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Thanks to our Knowledge Of Magic (Egyptian Druid and Wiccan Magic) updated with the techniques discovered in the

mid-twentieth century and early twenty-first century by W.Reich and K.Weltz, our Crafts and Services Maximize The Harmony and Power that every human being bears within , and attenuate The Actual Crisis, and environmental Pollution coming from abroad , to achieve Happiness and Prosperity

Magical Craft With orgonite. To: Health, Good Luck And Prosperity

All Our Pieces, Amulets, Talismans and Magical Figures are Unique and exclusive, Made with Orgonite : (Mixture of resins, metals, gems and quartz following the discoveries of Drs. Karl Welz and Don and Carol Croft) and our magical contribution extracted from ancient treatises on magic, recipes made with natural materials (Heka is magic in Egyptian). From there our denomination OrgonitHEKA @ .

-Act as an AntiNegative Protector Shield Pollution by Chemtrails (aircraft chemtrails), Micro-Waves P h o n e A n t e n n a s . -Transform the negative energy into e n e r g y e nv i r o n m e n t h e a l t hy. -Purifies water atoms, the most abundant molecule in living things. -Benefits improving plant germination, growth, flowering and fruiting.

The orgonite is a very powerful tool to reverse electromagnetic pollution known as radioactive electrosmoke electropollution or in the atmosphere. The orgonite is a mixture of metals (aluminum, steel, nickel) polyester resin, urethane or epoxy, (previously catalyzed) to which is added pure quartz crystals and other gems appropriate Intention you want to promote. They are activated Waves Music and Healing, and natural light of the moon in positive phase, and gems are Programmed with the same intention and Purified with NATRON (a salt used by the ancient Egyptians in their magical work). The negative orgone orgonite absorbs and transforms it into positive energy effects being seen by anyone.
Mag@ Admary

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