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Intelligence is affected by the environment Many researchers and scientists proposed their theories about what factors influence

the growth of intelligence. Some researchers say that it is caused by nature, or a given intelligence. Mostly believes that intelligence is a hereditary genetic which descends to their children, it cant be molded, it is only given by the Supreme. In contrast, those who disagree with this statement say that it is due to the nurture, the environment surrounds us, the way our parents molding us. It is supported by the definition of Webster's dictionary, intelligence as "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge; which includes a sensing an environment and reaching conclusions about the state of that environment. Also, according to Scarr and Weinberg study, they recognized that with children between 16 and 22 years of age, environment was more powerful in influencing IQ level in the young child, because environment exerts a greater influence on children, who have little choice. Moreover, in my opinion, I think that most people have the capability to become smarter, to make that intelligence, what most people lack is the thirst for knowledge and understanding that drives individuals to learning more. Thus, a person who is surrounded by people who have the great interest on molding their intelligence will absolutely influence to that person too. Therefore, I agree that intelligence is affected by the environment, because environments conducive to hard work and education along with committed practice. So, by the dedication, practice and hard work, anyone can develop their intelligence. Last but not least, it is true that a genius person not always has a genius parent, however, a genius person is caused by the great way their parents nurture him/her.

The human mind is incredibly powerful, and some significant figures throughout history have demonstrated the advanced knowledge to be considered geniuses. Those geniuses are a result of the high intelligence that they have.

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