was his interpretation o what wor+ by *chiller A standard what contains eight holes $hat city was chosen but re used the 181. $inter Olympics $here in =urope can you ind wild mon+eys 1:J o Americans ha"e done what $hat is the name o the !lintstones cat 6uscatel literally means what in Atalian A a"erage male will ha"e 2::: what during his li etime $hat is polenta =gg !u is the enemy o what super hero $ho was the irst honorary 3* citizen $hat lin+s Bill Clinton !idel Castro Alb =instein <immy Hendri5 According to a sur"ey what is the 3* top amily ood 3rea is only ound in humans and what other animal $hat group were once called ?he $arloc+s $hat colour is a sunburned turnip On A"erage a $est -erman goes 1 days without doing what $hat product put its logo on >o"er cli s ; Act Parliament get o Appro5imately # million women in the 3*A ha"e what Harold *a+ata was badly burned playing what character An the !lintstones in what county is Bedroc+ Ariztid Olt was what early name used by a amed actor $ho said KOnce you are dead you are made or li eK $hat does 7od+a literally mean An 'ings"ille ?e5as its illegal or whoFwhat to shag on airport land Collecti"e nouns ; a hedge o what $hat does a =rotophobe ear $ho is the Patron *aint o -out An the language o lowers what does yellow lily mean $hat is the %oman Numerals or &:::

Bra"ery Crap ; *hit ; !aeces -reyhounds !emale animals G males death -ood Health ; Cheers *ha"e o pubic hair Australian Aboriginal 'en 'esey Buc+wheat >run+ 7agina Corp 6a5well 'linger *ee a mo"ie in N9 %olling %oc+ Ballroom >ancing Q ?ips Blin+ Cranberry *oc+s Baseball organ music Ode to <oy Horseshoe >en"er -ibraltar 7isited >isneyland F world Baby;Puss $ith !lies on it 6asturbated =@aculations Cornmeal and water $onder $oman $inston Churchill 2e t Handed *paghetti G then Chic+en >almatian >ogs ?he -rate ul >ead -reen $ashing his underwear Qua+er Oats 6an ?attoos Odd <ob in -old inger Cobblestone County Bela 2ugosi <immy Hendri5 2ittle $ater Pigs Herons *e5ual 2o"e *aint Andrew !alsehood 6666

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): Put the worlds most common orename and surname together 'ing <ames the A7 practiced what /and charged0 on sub@ects At the !esti"al o the Clea"er *partans nailed what to the wall &#J o Americans regularly do what Chachi was a character in Happy days whats it mean in 'orean !ran+ *inatra <ohn $ayne Paul Newman re@ected what role $ho was the irst man to set oot on all i"e continents $hat idea began in 2ondon in 11.& Only humans and what ha"e hymens An Connecticut by law restaurants must pro"ide separate what >=2A- was the worlds irst what Oct 1. 18:8 >o ahashya da is Na"aho or what Here comes the @udge is rom what ?7 show $hat is a Hindi in ?ur+ey =ach day #::: Americans do what or the irst time Apart rom *tar ?re+ 'ir+ *cott *poc+ *ulu /actors0 what prog =lizabeth A had anthrophobia what was she a raid o $hat did Beetho"en do be ore composing $hat gi"es onions their distincti"e smell $here was the irst police orce established in 1..1 $ho is the largest toy distributor in the world ?he a"erage chocolate bar has eight what in it (orro the heroes name means what in *panish An Chicago its illegal to ish wearing what 7egetarians do what more than carni"ore F omni"ores $hat county has a national dog /only one country has one0 $hat is the leading cause o death in China $hat product is consumed most in Cali ornia $hat la"our is +irshwasser liCueur !arina is Atalian or what 6oons o the aith ul is the Chinese translation o what ruit $hat science icton author wrote about ?he Cities in !light series $hat literary character was born on *eptember 22 128: Patsy 6clenny became amous as who $hat ruits do =lephants eat to get pissed / erment inside 0 #:J o women ha"e done it but only 1:J do it regularly ; what Ats illegal to do what in the !rench "ineyards $hat word come rom the 2atin phrase Kto be ashamed o K ?he ?ra"elmate was designed to allow women to do what $hat ?7 program irst used the word hell ?ermites eat wood twice as ast i what is happening $hat distinguished the 8th and 1:th Ca"alry Choroti women are e5pected to do what during se5 $hat lin+s horses rabbits and rats An a"erage American does it 2E2 times a wee+ G what How did Queen 7ictoria ease her menstrual cramp pain -eorge $ashington carried a portable what $hat ma+e and model o car was Christine in the boo+ and ilm $hat liCueur is prepared rom cumin and caraway seeds An 'ansas its illegal to eat cherry pie with what

6ohammed Chen >entistry *ausages or older men to gnaw Attend church Penis >irty Harry Callahan Captain Coo+ House Numbers Horses Nose blowing G not blowing tables Airline ; by (eppelin A am *tupid %owan and 6artins 2augh An A ?ur+ey *tart *mo+ing ?he ?wilight (one %oses Put head in cold water *ulphur ; ta+en in when growing Paris 6c>onalds Ansects legs ?he !o5 9our Py@amas !art Netherlands %espiratory >isease Bottled $ater Cherry !lour Apricot <ames Blish Hobbit Bilbo Baggins 6organ !airchild 6arula 6ultiple Orgasms 2and a !lying *aucer Pudenda Pee *tanding 3p *tar ?re+ lets get the hell outa here Hea"y 6etal 6usic Playing All Blac+ %egiments *pit in their partners ace Cannot 7omit 7isit a *upermar+et 3sed 6ari@uana *undial Plymouth !ury 'ummel Ace Cream

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?amarac+ Adaho can,t buy what a ter dar+ without sheri permit 1#J o what is produced and consumed in the 3*A 81J o all paper money in the 3*A has traces o what on it Catch 22 had what original name ; publisher changed it Hal the population o China is what $hat animals name comes rom the *ans+rit to steal ?elephone poles are mostly made rom what wood ?he *panish word =sposa means both wi e and what $hat boo+ was gi"en to all o icers in the Con ederate army $hat Canadian city has the most bars per capita Nin+asi was the ancient =gyptian goddess o what $ho was the "oice o *cooby >oo An -lendale Arizona it is illegal or a car to do what $ho said K*ometimes too much drin+ is barely enoughK <oan Peters became amous as who Hawaiian Pia Polish Piwo Hungarian *or ; what is it All commercially bred tur+eys are what $impy was the wor+ing title o what classic mo"ie ?he longest section American slang dictionary what sub@ect Climbing boys were banned what did sweeps drop down chimneys $hat was the Bi+ini originally called An Huston ?e5as they do it most &E. times per wee+ ; what $hat magazine has the largest unpaid circulation in the 3* 6ore than 1:: women ma+e a li"ing rom impersonating who An Omaha Nebras+a its illegal or a barber to sha"e what Ancient Chinese thought what ruit a symbol long li e immortality !ried Chic+en *trawberry *hortca+e trad Imas e"e meal where Calgary 3ni"ersity o ers a two day course in what Cleopatra sometimes wore a a+e what in 184: the 9ellow Pages listed a !uneral Home under what 6ost <ell;o contains crushed what $hat colour are the Amazon ri"er dolphins $hat pop group said K$ere only in it or the "olumeK Phonetically spelled out what does =sso mean in <apan A you had aprose5ia what would be impaired or reduced 8:J o New 9or+ cabbies are what An 6assachusetts it is illegal to deli"er what on *undays Name the irst mailman in Philadelphia 3* school buses are Chrome 9ellow but they used to be what Harold =dgerton has ta+en all the worlds photos o what 1)J o American males are what ; so are bulls *eattle %ome =dinburgh *he ield what lin+s them ?here are o"er 4:: brands o what or sale in the 3*A An what country do they answer the phone by saying A,m listening $ho captured the irst con ederate lag in the 3* ci"il war Bourbon 6iss restaurant by law what must be ser"ed with water 6ary 2eta >orothy *laton became amous as who $ho said K6ore people would be ali"e i we had a death penaltyK ?he Chinese apple is another name or what ruit 6assachusetts in April the law states that dogs will ha"e what

Onions Anternet Pornography Cocaine Catch 14 *hort *ighted 6ouse ; 6usha Chestnut Handcu s 2es 6iserables Hali a5 No"a *cotia Beer 6ic+ey >olenz %e"erse ; Bac+ up 6ar+ ?wain Carol 2ombard Beer Arti icially Anseminated G males o"ersized Psycho 7omit 2i"e Chic+ens ?he Atom =at Out >isney Channel 6agazine 6arilyn 6onroe A mans chest Peach <apan Agloo Building Beard G or O icial >uties !rozen !ood Hoo"es Pin+ Blac+ *abbath *talled Car Ability to study New immigrants >iapers ; Nappies Ben@amin !ran+lin Omaha Orange 3* nuclear bomb e5plosions Colour Blind Built on se"en hills Bottled $ater %ussia -eorge Armstrong Custer One *mall onion per glass >orothy 2amour Nancy %eagan Pomegranate %ear 2egs ?ied

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &2
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is >a y >uc+s middle name An downtown 2ima Peru there is a brass statue o who &#J o women want to try sadomasochism a ter smelling what 2.J o 6c>onalds Ontario employees admit doing what $hat is the name o the elephant headed god in Andia ?he oghorn o the Q=2 plays in what note 6c>onalds and Burger 'ing put what on their ries $here is a horses poll $ho re@ected the role o %iddler in Batman !ore"er ?he 7ictorians began circumcision o male babies to stop what $hat concE product carried in tan+ers has a hazardous sign An -eorgia its illegal or a barber to do what 2)J o se5ually acti"e people ha"e tried what $ho said K2osing my "irginity was a career mo"eK Hemeroticism is what >epeche 6ode the 4:s groups name translates as what 6arathon runners ha"e on a"erage 1& a wee+ ; what &1J o American women belie"e what nationality best husbands On A"erage North American women do what 4# times a year &.J o women say this is better than se5 ; what $here is the ourth most popular place on a ship to ha"e se5 And what is the irst 1:J o men claim to do this regularly G what ?he word negligee is !rench and suggests wearer does what An ?ennessee it is illegal to sell what on a *unday 7olney was in hundreds o ilms where can you see him Alces Alces is the 2atin name or what animal $here do Cuc+oo cloc+s come rom $hat used to be measured in -illettes O,*hey <ac+son became better +nown as who A talus is what geographical eature $hat is a -odeminche An 7irginia its against the law or people to bribe e5cept who An ancient -reece aristocratic women were de lowered with what <%% ?ol+ein wrote ?he 2ord o the %ings what the <%% stand or A Hop 2ow is the world smallest ; what $hat has 121 holes $hat was the irst "ideo played on 6?7 =urope ?hurl %a"enscro t is the "oice o who $hat was -hengis 'hans irst @ob An ilm ma+ing what is a martini shot $hat la"ours root beer #: million people in the 3*A ha"e diasima ; what is it An Chaucer,s =ngland a mussel was slang or what An New <ersey what can,t be sold on a *unday $hat is the name or a male erret $oodpec+er *calps ; Porpoise ?eeth ; -ira e ?ails what lin+s $hat was the city symbol o Pompeii A $inged Penis An Old =nglish what is a rieosan $ho was supposed to play Betelgeuse in the mo"ie

>umas $innie the Pooh 7anilla e5tract Putting bodily luids in ood -anish A !lat *ugar to brown colour Between its ears %obin $illiams 6asturbation Coca Cola Ad"ertise Prices Anal *e5 6adonna *e5ual antasy !ast !ashion Alcoholic drin+s Canadian Ha"e *e5 A good nights sleep ?he li eboat ?he $hirlpool *ha"e their pubic hair A"oids re rains rom housewor+ Bologna 6-6 ilms he was the lion 6oose Blac+ !orest -ermany 2aser *trength G no blades drilled Ace Cube Boulders allen rom mountain Penis dildo with balls Political Candidates *tone Penis <ohn %obert %euel 6ushroom Chinese Chec+erboard 6oney or Nothing G >ire *traits ?ony the ?iger -oatherd 2ast o day be ore pub *arsaparilla -ap in ront teeth 7ul"a Cabbage <ac+ All been used as money A *neeze *ammy >a"is <unior

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &2
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: Psychologist say when a woman wears red she wants what .1J o dog owners do what at holiday time in 188& #1& Americans had what type o surgery =nglish ships carried limes protect scur"y what 3* ships carry How many tail eathers has a 'iwi $hat gem was Cleopatra,s signet Cagney sho"es grape ruit 6ae Clar+e ace was going to be what An North Carolina its against the law or who F what to ight $ho said K*ometimes a cigar is @ust a cigarK ?he word stymie originated in what sport $hat is sil"iculture %osalind <ulia Portia 7iola Cymbeline what lin+s not ob"ious $hat medal shows # na+ed men hands on each others shoulders < $orthington !oul eather was the name o what >isney character $hat was the only ilm about 7ietnam made during the war $hat did archers at the ancient Olympics use as targets $hat national lag has the largest animal emblem ; a lion A not a bird magician or a spit ire engine $hat is a 6erlin $hat is the Badger state An 6ichigan married couples can be imprisoned unless they what Arturo ?oscanini played what instrument be ore conducting A ter the Bible what boo+ did Americans rate as their a"ourite $hat are the names o the two cats in >isney,s 2ady M ?ramp $hat is the oldest registered trade mar+ still used in 3*A $hose legs were banned rom metro posters too distracting $here would a soldier wear a Ha"eloc+ $here are the glasshouse mountains $hat was Napoleon Bonaparte,s o icial emblem ?he 3*A call her the 6aid o Honour what do the British call her $hat airport has the code 66= An 6issouri a man must ha"e a permit to do what Clomipramine an anti depressant had what unusual side e ect $hat is the name o 6adonna,s Chiuhauha Alich %amirez *anchez became notorious as who ?o a gol er what,s a rosty $hat is Iylography $hat is !onzies ull name on Happy >ays <acCue Cousteau,s ship Calypso used to be what be ore he got it $hat boo+s original title was 6urder in the Calais Coach $hat in reality was >r 6cCoy,s medical scanner in *tar ?re+ An Phoeni5 Arizona you cant wal+ through a hotel wearing what $hat is tripsophillia Name irst monochrome ilm con"erted electronically to colour $hat does the name 6esopotamia mean $hat was the name o the baby in ?hree 6en and a Baby $hat is a $inter Banana An what mo"ie did %ichard >re us ma+e his one line debut $hat is the meaning o the *iou5 word ?on+a ; used or toys $hat are or were $i5 !ibs and !a5 By law An $ashington *tate a concealed weapon must be what

Another $oman Buy a present or dog Buttoc+ 2i t Cranberries None ?he Amethyst An Omelette Cats and >ogs *igmund !reud -ol ball bloc+ing you !orestry Heroines dress as men Nobel Peace Prize ?he !o5 in Pinocchio ?he -reen Berets ?ethered >o"es *ri 2an+a Arti icial "agina $isconsin 2i"e ?ogether ?he Cello *ears %oebuc+ Catalogue *i and Am %ed >e"il 3ndewoods de"illed ham 6arlene >ietrich Head in >esert Queensland Australia Bumblebee ?he Chie Bridesmaid 6arseilles *ha"e Orgasm when yawn ChiCuita Carlos the <ac+al *core o 4 on a hole $ood =ngra"ing Arthur Herbert !onzerelli 6inesweeper 6urder on the Orient =5press A *alt *ha+er *purs Arousal rom massage 9an+ee >oodle >andy Between two %i"ers 6ary A "ariety o Apple ?he -raduate -reat Brands o ?ampons 3nder . oot long G bigger is illegal

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An 2ouisiana by law who can,t be charged more than 2)c haircut $hat is Cor"us another name or $hat lin+s ire escapes windshield wipers bullet proo "ests -rowing 3p *+ipper 6attel doll 181: what happened arm turned *pain Portugal and Algeria are three top produces o what $hat building in New 9or+ has &#.:: windows $here is the worlds largest bull ighting ring A 'lazomaniac cant stop doing what A sheep duc+ and rooster were worlds the irst what $hat American state has the most outhouses $hat tough guy actor has a real irst name o $alter $hat toy is manu actured to a tolerance o ) thou o a millimetre $hat @ob is most li+ely to ma+e the practitioner an alcoholic All hospitals in *ingapore use what brand name product Colgate /the toothpaste0 translates to what in *panish An the ne5t 1 days 4:: Americans will be in@ured by what British politician <ohn 6ontigue is credited with in"enting what How did Bobby Beach ; bro+e all bones o"er Niagara in barrel die $ho,s Christian names inc <ohannes Chrysostomus ?heophilus An O+lahoma by law baseball teams cannot do what $hat is Ordune $hy were 6others called mama or mommy in many languages $hat is *e++usu in <apan Hal the worlds population has seen at least one what $ith what song did *tatus Quo opened the Band Aid concert An accolade is something o praise what was original meaning $here would you ind your shan+ *eptember 22 is National what appreciation day ?he is no +nown language without a word or this creature ; what ?here are butter lies that smell li+e what $hat does a tsiologist study $ho was the irst American to ma+e N1:: million a year 88J o American households ha"e at least one what An >en"er Colorado it is illegal to mistreat who F what Any su iciently ad"anced technology indistinguishable rom magic 1:J people would stamp bare oot bro+en glass that watch what ).J o Americans belie"e there is what in hea"en An Ancient 6esopotamia people worshiped what 2achanophobia is the ear o what An 'ansas by law you cannot dri"e what down the street $hat is ipsism another name or An any one month #.J o Americans eat what or brea+ ast $hat @ob has the longest li espan in the 3*A a"erage age 11 Nyse in *wedish ?usszents in Hungarian 'ychat in Czec+ what !aith Hope Charity !ortitude <ustice Prudence what,s missing 6orris !ran+ brought Buddy rom *wiss in 1824 what was Buddy *tephanie Powers was -irl rom 3NC2= characters name An what city was Americas irst stoc+ e5change built $e +now what a ez is but what does ez mean in ?ur+ish $hat product can be ound in our out o i"e American homes

Bald 6en !ellatio /Blow@ob0 An"ented by women Breasts -rew Cor+ $orld ?rade Centre 6e5ico City *houting Passengers in hot air balloon Alas+a Bruce $illis 2ego Barbers Pampers -o hang yoursel ?heir <ewellery &th =arl o *andwich *lipped Banana s+in $ol gangus 6ozart Hit ball o"er ence out o ground Arousal by nude pics !rom mammary or tits *e5 <ames Bond !ilm %oc+ing all o"er the $orld *houlder sword touched +nighting *ole o oot =lephants Butter ly Chocolate ?ea Al Capone ?7 %ats Arthur C Clar+ G %eport planet # %i"erdance or 2& hours Baseball Pigeons 7egetables Bu alo 6asturbation Cold le t o"er pizza Nuns *neeze ?emperance !irst *eeing eye dog in 3*A April >ancer Philadelphia Hat $>&:

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Questions Quiz &#

&)J o Americans use what each day 3*A a"ourite computer passwords are lo"e and se5 what 3' $illiam 6oulton 6arston 2ie >etector and what comic character On the 6unsters what was 2illie,s maiden name $hat did > H 2aurence do with his horse Aaron when it died $hat in <apan is a 6awashi $hat lin+s -eorge Patton <ayne 6ans ield 6argaret 6itchell A Badger gets its name rom badge meaning what Collecti"e nouns ; a descent o what An !lorida its against the law to put what on the school bus $hat is 2ygeristia /a limiting thing0 $ho appeared on the irst co"er o ?7 guide # April 18)# $ho said K?o many o our imports are rom abroadK ?he %ambunctious and Cle"er Ones what ilms name in ?aiwan $hat ingredient causes the shine in e5pensi"e eye shadow $hat do you call the cap on a ire hydrant $ho is the %oman -oddess o sorcery hounds and crossroads Only three Angels are named in Bible -abriel 6ichael and who $hat is the name o >ata,s cat in *tar ?re+ Ne5t -eneration $hat word starts and ends with und An what sport would you ind a Hosel $hat was banned by law 11th century 7enice ?he Nullarbor desert is in $estern Australia what,s it mean Collecti"e nouns ; a mustering o what Caterpillar comes rom the old !rench what,s it literally mean $hat lin+s Cary -rant 6ohammed Ali Prince Charles An 182# what new optional accessory was o ered on cars $hat is Andiana <ones irst name $hat irst appeared on the 3*A domestic mar+et in 18.: An North Carolina it is illegal or what to race down the street $hat @ob has a pudentacurist ?wo wee+s a ter hatching what is #::: times its birth weight An 1818 in the 3*A you could be @ailed or doing what in Public ?he 6erry -o %ound is Bro+en >own ; whose melody is that 6ar+ Chapman was carrying what boo+ when he +illed 2enon Paramount Pictures logo has 22 what $hy did Ancient =gyptians sha"e their eyebrows Other than ruit what is the only natural ood made without +illing $ho is +nown as ?uh+imo in !inland ?he irst Apple 6ac hard dis+ was how big $ho was the irst 6ar"el Comics superhero ?he word rodent comes rom the 2atin rodere meaning what $hat was the irst "ideo played on 6?7 ?he Chinese pictogram or trouble also means what An Antente is a players manager in what sport Collecti"e nouns ; A gang o what Peladophobia is the ear o what A ter water what is the most consumed be"erage $hat is pompoir An $est 7irginia its illegal to coo+ what ; because o smell

6outhwash !red $onderwoman 2illy >racula Had the s+in made a >u el Bag *umo wrestlers belt >ied in car crashes $hite mar+ on ace $oodpec+ers 2i"estoc+ Arousal in dar+ness >esi Arnaz <r -eorge Bush $ayne,s $orld !ish *cales A Bonnet ?ri"ia 2uci er *pot 3nderground -ol ; Hole in club sha t its into High heels G Prostitutes drowned No ?rees Null Arbor *tor+s Hairy Cat All amateur 6agicians A %adio Henry Canned Coca Cola %abbits *hapes pussy hair 6onarch Butter ly *neezing 2ooney ?unes Catcher in the %ye *tars 6ourning death cat Honey Cinderella ) 6egabytes Human ?orch ?o -naw 7ideo +illed the %adio *tar ?wo women under same roo <ai Alai =l+s Bald People ?ea 7aginal muscle control Cabbage ; Can go to Prison or it

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An Norse mythology Odin traded an eye or what $ho wrote the poem At was the night be ore Christmas $hat is a pismire An Arthur C Clar+s Childhoods end the aliens loo+ li+e what $hat animals name translate rom Arabic as He who wal+s ast ?he worlds what museum is at 18 -reen belt North 9or+ Ontario At her beheading 6arie Antoinette wore what colour shoes $hat country has the worst roads a"eraging 1: deaths per mile 6agnus Huss /a *wede0 coined which word An 7ancou"er a city law says all cars must carry what $ho made his screen debut in 6ad >og Col 18.1 as a cop =rnest Breau5 a chemist created which product in 1821 $hat lowers name deri"es rom the -ree+ word or testicle who told the e"il +ing *chahriah stories *pana+opia is a -ree+ pie illed with what $hat is in a Ballini coc+tail <ohn Pierpoint wrote what seasonal ditty $here is the world,s oldest belltower A> 1:.8 $hat is in the %ed >ata Boo+ April is the cruellest month ; which poet wrote that line ?yrian Purple is a strong dye made rom what $hat countries women most li+ely to ha"e se5 on a irst date An 18th century =ngland what was a *nic+erdoddle <oan *andra 6olins+y became amous as who A you were acomoclitic what would turn you on $ho wrote the boo+ ; Call o the $ild $hat was the name o !ran+ (appas irst band $ho was nic+named KQueen o the *washbuc+lersK $hat Atalian stew literally translates as Bone with a Hole A you had Cynophillia what type o se5 turns you on $ho directed the mo"ie $all *treet 1841 An what 3* state is area )1 $hat is Bellee+ $hat .th century -ree+ poet is the ather o drama $ho was the main plotter in the -unpowder Plot 1.:) An %ed >war what did the H stand or on %immers head Allinois *tate law its illegal to spea+ what language $hat 3* president spent between 11 and 1) hours asleep daily <anette 6ac>onald was nic+named the Aron what $here is the *tar !leet Academy located $hat countries women are most li+ely to ha"e se5 daily $hat is the main ingredient o tahini used in the 6iddle =ast $hat is the name o the scale measuring depth o coma /-C*0 $hich 18th century battle 3' F 3*A ought a ter peace signed $hat place is nic+named K?he City o 2iliesK An *an <ose Cali ornia where is it illegal to sleep without permit $hat is a ?ambura An what literary wor+ would you ind the yahoos An Chinese mythology what is ?aimut A Hodophile gets se5ually aroused by what

$isdom Clement 6oore An Ant >e"ils -ira e G rom Iirapha Contracepti"e Purple Portugal Alcoholism An Anchor G =mergency bra+e -ene Hac+man Channel No ) Orchid *heherazade *autLed *pinach Peaches and Brut Champagne <ingle Bells *t Benedict,s Church %ome =ndangered *pecies ? * =lliot it re ers to income ta5 6ussels and $hel+s Australia 1#J Coo+ie <oan %i"ers *ha"en Pubes <ac+ 2ondon ?he %amblers 6aureen O, Hara Osso Bucco *e5 with dogs Oli"er *tone Colorado ?ype o Pottery ?hespis %obert Catesby Hologram =nglish G only American is legal Cal"in Coolidge Butter ly *an !rancisco %ussia 2:J 1&J satis actory *esame seed /paste0 -lasgow Coma *cale Battle o New Orleans !lorence Neighbour,s Outhouse An Andian long nec+ed lute -ulli"er,s ?ra"els A >ragon ?ra"elling

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: -ree+ mythology what underground ri"er souls drin+ and orget <ane Peters became amous as who ; / Clar+ -ables wi e 0 An the Canterbury ?ales why were the pilgrims tra"elling ?he locals call it 6etoh+angmi what do we call it $hat translates as ?he ist oot way ?he urcula is what part o a bird $hat is an O+lahoma F Arizona F Harlem credit card 2ucius ?arCuinius *uperbus was the last +ing o where $hat is measured with a *nodgrass grathodynamometer An 2A by law you can,t hunt what at night in streetlight An -ree+ mythology who ga"e the KeyesK to the peacoc+ A couple dogging are ha"ing se5 with others watching where Harry Alan %obert *tewart made redundant Britain 18.:s <ob Orbis non *u icit ; $orld is not enough ; whose amily motto An ?e@o a * American game players throw stones at buried what $hat come in "arieties Norway Oriental *it+a $hite *iberian $ilhelm Beer and <ohan "on 6adler irst good map where 14#: A musical instrument and the !rench word or paper clip what $hat lin+s 9ul Bryner Burt 2ancaster $C !ields <oe = Brown Out itFcostume irst seen 181& ilm 'id Auto %aces at 7enice ="ening *tar no 8222: was the last what $ho was ound dead in Hollywood,s 2andmar+ Hotel & Oct 181: <une 1.11 what =nglish na"igator was cast adri t by mutineers %ams Horn $andering Bladder Pric+ly Herald types o what $ho sent *tanley to A rica to loo+ or 2i"ingstone $ho was K?he ather o magazine science ictionK *an !rancisco by law unleashed what can,t wal+ down mar+et street A phalophilliac has a etish about what $ho irst appeared in the ilm A ?ale o two 'itties in 18&2 $ord or slight o hand comes rom the !rench or nimble inger $hat lin+s *te"e 6cQueen Aan Botham *pi+e 6illigan A Primagra"ida is what Baron de Coubertin won -old at the Olympics 1812 or what An Norse mythology what was Audulma ; wet nurse o giants An nautical terms what i"e letter word means duty at the helm *an !rancisco by law you can,t clean your car with what An the >ictionary o 7ulgar ?ongue 1411 what is a wasp $hat was the irst ilm musical based on a *ha+espeare play (erelda was the irst name o what outlaws wi e and mother %obert %ecord in the mid century in"ented what sign Nathan Bed ord !orest a con ederate general was the irst what Name the irst British actress to appear on a British stamp 184) Patricia Holm is the girl riend o what amous ictional character Comic strip character 182:s name means mee+ person in 3*A *yl"ester *tallone ilm shares name with Paris art mo"ement $hat ictitious murderer irst appeared in *tring o Pearls 14&:s An what ilm were Aldeberan Antares Atair %igel seen $hat place was nic+named K?he Pearl o the OrientK A %eti ist has a etish about what An Pueblo Colorado its illegal or what to grow in city limits

2ethe Carol 2ombard ?o "isit ?homas a, Bec+etts ?omb Abominable *nowman or 9eti ?ae+wondo $ishbone Petrol *iphon hose %ome *trength *har+ Bites 6oths Argus An their car O icial Hangman <ames Bond -unpowder ; try to e5plode it *pruce ?rees ?he 6oon ?rombone Circus Per ormers Chaplin,s ?ramp out it *team 2oco built by British %ailways <anis <oplin Henry Hudson !reshwater *nails New 9or+ Herald Hugo -ernsbac+ =lephants 2arge Penises ?weety Pie Prestidigitation All called ?erence !irst Pregnancy 2iterature Cow ?ric+ 3sed 3nderware An in ected prostitute sting in tail ?he boys rom *yracuse C o =rror <esse <ames =Cuals Q -rand $izard ''' 7i"ien 2eigh *imon ?emplar ?he *aint Casper 6ilCuetoast Cobra *weeny ?odd Ben Hur ; horses on his chariot 6anilla ; Philippines *hoes A >andelion

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An 2ebanon 7irginia its illegal to do what to your wi e Allustrator !lorence ' 3pton created what /now not PC0 Name the irst Alsatian dog ilm star 1821 An what play do we ollow Aaron a 6oor belo"ed o ?amora Boreas =urus Notus (ephyrus were what $hat space cra t mapping 7enus named 1)F1. century e5plorer $here would you ind A $all ?he white line and Bars Name the aboriginal detecti"e in the no"els o Arthur $ 3p ield $ho was the irst British *! author to win a Hugo award A you su ered Harpa5ophillia what turns you on $hat oods name comes rom the ?amil words or Pepper $ater Operation >racula in $$AA reed what city $hat are you doing i you per ormed Apple@ac+ Chaos %e" up $hat islands name is Australian slang or a ootball shirt An Huston its illegal to sell what on *unday An what Agatha Christi boo+ does Poriot >ie $hat <apanese dish consists o ?o u Bee and "egetables 6arengo was Napoleons horse but he rode who at $aterloo $hat boo+ o the old testament has the least chapters /10 <ohan *chober the irst president o what organisation in 182# $hat is singer =laine Paige,s nic+name $hat was the name o *ancho Panza,s don+ey $ho spent 14 months in 18&:s as no #144 home wayward boys $ho was the last =nglish 'ing to die on the battle ield $hat countries name translates as lion mountains $here could you hear the Cuc+oo *ong $hat %oman soldier de eated and destroyed *partacus Between 181. and 2# Clarence *aunders opened 24:: what Harold 2ee+ became amous as who A you su ered Hierophillia what turns you on An 18)& -eorge Cowling was the irst British ?7 what An >yersberg ?ennessee its illegal or a woman to what to a man $hat does a croCue 6adame ha"e that a croCue monsieur donBt $hat ?7 series had a signature tune called 2iberty Bell Name o the %oman hippodrome used or chariot races $hat,s the triangular Andian pasty containing spiced meat Candlema+er soapma+er merged in Cincinnati 14#1 ma+ing what $his+y and >rambuie mi5 to orm what sic+ly coc+tail what are $a Cha $e@ 7agh Hut *och and chorgh ?he British call it *hro"e ?uesday /panca+e day0 what in !rance An Nicholas Nic+leby name the headmaster o >otheboys Hall Alium is the 2atin name or what ancient city A you had hemicrania what would you be su ering rom $hat was a Pi+elhaube used in $$ A How is the cucurbita pepo better +nown ?he roadrunner belongs to what amily o birds Cyesolagnia is a etish about what $hat,s was the nic+name o New 9or+,s 24th street in 182:s $hat started in 18#) when a doctor and a stoc+bro+er met An Newport %hode Asland its illegal to do what a ter dar+

'ic+ her out o bed -olliwog *trongheart ; %in ?in ?in 1822 ?itus Andronicus Classic $inds N=*$ 6agellan Horses oot Napoleon Bonaparte =ric !ran+ %ussell Allamagoosa Being %obbed 6ulligatawny %angoon Burma 2ine >ancing -uernsey 2imburger Cheese Curtain *u+iya+i >isiree white Arabian Obadiah Anterpol 2eather 2ungs >apple *te"e 6cQueen %ichard AAA *ierra 2eone 2aurel Hardy ilm theme song Crassus ; not Pompey Piggly $iggly G sel ser"ice stores Howard 'eel *acred Ob@ects $eatherman Call or a date =gg on top G Cheese Ham ?oast 6onty Pythons !lying Circus Circus 6a5imus *amosa Procter and -amble %usty Nail Numbers ; An 'lingon 6ardi -ras $ac+ ord *Cueers ?roy 6igraine *pi+ed -erman Helmet 6arrow Cuc+oo Pregnant women ?in Pan Alley Alcoholics Anonymous *mo+e a pipe

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho started his ilm career as Anglo *a5ton type 2::4 in 18#:s $hat mythological animal was the insignia o 3' Airborne $$ AA $hat,s the word or the luminous mist that surrounds a saint $ho created the character $alter 6itty $hat $imbledon single champ had a part in a <ohn $ayne ilm $here would you ind a 6ihrab $ho would write a decratal or rescript 6other Carey,s Chic+ens sailors slang or what bird/s0 $hat wondrous creation was built by *ostratus o Cnidos A you ha"e Aantronudia what turns you on $hat $$ AA British medal carries the words !or -allantry An what ilm did *ean Connery sing Pretty Arish -irl An *alem Oregon its illegal or women to do what $hat symbols name deri"es rom -ree+ or star Chocolate crisp introduced in 18#) was renamed what 18#1 An the no"el -old inger name the boss o ?he Cement 6i5ers $hat drin+ was named a ter )th child Henry 4 Catherine o Aragon $hat *ha+espeare play is set in 6assina and has Claudio in it $ho could win a PA?*9 !ei@oada is the national dish o what country Ni+ioli Polia+o became amous under what name Name the term or the length o a haw+s legs rom thigh to oot $hat in Arthurian legend was the *iege Perilous $ho starred in 18):s Circus Boy then mo"ed on to pop music A you ha"e >orophillia what turns you on $here would you ind a ?aoiseach An *trong"ille Ohio what boo+ is banned by law $hat was the eighth month in the ancient %oman Calendar $hat =gyptian word means li e orce was on title $heatly no"el $hat ictional character was K?he Napoleon o CrimeK $hat Queen o Ogygia detained Odysseus or se"en years Blitz Boondoc+ Bristol *crunge *Cuop terms in what game An what sport are ten pieces o wood separated by a chain $ho,s aliases <ohn $illard =ric -ault -eorge %amom *neyd *tanley -ibbons started as a chemist but changed to what $hat is the 3* slang term or ormal male e"ening dress $hat countries monetary unit is also the bird on its lag $hat word the highest string on an instrument and a mushroom An Ash"ille North Carolina its illegal to do what on the streets $ho wrote the surreal no"el ?arantula $ho wrote the no"el An"isible 6an in 18)2 A a woman maritates what is she doing $hat does a <ingling <ohnny do in Australia $hat can be 7ulgar Common *imple Amproper or proper 2ili Hayden played a character /not seen0 in a spin o rom what >a"id Harold 6ayer became amous as who -regory Pec+ played 2t <oe Clements in what 18):s ilm ?he Chronic Argonauts was the original title o what *! boo+ $hat word can mean a %C prayer Blood Clot e5tra calendar day An %aton New 6e5ico its illegal or a woman to ride wearing what

>a"id Ni"en Pegasus G carrying Beleraphon Nimbus <ames ?hurber Anthea -ibson 2u+ey Horse *oldiers 6osCue Niche show 6ecca direction ?he Pope *torm Petrels Pharos o Ale5andria !lashing a physician -eorge Cross >arby O -ill and the 2ittle People $restle Asteris+ 'it 'at Pussy -alore Bloody 6ary 6uch ado about Nothing Picture Animal ?op *tar o 9ear Brazil Coco the clown An !alconry its an Arm =mpty Chair or grail inder 6ic+ey >olenz Animal *+ins or urs =ire ; Head o *tate Catch 22 October 'a Pro essor 6oriaty Calypso ?iddlywin+s Cric+et <ames =arl %ay G +illed 6 2 'ing *tamp >ealers 6on+ey *uit -uatemalan Quetzal Chanterelle *neeze Bob >ylan %alph $aldo =merson !emale 6asturbating 6anually shear sheep !ractions Colombo /6rs0 >a"id <anssen Por+ Chop Hill ?he ?ime 6achine =mbolism A 'imono

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An *t Croi5 $isconsin its illegal or women to wear what publicly Harmatophobia is the ear o what An -reece who were the Hetaerae !rench re"olution what did the prisoners tra"el to the guillotine in An 144: *miths Patent -erm Bread changed its name to what $ho won Oscars or <aws =? *tar $ars *chindlers 2ist $hat is a -ambrel ; One o two answers *ha+espeare play set in =phesus has two pairs identical twins *hingle was the codename or what $$ AA Allied landing $hat sport introduced the term southpaw *indonology is a debate concerning the origins o what $ho appeared as the in ant 6oses 18). ilm 1: commandments Butter ly Chisel 2ead Pipe 6allet Occult $illow all types o what Name the dance that means new "oice in Portuguese An $est 7irginia Nicholas County its illegal to do what in pulpit A you had Psygophillia what would arouse you =lmo 2incoln was the screens irst what 1814 $ho would use or what are ?ittums -us $ic+ie Pinto Col"ig $illiam Pennell <ac+son Bec+ ; 2in+ A you were drin+ing %ed *tripe lager what country are you in $hat mas+ed hero irst appeared 1818 ?he Curse o Capistrano $ho had a hit no ) in 3* 1811 with Bridge o"er ?roubled $ater 6argaret Hoo+ham changed her name amed as who %euben <ames was the irst what #1 Oct 18&1 $hat minty con ection is a boys name ; in re"erse An ?he Atalian <ob Noel Coward played what character in prison $here is <ohn !rost bridge shown on A Bridge too !ar Butter ly !alcon !un -len 2ar+ Penguin A ?opper types o what $hat,s the Australian slang name emale man trainee sheep arm An *outh >a+ota its illegal to show mo"ies that picture what $hat area o 2ondon did <ac+ the %ipper reCuent 6ichael Henchard better +nown as what eponymous literary hero $hat word can go be ore $or+ 9ard 2aying Bat to ma+e others $hat was the name o %oy %ogers dog /now stu ed0 $hat authors /unused0 inal two names are Bower 9in Albanian money and a grouse,s mating display same word what An what 1884 did ilm >a"id Bowie play Pontius Pilot $hat is the A+urrina -erman mapma+er 6artin $aldseemuller named what $hat word or a cigar type is also Atalian or a small loa $hat is the name o the Australian !ilm Anstitute Award $hat countries presidents 9uso Bin Asha+ and $ee 'im $ee $hat city in the 3*A means !irst People in Andian ?he irst cartoon character on the Beano was =ggo what was he An Newar+ its illegal to sell what a ter .pm unless >rs note shown 'lysmophillia is arousal rom what $hat independent states name has 1: letters only one "owel !lorence Nightingale -raham better +nown as who Crown ; %ing ; *han+ ; *toc+ ; !lu+e parts o what Andrew <ohn $oodhouse in iction was who ; Ara 2e"in no"el

Anything %ed *e5ual Ancompetence High class Prostitutes ?umbrels Ho"is <ohn $illiams /music0 *loping %oo or Butchers Hoo+ Comedy o =rrors Anzio Baseball ?urin *hroud !razer Heston G Charlton,s son Bone !racture Bossa No"a ?ell <o+es Contact with buttoc+s ?arzan Bellringers changes Bluto in Popeye <amaica (orro Aretha !ran+lin >ame 6argot !onteyn 3* warship sun+ by submarine in $$2 ?rebor mints ; %obert 6r Bridger Arnham ; it was renamed a ter him 9acht >ingy Classes <illaroo Police getting beaten $hitechaple ?he 6ayor o Castorbridge ? Hardy Bric+ Bullet 2eslie Charteris 2ec 2ast ?emptation o Christ BasCue !lag America G a ter Amerigo 7espucci Panatela 2ong ord G /%aymond0 *ingapore Bilo5i Ostrich Ace Cream =nemas 'yrgystan =lizabeth Arden Anchor %osemary,s Baby

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &.
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 *te"e 6cQueen played Hiltz -reat =scape what,s irst name $hose members get KPromoted to -loryK on their death $hat is the common name o =ucalyptus microtheca $illiam *ydney Porter is better +nown as who /literature0 An ?renton N< its speci ically illegal to throw what in street 2u+e Halpin *andy ?ommy Norden Bud what 18.:s ?7 show $ho wrote ?he Caine 6utiny $here can you dri"e your car on the Nippon Clip On 2ampy is the worlds oldest 14&:s insured 1 million oldest what Albert Harry <ac+ and *amuel =ichelbaum +nown as who $hat is a 6er+in ; ?here are two possible correct answers $hat authors only detecti"e wor+ was ?he %ed House 6ystery Agnoring 3*A whose motto is = Pluribus 3num $hat Australian slang or a simpleton is also a coc+atoo $hat 18th century e5plorer translated the 'ama *utra %eal names *usan Ale5andria *tage name rom -reat -atsby $hat was the ?itanic,s last port o call An =ure+a Ne"ada its illegal or moustached men to do what <anine >ec+ers suicided 184) had top 1: hit 18.2 as who

7irgil *al"ation Army Coolabah tree /waltzing mathilda0 O,Henry Bad Pic+le !lipper Herman $ou+ Auc+land Harbour Bridge -arden -nome $arner Brothers Arti icial 7agina G Pubic $ig A A 6ilne Ben ica !ootball Club -alah *ir %ichard Burton *igourney $ea"er Queenstown Cobh /18220 Cor+ 'iss $omen ?he *inging Nun *ister 2uc -abrielle Queen =lizabeth Canaries Archery Othello Custard Pie Bi rost 2inda 2ee All 2ighthouses <erry 6ouse !emale -enitals 6as+s Prometheus 3* un+nown soldier ?rampolining orward #E) twists High Noon Alice *prings >esert Caudal !in >ale ="ans 6rs %oy %ogers 2aurel and Hardy Burps 6arsala Bull ighter 6arigold Iero5 Photocopier 6idnight Cowboy *oho Billy Ocean ?erra No"a Being ?ouched *anta Claus

1: *eawise 3ni"ersity burned 8 <an 1812 used to be called what 11 $hat are Berner !lorin Parisian rill types o 12 A 2ady Paramount @udges at what sport 1# $hat *ha+espeare play is K?he -reen =yed 6onsterK mentioned 1& !atty Arbuc+le was the irst ilmed recipient o what in 181# 1) An *candina"ian mythology what bridge lin+ed hea"en and =arth 1. $hat was *upergirl,s secret identity >an"ers 11 An the 3' ?he =lder Brethren o ?rinity House manage what 14 $ho danced with -ene 'elly in Anchors Aweigh in 18&) 18 $hat do 9oni worshipers worship 4: An the streets o =l+o Ne"ada wal+ers are meant to wear what 41 Bob !itzsimmons world bo5ing champion had what middle name 42 $ho was the only unidenti ied person awarded the 7ictoria Cross 4# An what sport would you per orm an Adol 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he !rench call it K2a ?rain *i lera ?rois !oisK what ilm is it ?own Australia is named a ter the wi e *ir C H ?odd postmaster An Ataly what is a K(uppa AngleseK $hat is the tail in o a ish called !rancis Octa"ia *mith rode Buttercup in 18):s ?7 who was she An -ermany who were +nown as K>ic+ und >oo K An Omaha Parents can be arrested i child does what in church $hat desert wine is a normal ingredient o zabaglione An his pro ession who,s entitled to wear the Ktra@e de lucesK A rican !rench Bur !ig 6arsh Pot types o what plant $hat was +nown as the O5 Bo5 <ames 2 Herlihy wrote what no"el ; Oscar winning ilm An area o 2ondon got its name rom a hunting call what 2eslie *ebastian Charles is better +nown as who $hat ship meaning new land carried *cott to the Antarctic 181: A you had Naphephillia what turns you on An 6innesota woman can get #: days or impersonating who

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 $hat actor dropped out uni"ersity to be a dishwasher $hat lin+s a *yl"ester *tallone character and Panama An Ne"ada it is illegal to dri"e what on the highway Acmegenesis is a ancy name or what $ho was the leader o the wol"es in 'ipling,s <ungle Boo+ <ill Oppenheimer changed her name to become amous as who 6anya *+lodows+a became amous under what name $hat "egetable gets its name rom old !rench F 2atin or mil+ CrUme de 6enthe CrUme de Cacao an light cream what drin+ Cry !reedom was %ichard Attenborough,s ilm about who An $$2 what was the -erman codename or in"asion o %ussia An ?he A rican Queen what was the name o the steam launch !A>= go"ern what game -irls name can mean big ruit bas+et or a meeting whaling captains $ho did !ess Par+er play in on ?7 18.& An 6ississippi it is still legal to +ill who $ho was dropped by 2:th cent !o5 or being too ugly Acrotomphillia is ha"ing se5 with who or what ="erest climb 18)# put lags 3' 3N Nepal and where on top $ho won the ormula 1 championship a ter death at 6onza $here would you ind a ?erret He was % C %obinson in 18&4 what name amous as now $hat was in"ented by Henry > Per+y 148# >en"er Colorado 6argin -uaging Angle Corner !looring types o what tool $ho was the last British +ing born outside the 3' $hat 3* ports name means in Choctaw long haired people Caractacus Potts dro"e what car $hat comes in types %oc+ Ball -reentree Andian %eticulated An 9ugosla"ia i you as+ed or Pl@es+a"ice what do you get An 6inneapolis what is the ma5imum penalty or double par+ing A Curo act is a se5ual etish about what %oman orator 6arcus ?illius nic+named what or wart on nose $ho ailed an audition or !ame because was not pretty enough $hat character in the <ungle Boo+s name means rog $hat is a 3mia+ $hat,s the more common name or prepatellar bursitis $ho wrote $hip Hand Proo and !lying !inish $ho ser"ed under Nelson commanding the -latton 14:1 $hat sport in Belgium people compete in the !leche $alloons $hat %oc+ group are named or a split paper match spli holder 6usical instrument is named rom the -ree+ wooden sound $hat Hollywood star was the inspiration or Bugs Bunny Amatripsis is what se5ual practice $ho de"eloped the method school o acting An !rance Pate >e -ri"es a la Pro"encal is made rom what 3nder 6ichigan *tate law who are o icially classed mechanics Brother Benedict translated name o what port and ood product Aceland -lima Aran 'ushti ?ur+ey 9agli %ussia *ambo what is it <oseph Hobson <agger bro+e it in 144. bro+e what

$arren Beaty Balboa Panama cash %oc+y name A Camel Orgasm A+ala <ill *t <ohn G ?i any Case in Bond ilm 6adam Curie 2ettuce -rasshopper *te"e Bi+o Barberossa ?he A rican Queen Chess 6olly >aniel Boone Ones *er"ant 6arilyn 6unroe by >arryl (anuc+ Amputees Andia <ochen %indt ; 181: >ogs Collar G ring lead its on %ay Charles *hredded $heat ?rowel -eorge AA ; Hano"er Pensacola in !lorida Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Pythons Hamburger ?he Chain -ang 2egs Cicero ?om Cruise 6ougli =s+imos large open s+in boat Housemaids 'nee >ic+ !rancis $illiam Bligh Cycling <e erson Airplane Iylophone Clar+ -able !emale masturbation rubbing labia 'onstanstin *tanisla"s+y ?hrushes >entists !ray Bentos $restling Ban+ at 6onte Carlo

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
): $hat groups demo re@ected by =6A in 18.) cos not own songs ?he $ho

No Questions Quiz &1

)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 $hat sporting trophy is named a ter the 3* sec o war 182:s


>a"is Cup G >wight !illey >a"is ?he density o what is measured on the %ngelmann scale *mo+e $hat =nglish word meaning disaster comes rom Atalian or las+ !iasco $hat was Auguste Bartholdis most amous wor+ 144. *tatue o 2iberty An literature who taught at the 6arcia Blain school or -irls 6iss <ean Brodie $hat was the ull name o the butler in soap ; later spin o Benson >ubois $hat girls name is also a pass made by a bull ighters cape 7eronica Amoma5ia is ha"ing se5 where Par+ed Car An !ort 6adison Aowa !iremen must do what be ore attending ire Practice or 1) minutes $ho would be scored on the Apgar scale Newborn Babies <oel Chandler Harris born >ecember 14&4 better +nown as who 3ncle %emus $hat was the name o the regimental tune o the 1th ca"alry -arryowen 6intonette was the original name o what sport in 1481 7olleyball An traditional pantomime who is the sweetheart o HarleCuin Columbine *hellac dissol"ed in alcohol ma+es what type o "arnish !rench Polish $hat actressFsinger once wor+ed in a doughnut shop 6adonna Arthur !legenheimer died Oct 18#) was better +nown as who >utch *chultz $hat is the magazine o the <eho"ah,s $itnesses called ?he $atchtower %ichard %oundtree played what detecti"e in three 1:s ilms <ohn *ha t >e ecolagnia is se5ual arousal rom what act Crapping $riter who created Hannah 6assay 6aggie %owan ?illie ?rotter Catherine Coo+son $hat A rican countries capitol is named a ter a 3* president 2iberia ; 6onro"ia G <ames 6onroe An New <ersey it is illegal to rown at who Police O icers Herbert Charles Angelo 'uchace"ich ze *chluderpacheri ; who Herbert 2om $hat is a ?allith !ringed prayer shawl <ewish ?he !rench call it 2a 6ort au5 ?rousses what Hitchcoc+ ilm is it North by Northwest $hat did alchemists see+ to turn base metals into gold Philosophers *tone According to the poem who dug the gra"e or coc+ robin ?he Owl 2ily Cauchoin became amous as who Claudette Colbert $ho dropped out o Har"ard in 181) Bill -ates According to =nglish Church what,s legal only tween 4 am . pm -etting 6arried Canonical 2aw Apsisism is what common se5ual practice 6asturbation ?he *oldiers *ong is the National Anthem o what Country %epublic o Areland $ho created ?he *carlet Pimpernel Baroness Orczy $ho was meant to play Annie O+ley but was replaced in 18): <udie -arland Annie get 9our -un $hat $$2 resistance mo"ements name is Atalian or thic+et 6aCuis Programming language named a ter 11th cent !rench mathematician Pascal ; Blaise Pascal Anciticus was a horse /and *enator0 owned by whom Caligula $ho would wear a Hachima+i ; or headband 'ami+aze pilots An North >a+ota it is illegal to sleep with what on 9our *hoes =dmund >ante is what eponymous hero ?he Count o 6onte Christo ?humb 2oc+ 6ongolian %elease 6editerranean >raw what sport Archery $hat was the name o Papa >oc >u"aliers secret police Haiti ?onton 6acoute Old ?estament two non humans can spea+ the serpent and who Balsam,s Ass Numbers 22 ?he *ea Coo+ was the original title o what amous no"el ?reasure Asland Bearbrass ounded by <ohn Batman the original name o where 6elbourne $hat branch o mathematics is named or the 2atin or pebble Calculus ?he Asland o *heep was the last no"el o what Buchan Hero %ichard Hannay =onism is what se5ual practice Cross >ressing

