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Multi-Venture Plan of the Sullivan Chevrolet Property

County of Union – Concerned Citizens of Roselle Park – Borough of Roselle Park


The Union County Board of Chosen Freeholders has expressed an interest in returning
this section (the Sullivan Chevrolet property) to its original function as a focal point in the
downtown Roselle Park design. This section will become a Union County Park. Logistics
concerning maintenance, etc. must be worked out between the Borough of Roselle Park and the
County of Union.

This section also takes into account the anticipation of the re-opening of the currently
unused Conrail line.

Section One Suggests the Following:

1) Maintain the original oval circulation system, (walking) for Westfield Avenue into
and through the park.
2) A design for later access to a/the Conrail line.
3) Multiple components:
a. Benches
b. Solar-Powered Lighting
c. Gazebo
d. Garden
e. Flagpole(s)
f. Fountain(s)
g. Façade
h. Rack for bike safety
i. Possible bocce ball court
j. Possible carousel
***Future work with Enterprise Auto Rental to move them into the new development;
Buy this lot for parking when train line is activated

Multi-Venture Plan of the Sullivan Chevrolet Property


The following are the presented options for the consideration for those parties involved in
1) Union County open space buys this portion of land for a large(r) park
 Result: No Ratable

2) Roselle Park rezones the property, and buys the entire parcel. The Borough
then proceeds to sell a percent of the parcel to the County for a park, a percent
of the parcel to the Union County Economic Development Authority for a
parking deck, and bonds a percent with a Request for Proposal to developers
to build a suitable, agreed upon, mixed usage building.
 Result: Ratable(s) Created

3) Roselle Park could request that the county expand Section One westward and
scale down Section Two
 Result: Varying Possible Outcomes

4) Roselle Park could request that the County create a promenade park
connecting Section One and Section Three (on following page)
 Result: Varying/ Slightly Less Ratables

Multi-Venture Plan of the Sullivan Chevrolet Property


Request/ Get the Union County Economic Development Authority assist in the building a
parking deck on this “odd-shaped” parcel.
***Adding to the “Go Green” initiative

Multi-Venture Plan of the Sullivan Chevrolet Property

What’s Next?: Steps and Ideas

A. The Concerned Citizens of Roselle Park, Inc. appoints a member to “stay on” the
proposal’s development and receive any communications that are relayed back to the
organization regarding negotiations, actions, or questions.

B. Form a steering committee for a possible bike path

C. Develop a government action committee or representative (at all levels) to re-develop

Conrail Lines

D. Concerned Citizens to work to fundraise to help build park or advertise for the cause

E. Nominate Westfield Avenue for original historic re-design plan

Multi-Venture Plan of the Sullivan Chevrolet Property

This report/ plan will be formally provided (in writing) to Mayor Joseph DeIorio of the Borough
of Roselle Park on the evening of Thursday, October 15, 2009 at an open public meeting of the
Roselle Park Mayor and Council.

This plan will be submitted by Andrew J. Casais, Chairman of the Concerned Citizens of Roselle
Park, Inc. with the request that Mayor DeIorio send a correspondence to Freeholder Chairman
Alexander Mirabella in an effort to begin communications between the Borough of Roselle Park
and the County of Union.

Though no deadline has been set by the Concerned Citizen’s organization; we would request that
a representative of either governing bodies (Board of Chosen Freeholders or the Roselle Park
Mayor and Council) have communication with the organization’s Chairman or general Executive
Board as to the progress, acceptance (of the possibility), or rejection of the proposal.

The Concerned Citizens also would like to hereby offer this as an open invitation to any person
or persons who would like sit down with the organization at our monthly meetings and go over
the details of this plan and its progress, as it unfolds.

Message from The Concerned Citizens of Roselle Park

“Finally and in conclusion, we come forward to the governing body to fulfill our obligation as
citizens of the Borough of Roselle Park. That is: to create a community which meets its full
potential by benefitting not only the present population, but future generations. And; We bare
good faith that you will do the same.” –Chairman, Andrew J. Casais

Attest: 10/14/09

Andrew J. Casais
Chairman of the Concerned Citizens of Roselle Park, Inc.


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