The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

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The Great Mind Challenge - Project Scenario Template

Note: Already filled information should not be changed 1. Name of the Project Issue Tracking


Objective !i"ion

To provide Issue tracking for projects


$"er" of the S%"tem

A. Admin B. Developers C. Guests i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Individual accounts for Developers. Ticket creation and updation. Search for tickets. Set Priorities for Tickets higher!"#$#%& . 'ie( ticket details. Assigning or )*!assigning a ticket to Developer +, higher authorities or +, themselves. )ploading patch files or an, other re-uired files after solving the issue and update the ticket status. .aintain activities for a. Ticket! Comments and /istor,. +. Developer 0 Comments and (ork log. 21port a ticket in different formats like doc and pdf.


'(nctional )e*(irement" +,tlea"t -ight.

vii. viii. i1.

i. /. Non-f(nctional re*(irement" +,tlea"t 'o(r. ii. iii. iv.

Secure access of confidential data user3s details&. SS4 can +e used. $5 6 7 availa+ilit, Better component design to get +etter performance at peak time 8le1i+le service +ased architecture (ill +e highl, desira+le for future e1tension a. 9atch service for su+scri+ing a ticket 'ote for ticket Share ticket through mail


Optional feat(re"

+. c.

A. Professional look and feel 1. $"er interface prioritie" B. )se of A:A6 atleast (ith all registration forms C. Bro(ser testing and support for I2# **# .o;ila# and 8irefo1. D. )se of Graphical tool like :ASP2< to sho( strategic data to admin 2. <eports e1porta+le in .64S# .PD8 or an, other desira+le format A. Dail, Tickets <eports B. Dail, Solved tickets <eports C. .onthl, Tickets <eports 9e+site should +e highl, customi;a+le and fle1i+le enough to easil, deplo,.




Other important i""(e"

14. 11.

Team Si5e Technologie" to be ("ed

.inimum $ and .a1imum 5 ).4# :$22# 6.4# e!8orms# A:A6# 9e+ $.=# 9e+!services# S>A <>S2?<SA ? 9e+Sphere .odeler 2clipse? <AD ? 4otus 8orms Designer ? Portlet 8actor, 9e+Sphere Portal? 9AS? 9AS C2 ? 9PS DB$ 21press 0 @C3 or DB$ )DB Tivoli CDP?TS. ? Tivoli Director, Server 4inu1 (ill +e the preferred >S. A. >nline or offline help to a+ove said users# Application deplo,ment e1ecutive and developer B. Application archive .(ar?.ear & (ith source code C. Data+ase +ackup and DD4 Script D. Complete Source code


Tool" to be $"ed


'inal 6eliverable m("t incl(de

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