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
1:: $ho,s irst ilm /?HI11#40 lopped in 1811 -eorge 2ucas

No Questions Quiz &4

1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho wrote the no"el Ben Hur 6ario irst appeared in which "ideo game -ynecomania is what compulsion $hat ood item literally translates as little don+ey $ho directed the ilm ?he A rican Queen An 9uma Arizona what is the punishment or citrus ruit thie"es $hat light operas name literally means Honourable -ate ?he Paramours changed their name to what gaining ame Action Comics 12: a ter )4 years who returned engage ring $ho born 3* =du 3' =5pelled $est Point >ied Baltimore &: $hat is a Paradiddle $hat =uropean countries national anthem has no o icial words Name o *ha+espeare,s simple constable in 6easure or 6easure $hat line on a map connects places o eCual rain all Corson and *toughton are the in"entors o what %odrigo >iaz de 7i"ar amous under what nic+name Cyprieunia is se5 with who or what 7ladimir Nabo+o" wrote 2olita in what language An Quitman -eorgia its illegal or a chic+en to do what At what arm does Aunt Ada >oom go on about nasty woodshed $hat palindromic grass grows at the seashore $hat biblical towns name means House o Bread in Hebrew $here would you ind your pollers 2# 28 #1 irst # impossible numbers in what pub game !or what sport is the Camanachd cup contested $ho wrote the no"el ?he A rican Queen An %oman times what were !alerian *etine Alban *orrentine $hose motto is K Nation shall spea+ peace unto Nation K $hat was '!Cs Colonel *anders irst name $hat outlaws last words were supposed to be K such is li e K Ondinism is arousal rom what An (ion city Allinois its illegal to do what >anes O"erst *enap *panish 6arCues de 6arina what in 3' $hat puppet was based on the creators ormer wi e *yl"ia ?he word amnesia / orget ulness0 deri"es rom what language $hat is 6e5ico,s largest seaside resort $hat playwright wrote ?he ?hree *isters and ?he Cherry Orchard $ho composed and played the score or the ilm -ene"ie"e $hat 11th Century pirate ended up a go"ernor o <amaica A"ron Hirsch -oldbogen changed his name to what October 18#8 what 3' battleship sun+ torpedo loss 4:: li"es An the bible who slew a Cuarter o the worlds population $hat indoor ootball game is named a ter the 2atin Hobby !alcon An Britain what is ?he Andrew Parascopisim is what se5ual beha"iour *usannah 9olanda !letcher became amous as who Blanco -aucho =5celsior Nutcrac+er Cassette types o what $hat <apanese word ironically means K 6ay you li"e ore"er K An Aowa state laws prohibits charging admission to see what Name the triangular cotton headscar or %ussian grandmother

2ew $allace >on+ey 'ong !emale se5 partners Burrito <ohn Huston 2ots o Castor Oil ?he 6i+ado %ighteous Brothers 2ois 2ane to *uperman =dgar Alen Poe >rum %oll *pain =lbow Asohyat C* -as =l Cid A Prostitute =nglish Cross the %oad Cold Com ort !arm 6arram Bethlehem Hands its your thumbs >arts ; cant score 1 dart *hinty C * !orester $ine %egions BBC Harland Ned 'elly 3rine 6a+e ugly aces at anyone Colonel 6ustard Cluedo 2ady Penelope -ree+ Cancun Anton Che+o" 2arry Addler *ir Henry 6organ 6i+e ?odd 6arried 2iz ?aylor %oyal Oa+ Cain +illing Abel *ubbuteo ?he %oyal Na"y 7oyeurism through bedroom windows *usannah 9or+ $orld Cheeses Banzai One armed piano players Babush+a

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &4
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho wrote the no"el ?he Piranhas $hat country calls itsel %epubli+a *hCiperise Name >ennis the 6enace dog Han+ 'etchum comics 18):s $hat species o mammal can come in airy or giant size $ho was the last Andian chie to die in battle at $ounded 'nee $hat is the name o the ?ur+ish aniseed liCueur trans lions mil+ $hat car manu acturers slogan is orward through technology $hat does a *tupprator pre er se5ually $hat are Blac+ Bulger 2awyers $ig Penny Bun types o $hat =ast Andian herb o the amily Pedaliaceae lin+ed Ali Baba $hat girls name is a type o Australian throwing stic+ An 2awrence 'ansas its illegal to carry what in your hat 3' what sized by -rains Peas *ingles >oubles ?rebles Cobbles $hat sport has Crumb -atherers !ollowers %o"ers and $ings Name the word an anti mine de"ice towed rom bows o a ship $hat is a 6a@or 6itchell $hat !rench actors catch phrase Come with me to the Casbah $hat boys name means %ich -uard $hat is the 3's best selling chocolate snac+ bar $ho irst appeared in ?he 6ysterious A air at *tyles $hat is a *ybian $hat,s the term or the geographical di"iding line NF* 'orea $hat New 9or+ edi ice is named a ter an Atalian na"igator $hose epitaph says KA you see+ his monument loo+ around youK $ho wrote a series o no"els about the Ballentines o A rica 6ary Asobel Catherine O,Brian born 18#8 better +nown as who An 6aryland it is illegal to ta+e what to the mo"ies An 3*A early last century what were Comet *tar *un 6oon $ho was the only horse e"er to beat the legendary 6an O $ar $hat *outh American cities inhabitants are called portenos Churchill AtBs a %iddle wrapped in a 6ystery in an =nigma what $hat e"ent supposedly occurred in the Coenaculum or Cenacle 6iss =llen Church was the worlds irst what in 18#: $hat %oman =mperor was the irst to con"ert to Christianity $hat sort o se5ual practice is 2ectamia Army -reatcoat Horn o Plenty >iamond 'imono types o what $hat were H&1 and 212 that collided causing deaths in 182:s $hat 3* ilm was based on ?homas >i5ons ?he Clansman An $oodstoc+ N9 it,s illegal to wal+ what without a leash $hat capitol city means Bay o *mo+e in the local language $hat area in N9 is named a ter a barrier built to +eep out Andians Bahina de los Cochinos is better +nown as what !amily li"ed small arm $alnut -ro"e Plumb Cree+ 6innesota 2aurence *+i+ne changed his name to what and ound ame $hat,s the more common name o the Cru5 -ammata *ha+espeare character in ?he ?empest is the son o *ycora5 Agnes -on5ha Bo@a5hiu born *+op@e 181: other name $hat was banned in Horneytown North Carolina A you were su ering rom Preblysis what ha"e you got $ho wrote ?he Hitchhi+ers -uide to the -ala5y

Harold %obbins Albania %u Banded Armadillo Big !oot %a+i Audi G 7orsprung >urch ?echni+ 7irgins !ungi *esame 'ylie Bees Coal Aussie %ules !ootball Para"ane Australian Coc+atoo Charles Boyer G in Algiers =dward or =dmund 'it 'at Hercule Poirot 7ibrating saddle dildo #4th Parallel 7errazano Narrows Bridge *ir Christopher $ren $ilber *mith >usty *pring ield A 2ion 6otor Car 6anu acturers 3pset 12 August 1818 Buenos Aires %ussia ?he 2ast *upper Air *tewardess Constantine ; the great Caressing in bed no coitus Nap+in !olds *ubmarines Birth o a Nation A Bear %ey+@a"i+ $all *treet Bay o Pigs Angles ; 2ittle House on Prairie 2aurence Har"ey *wasti+a Caliban 6other ?heresa 6assage Parlours Premature =@aculation >ouglas Adams

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &8
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An ?he Caine 6utiny Bogart played Cap Queeg who irst choice -ynelophilous people get aroused rom what An 2os Angeles its illegal to do what on the witness stand Asrael Beer <osaphat ounded what amous ser"ice in 14)1 $hat is the main ore o aluminium $hat sport is played 11 a side on ice with a ball ; "ariable pitch !amous 2:th century no"el is set mainly on ictional Pianosa $hat 3* city is named a ter "ice president o the mid 14&:s Capitol city ; Cathedrale Notra;>ame ; statue 6arron Anconnu $ho too+ o"er as !uhrer a ter Hitler,s death till his arrest 18&) %e5 *tout created what corpulent orchid lo"ing pri"ate eye C,est mani iCue mais ce n,est pas la guerre 14)& about what $hat planet did -usta" Holst omit rom the planets suite Born <anuary 21st to !ebruary 18th what star sign are you *tanley 'ubric+s !ull 6etal <ac+et was ilmed in what 2ocation An what ictional "essel are characters *tarbuc+ *tubb !edallah $hat weapon is named rom musical instrument in" Bob Burns $hat does a hyperphiliac su er rom 7entura county Cali ornia whoFwhat cant ha"e se5 without permit $hat in 3* are Ambassador Ben !ran+lin -eorge $ashington $hat is an =ntr,acte in !rance An what gameFsport terms Bobble Boom >rop -ira e PiCue ?wist 2in+ >anny !isher Charlie %ogers 7ince ="erett Chad -ates Alice >ormouse 6ad Hatter who is missing rom the ?ea Party ?he Harlem -lobetrotters had what signature tune $hat countries dialects has "arieties called ?wi and !anti *abastian 6elmoth died in Paris 18:: better +nown as who $hat was designed and built in Aowa 18#:s by -eorge Nissan 2in+ Achtung Adagio Bra"o Butter ly -ong Polo %ondo (ebra 'i+i Haa+enson a policeman,s daughter was the worlds irst what $ho wrote 2ast ?ango in Broo+lyn his third no"el Arrumation is what se5ual practice Ale5andria 6N i wi e as+s man must do what be ore se5 by law An what H- $ells no"el does >r -ri in sometimes appear $ho said about criticism K A cry all the way to the ban+ K $hat +ind o animal is Beatri5 Potters 6rs ?iggy $in+le $hat Australian Prime 6inister drowned near 6elbourne Odysseus captured by Cyclops Polyphemus what alse name Old Arish law what boys name gi"e to ine murderer paid compo $hat con ection named or a !rench ield marshal che made it $ho got best actor award or the character Charlie Allnut $ho was the %oman god o ield boundaries $hat is ?he Adi -ranth $hat was the irst American state to enter the union 1 >ec 1141 'nismolagnia is se5ual arousal rom what 6issouri has an unusual inalienable right ; what $hat amous religious hymn by Augustus 6ontague ?oplady *port control amateur le"el !ederation Anternational de Quilleurs $hat A rican country and its currency ha"e the same name !uneral 6arch o a 6arionette theme tune to what old ?7 show

%ichard $idmar+ Pubic Hair Cry %euters Bau5ite Bandy Catch 22 >allas Port au Prince Haiti Admiral 'arl >onitz Nero $ol e Charge 2ight Brigade =arth ACuarius 2ondon,s >oc+land PeCuod in 6oby >ic+ Bazoo+a -reat desire or se5 Cats >ogs *uspension Bridges Anter"al in ?heatre %eal ?ennis types o ser"ice =l"is Presley character names 6arch Hare *weet -eorgia Brown -hana Oscar $ilde ?rampoline ?ype aces or !onts 6iss $orld 'ir+ >ouglas !ellatio ; Blow@ob Brush ?eeth ?he An"isible 6an 2iberace Hedgehog Harold Holt 11 >ecember 18.1 Nobody =ric Praline Bogart ; ?he A rican Queen 18)1 ?erminus *acred *criptures *i+hs >elaware Pennsyl"ania second ?ic+ling >run+enness %oc+ o Ages ?en Pin Bowling (aire Al red Hitchcoc+ Presents

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz &8
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: =unectes 6urinus largest o its +ind in *outh America ; what $hose nic+names included K ?he Adol o the American Boy K !ilm based P' >ic+ story $e can remember it or you wholesale Asobella 6ary 6ayson born 14#. remembered as who $ho sang 6o"e em out head em up head em up mo"e em on (ymurgy is a branch o chemistry concerning what process !amous ictional character irst appeared in 6eet the ?iger 1824 $hat was the name o the old man in ?he Old 6an and the *ea An 6erry"ille 6issouri woman cannot by law wear what $hat se5ual practice is maritate $hat ictional doctor employed a butler named Poole <ean !rancois -ra"elet is better remembered as who $hat popular bird deri"es its name rom Abo or -ood to =at $hat screen cowboy rode ?ony the $onder Horse Andy !letcher >a"e -ahan 6artin -ore Alan $ilder what group $ho was the =nglish man o religion ounded *ociety o !riends $hat was the second colour ilm to win best picture Oscar 18)1 $hat animal in ?he <ungle boo+ is also a type o uncut "el"et $ho was the 3* eCui"alent o Al -arnet Curtis *liwa ounded what in 1818 An Aria rom a Handel opera is Ombra mai u ; what other name An =l+o Ne"ada se5 without what is illegal 6aschalophilous people get se5ually aroused by what $hat does a Pangram contain %agdoll 'orat *phin5 ?i any ; types o what $ho would wear a (ucchetto !rance named it Chapeau 6elon et Bottes de Cuir what 3' $ith whom is 2udwig %itter 7on 'ochel best associated $hat was the irst 3' ?7 series ilmed in colour 18.&F) $hat island group is named a ter a type o crocodile An the man rom 3NC2= who were their enemies $hat does a -eophage do <oyce !ran+enberg born 18)1 changed her name to what Nadsat was a made up language in what boo+ and ilm $hat planet is nearest in size to =arth An *chulter O+lahoma nude women cannot do what An se5ual terms what is a masti5 Norman 6aine is a character in what remade twice ilm Alhambra is a strong lager brewed in what country Pro+o ie"s opera $ar and Peace has what irst to its credit 181# $hat eponymous >ic+ens character born with a caul o"er head $here would you ind a !umerole or *ol atara Halcyon is a poetic name used or what bird $hose designer leisure wear carry the symbol o a crocodile Paddie,s $igwam nic+name o the %C cathedral what 3' city ?he !rench call it Pas de Calais what do the =nglish call it $ho wal+ed the 7ia >olorosa ; literally >olorous $ay $hat is the common two word name or 9uca Bre"i olia An $illowdale Oregon a man cant do what while shagging wi e $hat se5ual practice does a mazophallate en@oy

Annoconda Babe %uth ?otal %ecall 6rs Beeton !ran+ie 2ane %awhide Brewing ermentation *imon ?emplar *aint *antiago Corsets ; men ha"e right to admire !emale masturbation >r <e+yll Blondin ?ightrope wal+er Budgerigar ?om 6i5 >epeche 6ode -eorge !o5 An American in Paris -one with the wind 1 Bagheera Archie Bun+er -uardian Angels 2argo Condoms Armpits All letters in alphabet Cat Breeds Catholic Clergy G hat li+e Biretta ?he A"engers 6ozart ; catalogued ' numbers *tingray ; a puppet series Cayman ?H%3*H =ats earth <ane *eymour A Cloc+wor+ Orange 7enus ; )J smaller -amble !emale *adist A *tar is Born *pain !irst one done *ydney Opera House >a"id Copper ield Hole side 7olcano 'ing isher %ene 2acoste 2i"erpool *traits o >o"er <esus rom court to Cruci i5ion <oshua ?ree Curse swearing illegal ?it $an+

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz ):
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat animal comes in types spotted striped and brown An 3' tennis where is the *tella Artois tournament held $hat author wrote about Adrian 6ole $ho is the unit o sound named a ter


Hyena Queens *ue ?ownsend Ale5ander -raham Bell ; >ecibel $hat group o people meet at 'ingdom Halls <eho"ah,s $itnesses $hat international rugby team per orm ?he Ha++a be ore match All Blac+s 'olpeuryntomania is what se5ual acti"ity *tretching the "agina Pun+ >rummer Chris 6iller what name when he >amned in 1:s %at *cabies $ayne Brazel shot and +illed what $estern igure in 2:th cent Pat -arret North Ando"er 6assachusetts its illegal to ha"e what weapon *pace -un 6ic+ey 6ouse,s Pluto had what name when he irst appeared %o"er Hebrew and what are the o icial languages in Asrael Arabic %ita 'uti 'is represented Hungary in what sport ?ennis <ac+son $hipps *howalter was a 3* champion at what Chess $ho wrote ?he Hunchbac+ o Notre >ame 7ictor Hugo ?saritsyn in %ussia used to be +nown as what 7olgagrad *talingrad 7ioletta 7alery is better +now as who in the world o opera 2a ?ra"iata ; by 7erdi *arah <ane !ul+s ; Anne !rancis Bobbins both married who %onald %eagan < $yman N >a"is $hat Australian town used to be called *tuart until 182) Alice *prings 2agnoperissia is a ancy name or what se5ual condition Nymphomania An 2ittle %oc+ Ar+ansas menFwomen can get #: days @ail what Public !lirting Al red Bailey started what annual publication in mid 18th century $hos $ho $hat pop star ser"ed a ootball apprenticeship with Brent ord %od *tuart Aron statue o 7ulcan loo+s down %ed 6ountain what 3* city Birmingham Alabama $hose autobiography was entitled ?he *port o Queens >ic+ !rancis $ho made his name with <immy <ames and the Blue !lames <immy Hendri5 An ?he Arabian Nights what was Ali Babas @ob $oodcutter Coco Channel a ashion star had what real irst name -abrielle An A icionado originally ollowed what sport Bull ighting *ir Henry Cole got <ohn Callcot Horsley design H to sa"e time Christmas card 14&# $ho was murdered in Bohemia in 828 -ood 'ing $enceslas An 2ong Beach Cali ornia where is speci ically illegal to curse 6iniature -ol Course ?he Andestructible Aron man ights against the =lectronic -ang Hong 'ong translation o what ilm A 7iew to a 'ill Name the =ditor in Chie New 9or+ Herald sent *tanley to A rica -ordon Bennett i you 6anu5orate what are you doing 6ale masturbating with hand ?he brutal treatment o Billy Hayes was the inspiration what ilm 6idnight =5press An -ree+ mythology Atlas was a member o what group ?he ?itans !ritz 7on $erra was the only -erman pilot $$2 to do what =scape ; ?he one that got away $hat word ; last arrow in archery contest or the inal outcome 3pshot Nic+y Chinn 6i+e Chapman wrote *uzi Quatro No 1 3' song Can the Can 181# Oscar winner was re@ected as Honey %ider >r No too small tits <ulie Christie G by Cubby Broccoli $hat nationality was irst person in space not 3* or %ussian Czech G 7ladimir %eme+ *oyuz 24 < ' %owling wrote the Harry Potter series what do the <' mean <oanne 'athleen An Connecticut it is speci ically illegal to dispose o what 3sed %azor Blades 6ary Cathleen Collins changed her name to what Bo >ere+ $esley *nipes and who starred in the ilm 6oney ?rain 188) $oody Harrelson An what =l"is ilm does he play a hillbilly garage hand 2o"ing 9ou $here did <ohn 2enon marry 9o+o Ono /place name0 -ibraltar ; !lew rom Paris ; bac+ $hat 3* president was born in Corsica $illiam Harding Corsica Ohio 6astigothymia is se5ual arousal rom what !lagellation whipping

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz ):
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat pop group saw their irst ) singles enter 3' charts at No 1 An 18&8 the ?hought Police irst appeared in what no"el Photographic in"entor suicided 18#2 said my wor+ is done why wait $ho was born at >aisy Hill Puppy !arm An Portacello Adaho concealed weapons are illegal unless what Operation 6ar+et -arden $$2 in"ol"ed the in"asion o where $hat 18.8 ilm last line Clint =astwood KA all o em e"erywhereK $hat game <ohnny Archer Chang !eng;Pang been world champs $ho was the irst =nglishman to die in an aircrash 6oriaphillia is se5ual arousal rom what ?he $adomo tribe in (imbabwe ha"e what physical oddity 2ong 2egged Hannah and 6arty,s =5press what pastime in"ol"ed An $$2 what came between *word and -old Ben@amin Briggs captained what mystery ship <ohn 2owe Oct 184& got O1:2::: irst to do what on ?7 $hat was in"ented 181: 3* >r Buddy 2apidus mar+eted 181) 6arilyn 2ouis born 1822 changed her name to what star o &:s An -uernee Allinois women o"er 2::lb are banned rom what A menial wor+ing class in Old <apan and -ree+ letter what word Phil Collins played what character on the 2ondon stage 18.:s On the Omen series >amien was the de"il ; what second name $hat was %< 6itchell,s contribution to $$2 An what sport are bacon hamburgers chips prunes spuds terms $hat characters irst appeared in =ntertaining 9oung -ussie Omolagnia is se5ual arousal rom what !abled creature Head 6an Body 2ion ?ail *corpion Por+ Cuills Anspecting -al"aynes -roo"e tells you what !rench -erman Atalian # o icial languages *witzerland what &th -raham 6cPherson changed his name to what 181: act illegal to transport woman state line immoral purposes Paris born Philippe Pages changed his name to what An Brainard 6innesota e"ery man must do what by law %ichard Attenbourough what character in ?he -reat =scape $hat was superhero -reen 2antern "ulnerable to $hat was ?he 2iberty Bell manu actured 18::s Charles !ey $ho played >r 6cCoy in the original *tar ?re+ series -erman ilm o the 182:s starred 6a5 *chrec+ as a "ampire A %eni leur gets aroused rom doing what $hat song ga"e a 8 year old 3* a 3' No 1 lots wee+s 1812F1# $ho was the irst American to recei"e the Nobel 2iterature prize Hercules had to clean the stables in one night ; whose $hat 3* state named in 1..& in honour o *ir -eorge Cateret Name o the Kcow townK <oseph 6cCoy de"eloped in the 14.:s An -handi who played the -eneral caused massacre Amritsar *ting 7ogue 6oschino Adidas Police $ires Ace types o what !ilm ?he >ead Heat 6erry go %ound .:s what stars irst 1 line =dgar Cuthwellis was option but the author chose another what Operation Chastise during $$2 better +nown as what An Columbus Ohio its illegal or shops to sell what on *undays A *itophilliac gets se5ually aroused rom what

$estli e 184& -eorge Orwell -eorge =astman 'oda+ Brownie *noopy G Peanuts ?hey are openly displayed Arnham $here =agles >are Nine Ball Pool Charles %olls ?elling dirty @o+es ?wo toes each oot 2ine >ancing <uno ; > >ay Beaches 6arie Celeste Nine dart ):1 game Odour =aters %honda !leming %iding Horses wearing shorts =ta Art ul >odger ?horne >esigned the *pit ire 6ountain Bi+ing in@ury F damage <ee"es and $ooster Nudity 6anticore Age o horse G itBs on its teeth %omansch *uggs rom 6adness 6ann Act %ichard Clayderman -row a Beard Bartlett Anything 9ellow !ruit 6achine >e orest 'elly Nos eratu *ni ing underwear 2ong haired lo"er rom 2i"erpool *inclair 2ewis Aegean *tables New <ersey Cateret de ended <ersey Abaline =dward !o5 -eneral %eginald >yer *pectacles ; -lasses Harrison !ord 2ewis Carrol >ambusters %aid Corn la+es !ood in se5 play

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): *acro ricosis is what sort o se5ual beha"iour According to law what must all 2ondon ?a5is always carry Am $esten Nicht Neues what amous no"el 2:s later ilm Anreas Cornelis "an 'u@i+ was whoBs manager $hat was uniCue about all the mens oil winners 18)2 Olympics 6aryland No1 6ontana No 1 6innesota No # types o what $hat aria rom 6adam Butter ly is a 6ichelle P ei er 188. ilm =i;Ha@@ 6ali+ =i;*habazz better +nown as who $hat opera premiered in Paignton >e"on #:th >ecember 1418 Name the irst space probe to land on the moon 1# *ept 18)8 An what ilm did Paul %obeson sing Old 6an %i"er An =l 6onte Cali ornia its illegal or whoFwhat to sleep in bathtub $ho compete in the 6accabiah -ames $hat ?7 amily li"ed at 112& 6orning -lory Circle $estport Con Poland has a coastline along which sea Colonel Paul $ ?ibbets did it irst ; what $hat ish has its head at right angles to its body 'ate 6ulgrew plays who in a -ene %oddenbery based series $hat is the oldest bridge o"er the *eine in Paris An Ochlophilliac gets se5ually aroused rom what An O5 ord uni"ersity what can you not ta+e into the library by rule An Asian gec+o and a sweet =uropean wine what word its both $hat common word comes rom the !rench or purse or wallet >aimants *ur Canape !rench translation o what ilm ?racy 6arrow a ormer con"ict born 18)4 changed name to what 6armolada nearly 11::: eet highest pea+ what mountain range >r -eorge $ander in"ented what drin+ in *witzerland 14.:s Broadway )8 music Ordinary CoupleD PreludiumD Processional %hus %adicans shrub green lowers white berries common name !ulton <ohn *hort ; 2ater <ohn !ulton irst 3* to do what An 6alibu Cali ornia its illegal to do what in a theatre An iction who,s mother 6oniCue >elacroi5 died when he was 11 Charles Henry *tuard -melin was the irst 3' what . Apr 148. *al"atore A 2ombino used =wan Hunter what amous pen name $hat song on the %ubber *oul album became No 1 O"erlanders Palindromic word means raise to the ground or a mine passage ?he 6e5ican bearded and what are the only "enomous lizards An $$2 -ermans used a *chlusselmaschine = what do we call it Away we -o was the original 18&2 title what musical showF ilm -emellus is a ancy name or what $here would you ind the Ponte de *ospiri An %osemead Cali ornia its illegal to eat what with a or+ in public Hierosolymitan is o -ree+ origin and pertains to what city Not Andians what lin+s Chero+ee Apache Arapaho Comanche Brilliant Bumper Bubbles Bigheart Boo uls Baby Bonny are who = < Allen led spy team to *outh Ci"il war what name better +nown -ene 'elly 6ichael 9or+ <oss Ac+land all played who $ho wrote ?he 2ast !rontier irst published in 18)8 An what ?7 series did we see >el !loria tailors shop 'enneth $ee+es nic+ Ban Ban born Boston only 3* do what

Poc+et holes public masturbation Bale o hay or horse All Quiet on the $estern !ront =l"is Col ?om Par+er All 2e t Handed Pigs American Breeds One ine >ay 6alcolm I Pirates o Penzance 2una 2 *howboat Horse ; unless ridden <ewish world athletes *te"ens in Bewitched Adriatic >ropped Atom Bomb *ea Horse Capt 'atherine <aneway 7oyager Pont Neu Being in crowds *heep ?o+ay Budget Brea+ ast at ?i anys Ace;? >olomites O"altine ?he *ound o 6usic Poison A"y Quali y as 6atador 2augh out loud <ames Bond Olympic competitor &th #rd heat 1:: m =d 6cBain 6ichelle ; 18.. 2e"el -ila 6onster =nigma coding machine Oa+lahoma ?esticles 7enice ; Bridge o *ighs Ace Cream <ersualem Piper Aircra t <elly Babies Alan Pin+erton >,Artagan Alistair 6aclean ?he man rom 3NC2= Play ?est match cric+et $est Andies

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: -len 6orris was the last Olympic gold medallist to do what 18#4 An 6e5ico it is illegal or the police to sell what Hydrated 6agnesium *ilicate is better +nown as what *een on =gyptian ri"ers what is a *hadoo used or Old Arabic word or palm o the hand is what in modern sport $hat -eneral 6otors plastic bodied car was built in ?ennessee -eorge $ ?rendle and !ran *tri+er created what $estern hero Biblical city was the code or %A! bombings o Hamburg $$2 $hat musical was produced on 2ondon stage #: years a ter ilm $hat was 7i"ian 2eighBs character won Oscar in her #:s An what Atalian town can you ind the Piazza del =rbe $hat author married 2eon ?rots+yBs secretary in 182& An >elaware by law a newlywed must do what i wi e as+s $here would you ind an Orcadian ?he 7enice Cup is or women only playing what $hat is *upergirls 'ryptonian name Name the hero 2en >eightons Apcress !ile and !uneral in Berlin $ho commanded Bill <u+es Cecco Noodler *+ylights *tar+ey Anna 6 <ar"is o Philadelphia instituted what she ne"er Cuali ied %obert Brown 6 Caroline Bliss 6oneypenny who was Bond $hat countries head o state has been dead or years A you were using Highroller *noo+er 1 2u++i what are you doing Can you see 2enny Bruce = A Poe 'arl 6ar5 H - $ells etc An 'ey $est !lorida what are barred rom racing in city limits $hat began 2& <an 14&4 than+s to <ohn 6arshall at *utters mill $ho played by 2uther Adler %oy -oldman Peter *ellers etc $hat is the *A unit o power eCual to 1E#&1 horsepower Anna 6aria 2ouisa Ataliano changed her name to what An *candina"ian mythology what is the day o inal doom called His campaign slogan was "ote or AuH2: whats his name Organisation in the 3* was co; ounded by Ballington Booth Paul !rench -eorge = >ale pseudonyms or what *! author An what country is the worlds largest pyramid $hat wasFis the giant 6usashi built in <apan in 181& An sporting terms loose on le t ?ight on the right who is in centre An !ran+ ort 'entuc+y its illegal to shot what o a policeman >ybows+i,s !ormosa and <apanese are types o what An what area o $ashington does the *tate >ept hang out $ho made his debut in a 18)) $arner Brothers cartoon $hat is the =nglish title o 7oyna i 6ir ?he stu that dreams are made o ; last words in what ilm Nessiteras %homboptery5 2atinised name o what ; as a Hoa5 An the game o Bridge what are the irst si5 tric+s won called Batrachophobia is a ear o what $hat was the name o Alistair 6acleans irst best selling no"el Name the superspy man rom (EOE$EAE=E played <ames Coburn An what sport would you see a Chistera An $ashington its illegal to buy what on *unday $ho wrote the musical ?he >esert *ong =ddie *lo"a+ only American to do what #1F:1F18&)

Act ?arzan in ?arzans %e"enge 18#4 ?heir -uns 6eerschaum or *epiolite $ater buc+et on pole %ac+et *aturn ?he 2one %anger -omorrah *inging in the %ain ?ommy *teel 184# Blanche >ubois 7erona Arthur %ansom ?a+e her *hopping Or+ney Aslands Bridge 'ara Not named in boo+s Harry Palmer in ilms Captain Hoo+ 6others >ay 6ay 18:4 Childless ?imothy >alton North 'orea ; 6r 'im !ishing arti icial lies *ergeant Peppers ?urtles ?he -old %ush in Cali ornia Adol Hitler 'ilowatt Anne Bancro t %agnero+ Barry -oldwater 7olunteers o America Asaac Asimo" 6e5ico ; Quetzalcoatl A Crane Hoo+er in %ugby His ?ie *i+a or *a+i >eer !oggy Bottom *peedy -onzales $ar and Peace ?he 6altese !alcon 2och Ness 6onster ?he Boo+ !rogs and ?oads H6* 3lysses Our 6an !lint Pelota A 6attress *igmund %omberg =5ecuted desertion $$2

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )2
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An $yoming it is illegal to wear what in a theatre An New (ealand what is a Punga An !eng *hui what colour inspires passion An =nglish superstition what bird should you wish good day $hat city was +nown as Christiana until 182) $illiam Hartnell was the irst to play what ?7 character $ho wrote the play K $hat the Butler saw K An 1884 the space probe 2una Per ecta ound what on the moon $hat sea is directly north o Poland $hat was the original illing o the sa"aloy sausage Carlos 6enim was elected president o what country in 1848 An Natoma 'ansas illegal to throw +ni"es at people wearing what $hat is the ?ibetan 9ab 9um Crossair originated in what =uropean country $hat does a (amboni do $hat is the name o the cranial bone @ust abo"e your ear $ho led the *o"iets when they in"aded Hungary in 18). $hat tennis player made it to inals 3* open 4 times in 4:s $hat musical direction comes rom the Atalian meaning cheer ul $hat nationality was !redric+ Chopin $hich Nobel Prize is not awarded annually in *toc+holm $hat boo+ translates as 6y *truggle $hen a satellite is closest to =arth its position is called what An 1.)8 6assachusetts outlawed what $hat can +eep or up to & years i stored in a cool dar+ place $hat !rench relish sounds li+e a machine gun iring !undador is a potent brandy made in what country $ho directed *erpico ?ype o precious stone has a name literally means blue roc+ 6iddle ages it was belie"ed birds pic+ed mates what *aints day A %ussian space programs name meant =ast what was it $hich -ree+ hero inally tamed Pegasus $hat is the $estern / cowboy 0 name or a motherless cal ?he PH scale measures acid or al+ali what,s PH stand or $hat character ?amed the *hrew in the *ha+espeare play An *t 2ouis 6issouri its illegal or a ireman to rescue who Casano"a ate i ty each morning to increase potency ): what An sport what stands our eet by si5 eet $hat name is gi"en to the smallest type o liCuor glass $hat was Heindrich Himler,s @ob be ore lead -estapo in $$2 $hat author criticised e"angelism in his no"el =lmer -antry $hat was the irst man made ob@ect to lea"e the solar system $hat holiday is called Head o the $orld in the <ewish aith $hat gemstone has a name literally meaning not into5icated $ho starred in Ceiling (ero as a pilot Atalians o ten eat a whole what to co"er garlic+y breath $hat is the longest ri"er in western =urope An O5 ord Ohio its illegal or a woman to disrobe where Celibate =gyptian priests were orbidden to eat what aphrodisiac $hat countries nati"e name is 2and o the long white cloud

A Hat i others canBt see o"er it A !ern Pin+ 6agpie else bad luc+ Oslo ; *weden >r $ho <oe Orton Ace Baltic sea Pigs Brains Argentina *tripped *hirts A se5ual position *witzerland 6achine cleans ice hoc+ey games ?emporal Ni+ita 'hruschce" A"an 2endl Allegro Polish Peace 6ein 'amp Perigee Christmas ; it was illegal *tandard Condoms %atatouille *pain *idney 2umet 2apis 2azuli 1&th !ebruary G *aint 7alentine 7osto+ Bellerophon >ogie Potential o Hydrogen Petrucchio 3ndressed women ull dress only Oysters An Ace Hoc+ey Net Cordial Chic+en !armer *inclair 2ewis Pioneer 1: %osh Hashanah Amethyst <ames Cagney Co ee Bean ?he 7olga Be ore a mans picture Onions Aoteraroa G New (ealand 6aori

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )2
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho would you e5pect to see in the 2e torium ?he Atalian or tail what comes at the end o a musical score Caesar *alad originated in which country An *chulter O+alahoma illegal or towel wearing women do what Bacardi and Carioca rums come rom what country An %'O mo"ies what does %'O stand or $hat golden yellow gem sounds li+e a ruit related to lemons $hat country inally adopted the -regorian calendar in 11)2 $hat was the name o <ohn -lens irst orbiting cra t ?he murder o -onzago was per ormed in what *ha+espeare play $hat,s the collecti"e noun or a group o gulls An astronomy what are rapidly rotating neutron stars called Nic+named ?he ?iger who lead !rance at the end o $$1 $hat microscopic animals name comes rom -ree+ little *ta -oddess sprang ull grown rom the orehead o her ather (eus An 6orris"ille Pennsyl"ania women need permit to wear what $hat are put into an omelette in a Hangtown !ry $hat =nglish brand o sherry is considered the 'ing desert wine 6ic+ey %ooney made a series o ilms based on what amily $hat gemstone was reputed to heal eye ailments $hat %ussian re"olutionary ounded Pra"da $hat country is ruled by 'ing Hans Adam AA An 14). <ohn C !reeman was the irst what $hat are ratite birds the only ones not to do An 18)8 Able Ba+er irst put out in space by 3*A what were AFB According to Christian religion what happened at =piphany An *outh Carolina what,s barred !ountain Ann without wear pants $ho wrote ?he Poseidon Ad"enture 7EOE and Pedigree whis+eys made by what Canadian company Noel Coward ga"e what director his start on An $hich we *er"e How many spices are mi5ed in allspice $hat was %ichard $agner,s second Opera ; idea during sea trip According to its name what ma@or Atalian city is the new city $hat is the only lag permitted to be lown o"er the 3* lag $here was 6ar+ ?wain born $hat is the name o the ruling house o 6onaco ?he word Atom comes rom the -ree+ meaning what !rom 6emphis restaurants its illegal to ta+e what away $hat gems name means sea water in 2atin >anish "ariety caraway la"oured liCuor driest and most amous $hat *o"iet leader seized control rom 'hrushche" in 18.& A primate called a -alago has what more common name $hat *ha+espeare 'ing was +illed at Ponte ract Castle Name the 2ieutenant Colonel who was irst blac+ 3* in space $hat is a *ho ar $ho directed *partacus and 2olita An Ounce whis+y glass and a small +eg what same name Cali ornia 7alley and a Chinese cabbage what word means both An the *impsons who is the god ather o the *pring ield ma ia An 6esCuite ?e5as its illegal or children to ha"e what

Ned !landers shop ?he *impson,s Coda 6e5ico -amble Costa %ico %adio 'eith Orphium Citrine =ngland !riendship 1 Hamlet Colony Pulsars -eorge Clemenceau Bacteria Athena Cosmetics Oysters Har"ey,s Bristol Cream Hardy amily =merald 2eon ?rots+y 2iechtenstein %epublican candidate 3* president !ly *pider 6on+eys $ise men "isited Horses Paul -allico *eagrams >a"id 2ean None itBs single spice ?he !lying >utchman Naples ; short or Neopolis 3nited Nations !lag !lorida ; 6issouri -rimaldi Andestructible Any Pie ACuamarine ACua"it 2eonid Brezhne" 184& till died 82 Bush Baby 'ing %ichard AAA Blu ord Car"ed %ams Horn <ewish aith *tanley 'ubric+ Pony Napa >on 7ittorio 3nusual Haircuts

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )#
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho rode a horse called Phantom $ho sang the theme song in the Bond ilm !or 9our =yes Only $hat actor died during the ilming o -ladiator $ho would per orm the 6aha 6antra 6ould board >isc and %otary are types o what An the 3* lamingos are only outnumbered by what similar thing $hat,s unusual about =rnest 7incent $rights ):::: word no"el $hat ilm star role was played by o"er &4 di erent animals Collecti"e nouns a Blessing o what animal group An New 9or+ where is it illegal to tal+ to a stranger ?he a"erage one has 2&4 muscles in its head ; what An $$2 what lin+ed members o the Caterpillar club $hat cartoon character was ) oot . inches tall $hat part o the body is most bitten by insects An sport what is e5actly ) oot 4 inches o he ground An a"erage person does it si5 times a day ; what $hat is the oldest +nown culti"ated "egetable Name =l"is Presley,s twin brother $hat causes an Aatrogenic illness An !lorida it is illegal or a single woman to do what on *unday $hat !rench cheese is ripened in ca"es ?erm literally @ointed oot applies to insects spiders and crabs An what =uropean city was the irst boo+ in =nglish published An what 3* state is the town o 6aggie,s Nipples ?he 6usee de Orsay in Paris was originally what 6eridian is a shade o what colour An what country was <ohn 6c=nroe born $ho was o ered and re@ected the role o Andiana <ones <uliet -ordon 2ow ounded what in *a"annah -eorgia 1812 Cali ornia illegal to shoot game rom mo"ing "ehicle e5cept what $here is your Puricle $hat =uropean country has no head o state Almonds ; the nuts ; are members o what general amily Name the irst 3* president to ser"e ice cream at a state dinner $hat was pirate Captain 'idd,s irst name ?he cob nut is the ruit o what tree ?he %i++esmuseum is in what =uropean city A shar+ is the only ish that can do it ; do what An Ataly what is Pro"olone An Hart ord Connecticut its illegal to do what to wi e on *unday Not ob"ious colours ; what lin+s orange sil"er purple ?he are ##. on a standard one ##. what on what 8:J o bird species are what An 9or+shire in 1412 what too+ # days to pass by An 184) $illiam Bec+man paid no ta5 on O1::::: pro it why ):J o the 3* annual rain all alls in what month An what country would you dance ?he *irta+i $hat is the common name or a birds 7entriculus $here on your body would you ind your %asceta An Oregon it is illegal to wear what on clothing in public

(orro *hena =aston Oli"er %eed Hari 'rishnas Plough Plastic lamingos No letter = Babe the Pig 3nicorn An =le"ator Caterpillar 2i e sa"ed parachute Popeye ?he !oot Bullseye on >artboard -oes to bathroom ?he Pea Aaron >octors or treatment *+ydi"e %oCue ort ewes mil+ Arthropods Bruges ; Belgium $yoming %ailway *tation -reen -ermany ?om *ellec+ too busy -irl -uides $hale *pace thumb e5tended ore inger *witzerland Peach ?homas <e erson $illiam Hazel Amsterdam Blin+ with both eyes same time *mo+ed hard cheese 'iss her Can,t rhyme in =nglish >imples on a -ol Ball 6onogamous *warm o 2adybirds $illiam was a dog G cant pay ta5 April -reece -izzard Creases on inside o wrist ?he Number .8

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )#
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& ilm 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat animal is in the hassen in hassenp e er $hat city in the 3*A has the ewest J o nati"e born residents An some parts o China what is the 2ong Nosed -eneral $hat creature in nature is most sensiti"e to heat An 2ondon in 184) a man was con"icted o stealing two what $ho wrote ?he 2ast Picture *how $ho was nic+named ?he Bron5 Bull $hat male name comes rom -ree+ meaning de ender o men # chemical elements most J human body O .)J C 14J and H An Charleston by law carriage horses must ha"e what A Polyorchid has at least three what An 18.# what inally ended in Alas+a $ho played the role o 6iss Hannigan in the ilm Annie # countries on 2 continents %ussia ?ur+ey /Asia =urope0 and H $hat +ind o car was 'itt in 'night %ider An the irst "oyager program who were the 6aCuis ighting $ho are Patience and !ortitude at New 9or+s Public 2ibrary $hat happened to 2ai+a irst dog in space ?artu o in *pain 'arto el in -ermany and %ussia what is An 7irginia its illegal or a man to do what to his wi e $hat are male crabs +nown as $hat emale name comes rom the -ree+ or oreign woman $hat is the oldest so t drin+ in the 3*A $ho or what could win a -olden Clio award A you were indulging in *ciomanchy what are you doing $hat could an Australian win a *tanley or Name Hopalong Cassidy,s horse $hat ood stu s name come rom the Atalian or Pic+ me 3p A 2ibrocuricularist does what in bed An *eattle women can get si5 months or doing what to men ?wo "illains irst appear in Batman Comics 1 ; <o+er and who An Astrology what is the ruling planet o communication $hat singer sang the song *pan+ 6e An what state did the 14.2 *iou5 uprising start An 1844 there was a shortage o what e5otic ood ish $hat male name comes rom -ree+ meaning lo"er o horses A you su ered rom a lu5ating patella what wrong with you 6usashi was the irst <apanese to use two what simultaneously $hite ribbed red cabbage is named rom Atalian or Chicory An $yoming its illegal or women to stand within ) eet o what *omeone who dibbles is drin+ing li+e what -eorge Armstrong Custer was court martialed in 14.1 or what Name the Australian ilm about the pianist Halstadt $hat is a Characin $hat actor began his career doing >octor Pepper commercials An coo+ery a ganache is made rom cream and what $hat +ind o car was the -eneral 2ee in >u+es o Hazard $hat male name comes rom the -erman meaning army rule $hat spice is essential in a New =ngland Clam Chowder An $est 7irginia its illegal to snooze where

Hare or %abbit Huston ; ?e5as Pigs ; unluc+y to mention pig %attlesna+e organs between eyes Crime Pre"ention Posters 2arry 6c6urty <a+e 2a6otta Ale5ander Hydrogen 1:J >iapers on ?esticles 6ail by dog sled Carol Burnett =gypt ; A rica and Asia Pontiac ?rans Am ?he Cardassians *tone 2ions Outside *u ocated no air burned re;entry Potato Pat her >errieres <immies Barbara >octor Pepper Ad"ertising Amaginary Combat Cartooning ?opper ?iramisu %ead *it on lap busFtrain without pillow Cat ; 2ater called Catwoman 6ercury 6adonna 6innesota *word ish Phillip 6o"ing 'neecap *words ; amous or it %adicchio Bar when drin+ing A >uc+ Hit a ellow o icer *hine *mall !ish Bruce $illis Chocolate >odge Charger Harold ?hyme On a train

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An *! Cali ornia by law what is guaranteed to the masses An *tar ?re+ what is the name o *poc+,s ather $hat company produces Olympia beer $hat "egetable is ound in the dish chic+en di"an An what country is the car model the ?re+a produced $hose slogan was plop plop izz izz $hat actor is the spo+esman or the National %i le Association $hat would you ind on Pin+ *heets Name the irst web browser publicly a"ailable An 'ansas the law prohibits shooting rabbits rom where An 6A*H who planted the "egetable garden >ragon *tout is brewed in what city F country $hat company introduced the irst commercial minicomputer .) $hat was 6ae $est sent to the wor+house or in 182. Aurore >upin b 14:& changed her name what 18th cent author $hat was the name o <uliet,s cousin +illed by Ben"olio in %M< <oc+ey F Author >ic+ !rancis what in@ury on his wedding day 6ary 'elly was the last +nown who Name the person who caused Chicago +ids to get school mil+ An New 9or+ by law the death penalty is reCuired or what act An the *uperman comics name the shrun+en city in a bottle $hat beer is represented by a goat $hat ish is +nown as poor mans lobster $hat mo"ie actor was /among other @obs0 a bridge painter $hat was the most commonly occurring name on the internet $hat astrological star sign co"ers <uly 2& ; August 2# $hat song is about a sheep stealing suicide $ho wrote ?he *crewtape 2etters Name the irst car model with trans"erse engine ront wheel dri"e An ?e5as its illegal to shoot a bu alo rom where An the !lintstones >ino was !red,s pet who was Barnie,s Ouagodougou is the capitol o what country %oy %ogers girl riend >ale ="ans rode what named horse -oyanthlay /one who yawns0 amed under what 6e5ican name $hat does the initials N6? on a prescription mean $hat is the world tallest horse An $$2 the -ermans launched operation Bernhard ; what $hat is the ruling planet o the astrological sign ?aurus $hat bird lays the largest clutch o eggs An ?e5as by law criminals must gi"e their "ictims what On =% what is the character name o 6ar+ -reens daughter $hat (imbabwe beer is named a ter a ri"er An what part o New 9or+ did the -reat -atsby li"e Name 6erlin,s owl in >isney,s *word in the *tone <erry 9ang and >a"id !ilo created what $ho was the leader o the notorious -ambino 6a ia amily Name $illiam *ha+espeare son $hat is Barbara *treisands middle name $hat is Carambola An ?hailand its illegal to step on what

*unshine *are+ 6iller in 3*A Broccoli New (ealand Al+a *eltzer Charlton Heston Bid As+ed prices O?C stoc+s NC*A 6osaic A 6otorboat !ather 6ulcahy 'ingston <amaica >=C $riting starring in play called se5 -eorge *and ?ynbalt Bro+en collar bone 7ictim <ac+ %ipper Al Capone <umping o a building 'andor Boc+s Beer 6on+ !ish Paul Hogan Bill Clinton 2eo $altzing 6atilda C * 2ewis Austin 6ini Hotel second story Hoppy Ba+ina !aso Buttermil+ -eronimo Not 6ore ?han G usually narcotics *hire Horse Counter eit British notes 7enus ?he -rey Partridge G up to 1. 2& hours ad"ance written notice %achel (ambezi $est =gg Archimedes 9ahoo <ohn -otti Hamnet <oan *tar ruit Nation,s Currency

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An 2ynch Heights >elaware its illegal to do what in an airplane 7ictor Buono played what Batman "illain in the original series $hat !errari model was named a ter the ma+ers son Actor was +nown as *inging *andy /dubbed0 early in career A *tag with 12 point antlers is +nown as a what An what state was the largest ca"alry battle in the ci"il war An the Bible <esus wal+ed on water who else did this $hat was 6otowns biggest hit in 18.4 ?he 'ung *an people li"e in what area o A rica $hat is the most popular 6e5ican beer in the 3*A An 'ansas its illegal to eat what on *unday An the Be"erly Hillbillies what did <ethro get <ed or his birthday $hose cusine would o er you 2eber+as $here did Hamlet send his girl riend Ophelia $hat was the police chie s name in the irst two <aws ilms $hat group sang about a *uicide Blonde $hat A rican country gained independence in 184: $here were the 18.& winter Olympics held An *iou5 language the Paha;sapa is what place $hat $imbledon inalist /loser 14180 murdered his wi e An ?ope+a 'ansas its illegal to install what in your house *impson,s what was Homers nic+name as baseball team mascot $hat companies cars are nic+named mopars %hett Butler o -one $ith the $ind was born where ?he 'ing Cobra is the only sna+e that does what $hat does a hotwal+er do An what county did the Aryan race originate $hat 4:s band had a hit with ?ainted 2o"e $hat is a ?e5as %uby %ed $hat is used to la"our 'rie+ Belgian beer An Halstead 'ansas doing what is illegal at the airport An 2i e o Brian what name does *tan want to be +nown as now KAts all -ree+ to meK comes rom what *ha+espeare play $hat was the name o the high school in the mo"ie -rease An what city was the irst playboy club opened in 18.: An the Bible in what city did <esus per orm his irst miracle $hat was the 6ar+ ?wain in $$2 Charcarodon Carcharias is the 2atin name or what creature A a prescription said bEiEdE what would it mean $hat Andian tribe did the army most o ten use as scouts An Broc+ton 6ass you must ha"e a licence to enter where Happy >ays was a spin o rom what 3* ?7 show $hat ri"er in A rica carries the most water H- $ells in"isible man had what physical oddity $ho was +nown as ?he 'ing o Pop 6easure or 6easure deals with what contemporary theme $here is the base city or Porsche cars $hat is -ohan $hat does 6it He e on a -erman beer bottle mean An >etroit wil ully destroying your old what is illegal

*neeze 'ing ?ut !errari >ino <ohn $ayne %oyal 7irginia Brandy *tation 2:::: men *t Peter ; to <esus rom boat Heard it through the -rape"ine 'alahari >esert in Botswana Corona *na+es =lectric Pencil sharpener -erman itBs li"er A Nunnery 6artin Brody ANI* (imbabwe Annsbruc+ Austria Blac+ Hills ; >a+ota *t 2eger -ould Bathtubs >ancing Homer Chrysler Charleston Builds a Nest $al+s a hot racehorse Andia *o t;Cell -rape ruit Cherries $al+ing and loud burping 2oretta <ulius Caesar %ydell Chicago Cana ; <ohn 2T1E11 $ater into wine A Bombsight -reat $hite *har+ ?wice >aily Crow ?owns *ewers 2o"e American *tyle Congo ; (aire Albino 6ichael <ac+son Angelo harasses Asabella se5ually *tuttgart -ermany <apanese %ice $ith 9east %adio

