Letter Benchmarking QC

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January 15, 2014 MRS. MA. TERESA M.

MARIANO City Government Department Head III Social Services Development Department Que on City Hall, Que on City

Dear !rs" !ariano, #arm $reetin$s% &'e Center (or )*cellence +C),&)-., as part o( Gender and Development +G/D. !ana$ement &eam and as t'e Secretariat, is interested to visit your CIC0 1acility on January 22, 2014 +&'ursday., 3et4een 5600 /"!" to 12600 7"!", (or t'e purpose o( 3enc'mar8in$ and to discuss certain pro$rams t'at 4e are currently 4or8in$ on" 7lease con(irm t'e availa3ility (or us to meet on t'e a3ove mentioned date" 9ou may call our o((ice num3er, :52;250" #e appreciate your consideration o( t'is re<uest and loo8 (or4ard to 'earin$ (rom you" #e certainly 'ope t'at your (acility 4ill 'elp us come 4it' a ne4 perspective"


JULIE M. BORJE C),&)- C'ie( City Government o( !ari8ina

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