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Business Report # 2

Principles of Marketing 5 to 7 pages Stapled no binders Double spaced, 11pt Cover page with the title !" Marketing#Career Plan for $%our na&e'() *se bold t%pe for &ain headings( Main healings are as follows (A) Job/Career, (B) Two Organizations in Career Industry, (C)Target Market/s, (D)Produ t !trategies, (")Distribution !trategies, (#)Pri e !trategies, and ($)Pro%otion !trategies Detai&s on 'eadings( "( +ist %our ,ob#Career Description fro& the first paper( -f %ou decide to change %ou career fro& %our first paper, %ou &ust add an short ./ternal .nviron&ental Scan on the new career( 0( 1ind two organi2ations on the internet that co&pete in the sa&e business that &ight hire %our selected 3ob#career( $i)e t*e website address +or bot*, 4he two organi2ations need to be si&ilar in nature( 1or e/a&ple, two churches, or two non5profits &ight not be in the sa&e cit% but the% are si&ilar in what the% 0% looking at the two websites, deter&ine their target &arket#s( +ook at chapter on &arket seg&entation in the te/tbook for an% concepts that can relate to their websites( 1( 6( :( -, 5( 0% looking at the websites 7ho are the target &arkets for these two organi2ations89 "re the% e/actl% the sa&e or are the% different9 .e+eren e t*e website w*en you are e)a&uating, .e+er to /age or &ink be ause I /&an to re)iew your ana&ysis, -f %ou cannot define the &arket#s fro& the website, then go to the internet for additional infor&ation(

do( C(

Discuss the &arketing &i/ strategies that relate to these two organi2ations( 0se on e/ts (ter%s) in t*e book or dis ussed in &ass to s*ow your understanding o+ *ow t*ese two organizations use %arketing, .e+eren e t*e in+or%ation in t*e website to t*e +o&&owing areas( D( .( 1( ?( Product $Creating' strategies Chapters ;, 7, 1< Distribution $Delivering' strategies Chapters =, > Pricing $e/changing' strategies Chapter 15 Pro&otion $co&&unication' strategies 5 Chapters 11, 16, 1:, 1@,

D to ? should &ake up &ost of %our paper(

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