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An 6ontreal you cannot par+ a car bloc+ing what $hat 3* city hosted the inal o the 188& ootball world cup >r >a"id Hessian 2nd Catherine Coo+son what type his boo+s An Andian coo+ery what dish literally translates as %ed <uice *ol *acs created what classic 3* ?7 show o the .:s 1:s $ho was the irst president to be tele"ised $hat,s the more common name o the thyroid cartilage Adolph Hitler had a phobia ; what How did 'armuala *earlel ; an early ?arzan die An -uelph Ontario a by;law ma+es what illegal in the city $hat lin+s Paul and %ingo in the Beatles A Chinese eunuch in"ented what in the second century Hannibal had only one what A mature <apanese sea sCuirt eats what Collecti"e nouns ; what,s a group o don+eys $hat bird can see the colour blue Construction hard hats were irst used on what pro@ect in 18## An 7ictoria Australia by law only electricians may do what %udol %asendil is the hero o what no"el and ilm Bei@ing dri"ers ined &: 9uan doing what at pedestrian crossing All 3* presidents ha"e worn what Holiday resort o 6armaris is in what country ?he $hite House has 1#:82 o them ; what 2il, ol+es was the original name o what comic strip $here on your body are the most sweat glands $hat,s the most popular name or a emale pet cat 'angaroos and =mus can,t do what >an =mmett a northerner wrote which song $hat,s the correct name or a male tur+ey An >enmar+ there is a 2: 'roner ine or not reporting what Pennsyl"ania was the irst colony to legalise what Agnoring ob"ious what lin+s <upiter Neptune 3ranus and *aturn ?wo most commonly sold items in stores are sodas and what 9our eyeballs are #E)J what %a lesia lowers smell li+e what to attract pollinators $here would you ind an ideo locator $hy did -hengis 'hans soldier ride emale horses - %oddenbery *tar ?re+ 2 radical ideas *poc+,s =ars and what $hat country had three presidents ; in the same day An =ngland it is speci ically illegal to be drun+ where $hat mammal has hair ; on the soles o its eet Har"ard 3ni"ersity was originally called what ?here are #:: distinct di erent types o what ood ?he are 1. o these on a dollar bill ; 1. what $hat is the coldest capital city in the world <anette %an+in in 1811 irst to do what ?he a"erage person in a li etime grows 1 oot o what Hot oot ?eddy was the original name o what icon 7ictoria Australia law illegal wear pin+ what a ter noon *unday Collecti"e nouns ; a tribe or trip o what

9our own dri"eway Pasadena -ardening %ogan <osh Bewitched ! > %oose"elt $orlds !air 18#8 Adams Apple Claustrophobia 6auled by =lephant Peeing A no Pee zone 2e t Handed Paper =ye a ter %ome attac+ AtBs own Brain A Herd An Owl Hoo"er >am Change a lightbulb ?he Prisoner o (enda *topping its illegal -lasses ; not in public ?ur+ey 'ni"es or+s and spoons Peanuts !eet *amantha $al+ bac+wards >i5ie ?om 9our own or anyone else,s death $itchcra t All ha"e %ings Brea+ ast Cereals *alt %otting 6eat 6ap ; 9ou are here arrow ?o drin+ their mil+ $oman second in Command 6e5ico An a pub Polar Bear Cambridge Har"ard ga"e &:: boo+s Honey Number One 3lan Bator 6ongolia $oman elected to Congress Nose Hair *mo+ey the Bear Pin+ Hot Pants -oats

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: =ngland its illegal or a lady to do what on a public con"eyance $hat country has three capital cities Admin 2egislate <udicial ?he human bodies got &) miles o them ; what ?he Best or Nothing is the motto o what company <ohnny >epp is a raid o what *amuel 6orse the in"entor was originally what till he was &. $hat dog has the best eyesight $ho cut the 3* lag to pieces and was honoured or it A 7e5illiologist is an e5pert in what =ngland its illegal or a boy under 1: to see a na+ed what $hat is banned by public schools in *an >iego 3nusual words ; $hat,s the only word & double letters in a row An ?o+yo there is a restaurant restricted to who ?he a"erage person does it 11 times a day ; what $hat is the most common se5ual antasy act ?he =ggplant is part o what amily o plants $hat Canadian pro"ince has been "irtually rat ree since 18:) $hat ancient languages writing has no spaces between words Collecti"e nouns ; a group o swans are called what An =ngland placing what upside down is considered treason >u el bags were made in >u el ; what country $hat happened !rench President !ronsois !aure on dying 1488 Born Aug 2& to *ept 2# what star sign An *tar ?re+ who would go to *ha 'a %ee $hat ma+es 'irmins+i church in !inland uniCue <anuary in the 3*A is National what month Name the 6on+eys only ilm made in 18.8 $hat was !rench rigate Asere,s most amous cargo ).J o men ha"e had se5 where An *cotland its illegal to be drun+ in possession o what $here does the dollar sign come rom ?hey are only ound in 2a+e Nicaragua ; what are ?he Chinese only do it e"ery 1: years G what %osch ort was a baddie in what boo+ and /many0 ilm "ersions <ames >oohan became amous playing what character Name Popeye,s hungry riend Countries name means Place where one struggles with -od No"ember 14th is who,s birthday century where the most ashionable place to wear a ribbon An *ingapore you can be ined 1:J o income or not doing what $hat country is the world leader in Cobalt 6ining $hat is the national religion o *cotland ?he a"erage $est -erman does it e"ery se"en days ; what How did 2a"an in 3tah get its name $hat should be done with a used worn out lag *mall country has more 1::: dialects and two o icial languages $hat was the irst daily comic strip in the 3*A %e"iew ?his show suspends all belie it will ne"er wor+ what H $hat,s the most popular name or a male pet cat An *outh 'orea tra ic police must report what

=at Chocolates *outh A rica Ner"es 6ercedes;Bentz Clowns Portrait Painter -reyhound %obert Peary le t bits at North Pole ?he history o lags 6anneCuin Hypnotism Boo++eeppers >ogs 2augh Oral *e5 ?histle Alberta Ancient -ree+ A Be"y A Postage stamp 6onarchs head Belgium $hore contracted so had to cut o penis 7irgo 7ulcans itBs hea"en $orld biggest wooden church *oup Head *tatue o 2iberty At $or+ A Cow 3 on * bottom 3 dropped out N !resh water shar+s Celebrate Birthdays ?he ?hree 6us+eteers 6ontgomery *cott < $ellington $impy Asrael 6ic+ey 6ouse Pomaded grown emale pubic hair !lushing public toilet (aire Presbyterianism Changes washes underwear Ats Na"al bac+wards middle o 3tah Burned Philippines 6utt and <e Original *tar ?re+ ?iger ?ourists bribes ta+en

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An =l+hart Andiana it,s illegal or a barber to threaten to do what -eorge Bush remo"ed what rom the $hite House menus in 18:1 who was the irst =nglish writer win Nobel prize literature Name the science iction writer who li"es in *ri 2an+a $hat pop group were dedicated ollowers o ashion CaCo# is the chemical ormula o what common item Name =l"is Presley,s ather An what no"el does >r Hannibal 2ecter irst appear ?he Aonian islands are nearest what country An Portsmouth Ohio who does the law ran+ with "agrants thie"es An $$$ terms what does iEeE mean on a domain name *eawood,s !olly is better +nown as what today $hat is a %oastcha er $hat Pope started the AnCuisition =cuador was named a ter who F what 2iza 6inelli played what character in Cabaret $ho wrote the scripts or Hill street Blues $hat =uropean language is unrelated to any other language An the 1:s ?he Bahamas gained independence rom who An 'entuc+y people wearing what on streets get police protection An what country did bongo drums originate *tewart -oddard changed his name to become what pop hit $hat,s the main eature o a Chong *ang s+irt ?he >a"is *trait lies between Canada and where Henri Charrier is better +nown by what nic+name $hat ashion designer is credited with the Bob hairstyle 6elba sauce is made rom what ruit $ho was with 6acbeth when he met the witches Children ta+e *A?s what does *A? stand or An $inston;*alem N Carolina its illegal under 1 year olds do what A lion and a sword appear on what countries lag A carbonade is a dish that must contain what $hat company owns %olls %oyce motors $hat was Oscar $ilde,s only no"el $hat writer li"ed at hilltop near Haw+shead now museum to her !rench artist =dward >egas noted or what particular sub@ect $ho is the -ree+ -od o the s+y and the uni"erse Collecti"e nouns ; a >ule o what ?he pharaoh hound is the only dog that does what An Blue =arth 6innesota illegal under 12s do what without parent !allsta irst appears in what *ha+espeare play $hat is a ro+er A "estiphobe is a raid o what An what ilm would you ind ?he Orgasmitron %acing dri"er <ames Hunts nic+name was Hunt the what An 18:. the <ohn -able =ntertainer was the irst what An the ood industry what is ?7P ; iEeE what,s it stand or $ho wrote the boo+ Coma $hat country designed and de"eloped the bayonet An 6assachusetts its illegal to put what in clam chowder

Cut o youngsters ears Broccoli %udyard 'ipling Arthur C Clar+ ?he 'in+s Calcium Carbonate G Chal+ 7ernon Presley %ed >ragon -reece Baseball Players suspicious chars Areland Alas+a A Beetle -regory 8th ?he =Cuator *ally Bowles *te"en Bochco BasCue -reat Britain Bathing *uits Cuba Adam Ant *plit up side -reenland Papillion G ?he Butter ly 6ary Quant %aspberries BanCuo *tandard assessment tas+s -o to College *ri 2an+a Beer 7ol+swagen ?he picture o >orian -rey Beartri5 Potter Ballet >ancers 3ranus >o"es Blushes ; Nose and ears redden ?al+ on ?elephone Henry A7 part 1 A oot long ruler $earing Clothes $oody Alan,s *leeper *hunt <u+e Bo5 ?e5tured 7egetable Protein %obin Coo+ !rance ?omatoes

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: Collecti"e nouns ; A >escent o what creatures $hat,s the words most popular brand o malt whis+y Prospecti"e Atalian gra"e diggers ha"e to ta+e what test $ho was the lead singer in Herman,s Hermits According to =l"is Presley who F what was 2ittle =l"is An 3* =mergency rooms what toy is o ten ound in rectums $hat is Cal"ados $ho irst appeared on ?7 >ecember 11th 1848 ?ur *tone and Hedge are all types o what A *eattle ordinance says gold ish in bowls must do what in buses $hat animals are li+ely to die irst rom global warming An the ilm ?ommy who played ?he Acid Queen $hat is a goat suc+er $here would you ind the *panish steps !i"e named Beatles on Abbey %oad co"er < P - % and who Bennie Hills =rnie astest mil+man in the west ; name his horse How did 7an -ogh dispose o his ear According to sur"ey what =uropean country has the "ainest men $ho would spin a -ob on their nose end An Albany New 9or+ what,s it illegal to do in the streets Collecti"e nouns ; $hat are a group o greyhounds called $ho irst played !lash -ordon on ilm $hat basic s+ill is lac+ing in most %oyal Na"y entrants $hat common word comes rom 'nights a ter the Crusades $hat was the most "aluable thing e"er stolen ?he Antelligent whale was the nic+name o an early what $hat welsh singer used to wor+ as a condom tester $hat speed record has remained unbro+en since 18#4 ?he annual Hac+ademy awards are gi"en or what Adaho !alls Adaho its illegal or o"er 44 year olds to do what Old times mid eastern women swallowed what as contracepti"e $ho narrated <e $ayne,s $ar o the $orlds $hat was in"ented 18.# 1): billion made since $hat used to be caught in a anny trap $hat toy was irst launched as ?he 6agic *creen Originally a ?oss Pot did a lot o what Amanda by the *ea was a 3* "ersion o what 3' comedy show A is Alpha is the international alphabet but A used to be what According to psychologists the happiest people watch what ?7 An ?ampa Bay !lorida its illegal who whoFwhat to lea"e ships 6en women compete # Olympic sports =Cuestrian *hooting H A you were Coc+ ?hroppling what you be doing $hat animal has the best hearing An what ilm did 6ary Poppins ; <ulie Andrews bare her nipples A *catologist studies what =5crement How was ?ristram *handy / ictional character0 circumcised 6en must toss what at least # times during Olneys -reat %ace $hat ha"e men played with or longer than anything else Collecti"e nouns ; A >own or Hus+ o what animals An 3rbana Allinois its illegal or whoFwhat to enter the city limits

$oodpec+ers -len iddich =5hume ; dig up a body Peter Noone His >ic+ or Penis Barbie G most common doll up ass Apple Brandy ?he *impsons G =pisode 1 in 3*A 6azes *tay still ; not mo"e Polar Bears ?ina ?urner A Bird %ome 7ol+swagen ?rigger -a"e it to prostitute Britain -lassblower Play -ol A 2eash Buster Crabbe ?hey cannot swim !reelance ?he 6ona 2isa *ubmarine *hirley Bassey *team ?rain ; 6allard *mo+ing in ilms %ide a motorcycle !oam rom camels mouth %ichard Burton %ing Pulls on cans not cans !o5es 6id ages em o5 nic+ anny =tch ; A ; *+etch >rin+ing ; Alcohol !aulty ?owers Able *oap Operas %ats 9achting Bending a horses windpipe Bats *EOEBE Crap ; *hit A *ash window ell on it A Panca+e >ice Hares A 6onster

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An %ussia by law the homeless must be where a ter 1:pm Name the racehorse decapitated in the -od ather An the opera ?osca what was ?osca,s pro ession $here will the 2::2 $inter Olympics be held $hat is the 3* eCui"alent o the 3' Anglican church Paper Porter >resser 6ud >auber types o what An the theatre what do the initials !OH stand or Name Arelands oldest licensed whis+ey distillery Name the capitol o 2ibya An New <ersey 1418 stopping a constable doing what N2) ine $hat lin+s 6ozart,s >on -io"anni and Bizet,s Carmen location $est =nd -irls was the debut hit or what pop duo in the 4:s $ho sculpted the our lions in ?ra algar *Cuare An what modern country is mount Ararat $alter -ropius ounded what art F design mo"ement =lizabeth Bennett is the central character in what no"el $hat are Angrid 6arie and Blushing -olden =dward %icardo Braithwait wrote what no"el $ho was the court portrait painter o Henry the =ighth An 6assachusetts by law bars cannot o er what An 1441 who sol"ed his irst case An the 18th century what was +nown as inheritance powder $hat did model manu acturers Air i5 irst ma+e An what ?7 series did we meet Admiral Nelson How would you eel i you were orswan+ed $hat +ind o wood is used on %olls %oyce dashboards An the rhyme who married ?he Owl and the Pussycat $hich 3* actor wo+e up when a elephant crapped on his head An Cornwall where would you ind two legged +noc+ers An North Carolina N): ine or ha"ing what urniture on ront porch $hat would you do with a blue willie 3**% saying No ugly women in world @ust shortage o what $hat two things are used to stu a welshman An Old =ngland what would you do with your titties $hat creature has se"en penises assorted shapes sizes $hat =nglish +ing was +illed with a red hot po+er up his arse Parachutes were in"ented or what use $hat colour is pu+e $hat is the most commonly prosecuted illegal act An !lorida it,s illegal to molest what An Old =nglish what +ind o person o ten had a ,shite, A the "estal "irgins were caught ha"ing se5 what punishment $hat act do the !rench call ?he =nglish Per"ersion $hat cartoon characters irst name is Quincy An 3*A by law only 2 paid ser"ices limited to one se5 ; what An the olden days what would you put in a large Bosom $hat acti"ity is eatured in the magazine $in+ers $orld An the ?erminator ilm who was the boy who would be the leader 2eather Apron was an alternati"e name or what amous igure An $isconsin by law you must carry ire insurance on what

At Home 'hartoum Opera *inger *alt 2a+e ; 3*A =piscopalian $asp !ront o House Bushmills ?ripoli Catching a runaway goat *et in *e"ille in *pain Pet shop boys *ir =dwin 2andseer ?ur+ey Bauerhus in -ermany Pride and Pre@udice 7arieties o Apple ?o *ir with 2o"e Hans Holbein Happy hours *herloc+ Holmes Arsenic G as poison Plastic Combs 7oyage to the bottom o the sea At means "ery tired $alnut ?he ?ur+ey $illiam *hatner ?in 6ines goblins 3pholstered %aise it ; itBs a lag 7od+a Cheese 2ee+ pastie Ats an old word or *isters Coc+roach =dward 2nd !ire escapes G people @ump >ar+ -reen *peeding A ?rash Can -ossip ; phrase Chit Chat rom it Burried Ali"e $hipping !lagellation 6r 6agoo *perm >oner $et Nurse Clothes ; itBs a chest ?iddlywin+s <ohn Conner G mother *arah <ac+ the %ipper A <et *+i

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: =nglish law males should do it 2 hours wee+ watched by "icar 14#. 6r -ray a gas itter 1: years penal ser"itude stealing what $hat does a Belly 6an do or a li"ing An parts o *iberia wi"es threw what at men to show wanted se5 $hat animal has the most taste buds o"er 21::: $hat is sometimes nic+named Adams Pro ession 3ntil 18)) in =ngland you needed a licence to ta+e what on road $ho is +nown in Argentina as ?he !ilthy *atanic $hore An what =uropean country are the "illages 7omit"ille and !u++ing A Allinois law prohibit men rom doing what in public According to a sur"ey what people ha"e the most hated @ob 3' Adi Amin o 3ganda e5celled at what sport An a poll newlyweds spend most time on honeymoon doing what $hat pro ession ma+es regular use o "ibrators $hat was used at $imbledon or the irst time in 1811 $hat part o the body ages the astest 6r >oberman de"eloped the breed protection at wor+ ; what @ob =l"is Presley Adol Hitler =rrol !lynn all had what +in+y habit Apart rom drin+s what used to be stored in pub cellars An 6emphis ?ennessee beggars must ha"e what be ore begging How do you catch a Phart $hat can be rigidD semi;rigidD or non;rigid A Capriphiliac has se5 with who or what $hat was ?he 'ing o ?rains and ?he ?rain o 'ings $ho used to do na+ed cartwheels to amuse the =nglish settlers An brewing what do the initials O- stand or $hat sport can ta+e place on sand ice or water !lorence Nightingale too+ what cos she was around young men ?he sweetener saccharin is made rom what An 6aryland its illegal to righten who or what $hat is the word ?a5i short or ).J o men cannot tell you the colour o what in their house *portsman are most li+ely to get diseased anuses F rectum A ter his death what bit $alter %aleigh did his wi e carry around $hat +ind o person would ha"e had a twat on ?he character 6arion Crane died in what ilm century husband had to stop doing what to wi"es a ter 1:pm $hat company was the irst to mass produce watches in 148# &4 e5tras rom what Oscar win ilm died within a year ma+ing it An ?ennessee age o consent is at 1. unless the girl is what <ames =dgar in 148: was the worlds irst store what $hat is the correct name or a male red deer An what country were ?rabant cars made P 2 ?ra"ers created which amous character !or which Olympic athletic e"ent is there no o icial world record %CA and what other company launched the irst "inyl records =5cluding cars what the most commonly used & wheel de"ices $here on a woman is her < spot An 11th century i you got Imas clap what ha"e you been gi"en Andiana smo+ing banned in the legislature building e5cept when

Archery Practice One %abbit A Piano ?uner $orms or slugs Cat ish -ardener 2awn 6ower 6adonna Austria Ha"ing an erection >ouble -lazing *alesmen %ugby Arguing or !ighting Potters ; remo"e air rom clay ?ie Brea+ *ystem ?he Hands ?a5 Collector Peeping ?oms Corpses ; cold place A N1: begging licence 188. law $ith a net itBs a ish Airships -oats ?he Orient =5press Pocahontas Original -ra"ity $ind *ur ing Bromide Coal ?ar A Pigeon ?a5imeter 7acuum Cleaner $ater *+iers His Head A Nun part o habit Psycho in the shower Beating ?hem Angersoll ; sold N1 each then Babe ; all pigs A 7irgin then its 12H *anta Clause Hart =ast -ermany 6ary Poppins 6arathon same distance di courses Columbia *upermar+et ?rolleys Nape o the nec+ A 'iss under 6istletoe Building is being used

No Questions Quiz )4


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An Be5ley Ohio its illegal to put what in an outhouse $ell +nown phrase 6ad as a Hatter ; but what made them mad Pluto -ree+ god o the underworld ; what was Plutus god o 7ictoria was not Queen 7ictoria,s irst name ; what was Andoors . players a side outdoors numbers "ary what sport *capegoat meaning blame ta+er comes rom what religion $hat is the correct name or a dandelion seed ball >ianne !ossy the naturalist is amed wor+ing with what animals An musical notation there are i"e lines in a what *il"erwood 6ichigan its illegal to +ill what using your hands $hat is the correct name or the lower the 6ichaelmass >aisy %oundD latD ilbert or sword types F shapes o what tool $ho wrote the no"el ?he *e"enth *croll ?he song 6ac+ the 'ni e comes rom what stage show <ohnny %otten describe se5 as i"e minutes o what An Arizona prostitutes organisation is called ?$A?* meaning An elephants penis is shaped li+e what $here was the worlds irst air raid in 14&8 rom hot air balloons $hat is a %oc+y mountain canary An Hai a Asrael its illegal to ta+e what to the beach An medicine what is nic+named a blue pipe $hat did !arters collect Psychologists say men who pre er small breasts what mentally $hat country had the irst ban+notes A Blue ?its breast is what colour $hat sport was called ?he %oyal *port $hat British author was o ered O2):::: to write boo+ o =? A you were gi"en a !rench -obelin what would you ha"e had $hat cities underground has the most stations An 2ang 'ansas illegal ride a don+ey in public unless it has what $hat creature ma+e the loudest noise ; 144 decibels $hat gets nine inches longer when its up $hat was 2ady Chatterlys irst name =nid Blyton character name changed to white beard or PC 3*A 6ans ormal dress coat called tails is named a ter what bird Christine <orgensen in 18)2 was the worlds irst what Name the irst chocolate bar created by !orest 6ars in 182# An the poem who dug coc+ robins gra"e An what athletic e"ent is it illegal to carry weights An Ar+ansas a man can only do what legally once a month ?he ish eating bulldog is what type o creature $hat has been called ?he most unnatural o all per"ersions $hat are the most commonly ordered item rom se5 catalogues $hat creature will only mate i the emales mouth is ull 'nic+erboc+ers used to be the residents o where $hat is the name or a chic+en less than one year old British playwright wrote the screenplay or ?he !rench 2t $oman $hat e5plorer wrote the history o the word in prison in 1.::s British +ing was +nown to amily riends as >a"id his last name At the Alamo its illegal to drop what nut shells on the ground *lot 6achines 6ercury Poisoning $ealth Ale5andrina 7olleyball <ewish 9om 'ippur A Cloc+ -orillas *ta"e A Bear to impress a girl Aster Paintbrush $ilber *mith ?hreepenny Opera *Cuelching ?ucson $hores and ?ric+s 2etter * 7enice A >on+ey A Bear A 7ein Pigs ; its an old =nglish word >epressed *weden China paper not ban+notes 9ellow Coc+ !ighting <e rey Archer A ?apestry New 9or+ A *traw hat on Blue $hale Concord G heat e5pansion Constance Big =ars *wallow *e5 Change Operation 6il+y $ay Owl with his trowel 2ong <ump Beat his wi e A Bat Celibacy No"elty Condoms *piders New 9or+ A Pullet Harold Pinter *ir $alter %aleigh 'ing =dward the 4th Pecan

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )4
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An Broo+ings *outh >a+ota its illegal or a cat to li"e where $hat police resource was irst used in the <ac+ the %ipper case ?he Algar"e is in what country ?he term red herring comes rom what acti"ity ?he =gyptian god Horus had the head o what creature An 18.& who was the irst non royal to appear on a 3' stamp Name the Hong 'ong stoc+ e5change An what city was 6ozart born 6argaret ?hatcher day is 1:th <anuary in what area Buc+roe Beach 7irginia illegal put what in someone,s swimsuit $hat is a bandy bandy $hat did Brian =pstein manage be ore the Beatles $hat was Bogart,s ull characters name in Casablanca $hat ruit is used to la"our *outhern Com ort $hat 1:s pop group was originally called ?he =ngaged Couples *t *nithney is the patron saint o what $hat would you do with a so t coc+ $hat is $arren Beatty,s irst name $hat is the astest creature raced or sport An <ones Chapel Alabama illegal guy ta+e gal where till &th date $hat is a Cattalo 3* Pres mom said 2oo+ing at my children wish A,d stayed "irgin Name 2ancashire town irst test tube baby born ?he New ?estament originally written in what language $hat would you do with a %omeo,s %ouser $here did Ca@un music originate 1121 Helen 6orris put in asylum or putting what in a newspaper -rolsch lager comes rom what country $ho wrote the *a"oy Operas An O+alahoma City its illegal or a prisoner to wear what *te"en the 1st ounded what country in 1::: ad $hat was originally called =s+imo Pie Cab is a shortened "ersion o what word A silence is golden what is sil"er $hat Cueen banned mirrors as she got older *tarts with ! ends with ' i you cant get one you use your hand $hat is the main ingredient o an edible aggot $hat is the only Christian country in Asia An Christian myth man was created rom dust what in Aslam An Bristol %hode Asland its illegal to smo+e during what e"ent 1#th century Paris brothels were the irst to ha"e what An what country did Bridge originate A sna+e has two penises but only one what other organ Canaan Banana was the irst president o where $hat hairs are the last to lose their colour with age Agnoring ob"ious what lin+s 7enus and 6ercury An gol what is the penalty or playing with your opponents ball $hat insect in *pain is +nown as 2a Cucaracha An what country was Che -ue"ara born An 'ansas City its illegal to what with more than 12 potatoes

An a dogs house G i dogs there Bloodhounds Portugal !o5hunting !alcon $illiam *ha+espeare Hang *eng *altzberg !al+lands Aslands A >ead !ish A *na+e A %ecord *hop %ic+ Blain Peach Abba 6ad >ogs $ear it ; itBs a wig Henry Pigeon Horsebac+ %iding Bu alo and cow cross <immy Carter Oldham -ree+ >rin+ it ; its a real ale 2ouisiana 2onely Hearts Ad"ert Holland -ilbert and *ulli"an Pin+ Bi+ini 3nderwear Hungary Chocolate Aces Cabriolet *peech =lizabeth 1st !or+ 2i"er ?he Philippines Clots o Blood Public Hanging in town sCuare %ed 2ights ?ur+ey 2ung (imbabwe =yelashes No 6oons ?wo stro+es added on ?he Coc+roach Argentina <uggle with them

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )8
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 1 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An ?e5as it,s illegal or what pro ession to be communists ?he Blac+ >eath came to =ngland rom what port $hich coin weighs e5actly one ?roy ounce ?he Perils o Penelope and >astardly and 6utley spin o s what ?he 6antu and Heath tests chec+ or what in ectious disease $hich 3* state has a bu alo or bison on its lag $hat would you do with a nan pric+ in ?hailand An 148) the world,s irst disposable item made ; what was it An Odessa ?e5as *tar o >a"id and Peace symbol are what Porn star Candida %oyale was named a ter what ?he Brownies / @unior -irl -uides0 used to be named what Brass is an alloy o copper and what % > Blac+more wrote which classic no"el An what country was -reenpeace ounded in 1811 An sCuash what colour dot indicates the slowest ball used A statue o 2ady -odi"a stands in the centre which =nglish city =ddie Ar"ine is contracted to dri"e or which car company in 2::1 ?he Bazu+i is a traditional musical instrument o what country ?he word athletics comes rom the -ree+ athlos meaning what Aphallatosis is a mental disorder caused by the lac+ o what <eri %yan plays what character in the *tar ?re+ series An 182) the worlds irst what opened 2uis Obispo Cali ornia Norma ?almage in 1821 made the irst ; the irst what According 148:s doctors women eat mustard "inegar do what $hat countries language is 6agyar $here is your zygomatic bone $hat item used in o ices was "oted the product o the century $hat is named a ter >r =rnest -ra enberg ?he horned dinosaur ?orosaurus had the biggest what on land ?he 3* A%* manual gi"es the plan or collecting ta5es a ter what $here was the worlds irst supermar+et built /country0 Bubba is 9iddish or what An the 3*A where would you see a crossbuc+ 2os Pedernales is a *panish translation what ?7 show Palas is the correct name or what playing card According to Hite report masturbating women li+e to use what Collecti"e nouns ; a spring o what Cous;cous is Aranian or what Brings your ancestors bac+ to li e ; translated ad"ert or what A doromaniac had a compulsion to do what >etroitD *+o+ie Allinois *t Paul 6innesota what o icial instrument A temple in *ri;2an+a is dedicated to what Church law once mandated death or belie"ing in what ?he Phoenician symbol or mouth is now what letter o alphabet $hat 3* city buys the most blond hair dye Name two sel cleaning organs $hat cities gothic cathedral started 1#4. was completed 14:) $ho wrote the series o Palisair no"els Alcoholics get the >?s what does it stand or !lying ish is the national dish o which country

Pharmacists Calais 'rugerrand $ac+y %aces ?uberculosis $yoming =at it ; AtBs a hot sauce %azor Blade G 'ing Camp -illette Banned satanic symbols A "aginal yeast in ection ?he %osebuds (inc 2orna >oone Canada 9ellow Co"entry <aguar -reece Contest *e5 li e *e"en o nine in 7oyager 6otel ; Called 6otel Ann !ootprints concrete -rumman theatre 6asturbate too much Hungary Chee+ ?he Paperclip ?he - spot Head ; *+ull nine eet long Nuclear $ar !rance -randma I on railroad crossing ?he !lintstones Queen o spades Candles Pheasants 7agina Come ali"e with Pepsi ; in China -i"e gi ts Accordion Buddha,s tooth A "acuum P theirs was Pe >allas ?e5as =ye 7agina 6ilan Anthony ?rollop >elirium ?remens Barbados

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz )8
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: >r *usan 2ar+ recommend what cure or menstrual cramps Bunc was the irst name or what product 2:: years ago all white people +new what were deadly poison An =ast Anglia =ngland what put in house walls to ward o e"il ?he -ree+ word meaning ?he writings o prostitutes now what According to the ancient Chinese what cures headaches An 18:& 6ay *utton Brandy was the irst 3* woman to do what All American umpires wear what ?e5ans consume &:J o arm grown what in the 3*A 6ost o these animals are bise5ual ; what animal People answered the irst telephones by saying what *t Boni ace is the *aint o what !rass is the correct word or what $hat is the astest growing religion in Areland One person in ?e5as is +illed annually doing what Bob >ylan said you should ne"er trust anyone whatH %oc+et 3*A is going to produce a wind up doll what igure 2::2 $hat body o water separates Australia and Papua New -uinea -eorge $ashington ?homas <e erson *am Adams all did what An Cali ornia more what are raised than in any other state Hebrew comes rom a Babylonian word meaning what =@aculation comes rom the 2atin meaning what A cat is eline but what,s leporine An some religions mistletoe represents -od,s what Patricia 6cCormic+ became 3*A irst what <anuary 2:th 18)1 148& Or"ille -ibson started worlds oldest company ma+e what $hat country has the lowest teen pregnancy rate $estern world $hat shop outnumbers 6ac>onald,s # to 1 in the 3*A Corie ?en Boom was the irst licensed emale what in Holland ?he irst what was installed in Antarctica in 1881 An 1481 who were the irst baseball team introduce a ladies day ?he President o -abon banned the use o what word in country $hich domesticated pet animal is ne"er mentioned in the Bible ): years ago ?e5as gi"ing ad"ice on what was prison sentence $hat acti"ity burns up 1&: calories per hour ?here are o"er #2::: +nown species o what in the world 6ay 21st 1441 Clara Barton ounded what A a dog is canine what is cir"ine Pliny the philosopher belie"ed dead souls went into what An arenaceous plant grown in what type o soil $ho wrote the boo+ ?he Complete Angler in 1.)# Bac+ Blan+et and Button Hole types o what ?here are o"er 1::: recognised slang words or what $hat 3*A state drin+s the most beer $ho or what was Kstrong to the inishK !or N1): you can become a licensed what in ?e5as An 1811 2ucy *lowe was the irst 3* what ?he Aetherius *ociety belie"es who is ali"e and li"ing on 7enus China *un;!in;ChinD %ussia bayanD Norway tre+spill what is it $hat animal,s penis is our eet long when erect

Orgasm G increased blood low helps Co ee ?omatoes 6ummi ied Cats Pornography *winging your arms $in $imbledon singles Blac+ underwear Cat ish -ira e Ahoy there *odomy Ansect aces ; bug shit Buddhism Painting road lines O"er #: Homer *impson ?orres *trait Brewed own beer ?ur+eys 7agrant ?hrowing Out %abbit ?esticles ; balls to you Bull ighter Ciudad <uarez 6e5ico =lectric -uitars Netherlands Adult Boo+shops $atchma+er A?6 cash point machine $ashington *enators Pygmy Cats Birth Control *tanding *piders American %ed Cross >eer Beans *andy Asaac $alton *titches 7agina Cali ornia Popeye ; cos he eats his spinach >ead animal hunter Blac+ tennis champion <esus Christ Accordion -ira e

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .:
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): Bulls Blood wine comes rom which country Hungary ?he North and *outh Aslands o New (ealand separated by what An what >ic+ens no"el is there a case o spontaneous combustion An the game ?omb %aider what,s 2ara Cro ts pro ession An 1818 who sang about $al+ing on the 6oon $hat lin+s tulip balloon and lute $hat is the currency o =gypt 6artina Na"ratilo"a won most doubles with which partner Names Coo+ Ba+er ob"ious what did a Chandler do %od ?aylor starred in a 18.: "ersion o which H- $ells story 2iam >e"lin o ten appears in no"els by which author Name the >u+e o $ellingtons horse at $aterloo ?here are 12 scenes on what amous article Chinese bean sprouts are usually the sprouts o which bean 2ocomoti"e &&12 is better +nown by what name At Prince Charles,s wedding who was the best man $hich amous ship had a total crew numbering &#: $hat ta+es place in Happy 7alley Hong 'ong Amperial Airways in 182) was the irst to do what And what was that mo"ie $here is the gra"e o Oscar *chindler $hich magazine uses the winged horse Pegasus as it,s logo $hich =nglish 'ing was crowned on Christmas day An traditional wedding anni"ersaries what is gi"en on the eighth Collecti"e nouns ; a snea+ o what animals $hich country grows the most sugar $ho would use a techniCue called pleaching -lycyrrhiza -labra is better +nown as what A +ami+aze shooter contains 7od+a ?riple sec and what A you saw a hummoc+ o your port bow what are you loo+ing at Name Al red Hitchcoc+,s irst sound ilm as director Chernoble is in which %ussian pro"ince $ho does Adrian 6ole lust a ter $here did the philosopher Plato teach ?he 6oluccas are better +nown as where $hat used to be called /in =urope0 Arabian wine $ho was +illed in ?he 2ittle Bastard $hat character did >isney add to $innie the Pooh not in boo+s Heinrich the lion ounded what city < H %obertson in"ented what Name bar <ohn $il+es Booth got pissed in be ore +illing 2incoln An Pro+o"ie",s Peter and the $ol what instrument is the wol -arlic and Chi"es belong to which plant amily ?here are two general types o s+iing Alpine and what Adol >asler created which company Cents in a >ollar Pennies in a Pound what in a !rench !ranc $hat is e5tracted rom the ore cinnabar Hugh 2o ting created which ictional character An what city is the 3 izi art gallery Orient =5press restarted in 1842 going rom 2ondon to where

Coo+ *trait Blea+ House Archaeologist Police ?ypes o glasses ?he Pound Pam *hri"er 6a+e Candles ?he ?ime 6achine <ac+ Higgins Copenhagen Bayeau5 ?apestry 6ung bean !lying *cotsman Nobody G brothers were supporters *tar ship =nterprise G Captain 'ir+s Horse racing *how an in light mo"ie Conan >oyle,s G ?he 2ost $orld <erusalem %eaders >igest $illiam the ConCueror in 1:.. Bronze $easels Brazil -ardener twine branches to hedge 2iCuorice 2ime @uice Ace bro+en rom berg Blac+mail 3+raine Pandora Academia *pice Aslands Co ee <ames >ean ; his cars nic+name -opher 6unich Automatic -earbo5 *tar *aloon Horn 2illy Nordic Adidas Centimes 6ercury >r >olittle !lorence 7enice

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: Collecti"e nouns ; a romp o what animals $hich 'ing was the intended target o the -unpowder plot BB 'ing ga"e his guitar what nic+name ?he town o Banana in Queensland is named a ter what An traditional wedding anni"ersaries what is gi"en on the se"enth An what country was the espresso machine in"ented in 1422 $ho wrote Candide $hat type o wine was Napoleons a"ourite ?he a"erage person has 1&.: what each year $ho won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1812 Name *anta Clauses /*t Nicholas0 !rench brother Name the largest 6editerranean island Bambi was the irst >isney ilm without what Highway 8 is the o icial name o what thorough are !ilm character played by & people head body "oice breathing 6izaru 6i+azaru and 6azaru are better +nown as who A wea"ers +not is +nown by seamen as a common what By law e"ery *wiss citizen must ha"e access to what $ho played the alien in Predator @umping and climbing scenes Clar+ -able used to do it & or more times each day ; do what $ho in 3* was gi"en Hitler,s *upreme Order o -erman =agle At,s illegal in the 3*A or any citizens to ha"e contact with who An 6adagascar its illegal or pregnant women to do what A ter =nglish what,s the most widely used language on the net ?wo thirds o the worlds geysers are ound where $hat town and stream in $est Australia same name pop group $hich =uropean airport has the international code 2A* A6*?%A> companies name comes rom what iEeE what mean $here were the worlds irst pa"ed streets $hat +ills 1::::: Americans each year ?he word Angel deri"es rom the -ree+ meaning what $hat pro ession has our times the a"erage aids in 3*A 7enus is the only planet that does what On a"erage what weight nine pounds Name the irst ilm to ha"e its seCuel released in the same year ?here is appro5imately one what or each person in the world $hat is =urope,s largest port Cra"en $al+er in"ented what .:s ashionable icon An 6issouri it,s illegal or anyone to do what on *unday An 181# %oland Ohisson was buried in a co in made o what $here in the world can you see the sun rise Paci ic set Atlantic Name the irst cartoon character made into a parade balloon $hat,s unusual about the moons o 3ranus $hat common word comes rom two -ree+ artFcra t area study An 182) two men irst dro"e round Australia in what ma+e o car ? H $hite wrote the boo+ or which >isney animated eature =gypt 6asbout ; Armenia *ourg ; <apan 'oohii what is it 6arie ?ussaud was born in what country An traditional wedding anni"ersaries what is gi"en on the 1&th Collecti"e nouns ; a giggle o what animals

Otters <ames 1st 2ucile A huge bulloc+ $ool !rance 7oltaire Burgundy Chambertin >reams Nobody Bells Nichols *icily Human characters Broadway New 9or+ >arth 7ader ?hree 6on+eys *heet Bend Personal bomb shelter <ean;Claude 7an >amme *hower Henry !ord =5traterrestrials or their "ehicles $ear Hats or =at eels -erman 9ellowstone Par+ Abba %i"er 2isbon Alan 6ichael *ugar ?rading %ome 11: bc %eactions to meds 6essenger Catholic Priests %otates Cloc+wise Cremated Ashes 'ing 'ong ; *on o 'ong Chic+en %otterdam 2a"a lamp Play Hopscotch Chocolate Panama on Asthmus !eli5 the Cat Named *ha+espeare characters ?echnology te+hne logia Citroen 2 seater *word in the *tone Co ee *witzerland A"ory Hyenas

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): ?he $indmills o your 6ind was a theme song in what ilm Astronauts cannot do what in space Admiral Horatio Nelson su ered rom what common condition On common ailments Charles Osborne had what or .8 years !ebruary 14.) only month e"er not to ha"e what $hat was the shoulder patch 3* Army &)th in $$2 $hat was irst used at the 18:& *t 2ouis Olympic games $here is ?he Popliteal !ossa ?e5as prisons ha"e banned death row prisoners last what $ard -reen wrote the story or which amous ilm 'inpa+u;iri sa+e contains what unusual ingredient >ownD hus+D traceD trip all collecti"e nouns what creature ) A rican 6editerranean countries share what language $hich o 'ing Arthur,s +nights sur"i"ed his last battle $hat can be *a etyD ?ableau5 or *wag Name 14th Century playwrite o ?he %i"alsD *chool or *candal O what are %aucousD *pade oot or Bounties >war types $hat lin+s ?he !riendD ?he ?ablet and ?he 3ni"erse $ool sorters disease is actually what $hat >isney animated eature was the irst with end credits An 18#8 which countries in"aded Poland Name *tanley 'ubric+,s last ilm as director be ore his death ?aal is an alternati"e name or what language $hat is the !rench phrase that means already seen ?ur+s headD -ranny and Bowline are types o what $hat character irst appeared in the ilm ?he $ise 2ittle Hen And who was his original "oice 6artina Hinges represents what country at tennis An ood labelling what does -6 mean >eri"ed rom -ree+ what does alias literally mean %ussian blue and ?ur+ish brown are types o what $hat impressionist painted di erent "iews %ouen cathedral An what Andian city is the ?a@ 6ahal located Horses are =Cuine rom the -ree+ =Cuus what,s it mean *ince 1881 Cru ts 2ondon dog show has been held where 1818 at Cli ton suspension bridge Britain,s irst what happened <odie !oster and Barbara Harris appeared in which >isney ilm ?udor =ngland mans apron shows @ob white coo+ what chec+ed <ane ?aylor 114# 142& wrote what amous "erse An Astrology ACuarians are ruled by what planet Parathesia is a medical condition with what common term $hat would you be watching i you saw a round or waggledance < > *allenger wrote Catcher in the %ye what,s the < > stand or Collecti"e nouns a group o geldings is called what Apart rom a compass what is always ound in a ships binnacle (ipporah was the wi e o who in the Bible =lizabethan women had three what modestD rascal and secret 6arcellite -arner was the irst "oice or what >isney character Ancient Aztecs o 6e5ico used a rabbit scale to measure what ?he highest 3*A ran+ +illed $$2 2t -eneral who +illed him

?he ?homas Crown A air Cry ; no gra"ity or tears to low *easic+ness Hiccups !ull 6oon *wasti+a -old medals sil"er was irst be ore Bac+ o 'nee Cigarette ; bad or their health 2ady and the ?ramp !la+es o gold Hares Arabic *ir Beda"ere Curtains in theatre %ichard Brindsley *heridan ?oads %eligious publications Anthra5 Alice in $onderland -ermany ; %ussia =yes $ide *hut A ri+aans >L@V "u 'not >onald >uc+ Clarence Nash *witzerland -enetically 6odi ied Otherwise Cats Claude 6onet Agra Quic+ness Birmingham N=C Bungee <ump !rea+y !riday Barber ?win+le;?win+le 2ittle *tar 3ranus Pins and Needles Honey Bees <erome >a"id A Brace 6agnets 6oses Petticoats worn modest outside 6innie 6ouse >run+enness ew to &:: 3* Army Air Corps

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An Andiana it,s illegal or liCuor stores to sell what Camille Pizarro the impressionist was born in which country $illiam 'emmlar in 148: was the worlds irst what 6andoura -reece (ampogna Ataly Corenmuse !rance what is it $hat country awards the Nobel peace prize $ho is Harry Potters main enemy Product name rom the words >urability %eliability =5cellence $hat sport appears in the phonetic alphabet $hat colour is the number 1: on 1: >owning street $here in your body is the labyrinth ?raditional !rench blend K ines herbesK parsley chi"es cher"il H ?he dinosaur apatosaurus used to be called what ?he ro"er the last is red the rest are white in what sport $hat >isney ilm was released on >ecember 21st 18.: 6ythological beasts name comes rom the -ree+ chimney man Allergic %hinitis has what more common term $ho plays Ali 6cBeal $hat sort o ship was the 6arie Celeste $hat philosopher stated KHell is other peopleK =cophobia is a ear o what $hat was the irst Bond ilm not to be titled rom a Bond boo+ Collecti"e nouns a bas+ o what creatures $hat Olympic e"ent was dropped in 182: $here is the ?7 space alien A2! rom ..J o Americans reading on the toilet read what $omen do it & times more o ten than men ; do what 2ouis $ash+ans+y was the irst to do what in 18.1 $hat is a gharial $hat did *cott ind at the North Pole ?he lowers o the curry plant are what colour $hat did Paceard and Balmat conCuer in 114. An 'iplings <ungle Boo+ 6ang was what type o creature Collecti"e nouns an erst o what creatures $hat Bond ilm was entitled ?he >ead *la"e in <apan No 3* president has e"er been what Al Bora+ was a lying horse owned by whom $hat lin+s Pacer BurtonD Chad -atesD $alter -uli+ $hat >isney character was "oiced by Pinto Col"ig $hat bo5er was nic+named ?he Ambling Alp ?he $itches Curse alternati"e name which -P* operetta $here was the original Crystal Palace built $hat is a spoodle An 'iplings <ungle Boo+ A++i was what type o creature $hat animal is responsible or most deaths in the 3*A annually $hat was Hitchcoc+,s last ilm made in 181. An the sport o archery what are the arrows usually made rom -ree+s %omans regarded what herb as symbol immortality $ho was the irst male to appear on the co"er o Playboy An $elsh Cwrw pronounced +oo roo is what $hat san+ -erman submarine 312: in $$2

Cold mil+Fso t drin+s warm o+ $est Andies =5ecuted by electric chair Bagpipes Norway 2ord 7oldemort >ure5 condoms -ol $hite =ar ?arragon Brontosaurus CroCuet hoops *wiss !amily %obinson *alamander Hay !e"er Callista !loc+hart Brigantine <ean Paul *arte Home 2icence to 'ill Crocodiles ?ug o $ar ;18:: to 182: 6elmac %eaders >igest *hopli t -et a heart transplant li"ed 14 days !ish eating Nile Crocodile Nothing ; he ne"er went there 9ellow 6ont Blanc Bat Bees 2i"e and let >ie An only child 6ohammed =l"is ilm characters *leepy Primo Carnera %uddigore Hyde Par+ in 2ondon 'itchen instrument spoon ladle cross Porcupine >ogs ?he !amily Plot Aluminium tubes ?ansy Peter *ellers Beer Bro+en toilet

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .2
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An -lobe Arizona it,s illegal to play cards in the street with who $hat is the most common mammal in the 3' Name the second most commonly spo+en language in Australia $hich athletic e"ent reCuires i"e @udges 7ictoria is the only Australian state without what $hat ?7 show was set in $entworth >etention Centre An the rhyme about magpies what do ) represent $ho "oiced 6r *poc+ in the cartoon "ersion o *tar ?re+ =urophobia is the ear o what An 6aryland it,s illegal play what %andy Newman song on radio An -ree+ mythology who was the irst woman $hich timepiece has the most mo"ing parts $hat is the o icial language o =gypt $hich literary character li"es at & Pri"et %oad %io,s 6aracarria stadium has what unusual eature $hat natural phenomenon can ne"er be seen at noon An =lizabethan =ngland rich people carried their own olding what An ancient China what was hung outside a bad doctors house An the Balanta tribe women stayed married until what happened An 6assachusetts it,s illegal to wear what without a licence *uzy was a star o a .:s ?7 show what character did she play ?he a"erage child wears out 1#: by age ten 1#: what An a sur"ey what ood did Americans say they hated most $hat "egetable was =mperor Nero,s a"ourite $hat nation in"ented the toilet seat 7irginia $ool always did it standing up ; did what 6ount ?eide is the highest mountain in which country An what ilm did the character %egan 6cNeil appear $ho re@ected the 18.& Nobel prize or literature An Alas+a it,s legal to shoot bears but illegal to do what -eorge <ung o 2os Angeles in 181. in"ented what <ohn Paul -ettyD world,s richest man had what in his house $hat was unusual about the drawings o artist Cesar >ucornet $ho was the only =nglish 'ing crowned on the battle ield An 18:1 >r >ausand demonstrated what that ne"er caught on An some areas o Paris what is pro"ided or dogs $hat countries brides get the most diamond engagement rings $hat area in the 3* translates rom the >utch as Bro+en 7alley An ancient =gypt men and women did what opposite to today An 9oungstown Ohio it,s illegal to run out o what $ho lin+s a western gambler and a pri"ate eye How did Bunito 6ussolini ward o the e"il eye Both se5es get them but men more o ten ; get what $ho would use an orange stic+ <acob -erman in 1488 got the worlds irst what in New 9or+ 6ary *omer"ille said KAt wont lastD a lash in the panK what China #:: bc you could not spea+ to the =mperor without what An what 3* city do they watch the most ?7 e"angelists per cap =gyptian embalmers replaced the bodies eyes with what According to a 1881 sur"ey what nation are the best +issers

American Andian Brown %at Atalian ?riple <ump 2etter * in name Prisoner Cell Bloc+ H *il"er 2eonard Nimoy !emale -enitals *hort People Pandora =gg timer Arabic Harry Potter A 6oat %ainbow ; sun must be &: deg or less *poons to BanCuets 2antern or each dead patient $edding dress wore out -oatee !lipper the dolphin Crayons ?o u ?he 2ee+ =gyptian $rote her boo+s *pain it,s on ?eneri e ?he =5orcist <ean Paul *arte $a+e up or photo !ortune Coo+ies A Payphone >rawn with eet G he had no arms Henry 7AA *ilent Cinema G or the blind Pri"ate lush toilets Canada Broo+lyn Peeing ; men sat women stood -as or petrol <ames -arner 6a"eric+ %oc+ ort ?ouch his testicles Hiccups 6anicurist *peeding ?ic+et G 12 mph ?ele"ision Clo"e in your mouth $ashington >C Onions Atalian

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .2
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An *outh >a+ota it,s illegal to all down and sleep where $ho was the last li"ing person on a 3* postal stamp $hat is the main ingredient in a Na"arin stew $hat elements name comes rom the -ree+ word or "iolet 7H is the international aircra t registration or which country Phyllophobia is the ear o what $hat is a cachalot $hat would the ancient -ree+s do with an Apodesm $hat is an onychophagist An Auburn $ashington men can get i"e years or doing what $here in Canada is its >ildo ?opo in Atalian !are in ?ur+ish what in =nglish $ho did Babe the pig wor+ or $hat se5ually arouses a <actitator Neb+heperura was his irst name what do we call him today $hat creature gets its name rom the -ree+ word or womb An 144) Canada sold what to 3* or N1):::: By what more common name do we +now 6a@or Boothroyd $oman,s are aster than men,sD they usually ha"e more ; what An Allinois you can get three years or ea"esdropping on who $hat modern word comes rom the 2atin >ilatare ; open wide $est Andian cric+eter 2aurence %owe ga"e up 181. mid test why $hat do the =PP9 awards honour ?he electric light irst a"ailable product what,s second $hat,s the only city today split in two by a wall $hat,s the only mo"ie Al red Hitchcoc+ ma+e twice $hat is the 2atin word or poison Orienteering began in which country $hat would you e5pect in a <apanese No Pan 'issa restaurant An 6assachusetts what,s illegal unless bedroom window loc+ed ?he =mperors cup is awarded in what sport $hat amous ilm ma+er was irst to use the close up Chinese coo+ing what,s special about $ol s hearts >ogs lungs ?he 18.1 6ercedes #::s5 had two irsts name either $ho wrote the o icial biography o 2ester Piggott $hat hotel has been the target o the most ta+e o"er bids An %ussia the national product is called *oldats+y what is it An airline slang what is a #.) An what case did Perry 6ason ma+e his irst appearance By law who reCuire a certE o health be ore entering 'entuc+y %omans used a sharp pointed stic+ to dri"e cattle 6odern word Cho+an 6oyogi *ha+an Han 'engai and 'engai styles o what Albert *au"y coined what term in the 18):s $hat trio were originally called ?he %attlesna+es ?he !ields 6edal is eCual to a Nobel prize in what area No"ices are called tumblers e5perienced shiners what @ob $hat is the Hebrew word or ad"ersary $hat is the capitol o 7enezuela $hat was unusual about <oe >a"is the $orld *noo+er Champ $hat,s round in 2ondon and Paris but *Cuare in New 9or+

Cheese !actory Nobody it,s illegal 6utton or 2amb Aodine Australia 2ea"es A *perm $hale $ear it type o bra A nail biter >e lowering 7irgins New oundland ?own 6ouse !armer Hoggett Bragging about se5 ?utan+amen >olphin rom >elphis Niagara !alls Q in the Bond ilms Heartbeats 9our con"ersation >ildo Allergic to -rass =lectronic editions o newspapers =lectric O"en Nicosia Cyprus ?he man who +new too much 7irus *weden 6irror loor +nic+erless women *noring *umo wrestling >a"id $ar+ -ri ith Birth o a Nation Only things not used -ull $ing doors G uel in@ection >ic+ !rancis ?he %itz ; Paris Bread =ggs Bacon ser"ed any day or time ?he case o the 7el"et Claws Bees must ha"e one *timulus Bonsai ; styles ?he ?hird $orld ?he Bee -ees 6athematics $indow Cleaners *atan Caracas Blind in one eye 3nderground F metro F tube tunnels

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .#
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An $$2 what was uniCue about the 3* 222 An antry battalion An which 18). ilm did =l"is Presley ma+e his debut 2epcha people ?ibet consider it proper to pay teachers in what An medicine what is an Anomaloscope used or An the rules o gol what type o bad weather can stop play Name the Andian "ersion o Barbie Name the =gyptian -od o unerals *crutinise *wirl *ni *ip ; what are you doing $hat is the worlds oldest desert ; country named a ter it $hat magazine says $e are Number one in a ield o One ?he band *teely >an are named a ter what !amous boo+ di"ided into three parts 6osCues Ca"es ?emples $hat term was coined <uly 11th 18&2 issue o 9an+ magazine An 18&1 it began at Callao Peru ended ?uamotu Asland what did Polyhe5amethyleneadipamide is better +nown as what An -ree+ mythology who built the labyrinth Name >isney,s irst ilm to win an Academy Award An what sport would you ind a ?ell ?ale $hat is the most redesigned appliance in the world $hat started in early 18::s to impro"e sales sports newspaper $hat come in types ?rans"erse *cimitar and Barchan $hat is the only counties national lag di erent both sides $hat is located on Boothia,s peninsula in Canada 6orbi in -u@arat is where most o the worlds what are made <ohn 6c2aughlin made sold 6c2aughlin,s Bel ast style G what Christian Commercial ?ra"ellers, Association o America are who An what sport would you ind a Bagel $ho turned down the ?7 role o >octor 'ildare Name only sports team to play pro essionally se"en continents $hat is the traditional curse o Adam that a ects most o us K?here and bac+ AgainK is an alternati"e title o which no"el AB6 is Big Blue Coca Cola Big %ed who is Big Blac+ According to the ad At Benneton the smallest garment is a what An the Bible who came rom -ath An ?ennis where is the Australian Open played Hemmingway said there,s only # sports Bull ighting Car %acing H $hat traditional 6aori insult was seen in the ilm Bra"eheart $hat lin+s =scalatorD 'eroseneD 9o9oD (ipper and ?hermos Cosmetic brand gets it,s name rom 2atin or as white as snow $hat was the irst sport to be ilmed An the ?om and <erry cartoons name the other mouse $hat was the irst 2P record to sell o"er 1 million copies !actsD Brie sD >estiny and Chance were early names or what A you ta+e a be ore meal aperiti what,s an a ter meal one called 6ethyphobia is the ear o what ?ribology is the study o what Name 2eonard Nimoy,s autobiography ?he *toner Case was a *herloc+ Holmes play ; later what story An Aowa pouring what down a pub drain with cop there is illegal Christobal Colon is better +nown as who

All <apanese or Hawaiian immigrants 2o"e me ?ender Alcohol is acceptable ?est or colour blindness Only 2ightning 6onica Anubis $ine ?asting Namib 6ad *lang or Penis Passage to Andia - A <oe 'on ?i+i =5pedition Nylon 'ing >aedalus !lowers and ?rees *Cuash ; ?in strip ball can,t hit ?elephone Handset ?our de !rance 2e Petite <ournal illustre *and >unes Paraguay North 6agnetic Pole $all Cloc+s Canada >ry -inger -ideons ?ennis ; *et won .;: $illiam *hatner Harlem -lobetrotters $or+ing or a li"ing ?he Hobbit 3nited Parcel *er"ice 3P* Condom -oliath !linders Par+ 6ountaineering 6ooning Names into language Ni"ea Bo5ing by ?homas =dison 148& Nibbles or ?u y Calypso by Harry Bela onte ?ime 6agazine >igesti Alcohol !riction A am not *poc+ ?he *pec+led Band $ater it becomes an illegal alcohol Christopher Columbus

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .#
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is measured on the ?orro scale $here would you ind the !orte and the !oible strong ; wea+ President $oodrow $ilson 6ay .th 1818 irst to do what An Australian slang what is a Coughie *atan is 2uci er but what does 2uci er mean Chapman %oot designed it based on a Hoople s+irt ; what $hat does a -rabatologist collect BlindD CombD !ine 2ine and Harrow are types o what ?he 6illennial >awnists changed their name to what ?he name o this animal translates as ghost what is it $hat country has two A'&1 assault ri les on it,s lag An ilm who is the alter ego o >aniel Hillard $ho was the emale star o Basic Anstinct An computing there are 4 bits to a byte what are & bits called ?he Arabs call it Al;6aghrib what do we call it ?he 7ietnamese call it ?he Brother the Chinese ?he !riend what $hat is a male camel called >ouglas Adams said what is the best spacecra t propellant $illiam ?ell was the best crossbow archer and what else An what country did tulips originate $hat is speci ically de ined as 1F&4th o an inch Church bells o 6aralnello %ing *undays Public Hols and when Bureau o Alcohol ?obacco and !irearms bans what word in adds Name the irst British ilm studio set up in the 18#:s An Hill *treet Blues which character used to bite people $here would you ind a >ry Bible Quidnunc means an eager gossip but in 2atin literally means An the pro"erb Hea"en protects children sailors and who Poenosis is what medical condition $ho in 18)4 was the irst British !ormula one champion Carom is a orm o what sport F game $hat >isney ilm eatures the song K-i"e a little $histleK $hat was on the B side o the Beatles 18.4 KHey <udeK $hat country in"ented cheeseca+e -one to ?e5as by !orest Carter is the basis or what ilm $hich mammal has the ewest teeth An $$2 Air corps non lying members gi"en what nic+name Collecti"e nouns ; what,s a group o photographers called $hat e"ent in the Bible occurred at Bethany On a prescription what does QO> stand or ?homas and 6artha were the parents o which hero An -ree+ mythology Clio was the muse o what An A7P is used to detect what medical condition >on Qui5ote was the man o 2a 6ancha what,s it in =nglish $ho was the irst woman to win an Academy Award $here do they spea+ 6alagasy $hat is a mud puppy 9ou can s+i on the piste but what other sport uses the term Name Clint =astwoods irst ilm made in 18)) $hat is the main la"ouring in a -ree+ ?zataili sauce

?ornados *word blade G near hilt and tip ?a+e out Air accident Ansurance Bad 3mpiring ?he 2ight Bearer Coca Cola bottle ?ies *tamp Per oration <eho"ah,s $itnesses ?he 2emur 6ozambiCue 6rs >oubt ire *haron *tone Nibble 6orocco Bamboo Bull Bad News ; it tra"els the astest Boatman Persia A Hairsbreadth !errari team win %e reshing Pinewood *tudios Animal ; 6ic+ Heart chamber o a ruminant $hat Now >run+en men Chilblains 6i+e Hawthorne Billiards Pinocchio %e"olution -reece ?he Outlaw <osey $ales Armadillo ; none 'iwis ; Non !lying A Clic+ %aising o 2azarus ?a+e e"ery other day Batman History 'idney *tones Antra"enuspylorigram ?he *tain <anet -aynor 1828 6adagascar American *alamander !encing where the ight happens !rancis in the Na"y /18))0 -arlic

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .&
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat lin+s >r *poc+ =rrol !lynn and =mperor Nero An what series o boo+s did ?he =mpress o Blandings appear $hat colour is iridium $ho ounded A*H / Action on *mo+ing and Health 0 in 1811 $hat organisation opposes A*H $ho was the 18)4 Cha;Cha champion o Hong 'ong $ho directed the 18.2 ilm 2awrence o Arabia An mythology %omulus %emus suc+led by a shewol ed by what An -usta" Holsts Planets suite what planet is missing A you went on the road to 6andalay what country are you in $hich cathedral has &&&: statues ?arom Airlines is the national carrier o which country $hat does an armadillo taste li+e An what !rench district do most o the best clarets come rom $hat was the irst complete symphony to be recorded ?homas 6inton at *to+e on ?rent created what in 1148 $hat =uropean nation was the irst to drin+ tea $hat,s the worlds longest rail @ourney made no train change $hat was irst built in the Place de -re"e in 1182 An what boo+ does Humpty >umpty irst appear $ho was called ?he 6an o >estiny 18;18;18 who,s "ital statistics Name both amilies in *oap $here would you ind a gemshorn ?he lower con"allaria is better +nown as what An what stage show does !ran+ N !urter appear $ho in"ented the roc+ing chair -erald ?homas directed what series o ilms $hat did composer Berlioz originally study Ocean is NO? recognised Anternational Hydrographic Bureau An the *aint series o boo+s what is Anspector ?eal,s ull name $hat is the most common *panish surname ?he *la"e o >uty is alternate title what -P* operetta Aconite the poison is obtained rom what plant $hat culture introduced hats and crac+ers at Imas season Chang 1st $ang 2nd what third most common Chinese name $hat word is deri"ed rom the Arabic mawsim meaning season $hat,s the other name or the statue o =gyptian god Harmachis ?he !rench call it nature morte the *panish bodegon what is it Oporto in Portugal stands on what ri"er $hat bo5er was nic+named ?he Boston *trong Boy *tage roleD written or a manD too+ 4: years to be played by one *icily is the traditional source o which element Name the main horse in Animal !arm *trabismus is the correct name or what condition $hat languages appear on the %osetta stone $ho used the pseudonym =llis Bell $here were the irst glass mirrors made in =urope circa 1#:: $ho went to school at Hogwarts Harry Potter $hat was Pierce Brosnan,s irst <ames Bond ilm in 188)

Olympics %owing Bo5ing Chariot <ee"es and $ooster a pig *teel -rey %oyal College o Physicians !O%=*? Bruce 2ee >a"id 2ean $oodpec+er Pluto not +nown then 6iramar or Burma 6ilan %omania Por+ 6edoc Beetho"en,s i th ?he $illow Pattern ?he >utch 6oscow Pe+ing ?he -uillotine ?hrough the loo+ing -lass Napoleon Bonaparte Oli"e Oyl ?ates Campbells On an Organ 2ily o the 7alley ?he %oc+y Horror Picture *how Ben@amin !ran+lin Carry on !ilms 6edicine Antarctic Ocean Claude =ustace ?eal -arcia Pirates o Penzance $ol ,s;bane Ancient %ome 2i 6onsoon ?he *phin5 *till 2i e painting ?he >uoro <ohn 2 *ulli"an Peter Pan %*C 1842 *ulphur Bo5er A *Cuint =gyptian -ree+ =mily Bronte 7enice -oldeneye

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .&
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho won the best actor award or 6arty in 18)) Name Helen o ?roys husband $ho hired the 6ormon 6a ia to pre"ent contamination Captain $ = <ohns in"ented which hero ?he Passion Play is per ormed e"ery 1: years where $hat was the theme music to ?he =5orcist $ho directed !ull 6etal <ac+et An <udo i the re eree calls *ono;mama what does it mean $hat mountain o"erloo+s %io de <aneiro harbour $hat is %omaic An what $$1 battle were tan+s irst used in 181. $ho are Britain,s oldest publisher dating rom 1&.8 $ho was called ?he *courge o -od 7ictor Barna was world champion i"e times at what sport $hat sort o wood was Noah,s Ar+ made rom An 9ugosla"ian Belgrade is called Beograd what does it mean Collecti"e nouns ; which creatures are a clamour or building !irst public supply in Britain rom ri"er $ey in 1441 what An what city was Handel,s 6essiah irst per ormed $ho was the irst person to wear a wristwatch $hat colour is the wa5 co"ering -ouda cheese An Norse mythology who was Odin,s wi e *i5 "eri ied copies o his signature sur"i"e ; who is he $hat city is at the mouth o the 6enam ri"er An what sport is the Palma 6atch contested $hich musical stage show / and ilm 0 uses tunes by Borodin Areland and New (ealand are the only countries that lac+ what An cric+et how many times does a ull toss bounce Ampressionism comes rom painting Ampression *unrise ; Artist Name the irst sel contained home computer ; $hat e5ploded in 112: $ho named a city a ter his horse Bucephalus Beetho"en,s ninth symphony is nic+named what An *pain *t <ohn Bosco is the Patron *aint o what An 1824 *imon Boli"ar was president # countries Boli"ia and H $ho lit the lame 18). Olympics and then bro+e 4 world records Ball point pen in+ is made rom dye and what Hans 2ippershey made the worlds irst practical what An Hindu philosophy what does 9oga literally mean $hich writer rode >e"on 2och in the 18). -rand National -eorge 2azenby played <ames Bond once in which ilm $ho was the ounder o <udaism ?here must be 1) ban+ed turns on what sporting course $hat is a 2ampyris Noctiluca better +nown as -ree+ 6yth Clotho spun 2achesis measured Atropos cut what $ho built ?he !lamingo hotel in 2as 7egas $hat is the main language o 2iechtenstein 7i"aldi,s concertos Opus 4 Numbers 1;& better +nown as what An ?ar+a the Otter what was Old Nog $hich sea is sometimes called the =u5ine *ea

=rnest Borgnine 6enelaus Howard Hughs Biggles Oberammergau ?ubular Bells G 6i+e Old ield *tanley 'ubric+ Players must reeze in position *ugar 2oa ?he modern -ree+ language *omme O5 ord 3ni"ersity Press Attila the Hun ?able ?ennis -opher wood $hite City %oo+s in a roo+ery =lectricity >ublin Queen =lizabeth 1st 9ellow !rigga $illiam *ha+espeare Bang+o+ *hooting 'ismet Nati"e *na+es None Claude 6onet A Commodore Pet ?he *outh *ea Bubble Ale5ander the -reat ?he Choral Cinema Columbia Peru %on Clar+ Castor Oil 6icroscope 3nion >ic+ !rancis On Her 6a@esty,s *ecret *er"ice Abraham Championship Bobsleigh A -low;$orm / =uropean 0 ?hread o a mans li e Bugsy *iegel -erman ?he our *easons A Heron Blac+ *ea

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .)
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): %oger Bannister ran the irst sub & minute mile who ran 2nd $hat can be types called chordateD needle and cruci orm 6usca >omestica can cause disease in man ; what is it Name the =nglish chemist who irst isolated sodium $ho wrote 6oon %i"er used in Brea+ ast at ?i anies Name *tephen 'ing,s irst published no"el ?he locals call it 'aapstad what do we call it Anterpol was ounded in 182# in what city 6usophobia is a ear o what ?he opera Aida was commissioned in 14.8 to mar+ what e"ent An ancient -reece what was a hoplite An the Harry Potter boo+s what is Aragog $ho wrote -oodbye 6r Chips Only 1)J o !rench wines ha"e what on the label $hat are blombergsD oa+ and ire bellied types o *herloc+ Holmes paid )) shillings or what $hat is an arras *te"en -eorgi is now 9usse Aslam what other name had he $hat literary prize / worth O#:::: 0 is or women authors only ?he musical Chu Chin Chow is based on what able $here would you ind a parlourD scriptoriumD dorter and cellarium 3* tennis open held at !lushing 6eadows used to be where $here would you ind 7olans ?he >e Beaumont centre in 2ondon specialises in what sport *ir !rancis >ra+e named it New Albion what is it today $hich artist painted si5ty two sel portraits $hat elements name comes rom the -ree+ meaning lazy $ho directed *tar ?re+ ilms # and & Cretinism is caused by a ailure o what An *ha+espeare,s 6erchant o 7enice name *hyloc+s wi e -old >iscs Platinum >iscs but who won irst %hodium >isc $hat is a !ata 6organa 9ou can do a degree in brewing at Heriot;$att 3ni"ersity where (imbabwe won its irst e"er Olympic gold in 184: in what e"ent $hat is or was the capitol o Hong 'ong An Britain in 11&. what type o clothing was made illegal $hat creature can li"e up to one year without eating / youH 0 ?he worlds irst was .8E) eet long and too+ a year to ma+e H $hat ilm began K6ost o what ollows is trueK ?he thic+ness o sil+ is measured in what Charcoal *ulphur *altpetre ma+e what ?he word *o a comes rom the Arabic meaning what $hat are Arran Pilot Homeguard and 3lster Chie tain An 18.1 Anton -eesin+ was the irst non <apanese to do what $hat colour is the most popular eye shadow o all time $here is the worlds oldest uni"ersity $ho was +nown in -ermany as >er Bingle Ancient Carthage is in what modern country $ho,s irst play was ?he %oom $hat type o creature was *alar ; that ?ar+a would li+e to eat

<ohn 2andie o New (ealand ?ree 2ea"es Common House ly *ir Humphry >a"ie Henry 6ancini Carrie Capetown 7ienna 6ice Opening *uez canal *oldier Chie *pider <ames Hilton Appellation Controlee ?oads His *tradi"arius "iolin A wall hanging eEgE tapestry Cat *te"ens Orange Award Ali Baba and the orty thie"es A 6onastery !orest Hills *outhern *+y G Const !lying !ish !encing Oregon 3*A %embrandt 7an %inn Argon 2eonard Nimoy ?hyroid gland 2eah Paul 6cCartney ?ype o 6irage =dinburgh $omen,s Hoc+ey 7ictoria Highland >ress G +ilt plaid etc Bedbug Oil $ell Butch Cassidy and the *undance 'id >enier -unpowder Bench =arly types o Potato $in a <udo title 6a5 !actor,s Powder Blue !ez 6orocco G ounded 4)8 Bing Crosby ?unisia Harold Pinter *almon

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .)
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he capitol o Nigeria was 2agos what is it now $ho composed ?he >ream o -erontius Captain 6acmorris only e"er Arishman in what *ha+espeare play ?intoretto did most o his painting in what city $hat Olympic e"ent only ta+es place at 1: and 8: meters ?o whom are the <ews -entiles $hich plant gets its name rom the Persian or turban $hat does -P mean on a music score when all players silent $hat celestial body gets its name rom the -ree+ long haired A petrologist studies what *ir $il red is the real name o which eponymous character $hat are the %oman numerals or ):) ?he >ale+s come rom what planet *+aro $ho was "oted most popular ilm per ormer in the 3*A in 182. Name the ri"er that lows through Baghdad Handel,s 2argo comes rom which opera $hat happened to Catherine =ddowes on #:th *eptember 1444 6adam Hooch teaches what at Hogwarts school 8:J o all thoroughbreds are descended rom what horse $ho,s irst boo+ was K>own and Out in Paris and 2ondonK $hat +illed 2# people in %osto" %ussia in <uly 182# $hat does a librettist do How did >r $atson,s irst wi e die Beetho"en,s third symphony is nic+named what ?o whom was the =roica dedicated An medie"al !rance a persons ran+ was shown by the length o H $omen,s international gymnastics Beam Bo5 !loor and what $hat song did %ic+ as+ *am to play in Casablanca Pali is the sacred language o who An $$1 what were 2uci er,s An legend who +illed the mobster -rendel $ho stole the =nglish Crown <ewels was pardoned Charles AA *he died at 24 but her boo+ on household management amous ?he Hindu trinity are *hi"a 7ishnu and who Name Hercule Poirot,s "alet Charles * *tratton became amous as who An mythology who slew the nine headed hydra $hat country holds the Olympic polo championship An -ulli"er,s ?ra"els name the lying island $ho wrote Ne"er 2o"e a *tranger $hat city has the most canals $here was Oceanus Hop+ins born in 1.2: An China big wigs ha"e our but lesser men only two what $hat is the world,s warmest sea $ho played Beau -este in the 18#8 ilm $ho composed the Christmas Oratorio An Animal !arm what was the name o the arm $ho owned a chimp called Chee;Chee $ho,s directorial debut was with %eser"oir >ogs $here was pizza irst in"ented 6ilan

Abouga =dward =lgar Henry 7 7enice *+i <umping G o icial ramps ?he 6ormons ?ulip -eneral Pause Comet %oc+s history ormation etc A"anhoe >7 %in ?in;?in ?igris Ier5es 6et <ac+ the %ipper Quidditch =clipse -eorge Orwell -iant Hailstones $rite words to opera >iphtheria ?he =roica Napoleon Bonaparte *hoe points biggerQhigher Asymmetric bars As ?ime -oes By Buddhists in Andia 6atches Beowul Colonel Blood 6rs Beeton Brahma -eorge -eneral ?om ?humb with Barnum Hercules Argentina last contested 18#2 2aputa Harold %obbins Birmingham On the 6ay lower Outside Poc+ets ?he %ed *ea -ary Cooper < * Bach 6anor !arm >r >olittle Quentin ?arantino

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): Odele and Odette appear in what ?chai+o"s+y ballet An what country is ?he >uma part o parliament Nonage is what reason to stop a marriage 'ier Auro is good morning in what language An what sport does herringboning ta+e place $hat is a marcupium At epiCuarianEcom you would ind in ormation about what $hat does a +onimeter measure A stellate ob@ect is shaped li+e what $hat is 666 minus 6> Balsa wood gets its name rom *panish what,s literal meaning $ho is the Patron *aint o Accountants An what country did the *abines li"e $ho o ten sol"ed a three pipe problem ?he tumblebug is an alternati"e name or which insect *t *te"ens ?ower is usually misnamed what $hat type o clothing article is a Belcher $ho was +idnapped in %obert 2ouis *te"enson,s 'idnapped <ewish boys ha"e a Barmits"a at 1# what do girls get at 12 $hat =uropean capitol stands on the ri"er Aare An which >ic+ens no"el does 2ittle Nell appear Name Harry Potters non magical cousin $hich real person too+ name meaning 6an o *teel $hat are woolly and spider types o $here do boy scout leaders get their names rom $here would you ind a 6ott Bailey and 'eep An what country was ashion designer 9"es *t 2aurent born $hat common British ri"er name come rom Celtic or ri"er <ayne Austin is amous but who reigned Britain when she wrote $hat composer was the there o the 18&1 ilm *ong o 2o"e $ho is +nown as ?he ather o Poetry $ho was the irst 3* president to be sworn in by a woman $ho sometimes used the pseudonym Al Brown $hat does 6onaco get most o its income rom Pro essor 'elp trans ormed into who $hat is the commonest item traded internationally 2a+e ?itti+a+a is in Peru and what other country $ho was the irst British monarch to "isit America Collecti"e nouns ; A nye o what $here was the Hesperus wrec+ed Britain,s oldest e5isting ?rade 3nion was ounded in 11&1 what trade An the creation myth on the ourth day -od made what All PCs ha"e a BAO* what does bios stand or British soldiers mentioned in despatches get which bronze award An 18.1 an Australian had one 11lb in weight ; what *issy <upe adopted by ?homas -radgrind which >ic+ens no"el Operation ?hunderbolt was the nic+name gi"en to which raid An <apan what is %a+u *+imbleshan+s was a ? * =lliot cat what was his area $hat is the largest Asland in ?he -reater Antilles

*wan 2a+e %ussia 3nderage one or both 6aori *+iing A marsupials pouch !ood or %estaurants >ust *tar shaped 6> #:::;1)::Q1):: %a t *aint 6atthew Ataly *herloc+ Holmes >ung Beetle Big Ben Nec+erchie >a"id Bal our A Batmits"a Berne *witzerland ?he Old Curiosity *hop >udley >ursley <oseph *talin 6on+ey ?he <ungle Boo+ G %udyard 'ipling A Castle Algeria A"on -eorge AAA <ohannes Brahms Homer 2yndon B <ohnson G when <!' +illed Alphonse Capone -ambling Casinos etc Buddy 2o"e G <erry 2ewis Nutty Pro essor Petroleum and its by products Boli"ia -eorge 7A in 18#8 Pheasants 6assachusetts Normans $oe -losE Brushma+ers and -eneral $or+ers *un 6oon *tars Basic Anput Output *ystem ?he Oa+ 2ea Carrot Hard ?imes Asraeli raid on =ntebbe Biscuit ired Pottery ?he %ailway Cat Cuba

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1::

Questions Quiz ..
$hat country used the irst aircra t eCuipped bomber in war An what sport would you ind a co in <ohn Hu5ham in 11): in"ented which word ?AB*O is the national airline o which country $ho wrote the comic opera %obinson Crusoe $hat was >idus Aneptus better +nown as $hat sport eatured in the 184: ilm Brea+ing Away Ambigu was an early orm o what card game ?he cast iron plant is another name or which pot plant $hat does the name ?o+yo mean *ir $alter %aleigh ound what odd la+e in ?rinidad $orlds oldest e5isting treaty o 1#1# between =ngland and who Bargasse is what type o "egetable matter $ho was Hiawatha,s ather 'ittyD ireD draw and tuc+ in are terms in what sport Ordinary seaman Able *eaman what comes ne5t $hat was ?hin 2izzies irst hit in 181# ?he sprat belongs to what ish amily ?he Horned Planet is better +nown as what $ho did the painting on the co"er o ?he Bands irst album Carrantual is the highest pea+ in which country $ho wrote ?he *ymphony o a ?housand $hat is -reece,s second city a ter Athens $hat was Paul the Apostles real name $hen is *uperman,s birthday <ohn 9oungD -emini #D 18.4 irst to do what in space $hat is the Curia ?he locals call it !irenze what do we call it $hat common sign deri"ed rom the 6edici amily crest $hat is a sound below 2: cycles a second called -oldaming in *urrey was the irst =nglish town to ha"e what <im Ba+us supplied the "oice o which cartoon character $ho spea+s Quechua -enerally corn lowers are what colour *tarting highest write the %oman Numerals in descending order 9oiD 9ameD *eremade and Hantai terms in what sport A rica,s our great ri"ers NileD Congo (ambezi and what Catriona was a seCuel to which amous no"el $ho sang the original "ersion o Blue *uede *hoes $hat +ind o material is guipure Name a Cuadruped beginning with the letter N 3nusual / or him0 role Bogart play in ?he %eturn o >octor I 18#8 An Norway what is a brisling $ho composed the *ymphonies !antastiCue 6ediolanum was the %oman name or what Atalian city $hich British city had the irst pa"ements /sidewal+s0 in 1.44 $hat is considered to be the worlds astest team game $hat song did 6arilyn 6unroe sing in the ilm Bus *top $hich 'ing was the irst to use the %oyal $e ?he locals call it *hCiperia what do we call this country

Ataly Atalian ?ur+ish war 1812 Cross country riding itBs a ence An luenza Bulgaria O enbach ?he >odo Cycling Po+er Aspidistra =astern City 2a+e o ?ar or Asphalt Portugal *ugar Cane Pulp 6ud@e+eewis G ?he $est $ind -reen Bowls 2eading *eaman $his+ey in the <ar Herring 7enus Bob >ylan Areland 6ahler his eighth *eloni+a *aul 28th !ebruary =at a hamburger Administration o the Catholic Church !lorence Ataly Pawnbro+ers balls A $oo =lectric street lighting 6r 6agoo Peru"ian Andians Blue 6>C2I7A or 18.. 'arate Niger 'idnapped % 2 *te"enson Carl Per+ins 2ace Newt ; Nutria G Nagli A 7ampire A *prat Hector Berlioz 6ilan =dinburgh in High *t and Cowgate Ace Hoc+ey ?hat Old Blac+ 6agic %ichard the 2ionheart Albania

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .1
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat star sign is Harry Potter ?he word 6ongol means what in 6ongolian An the 3*A itBs the Oscars what is it in !rance $hat is the correct name or a "irgin /uncal ed0 cow An the 3*A what is 6arine One An the Bible who climbed 6ount Nebo $here could you spend your -ourde $hat sausage gets it,s name rom the Atalian or Onion $hat does a cadastral map show An what area o !rance is champagne made ?he longest recorded one lasted )1E) minutes ; what $ho was the irst British %oyal to become a motorist !ord Pre ect came rom a star in which constellation $hat ma+es ArgonD Neon and Helium uniCue in chemistry An the Bible who put >aniel in the lions den Che"al;"apeur in !rance is eCual to what in =nglish ?he author o 6oll !landers wrote which more amous wor+ On the Beau ort scale what is de ined as orce 11 ?he *pin+ standard catalogue lists in ormation about what A you su er rom diplopia what ha"e you got $hat *ha+espeare play Course true lo"e ne"er did run smooth All my 9esterdays is which actors autobiography $hich type o ull moon ollows a har"est moon $hich pop singer was -lad to be -ay ?he $heel *pins =thel 2ina $hite basis or what Hitchcoc+ ilm On a"erage it ta+es 1E) hours to do what An 'iplings poem -unga >in what @ob had -unga >in $hat began in 1411 but banned women until 144& $ho is the boss o 3NC2= $hich cities public transport lost property o ice is the busiest Name only bo5er to win a world title who ne"er had a manager ?he opera ?he ?sar *ultan contains what amous musical piece !i"e tons are mined annually ; i"e tons o what An 7enezuela lo"ers use pin+ what $hat country in distance is urthest rom New (ealand $hose girl riend had a pet sna+e called =nid $hat word is in 12:: di erent languages without changing $hose horse was Blac+ Nell Old Honiton -enoese and 6echlin all types o what Name the irst teddy bear in space An !rance who are nic+named the 'epis blancs Name =rnest Hemmingway,s boo+ dealing with bull ighting $hich animal pron+s An the $izard o Oz name the -ood $itch o the North Britain !rance and who ought the battle o ?ra algar $ho,s irst boo+ was Pebble in the *+y $hose original bac+ up group were ?he Blue 6oon Boys Britannia emale embodiment o Britain who is the !rench $ho wrote the line =ast is =ast and $est is $est $hich American city used to be called 9erba Buena

2eo Bra"e Caesars Hei er Presidents Helicopter 6oses to see promised land Haiti Chipolata 2arge scale indi"idual properties %eims ?ennis rally1:28 stro+es Prince o $ales =dward 7AA Orion /Betelgeuse0 No compounds 'ing >arius Horse power %obinson Crusoe A *torm Coins >ouble "ision 6idsummer Nights >ream =dward - %obinson Hunters 6oon ?om %obinson ?he 2ady 7anishes !ully cremate a corpse $ater Carrier $imbledon ?ennis 6r $a"erley ?o+yo <a+e 2a 6otta ?he !light o the Bumblebee >iamonds =n"elopes ; post hal price *pain Adol Hitler Amen $ild Bill Hic+o+s 2ace 6ish+a 184: Olympic mascot !oreign 2egion !iesta *pringbo+ -linda *pain Asaac Asimo" =l"is Presley 6arianne %udyard 'ipling *an !rancisco

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .1
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat,s capital o ?he Peoples >emocratic %epublic o 9emen $ho played 2ouis Armstrong in 18)& ilm ?he -len 6iller *tory ?he Old Aztecs played ollamalitzi what game does it resemble An literature who li"ed at 1 *a"ile %ow $hat is the only *ha+espeare play that mentions America <an 2od"i+ Hoc+ changed his name to what $hat is the longest gol course to stage the British Open Atlanta burned in -one $ith the $ind was what old ilm set $hat are 3naoneD *o5isi5 and No"enine A something is caseous what is it li+e $illiam Herschel astronomer was a musician what instrument 3' snoo+er players call it doubling what do 3* pool players say An 6A*H what was the character %adars ull name $hose only no"el was ?he Cardinals 6istress <immy >oyle died during a title ight in 18&1 who was opponent An 18:: Persian soldiers were paid with what An Aslington in 2ondon itBs a O): ine or sleeping where >r >eidrich 'nic+erboc+er in"ented which amous character $hat occupation would use a dibber $hich group o people irst used gold illings 6iss 2emon is what detecti"es con idential secretary Name Alice,s pet cat An the siege o 6a e+ing who led the de enders Beetho"en,s i th piano concerto is nic+named what $hat did Aristotle claim as the most delicate o table meats $hich annual world championship is held at Co5heath 'ent An which ilm did Cli %ichard sing 2i"ing >oll in 18)8 $hich 2ombardy town is amed or its cheese $hich acid dissol"es glass $ho wrote ?he emale o the species more deadly than the male 6usical terms ; what does >e Capo mean on a score $hat is a hal o a hal o a hal o a hal $ho recorded as >ib Cochran and the =arwigs An what country is ?iahuanaco $hat e5actly are chitterlings $hat was $inston Churchill,s codename during $$2 ?here are &E) gallons o ale in what container O what did the poet <ohn 6ilton die ?he musical instrument piccolo means what in Atalian An what country could you spend a tugri+ All the pictures o which +ing are always shown in pro ile Pernell %oberts played which character in a ?7 western series 18#1 saw the irst BBC ?7 broadcast o which e"ent $hich orchestral instrument can play the highest note $ho was the runner up in the 1818 2e 6ans 2& hour race Airman ? = *haw in $$2 was better +nown as who Atalian painter <acopo %obusti is better +nown as who $hat were "olitos irst demonstrated in *oho 2ondon in 142# $hich 6ozart opera is subtitled *chool or 2o"ers An literature who married 6ary 6orstan

Aden He played himsel Bas+etball Phileas !ogg ?he Comedy o =rrors /Act AAA *cene ii0 %obert 6a5well Carnoustie 1:.. yards 'ing 'ong it needed clearing Anternational phonetic numbers 1.8 Cheese Organ Ban+ing $alter O,%eilly Benito 6ussolini *ugar %ay %obinson >on+eys ?he Public 2ibrary %ip 7an $in+le -ardener ; to ma+e planting holes Ancas o Peru Hercule Poirot >inah %obert Baden Powell ?he =mperor Camel Custard Pie throwing *erious Charge -orgonzola Hydro luoric Acid %udyard 'ipling !rom the beginning A *i5teenth 6arc Bolan and >a"id Bowie Boli"ia !ried animals birds small intestines Agent Pin -out *mall 6ongolia 'ing o >iamonds Adam Cartwright $imbledon ?ennis ?he 7iolin Paul Newman ? = 2aurence o Arabia ?intoretto %oller *+ates Cosi an ?uti >r <ohn $atson

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .4
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hich game begins when the re eree shouts draw $hat is litmus deri"ed rom Hydrosis is the medical term or what 6isogamy is a disli+e or hatred o what $hat car has been "oted =uropean car o the Century An Andia what is a +hidmutgar $ho sang about *aturday Night at the 6o"ies $ho owned the sword <oyeuse At was inally abolished in Britain in 18&4 ; what was Beetho"en,s si5th symphony is +nown as what $hich =nglish 'ing had the most legitimate children /140 ?he windho"er is an alternati"e name or which bird $here is the 3* masters gol tournament always played *anta Cruz airport ser"es which city *il"er hallmar+s ; what ob@ect is stamped on Birmingham items -raham Hill won 18.4 world championship in which ma+e o car OpaCue 2 is a modern "ariety o which cereal crop $ho was the irst tennis player to achie"e the grand slam $hat are padmasana sirsasana and sa"asana $hat is strange about the -olden Queen holly $hat is the last boo+ o the Old ?estament Queen 6ary AA died at age #2 what +illed her $hat metal is used in gal"anizing A 2) to #1 mph wind on the Beau ort scale is called what ?he alse plane tree is better +nown as what Baptista is 'atherine,s ather in which *ha+espeare play 2epidoptera / rom the -ree+0 literally means what An what sport might you see a stem;christie $hy a camel haired brushes /made rom sCuirrel0 called camel $hat common item has #2 points An 142# the British army soldiers were irst issued with what $ho was the irst American to win a Nobel prize An *ha+espeare Hamlet who is Ophelia,s brother $hat is the worlds largest airline $hat is the brightest star always in the Northern s+y 2&J o British men ha"e no what 6ost people associate the colour green with which la"our 6endelssohn,s $edding 6arch comes rom which wor+ $hose autobiography was KCan you tell what it is yetK $hat did <oseph -ayetty in"ent in 14)1 ?he Andaman Aslands are in which bay $hat colour are lobsters $hat does per capita literally mean < - -alle disco"ered it in 14&. ; disco"ered what *ilent mo"ie star Ben ?urpin insured his what or N)::::: $hat does a potometer measure $hat was $inston Churchill,s a"ourite participation sport ?he a"erage person eats 4:: in their li etime 4:: what $hat is the central part o a bac+gammon board called 'ing Henry 7AAA trained as what A Priest

2acrosse 2ichens *weating 6arriage 6ini A $aiter ?he >ri ters Charlemagne !logging ?he Pastoral =dward A 'estrel Augusta -eorgia Bombay Anchor 2otus 6aize >onald Budge 9oga Positions At is male -olden 'ing is emale 6alachi *mallpo5 (inc *trong Breeze ?he *ycamore ?he ?aming o the *hrew *caly $inged *+iing An"ented by 6r Camel ?he compass ?rousers ?heodore %oose"elt 2aertes Aero lot 7ega %eal teeth 6int A 6idsummer Nights >ream %ol Harris ?oilet %olls ?he Bay o Bengal >ar+ BlueFgreen pin+ when coo+ed Per Head ?he planet Neptune His *Cuint $ater inta+e Polo Chic+ens ?he Bar

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .4
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat sports name translates as 2ittle -ame o $ar $hat are ClaymoreD ?histle and Piper $hat colour tranCuillisers wor+ best An what city did 4 year old 6ozart compose his irst symphony An 9iddish what is your Pupi+ $ho was Ben Hurs ri"al in the great chariot race Britain,s !ran+ie $ainman was world champion 1818 what sport <ohn 6c=nroe won $imbledon doubles with what partner PrideD A"ariceD =n"yD -luttonyD *lothD 2ust what,s missing On a"erage it rains & days a wee+ in what =uropean capital $hat country used the ringgit as currency $hat,s the name o the Bar %estaurant in the ?7 show Quincy An what >ic+ens no"el does Al red <ingle appear A@a5 was the trade mar+ o the worlds irst what $hat brass instrument is thought to be the most di icult to play *! are the international car registration letters or which country <acCues -arnerin made the irst in 1181 the irst what ?he British army used to wear puttees ; what,s it literally mean ?he orchestra usually tunes up to what instrument $hat is the most reCuent cause o business errors $hich magical city is located in the 7alley o the Blue 6oon An which =uropean city is the Arch o ?itus !ran+ Oz was the "oice o who On a standard rainbow what colour is on the inside o the cur"e $hat musical term means playing with each note detached $hat animal stands or the longest period An what country did the word plon+ meaning wine originate Al red Pac+er in the 3*A was con"icted o what strange crime Captain !lint buried his treasure where / Ben -unn dug it up 0 $ho composed a symphony nic+named ?he Hen An the *olar system there are 2 6ount Olympus,s -reece and where *aint 2idwina is the Patron *aint o who $ho would use a caret $ho was the irst woman to win & consecuti"e 3* tennis open $hat is the lowest title handed down rom ather to son $hat is Britain,s largest carni"orous animal How many women +now the ormula o Coca Cola *chubert,s ourth symphony is nic+named the what $hat are Portland 7ases made rom $here could you ha"e a +ip ; then spend it $hat is a corduroy road made rom An 14th century =ngland what was +nown as Old ?om An -old inger name the actress painted gold An 18&8 what was introduced to cars or the irst time $ho was the ather o Ale5ander the -reat ?he Atalian Chianina is recognises as being the oldest what $hich country ma+es the most ilms per year An what Puccini opera does *carpia appear $ho wrote ?ra"els with a >on+ey on his honeymoon ?he araucaria has what more common name

2acrosse North *ea Oil !ields 9ellow 2ondon Belly Button 6essala *toc+ Car %acing Peter !leming $rath Amsterdam or Brussels wettest 6alaysia >anny,s ?he Pic+wic+ Papers !lush la"atory ?he !rench Horn !inland Parachute <ump Bandages rom Hindu Oboe Allegible handwriting *hangri;2a <ames Hilton 2ost Horizon %ome 6iss Piggy in the 6uppets 7iolet *taccato A rican =lephant o"er ): years Australia Cannibalism *+eleton Asland <oseph Hayden 6ars *+aters Printer itBs an insertion mar+ Chris ="ert 2loyd Baronet Badger None ; not allowed ?ragic -lass 2aos its currency 2ogs laid down on swampy ground -in *hirley =aton ?he Agnition +ey Philip AA o 6acedon Breed o Cattle Andia ?osca %obert 2ouis *te"enson ?he 6on+ey Puzzle tree

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .8
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho was >ouglas =lton 3llman better +nown as An what does a steganographer write messages Charles >u wrote the macabre Handboo+ o what An ?he >u+es o Hazard who was the sheri $hat would you do with a hec+lephone An the amous song my true lo"e sent me nine what %ichard Ar+wright in"ented the *pinning <enny what @ob had he $hat is or was a Portuguese moidore A husband and wi e won gold medals 18)2 Olympics who Collecti"e nouns ; A >esert o what $hich writer created the detecti"e 2ord Peter $imsey On the same sub@ect who e"entually married 2ord Peter $imsey $hat is rayon made rom 9oric+ in *ha+espeare,s Hamlet had what @ob /when ali"e0 *ir =yre 6assey *haw hold what Olympic record rom 18:: $hat is the worlds third largest island Corporals Henshaw and Barbella report to which sergeant ?he word electricity comes rom the -ree+ word or what Name the 6otown star shot and +illed by his ather in 184& Collecti"e nouns ; A !all o what 2eslie Hornby became more amous as who *eptember should be se"enth month by name why is it ninth $hen introduced they were poc+ets or men only ; what were $hat are or were ?he AdenaD CayugaD Haida and Noot+a An traditional wedding anni"ersaries what is gi"en on the twel th $hat are -renadierD Adared and =llison,s Orange types o $ho ought at the battles o BastiaD Cal"i and ?oulon A numismatist collects coins and what else $here could you spend a 'yat An what series o stories did Anspector 2estrade appear Name the home city o the 3* ootball team nic+named !alcons $hat -ilbert P *ulli"an operetta subtitled ?he Peer and the Peri Hymen in -ree+ -enius in %oman -ods o what $hat can come in types BlueD *pearD Couch and Arrow Bees li"e in a hi"e what do seals li"e in Hercules per ormed twel"e labours what was number se"en A philomath has a lo"e o what A young what can be called a BoyetD =yas or Nyas $hat trade did BonitoD Calico <ac+D and >ic+ Hatteraic+ ollow $hat ta+es place at 6ontlhery !rance and (and"oort Holland $hat is the literal meaning o the *panish word tapas /snac+s0 ?he martial art tai Cuon do translates literally as what $ings o >esire a oreign ilm remade as what with Nicolas Cage *cooby >o is what breed o dog $hich boo+ o ?he Bible is also a title o a Bob 6arley album ?he %omans called it =boracum name this =nglish city $ho wrote K?o err is human to orgi"e di"ineK An =ngland what can be pri"ateD public or appro"ed An what traditional entertainment does the dog ?oby appear $here could you spend a *ol

>ouglas !airban+s *enior An"isible in+ Hanging %oscoe P Coltrane Play it ; type o woodwind >rummers drumming Barber A -old Coin =mile >ana (atope+ marathon @a"elin 2apwings >orethy 2 *ayers Harriot 7ane $ood pulp <ester Oldest gold yachting he was 1: Borneo *ergeant Bil+o Amber 6ar"in -aye $oodcoc+s ?wiggy Ats 1th year used to start in 6arch Handbags North American nati"e Andian tribes *il+ Apples Horatio Nelson 6edals Burma *herloc+ Holmes Atlanta Aolanthe !ertility and 6arriage -rass A %oo+ery Capture o the Cretan Bull 2earning Haw+ Pirates 6otor car racing Co"er or co"ers 'ic+ Art $ay City o Angels -reat >ane =5odus 9or+ Ale5ander Pope essay on criticism *chools Punch and <udy Peru

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz .8
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat 3' ootball team nic+ ?he -laziers play at *elhurst Par+ ?hanatos in -ree+ 6ors in %oman -ods o what %obinD %ugby and *imple appear in which *ha+espeare play $here would you ind A Pope =mpress Hermit and <uggler An traditional anni"ersaries what is gi"en or the thirtieth Apart rom a brand name what is a %eebo+ <ason sailed in the Argo but who steered the ship $hat are pin+D pramD snowD +o D bussD bar+ and dory types o $hat was Boucan that ga"e Buccaneers their name >acca is the capital o which country $hat lin+s a -igD *pider and Phaeton $hat,s parts include barbicanD oilette and don@on An 2ondon what are ?he Ca"alryD 6arlborough and *a"ile $hat does a phillumenist collect =lectricD Perse and smalt shades o which colour $hat lin+s *wordD *CuareD !loral and Barn $hat is a 'erry Blue An Heraldry what is a canton $hat lin+s the trees BodhiD Peepul and Ailento $hich ictional character li"ed at 6ontague street be ore mo"ing Chronos in -ree+ *aturnus in %oman -ods o what A -rice is a young what Anternational registration letters what country is (% ?here are only two three letter herbs %ue is one what,s the other An mythology who rode an eight legged horse called *leipner ParrD *molt and -rilse di erent names same thing what Name the ra"en in -eorge Orwell,s Animal !arm All 3* Presidents were !ederalists %epublicans >emocrats or what =ze+ielD <eremiahD =li and Asaiah were all what in ?he Bible $hat amily were the last ruling house o Ataly $here would you ind a BonnetD CourseD >abbler and >ri"er $ho said ?is better to ha"e lo"ed and lost etc $hat -ilbert P *ulli"an operetta was subtitled Bunthorns Bride $hich poet wrote A thing o beauty is a @oy ore"er in =ndymion CopelandD 6asonD >u5 and Bow all types o what An -ree+ mythology who was Queen o the underworld $hich writer created ?abitha ?witchetD Babbity BumbleD 6r ?od $hat lin+s BassD 6essinaD Hormuz and ?orres $hat does a philologist study $hich authors irst /unsuccess ul0 boo+ was Anland 7oyage >etails o what can be ound in ?he Blue Boo+ Bac+ allD diapasonD palletD gambaD stic+er all parts o what Oedipus married his mother ; who was she An Heraldry i things are accosted what position are they in PintadoD PochardD *caupD *coter and *mee types o what Name *ha+espeare play ArielD 6iranda and Prospero appear IanthicD !allow and Aureate shades o which colour Bric+batD PecorinoD 6ycella and ?ilsiter all types o what $hat is the capital o Panama Name both the -ree+ and %oman -od o Prophecy and Plagues

Crystal Palace >eath ?he 6erry $i"es o $indsor ?hey are ?arot Cards Pearl An Antelope Argus Boats or other water cra t >ried meat Bangladesh Horse drawn carriages A Castle Pri"ate 6embers Clubs 6atchbo5 labels Blue ?ypes o >ance >og type o ?errier A Corner ?hey are all sacred to someone *herloc+ Holmes ?he Har"est $ild Boar (aire Bay Odin *almon ; li e stages 6oses $higs 14&1 ; &) 14): ; )# Prophets *a"oy *hip they are sails Al red 2ord ?ennyson An 6emoriam Patience 'eats Pottery Persephone Beatri5 Potter *traits o water 2anguages %obert 2ouis *te"enson 3* Aristocracy Pipe Organ <ocasta *ide by *ide >uc+s ?he ?empest 9ellow Cheese Panama Apollo

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1:
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat popular party drin+ gets its name rom *ans+rit meaning ) 2ondon lin+ Prince =dward,sD Prince o $alesD Her 6a@esty,s $hich country borders %ussia *weden and Norway $hat type o creature is an Orb $ea"er $hose autobiography was called ?all >ar+ and -ruesome An publishing what is the "erso ?he British %a@ in Andia lasted 8: years what,s it literally mean $hat ancient %oman buildings name means Place or a -iant $hat lin+s CiampinoD 2od and $aalha"en <ohn ?enniel drew the illustrations or what amous boo+ Only two north American Andian tribes with # letters $ea and what Collecti"e nouns ; A Congregation o what Admiral Horatio Nelson lost his arm at which battle An $$2 what was the British eCui"alent o the -erman =;Boat Anternational car registration letters what country is %A O what are BristolD %oc+inghamD ChelseaD and 6inton types $ho is +nown as ?he ather o =nglish poetry ; 1#&: ; 1&:: According to the traditional rhyme what,s the ate o $edE child $hat are or were ?esterD %oyalD 6ar+ and Noble BistreD *orrel and 7andy+e are shades o which colour A you were watching cric+et at ?he Outer in which city are you 9ou ha"e a oursome and a shag what ha"e you done $hat peoples name literally translates as ordinary $hat are the AnatolianD AtacamaD Na ud and (irreh *am $eller was whose ser"ant in a >ic+ens boo+ >andy >inmontD BedlingtonD *ealyham are what types o dog $hat is e5tracted rom the ore caserite <ohn Palmer is buried in 9or+ what better +nown name ?he Carmelite mon+s ha"e what more common name An what sport does a player win when they get 1) points American !ootball ; where do the 2ions play at home An =ngland what lin+s ArdenD >eanD 'ielder and New An what country would you be rich in 2eu 6essidorD ?hermidor and !ructidor were what in 1148 /<<A0 $hat ruit can be %ed Blac+ or $hite An ashion correspondent and bar are types o what item Artemis is -ree+ -oddess o what ; only one among all -ods 2)J o the adult male population o the 3' are what ChurchillD AroCuoisD Owen and *miths are all what A company called *ymbol owns patent to what common item $hat can you ind on Cali ornia,s 6ount Coo+ !escueD !o5tailD %uppia and Quitch are types o what An the twel"e labours o Hercules what did he do third An Heraldry what symbol is a lymphad $hat @ob lin+s Paul Cli ordD Claude >u"alD CaptE 6acheath $hose cases were =mpty House Copper Beeches Blac+ Peter $hich 'ing is +nown as ?he *uicide 'ing An Costa %ica and =l *al"ador you spend what An the Christmas song your true lo"e ga"e you gi"e eight what Name the Capital o the 3+raine

Punch ; originally ) ingredients ?heatres !inland *pider Christopher 2ee 2e t page ; %ecto right page %ule Coliseum Airports %ome ?el A"i" %otterdam Alice in $onderland !o5 Plo"ers ?eneri e 6?B or 6otor ?orpedo Boat Argentina Pottery Porcelain China -eo rey Chaucer !ull o $oe Old =nglish coins Brown 6elbourne Australia >ance they are types o dance 6aori >eserts *amuel Pic+wic+ ?erriers ?in >ic+ ?urpin $hite riers Badminton >etroit !orests %umanian currency !rench re"olutionary calendar months Currants *hoe 7irginity and Chastity O"er . eet tall $ater alls Bar Code Hollywood sign -rass Capture Arcadian *tag *hip with oars Highwayman *herloc+ Holmes 'ing o Hearts *word through head Colons 6aids a 6il+ing 'ie"

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat was the name o the dog in Peter Pan 3' ootball >erby County home the Baseball -round nic+name ="ery 12 seconds in 3*A someone does what in a Holiday Ann $ho rode a horse called 2amri $hich stringed instrument is blown to produce sound BearD BirdD -oatD =agleD *wan and %abbit what lin+s in Areland Hera in -reece <uno in %ome -oddesses o what An <apan what is an obi Honi soit Cui mal y pence is the motto o what organisation $hat is unusual about ?he la+e o 6onteith in *cotland $hich tree is sacred to Apollo />aphne changed into one0 $ho wrote ?he >ong with the 2uminous Nose and ?he <umblies $hat are Blur CrowD BrimstoneD Owl and %inglet types o ?he liCuor Curacao is la"oured with what An !rench legend who is the lo"er o Abelard A a male ass is a <ac+ass what is a emale called $hat are 2usterD 6oreenD 6ungo and Nan+een types o An -eorge Orwell,s Animal !arm what type o animal was 6uriel An 2ondon what lin+s 2ambethD *t <ames and $estminster $hat does an icthyophage do Oswestry ounded in 1&:1 is Britain,s oldest what An mythology who married the beauti ul maid -alatea An Bradshaws you would ind in ormation about what ?he %omans called it 6amcunium what is this =nglish city *ha+espeare wrote Cruel only to be +ind in what play ?raditional 1 *eas N * Atlantic N * Paci ic Arctic Antarctic H 2aun alD Pelleas and ?ristram were part o what group $ho wrote the humorous boo+s on One 3pmanship -ree+ %oman Apollo Babylonian 6ardu+ Andian 7ishnu gods H $hich =nglish 'ing rode a horse called $hite *urrey Billycoc+D $ideawa+eD -ibus and 6itre all types o what Quilp /A >war 0 is a character in which >ic+ens no"el $hat word can be added to !aeD !enD BilD -oose to ma+e ruit CaraculD >orsetD 3rialD 6u lon and <acobs are types o what $hat are *trengthD Chariot and Hermit BellyD Bloc+D BloutD NutD %ib and waist are all parts o what 6auna 2oaD ParicutinD *urtsey and *usya are all what $hich countries leader was an e5tra in Hollywood BO( was the penname i which writer $hat bird is sometimes called the 9a le $hat organisation is +nown as the *ociety o !riends BaleinD BoopsD !inD -rampus and Pothead are types o what ?he ?en Commandments what was number our $ho wrote the play Androcles and the 2ion $hat country was ruled by the *chleswig;Holstein dynasty An !rance what ta+e place at AuteuilD *aint;Cloud and Chantilly A ?iercel is the correct name or a male what An algophile lo"es what $ho is the %oman -oddess o in"ention and wisdom $hat would you do with a celesta

Nana %ams *teals a towel 'ing Arthur Aeolian Harp All Aslands Childbirth A wide *ash worn li+e a belt Order o the -arter Only one the rest are 2ochs 2aurel =dward 2ear Butter lies Orange Heloise <enny 6aterial or abric ?he -oat All Palaces =ats !ish Public *chool =ton 1&&: ne5t 'ing Pygmalion Aphrodite li e %ailways 6anchester Hamlet Andian 'nights o the %ound ?able *te"en Potter Healing %ichard AAA Hat ?he Old Curiosity *hop Berry *heep ?arot Cards A 7iolin 7olcanoes !idel Castro Charles >ic+ens $oodpec+er Qua+ers $hale 'eep the *abbath holy -eorge Bernard *haw -reece Horse %acing G they are courses Haw+ or !alcon Pain 6iner"a Play it G percussion instrument

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 11
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat would you do i someone ga"e you a ?wan+ $hat is the sub@ect o the re erence boo+ <anes $hich spice comes in hands $hat would you e5pect to see at *anta Pod $hat does a hypodermic literally mean $hat was Peter Bla+e a pop art designers most amous wor+ An which 18.: ilm did =l"is Presley play a mi5ed race character $hat pro ession had 2emual -ulli"er when he was shipwrec+ed $ho is supposed to be buried under 'ings Cross station An the Bible what was an adamant ?homas Caneery writer *chlinders Ar+ comes rom what country $hich %oman =mperor made *unday a religious holiday A you ha"e polythelia what ha"e you got Orthoepy is the study o what $hich *aints day is the 2#rd April $hich modern artist created the 6other and Child >i"ided $hat *ha+espeare character ends saying ?he rest is *ilence Name <ohn Huston,s last ilm $ho was the ather o Acarus An the Old ?estament what is the irst boo+ o 6oses 2ucy Hobbs ?aylor 14.1 irst woman in the 3* to do what $hat is the correct name or a castrated pig $hat is the literal meaning o the title 7iceroy >o"er is the *tate Capitol o which 3* state $here would you ind -iacomo 6arconi airport An the Northern hemisphere its <an 1st *outh Aug 1st what is $hat word describes one tenth o a nautical mile $hat does the 2atin phrase =5 6ores mean $hat does a sacerdotal person study or An the Bible <ohn the Baptist li"ed on wild honey and what $ho wrote the Paris and Prague symphonies 6en are ten times more li+ely than women to ha"e what BondD Cotton !abric and ?ablet are types o what $hat mythical beast is a cross between a lion and an eagle 6elita in the Bible where Paul was shipwrec+ed is where today ?he (oastrian religion began in what country Hydra -yrum was the 2atin name or which element Crystallite is used in what sport ?he hal wit *mi+e appears in which >ic+ens no"el Contralto and *oprano are emale "oices what comes between An North A rica a mou lon is a wild what $hat name,s gi"en to a number that e5actly di"ides into another $ho wrote the boo+ ?he Amazing 6r %ipley $ho dictated the 'oran to 6ohamed Ancient %ome F -reece what ?emple was dedicated to all -ods $hat 3* *tate lag has a 3' 3nion !lag on it An the Old ?estament whose name means -ods with us $hat does an anthrophage practice $ho is the -ree+ -oddess o witchcra t and blac+ magic -rande and Chico are "ersions o what *panish acti"ity

>rin+ it ; it,s tea 6ilitaria G *hips Planes -uns etc -inger >rag %acing 3nder s+in Beatles *ergeant Peppers co"er !laming *tar *hips surgeon Boadicea >iamond Australia Constantine ?hree nipples $ord pronunciation *aint -eorge o =ngland >amien Hurst Hamlet ?he >ead >aedalus -enesis ; irst ) all 6oses boo+s Become a registered dentist Barrow An place o the 'ing >elaware Bologna %acehorse o icial birthdays Cable According to Custom ?he priesthood 2ocusts 6ozart Colour Blindness Paper -ri in 6alta Persia or Aran 6ercury ; Hg *noo+er ; Pool balls made rom it Nicholas Nic+leby 6ezzo ; soprano *heep !actor or >i"isor Patricia Highsmith ?he Angel -abriel Pantheon Hawaii =manuel Cannibalism Hecate !lamenco dancing

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 11
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is a Bodhran used in Areland Petilent wine is what $hat did ?re"or Baylis in"ent An 6edie"al China children up to 1 years old would do what An 1):: BC =gyptian women had to be what to be beauti ul ?he a"erage American does what or )2 minutes a day $ho was the Christian missionary portrayed in Chariots o !ire $hat are sil"er coins made rom $hat *tate was ounded in 18&4 $hereD apart rom the wildD would you ind bulls bears and stags $hat is the *A base unit o electrical current Bell 7iew in 6anchester built in 1824 was Britain,s irst what Anthesis means what in relation to plants $hat children,s character li"ed at *catterbroo+ arm An Christian tradition what *aint is the 7irgin 6ary,s mother ?he ilbert is an alternati"e name or which nut *uperstition i a woman sees a robin 7alentines day marry who Ann !ran+lin in 1182 was the irst woman to do what An dry measure 4 Cuarts are a what 6arch April and 6ay are the only months that ha"e what $hat has #2 panels and .&2 stitches ?homas *ulli"an in New 9or+ in 18:4 introduced what ?he %ussians used what to cure piles A you ha"e Acute hasopharyngitis what,s wrong An 1821 what ceased to be a weapon in the British Army $ho was the only Apostle to die a natural death $hat was banned in China in 1811 as a sign o eudalism An 14th century law in Britain banned the poor rom ha"ing what Oil is the most traded product in the world what is the second At is illegal to ta+e picture o who in (ambia $hat is the acti"e ingredient in Chinese birds nest soup $hat animals e"idence is admissible in 3* courts $hat is the most popular participation sport in Britain An Britain what are *ing ?ao and $eng $ei Po $hich -rand Pri5 dri"er was also a champion claw pigeon shot Ambrosia the ood o the -ods rom the -ree+ Ambroata means Psyscrophillia is se5ual arousal by what $hat company de"eloped the dot matri5 printer or .& Olympics $hat is measured with an ombrometer $ho set a world water speed record o"er 1: mph at age 12 =idology is the search or what $hat star only began singing when she bro+e her leg $hat is !oghorn 2eghorn,s a"ourite song %odin,s ?he ?hin+er is really a portrait o what Atalian poet -race %obin was the irst model ; to model what in 18#: $hat game has only 1 possible opening mo"es $ho owned the dog called Peritus An coo+ery what happens to ood ser"ed arci An orchidectomy in"ol"es what procedure Queen 7ictoria in 14#1 was the irst =nglish monarch to do what

Arish >rum o"er a rame *lightly spar+ling Cloc+wor+ %adio Breast eed Bald %ead a Newspaper =ric 2iddle Copper Nic+el Asrael *toc+ =5changes Amperes -reyhound *tadium An !lower ; blooming $orzel -ummage *aint Ann Hazelnut *ailor Newspaper =ditor in Newport 3*A Pec+ Anagrams Charm %ipal 9am A ootball /soccer0 ?he ?ea Bag Potato suppositories 9ou got a cold ?he 2ance *aint <ohn ?he Pigtail -in ; they were too pissed Co ee Pygmies Bird *pit A Bloodhound >arts Chinese Newspapers <ac+ie *tewart 3' clay ) times Ammortal Cold *ei+o %ain all Ale5ander -raham Bell =5istence o -hosts >oris >ay was a dancer Camptown %aces >ante Contact 2enses >raughts ; Chec+ers Ale5ander the -reat At,s stu ed %emo"al o testicle 2i"e in Buc+ingham Palace

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 12
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho was the science ad"isor on the irst *tar ?re+ ilm $hy does a cynophobe ear An a !rench restaurant what,s plate de @ure translate as Name o the road system lin+s 11 capitals in *outh America Capital cities name translates as City o Aslam An Britain since 1#:: gold and sil"er hallmar+ed what in 181) $here would you ind a planchette 9ou ordered unagi in a <apanese restaurant what would you get A you ha"e dysmorphia what do you hate An ?he 6an with the -olden -un name *caramangas assistant Name Pluto,s moon $hich group o hobbyists spend the most money on it 6ore than 1& million are sold daily in 1): countries ; what $hat is the only insect that can turn its head An Animal !arm what +ind o creature was Bluebell -ene"a stands on what ri"er $hich actor was born in Chiuhauha 6e5ico .1 is the international telephone dialling code or what country $hat American Andian tribe currently has o"er #::::: members An the 3* ci"il war what were graybac+s Casey 'asem was the original "oice o what cartoon character $ho was Bette 6idlers piano player be ore going solo ?he artist *eurat employed which techniCue $here would you ind your (ygomatic Arch $hat is measured in ohms 6en+es 'in+y Hair *yndrome caused by de iciency o what $hich heroine comes rom Amphipolis $here were Belgian wa les in"ented $here would you ind a gambrel On a prescription what does PO mean 2agomorphs re er to which animal $hat is the *A unit o orce Pro"erbially a man is as old as he eels a woman as old as sheH $hat nationality was the irst man to die in a plane crash An scrabble what two letters are worth ten points Name o the 6a@or -eneral who in"ented the e5ploding shell $hich two "egetables are used in "ichyssoise American ol+lore Abner >oubleday in"ented what at $est Point ?here are i"e stars on the lag o which country $hat is the worlds longest race $ho wrote Brea+ ast at ?i any,s $hat irst crossed the =nglish Channel in 18)8 $hich actorFwriter born 18#8 has the irst names <ohn 6arwood $ho ounded the Ballet %usse $ho designed the mini s+irt 6ary Pic+ ord Charlie Chaplin and who ounded 3nited Artists $hat company did actor Brad Pitt model or <ames Bond lew 2ittle Nellie in which ilm An coo+ing something made 7eroniCue must contain what $hich island was the site o the Australian -rand Pri5

Asaac Asimo" >ogs >ish o the >ay Pan American Highway Aslamabad Platinum Oiu@a board indicator =el A body part Nic+ Nac+ Charon -ardeners Bic pens ?he praying mantis A >og %hone Anthony Quinn Australia Chero+ee Body lice *haggy on *cooby >oo Barry 6anilow Pointillism Chee+bone =lectrical resistance Copper Iena warrior princess 2u5embourg On a horse itBs a horses leg By mouth %abbits Newton 2oo+s !rench G Or"ille $rights passenger Q( Henry *hrapnel 2ee+ Potato Baseball Peoples republic o China ?he $hitbread round the world ?ruman Capote Prototype ho"ercra t <ohn Cleese *ergei Pa"lo"ich >iaghile" 6ary Quant > $ -ri ith 2e"is 9ou Only 2i"e ?wice -rapes Philip Asland

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 12
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: Hanoi stands on the *ong;'oi ; what,s it mean 3* ci"il war Con ederate 'ingston hospital -eorgia specialised $here is the *al"ador >ali museum located $ho would use an opisometer A a doctor said you had claudication what ha"e you got $hich country in the world produces the most mangos $ho taught -eorge Harrison to play the sitar <ose 7issariono"ich >zhugash"ili became amous as who $ho was the leader o the Polish trade union *olidarity An Hindu Castes Brahmins were priests what were 7arsyas %obin -ood ellow alternati"e name which *ha+espeare character $hat is lat+e Cindy Craw ord =lle 6acpherson and 6adonna all done what ?he Cuo++a is a member o which animal amily Pro"erbially it was a bold man who irst ate what 2E&11:) acres is eCual to what *A unit An ecostate animal lac+s what $hich country had the irst state "ictims compensation scheme *perrylite is the ore what is e5tracted ?he game pailemalle played on grass e"ol"ed into what On what common ob@ect could you ind a gate and a claw Pa"arti or 3ma is the wi e o who in Hindu religion *usseration is what ?here are o"er &:: recognised breeds o what $hat lin+s *i"an A" ?e"at and Adar ?he word philosophy comes rom -ree+ literally meaning what An the classical ormat there are strictly only i"e positions ; what $here was %obinson Crusoe,s homeD according to the boo+ 'allium is the old name or which element An the Philippines what is lumpia $hat actress said KAt,s better to be nude than unemployedK $hat is a percoid 6a@orca belongs to which island group $ho was he last ?udor monarch o =ngland $hich 18)& ilm won eight Oscars $hat,s the worlds largest selling designer clothing range *ymbolicsEcom was the worlds irst what $hat is the worlds most polluted ma@or city People with hypertrichosis ha"e lots o what Corinthian Aonic and what are the orders o -ree+ architecture Cassiterite is the ore what is e5tracted Athens 148. Paris 18:: *t 2ouis 18:& 2ondon 18:4 what ne5t $hat are scaup $here would you ind your corrugator $hich artist painted ?he *cream An the 3* ci"il war what pet did %obert = 2ee ha"e 188& what,s the most registered dog by American 'ennel Club $hat actress declared KA,ll get na+ed at the drop o a hatK $hat gun does <ames Bond traditionally use An 2atin mala means bad it,s also a a"ourite %oman ood what

%ed %i"er *oldiers with 7enereal >isease *t Petersburg !lorida A cartographer to measure A limp or lameness Andia %a"i *han+ar <oseph *talin 2ech $alesa !armers Puc+ A potato panca+e Appeared in Playboy $allaby An Oyster Hectare %ibs New (ealand in 18.: Platinum Billiards Camera *hi"a $hispering >og <ewish months 2o"e o wisdom Ballet 9or+ Potassium *pring %olls Angie >ic+inson A bony ish Balearic Aslands =lizabeth A On the $ater ront %alph 2auren %egistered domain name 6e5ico City Hair >oric ?in *toc+holm 1812 G Olympic "enues $ild duc+s 9our !orehead =d"ard 6unch A Hen 2abrador retrie"er *haron *tone A $alther PP' Apple

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1#
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat ilm won the best "isual e ects Oscar in 184) $here could you spend a %u iyya ; Capital 6ale ?omatillo is a eature in what countries cusine ?he golden lion is awarded at which ilm esti"al An computing what does =PO* stand or An =nglish its worth 1: points but in Polish only one what is $ho bro+e Bearings ban+ and inspired the ilm %ogue ?rader $ho created the animated characters $allace and -rommet 7anilla is part o which plant amily $hich =nglish monarch was irst to ma+e Imas day broadcast ?he 7atican is the worlds smallest country what,s second $hat does anti pasta literally mean !ire bellied *pade oot and 6idwi e are all types o what An the man rom 3NC2= what does 3NC2= stand or $hat is also +nown as liberty cabbage $ho wrote ?o 'ill a 6oc+ingbird $hat 1818 ilm won the Oscar or best "isual e ects $hich element is e5tracted rom the ore *cheelite $here could you spend a 6etical ; capital 6aputo $hich country consumes the most wine per capita 1.E1 gal per And what the least ; two tablespoons per person An Oct 1882 Bernard 2a"ery o $ales grew an 14lb #oz what Name the most downloaded cyberpet o"er 1& million How may Oscars did %ichard Burton win An the 6ohs scale o hardness what comes in at number eight A Pascal is the *A unit o what Herman (ap designed what AnderanD >elgadoD 2e6ond and !ignon names in what sport A cappella is unaccompanied singing but what it literally mean $illiam <oyce 3* born o Arish descent amous as who in $$2 Artist ; ?he 6onarch o the -len in 14): ; 2ions ?ra algar sCuare Name woman set up ree birth control clinic in Holloway in 182: $hat was the last blac+ and white ilm to win Oscar best ilm $ho wrote the opera >er %osen+a"alier $ho designed the irst @et engine ; lew in 18&1 ?he $right brothers made aircra t but what was their other @ob $ho was the irst Plantagenet monarch o =ngland 11)& to 48 $here could you spend a >ram ; Capital 9ere"an An ancient %ome what was the triclinium $hich *! author created the character 2azarus 2ong *omaliD Balinese and Abyssinian breeds o what $hich city is the capital o ?uscany $hat type o adornment is a Postiche Only one world team horseracing e"ent at Ascot what trophy 3rsus Artus Horribilus ; the 2atin name o what creature $hich -raham -reen boo+ and ilm had Pin+y as the star $hat ilm won the best sound e ects Oscar in 184) A you dial 12# in the 3' what ser"ice do you get $hat is the opposite o nocturnal $ho wrote the boo+ Anter"iew with a 7ampire

Cocoon 6aldi"es 6e5ico 7enice =lectronic Point o *ale 2etter ( in scrabble Nic+ 2eason Nic+ Par+s Orchids -eorge 7 6onaco Be ore the meal ?oads 3tdE NetE ComE 2aw =n orcement *auer+raut Harper 2ee Alien ?ungsten 6ozambiCue 2u5emburg =gypt Brussels *prout 6OPy ish screensa"er None G *e"en Nomination ?opaz Pressure >ingbats ont Cycling An the style o the chapel 2ord Haw;Haw G e5ecuted 18&. *ir =dwin Henry 2andseer 6arie *topes ?he Apartment 18.: <ac+ 2emon %ichard *trauss *ir !ran+ $hittle Bicycle manu acturers Henry AA Armenia >ining %oom %obert Heinlein Cat !lorence *mall Hairpiece *hergar Cup -rizzly Bear Brighton %oc+ Bac+ to the !uture ?he spea+ing cloc+ >iurnal Ann %ice

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1#
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hich element is e5tracted rom the ore *phalerite $hat country consumes the most meat per capita 12& lb 6ens world championships started 18:# but 18#& women what $here could you spend your ?ala ; Capital Apia According to the 2::: census in the 3' what is now a religion $hat is used to ma+e a classic wiener schnitzel $hat can be AnlineD lat or " ?raditionally there are 1:: pleats in what item ?he Amazon ri"er rises in which country $hat is the most commonly used condiment in the world $hat ilm won the best ma+eup Oscar in 1844 $hat ruit does not ripen a ter pic+ing $hich gangster escaped rom @ail using a wooden gun $ho wrote our consecuti"e number one songs in 1814 $hat is the characters name o Agent 4. $hat was the seCuel to ?he %oc+y Horror Picture *how ?he oldest one in America still wor+ing opened in 1428 what ?he *pinet is another name or what old musical instrument Harold the !airhead was the irst supreme ruler o where An astrology which hea"enly body rules the sign o Cancer $ho said A,"e ha"e ta+e more out o alcohol that it has out o me A you sailed due $est rom <apan what country would you hit $hat are the seeds o the herb cilantro called used as a spice =stelle Parsons best supporting actress Oscar what 18.1 ilm $hich !rench artist designed ballet sets or >iaghile" $here might you spend a Ceti ; Capital Accra $hat amily used to li"e in Bug ?ussel An 182& the worlds irst boo+ o what was published A locculent thing resembles what $hat =uropean city is nic+named Auld %ee+ie *elma 2agerlo o *weden in 18:8 irst woman to get what $hat is a Cuahog $hich *aints day is 1st 6arch $ho does the "oiceo"er at the end o 6ichael <ac+son,s ?hriller A you climbed the >olomites what country are you in ?he earliest recorded one held 1441 *heen House %ichmond H $hich ilm won the best story and best song Oscars in 18.8 Ad 2ib is short or the 2atin Ad libitum what,s it literally mean $hich comedian and actors real irst name were 2eslie ?ownes An 181. what show appeared on ?7 or the irst time Name the American pilot shot down o"er %ussia in 18.: ?he ilm 1: %illington Place is based on which British serial +iller An -erman cusine what are +arto len 6embrenaphone musical instruments commonly called what $here might you spend a $on $ho wrote the no"el ?he 6oney Changers $ho was the irst =nglish Poet 2aureate in 1.1. Helsin+i )2D 6elbourne ). D %ome .: what comes ne5t $hat country consumes the most co ee per capita 2) 2b 2ee 6ar"in won the best actor Oscar or what 18.) ilm

(inc Argentina -ymnastics *amoa <edi 'night 7eal Car cylinders A Che s hat Peru 6ustard Beetle@uice Pineapple <ohn >illinger Barry -ibb 6a5well *mart *hoc+ ?reatment Brewery ?he 7irginal Norway ?he 6oon *ir $inston Churchill 'orea Coriander Bonnie and Clyde Henri 6atisse -hana ?he Clampets Crosswords $ool =dinburgh Nobel Prize or 2iterature ?ype o clam >a"id 7incent Price Ataly 6otorcycle %ace Butch Cassidy and *undance 'id At Pleasure Bob Hope Charlie Angels !rancis -arry Powers %eginald Christie Potato dumplings >rums North or *outh 'orea Arthur Hailey Ben@amin <onson ?o+yo .& ; "enues Olympics !inland Cat Ballou

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1&
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hich ilm won the best special e ects Oscar in 18.1 ?he -reat -azoo was an alien in which cartoon series Peach pear and plum all members o which amily o plants $hat is the inal e"ent in the modern pentathlon An *pain what are Paradors $hat are AcheronD Cocytus and Phlegethon Classical se"en ages o man An ant *choolboy 2o"er what,s ne5t An wac+y races who dro"e the con"erter car A %obert Heinlein boo+ won 18.: Hugo award name it $hat happened to you i you get a nosicomial condition Archbishop 6a+arios o Cyprus was e5iled in 18). to where An which no"el would you ind re erence to K?he Crac+s o >oomK A you were per orming Christies or edging what are you doing $here would you ind a cross@ac+ and a span+er An bo5ing what comes between bantam and light weight An >isney,s Bed+nobs and Broomstic+s what magic words used !irst comic boo+ character to return rom death by demand isH -reenmantleD ?hree HostagesD Asland o *heep which character $hich ilm won the best sound e ects Oscar in 188: $hat was "oted the best monopoly piece in 1884 An what city would you ind ?he <acCues Cartier bridge ?he A1 is the longest trun+ road in the 3' between what 2 cities An the animal +ingdom what creatures are in the order Chiroptera -ree+ mythology 'ing 6inos o Crete got what annual payment An medie"al times what was a mangonel used or -eanD Northern bird and >war all types o what $ho met at 3@i@i in 1411 Pilgrims "isit 6ecca where is 6ecca $hat would you do with a wandering sailor -ermans call a $$1 sea ight Battle o *+agerra+ what in 3' Port /le t0 was called what be ore Admiralty named it port in 14&& $hich *panish town is noted or high Cuality steel swords ?he Ngorogoro crater is in what ?anzanian National Par+ HamletD 6acbeth Othello which *ha+espeare tragedy is missing *andD *oda and what are the main ingredients o glass $hat colour are the seats in the House o 2ords $hat are Cats tailD Coc+s oot and *heep,s escue An what city would you ind the *panish %iding *chool $hat is the most commonly used oil in Chinese coo+ery $hich ilm won the best screenplay Oscar in 181: ?he word gospel rom Anglo *a5on literally means what ?hor Heyerdahl "essels were 'on ?i+iD %a and what And what happened to ?igris #rd April 1814 A a doctor ga"e you an Ashihara test what is he testing or Only one miracle is mentioned in all our gospels what is it $hat is the worlds longest mountain range <ason and the Argonauts sailed to where loo+ing or the leece *uez is at one end o the *uez canal what is at the other $hat are huntingD dressD old and Price Charles =dward types o >owsD -rahams and $arres amous producers o what wine

?he -uns o Na"erone ?he !lintstones %oses Horse riding *tate owned tourist hotels %i"ers o Hell *oldier Pro essor Pat Pending *tarship ?roopers An ection caught in hospital ?he *eychelles 2ord o the %ings *+iing *ailing ship there sails !eather weight Bibbity Bobbity Boo <o+er in Batman %ichard Hannay Hunt or %ed October ?he Car 6ontreal 2ondon ; =dinburgh Bats 1 men M $omen to eed to 6inator At was a siege catapult Cherry ?ree H 6 *tanley and >rE 2i"ingstone *audi Arabia Plant it itBs a plant Battle o <utland 2arboard ?oledo *erengeti 'ing 2ear 2imestone %ed ; Commons green ?ypes o grass 7ienna -roundnut or Peanut 6A*H -ood ?idings ?igris He burned it anti war protest Colour blindness !eeding o )::: ?he Andes Colchis Port *aid ?artans Port

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1&
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is the o icial language o Cuba $hat new in"ention was shown to Queen 7ictoria 1& <an 1414 An 18). 1. tons topped the 3' charts who was the singer He died 24th <uly 11): and had 2: children . sur"i"ed name him $ho ga"e 9"es *aint 2aurent his start in ashion $hat is the irst name o Agatha Christies 6iss 6arple ="angeline Booth became the irst woman general in what army 9ou are a saucy boy comes rom what *ha+espeare play $hich ilm won the best sound e ects Oscar in 1841 Nap+a currency Asmara o icial capital which A rican country $here would you ind pedals a resonator and a piller Agnoring Queen name the only woman to appear on 3' currency An area what is the largest *outh American country Pierre Augustine Caron de Baumarchais play what Opera based on it An wac+y races who dro"e the Creepy Coop $hose catchphrase was K*top messing AboutK <ohn >ic+ Ann ?immy who is missing rom this amous i"e >awson City was replaced by $hitehorse as the capital where Carara in ?uscany is amous or producing what ?here are 1): what in ?he Bible Author o -ood as -old and Closing ?ime but amed or another ?he Owen !ord >am one o worlds largest is in which country $hich wine grape "ariety is nic+named ?he 'ing o -rapes CushatD %oc+ and *toc+ all types o which creature $hat do ensignD cadetD osprey and ):) ha"e in common An coo+ery what does ricotta literally mean $hat lin+s 6artha Corey Brigit Bishop 6ary =asty in 11th cent An *ha+espeare 'ing 2ear was +ing o where Artist 6arc Chegal died in 184) in what country was he born $hich ilm won the best song Oscar in 1811 $ho wrote 6an are rom 6ars $omen are rom 7enus 'lu 'lu5 ClamD 3ncle Ant >isgruntled goat characters romH $hich artist painted ?he !ighting ?emeraire $hy could you ind a hoist and a ly $here would you see a stoop or what creature is doing it >r ?eeth was the leader o the band =lectric 6ayhem ; where >ammen in >utch is what game A horses height is measured rom the ground to what part $hat was the irst >isney animated ilm released on "ideo An *uperman what was the original name o ?he >aily Planet 2ouisa Adams was the only irst lady to be what An Atalian pasta cusine what does al dente literally mean A a wine is described as alcooleu5 what has it got $hich o the Apostles is traditionally pictured with a purse $hich peoples name translates as eaters o raw lesh -uiseppe 7erdi wrote Aida ; in what city was it premiered >ance with a *tranger was the ilm o who,s li e story $hat nationality was *aint Paul o ?arsus $here did you see !ancyD *poo+ and Choo;Choo An which ilm was the best supporting actor Oscar won in 181)

*panish ?he telephone ?ennessee =rnie !ord <ohan *ebastian Bach Christian >ior <ane *al"ation Army %omeo and <uliet %obocop =ritrea On a Harp !lorence Nightingale Brazil Barber o *e"ille -ruesome ?wosome 'enneth $illiams <ulian 9u+on 6arble Psalms <oseph Heller Catch 22 3ganda Cabernet *au"ignon >o"es *ailing >inghy,s ?wice coo+ed *alem $itchcra t trial Britain %ussia *ha t ; ?he theme rom *ha t <ohn -rey Atchy P *cratchy in ?he *impsons <oseph 6allard $illiam ?urner On a lag A alcons di"ing ?he 6uppet *how >raughts or Chec+ers $ithers ; base o nec+ crest line >umbo ?he >aily *tar Born outside 3*A ?o the teeth O"erwhelming alcohol 6atthew ta5man =s+imo Cairo %uth =llis ?ur+ish An ?op Cat ?he *unshine Boys -eorge Burns

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1)
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): 'e"in 'line won best supporting actor Oscar which 1844 ilm 'ipros in -ree+ 'ibris in ?ur+ish what is it in =nglish $hat is the main ingredient o the Andian dish dahl An anti;tussed is used to treat what Ball is #4 millimetres in diameter weighs 2E) grams what sport An the 3' the Cler+ o the Closet is the Queens o icial what A burning oil lamp is the symbol o which organisation ?he Comstoc+ load is a sil"er deposit in what 3* state $hat ?7 show ta+es place in *unnydale An 2::1 one acti"e 3' warship named a ter an =nglishman who $alloons spea+ what language An -usta" Holsts planets suite which planet is the magician $hat 3' gentleman,s club irst in 1481 to admit lady members Ab O"o 2atin or the "ery beginning but what,s it literally mean $ho was the last =mperor o !rance Andy -reen irst bro+e the sound barrier on land in what car Names rom @obs ; Ba+er Coo+ ob"ious what was a Pallistair ?he *e"en Pillars o $isdom comes rom where Name -len 6illers signature tune <osephine Hull best supporting actress Oscar which 18): ilm $hich word lin+s a type o bread and a cut o precious stone $hat country does China ha"e its longest land border with Astronomer !red Hoyle coined which phrase ?he irst 3* copyrighted ilm showed what in 148& $hat do the our Cuarters o a hot cross bun symbolise PalmD Oli"eD Cyprus and Cedar what is the biblical lin+ Antelligents %eport a Cuarterly magazine in 3* which sub@ect Paludism is an old name or which disease $hat was the worlds irst patented synthetic ood in 14.8 Polish sprinter =wa 'lobu+ows+a irst do what at 'ie" in 18.1 $ho owns ?he O"al cric+et ground $ho might use ruddle or what is it $hat organisation recently banned in %ussia as paramilitary $hose song did the Beatles sing on irst ?7 appearance 18.2 $hat,s unusual about portrait >u+e o 6onmouth in Nat -allery Harry * ?ruman and -erald !ord what,s the non ob"ious lin+ $hich is the only *ha+espeare play not to contain a song A imetarious organism grows where $hat lasted ) hours and twel"e minutes in 18.8 longest e"er $hich ilm won the best "isual e ects Oscar in 184& 6ount 2ogan is the highest mountain in which country ?he Napstar logo shows headphones on what $hat sporting contest Peter Christian win in <an 11 with 1F1. oz A a dog is canineD cat eline what creature is accipitrine %ene %aymond is better +nown as which author $hat got named by no"elist -ilbert !ran+au at a party in 182. An 18th century 3*A what was ?he 6ongolian Curse A you su ered rom scripturience what are you compelled to do 2in+ Aurora ?e5asD *pitsbergen Norway and 3batuba Brazil $hat,s the 3* eCui"alent to the >epartment o Health in the 3'

A !ish Called $anda Cyprus 2entils Coughs ?able ?ennis Chaplin -ideons Ne"ada Bu y the 7ampire *layer *ir $inston Churchill !rench in Belgium 3ranus %e orm club !rom the egg Napoleon AAA ?hrust **C !ence ma+er Pro"erbs in Bible 6oonlight *erenade Har"ey Baguette 6ongolia ?he Big Bang A man sneezing 6oon phases $oods cross made 3!O organisation 6alaria 6argarine !ail se5 test was disCuali ied Prince Charles *hepherds dye mar+ing sheep *al"ation Army %oy Orbison >ream Baby Ats not him 2e t handed ?he Comedy o =rrors An aeces or shit $imbledon ?7 match no tie brea+ Andiana <ones ?emple o >oom Canada A cat Angling ; total /only0 catch A haw+ %aymond Chandler (ip he said (ip its open (ip its shut Opium $rite things down 3!O crash sites *urgeon -eneral

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1)
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 <ean 6ontgol ier in 11)1 built the worlds irst what 2in+ the sports Cric+etD %ac+etsD CroCuet and 6otorboat racing $hich ?7 gangster owns the nightclub called ?he Ba >a Bing $here would you ind or what are guntlines How many one legged popes ha"e there been Asrael Baline became more amous under what name $hich 3* state was +nown as K?he mother o PresidentsK $hy did certain busses in *ta ordshire re use to pic+ up people ?he three toed sloth only does it e"ery 1: days ; what $ho is the only director to win # Oscars within i"e years in #:s $hose irst single released <uly 18.1 was Buttered Popcorn $here are a whales nipples $hat theologian claimed he could dri"e away the de"il with a art $ho de"ised the idea o a lat rate postal charge How to you turn a woman into a cuc+Cuean $here would you ind a %oc+erD =ightD 2oop and ?hree *amuel Pepys wi e always slept with what in her hand ?he medical @ournal Practitioner 182# said it will ne"er happenH Bruce Philip in 184) recorded what sporting irst $hat is measured in units called @nd An the 3' which school choir had a No 1 with a song grandma An the pasa doble what is the emale dancer supposed to be A napi orm thing is shaped li+e what $hat was the irst country in 142& to legalise ?rade 3nions $hat is the worlds longest insect ?he angel shar+ has what other name $hich mummi ied tendon was auctioned at Christies in 18.8 6arie *topes disco"ered what in British 6useum a ter marriage $hat does a callipygian person ha"e $hich 1811 ilm won se"en Oscars but none or acting At came into ootball in 182# men say women donBt understandH $hat is a nidologist interested in Name =leanor %oose"elt,s @ob 18#2 husband became president Arthur *ars ield $ard the creator o !u 6an Chu is which author $ho wrote *er"ants o the $an+h in 18.8 $hat song was on the B side o ?he Beatles $e can wor+ it out -eorges Claude in"ented what in 1811 An which country did the irst Christmas stamp appear in 1484 How does paella get its name Al red Hitchcoc+,s daughter appeared in Psycho ; name her $ho li"ed in Honalee $hat is the largest wild animal in the 3' An the song who told 2aura he lo"ed her in 18.: $ho owns >artmoor prison Name the sub@ect Harry Harrison,s 1811 boo+ -reat Balls o !ire Asaiah *ellers did it be ore *amuel Clements ; did what $hich =nglish 'ing holds the o icial record o bastards 21 $here would you ind a corbicula An 18)1 the shortest e"er lasted 2E) minutes ; shortest what

Paper actory Only appeared once in Olympics ?ony *oprano %ope ; gro"es None Ar"ing Berlin 7irginia & out o 1st ) 'eeping to schedule >e ecate ; or crap !ran+ Capra 18#& 18#. 18#4 ?he *upremes On its bac+ 6artin 2uther Charles Babbage *hag her husband emale cuc+old !igures in Ace *+ating His >ic+ ?eaching o contraception %owed or O5 ord and Cambridge *ensiti"ity <ust noticeable di erence *aint $ini red,s A bull ighters cloa+ A turnip Britain Borneo stic+ insect ?he mon+ ish Napoleons Penis *hould not be "irgin Pretty shaped buttoc+s *tar $ars ?he o side rule Birds nests =ditor o magazine Babies *a5 %ohmer <ac+ 7ance *! >ay ?ripper Neon lights Canada !rom coo+ing pan Patricia Hitchcoc+ Pu the magic dragon ?he *cottish red deer %ic+y 7alance Prince Charles *e5 in *cience !iction 3sed 6ar+ ?wain Henry A Honey bee G sac+s carry pollen Boat race O5 ord san+

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
1:: Ones $hich ilm won the best story Oscar in 18)4 ?he >e iant

No Questions Quiz 1.
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 $ho wrote the lyrics or Oscar winning song $hole New $orld An empelomaniac has a desire to do what $ho described ?7 as KChewing gum or the massesK How did Billie Holiday get the nic+name 2ady $hich creatures communicate by touchD smell and dance $hat do the initials Bt mean a ter a surname $hat was the worlds highest structure until 18#: $hat is a 6e5ican Blac+ Howler An which country did the study o geometry originate A normal human body has &. what $hat is Australia,s Barossa "alley +nown or $hat is the worlds astest mo"ing insect How is something coo+ed i done en papillote $hich detecti"e li"ed in Cabot Co"e 6aine $hat would you do with a na+ed lady $hat became legal in 18:1 in the 3' Harry 2ongbaugh became better +nown under what name $hich country has the worlds irst greyhound racing trac+ $hat was 6arie Osmonds only solo hit Ben Hur won most Oscars 11 what ilm comes second with 1: A myomancer predict the uture by studying what $hich actress said KBeing a se5 symbol is li+e being a con"ictK ?he -olden Bear is awarded at which ilm esti"al $hat inancial item was introduced to 3' in *eptember 18.# $here did Andian in+ originally come rom $here is <udge >read a @udge $hat was the capitol o %ussia be ore 6oscow A crapulous person is ull o it ; what A you ha"e cherophobia what are you a raid o <ohn 2ennon named ?he Quarrymen a ter what How many best director Oscars did Al red Hitchcoc+ win An !rance what is eau de "ie ?he *a"annah was the worlds irst commercial what $hich county has the most 6=Ps 88 *hips +nown as ?he !irst !leet transported what in 1144 -eotropism a ects what 6arie -resholtz is better +nown as who =CuestrianD 9achting and what Olympic sport are se5es eCual A you saw !ringilla Coelebs what bird ha"e you noticed $hich ilm won the best ma+eup Oscar in 1882 A you had crabites what ha"e you got ?his ?7 series ran or 14 episodes be ore it was scrapped ; what $hich Beatles song did ?he O"erlanders ta+e to number one A mirliton is another name or what musical instrument $here is the largest church in the world And who designed it $hat sort o meat is used in the dish -uard o Honour $hat sport was banned in =ngland in 14&8

?im %ice Hold public o ice Architect !ran+ 2loyd $right %e used to pic+up tips with "agina Bees Baronet =i el ?ower A 6on+ey =gypt Chromosomes $ine production ?ropical Coc+roach An Paper <essica !letcher Plant it G its Colchinium Bo5ing ?he *undance 'id 3*A Paper %oses $est *ide *tory ?he shape o mice %aCuel $elch in 1818 Berlin American =5press card China 6ega City *aint Petersburg Alcohol ; it means drun+ <oy ; happiness His old school None Brandy Atomic powered ship -ermany Con"icts to Australia Plants its gra"ity growth response 6adam ?ussaud *hooting ?he Cha inch Bram *to+ers >racula Collection o ossil crabs *tar ?re+ 6ichelle A 'azoo 7atican in %ome 6ichelangelo Nec+ o 2amb Coc+ ighting

Page 152

10000 general knowledge questions and answers
&8 ): %onald $ycherley became more amous as who Nostology is the study o what Billy !ury *enility

No Questions Quiz 1.
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 Brian -amlin o Bury is credited with what sporting in"ention $hich countries wine might be labelled >OCA"an 6augher won si5 world titles at what sport $ho is the Patron *aint o -ermany and sodomy !rom which alphabet do all western alphabets originate <ohn Boo+s was the inal role o which actor -erry >awsy became more amous as who And he was born in which country $ho did the walrus and the carpenter as+ to wal+ with them <ac+ Palance won best supporting actor Oscar in what 1881 ilm $hat,s unusual about a bobhouse $hat was <ohn >en"ers only solo 3' number one $hich dancing represents ertility through death and rebirth ?he 3*A declared war on which country in 1484 Polite society man does it 2 legs woman sitting dog # legs what $hat does the >AN number mean on photographic ilm $hich spice is used in a whis+y sling $hat +ey is music written in i it has i"e lats $hich sea area is immediately south o Areland ChimpanzeesD gorillas and orang;utans what is missing $hat building lin+s *tacy 'each and Oscar $ilde Chuc+ 6c'inley was the only American to do what in the .:s An the body what do the Aslets o 2angerhans do At is the =nglish Channel but what do the !rench call it Bob "an $in+le changed his name to what Name !ran+ *inatra,s 9acht $hat is the main ingredient o bo5ty bread By what other name is the double album ?he Beatles +nown $hat does an Ale5andra taste o Name the irst actor to get best actor Oscar or repeating a role $hat was =l"is Presley,s irst 3' number one And what was his irst 3* number one Hippoglossus;hippoglossus is which common sea ish 2ong @umpD High <umpD ?riple <ump what missing $hat capitol is on the slopes o the "olcano Pichincha $hich =nglish composer wrote a *ea symphony $hat,s the name o the techniCue or measuring at a distance =ight bells on board a ship means what $here were the irst =uropean co ee houses opened ?he Academie !rancaise ensures the purity o what 9"on Petra was the last man to do what at $imbledon $hat is embolia $hat sort o drin+ is barbancourt $ho dro"e the 6c2aren to its irst grand pri5 "ictory in 18.4 An which country is the secretariat o the =uropean Parliament $hat is the main ingredient o a moussa+a $hat was the Beatles irst 3' top ten single $hich character li"ed at # stable mews City o 2ondon

Numbers on >artboard Ataly *peedway *aint Boni ace Phoenician <ohn $ayne in ?he *hootist =nglebert Humperdinc+ Andia ?he Oysters City *lic+ers Ats on s+is Annies *ong 6orris dancing *pain *ha+e hands *peed o ilm Nutmeg > lat !astnet -ibbons %eading <ail $in $imbledon *ecrete Ansulin 2a 6anche 7anilla Ace 6y $ay Again Potatoes ?he $hite album Chocolate Paul Newman G Colour o 6oney All shoo+ up Heartbrea+ Hotel Halibut Pole 7ault Olympic @umping e"ents Quito =cuador %alph 7aughan $illiams ?elemetry =nd o a watch 7ienna ?he !rench language $ear lannels Hesitations in speech %um Bruce 6c2aren himsel 2u5emburg Aubergines Please;please me <ohn *teed in the

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
88 1:: $hat do homodonts ha"e that hetrodonts donBt $hat was the only horror ilm nominated best ilm Oscar A"engers *ame shaped teeth ?he =5orcist in 181#

No Questions Quiz 11
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 6argaret Herric+ named it in 18#1 what $here would you see a pilcrow *hooting %abbits ?al+ing -erman Cutting !inger old terms what $hose last word were KA ha"e not told hal o what A sawK ?he !oudrinier machine is used to manu acture what $hat is the largest species o lat ish $hich is the earliest 3* military award or ser"ice beyond duty An the 3' sport o 'ings what is signi icant about the number 14 Hemmingway,s Old 6an and the *ea is set in which country NAOH is the chemical ormula or what 9ou can ha"e a troop o actors and what group o animals $hat mo"ie memorabilia sold at Christies in 1841 or O42):: An literature and ilms whose ather was the =arl o >orincourt $hat do lentic ish li+e that lotic ish donBt Cli %ichards *he,s so Beauti ul who played e"ery instrument $hich gol er was nic+named *uperme5 Nossa *enhora da Aparecida is Patron *aint o which country Acinony5 <ubatus is what big pussy Portrait o a 6an is the real title o which artistic wor+ 7itamin B2 has what other name %ibo la"in $ho was gi"en a honorary Oscar in 184) a ter ): years acting $here were the 18)2 Olympic games held A lageolet is another name or what musical instrument American Hamilton *mith in"ented what in 14)4 $hose symphony number se"en is called the 2eningrad $hat is the biggest tourist attraction in (ambia An $$2 what +ind o aircra t was a horsa An 18.1 what new sa ety measure was introduced to the 3' Pat *ulli"an created which cartoon character A newborn bactrian camel has how many humps 2eonid 'ra"chu+ became president o where in 1881 American Paul ?herou5 wrote no"els and about what else An contract bridge a hand called chicane has what ?he 2adies 6ercury in 1.8# was the worlds irst what $illiam 2e Baron <enny is credited with in"enting what in the 3* $hose inal opera was called >eath in 7enice $hich -ree+ mountain is consecrated to the muses 6arzipan comes rom 6arci Panis literally meaning what Antanananari"o is the capitol o where 6aidenD 6other o AllD !ootman all parts o what ?he women,s world cup in tennis is played or what trophy $hat sort o creature is a bariroussa An >allas what was the name o the bar Handel,s Harmonious Blac+smith is played on what instrument $hat organisation was ounded Canada by 6rs Hoodless 1481 $hat is the name o the %ussian triangular guitar ?he irst what was called ?he Original

?he Oscar G loo+ed li+e her uncle New paragraph symbol !arting G 7ictorian euphemism 6arco Polo Paper Halibut Purple Heart 6a5 letters in a racehorses name Cuba *odium Hydro5ide 6on+eys Chaplains Hat Cane 2ittle 2ord !auntleroy 2entic still waters lotic lowing *te"ie $onder 2ee ?ra"ino Brazil Cheetah ?he 2aughing Ca"alier !ranz Halls <ames *tewart Helsin+i A penny whistle A washing machine *hosta+o"ich 7ictoria alls A glider Breathalyser !eli5 the cat None 3+raine ?ra"el No trump cards $omen,s magazine *+yscraper Ben@amin Britain Helicon 6ar+s bread *t 6ar+s day 2) April 6adagascar A *pinning wheel ?he !ed cup A pig Cattleman,s Club Harpsichord ?he $omen,s Anstitute Balalai+a Purpose built li eboat

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
&4 &8 ): 3*A 3' and Arish women gol ers play or which trophy $ho began his career as one o the ?ennessee ?wo A man who commits Pseudogyny is doing what Curtis cup <ohnny Cash 3ses woman,s name to decei"e

No Questions Quiz 11
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: A a doctor gi"es you a clyster what ha"e you @ust got $here is the worlds largest mine 7i"aldiD Purcell and Handel,s music is what type $e +now what a "eto is but what does it literally mean Atahualpa was the last ruler o who An the body luteinizing hormone is produced by what gland $hat is used in a tempera painting An the *i+h religion what is +esh $hat was 7i"aldi,s pro ession apart rom composing C ? %ussell ounded what organisation $hich spice gi"es curry its colour Pidgin =nglish started because o trade between 3' and where An the international code o signals what does Oscar signi y A you had canitis what ha"e you got Name the Beatles irst 2P released in 18.# An which country is Penina gol course $hich artery supplies the +idneys with blood $hich two colours are on a semaphore lag $ho was the irst American in space ; twice $hat was classical composer 6ussorgs+y,s irst name $hat is the largest BB* in the world An standard cine ilm how many rames are shown each second $hat was on B side o ?he %olling *tones %uby ?uesday %ol Harris was Australian @unior champion at what $hat does a lachrymose person do ; a lot $here could you spend a guarani ?he Attoc+ is a orbidden ri"er that no pure who can pass ?he marimba is a A rican orm o what musical instrument ?he -luc+au was the worlds irst what Otalgia is what condition Portuguese $est A rica is now +nown as what Country singer Han+ $ang ord has what pro ession $hat is smoc+ing $hat -erman word is printed on the labels o high Cuality wine $hat type o soup is a dubarry ?he =pstein;Barr "irus causes what illness $ho was nic+named Ampeesa /no sleep wol 0 by 6atabele tribe ?he =aster lily is a nati"e plant o which country Aaron Copeland wrote a ballet about which American ol+ hero $hich !lemish painter produced Adoration o the 'ings $hich Cuiz program ne"er had contestants only contenders !rom the bull what colour is ourth on an archery target $hose only line in his irst play was ?ennis Anyone $hich ilm is the irst o the spaghetti westerns $ho wrote Cli %ichards hit song 2i"ing >oll $hich industry uses the gra"ure method $hat pollinates malacophilous plants Name the %olling *tones second album An what country are the Painted 2a+es <ac+ Nic+laus named his course a ter his 3' a"ourite what

An@ected into rectum by tube Carleton"ille *outh A rica BaroCue A orbid Ancas Pituitary =gg yo+e and water 3ncut hair or beard Priest <eho"ah,s $itnesses ?urmeric China 6an o"erboard -rey hair Please;please me Portugal ?he renal %ed 9ellow -us -rissom 6odest Compu*er"e ?wenty our 2ets *pend the Night ?ogether *wimming G Bac+stro+e Cry Paraguay Hindu Iylophone Oil ?an+er =arache Angola -ynaecologist Needlewor+ 'abinett Cream o cauli lower -landular e"er Baden Powell <apan Billy the 'id Brueghel 6astermind Blac+ Humphry Bogart A ist ul o >ollars 2ionel Bart Printing *nails %olling *tones No 2 Andonesia 6uir ield

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 14
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hich group wished it could be Christmas e"ery day ?he asteroidea are which order o creatures $hat is the main ingredient o *cotch $oodcoc+ Astra+han comes rom which animal *omewhere 6y 2o"e was the theme song o which mo"ie $hose irst boo+ was called Child $hispers *aint *tephens day is better +nown as what ?he Bronte sisters had a brother name him -olden and Argus are "arieties o what bird $hat is the magazine o the *al"ation Army called ?he >utch %oyal amily are Orange where is Orange $ho irst noticed that the sun had spots $hat nationality was tennis player 6ichael Chang *ali5 Alba produces which drug Philip -lass wrote an opera about which amous person Name 6ary Quant,s shop that led the .:s ashion re"olution <anet <ac+son had a starring role in which ?7 series An music what is meant by pianissimo $hose autobiography was entitled Past Amper ect $ho played bass guitar in *uzi Quarto,s group Apart rom eggs what is in an Arnold Bennett omelette An Peter Pan what were the names o $endy,s brothers $ho wrote the series o no"els with the hero *harp $hat is the richest natural "egetable ood $hich wine has "arieties called malmsey and sercial Picardy is in the north east o which country =laine Boo+binder became more amous as who An which sport is the 2ance B ?odd memorial award won Ann (iegler was the singing partner o which ilm star $hat are the two o icial languages o !inland $ho did the original thugs worship At $aterloo who commanded the Prussian troops $ho was the irst male tennis player to win 1:: tournaments $hat +ind o dancer was 6ister Bo@angles At,s now the Birmingham %oyal Ballet but it used to be what Harry Patterson is the real name o which author $hich grand pri5 circuit is only 1E8) miles long $hich country has the largest orthodo5 church $hich bird is the symbol o the %oyal *ociety Protection Birds $ho was born 6ar+ !eld ?osca is the heroine o the opera but what is her irst name Ca"atina what the theme music to which ilm $hich microbe produces alcohol An the Bible the good *amaritan was tra"elling to where $hich character irst appeared in the boo+ Call or the >ead ?he temple at =phesus was sacred to who An $$2 in what !rench city did the -ermans surrender An the Bible which boo+ ollows <ohn *ean Connery has what real irst name <e ery Archer wrote 'ane and Abel what was the seCuel called

$izard *tar ish Ancho"ies *heep >octor (hi"ago =nid Blyton Bo5ing day Branwell Pheasant ?he $arcry 7illage in !rance -alileo American Aspirin ; rom the willow Albert =instein Bazaar !ame 7ery so tly <oan Collins *uzi Quatro *mo+ed Haddoc+ 6ichael <ohn Bernard Cornwell *oya bean 6aderia !rance =l+ie Broo+s 6an o the 6atch %ugby 2eague $ebster Booth !innish and *wedish ?he -oddess 'ali 6arshal Blucher <immy Connors A ?ap >ancer *addlers $ells Opera <ac+ Higgins 6onaco %ussia A"ocet 6arc Bolan !loria ?he >eer Hunter 9east ; alcohol is yeast piss <ericho -eorge *miley by <ohn 2eCarre >iana %eims Acts o the Apostles ?homas ?he Prodigal >aughter

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 14
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: A race is won by our laps o the trac+ ; which sport %etsina is a wine rom which country Hedera Heli5 is better +nown by what name $hat are Hamilton House and Petronella $hat was the subtitle o Police Academy *i5 $hat is a peru+e $hat does the re erence boo+ Croc+ ords list $hich Atalian city is at the heart o its ashion industry $hich ood was rationed a ter $$2 ended but not during it $hich group had a 181:s 3' number one hit with Oh Boy *hamanism is the religion o which people Blac+D whooper and Berwic+ all "arieties o what ?he linden tree is also called what $hat does it mean in the 3' i a telephone number starts :4:: <7C launched 7H* in 181. what does 7H* stand or ?he penny red was the irst postage stamp to ha"e what Cultured pearls were irst grown in which country $hat was irst sold as a cold cure ; not what we use it or now 2ouis 6a5well became well +now or playing which role $ho said KA,"e no problem with drugs ; only policemenK $ho was the last %oman Catholic 'ing o =ngland $hich beer was ad"ertised as good or you Concetta !ranconeri became more amous as who On the ?hames they go swan upping annually what is it According to the pro"erb which ruit tastes sweetest $ho designed clothes under the emporio label $hat is a zin andel -reyhound racing in 3' what colour does the No one dog wear An which building do they elect a new Pope Brian Connolly was the lead singer o which 1:s group $hose autobiography is called K?a+e it li+e a 6anK ?he earth pig is what animal $hat is the title o the wi e o a 6arCuis $hat colour is angelica $hat is a lacuna $hat was Buddy Hollies real irst name $ho was the Bad in the spaghetti westerns $hat was -handi,s pro ession $hat countries o icial name is Bharat =dradour is the smallest one in *cotland ; what Citrus -randis is the 2atin name o which ruit $hat lager reached the parts other beers could not reach Collecti"e nouns ; what pro ession gather in a bench ?he Atalians call it pesce what is it in =nglish An $$2 what was operation dynamo $hich sport is played at %oland -arros A !rench wine described as dou5 is what $hat is ?erry $ogans real irst name ?he grand pri5 d,=ndurance is run on which circuit 2es -ray was the lead singer o which group

*peedway -reece A"y *cottish country dances City 3nder *iege A wig Church o =ngland clergy 6ilan Bread 6ud Anuit or =s+imos *wan 2ime tree AtBs a ree call ; toll ree 7ideo Home *ystem Per orations <apan Al+a;*eltzer 6oneypenny in early Bond ilms 'eith %ichard <ames AA -uinness Connie !rancis Counting swan population !orbidden -eorgio Armani $hite grape "ariety %ed *istine Chapel ?he *weet Boy -eorge ; or -eorge O,>oud Aard"ar+ 6archioness -reen A *pace Charles 2ee "an Clee 2awyer Andia ; in Hindi >istillery -rape ruit Heine+en Bishops !ish ="acuation o >un+ir+ ?ennis in Paris on clay courts 6edium *weet 6ichael 2e 6ans 2& hour race 6ud

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 18
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat was <ames *halto >ouglas claim to sporting ame $hat is philography $hat symbol did 41 year old Arthur =isenmenger design An which boo+ o the Bible did 6oses die $ho died in 1421 rom arsenic poisoning rom the wallpaper P9 are the international car registration letters o which country An old =nglish what is a Bellibone ; !rom !rench Belle Bonne $hat is a male guinea pig called A Blue Amperial or a New (ealand white types o what An science it can be up down strange top or bottom what can $hat was the surname o the amily in ?he -rapes o $rath Name "egetable banned di erent times causing leprosy ric+ets $hat sport do you compete or Currie cup and %an urly *hield A belemnoid is what sort o shape in zoological terms $ho does the Beatles song ?he ool on the Hill re er too $here could you ind ?he round window and ?he o"al window ?he %oman pro"ince 6a5ima Ceasariensis was in what country $hich British poet was also a <esuit priest ?he mandylion is another name or which contentious ob@ect $hat is the more common name or serigraphy An the 3' what was the irst product ad"ertised on ?7 in colour $hat would you do with a drupe $hat was 'ing -eorge 7A irst name $hat colour is the purple inch $hich is the oldest walled city in the world $hat spice comes rom the curcuma plant $hich ilm star was described as KA "acuum with nipplesK Harrods was the irst 3' store to install what A gol er can only do it or i"e minutes ; what $hat is used to thic+en gazpacho $hat was the irst country to ha"e a public monorail system *lipD sCuare and surgeon all types o what $hat would you do with or what is a millers thumb $ho irst wrote about the myth o Atlantis $hich cartoon character has a girl riend named Petunia $ho was the Phoenician -oddess o lo"e 2ucus >ominitus Ahenobarbus was better +nown as who ?he Nuer people come rom which country $hich is *ha+espeare,s shortest play 6anutius,s 7irgil printed 1):1 was the irst time what was used PulCue is a beer based on what ?iede Pea+ is a "olcano on which island $hat is the *A unit o capacitance $ho owned the yacht 2ady -hislane $hat colours are on a pollution ree beach lag On a pencil what do the initials HB stand or $here is a sumo wrestling tournament held Name Hong 'ong Phooey,s cat On an ordinance sur"ey map which symbol shows a battle ield On which circuit is the Portuguese grand pri5 held

6arCuis o Queensbury ; Bo5ing Autograph collecting ?he =uro note graphic >euteronomy Napoleon Bonaparte Paraguay !air 6aiden Boar %abbits Quar+ <oad Potato %ugby 3nion >art shaped -alileo An the human ear =ngland -erald 6anley Hop+ins ?he ?urin *hroud *il+ screen printing Birds =ye Peas =at it ; itBs a ruit Albert ; but 7ictoria said no +ing Albert Crimson <ericho ?urmeric 6arilyn 6unroe An escalator 2oo+ or his lost balls Breadcrumbs <apan 'not =at it ; type o ish Plato Por+y Pig Astarte Nero *udan ?he Comedy o =rrors Atalic letters Cactus ?eneri e !arad %obert 6a5well Blue ; gold stars Hard Blac+ A Basho *pot Crossed swords =storil

No Questions Quiz 18


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: HarpD =lephant and 2eopard all types o what Name the producer o *tars+y P Hutch and Be"erly Hills 8121: Name the -ree+ national airline Bilrubin is produced by what part o the body $e +now what 6ardi -ras is but what,s its literal translation ?o nearest 1::: in 14:: how many wild tur+eys were in ?ur+ey $hat is Burgoo An ?he *impsons name the cat $hat can be dipoleD loop or helical $hat do you do with a hassoc+ $hat was the capitol o =ngland be ore 2ondon also a 3* gun An elephant is called a pachyderm what does it literally mean BC- "accine is used against which in ectious disease Apart rom a caber by rule what is compulsory in caber tossing 2ittle ="a introduced which dance in 18.2 $ho composed Appalachian *pring !irst >e enceD An Home or *econd Attac+ positions what sport A you were gi"en some marlite what would you do with it BrandyD decoy and landscape all come rom which language Chiuhauha dogs were originally bred or what Aulophobia is a ear o what $hat is a wumph An 6orse code what letter is represented by E; >ot >ash $hich British car was the irst to sell o"er 1 million models A you were gi"en a pot o "ermicide what would you use it or $hat creatureD when drun+D always alls on its right side $hat countries lag has two bars white top red bottom A gira es long tongue is what colour 6ary Ann Nichols was the irst ; the irst what Alberto ?omba is a name associated with which sport $hat is a moab $hat is Belgium,s national Airline $hat creature can be AndianD white or broad lipped $hat is the technical di erence between rowing and sculling ?he Aztecs rec+oned it was the ood o the gods what was $hich gas is used in a re rigerator $hat is %onald %eagan,s middle name Oil can Henry is the enemy o which cartoon character !ragrant Harbour is the translation o which cities name -eniophobia is the ear o what *emiotics is the study o what $hich city was built in the design o a union lag ?he Ban+ o Ataly changed its name to what ?he *a ir;*impson scale measures the intensity o what $hat is the state ish o Hawaii ; in Hawaiian $hat was the irst country to use ?7 as a mass in o media =ric Claudin is better +nown by which eponymous title A rican American -arrett A 6organ in"ented what $hat ingredient is always ound in a carcio o sauce A you were gi"en a sitooterie what would you do with it *eal Aaron *perling Olympic Airways 2i"er !at ?uesday None itBs a nati"e 3* bird 6eat stew *nowball Aerials 'neel on it in church $inchester ?hic+ *+inned ?uberculosis $earing a +ilt ?he 2ocomotion Aaron Copeland 2acrosse >ig into soil itBs a clay lime mulch >utch ?asty meat !lutes >eep thud or noise 2etter A 6orris 6inor 'illing worms An Ant Poland BlueD blue blac+ really 7ictim o <ac+ the %ipper *+iing ?ype o hat *abina %hinoceros %owing means using a single oar Chocolate !reon $ilson 6ighty 6ouse Hong 'ong Chins *igns or symbols 'hartoum ?he Ban+ o America Hurricanes Humunu+u Apua,a -ermany ?he Phantom o the Opera ?he ?ra ic *ignal Articho+es *it out in it gazeboFsummerhouse

No Questions Quiz 4:
1 $hat was ounded in the 3' 1.8& because o war with !rance

Ban+ o =ngland

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $here would you ind an Oculus $hich American state drin+s the most alcohol per person $ho created -omezD 6ortia and 3ncle !ester as a cartoon $hat does 6agna Carta literally mean Horseradish sauce originated in which country $hat is a dwile An the 3*A a police 1:;#1 is the code or what 2ongacre sCuare is now better +nown as what An animal terms what is a dude An which 3* state is its highest mountain $hich =uropean city has the tomb o the three wise men $hat cartoon characters catchphrase was K=5it stage le tK $ho owned and li"ed in the castle <oyous -uard An -ree+ mythology who was the son o Hypnos -od o sleep >eacon is church o icial rom -ree+ what,s it literally mean Name the brand o the irst sour mash whis+ey made in 14#) An -eorgia its illegal to do what with a or+ ?hames water remo"es a ton o it monthly rom sewage G what $hat sport ta+es place o"er a distance o &&: yards 6ageiricophobia is the ear o what $ho built the worlds irst ilm studio ?he word nylon is made up rom what $hat was patented in 18)& ; the best thingH 2:J o women irst loo+ at a mans what $hat is the top selling candy bar rom "ending machines A healthy person does it 1. times a day ; what Name 1st >isney cartoon ilm based on the li e o a real person 3nder 6ississippi law there cannot be a emale what An Poland i you as+ed or a piwo what would you get An <apan ?rade 3nions collect dues rom what unusual source A emale pigeon cannot lay an egg unless she sees what An the 14th century o ensi"e what were whipped Americans use 1.::: tons o what each year An Holland it used to ta+e our years to train as what As oreplay what does a Ponapean male put in a woman,s "ul"a An a Horney 6on+ey there is banana crUme de menthe and what $hat +ind o bird is a bourbon $hat boo+ o the Bible does not mention the name o -od On a"erage what one action ma+es a man li"e 1# years longer $hich American state has the longest borders with Canada An the 3*A the go"ernment says its a crime to gi"e alse what An New 9or+ its illegal to teach your parrot to do what $hich country in"ented the +ilt $orlds irst paperbac+ boo+ written in 14.1 by -oethe what title $hich chemical element is named rom the -ree+ or "iolent $hat author wrote the boo+s %age and ?he *unbird >isgusting Cuestion ; longest "eri ied American one 12, 2K what .::: American teenagers do it daily ; what By royal decree in <idda 1818 women banned rom using what >ome central opening Ne"ada Charles Adams -reat Charter <apan A >ishcloth Crime in progress ?imes *Cuare ; N9 A camels penis Alas+a ; 6ount 6c'inley Cologne *nagglepuss 2ancelot 6orphious ; -od o dreams *er"ant Old Crow =at ried chic+en Pubic Hair G system cant handle it >rag %acing Coo+ing ?homas Al"a =dison New 9or+ ; 2ondon *liced bread Butt not ace *nic+ers !arts Pocahontas Peeping ?om A Beer %obots in actories pay dues Another pigeon G or re lection Boo+s Aspirin Hat ma+er G surgeon only # years A !ish ; then he lic+s it Baileys ?ur+ey =sther Castration 6ontana $eather %eports *Cuaw+ !rance !aust A Aodine $ilber *mith ?urd ; o"er 2hrs 12 minutes 2ose their "irginity Hotel swimming pools

No Questions Quiz 4:
)1 Orange @uice and what ma+e an ambassador


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: 6aoni 7i o Capetown has the world longest what at 24 inches An ancient %ome what was the tabularium &:J o 6ac>onald,s pro its come rom selling what <ohn $ayne was nic+named du+e ; but a ter what $hat was 6ichelangelo,s only signed sculpture $hat is the more common name or triatomic o5ygen 6errylegs was a per orming circus dog in which >ic+ens no"el $ho is the mother o HueyD >uey and 2ouie *olomon built his temple on a hill name it %uth =isemann;*chier was the irst woman to get on what $hich *cience !iction author created ?he ?ri ids $hat ood was sent to =ngland in $$2 as part o lease lend An the Bible what is the irst mentioned colour $hat weapon is +nown as the gun that won the west $hat is Andiana,s state bird $hat +ind o @uice goes in a salty dog ?he A ghani tribesmen drin+ 'hoona on wedding night what is it An the 3*A what was the irst prime time cartoon show $hat was the last ilm where *ergio 2eone directed =astwood $hat country is co ee originally rom $hat is a young bea"er called An the 1:s who played ?he Bionic $oman An astrology what was the age be ore ACuarius 3* ci"il war which states buttons had a Palmetto tree on them $hat was the irst Hanna;Barbera cartoon $ho painted ?he -leaners ?he name =urope comes rom where =n"oid was the irst what in the 3*A $hich Beatles song is associated with the 6anson amily $hat was the top ilm o 188: An 18)1 these were in"ented what were $hich biblical prophet was sawn in hal inside a hollow log Caipirina means someone,s drin+ ; whose drin+ ?he word coyote comes rom which language An mythology Odysseus blinded which Cyclops Con ederate -eneral $illiam *mith carried what into battle $hat well +nown %ussian author was also a doctor An 1842 *an !rancisco became the irst 3* city to do what 6orrissey was the lead singer o which band $hich team won i"e *tanley cups during the .:s ?he ri"ers 2ahn and 6osel are tributaries o what ri"er $hat do zoologists call the leader o a wol pac+ ?he ponderosa pine is the state tree o which 3* state An $$2 what sort o weapon was a +aiten An the Bible name Asaacs wi e $ho or what +illed Al Capone *peedy -onzales was astest mouse in 6e5ico who slowest ?o which group o artists does 7incent 7an -ough belong $hat la"ours the liCuor chambord Pubic Hair Hall o Public %ecords Happy 6eals His a"ourite dog ?he Pieta Ozone Hard ?imes >umbella >uc+ (ion !BA ten most wanted list <ohn $yndom *pam -reen $inchester ri le Cardinal -rape ruit $atered down warm bulls semen ?he !lintstones ?he -ood the Bad and the 3gly =thiopia 'it 2indsey $agner Age o Pisces *outh Carolina %u and %eddy <ean !rancis 6illet -ree+ 6ythology Birth control pill a"ailable Helter *+elter Home Alone >isposable diapers G nappies Asaiah Peasants Aztec Polyphemus A Blue Parasol Anton Che+o" Ban sale possession o handguns ?he *miths 6ontreal ?he %hine ?he alpha male 6ontana <apanese manned torpedo %ebe+ah *yphilis *lowpo+e %odriCuez Post Ampressionists %aspberries

No Questions Quiz 41
1 An the cartoon *cooby >o what is *crappy >o,s battle cry

Puppy Power

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat was inno"ati"e about Co;op winter warmer ale An the 3' they are butter beans what in the 3*A $ho said A ha"e had a talent or irritating women since A was 1& Peter *ellers played Clouseau but who dropped the role Parore5ia is the desire or what $hat @ob lin+s 'ris 'risto ensen and -ene %oddenbery 2egend says tortellini was created to honour what part o 7enus $ho in"ented the dumb waiter $hat was the top grossing ilm o the .:s An 2::: what word was written on *ydney bridge in irewor+s *?>s are the most costly health problem in the 3*A what,s 2nd *carlet O,Hara had what original irst name $ho wrote the post nuclear war no"el On the Beach An ancient %ome what could be candidaD pictaD pulla or "irilis Name the one person who has won a Nobel and an Oscar !irst used in *alt 2a+e 184:s what was a @ar"i+ =5cluding the what word appears most in Bond ilm titles $hich character did not appear in the cartoon *tar ?re+ $hat is a casaba A screwdri"er becomes a uzzy screw when you add what Hungarian doctor 'arolyn 6aria Bee+ert coined what word 14.8 PineD BeachD *toneD *able or American types o what creature Name %oman soldier who is supposed to ha"e stabbed <esus $hat can be a ontD architectural style or no"el type $hat is Colombo,s irst name Boothby blondeD China longD straight 4 "arieties o what *antiago is the capitol o Chile what does it mean ?he ancient =gyptians worshiped a s+y -oddess name her Aprose5ia is the abnormal inability to do what Peter -eorge wrote ?wo Hours to >oom ilmed as what Hugh He ner and 'atherine Hepburn both had degrees in what $hat is a hen o the woods $hich ilm o the 1:s recei"ed the most Oscars An Hindu mythology 6eru is eCual to what -ree+ site #)1 3' roads are specially mar+ed to protect what An China its 18 grams but in >enmar+ &2 grams a"erage what Name the smur spin o characters that li"e underwater One Cuarter o people who lose sense o small also lose what $hich "egetable has the highest sugar content Quarter oz whis+ey hal ounce sloe gin ma+es a blac+ what $hich tough guy actor was once a drop hammer operator $hich group go"ern in a plutocracy An western palmistry the inde5 inger is lin+ed to which planet ?he Central Per+ Ca L appears in which ?7 series $hat does sputni+ literally mean ?he 7olga is =urope longest ri"er what is the second longest An archangel cat has what colour coat $hat instrument did -len 6iller play >ebby Boone sang the No 1 song o the 1:s name it 2abelled in Braille 2ima Beans 6arilyn 6unroe Peter 3stino" *trange !oods Both wor+ed as pilots Her belly button ?homas <e erson ?he *ound o 6usic =ternity >og Bites Patsy Ne"ille *chute ?ypes o ?oga styles - B *haw 2it 182) Pygmalion 18#4 Arti icial heart Ne"er Che+o" A 6elon Peach *chnapps Homose5ual 6artins 2onginius -othic Phillip Cucumber *aint Aago ; or *aint <ames Nut Concentrate >r *trangelo"e Psychology A mushroom Cabaret 1812 Olympus ?oads during mating season $eight o mans testicles *nor+s >esire or se5 Onion Haw+ %obert 6itchum ?he most wealthy <upiter !riends !ellow ?ra"eller >anube Blue ?rombone 9ou light up my li e

No Questions Quiz 41
)1 An =cuador i you were ser"ed tronCuito what ha"e you eaten

Bull penis soup

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: !rom Here to =ternity gets its name rom a poem by who $here would you ind a co in @oint $hat phenomenon do cereologists study An 188) what was the most common name gi"en to girls in 3*A And again in 188) what was the one gi"en to boys in 3*A $hich *ha+espeare play ends in marriage o Benedict Beatrice 2ord 2o"at was the last in =ngland to do what Name the cowardly member o >ic+ >astardly,s sCuadron $hat is the correct topping or a pastitsio 6o@o is a !ilipino what An 18&:s Cali ornia it was illegal to ser"e alcohol to who Name actor ired as no star Cuality because o big Adams apple $hat was Buddy Hollies current single when he died $ho wrote April is the cruellest month in poem ?he $asteland $hat is &: in %oman numerals $hat is a shubun+in $hat was the irst company ormed to manu acture motor cars $hich brother sister won $imbledon mi5ed doubles in 184: AlicanteD 6oney;ma+er and Ailsa Craig "arieties o what Be prepared is the boy scout motto what,s the girl guides motto Again in =cuador i you were ser"ed cuy what ha"e you eaten An military terms what is a *2% 2ondon and which 3' city are @oined by the -rand 3nion canal $ho wrote the children,s story ?he Old man o 2ochnagar $hat are the de"ils bones Name ?ina ?urners solo comebac+ album o 184& $hat was the irst nationally released ilm with a P- 1# rating On a poll ):J men said se5 in bed a"ourite 2:J em what em $hat is the main ingredient o a booyah $hat does the 7O on a bottle o *eagrams stand or $hat actor was once ruit pic+er iceman truc+ dri"er propman 3*A supreme court 18.2 said who cant be imprisoned ; illegal How did *crooge 6c>uc+ earn his irst dime $hat is the currency o ?ur+ey ?he word planet comes rom -ree+ what,s it literally mean *ailors round the horn ; o which country are they doing it American comes rom 3*A what someone rom 6onaco called On an ordinance sur"ey map what does a H in circle represent $hich ashion designer said ; A woman is as old as her +nee A pro essional bo5er is limited to #. eet ; eet o what On the Beau ort scale 4 represents what $hat is the capitol o Belarus *oyuz was a so"iet spacecra t but what,s it literally mean $hich American author wrote ?he turn o the *crew $ho sang about Angel in a Centre old $ho irst starred in the ilm ?he Boy in the Plastic Bubble *ur"eyed 1:J o 3* emales said they pre erred this to se5 what $hich =nglish spea+ing country consumes most table wine per $hat are garbanzo beans also +nown as ?ennyson Horses oot Crop circles Ashley 6ichael 6uch ado About Nothing Be @udicially beheaded (illy BLchamel sauce Alcoholic ruit punch Homose5uals Clint =astwood At doesn,t matter any more ? * =lliot I2 A gold ish >aimler <ohn ?racy Austin ?omatoes Be prepared -uinea pig *el 2oading %i le Birmingham Prince Charles >ice Pri"ate >ancer %ed >awn %eading 2#J Chic+en 7ery Old <ohn $ayne >rug Addicts *hining shoes 2ira $anderers Chile 6onagasCue Hospital 6ary Quant Bandages on hands A -ale 6ins+ 3nion Henry <ames < -eils Band <ohn ?ra"olta Chocolate Australia Chic+ peas

No Questions Quiz 42
1 ?he 3ndisco"ered Country a *tar ?re+ title ta+en rom where

*ha+espeare,s Hamlet

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): >a"id Cornwell is better +nown as which author Puccini,s ?urendot is set in which country A you ha"e a "iral in ection o the parotid glands what is it Ophidiophobia is the ear o what Collecti"e nouns ; A glint o what Pal Hewson became more amous as who $hich island is also +nown as the apple isle $ho was nic+named ?he -reat Communicator ?iramisu is a co ee desert but what does it literally mean An what game would you nurdle scrunge or carno"s+y $here would you ind racettes $hy did >isney recall his irst celluloid >onald >uc+ toys $hich *outh American country does not border the Paci ic $hat is the largest moon in our solar system $hat is the characteristic o an aphyllus plant Plantalgia is pain where An which ilm did we meet Baron Numpsi as the "illain $hat religion was Adol Hitler Poison oa+ and i"y belong to which general amily Bognor <a"a gets is on a"erage #22 days annually what =piphany Christian east .th <an translates rom -ree+ as what Progress through Pain was whose motto $hich American city is nic+named ?he Birthplace o A"iation 6astigophobia is the ear o what A woman has Hisdoy syndrome what has she got $ho had a hit in the 3' singing about the *treets o 2ondon $hat does C6O* stand or in a computer Pro"a rom pro"olone means what *aint Augustine irst argued or what $hat original story begins Aladdin was a little Chinese boy An the 7ietnam war what was the signal 3* to e"acuate *aigon -ames *later in"ented what ?he group *imply %ed were named a ter what 7irginia Patterson Hensley became more amous as who $hich worlds city is +nown as ?he -olden City ?he earliest paper written in 2atin is a woman,s writing what is it ="ery year there,s a ton o it or e"ery person in the world ; what ?homas <e erson,s home has a hidden whatH illegal in his time $hich country contains e"ery type o climate in the world All soldiers o e"ery country do it ; do what ?he *o"iet *u+hoi;#& ighter was the worlds irst with what ?he are si5 sides on a standard one ; a standard what $estminster Abbey is dedicated to who Ho+usai and Hiroshige were amous <apanese what %e"erend 6arcus 6orris ounded which 3' comic in the ):s $here would you ind Queen 6aud 2and $ho played the doctor in the roc+ opera ?ommy 'ing -eorge AAA is remembered in which children,s nursery rhyme 2ygophobia is the ear o what <ohn 2e Carr China 6umps *na+es -old ish Bono ; singer in 32 ?asmania %onald %egan Pic+ me up ?iddlywin+s 2ines on wrist in palmistry ?hey e5ploded into lames Belize -anymede o <upiter No lea"es *oles o eet =ddie 6urphy,s ?he -olden Child %oman Catholic Cashew 2ightning stri+es 6ani estation Arnold *wartzenager >ayton Ohio !logging A 6oustache %alph 6c?ell Complimentary metal O5ide semi;conductor Ball shaped 6issionary position only in se5 1::1 Arabian Nights Bing Crosby $hite Imas on %adio !ibreglass 6an 3td ootball club Patsy Cline Prague Czech An"itation to a party Cement poured Billiard ?able in 7irginia New (ealand *alute with right hand A ?oilet in it Pencil *aint Peter Artists =agle Antarctica <ac+ Nicholson ?he -rand old >u+e o 9or+ >ar+ness

No Questions Quiz 42
)1 An what country was the paperclip in"ented


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is the la"our o a piri;piri sauce $hich organisation has been selling racehorses since 111. $hich early roc+ singer was nic+named +iller Names rom @obs ; Ba+er Coo+ ob"ious what did a 6ercer do $hat title has the wi e o an earl 2a Celestina was the irst one in *pain the irst what According to -uinness boo+ what,s measured in 6illi;Helens $hat word originally meant a dar+ cosmetic eye powder An ancient *parta what was the penalty or bachelorhood An >isney,s <ungle boo+ name our "ultures 188& Christies sold what piece o =l"is memorabilia or N&1&:: $hat is the highest water all in the Alps $oodpusherD ish and patzer derogatory words or a bad what $hich 3* state drin+s the least beer per capita Collecti"e nouns ; A wiggle o what !aro+ Pluto Bulsara became more amous as who $hich actor made his debut in the 18)4 ilm Cry Baby 'iller A computer does a PO*? what is a post $hat !rench word means liCuor is hal rozen An *pain what is manchego $ho was +nown as the Queen o !ol+ 6usic Collecti"e nouns ; A shi"er o what 2inda Hunt won an Oscar 9ear o 2i"ing >angerously what 1st Norwegian *igersonD *py AltamontD *ea Captain Basil all who $here is the only digital role5 watch in the world An 'iplings How the 2eopard got its *pots name the 2eopard $hat do the Chinese regard as the highest orm o "isual art 7estiophobia is the ear o what An the 3' marmite is a spread but what is a marmite in !rance Name >onald >uc+s ather ?he ilm Cleopatra was banned in =gypt in 18.# why $hat would an antipyrhettic drug be used or An music who decided that an octa"e should ha"e eight notes $hat is the 2atin word or to roll $hich garment traditionally contains eight sections o material $hat international airport is identi ied by the letters CC3 $hich part o the body will e5pand three times when e5cited An computing what is the smallest mo"ement o a mouse called $hat item would you see on the lag o 6alta *ameer Bhatia rom Bangalore began what ser"ice $ho was +nown as the !ather o *cience !iction $innie the Pooh li"ed where *u erers rom lambdacism cannot do what Pierce Brosnens contract stops him doing what in any other ilm *pielberg named the shar+ in <aws Bruce why Bara@as is the main airport ; where *terlet is the rarest most e5pensi"e what %obert 2ang ord 6odini became more amous as who Collecti"e nouns ; A congress or lange o what Curry ?attersalls <erry 2ee 2ewis ?e5tile dealer Countess ?heatre play Beauty rom Helen o ?roy Alcohol rom Al 'uhul antimony Can,t watch women,s gymnastics <ohn Paul -eorge %ingo Ame5 credit card ?he %ichenbach !alls Chess player 3tah ?adpoles !reddie 6ercury <ac+ Nicholson Power on sel test !rappe *heep,s cheese <oan Baez *har+s !irst Oscar playing opposite se5 *herloc+ Holmes disguises $imbledon centre court Best Belo"ed Calligraphy Clothing ?all straight coo+ pot Quac+emore 2iz ?aylor <ewish con"ert %educe temperature Pythagoras 7ol"o 'imono Calcutta Aris 6ic+ey -eorge Cross Hotmail <ules 7erne Hundred Acre $ood Pronounce letter % $earing a ?u5edo A ter his 2awyer 6adrid Ca"iar ; tiny eggs %obert *tac+ Baboons

No Questions Quiz 4#
1 Anthony Pratt in"ented what in the 18&:s


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): ?he *tirling prize is awarded annually or which ield o design Parcheesi is the national game o which country $hat shape is a saggitated lea $hat is the Oscar statuette holding *word 9et Another Hierarchical O icious Oracle better +nown as what $ho would get an award +nown as the purple cross $hat sport was described as KChess with musclesK ?he Bahunia a i"e petal wild orchid is the symbol o where 14)4 Queen 7ictoria sent the irst transatlantic telegram to who A you ha"e a Barr test what was tested $e,"e used Iero5 but rom -ree+ what does it literally mean How was Boris 'arlo listed in the credits 18#1 !ran+enstein $ho is the ather o the %ussian alphabet $hat did the ancient -ree+s call the ear o woods and orests $hose amily name is (imprsCuzzntwl b $here did the group 1:cc get their name $ho said KAll A can say is that A,m not a 6ar5istK $ho is buried in a chapel near la+e *trogano in %omania $hat area gets its name rom the -ree+ word or bear ?he head o which organisation is +nown as ?he Blac+ Pope $hat sport still reCuires competitors to wear ormal clothing ?he name Hilary comes rom 2atin meaning what 'aty 6irza was the irst Andian woman to do what %ichard Attenbourough and wi e were the irst leads in what play ?he %hine rises in which country An =nglish pac+s it,s the <ac+ or 'na"e what in !rench pac+s $hich cartoon character was originally called egghead $hat is measured in >arwin,s *acred car"ings is the literal translation o what word 2a+e ?iberius is better +nown by what name $hat is a curragh Pa5 was the %oman god o peace who,s the -ree+ eCui"alent $ho was the last prisoner in the ?ower o 2ondon <oseph -ayette in"ented it in 14)1 to pre"ent piles ; what $hose epitaph reads 2i"ed a philosopher died a Christian $ho was the irst newspaper owner to gi"e sta a paid holiday %onald 6ac>onald is worldwide e5cept <apan what,s he there $here can you see Ada Byron $hat is the most tattooed product in the world $hich *omerset 6aughn no"el is considered autobiographical ?he *ureto are the secret ser"ice o which country $ho created the character Par+er Pyne Archimedes li"ed in which city $ho is the irst person a newly elected Pope meets $ho,s only person ha"e >ewey >ecimal class named a ter him ?aliban women reCuired by law to wear what on le t arms $hich country is named a ter its highest point $hat would you do at a table in -reece !eli5 Ho man disco"ered the worlds irst synthetic drug 1481H Architecture Andia Arrow shaped 9AHOO Animal bra"ery by %*PCA !encing Hong 'ong President <ames Buchanan 9our *e5 ; in athletics >ry As H *aint Cyril Panic rom god Pan 6r *poc+ in *tar ?re+ A"erage sperm in e@aculation 'arl 6ar5 Count >racula Arctic because great bear o"er it ?he <esuits *noo+er or Billiards Cheer ulness !eature in Playboy ?he 6ousetrap *witzerland 7alet =lmer < !udd %ate o e"olutionary change Hieroglyphics *ea o -alilee Boat Arene %udol Hess ?oilet Paper Casano"a <oseph Pulitzer >onald 6ac>onald $oman on 6icroso t watermar+ Harley >a"idson O Human Bondage !rance Agatha Christie *yracuse His tailor to measure him $illiam *ha+espeare ?attoo o husbands name 'enya Ban+ing itBs a ban+ Aspirin

No Questions Quiz 4#
)1 $here do the nati"es spea+ tagalog


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hich composer was nic+name the %ed Priest $ol"esD CurlewsD Bulls and %a"ens the irst groups o what $hich instrument does a cymbalist play $hat is made by the crush tear curl process Bo"ine is cow li+e but what does hircine re er to A speed stic+ measure the speed o what President 'ennedy was shot in >allas in what type o car An mythology what is the o spring o a -od and mortal called $here would you ind an intrados ?he young are called widgetsD emales i inellas what are they $hich part o a boar is called a wreath Pooler <onesD 2azy PlateD <ayne Hill and Buc+thorn types o what An <apan what is @igai $hich company had slogan 9ou donBt win sil"er you lose gold An what is the *hannon trophy competed or $hich island gets its name rom the Portuguese or bearded <ohn 2e Carr in"ented what common term used in espionage Crystal City in ?e5as put up a statue to what cartoon character $hich international companies logo is e5actly &2 dots ?he *ydney Olympic torch showed a boomerang and what else -ree+s longestD <apans shortest and *audi Arabia none whatH KBroomK Bromden an Andian narrates which amous boo+ $hat was Butch Cassidy,s original pro ession Chinese call it little mouseD >anes *wedes elephants trun+H $hose business was ran rom 2222 *outh $abash $hich literary character ta+es his name rom 2atin or nobody $hich companies irst product was an electric rice coo+er $hat was the 2atin word or wheel ; now a common transport Panchaguni is the Andian -od o what art $hat are 6anhattanD ApolloD HedwigD CartmanD -uinness >on Hoe ler coined what phrase in =lectronic News in 1811 $hat be"erage named a ter the 3' Prime 6inister o the 14#:s 9ou ha"e head o ebayEcom what,s ebay translate to in %ussian ?raditionally 2amborghini 6iura and >iablo are named or what Narton is a mi5ture o ba+ing soda and salt what was it used or All the %ichard Hannay boo+s got their titles rom where $hose ilm debut was <ennings in %e"enge o the Creature 18)) $hat are studied by hymenopterists $hat gi t is gi"en on behal *audi Arabia 'ing to 6ecca pilgrims $hat counties national drin+ is called aizag pronounced A shag $hich cowboys middle names were Berry *tapp $hat did *ir Humphry >a"y say was his best disco"ery $hich organisation began in a con"erted toilet in central 2ondon $hat gets its name rom the -ree+ meaning large catapult $here is the Asle o Pelicans $here would you ind the titmus test $hat is the Chinese word or wind $hat or where was original deadline $here is 2andino spo+en 7i"aldi Boy *couts Piano ?ea -oat Cric+et balls 2incoln Hero Anside cur"e o arch -remlins Ats tail Barbed $ire !emale suicide Ni+e ; 188. Olympics $orld Chess ?rophy Barbados 6ole Popeye ; they are spinach growers *ony ?he Opera house National Anthem One !lew o"er the Cuc+oos Nest Butcher hence Butch ?he W sign Al Capone Captain Nemo *ony At shoc+ed ired ?ruc+ Palmistry 2inu5 "ersions *ilicon 7alley =arl -rey ?ea !uc+ o G imperati"e o word uc+ !ighting Bulls 6ummi ication Bunyon,s ?he Pilgrims Progress Clint =astwood Bees *mall Bottle =5tra 7irgin Oli"e Oil 6ongolian mares mil+ $yatt =arp His student 6ichael !araday 2ords cric+et Howitzer Alcatraz ACC cric+et test or bowling action !eng ; *hui is water 3*A Ci"il war prison *pain by *panish Hebrew mi5

No Questions Quiz 4&

1 $hat was the irst doctor ilm made in 18)&

>octor in the House

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An ormation about what sub@ect is recorded in $isden -erald -ardner in the ):s ounded which pagan organisation On a 3' ordinance sur"ey map what is shown by a blue star An the middle o the land is the literal translation o where 7enus and Adonis was whose irst published wor+ $hat is the highest !rench ci"il decoration awarded An the Archie comics what is <ughead,s irst name $hich meteorological phenomena means Ka curl o hairK in 2atin $hich racing circuit is nic+named the bric+yard $ho or what are ?ai+onauts ?he pro its rom the 1828 edition o 6ein 'amp went to where $here would you ind the original 6r Plod $hich companies logo is based on the legend o cats nine li"es $hich PC game shares it name with a Bond ilm character $hat is the $elsh name or $ales $hat is a "irgule *umo cant be Olympic because it bans women ; why An -ree+ what does =unuch literally translate as $hen Harrison !ord was ?he !ugiti"e who was the lawman $here were the original loopholes %oman soldiers were gi"en sla"es ; what were they called $hich creatures name translates as the lizard in *panish $est *ide *tory tells about the $est side o what or where $hat was the worlds irst tele"ised murder $hat company used to be called ?he Haloid Company ?he Chinese year cycle starts with 1st to as+ Buddha which Character in a mo"ie series named *ans+rit word warrior what $hat is the de ault e5tension gi"en to paintbrush iles An the 3' today 1.::: people die annually rom what An which ?7 program did *ergeant Bosco appear An ancient Athens e"ery third man wor+ed with what ="ery day 21:: Americans ind out what $here would you ind you columella ; or what is it $hat was used at $imbledon or the irst time in 184. $hich no"el has the longest sentence in literature 42# words $hat is the most stolen item in 3* drugstores Crab is the only named one in any *ha+espeare play ; what $hat was the irst Olympic sport to include women $hich o the our Horsemen o the Apocalypse rode a red horse 7enus Obser"a is the technical term or what $hich male mammals ha"e the highest rate o homose5uality *e5 shop sur"ey what,s most popular la"our eatable +nic+ers And what is the least $hich country has no public toilets $hich cartoon character was originally pin+ and called Orsen $hat product changed its original name rom the soundabout ?here are more in 2os Angeles than in all !rance ; what *yngenesophobia is the ear o what $hat ictional =nglishman belongs to the -anymede club Cric+et $ic+er 6a@or shopping centre 6editerranean sea $illiam *ha+espeare 2egion de Honour !orsyth Cirrus ; clouds Andianapolis Chinese astronauts Anternational %ed Cross Noddy boo+s ="er %eady *olitaire Cymru ?he F slash 6enstrual cycle o ends -ods Bed $atcher ?ommy 2ee <ones Castle walls G arrow iring slits Addicts addicted means ensla"ed Alligator !i th A"enue %uby +illing Oswald Iero5 %at 9oda rom 9oddha At,s Ebmp Allness caught in hospital A ?eam 6arble ?hey ha"e gonorrhoea *pace between nostrils 9ellow tennis balls 2es 6iserables G 7ictor Hugo Batteries cosmetics >og ; ?wo -entlemen o 7erona ?ennis ; Paris 18:: *laughter 6issionary position Bats Cherry Chocolate Peru ?weety Pie ?he wal+man <udges 9our relati"es <ee"es

No Questions Quiz 4&

)1 !rom which modern country did the !ran+s come


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he origin o the word penis is 2atin meaning what And which animals penis is prehensile On a 3' ordinance sur"ey map what is shown by a red lag $ho was the irst roc+ star arrested on stage $hich authors personal publishing "enture is Philtrum Press $hich animal sleeps on its bac+ $hat is the most ordered item in American restaurants $hat does a gozzard ha"e or own %ecords show our Popes died doing what An the Beatles $hite Album who was 6artha my >ear 6yosotis *yl"estris is the 2atin name o which common plant $ho owned a cat called Apollinaris $hose last words were KAt,s unbelie"ableK $ho read the original writing on the wall N is the ci"il aircra t mar+ing or which country ?haslophobia is the ear o what Beagles were a hunting dog bred to hunt what Peggy is a diminuti"e or which girls name Boreas is the -ree+ -od o what $here are the Canarie Aslands situated $here could you spend a 2empira $hat type o creature was an Archelon *hu was an =gyptian -od o what An <apan what is a 'issaten $hich o the our Horsemen o Apocalypse is +nown as Christ An which religion are the holy writings called the Adi -ranth $hat is a dogrib ?he petawatt is the worlds largest what $hich writer in"ented the word drab An the body where would you ind your di"erticula =2 is the international aircra t letters o which country $hich creature appears on the *amoan lag $ho owns the Audi car company An the Bible what was the si5th plague o =gypt $hat is the scienti ic name or the gorilla Name *te"e 6cQueen,s 'arate teacher ; later an actor On what common item would you ind a +eeper Coprastastaphobia is the ear o what $hat is the most common plastic surgery done on 3* men $ho owned a cat called Bismarc+ An the Batman comics what is the ull real identity o the %iddler $here was the worlds irst water cloc+ in"ented $hat religious leaders name means *ign o -od An 18.) -ambia achie"ed independence rom which country On what common item would you ind a harp An Bali they obser"e noebi a day o what ?he worlds irst opened in 2os Angles April 2nd 18:2 ; what $ho was the irst non head o state to appear on a stamp A the doctor ga"e you sal"ersan he would be treating your what ?ail >olphins 6otor %acing Circuit <im 6orrison o the >oors *te"en 'ing Only man or women !rench !ries -eese Ha"ing *e5 Paul 6cCartney,s *heepdog !orget me Not 6ar+ ?wain 6ata Hari >aniel ; in the Bible 3*A *itting Adle G doing nothing Hares 6argaret North $ind Atlantic Ocean Honduras A ?urtle ?he Air Co ee *hop $ar *i+h A Boat 2aser C * 2ewis 2arge Antestine 2iberia =agle !ord motor company $ater into Blood K-orilla gorilla; gorillaK Chuc+ Norris Belt its loop that holds end Constipation Breast %eduction !lorence Nightingale =dward =nigma = =nigma Pe+ing Ayatollah 3nited 'ingdom 2amp metal part supporting shade *ilence 6otion picture theatre Ben@amin !ran+lin *yphilis

No Questions Quiz 4)
1 ?he yellow ood colouring tartrazine comes rom what

Petrol ; -as in 3*A

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat does a +ayser measure An the body where would you ind your "illus ?he ennec is the smallest o its species ; the smallest what $hat was the original meaning o the word harlot =nnisophobia is ear o what An the Bible <udah was in which pro"ince Name Canada,s oldest incorporated city An which country is the No+ia company based $hat is the common name or an integrated circuit $hat did <ohn 6ontague in"ent -oose !lats changed its name to what 3* city !rom which country did the original "andals come -abbro is which type o roc+ $hat is the correct name or a baby min+ Ontology is the study o what $hat is the state song o Cali ornia ?he museum o what can be ound at Pontedassio in Ataly Aruba is an island under which +ingdom $ho is the Patron *aint o grocers Chysoprase is a shade o what primary colour ?he paraclete is another name or which Christian religious item $hat is uniCue about the pistol star 7enation is used to describe what item An Braille which letter uses the least number o raised dots ?he state tree o Arizona is really a legume ; name it $hat are shaggy mane and pigs ear $ho were 3P* original customers *truthio Cameus is the 2atin name o which creature Hindu religion Bata"ia is an incarnation o 7ishnu in what orm Country celebrates Aug 11 as independence day rom !rance ?he irst one was deli"ered in 18## ; the irst what Beside the long winding ri"er is the translation o which 3* state $hat type o creature was Pylorus <ac+ ?he !rench call it creame anglaise what do we call it ?ellus was the -ree+ god o what *cotophobia is the ear o what According CAA what language is most common in A ghanistan $hat country did the 3*A de end in the *panish American war $hich animal uses white ear spots as identi ication mar+s Pa+ man was called Pa+a in <apan what does pa+a mean An computing what was the irst ironbed 6umbai is the modern name o which city $hich group publishes the most monthly magazines ?he word mattress what ta+en rom which language A you ha"e a rhytidectomy what procedure has occurred 2ewis $ilson was the irst actor to play which character $hat is the technical name or a @igger o grain alcohol ?os+ is a dialect o which country ?he leur de lis is a representation o which lower $a"es *mall Antestine !o5 ?ramp Criticism Palestine *aint <ohn !inland A Chip ?he sandwich G He was &th =arl ?ombstone Arizona -ermany Agneous 'it or 'itten Being A lo"e you Cali ornia *paghetti Netherlands *aint 6ichael %ed ?he Holy *pirit Brightest in s+y 2ea"es * Palo Alto 6ushrooms or ungi >epartment stores ?he Ostrich A !ish Chad *inging ?elegram Connecticut A >olphin G sa"ed sailors Custard =arth Being seen by others Persian Cuba ?iger =ating A *canner Bombay Hearst Arabic A !ace 2i t Batman A Pony Albania Aris

No Questions Quiz 4)
)1 ?he A ghan ?aliban use which colour o lag


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An which country are the Philips company based A you ha"e otophobia what are you a raid o $hich 3* sportsman is mentioned in ?he Old 6an and the *ea ?he a"erage person does it thirteen times a day ; what An *cottish -aelic what is a clarsach Name sur"eyors symbol that loo+s li+e a broad arrow with a bar Boo+ o *hadows is the alternati"e title or which horror ilm An Portrait -allery there,s a picture o 2i"ingstone sitting on what An 1&&8 ?homas Bright ield built 2ondon,s irst what $hich animals +ill 21) million creature in 3' annually Bunny Austin irst British male to do what at $imbledon in 18## Cary -rant and Noel Coward both re@ected which amous role An $innipeg there is a statue to which bear =5odus and which Bible boo+ list the ten commandments An which Bond no"el did he irst want 6artinis sha+en not stirred $hich playing card is +nown as ?he >e"ils Bedpost Ats usual diameter is &E) inches what is it A planes blac+ bo5 is usually named a ter what 'ing $hat are banonD mimolette and samosoe types o Name the *ha+espeare character son o the witch *ycora5 *aint Andrew is the Patron *aint o *cotland and where else $hich animals 2atin name is Cricetus;cricutus $hat was Queen 7ictoria,s irst name An *ans+rit it means House o *now ; what does A you had some gentlesD @igD gag and coop what are you doing $hat are the stars in traditional Cornish *tar -azey pie $ho was born in 2imbini Nepal !lower o the blessed night is the local name o which plant $hich disease was once +nown as white plague $hat are spraints $here would you be i you landed at *anta Cruz airport $hat was the name o the pub in ?he >u+es o Hazard Name Pin+ !loyds only single >oha is the capital o which gul state ?he word "olar re ers to what partFs o the body $here is the worlds largest Chinese settlement outside Asia $here is 'loster beer brewed An the !antastic !our what is 6r !antastic name %C Cola were the irst company to do what An which sport are the trainees traditionally bric+layers $ho has won the soccer world cup as a player and a coach $hat was the $hite House ormerly +nown as ?he last line o which ?7 show was K-ood bye 6argaretK An *tar $ars what is the =mperors last name $hat animal comes in both spotted and striped "arieties *omething na"icular is shaped li+e what >ari is a dialect o which language $hich country is due south o *erbia A gira es eyelashes are what colour Holland Opening ones eyes <oe >e 6aggio 2aughs A Harp Benchmar+ Blair $itch 2 A %hinoceros 2a"atory >omestic cats $ear *horts <ames Bond $innie the Pooh >euteronomy >iamonds are !ore"er !our o Clubs -ol Hole 6idas Cheese Caliban in ?he ?empest %ussia ?he Hamster Ale5andria Himalayas !ishing Pilchards eyes Buddha Poinsettia ?uberculosis Otter droppings /shit0 Bombay Boars Nest Oranges and 2emons Qatar Palms o hands and soles o eet *an !rancisco G Chinatown ?hailand %eed %ichards *ell cola in cans Bull ighting !ranz Bec+enbauer =5ecuti"e 6ansion 6A*H Palpatine *+un+ A Boat Persian ; arsi Albania Blac+

No Questions Quiz 4.
1 An which sport would you hear the term bedposts

?en Pin Bowling a 1 G

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hatD speci icallyD wonBt 6eatloa do or lo"e An Australia what is the second *unday in 6ay $hat,s the only crime that the church would not grant sanctuary (ero on a roulette wheel is what colour Name Homer *impsons bowling team An ?roy measurement a pennyweight contains 2& what Orthography is the study o what Pentlandite is the main ore pro"iding which metal An the Hindu pantheon Hanuman is the 'ing o which creatures $hich gas disco"ered in 1484 has a name meaning new Name the national rugby team o Argentina How many eCual angles has a scalene triangle 6andarin and Peter Pan are which parts o a garment $ho is the =gyptian -od o the dead $ho played >omino in Ne"er say Ne"er Again ?he Ad"enture -allery was whose ship Alls $ell ?hat =nds $ell the original title o which classic no"el Amahl and the Night 7isitors was the irst opera written or what An which sport would you hear the term clee+ !rosties ?ony the ?iger had a *on ?ony <r and a daughter name $ho was the last amateur to win 3* tennis open 18.4 Name the irst British show to air on 3* autumn prime time $ho were the irst pop stars to appear in 6adam ?ussaud,s $hat gets its name rom the Aztec meaning bitter water $hich company launched the irst clone o an AB6 pc in 1842 $hich song won irst Oscar when the category was intro 18#& An 6A*H name %adars pet mouse >istinguished An ormation Cross is whose highest bra"ery award $iley = Coyote chases roadrunner what does the = stand or $hich religions name means ?he way o the -ods $here can Americans always see the time as &E1: By Olympic rules what must ha"e 1& eathers !ebruary 2)th 188: what was banned in the 3* <ohannes Ostermeir in"ented which photographic aid An the 3* what lin+s !ort 6cHenry with the moon An >isney,s 181# animated %obin Hood what creature was %obin *aint 2ouis police department irst used it in 18:& ; what $ho wrote the no"el the Cyborg ; Basis o the N. million man An which sport would you hear the term shilling $hat does roulette literally mean $here did you play with BenD Pauline and 6ichele $ho was the irst baseball player to ha"e his number /&0 retired -obo was the male cousin o which >isney character Ops was the wi e o which %oman -od ?he Beatles ilm Help was dedicated to the in"entor o what Andrea Hollen was the irst woman in 3* to do what $hat was Americas irst organised sport $hat was <ohn !itzgerald 'ennedy,s campaign song in 18.: Name Andian chie who rode in %oose"elt,s inaugural procession 1: split *crew Around 6others day *acrilege -reen Pin Pals -rains 6ountains Nic+el 6on+eys Neon Pumas None Collars Anubis 'im Bassinger Captain 'idd $ar and Peace ?ele"ision -ol itBs a wood Antoinette Arthur Ashe ?he A"engers ?he Beatles Chocolate ; 5ocatl Compac ?he Continental >aisy ?he CAA =thelbert *hinto N1:: bill Andependence hall cloc+ Badminton Bird *mo+ing on all domestic lights !lashbulbs !lag lies 2&F1 president decree A !o5 li+e 6arion !ingerprinting 6artin Caidin Archery measure o arrows weight 2ittle $heel 6icroso t $indows Hearts game 2ou -ehrig Bambi *aturn *ewing 6achine G =lias Howe -raduate $est Point Horse %acing in 1..& High Hopes -eronimo

No Questions Quiz 4.
)1 Name /in the 3*0 >enis the 6enaces cat

Hot >og

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $here could you ind a 182) humpmobile car $hich is the only middle eastern county without a desert 2iCuid *unshine was the original slogan o which product $ho nic+named his gun 2ucrettia Borgia cos it +illed e"erything $hat was the irst ABC ?7 series rated No 1 or ull season Name the companion o the cartoon character *ecret *Cuirrel $ho was codenamed Napoleon by the secret ser"ice $hat is sometimes +nown as -oober -rease An which sport would they use the term straight handle $hat was the irst creature put on the endangered species list An what ?7 series did we meet Perry 6asonry =llen 6arrenner became more amous as who $hat was Hitchcoc+,s irst ilm in colour $hose a"ourite poodle was called %u us $hat scene is included or good luc+ in most o *pielberg ilms Beatles were 1st 3' group on =d *ulli"an who was second $ho were originally ?he *ons o >aniel Boone $ho was the irst gol er to o icially earn o"er N1 million a year 6ary *urratt what the irst woman to do what in 3* $hose normal heartbeat is 2&2 per minute An 18.8 who ormed tangerine records !ebruary 21st 1414 the irst what was published in New Ha"en 9oon;6i 'im Olympic gold aged 1# years 4# days what sport ?he clusec is the unit measuring the power o what ?hree what appear on the Connecticut state lag $hat do the -ermans now celebrate on October #rd $hen are you most li+ely to see a penumbra *torm $arning the only ilm in which this Actress +illed who An which sport would they use the term crotch ball $hat was >isney,s irst non animated li"e action ilm (aire di"erted roads to a"oid disturbing communities o what $ho in"ented the word pandemonium $ho is the -ree+ eCui"alent o the %oman <upiter $ho or what was introduced to the 3*A in 18.& Augusto Pinochet was the ruler o which country -io"idi is what day in Atalian Han+ Ballard and the 6idnights irst released what in 18.: An church terms what are saucers $here were Panama hats irst made $hat does a +ymograph measure Name the dar+ lord in 2ord o the %ings $hat is the ninth letter o the -ree+ alphabet *chschpiel is what game in -ermany ?he -ree+ -oddess =phesus is the -oddess o what ?heophilus 7an 'annal in"ented what in 1444 in Philadelphia $hich actor appeared in drag in two 6arlene >ietrich ilms $ho was the irst roc+ band to per orm at N9 Opera house $hat was the name o the cab company in ?a5i An which sport would you hear the term Antente Bac+ o a 3* N1: bill 2ebanon >octor Peppers Bu alo Bill 6arcus $elby 6E>E 6orocco 6ole !ran+ *inatra Peanut Butter Curling ; stone sent no cur"e Peregrine !alcon !lintstones lawyer ne"er lost case *usan Hayward %ope $inston Churchill A *hooting star ?he *earchers ?he Boy *couts o America Curtis *trange Be Hanged 6r *poc+ in *tar ?re+ %ay Charles ?elephone >irectory *hort trac+ speeds+ating 7acuum pumps -rape 7ines 3nity day >uring an =clipse >oris >ay Handball ; ball hitting loor ceiling ?reasure Asland =l"es <ohn 6ilton G capitol o hell (eus ; chie -od - A <oe Chile ?hursday ?he ?wist >omes Peru Oscillations *auron Aota Chess Chastity %e"ol"ing >oor <ohn $ayne ?he $ho *unshine cabs <ai Alai G Players 6anager

No Questions Quiz 41
1 An which county would you ind !uCing

A port in ?aiwan

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $ho wrote the three act opera ?he %a+es Progress An the Bible <ael murdered *isera using what weapon Anna 6aria 2ouisa Ataliano became amous as who ?he *tanley cup was not awarded in 1818 what stopped it An the 3* 2:J o all lightning stri+e deaths occur where $ho irst appeared in the cartoon strip ?himble ?heatre $hat was the most popular Imas gi t in 181# An $atership >own rabbit language what is a hrududu An which county would you ind Ars $hat do Bea"is and Butt;head ha"e on their ? shirts $hat is the most popular *outh American aphrodisiac An the Phantom o the Opera how does the Phantom sign notes $hat lin+s Ale5D BenD Chrissie and Quint $hose biography is o"er 4E) million words long An <udaism there are # cardinal sins AdolatryD Adultery and what $hich singer was +nown as 2ittle 6iss >ynamite Henry Harley Arnold was the irst 3* pilot to do what Name <enni er Anniston,s -od ather An which American state is $an+ers Corner An the 182:s what was a Chicago O"ercoat =nglish esti"al word rom !rench literally !arewell to !lesh $here did you ind cherry strawberry orange apple grape bird $hich actor re used the leading role in 2aurence o Arabia On >ona"an,s 6ellow 9ellow who did the whispering "ocal <ohn Chapman was the real name o someone amous in OhioH $hat starD most popular o 182) was born in a trench in !rance Australians call someone rom where a coc+roach $hat did Peter *ellers use as an in+ blotter in the Pin+ Panther $hat country would you go to ind Per"y *hag $hat is or who carries a labellum Pentagon doublespea+ what is combat emplacement e"acuator $ho was a +night o the order o the in"erted dragon in Hungary An which city is the worlds longest s+ating rin+ ; rideau canal ?he blac+ and white episode o Chicago Hope is a tribute to who An legend what did Cleopatra ha"e her mattress stu ed with Name irst emale top 3* single F album charts simultaneously $hat actor Howard Hughs call pay toilet didn,t gi"e shit nothing $hat bird uses its tongue to spear ood CoC Bang can be ound in which country An the *noopy cartoons what does 2ucy o er in her booth And what does she charge $ho are the largest candy consumers per capita An the 7ietnam war Comic Boo+s was 3* military slang or what $hich tennis winner also won a $inter Olympics sil"er medal Name the hummingbird in >isney,s Pocahontas 188. # highest earning sportsman 6ichael,s <ordanD ?yson and who $hat type o shoes does the Pope usually wear $hat was the theme song o the ilm ?he -rapes o $rath $here in the world would you ind Cumbum Agor *tra"ins+y ?ent Peg Ann Bancro t An luenza epidemic -ol Course Oli"e Oyl =rector sets G 6eccano A motor car Norway 6etallica ; ACF>C Piranha head soup O- ; Opera -host =aten by <aws $inston Churchill 6urder Brenda 2ee Carry 6ail ?elly *a"alas Oregon A co in Carni"al Pac 6an speed up things 6arlon Brando /Quite right slic+0 Paul 6cCartney <ohnny Appleseed %in ?in;?in during $$1 New *outh $ales A Cat %ussia ?he Popes an at ceremonies A sho"el Count >racula ollowing his ather Ottawa Canada Al red Hitchcoc+ !resh rose petals nightly ?he *inging Nun *is 2uc -abrielle %obert 6itchum $oodpec+er 7ietnam Psychiatric help !i"e cents >anes then Arish 6aps <arasla" >robny !lit *chumacher 6occasin %ed %i"er 7alley Andia

No Questions Quiz 41
)1 An which Australian state is ?ittybong


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: Boo+s original title &E) years struggle against lies stupidity P co Name Chewbacca,s son ; seen *tar wars holiday special 1814 Nipper is the %CA dog in the 3* what,s he +nown as in the 3' $hat is the most populous domesticated creature in the 3* HaresD catsD toadsD newtsD owlsD errets all accused o what 181: who announced he was entering a clinic or a se5 change $hich 3* president twice ser"ed as an e5ecutioner 6uc+le <ohn was the last o icial royal one in =ngland ; what *hagaganda sounds li+e molesting a goose ; but where is it Portland %osebuds were the irst 3* team to do what 'laus 7oormann designed the co"er or which Beatles album According to =arth 6edicine what,s the birth totem or march $hich country has no national monetary unit o it,s own Name the irst storm 18 <une 1814 called a ter a man How did 6iss Piggy tell the di erence between lo"e and lust Christopher Proud oot owns the worlds largest collection o what A you shout ?su+i what sport are you practicing An the ilm Bambi what is Bambi,s irst word ?wo possible answers ; in which country would you ind *hit Australians call someone rom where a croweater Old 2yme Connecticut has a museum dedicated to what $hich artist is supposed to ha"e used 1::: greens in painting An the 3*A domestic "iolence pea+s on what day o the year An song who is the man who made =astwood such a star $hat irst happened on <anuary &th 144) >a"enport Aowa Pooh lo"es honey but which creature lo"es watercress $ho has a tattoo saying *tarland 7ocal Band ?he A rican Queen Bogart Hepburn but who should it ha"e been %im Butte sounds li+e something se5ual ; in which 3* state >ecember 1# *witzerland has .E. million people 41 were what An the 3* its 811 in the 3' 888 what in Australia An the 182:s cars built in Bennington had what sa ety de"ice 2i e 2o"e Cows !rench translation o which ilm $hich language ne"er ha"e spelling contests ; spell as sounded $hich 4:s song is still the most reCuested at 3* weddings 1814 a 1:: yard long Cueue outside Pee+ing boo+store sellingH An heraldry a lybbard is a lion panther cross symbolising what $hat did ?eddy %oose"elt ban rom the $hite House Naturally we got to ind a place called !u+a ; $here $hich author whose name means lowering tree got OB= Name actor called ?he "oice o Canada ; had 18.& hit %ingo Only HawaiiD 3tah and ?ennessee dont ha"e some orm o what 3ntil 18.) what was illegal or Connecticut married couples A can o orange crush appears on e"ery episode what ?7 series $hat town has the highest post o ice in the 3* $hat is the most "aried species on the planet Police Academy got its theme song rom which other ilm $hich 3* states constitution was the irst to prohibit sla"ery !inally a good old body sound where is !arta 6ein 'amp 2umpy H67 dog Honey Bees Being witches amiliars <ohn 2ennon /April ool @o+e0 -ro"er Cle"eland G duty as sheri !ool or <ester Peru Compete *tanley cup %e"ol"er ?he !alcon Andorra Bud By spelling 2awnmowers 'endo Bird Aran or =thiopia *outh Australia Nuts <ohn Constable *uperbowl *unday ?he all guy G un+nown stuntman Appendectomy %oo Homer *impson >a"id Ni"en Bette >a"is Alas+a 3nemployed ::: A *aint Christopher medal City *lic+ers %ussian =ndless lo"e $or+s o *ha+espeare 2) cents $ildness Christmas trees (aire Ngaio 6arsh G mystery writer 2orne -reen 2egal gambling Contraception =% Clima5 Colorado >omesticated dog Patton 7ermont Nigeria

No Questions Quiz 44
1 $hat actor was born 'rishna Bhan@i

Ben 'ingsley

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hich Bruce made the co"er o ?ime in 181) An Peter and the $ol what instrument represents the cat $here would you ind bead wires wrapping and sipes Brian =no created which sound $hat is produced using the 'roll process $ho irst said K?he -ames A ootK An !rance what +ind o nuts are noisette A young what is called a sCuea+er <une 1844 who,s on co"ers ?imeD 2i eD PeopleD and *ports Allustrated $hich companies name translates as rising sun $hat,s unusual about the in+ used to print money =lizabethan =ngland what was 2i t leg >ragons 6il+ Angel ood ?he Necromancer in ?he Hobbit became who in later wor+s According to Playboy what is their Playmates greatest turn on And what,s their greatest turn o Canberra in Australia has 2 meanings meeting place and what *terling Holloway was original "oice o which >isney character Name the +not used to shorten a rope without cutting it !anny Crosby wrote o"er 4::: o these ; what $hat was the irst country to use postcards $hat ma+es the holes in *wiss cheese Be ore 144# who were called +ran+s $hat did =d Peterson in"ent $hat is the most consumed ruit in the 3* *eth $heeler patented it in 1411 ; what $hich actor wore an old trenchcoat in one scene in all his ilms $hat did < =dgar Hoo"er call home o disease bribery rape $hich prop item did 6-6 ban rom ilm sets in the early ):s ? $hat is the more common name or blue corundum ?he &2 string guitar is correctly called what $hat is made in shapes called ingerD petticoat and thistle $hat were the irst tennis balls stu ed with $hat did the 3* go"ernment call predawn "ertical insertion !or what would you use zener cards An 18:4 A,=cu d,Or became the worlds irst what An *tar ?re+ what is Che+o",s irst name An Norse mythology ?hor,s chariot is pulled by two what $hat were the old hec+lers in the 6uppet show named a ter According to Billboard what was the top single o the .:s *teely >an is a band but what was the original steely dan An the 6iddle Ages people threw what at the Bride and -room $hat does the sun in *3N 6icrosystems stand or An !ran+ Herbert,s >une what are the 6a+ers $hich country produces the most ull length eature ilms $hat is the most popular dogs name in the 3* $hat is the common name or a i"e wood in gol An %ebel $ithout a Cause name the High *chool A young what is called a blin+er An Peter and the $ol what instrument represents the duc+ <aws ; Bruce was the shar+ ?he Clarinet On ?yres $indows 8) start;up ?itanium $illiam *ha+espeare Hazelnuts Pigeon 6i+e ?yson Hitachi At,s magnetic Names or Beer *auron 6usic =goists and liars !emale breasts $innie the Pooh *heepshan+ Hymns Austria -as gi"en o by bacteria Baseball ans G an in"ented then =gg 6c6u in Co ee Bean $rapping Paper >a"id Ni"en 6otels 7 sets *apphire Pi+asso guitar *cottish *hortbread Human Hair An"asion o -ranada ?o test or =*P Pornographic ilm Pa"el -oats name ?anngrisni ?anngnost New 9or+ Hotels $aldor *tadler Hey <ude Chrome dildo =ggs *tan ord 3ni"ersity Networ+ *andworms ; *hai; haulud Andia 6a5 Ba y >awson 6ac+erel ?he Oboe

No Questions Quiz 44
)1 According to -ene 'elly who was his a"ourite dancing partner

!red Astair

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat word appears in more ilm titles than any other And which word comes second *ocrates was trained into what pro ession $ho starred in cartoon where the ?asmanian >e"il 1st appeared $hat is the oldest ship commissioned in the %oyal Na"y ?o the Apache Andians what were -od >ogs An onomastician studies what ?he ilaments or the irst electric lamp were made rom what $hich companies irst product was an audio oscillator $hat was the irst bo5ed cereal $hich animals name comes rom Arabic he who wal+s swi tly $hat was Blondies name be ore she married >agwood ?he slee"e o which album was the irst to eature lyrics An liCuid measure a pipe is made up o two what $hich companies name translates as abundant ields $hich group o pro essionals use computer dating the most 6ost people bob or apples what do Adams amily bob or $hich department uses .)J o all paper bought by 3* go" Bowl o red is the Aztec translation o which ood item $ho wanted to play Brody in <aws but *pielberg re@ected him $hat are you doing i you pandiculate $hat ailment +ills the most ruit lies ?he !innish +now her as ?una what do we call her 2)J o Americans belie"e which ictional character is real >r *euss created the irst animated ?7 ad or which company $here would you ind Argine =sther <udith and Pallas $hat is the hole in a pencil sharpener called 18.: Orange bowl was irst appearance o which sporting giant An *tar $ars -eorge 2ucas modelled the =mperor on who $hat did Popeye eat or strength be ore spinach $hat is the meaning o -handi An 1882 2&21 3* people were in@ured at home by what $hat is -erber,s most popular la"our o baby ood $hat was Billboards hit single o the 181:s An -ree+ what /bad or your diet item0 translates into solid bile $hat lin+s *corpion *eawol and ?hresher $ho coined the term gossip column $hich singers irst band was called ?he *piders $hat is the irst line on 6el Blanc,s tombstone $hat was =mperor Napoleon Bonaparte,s o icial emblem ?he locals call it >ru+ 9ul ; 2and o the >ragon what country $hat was the irst 3* ?7 series broadcast in the 3**% An Belgium i you are eating waterzooi what is it $hat is the part o a horse between etloc+ and hoo called A Hobbits will reCuires se"en signatures in what $hich classic ilm was called production 8&:1 during ilming $here did we meet New+ir+D CarterD 2eBeau and 'inchlow *herrin ord was hero Ormond *ac+er assistant names changed ?o $hat did Al red Hormel in"ent 2o"e Paris *tonecutter Bugs Bunny G >e"il may Hare H6* 7ictory rom )F1F111) Horses Names Bamboo Hewlett Pac+ard *hredded wheat -ira e Boopadoop Beatles *ergeant Peppers Hogsheads ?oyota ?eachers Crabs >e ence department Chilli Charlton Heston 9awn Constipation Cinderella *herloc+ Holmes !ord Pac+ o cards G Queens names Chuc+ -oodyear Blimp %ichard Ni5on -arlic -rocer ?heir Houseplants 6ashed Bananas 9ou light up my li e Cholesterol 2ost 3* nuclear reactors at sea 6ar+ ?wain Alice Cooper ?hatBs All !ol+s Bumblebee Bhutan >a+tari Creamy ish stew Pastern %ed An+ Psycho Hogan,s Heroes Holmes and $atson *pam

No Questions Quiz 48
1 Col 6eriweather 2ewis Clar+ <r de"eloped rules or what in 3*


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hatD according the 6ar+ ?wainD is a stomach *teinway ?he worlds irst what opened in Brighton =ngland in 1481 $here was the canning process or ish irst de"eloped $here or what is a birds lore $hich three word catchphrase is most uni"ersally recognised 3* ci"il war what disease incorrectly treated by in+ in@ections Preparing to in"ade <apan in $$2 the 3* ordered &::::: what $hat are Blue Pro essorD Bottle Amp and %at !aced 6c>ougal Chrometrophobia is the ear o what Name Bilbo Baggins mother %oc+y and Bullwin+le enemies are Boris Badeno" and who An Baseball slang who would use ?he tools o Agnorance $hich American poet was also a surgeon $hat do you do to see phosphenes An =Cuatorial -uinea its illegal to name your child what $hat in 2ondon are the $hitechapleD Courtald and Heywood $hich word meaning crop growing comes rom 2atin to plough $hat is unusual about the crab eating seal Bascule cantile"er suspension all types o what A a dish is ser"ed pomontier what does it contain $hich se"en letter word in =nglish contains all i"e "owels $hich country has the most daily newspapers $hat pro ession recei"es the Pritz+er prize *aint Bibiana is the Patron *aint o what An the 3' .:J o pets ha"e what How is the Olympic torch lit $hat shape is cansonsei pasta >ead mans hand was Aces and =ights plus which other card Charles Atlas promised to ma+e you a new man ; what system Name 3* mountain range comes rom !rench At the Bows %ed headed men are more li+ely than others to do what $hich *ans+rit phrase means lo"e story $hat is Pennsyl"ania,s main agricultural e5port Persia became Aran in 18#) what was it be ore it was Persia -rand ?ur+ is the name o the ship ; where would you see it ?he !rench call it ?he Casserole what do we call it $here would you see C>=!2OP>( !urritus 2atin or little thie"es is the name or which creature $hich ilm begins !riday >ecember 11th 2E&#pm $hat is the most common ood allergen $hat,s the biggest source o pollution in 2a+e Ontario $hat phrase did Quantum 2eap,s *am Bec+ett use in e"ery show ="ery year #:::: 3* people are seriously in@ured by what $ho coined the term security blan+et Andia has the largest Hindu population what country has second $here did we see a snor+asaurus 9our su ering rom circadian dysrhythmia what ha"e you got Name most per ormed opera at 2ondon opera House since 14## $hich garment gets it,s name rom the 2atin to co"er Accordion Petrol /gas0 station *ardinia *pace between eye and bea+ Bond <ames Bond -onorrhoea Purple Hearts !ishing !lies 6oney Belladonna ?oo+ Natasha !atale Catchers =Cuipment Oli"er $endell Holmes *hut eyes lashing lights seen 6onica Art -alleries Arable At don,t eat crabs Bridge Potatoes *eCuoia Andia Architects Hango"ers Health Ansurance By the sun in -reece 2ittle Britches Queen o Hearts >ynamic ?ension Ozar+s ; Au5 Arcs -o Bald 'arma *utra 6ushrooms Aran Old *pice cologne bottle ?he Big >ipper 3* =ye test chart !errets Psycho Nuts 2a+e =rie Oh Boy =5ercise eCuipment Charles *chulz Nepal !lintstones it was >ino <et 2ag 2a Boheme ?oga

No Questions Quiz 48
)1 $hich country has the highest J o women in their legislature


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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
)2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he Pentagon accidentally ordered 42 year supply o which ood $hat did Barbie do in 1811 $hat irst appeared at the 1824 $inter Olympics 2aurence ?ureaud became more amous as who $hat is the most chemically comple5 ood ; o"er #:: chemicals $hat,s the word or the ront o a dogs chest and @oint o bee $hich comic character is both a princess and a prince $hich recreational acti"ity causes the most bone ractures $hich creature has a carapace and a plastron 3n ortunate names ; Pansy was a brand o what sold in China 3* what was the last brand o cigarettes to be ad"ertised on ?7 Ataly *chia etoniD %osetti and Crusetti in *icily what pasta type An a museum 2a Crosse 'ansas is Crandals Champion what 6y $ord were the inal words o which amous ?7 character Name the pet peacoc+ on ?he $alton,s $hich building material gets its name rom Arabic or the bric+ An which city is the oldest (oo in the world still in use >inner ?ime by Paul ?erry was which cartoon irst $hich country has the highest per capita di"orce rate A su erer rom boanthropy belie"es he is what An 18#8 in the 3* what was the irst patented plant Collecti"e nouns ; a pace o what creatures $ho was the irst 3' solo artist to ha"e a 3* number 1 hit $hat shape is canestrelli pasta 9"on Petra 18&. was the last $imbledon champion to do what A ner"ous +angaroo lic+s its where <esus was born in Bethlehem what does Bethlehem mean An the ?e5as "ersion 12 >ays Imas what is gi"en on the &th day Borborygmus is the medical name or what $hen >ino was !red,s pet what was Barney,s called $hat is the leading cause o death in Papua New -uinea An which country did a oot deodorant get elected into o ice Proportionately which creature has the largest brain $here is the worlds largest gay esti"al held annually $ho was the irst athlete to ha"e an animated cartoon series BobD $allyD Alice and Aso+ can be ound in which strip cartoon $hich group were derided as ?he poor mans %olling *tones A ter the 3* ci"il war what was +nown as the soldiers disease $ho was the irst character to spea+ in *tar $ars =lwood =dwards "oice is heard by AO2 users ; where 2in+ ApolloD -hengis 'han and Abraham 2incoln on ?7 $hat do the & o top 1: children,s authors ha"e in common Palmoli"e promised to help women +eep what $ho was shown on the most popular 3* postal stamp o 1884 $hich +ind o lower has the most species An the 3* what,s the most common reason or a "isit to =% $hich country has the most cellular phones per capita On ?7 who wor+ed at Otto,s Auto Orphanage ?heir technical name are hydrometeors what,s common name !reeze dried ?una salad mi5 *mile !i"e Olympic %ings 6r ? Chocolate Bris+et $onder $oman G >iana Prince Aerobic >ancing ?urtles shell up low 6ens 3nderwear 7irginia *lims Cannelloni Barbed $ire museum <ames ?iberius 'ir+ %o"er Adobe 2ondon ?al+ie 1 2at"ia ; 2 %ussia G # Belarus An O5 New >awn %ose >on+eys Ac+er Bil+ *tranger on the *hore 2ittle Bas+ets $ear ?rousers !orearms House o Bread !our Pric+ly Pears -as noises in gut Hoppy a Hoparoo !alling out o ?rees =Cuator ?he Ant *ydney gay 6ardi gras Australia 6ohamed Ali >ilbert Aerosmith 6orphine addiction C#PO $elcome and 9ou -ot 6ail All met <ames ? 'ir+ British ; Blyton >ahl Potter etc *choolgirl comple5ion *yl"ester and ?weety Orchid *tomach Cramps *weden ?he !onz Hailstones

No Questions Quiz 8:
1 An the <ewish religion where are shell ish and por+ +osher

Chinese %estaurants

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat is the most popular last name in !rance $hat was the irst shoe brand name to go into O5 ord dictionary !red $aller patented what sporting eCuipment $ho began his career as ?he $orlds $orst <uggler $hich cities name means =nd o the elephants trun+ $ho was the irst woman to win an acting =mmy in a s series $hat is the most assigned boo+ F play in =nglish classes Name the *ha+espeare play with a city in -reece in name An the Bible Cain built a city named a ter his son what Amor 7incit Omnia a 2atin phrase meaning what ?heatre at the stairway is the translation o which place $here is Bonnie Prince Charlie buried $here are you i you land at Norman 6anley airport An the human body what is produced by the parotid glands $hat was the irst magazine to publish a hologram on it,s co"er $hat is Britain,s most commonly planted tree $ho was nic+named ?he Admiral o the 6osCuitoes ##J o worlds population can,t do what apparently simple thing $hat type o large "ehicle is named a ter a Hindu -od $ho spo+e or the irst time in a Bugs Bunny cartoon in 18)1 2ord HarryD Old BillyD QueedD *+ipperD ?oast nic+names or who ?he Chinese scattered irecrac+ers around the house ; why $ho was shot and +illed in saloon number ten $hat is the most popular @u+ebo5 song o all time $hich spies name translates as =ye o the >awn $hat would a rhinotille5omaniac be doing CornbreadD ?ur+ey and *weet potatoes made up the irst what $hich Clint =astwood ilm has the most +illings /.)0 %ussia has one but the 3* has at least si5 ; what ACAAD *toc+lessD 6ushroom and Plough types o what !ebruary 1888 what was the astest growing religion in the 3* An Pac 6an eating what was worth )::: points $hat common item has a coilD pointD sheath and two sha ts An which country are the most lowers bought per capita $hat is the moons astronomical name Agnoring cats what large animals purr when they are happy Carnegie 6elon 3ni"ersity only one o ers a degree in what $here in the 3* by law do you not ha"e to pay ta5es $here are -ene %oddenberrys ashes Ad"ertising slogan ; No one e"er got ired or buying what $here is the original *pa $hat # in"entions do Americans say they cant li"e without $here in the world can you ind !riday be ore ?hursday $here would you ind a breastD oreD spring and a ter spring $hat sport originally meant in !renchD loo+ here An >u+es o Hazard boys dro"e -eneral 2ee name >aisies @eep ="idence o the irst recorded brothel was ound in which city $hich two letter word is the most sacred in Hinduism $hat is the most chosen name or 3* schools sports teams 6artin >r 6artins $ater *+is !red Astair 'hartoum 2indsay $agner G Bionic $oman %omeo and <uliet ?imon o Athens =noch 2o"e conCuers all 2a *cala 6ilan %ome 'ingston <amaica *ali"a National -eographic *it+a *pruce Christopher Columbus *nap their ingers <uggernaut %oadrunner ?he >e"il or *atan !ire Alarms $ild Bill Hic+oc+ Crazy ; Patsy Cline 6ata Hari Pic+ing their nose ?7 >inner $here =agles >are Places called 6oscow Anchors *i+h Banana *a ety Pin Netherlands 6oon Brahma Bulls Bagpiping An Andian %eser"ation *ent into *pace AB6 2iege Belgium Car ; 2ightbulb G ?elephone An a >ictionary & o . mooring lines tying up ship ?ennis >i5ie Athens -reece Om =agles or ?igers

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8:
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $ho was the irst choice to play Be"erley Hills Cop $hat occupation had the most atal wor+ in@uries in 3* in 188& $hat did sailors o ten ha"e tattooed on bac+s to stop logging $here would you ind lagan How did 'ing Arthur acCuire the round table $hat is the only Bible boo+ re erred to in a *ha+espeare play Harry %osoll created which amous bear $hat did < =dgar Hoo"er bar people rom wal+ing on Car racing and what sport were banned in the 3*A during $$2 Al Alcorn wrote which amous computer program F game An what country is Peter AA o 9ugosla"ia buried Asian moon rat is the only animal smells li+e a "eg which one An $innie the Pooh what,s the name o"er the door Pooh,s house $hich old time ?7 cop had a middle name o Aloysius An the comic !antastic !our what was ?hings character name $hich countries name comes rom the Arawa+ word or central Norman Bean became amous as which author !rancis -alton irst classi ied what Brent blend is a widely traded commodity ; what is it At %oman easts which birds tongues were delicacies ?essen@utsu is a martial art based on the use o what item $hich common item was banned by law in Bermuda until 18&4 $ho sells more cars than !ord Chrysler Che"rolet and Buic+ $e +now what a moussa+a is but what does it literally mean !rench in tennis lo"e means zero but what did it originally mean Name was %ichard 'imble,s a"ourite alias in the ?7 series An Alabama its illegal to ha"e more than # what in your house ?wos company threes a crowd what do our and i"e ma+e On a car"ing in Co"entry Cathedral what did 2ady -odi"a ride Bengal >imension . !alcon # possible names what was chosen $hich 3* states name means meadowland $hat creature is nic+named the old man o the sea $hat did the word hussy originally mean ?he Alley Cats was the wor+ing title o which ?7 show $hich city had the world irst public bus ser"ice An the 3' 8 out o 1: people li"e within wal+ing distance o what 1)J industrial accidents happen to people who ain,t done what *wine is a Chinese brand name o which ood $hat +eeps growing until you are #) then starts to shrin+ $hich is the only bird that drops it,s upper eyelid to blin+ $hat company created the gi image ile ormat $hat was 7incent Price,s irst horror ilm $hich s+ill uses things called chain singles and doubles Name the pro ession most o ten late or doctors appointments ?he a"erage American consumes 8lbs o what e"ery year $hich cartoon company is based in $alla $alla $ashington An 'orea what is ssirum An the human body what is replaced e"ery three months $hat is the top holiday in the 3* or candy F sweet sales $hich 3* state lag is triangular in shape

*yl"ester *tallone ?ruc+ >ri"ers A Cross An sea o"erboard attached to loat A $edding gi t Numbers in Henry 7 *mo+ey the Bear His *hadow Horse %acing Pong America only euro monarch there Onion 6r *anders *te"e 6c-arret G Hawaii ) : Ben@amin -rimm Cuba =dgar %ice Burroughs !ingerprints Oil !lamingos A !an 6otor Cars 6atchbo5 toys 6oistened =ggs <im Animals !our and i"e ma+e nine A -oat Ni+e ; but others were considered options 'entuc+y *ea Otter ; it,s white whis+ers House+eeper Charlie,s Angels Paris A Bus *top =aten Brea+ ast Chocolate 9our *+eleton Owl Compu*er"e House o $a5 Crocheting >octors !ood Additi"es Acme in %oadrunner *umo $restling =yelashes Halloween Ohio

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 81
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An a sur"ey &J o 3* employees ne"er do what at wor+ $hich sitcom was set in >unns %i"er Connecticut !red *il"erman in"ented the name *cooby >o named a ter who $hat does Antel stand or $hich game was called Beano till =dwin 2owe renamed it An the 3* what was ree be ore 14.# $hat was Helen 'eller,s irst word 6iddle Ages ha"ing what creatures in the house was good luc+ $hat is the ull name o the creator o Peter Pan On a piano the le t pedal is the so t what,s the right called One anger ?wo mirth ?hree wedding !our birth what are they *peci ically to what does =piscopal re er $hich sort o court case causes the most per@ury $hich country consumes the most chic+en per capita And which country comes second *aint Homobonus is the Patron *aint o who $hich item irst appeared in *uperior Hotel 6ontana in 18:4 $hat became a ull Olympic sport in 1882 $hich actor used to sweep out lions cages or a li"ing ?he a"erage American does it 1411 times in their li e ; what $ho was the irst computer millionaire ?asseomancy is ortune telling using what An 3' whose pri"ate house has its own court and 11 prison cells ?he bu alo wea"er is the only bird to de"elop a alse what An what amous 3* building would you ind Broadway $hose memoirs were called ?here and bac+ again $hich dish gets its name rom the !rench meaning to stir $here would you ind the stu ing bo5 and suc+ing rod Pidge appeared in which >isney ilm ?he a"erage size o what is a grain o sand ?here are 2: days in the wee+ in whose calendar A young dogs a pup what,s the correct name or a young s+un+ O+amoto in <apan is the worlds largest ma+er o what Apis 6ne"is Onuphis # names or the sacred what o =gypt At costs N#: a day in Austria to do this nude in winter ; what On ?7 what team wor+ed out o Aolani Palace =scaping con"icts used to drop what to throw dogs o the scent $hat irst name has been used by most presidents ?he word cruise comes rom which language An a sur"ey 3* =%s what is the most commonly bro+en bone An computing who are loppy and mootilda An the 3* money is still top marital argument what is second An <apan they sell a last clima5 ; what is it An 3* only 4 J o women do it ; but it changes their li"es ; what ?he *wiss spend the worlds most money per capita on what Arthur Paul designed which icon ; appears on a magazine ?he <ewish prayer or the dead 'addish is in what language $hat is the name o >octor Claws pet in Anspector -adget $hich magazine is most o ten stolen rom 3* libraries $hich actress had a @ob putting cosmetics on corpses

2augh *oap !ran+ *inatra Antegrated =lectronics Bingo 6ail ser"ice $ater Ants <ames 6athew Barrie *ustaining Crows Bishops Contested >i"orce *audi Arabia Asrael Business People -ideon Bible Badminton *yl"ester *tallone =at at 6ac>onald,s Herman Hollerith ?ea 2ea"es 2ord 6ayor 2ondon 6ansion House Penis to lash or mates Alcatraz ; main prison bloc+ Bilbo Baggins ?he Hobbit %atatouille Oil $ell Pump 2ady and ?ramp pet name 2ady 6eteor Aztec A +it or +itten Condoms Bull Cross country s+iing Hawaii ) : %ed Herrings <ames >utch 'ruisen Cla"icle or Collar Bone -ateways cows $hat to watch on ?7 Brand o tissues Propose marriage to boy riend Ansurance Playboy bunny $ritten Hebrew but in Aramaic 6adcat *ports Allustrated $hoopee -oldberg

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No Questions Quiz 81
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: *o ar 11 3* presidents ha"e been what .#:: was the biggest cast in a commercial or what company 'noc+;'noc+ was the irst cartoon starring what character 18&: ?he *weater *hop Anternational was a competition which sport -ree+ mythology women o 2emnos did what to their husbands -ood ellow,s 2umholtz,s and Bennett,s type o what animal ?7s Ben Casey started with 6an $oman Birth >eath and what $hat was banned in Andonesia or stimulating passion A a ?ur+ish @udge brea+s a pencil what does it mean An the ilm <umping <ac+ !lash what is <ac+,s code +ey $ashington police o icers get a hal hour class in how to what $hat is the worlds largest ood company $hat is a cremnophobe a raid o $hat is the most common name or Playboy centre olds $ho is the tallest telletubbie Boston %ed *o5 are ?he Pilgrims but what were they be ore An the A ?eam name 6urdochBs in"isible dog An 18:: Americans did it or 8hour 2: min now its 1hour 2: what ?he irst one was ) 5 2: the irst what 1 in 2: children born in 3* today will do what $here in the world are the most roses grown An the 3*A on <anuary 1 you ha"e the greatest ris+ o what 2e5ico was in"ented in 18#2 what did it change its name to ?en 1::: "irgins bought insurance against what in 2::: $hich pro ession drin+s the most co ee $hich duo has won se"en Oscars $hat is tattooed on the 6arlboro mans hand ?he classical music term ugue comes rom 2atin meaning what $hat Bond thing did %oger 6oore not do in 1 ilms ?he term warts and all comes rom a portrait o who Ne"ada and Canberra are "arieties o which "egetable !or which game would you win the Plimpton Cup $hat was the distress call be ore *O* $here would you see sprites blur @ets and el"es Name Casper the riendly ghosts horse $hat is the most common surname or 6otel owners in the 3* Ancient %omans dyed their hair with what waste product $hat in history were the Bea"erD >artmouth and =leanor Name 2ois 2anes stewardess sister $ho is on the most popular us commemorati"e stamp -abriel !allopius is credited with in"enting what $hat does Honolulu mean in Hawaiian !ood ser"ed ni"ernaise has what ingredient $hat is a hoblet 2:8 Popes ha"e been Atalian which country has the 2nd highest A Cruci"erbalist is interested in what Name Andiana <oneses dog ?he Andian name *ingh translates as what $hat is the only patented uni orm F costume in the 3*A $hat was the irst 8: minute ?7 series in 18.2

-enerals British Airways $oody $oodpec+er *noo+er 6urder ?ree 'angaroo An inity Hula Hoops 9our death sentence B !lat *it >own Nestle !alling down stairs *usan ?in+y $in+y ?he *omerset,s Billy *leep *preadsheet *er"e time in prison ?e5as Being 6urdered *crabble Ammaculate conception Health care ?om and <erry An =agle !light >rin+ 6artinis ; and smo+e Oli"er Cromwell Cauli lower Bac+gammon CQ> ; come Cuic+ danger ?hunderstorm electrical discharge Nightmare Patel Bird *hit *hips Boston ?ea Party 2ucy 2ane =l"is Condoms *heltered Harbour Carrots A 7asectomised erret !rance Crossword Puzzles Andiana 2ion Playboy Bunny -irls ?he 7irginian

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Questions Quiz 82
?rismus is a muscular spasm where in the body An ilms who could win the -olden Boot award $hat do the initials AO3 stand or on an AO3 A agotist is a person who does what $hat are popcornD moss and seed $hich ood item contains the most residual pesticides An the 3* what @ob has an a"erage AQ o 1:& -reat Brother is the Chinese translation o which drug $hich =nglish name produces the most nic+names $hich ruit is the symbol o hospitality $hich city is built on 114 islands Be ore it meant tall building what did s+yscraper mean %udol the red nosed reindeer had a girl riend ; name her $hich author sold most boo+s in the irst hal o 2:th century An which sport is the 2ugano trophy awarded $hich song is per ormed at start Andiana <ones ?emple o >oom AmnesicD >iarrhetic and Paralytic main types o what poisoning >onald Ba5ter 6c6illan compiled the irst what dictionary An 18): what character was on irst metal lunchbo5 in the 3* And in 184) who was on the last one produced $hich 3* state has the highest di"orce rate $hat was the irst publicly tele"ised sporting e"ent in <apan A you ha"e a buccula what ha"e you got $hich insect is the symbol o emale potency OptiphoneD 2ustreer and 6irascope early names or which item ?he name o which abric comes rom the Persian word or spun $hat @ob does an Oi+ologiost do An 18.8 *port was the irst magazine to run an ad or what Purple green and gold are the o icial colours which annual e"ent $hat is Homer *impsons greatest ear Cassius 6arcellus Coolidge painted which amous paintings $hy was 6c>onalds illet o ish in"ented 2usophone describes countries whose main language is what $here would you see analog watches showing 1:E1: An $$1 what warning de"ice was on the top o =i el ?ower According to doctors people with what pets all asleep easiest $hat is sometimes re erred to as (ulu time $hat was originally called oli"e oil water A"erage 3* male does it in 11E& mins but emale ta+es 1# what Nylon was in"ented in 18#& what product irst used it $ho was the original choice to play the terminator $hat ri"ers name translates as ri"er o hate ?he a"erage what is designed to last or 14: wearings $hat is the ull name o Batman,s butler On which annual day do most heart attac+s occur $hat is the name or the number 1 ollowed by 1:: zeros $ho in"ented wa5 paper $hat is the name o Por+y Pigs nephew Ancel 'eys de"eloped which 3* soldiers item A you su ered rom acrony5 what ha"e you got

<aw ; li+e loc+@aw Actors in cowboy ilms A Owe 3nto Plays the Bassoon 'nitting *titches Peaches Policeman 7iagra =lizabeth Pineapple 7enice ?all sailing ships masts Clarissa =dgar %ice Burroughs %oad $al+ing Anything -oes *hell ish =s+imo ; =nglish Hopalong Cassidy %ambo Ar+ansas A Baseball 6atch >ouble Chin ?he Honey Bee ?ele"ision ?a eta House+eeper Condoms 6ardi -ras *oc+ Puppets >ogs playing pool cards etc 6eatless 2ent Portuguese On most watch ad"ertisements Parrots !ish -reenwich mean time 7aseline *hower ?oothbrush O < *impson *ty5 in Hades Bra Albert Pennyworth New years day -oogle ?homas =dison Cicero ' rations Angrown ?oenail

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Questions Quiz 82
$hat was the irst ?7 theme song to hit number one 3* charts Brownie $ise irst co"er woman on Business wee+ de"elopedH $hat was the irst ood designed or the microwa"e An the 3* what was the irst ?7 test symbol $hich painters wor+ is the most stolen Name award shaped li+e a teapot with a s+ull and crossbones


>a"y Croc+et ?upperware Party Popcorn >ollar sign Pablo Picasso Agatha ; or crime mystery writers $hat does Abraham 2incoln ne"er do in any photographs *mile Pi Pa Po is the >utch eCui"alent o which =nglish phrase *nap Crac+le Pop Be ore 1.41 cloc+s ne"er had what 6inute hands $hat is the most pro itable section in supermar+ets 1 6eat ; 2 !resh "eg G # Pet !ood ?he a"erage American eats )... what in their li etime !ried =ggs $ho is the spouse o the >u+e o Normandy Philip >u+e o =dinburgh $hich old =nglish time unit is 1E) minutes long A 6oment An 2as 7egas which gambling thing generates the most pro it *lot 6achines $hat colour is Queen =lizabeth,s blotting paper Blac+ $here can you ind Clippit =5cel help assistant paperclip An the 1#th century =uropean children were baptised with what Beer $hich popular cartoon strip has ne"er included an adult Peanuts $hat is the most common street name in the 3*A Par+ *treet According to one estimate Ben@amin !ran+lin had 2& what Bastards G Allegitimate children Be ore tennis what drew spectators to $imbledon CroCuet $hich amous ship and whis+eys name means short unders+irt Cutty *ar+ Beetho"en ga"e up what while writing his ninth symphony Bathing An 111. the irst union went on stri+e in the 3* what @ob <ourneyman Printers Name the irst oreign company to open a actory in the 3*A 7ol+swagen $hose secretary was 2oelia Ponsonby <ames Bond $ho was 6ussolini,s a"ourite cartoon character >onald >uc+ According to truc+ dri"ers which 3* state has the worst dri"ers Cali ornia Name !rosty the *nowman,s son Chilly G 6illie >aughter Crystal wi e $hat,s most commonly used password on computer systems Password $ho was the irst trapeze artist to per orm without a net <ules 2eotard A you su er rom protanopia you cannot see what Colour red $hat occurs in *eptember and >ecember more than any other month 2etter = Alectryomanchy is another name or what banned 3' 14&8 Coc+ ighting An Bewitched Aunt Clara had a collection o what >oor+nobs !or what was <oan o Arc made a *aint Her 7irginity $hat was the most bombed place in $$2 6alta As a per ormer what one thing would =l"is ne"er do An =ncore ?he word 3topia rom -ree+ means what Nowhere $i e Beware in 18## was the irst ilm shown where A >ri"e in theatre $hat did =instein call Kthe most di icult thing to understandK Ancome ?a5es !ire lyD 2onghornD HarleCuin and ?ortoise types o what Beetles =l >ago was the name o whose irst pri"ate plane !ran+ *inatra 6entu =gyptian ?yr Norse -ods o what $ar >isney,s Pluto /nee %o"er0 was originally whose pet dog 6innie 6ouse $ho is only artist that toured with =l"isD Beatles and =agles %oy Orbison $hat is the most used e5pression in any language on earth O+ An 3* what sporting good outsells Base Bas+et and !ootballs !risbees sales beat all combined On what common item would you ind a worm Cor+screw itBs the spiral part $hat is the only creature born with horns -ira e

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No Questions Quiz 8#
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An CHAP* what ma+e o motorcycles did they ride $here is the busiest highway in the 3*A ; AtBs a bridge $hich screenwriter has recei"ed the most Oscar nominations $hat @ob would regularly use +er s An the New ?estament publicans had what @ob $hich 3* city was once named Por+opolis A puggle is a baby what 6en without chest hair are more li+ely to get what disease $hat common item were once called moth patches $hat is written at the bottom o a Oiu@a board ?ucson Arizona what,s o icially +nown as pa"ement de iciencies $hat would you ind in a "i"arium $hat does 9o9o mean in =nglish $hat word do Alas+an sled dri"ers shout to mo"e their teams CardinalD Barlin+a and Napoleon are "arieties o what $hich word literally meaning sweet paste is a brea+ ast item $hat is the only edible orchid A"erage woman,s 1E) times bigger than a"erage mans ; what $hat plants name means wild growing by the 7olga $riting with light is the literal meaning o what word rom -ree+ 18.& Aowa City had one ?o+yo the other only ones in world what ?he British consume twice as much per capita as the 3* ; what On Qua+er Oats what word is written on the scroll on the bo5 Anhedonia is the inability to eel what $hat is &2J carbohydrates )J protein and )#J at 2iteral translation what Persian word is leg garment $hat was originally called lowmatic $ho was born in $attenscheid -ermany No"ember 11th 182: $hat was the irst item made rom aluminium An Happy >ays name !onzies dog An 1&11 the irst ad"ert in =nglish o ered what or sale Only dead people can be on 3* postage stamps e5cept who An 1114 name the irst country to send an ambassador to 3* $hat did the ancient %omans throw at weddings =isenhower trophy is gi"en annually to what best amateur team Name the dogs in 6agnum PA ?he name or which body organ translates as all lesh According to historians what is the oldest de"ice still used $omen do it wee+ly to sleep better men e"ery two wee+s what $ho re@ected the Oli"ia Newton <ohn role in -rease 4:J o restaurant diners donBt do what Anthropologists say what is the worlds oldest pro ession ?he hop;low is the worlds smallest what At the borders o reality is !rench translation what ?7 show $hat does a hygrometer measure Cross garnetD *trapD Butt and Bac+ lap types o what Archaeologists ound 1&) what in 'ing ?uts tomb .#J o Americans spend i"e minutes a day loo+ing or what $hich "egetable is 81J water A melcrypto"estimentaphiliac compulsi"ely steals what

'awasa+i New 9or+,s -eorge $ashington $oody Allen Carpenter ; irst cut to guide saw ?a5 Collectors Cincinnati =chidna Cirrhosis o the li"er !rec+les -ood bye Potholes in the road *na+es Come;Come Hi+e not 6ush Blac+ -rapes 6armalade 7anilla Circum erence o ?highs %hubarb ; %ha G 7olga Barb ; $ild Photography *perm Ban+s Ba+ed Beans Pure Pleasure Chocolate Panamas Cobol <ames Bond %attle or Napoleon AAA *pun+y Prayer Boo+ Astronauts !rance $heat -ol (eus Apollo Pancreas ?oothpic+s Change sheets 6arie Osmond =at dessert $itch >octor 6ushroom ?he I !iles Humidity Hinges 2oincloths ?7 remote control Cabbage 'nic+ers

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8#
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: Name the # headed dog in Harry Potter and Philosophers stone $hat product ran+s number one in consumer brand loyalty And which one comes second 8J o di"orced people say they still do what CommonD =nglishD !lemishD %unning and *tac+ types o what $hich =nglish word comes rom the !rench or candle On =arth what would you ind in an orbit An which =uropean capitol city is a cannon ired at 1E:: pm daily A shro is an e5pert in what QuizD bandloreD coblentzD dis+ all di erent names or what item Name the irst person to hit a gol ball o"er &:: yards with . iron $hich countries name translates as place with a great ri"er %ose O,Neil created the 'ewpie doll where is it signed $orldwide most capitol cities begin with which letter $ho,s irst person to win $imbledon singles on a tie brea+er An 1148 Britain legally adopted what o icially $hat !renchman was the +ing o che s and che o 'ings $hat has the chemical ormula H2O2 6edie"al wine measurement there are two buts to a what $hich materials name comes rom the !rench or rag $hat is the state ruit o 2ouisiana An Ataly their A Pu iD An Hungary ?orpo+D *ama u in <apan ; what $hat musical instrument has gourdD shoulderD nut and lea"es 6ountain ranges li+e *ierra Ne"ada what does Ne"ada mean How o ten does a Cuotidian thing occur 14#4 2os Angeles man needed a licence to do what to a woman An Burma illegal possession o what item can mean prison At a Qua+er wedding it is orbidden to do what $hich "ariety o apple is on the Beatles apple label $hich *ha+espeare play was originally entitled $hat 9ou $ill Name was the irst city to mint its own gold coins in 12)2 An the 3* 2:D::: what are made or children each year $hat was added to Band Aids in 18&: 2ittle 2arry Puny Pete *mall *am considered names o who $hat did Barbie irst get in 18.2 $hich member o lily amily is named rom -ree+ or sprout $hose alphabet was called the !uthar+ Azote is the old name or what element British sailors got lime @uice 3* cranberry what >anish get A you ain,t done it by age &: chances are you ne"er will ; what >uring menstruation the sensiti"ity o woman,s what is reduced $hat product was originally called dryba+ A pogonip is what type o weather condition $hy is rice grown in looded paddy,s $hat is the most easy thing to recycle $hat is roasted in *outh A rica and eaten li+e popcorn $hich cartoon character li"es in *weetwater ?he Adeal toy company was the irst to mass produce what item $hich =uropean city spends the most on the arts each year A you had ?ritonopia what would you not see

!lu y Cigarettes 6ayonnaise Ha"e se5 together Bric+ wall bonds G how laid Chandelier =yeball ; orbits eye soc+et s+ull =dinburgh ?esting coins 9oyo ; rom ?agalog Alan *hepherd on the moon Paraguay *ole o !oot B ="onne Cawley Hanging ; be ore it was burning August =sco ier Hydrogen Pero5ide ?un Chi on *trawberry *mur s A *itar *now ?opped >aily *erenade her A 6odem ?a+e photographs -ranny *mith ?wel th Night !lorence G lorin ?7 ads 1::: cereals %ed opening string >ic+ens ?iny ?im Her car made by Arwin or 6attel Asparagus 7i+ings Nitrogen *auer+raut to stop scur"y -o to Prison 6iddle !inger >uct ?ape Hea"y winter og with ice crystals >rown weeds 1 Aluminium 2 -lass # Paper ?ermites Popeye,s home port ?eddy Bears !ran+ urt Colour Blue

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8&
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hose ad"ert slogan was 9ou press the button we do the rest ?hunder music is the literal translation o which musical term 3* actor $illiam -illette in"ented which characters phrase $hat is the sacred animal o ?hailand Collecti"e nouns ; a strea+ o which creatures An 182. <apan deleted 4::::: eet rom 3* ilms showing what $hat could 7ictorian ad"ertisements not show <umping Badger was the original name o which Andian leader 1414 $anama+er,s o Philadelphia irst 3* store to install what 6ansardD -ambrel and Hip all types o what 3tah the states name comes rom Na"aho meaning what $hat is the astest rac+et sport ; o"er 2:: mph $hich +ey word was remo"ed rom the Olympic charter in 1811 $hat is taught at the Cali ornian Academy o ?auromaCuia An their li etime the a"erage human grows 4 eet o what $hat,s unusual about phone directory in Aceland $e +now who >arth 7ader is but what,s 7ader mean in >utch A mouse,s is bigger than an elephants ; what &:::: Americans are in@ured each year where 2ahnaphophobia is the ear o what One third o ?aiwanese uneral processions include what An Holland what would you do with bare buttoc+s in the grass $hat,s name translates rom Chinese as white "egetable An 'orea which animal is the symbol o long li e $hat on a"erage is two inches wide but 2 miles long $hat do dieters say is the most di icult ood to gi"e up $hat was the punishment in Ancient %ome or water pollution An the 3* women own #)J o what An the 18):s which ilm star was paid N)::: a wee+ An 188. what was the most common use or a computer &.J $hat does the energiser bunny wear on his eet =pistemology is the study o what An 1888 2:J o all 3* tourists came rom which country $hich 3* ?7 show was the top rated in the 1844 48 season An *ha+espeare what is %ichard AAA title be ore he becomes +ing HermesD *ymphony and Ani+ are all what $ine brandy sherry almonds raisins orange glogg what country %ed Connors played by =dgar Buchanan which cowboys partner Agnoring ob"ious what lin+s 6inotaur Harpy Centaur and *phin5 $hat comes in "arieties reestone and clingstone $hat lin+s PythagorasD HitlerD -B *haw and Henry ?horeau ?he $estminster is the oldest and biggest what in the 3*A 6en play it at &: eet women #: eet what game $hich city has the most homeless cats per sCuare mile Abbot ; Costello routine who,s on irst name the pitcher $hat lin+s $ade ; *pode ; 6isen ; >el t $hat creature is the symbol o medicine A male racehorse can do it in 1& seconds ; what $hat body part gets bigger as the day progresses An 188) the a"erage 3* public school had 1) what

'oda+ Philharmonic =lementary my dear $atson ?he white elephant ?igers 'issing ; it was unclean Beds ; hidden behind curtains Chie *itting Bull =lectric 2ights Building roo 3pper Badminton Amateur Bull ighting Nose Hair Alphabetical by orename !ather *perm An the toilet 7egetables A stripper =at them mi5 o string na"y beans Bo+ choy ?he deer A lightning bolt Cheese 1:: lashes All businesses 2assie Boo++eeping in"oicing $P &)J !lip lops 'nowledge <apan %oseanne >u+e o -loucester Com satellites *weden a Christmas punch drin+ Hopalong Cassidy All part human Peaches 7egetarians >og *how Horseshoes %ome ?omorrow Pottery *na+e Copulate as can any male horse !eet ) to 1:J Computers installed

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8&
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: .:J o women say they ha"e ele"en a day ; 11 what 2imnology is the study o what Allustrator *ydney Paget created the trademar+s o who ?he dybbu+ is a creature in which peoples mythology $yatt =arpD !ran+ <amesD Abraham 2incoln what actor lin+s *omething that is istular is what shape $hat brought !rosty the *nowman to li e ?he most common hat in the world is made out o what An a church who would use the chancel $hich male name means -od will @udge $hat is the oldest country in =urope $ho would wear motley An the ilm industry what is a lipper /used by child actors0 Common non domestic animal is not mentioned in the Bible $hich countries name translates as land o the ree ?he sliothar is a leather co"ered cor+ ball used in which sport A something is co+ed en brochette how is it done $hat physical eature gi"es the platypus it,s name $ho would use a plessor An *ha+espeare who is %omeos lo"e ; be ore <uliet $hich country did the !rench +now as ?erra Napoleon An -ree+ mythology what type o creature was Chiron An British nobility which title is the highest $a"ing a yellow lag is the international signal or what $ho would wear a diadem An an orchestra which instrument has the greatest number *hoot the moon is a term used in which card game (apateodo is a rhythmic de"ice used in what music style $hat is always ser"ed early in a ormal <apanese meal $hat is the correct name or a two handed timber saw $hich animals ma+e a sound called nuzzing $hat was the wor+ing title o the ?7 series >allas An your body where is the macula $ith what would you roc+ the baby or wal+ the dog $ho was +nown as ?he man in Blac+ An >ic+ >astardly,s 7ulture sCuadron name the mechanic An 18). Arme Nagy lead a re"olt in which country $hat ri"er lows rom 6ount Hermon into the >ead *ea ?he liCueur crUme de cassis is made rom what $hat agency began as a group o mercenary guards An Bewitched name *amantha,s identical cousin ?he *tasi were an intelligence organisation in what country $ho got a gold single or the song >aniel in 181# ?he !la"ian Amphitheatre is better +nown as what 6iso a basic ingredient in <apanese coo+ing is made o what ?he musical word scherzo comes rom Atalian meaning what A "illanelle is a type o what $hich cities name comes rom AlgonCuin meaning traders !i"e out o si5 o the 7illage people ha"e got what $hat,s the correct name or a young un;bred male ur seal

=mails 6arshes rom -ree+ *herloc+ Holmes >eerstal+er <ewish migrating soul enters body Henry !onda Pipe shaped An old sil+ hat Bamboo Choir they sit there >aniel *an 6arino #:1 ad <ester clothing !alse teeth %ats ?hailand Hurling On a s+ewer $ebbed eet >octor re le5 hammer %osaline Australia $ise Centaur >u+e An ectious disease 'ings headband 7iolins Hearts ; win all !lamenco *ashimi ; raw ish $hipsaw Camels Houston =ye centre o the retina A 9oyo <ohnny Cash Clun+ he did not tal+ but whistled Hungary against %ussia ; *talin <ordan "ia *ea o -alilee Blac+currants ?e5as %angers *erena =ast -ermany =lton <ohn Colosseum in %ome *oybean paste <o+e Poem Ottawa 6oustaches Batchelor

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8)
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): *trine is the "ernacular language spo+en in which country Cardinal and Ordinal are types o what $hat,s the name o >isney,s 2ittle 6ermaid $here does the abbre"iation or pound lb come rom $hat was >isney,s >onald >uc+ originally called $hat was the longest running primetime ?7 drama 2: seasons $hat is generally thought to be the oldest breed o dog An which =uropean city is Charles uni"ersity $hich girls name comes rom -erman meaning battle 12:: in %oman numerals gi"es what sporting body %ed white blue yellow green what,s missing rom %ubi+,s cube $here would you ind a cantonD halyard and ield ?his sport is called camogie women play what,s it when men do A ?res+illing 9ellow sold or o"er N2 million in 188. what is it Name o which household ob@ect comes rom 2atin to wonder at $hich "egetable is also a lower $hat does a necrographer do Name bald head character that peers o"er walls saying wot no ?hose born on April !ools day are what star sign An British army what ran+s between 6a@or -eneral and Colonel An beer measurement 12 pints ma+e a what An the Chinese horoscope what animal comes last alphabetically $hat is a leprechaun,s usual @ob $hat did %obert Ballard disco"er in 184) A you are using Prime ?ierce and Octa"e what are you doing $hat is measured in units called phon An <une 18:. where was the worlds irst grand pri5 held A sil"er is stamped with a leopard in which city was it assayed 1488 what irst was installed Palace %oyal hotel *an !rancisco An which city is the 'entuc+y >erby run $hat is the only silent ilm to win best picture Oscar An 182# the BBC irst broadcast what on the radio $hich o *anta,s reindeer comes irst alphabetically No"ember 24th 18&4 what was the irst ?7 western in the 3*A $hich dance means in Portuguese snapping o a whip An 18.) who became country music,s irst millionairess $hich country began the tradition o e5changing Imas gi ts $hat is the =nglish name or the constellation 6ensa $ho ordered the building o the ?ower o 2ondon An the *impsons name Ned !landers wi e $hat was the irst ood consumed on the moon in Apollo 11 !rance and which country contested irst e"er world cup match An the song 6y >arling Clemantine how did Clemantine die ?errence Nezman became more amous as who $hat was introduced to the 3' 1188 as a temporary measure $hat was the ull name o >r Henry <e+yll,s alter ego An Curse o the Pin+ Panther who plays Clouseau a ter surgery An $ac+y %aces who dro"e the ?urbo ?erri ic Beelzebub is Hebrew or which phrase ; also a no"els title !ado is a musical style popular in which country

Australia Numbers ; 1 2 # ; 1st 2nd #rd Aerial 2ibra the scales >onald >ra+e -unsmo+e Chow;Chow Prague Hilda 6CC Orange On a !lag Hurling A *tamp 6irror Broccoli $rites Obituaries Chad Aires Brigadier !ir+in ?iger Cobbler or shoema+er ?he ?itanic !encing *ound 2e 6ans in !rance 2ondon <u+ebo5 2ouis"ille $ings Opera Comet Hopalong Cassidy 2ambada 2oretta 2ynn Ataly ?able $illiam the ConCueror 6aude ?ur+ey 6e5ico >rowning *tanley 'ubric+ Ancome ?a5 =dward Hyde %oger 6oore Peter Per ect 2ord o the !lies Portugal

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 8)
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: 18.1 who was irst actress to win Oscar or a non =nglish ilm $hich =uropean city,s name means home o the mon+s $hich pop group had the most 3* No 1 singles in the 1:s $- -race captained =ngland at cric+et and what else How did *cotland,s %obert the Bruce die Caneletto is amous or landscapes o 7enice and where Name the irst Bond ilm not based on an Aan !leming boo+ An which sport would you compete or the Nino Bibia cup $hat is the most common name or 3* cities .. o them An what game would you use a baguette An astronomy what are Pallas 7esta and >a"ida An !riends where does <oey +eep his a"ourite boo+ One o the band steps is nic+named H what,s it stand or $hich silent ilms stars contract orbade him smiling on screen $ho dro"e a %olls %oyce with a number plate !AB 1 %apa Nui is better +nown as what An Antarctic island was named a ter which cartoon character $hich western entertainments name literally means go round An which city is the worlds busiest 6ac>onald,s $ho was the irst gol er to get hole in one on British ?7 Baron *ilas -reenbac+ was the enemy o which character $hich *ha+espeare character had a daughter called <essica An which sport do you need to score i"e to win An the original *tar ?re+ who has unreCuited lo"e or 6r *poc+ ?he pop group *atan,s <esters ound ame under what name *cientists too+ the word Cuar+ rom which authors wor+ A emale o5 is a "i5en what is the male o5 called $hat is myrmecology the study o ?he cha+o war 18#2 18#) was between which two countries An the original *tar ?re+ series name *poc+,s mother $hat is the =nglish name or the constellation Hydra Brian $arner is better +nown as who An the Chinese horoscope what animal comes irst alphabetically $hat are you doing i you use the egg position 1)18 the Netherlands achie"ed independence rom what country $hich ?7 detecti"e +ept his gun in a biscuit @ar An 6onty Pythons !lying Circus >insdale was a giant what An 18#1 what was the irst li"e tele"ised sporting e"ent in the 3' An dry measure 1. pints ma+e up a what An ?7 series ?he Prisoner what,s the name o the giant balloon 6rs Hugh 6cCorCuodale was amous as what literary igure An the %oc+y ilms what was the name o %oc+y,s wi e An which country is the worlds longest road tunnel $ho was the irst 3' royal inter"iewed on tele"ision An %en and *timpy what sort o dog is %en ?hurle *andstorm irst world champion in 182# at what sport $hat was the name o <ames Bonds house+eeper %eleased in 18:4 what was the irst e"er horror ilm ?he word opera is a plural o opus meaning what !atima is a Christian shrine pilgrimage place in which country

*ophia 2oren 6unich or 6unchen Abba Bowls !rom 2eprosy 2ondon -oldeneye Bobsleighing !air"iew Boule ; measuring F mar+ing Asteroids An the !reezer Hyperacti"e Buster 'eaton Par+er in ?hunderbirds =aster Asland Huc+leberry Hound %odeo 6oscow ?ony <ac+lin >angermouse *hyloc+ !encing ; i"e hits Nurse Chapel ?he %olling *tones <ames <oyce >og Ants Boli"ia and Paraguay Amanda $ater *na+e 6arilyn 6anson Boar *+iing *pain <im %oc+ ord Hedgehog ?he >erby Pec+ %o"er Barbara Cartland Adrian *witzerland Prince Philip Chiuhauha ?en Pin Bowling 6ay >r <ec+yll and 6r Hyde -rand $or+ Portugal

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Questions Quiz 8.
An which country would you ind 2a+e >isappointment $hat is measured in grains ; our grains to a carat An Algeria what is rai *wansons introduced them in 18)# ; what $hich city was superman born in $hich actress was the Connecticut state gol champ at age 1. 6anticore was a mythical beast head o a man body o what Charles Bronson got acting @ob because he did what on demand $hat herb gets its name rom 2atin or @ewel o the sea $hich @ob was so dangerous sta ad"erts wanted orphans only $hich painter spent last & years o his li e on the run or murder $here would you ind bowD bay and traytime parts o what $hat nationality was Cleopatra *ergey Bub+a bro+e world record o"er #: times in which e"ent An which 2ondon street is the 3* embassy $ho is the alter ego o Henry the mild mannered @anitor $hich -erman city was the setting o Au $ierdersehn Pet Ailsa CraigD Bed ord Champion and %i@nsburger "arieties o what $hat interested a nomologist $hich car company was ounded by *ir $illiam 2yons in 1822 Post bo5es in the 3' are red what colour are they in !rance $hat would an Arishman do with his shone An mythology who are sometimes called the dioscuri $hich group had hits with !ernando and Angelo 7aduz is the capitol o where ?he *impsons are the longest running cartoon who is second 1111 -eorge 6acintosh created a red dye cudbear what is it An which orm o <apanese theatre are all roles played by men $hich spirit was once +nown as +ill de"il 14J o Americans mention who in their will An -ree+ mythology Cronos and %hea were the parents o who %ichard Adams wrote the no"el *hardi+ what was *hardi+ $hat was the last =uropean nation to accept the potato $hich comic strip hero shares his name with a town in ?ur+ey An Bewitched name the witch doctor who treats *amantha ?he Archie 6oore cup is competed or in which sport An -one $ith the $ind name Ashley $il+es plantation An Ancient %ome what creature was the symbol o liberty ?he >o"e awards are presented annually or what Cape Comorin is the most southerly point o where Imas 3' children hang stoc+ings what do >utch children use An a sur"ey #2J o wi"es would change their husbands what ?he !rench newspaper 2a 6onde translates as what $here is the dirtiest s+in on your body According to 3*A today what is the a"ourite lu5ury car ?he >emologos was the irst steam powered what An which city is the distincti"e building o the saddledome A uni"ersity has a campus what does it literally mean $hat is the name o *noopy,s sister $hich country in"ented the clothing button in the 1#th century

Australia Pearls A orm o music ?7 >inners 'ryptonopolis 'atherine Hepburn A 2ion Belch or Burp %osemary G %os 6arinas Pony =5press Carra"agio or murder in %ome 6ale deer,s antlers -ree+ Pole 7ault -ros"ener *Cuare Hong 'ong Phooey >usseldor Onions *cienti ic 2aws <aguar 9ellow Cut Peat Castor Pollu5 (eus twin sons Brotherhood o 6an 2iechtenstein ?he !lintstones 2itmus G Ammonia and lichens 'abu+i %um ?heir pet (eus A Bear !rance Batman >octor Bombay Polo ?wel"e Oa+s ?he Cat -ospel music Andia *hoes $eight ?he $orld ?he ace 1 2e5us 2 6ercedes # B6$ $arship Calgary A !ield Belle !rance

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Questions Quiz 8.
%ichard Bachman is a pseudonym o which author $hat was in"ented in the 14::s and sold as a diarrhoea cure $ho was once billed as ?he Atomic Powered *inger $here would you ind Puc+ 6iranda and Ariel !angio the greatest e"er !1 dri"er once had what @ob Calamine is the ore what is the product According to *amuel <ohnson what is the drin+ or heroes $hich ?7 characters blood pressure was minus # $hat is the opposite o wet ; i its not wet An mythology which giant made o brass guarded Crete An the Bible >a"id played the 'innor what is a 'innor An which ilm did $oody Allen direct *yl"ester *tallone ?he Amazon ri"er dolphins are what colour =l"is Presley said big what on a woman turned him o $hich !rench philosopher hid in alleys mooning passers by $hat is thought to be the oldest =nglish Cheese Near Ayres %oc+ is a la+e named a ter which composer An 18#1 the BBC irst tele"ised which sporting e"ent ?he lutra;lutra is which semi aCuatic animal $hat are BullaceD 'ir+e,s BlueD and Opal "arieties o Harold H Hilton only =nglishman to do what in gol in 1811 $hat is a gurdwara ?he aard"ar+ is the irst animal in the dictionary what,s second !rodo Baggins was the irst to enter Britain using what ?he %oman esti"al o Hilaria is eCual to what modern day An Only !ools and Horses what is %odney,s middle name $hat was "oted toy o the 2:th century Be ore 18#4 toothbrushes were made using hairs rom what $hat does the name >racula mean in %omanian ?hanatology is the study o what $ho wrote the boo+ -remlins in 18&# ; later ilmed $hose name translates as =mperor o all $hat group had a 1:s hit with %ide a $hite *wan >antes An erno what crime was done by those in the lowest le"el $ho sang the theme to ?he *py who 2o"ed 6e $hich placeD now an airportD once staged the -rand National &)J o wi"es say husbands do it )J husbands admit it ; what $hat =uropean country has no rail lines $hat bird is depicted on the Canadian N1 coin $ho wrote the children,s boo+ Bed+nobs and Broomstic+s $hich country was the irst to issue par+ing tic+ets 6ar onaD %omano and Pentland <a"elin "arieties o what An a sur"ey what is the most popular 3' +ids ?7 programme ?eCuila Cointreau /triple sec0 and lime ma+e which coc+tail $hat would you buy in a 6anitee length *+op@e is the capitol o where An !inland who rides a goat named 3++o $ho directed the ilm o %ay Bradbury,s !ahrenheit &)1 $hich mythological monster had nine heads $hat does >orethy ha"e to steal rom the wic+ed witch in oz

*te"en 'ing ?omato 'etchup =l"is Presley Circling 3ranus Bus >ri"er (inc Brandy Herman 6unster *weet ?alus 2yre Bananas ; 1811 G *tallone a pun+ Pin+ !eet %ousseau Cheshire 6ozart $imbledon Otter Plum $on 3' and 3* open same year A *i+h temple Aardwol Pet Passport he was a dog April !ools >ay Charlton 2ego Bea"er *on o the >e"il >eath %oald >ahl -enghis 'han ? %e5 Betrayal Carly *imon -atwic+ *noring *an 6arino ?he loon G coin nic+name is loonie 6ary Norton !rance Potatoes ?he *impsons 6argarita Pearls ; a 2& inch cho+er 6acedonia *anta Clause !rancois ?ru eau Hydra Her Broomstic+

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 81
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $here would you see ropeD hoopD ball and ribbon used Amnesiac and ?he Bends albums o which 3' group An 11)2 6r Bla+e and Callahan raced and began which sport ?he *emites are a group descended rom whom $hat items name translates as distant "oice $hat is the capitol o the 3nited Arab =mirates An <apan a trainee geisha must lea"e what unco"ered $ho wrote the no"el ?he Betsy ?he Parthenon is named a ter Athena Parthenon what,s it mean Nigel Neil created which amous 3' Pro essor in the ):s $here was Bonnie Prince Charlie born An -usta" Holsts Planets suite which planet represents old age An which Arish county can you +iss the Blaney stone An the bible ; 2e"iticus ; what was lapidation $ho is the Patron *aint o sailors Babba 2ouey was the side+ic+ o which cartoon character A not *ha+espeare what lin+s <uliet Cleopatra 6ar+ Antony $hat la"ouring is in rangelico liCueur $hich comic boo+ hero rode a horse called storm $hich Arish writer appeared on the Arish O1: note in a amous >isney ilm who are !lora !auna and 6erryweather <ohn de 2ancie played which character in the *tar ?re+ series !rom which plant do we get linseed oil ?he Hart memorial trophy is awarded in which pro essional sport *tamps are the most collected thing in the 3*A what is second *tar which ?7 show really a programmer written 2: boo+s on it An a 6O%A pole what does 6O%A stand or A mountain is the symbol o which ilm company Artistic mo"ement shared name with !rench or hobby horse $hat does a phlebotomist do 6endelssohn,s symphony number & is nic+named what $hat is *noopy,s mothers name $ho irst appeared in the *tar ?re+ episode *pace *eed Ats branches are *oto %enzai members ponder 'oans what is it $hich sport awards the 6aurice Podolo trophy $hat is the irst word sung in Queens Bohemian %hapsody Credits on all Bond ilms inish with & words <ames Bond what An 18): the 6innesota "alley canning company became what $hat A did or 2o"e came rom which Broadway musical show $hich actor studied as a priest then an architect be ore acting Cal"in Broadus is better +nown under what name <ulius *turgis in 14.1 built the irst 3* actory ma+ing what $hat is unusual about the 18.) horror ilm Ancubus A a bird nidi ies what has it @ust done Antroduced in 18.& name Barbie,s sister According to the cowboy encyclopaedia what is an ore@ano An 18.1D which airline became the irst all;@et airline $hich characters are described as being three apples high An the comic strip -ar ield what is the teddy bearBs name $hat liCueur means cupid in Atalian and lo"e in 2atin

6odern rhythmic gymnastics %adiohead *teeplechase *hem ; Noah,s son ?elephone Abu >habi 3pper lip unpainted Harold %obbins 7irgin or 6aiden Pro essor Quatermass %ome *aturn Cor+ >eath by stoning *aint =lmo Quic+ >raw 6c-raw Commit *uicide Hazelnuts ACuaman storm was a seahorse <ames <oyce !airy -odmothers *leeping Beauty Q !la5 Ace Hoc+ey >olls Bu y 7ampire *layer *arah 6ichelle -eller 6ar+et opinion research international Paramount >ada thus >adaism >raws blood samples ?he Atalian 6issy 'han (en Buddhism Bas+etball NBA 67P As / As this the real li e0 <ames Bond will return <olly -reen -iant Chorus 2ine Anthony Quinn *noop >oggy >ogg Pretzels Only one in =speranto Built a nest *+ipper 3nbranded cal ?$A ?he *mur s Poo+y Amaretto

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 81
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: ?he ilm 6idnight =5press is set in which country >i+ Browne is the author o which cartoon strip On a racing orm what does the letter u indicate <ohn >ownland was century composer or which instrument >omingo is *panish or what An the 3' at least which products selling eature is a magic inch An 11&1 %obert 'eeler irst to commercially manu actured what $adi al 6uli is better +nown as where Name origins Ba+er ob"ious but what had a Palmer done An 18:: caterer Harry *te"ens introduce what words to language -arnet is the birthstone o <anuary ; what does it symbolise An which >ic+ens no"el does the character !ezziwig appear $ho wrote the song <ohnny be -ood An Hawaii what is the annual 'ona esti"al 6imi is the irst name o which $arner Bros cartoon character $hat was 6arilyn 6unroes original last name 7alentine 6ichael *mith is the central character in which boo+ %oc+etbuster ma+e the worlds largest authentic what Name the irst A rican American doll produced by 6attel 3rchin is an old =nglish name or which British nati"e mammal $hose debut album was >e initely 6aybe Between 18). and 18.: which song made top &: se"en times 6ichael Bond created which children,s character Commandaria is a desert wine made or o"er 4:: years ; where *omeone with initials >> a ter their name has what Cuali ication An the 18&& ilm National 7el"et name =lizabeth ?aylor,s horse $hat singer was nic+named by his ans ?he 2izard 'ing X $hat breed o dog ad"ertises hush puppies $hich sports trophy was named a ter !redric+ Arthur*tanley Cup *yncope is the medical name or what condition $hich character was in"ented in a comic or 6ontgomery $ard A %omana Ca L eatures what liCueur On K*esame *treetDK what is the name o Big Bird,s teddy bear $hich character was born in %i"erside Aowa ?he dog breed borzoi gets it name rom the %ussian or what An *tar ?re+ who rules the !erengi $e +now what a bronco is but what does it mean in *panish <ohn Hetherington in 2ondon introduced what in 1181 ?he !rench call it -ul de -ascoine what,s its =nglish name An 6ac>onald,s what is ser"ed in a blue wrapper An Happy >ays what was Potsies ull name $hich 3* "ehicle company has a bulldog as its symbol Cu s and Buttons was a coc+tail in the 18th century what it now $hat is a cathedra $hich characters were in"ented in 18)1 in Belgium $hich playwrite was nic+named doc An which country was Chopin born 9ou ordered nem in 7ietnamese restaurant what would you get *unrise *unset came rom which Broadway musical show $hat was the name o Barbie,s irst horse

?ur+ey Hagar the Horrible 3nseated rider ?he 2ute *unday = A Careys Pipes 6armalade in >undee *cotland 7alley o the 'ings Pilgrimage returned with palm lea Hot >ogs ?ruth ; consistency Christmas Carol G *crooges Boss Chuc+ Berry Co ee pic+ing contest %oadrunner 6ortenson Heinlein stranger in a strange land Cowboy boots !rancie Hedgehog Oasis 6ac+ the 'ni e Bobby >arin best Paddington Bear Cyprus >octor o >i"inity Pie <im 6orrison A basset hound !red is 2ord *tanley !ainting %udol the red nosed reindeer *ambuca %adar <ames ?iberius 'ir+ !leet or swi t -rand Nagus %ough ?op Hats Bay o Biscay !ilet;O;!ish $arren $ebber 6ac+ truc+s *outhern Com ort Bishops throne or chair ?he *mur s Neil *imon Poland *pring %oll !iddler on the %oo >ancer

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 84
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $hat drin+ began in 6orison,s drug store $aco ?e5as in 144) An you called <l)2:2: or ))) 2:2: in ilm who would answer An Norse mythology women were made rom a tree ; which tree $hich western writer created Hopalong Cassidy $hich group were originally +nown as the %ussellites $hat la"ours ca"atappi al nero pasta $hat does a thuri er do Operation Olympic was a $$2 in"asion plan not used where $hich dog breed gets its name rom -erman meaning to splash $illiam Per+s became more amous as who An religious artD which *aint is associated with an o5 $here would you ind your natal cle t A you landed at 6CO air ield where are you ?he *icilianD !rench and Ale+hines are all used in which game $hich American Andians modern name in *panish means "illage 'aleidoscopeE >addyD Palomino and Changes name the author Astanbul and Constantinople what else was it called Olo *onderblom concei"ed and patented what technology American 2iterary Association gi"es Caldicott medal or what $hat is the name or the sacred circle in ?antric Buddhism ?e nut was the =gyptian goddess o what An a state o readiness is the literal meaning o which @ob title Name group originally called the golliwogs had hit Proud 6ary Bo5ingD $restling and which Olympic e"ent still e5clude women $hich -ree+ Philosopher taught at the lyceum An *esame street name the detecti"e who o ten said egad $hat is the more common name o *ildena il Citrate $hich poet wrote K!ools rush in where angels ear to treadK An the Bible where was <esus when he ascended into hea"en Aldeberan is the brightest star in which constellation *i5 copies o what are stored under bell @ars in *er"es !rance $hat was Bruce 2ees irst Hollywood produced ilm $ho owned a sword called crocea mors or yellow death Common liCuor in Alien 3rine *ampleD NapoleonD Blue Hawaiian All inhabitants o Pitcairn island belong to what 3* religion >almatian dogs originated in which country NelisD *ec+elD !orelle and Bosc all "arieties o what 6ao had the red boo+ who did the green boo+ on A rican unity $hich countries name come rom the wood its irst ma@or e5port >ionea 6uscipula is the 2atin name or which lesh eater 3nima+ is the largest island in which group Paronite and caronite are the ores what is e5tracted A web designer might use C-A scripts what does C-A stand or $hich !rench -eneral le t Napoleon to become 'ing o *weden $hat is the worlds i th largest religion Outside the wor+ is the literal meaning o which snac+ ood $ho is the -ree+ -oddess o the moon Python ilm 9our mother was a hamster ather smelt o what $ho wrote ?he <oy o *e5Ale5 $hich breed o dog gets its name rom the !rench or earth

>r Peppers -hostbusters =lm 2ouis 2,Amour <eho"ah,s $itnesses *Cuid An+ *wing censor Anglican high mass <apan surrendered ?he Poodle Bill $yman *aint 2u+e Arse itBs the crac+ Orlando !lorida Chess Pueblo >anielle *teele Byzantium ?o+en %ing Networ+ing Allustration 6andala %ain $aiter Credence Clearwater %e"i"al $eight 2i ting Aristotle *herloc+ Hemloc+ 7iagra Ale5ander Pope essay on criticism Bethany ?aurus ?he 'ilogram in platinum iridium =nter the >ragon <ulius Caesar Curacao *e"enth >ay Ad"entists 9ugosla"ia ; >almatia Pears 6oammar Qaddha i Brazil 7enus !ly ?rap Aleutians ?itanium Common -ateway Anter ace <ean;Baptiste <ules Bernadotte *i+hism Hors >er"es *elene =lderberries Com ort ?errier

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 84
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: An the boo+ 2ittle $omen what is the sisters surname $hich war was ended by ?he Congress o $estphalia An -ree+ mythology who in"ented the lyre ?he continental title baron is eCual to which 3' title Name the boat on which you can see Niagara !alls $hat creature called reem in Hebrew mentioned in >euteronomy $hat sin ha"e inhabitants o >antes irst circle o hell committed 'enneth >aigneau won N1:: or naming which product ?he %omans called it Numidia what do we call it today Norse mythology Asgard was home o the -ods what,s 6idgard ?he *ound and the !ury too+ its title rom what other wor+ 'rusty the Clown and Chandler in !riends ha"e an e5tra what Heinrich *chliemann archaeologist amous or e5ca"ating where An the strip cartoon >ilbert name >ilbert,s girl riend An what sport would you ind the terms hac+D tee and hog line Name the British -eneral in charge o the 181. o ensi"e $$1 $hich *aint is associated with an eagle in religious art $hich girls name means arseeing ?he -ree+s used he5agonal or triangular ones o burnt clay what Bean settingD 2eap rogD 2audnum bunches types o what dance $hat plant is sometimes called the poor mans weatherglass $hich mountain is called -oddess o the Har"est by the locals ?he !rench call it pomplamouse what do we call it ?he *e@m are the legislati"e body in which country $hich theatre styles name translates as s+ills or talents Hathor =gyptianD Branwen CelticD !rigga Norse -oddess o what $hat was the name o the changeling on >eep *pace Nine An the !lintstones what order did !red and Barney belong to $ho was =uropean correspondent New 9or+ ?ribune 14)1F.2 ?he name o which language means o the coast in Arabic $hat was originally made o bamboo then a plastic called gre5 Name the son F daughter o =liot F %uth Handler CanchaD CestaD Cinta terms in which sport Britain,s li"e cable ?7 used to show what game topless An the original tri"ial pursuit brown was what category Hal <ordan was the original alter ego o which comic super hero $hich company brewed harp lager $ired >igital Ancorporated created which search engine $hat ictional planet orbited the red star Negus 12 $ho wrote the boo+ ?he Puppet 6asters later a ilm Ia"ier %oberts was the original creator o which toy An the 6uppet band (oot plays which instrument $hat was in"ented by -arnet Carter o Chattanooga in 182. $hat is classi ied on the !u@ita scale Pope <ohn Paul AA played or the Polish national team what sport An the Bible what in Hebrew means Place o a *+ull $hat did ?antalus ser"e to the -ods that caused his punishment $ilma %udol irst blac+ 3* woman to win Olympic gold where An *esame street name the two headed riendly monster !rench word meaning growth is applied to top Cuality wines

6arch ?hirty 9ears $ar Hermes =arl 6aid o the 6ist 3nicorn ; but reem has 2 horns Pride ; they are crushed by stones *pam Algeria =arth 6acbeth Nipple ?roy 2iz Curling *ir >ouglas Haig *aint <ohn Prudence Co ins 6orris dances *carlet Pimpernel Annapurna in Nepal -rape ruit Poland Noh 2o"e Odo $ater Bu alos 'arl 6ar5 *wahili Hula Hoops by Arthur 6elin 18)4 Barbie F 'en yes those dolls <ai Alai ; Court -lo"e ?ape >arts ; ilmed in Australia -eography -reen 2antern now 'yle %ayner -uinness Hotbot *uperman,s 'rypton %obert Heinlein Cabbage Patch >olls *a5ophone 6iniature -ol ?ornados 1 to ) %ugby -olgotha His dismembered son Pelops %ome in 18.: /#0 !ran+ and *tein Cru

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 88
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): $alter $agers no"el )4 minutes was the basis or which ilm An the >r >olittle stories what type o creature was >ab;>ab An Ataly where are 6onterosa A"e Par+ o 7ictory Constantine A"e >ouble diamondD CroCuet and %o"er terms in which sportFgame $hat was the recently closed $embley *tadium called in 182# Name the lion in the 2ion the $itch and the $ardrobe $hich countries translated name means 2and o the =agle $hich classical composer wrote Har+ the Herald Angels *ing 2 -entleman 7eronaD 12th NightD 6erchant 7enice name lin+s $hich decorati"e art means in Arabic stripped cloth On what date -ree+ %ussian orthodo5 churches celebrate Imas An which sport is the $ingate trophy awarded what are NissanD A"D Adar and ?ishrei $hat was uniCue about Pope Adrian A7 ?he >ogs o $ar too+ its title rom which other wor+ $hich Norse -od in"ulnerable to all else was +illed by mistletoe Hyundai and which other car manu acturer are located in 'orea An *tar ?re+ 7oyager what is the shuttlecra ts name $here is 'ing Arthur supposed to be resting $ho was ?H= woman to *herloc+ Holmes >a"id +ills -oliath in which boo+ o the Bible $hich operas last lines are 6imiE 6imi $hich company operates the Central *elling Organisation Cognac must be at least ) years old be ore it,s labelled what $hich religious esti"al begins with the sighting o the new moon *cott <oplin,s music used or the ilm ?he *ting name the tune Catholic calendar what is the ): days ollowing =aster called $ho comes on stage be ore conductor and tunes orchestra Name the irst war submarine in"ented by >a"id Bushnell it san+ ?he Newbery 6edal is gi"en annually or what Peter Par+er is the alter ego o which superhero $ho wrote the *cience !iction no"el ?he 2e t Hand o >ar+ness $hich company produces Page6a+erD Photoshop and Acrobat -ree+ mythology which character was raised by centaur Chiron On which badge are 6iner"aD Clipper shipD -rizzly bearD =ure+a $ho was nic+named ?he !irst 2ady o *ong An which game would you use the royal or+ $hich "ariety o cheese was in"ented by <ohn <ossi An Hebrew what does Am rotze min mean /ah;+nee ro;tsay0 An ormula one grand pri5 what does a blac+ lag wa"ing mean An 1841 32 won -rammy or best album o year name it =nglishman <ohn $oodhouse created which orti ied Atalian wine An which 18.:s +ids show is ?he Hood the super"illian An which city was -alileo born $hich toilet ittings name comes rom baggage laden pony Patusnaya and mallasol types o what $ho wrote the %oyal !irewor+ 6usic $here are the grapes or the wine 2acrima Christi grown An the >r >olittle stories what type o creature was -ub;-ub O,Henry created which western character in a short story

>ie Hard 2 >uc+ On a 6onopoly board CroCuet ?he =mpire *tadium Aslan Albania !eli5 6endelssohn Characters called Antonio 6acramL <anuary .th 2acrosse <ewish months =nglishman Nicholas Brea+spear *ha+espeare,s <ulius Caesar Baldur 'ia ?he >elta !lyer A"alon Arene Adler *amuel 2a Boheme >eBeers ; diamonds Napoleon %amadan ?he =ntertainer Pentecost Concert 6aster F 6istress 1st "iolin ?urtle Best Children,s boo+ *piderman 3rsula 2e-uin Adobe <ason ; o Argonauts Cali ornia Highway Patrol ; Chips =lla !itzgerald Chess +night threaten +ing Cueen Bric+ ; rhymes with dic+ A want se5 Car go into pits ?he <oshua ?ree 6arsala ?hunderbirds Pisa Bidet Ca"iar -eorge !riedric Handel 6ount 7esu"ious Pig ?he Cisco 'id

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
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Questions Quiz 88
An *tar ?re+ the !erengi 1:th rule o AcCuisition what is eternal $hich dog is named or the -erman word or muzzle $hat is grandpa *impsons irst name Prosopography is the study o what N2O is more commonly +nown as what $hich area o water separates Andia rom *ri 2an+a $here did you ind *hadow *peedy Bash ul Po+ey ?he star Castor is in which constellation $hich musical instrument was originally called a busine $hich organisation is o icially +nown as Holy *pirit Association *panish restaurant i you as+ or 2a Quenta what do you get Charles Portis wrote the no"el o the ilm <ohn $ayne,s Oscar 6emonites are what Christian sect ounded 1)2) Conrad -rebel $hich 3' artist painted ?he %a+es Progress in the 11::s $hich group had a hit with 6r ?ambourine 6an $hich =nglish brewery has the oldest patent on beer $hat is the second largest city in Areland Hitchcoc+ appears in a newspaper in 2i eboat who wrote boo+ $hich detecti"e dies in ?he !inal Problem An -ree+ mythology Penthesilea was the Cueen o which people $hich 3' city is the home o the Halle Orchestra Name the I man who shoots laser beams rom his eyes ?itanic music score sales are greatest which ilm did it beat An which no"el did we meet <ac+D %alph and asthmatic Piggy $hat,s in ) groups ?oday Arts People $ell being Outdoors An *tar ?re+ -eneration what does Captain Picard drin+ An Christian tradition what day is +nown as the esti"al o lights 7od+aD Orange @uice and Cranberry @uice ma+e which coc+tail An Aslam what is the ourth piller o wisdom ; there,s ) in total Name 3' ?7 show with <im Hac+er and *ir Humphry Appleby $hich car company manu actured the leganza $hat name in Hebrew means to add $hich search engine gets its name rom 2atin or wol spider Pomona was the %oman -oddess o what Boaz appears in which boo+ o the Bible ?he song ?here is nothing li+e a dame appears in which musical QueeCuegD >aggooD ?ashteego had what @ob on the PeaCuod $hich composers third symphony is nic+named the Polish Name the detecti"e in 6y gun is Quic+D 6urder is my Business $hich drug company manu acture 7iagra $hich ood item gets its name rom the !rench or melted Narita is the main airport o which city $hich pop group were named a ter the in"entor o the seed drill 184: Pac 6an was released arcade "ersion by which company Anni+a Hansen is which characters name in *tar ?re+ 7oyager ?raditional Ad"ent candles are two colours pin+ and what >aniel 'eys wrote which 18)8 Hugo award winning *! no"el An the >r >olittle stories what type o creature was ?oo;?oo Bondi -rape Blueberry 2ime ?angerine *trawberry colours what ?he Character 6ary -oodnight was the Bond girl in which ilm

-reed *chnauzer Abraham Careers 2aughing gas Pal+ *trait Pac man Blin+y Pin+y An+y Clyde -emini 1#th century trumpet 3ni ication Church G 6oonies ?he Bill ?rue -rit Anabaptists li+e Amish $illiam Hogarth ?he Byrds Bass Ale Cor+ <ohn *teinbec+ *herloc+ Holmes Amazons 6anchester Cyclops Chariots o !ire G 7angelis 2ord o the !lies Classi ications -irl *cout Badges =arl -rey Hot Candlemas 2 !eb 6adras !asting in %amadan 9es 6inister >aewoo <oseph 2ycos !ruit ?rees %uth *outh Paci ic Harpooners Pytor Allyich ?chai+o"s+y 6i+e Hammer G 6ic+ey *pillane P izer !ondue ?o+yo <ethro ?ull 6idway *e"en o Nine Purple !lowers or Algernon Owl Apple Amac ?he man with the golden gun

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1::
1 2 # & ) . 1 4 8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 2: 21 22 2# 2& 2) 2. 21 24 28 #: #1 #2 ## #& #) #. #1 #4 #8 &: &1 &2 &# && &) &. &1 &4 &8 ): An *tar ?re+ -eneration who was the chie o security +illed o ?he star Antares is in which constellation An Aslam what is the third piller o wisdom ; there,s ) in total Andrew Patterson wrote which de initi"e Australian song $ho was "ice president 3* when A bomb dropped on Hiroshima At the reCuest o =6A who was painted out *arge Peppers co"er $hat is di"ided into 11& surahs A a doctor says you ha"e singultus what ha"e you got $hich emale name means bright or illustrious %ichard Hannay hero o the #8 steps is which nationality *+adi is the Norse -oddess o what ?he religious te5t 6ishna comes rom which religion Amerigo 7espucci airport is in which city $hat type o ood is a sacatorta $hich places name means many islands $hat was ad"ertised as anytime anyplace anywhere ?he seCuel to which amous no"el was called 2: years a ter An 1142 in !rance what was louison or louisette An which country do the *umi people li"e $ho captained the sloop ?he $itch o =ndor Cross countryD %idingD *wimmingD !encing what,s missing ?he star *pica is in which constellation $hich psychologist in"ented the terms intro"ert and e5tro"ert According to < ' %owling what are muggles An the Bible who was Adam and ="es youngest child An ood what does 3H? mean on the carton $ho released the album An"incible $hich order o mon+s are amous or their silence An which country could you spend a ta+a $ho composed the opera ?urendot $hich group o 6ar"el superheroes ought >octor >oom $hich chemical was introduced to 3* as a cough suppressant 6eaning person who o"ercomes name the ancient Andian religion K?he cur ew tolls the +nell o parting dayEK which poems start 2o"ely %ita meter maid appeared on which Beatles album $hat is the name or the group o men who elect a Pope 2 categories o ballroom dance are used in competition 2atin and Abel 6agwitch and Biddy appear in which >ic+ens boo+ An the *impsons name the Police Chie An the original *tar ?re+ the Horta was a li e orm based on what ?he (agros mountain range is in which country ?he ?reaty o Paris in 14). ended which war Name -ree+ -oat Amaltheas horns that good things lowed rom $hich mythical 3' creature becomes an e"il boggart i annoyed ?he second piller o Aslam *alah in"ol"es what $hich battle was ought at *enlac hill $hich Biblical heroes name meant splendid sun $ho wrote ?he 9oung Persons -uide to the Orchestra AnsertionD HeapD ?opological and Bubble types o which A? thing Operation 3rgent !ury was the 3* in"asion o where

?asha 9ar *corpius Charity ; 2E) J o income $altzing 6atilda No One ; was not one 6ahatma -andhi ?he 'oran ; *urah Q chapter Hiccups Clare or Clara Canadian $inter and the Hunt <udaism !lorence Chocolate ca+e or gateau Polynesia 6artini ?he ?hree 6us+eteers ?he -uillotine be ore renaming it 2apland Horatio Hornblower Pistol *hoot 6odern Pentathlon 7irgo Carl <ung Ordinary people no magic *eth or *het 3ltra Heat ?reatment 6ichael <ac+son ?rappist Bangladesh -iacomo Puccini !antastic !our Heroin <ainism =legy written in a country churchyard *ergeant Peppers College o Cardinals *mooth -reat =5pectations Chester $iggum *ilicon Aran ?he Crimean war Cornucopia Brownie >aily prayers Battle o Hastings *amson Ben@amin Britain *orting methods in programming -ranada

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10000 general knowledge questions and answers
No Questions Quiz 1::
)1 )2 )# )& )) ). )1 )4 )8 .: .1 .2 .# .& .) .. .1 .4 .8 1: 11 12 1# 1& 1) 1. 11 14 18 4: 41 42 4# 4& 4) 4. 41 44 48 8: 81 82 8# 8& 8) 8. 81 84 88 1:: $hat is the staple ood o the 6aori people o New (ealand ?he AAA! inally recognised women in which sport in 188) Hashimoto,s disease is the mal unctioning o which gland $hich 3' pun+ group had hits $hite %iot and 2ondon Calling Petroselinum crispum is the 2atin name o which herb >obby *el"ages and !illing are terms used in which process An music i ! ma@or is the +ey what is the relati"e minor $ho produced and directed the >eath $ish series o ilms 6ozart wrote AhD 7ous >irai;<eD 6aman what,s its =nglish title A ter ?he %ed Baron was shot down who too+ o"er his sCuadron An -ree+ mythology which woman,s name means all gi ts A lido is open air swimming pool where was the original lido Name the test applied to computers to see i they can thin+ $here would you ind a bema narthe5 and apse $hich company manu actures Cal"in 'line,s Obsession Name 3' -eneral who de eated 6ontcalm on Plains Abraham <im %hodes is the alter ego o which 6ar"el comic boo+ hero Old >ominion was a nic+name o which 3* state Bor and Bestla his parents 7ili and 7e his brothers name him ?he computer language 2A*P means what ?he *hining Path is a re"olutionary mo"ement in which country Name =uropean Cathedral +nown as the coronation cathedral $hich stars name means chained maiden $hich no"el opens and closes with the letters o %obert $alton An *tar ?re+ >eep *pace Nine which character had a simbiant A you landed at 6irabel international airport where are you $hich pop singer was nic+named ?he -roo"er rom 7ancou"er AgniD ace co"ered in butterD is the Hindu god o what ?he religious te5t ?ripita+a comes rom which religion $ho had the gi t o prophecy and the curse o not being belie"ed $hich boo+s chie ri"al is the =ncyclopaedia -alactica Harold H 2ipman recei"ed a patent in 14)4 or what in"ention ?he opening lines o which classic %ussian no"el are in !rench !rom the =arth to the sun is one A3 what does A3 stand or Captain Hans 2angsdor captained which -erman Battleship A a doctor says you ha"e ecchymosis what ha"e you got An ?* =lliot,s boo+ o practical cats name the mystery cat Copper gets its name rom which 6editerranean country An his will who le t his wi e his second best bed $ho is the Patron *aint o boy scouts $ho designed the di erence engine inally built in 1881 $hat is the largest en"ironmental organisation in the world =nterprise Alabama they erected a monument to which insect Odin owned -eri and !re+i what were they $hich emale name means worth o lo"e An -ree+ mythology >eianeira was the wi e o who $ho composed the opera All ?ra"atore ?roy 6cClure appears in which cartoon series Allinois second largest city and a ?7 detecti"e share what name An *tar !leet $ill %i+er plays which musical instrument

*weet Potato Pole 7ault ?hyroid ?he Clash Parsley $ea"ing > minor 6ichael $inner ?win+le G ?win+le little star Herman -oering Pandora 7enice ?uring test An a Basilica 3nile"er <ames $ol e Aron 6an 7irginia Odin chie Norse -od 2ist Processing Peru %heims Andromeda !ran+enstein <adzea >a5 6ontreal Brian Adams !ire Buddhism Cassandra >aughter o Priam o ?roy Hitchhi+ers -uide to the -ala5y -luing a rubber on a pencil $ar and Peace eh bien mon prince Astronomical 3nit -ra *pee A Bruise 6aca"ity Cyprus where it was irst ound $illiam *ha+espeare *aint -eorge Charles Babbage,s computer 118. -reenpeace Boll wee"il no cotton better cash crops $ol"es Amanda Hercules -uiseppe 7erdi ?he *impsons %oc+ ord ?rombone

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