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[ NO. 6 OF 1974 ] [23rd March, 1974.] An Act to provide for the prevention and control of ater poll!tion and the "aintainin# or re$torin# of hole$o"ene$$ of ater, for the e$ta%li$h"ent, ith a vie to carr&in# o!t the p!rpo$e$ afore$aid, of 'oard$ for the prevention and control of ater poll!tion, for conferrin# on and a$$i#nin# to $!ch 'oard$ po er$ and f!nction$ relatin# thereto and for "atter$ connected there ith. ()*+*A, it i$ e-pedient to provide for the prevention and control of ater poll!tion and the "aintainin# or re$torin# of hole$o"ene$$ of ater, for the e$ta%li$h"ent, ith a vie to carr&in# o!t the p!rpo$e$ afore$aid, of 'oard$ for the prevention and control of ater poll!tion and for conferrin# on and a$$i#nin# to $!ch 'oard$ po er$ and f!nction$ relatin# thereto. AN/ ()*+*A, 0arlia"ent ha$ no po er to "a1e la $ for the ,tate$ ith re$pect to an& of the "atter$ afore$aid e-cept a$ provided in article$ 249 and 223 of the 4on$tit!tion. AN/ ()*+*A, in p!r$!ance of cla!$e 516 of article 222 of the 4on$tit!tion re$ol!tion$ have %een pa$$ed %& all the )o!$e$ of the 7e#i$lat!re$ of the ,tate$ of A$$a", 'ihar, 8!9arat, )ar&ana, )i"achal 0rade$h, :a""! and ;a$h"ir, ;arnata1a, ;erala, Madh&a 0rade$h, +a9a$than, <rip!ra and (e$t 'en#al to the effect that the "atter$ afore$aid $ho!ld %e re#!lated in tho$e ,tate$ %& 0arlia"ent %& la . '* it enacted %& 0arlia"ent in the < ent&=fifth &ear of +ep!%lic of >ndia a$ follo $?= CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY 1. SHORT TITLE, APPLICATION AND COMMENCEMENT. 516 <hi$ Act "a& %e called the (ater 50revention and 4ontrol of 0oll!tion6 Act, 1974. 526 >t applie$ in the fir$t in$tance to the hole of the ,tate$ of A$$a", 'ihar, 8!9arat, )ar&ana, )i"achal 0rade$h, :a""! and ;a$h"ir, ;arnata1a, ;erala, Madh&a 0rade$h, +a9a$than, <rip!ra and (e$t 'en#al and the @nion <erritorie$. and it $hall appl&

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

to $!ch other ,tate hich adopt$ thi$ Act %& re$ol!tion pa$$ed in that %ehalf !nder cla!$e 516 of article 222 of the 4on$tit!tion. 536 >t $hall co"e into force, at once in the ,tate$ of A$$a", 'ihar, 8!9arat, )ar&ana, )i"achal 0rade$h, :a""! and ;a$h"ir, ;arnata1a, ;erala, Madh&a 0rade$h, +a9a$than, <rip!ra and (e$t 'en#al and in the @nion territorie$, and in an& other ,tate hich adopt$ thi$ Act !nder cla!$e 516 of article 222 of the 4on$tit!tion on the date of $!ch adoption and an& reference in thi$ Act to the co""ence"ent of thi$ Act $hall, in relation to an& ,tate or @nion territor&, "ean the date on hich thi$ Act co"e$ into force in $!ch ,tate or @nion territor&. 2. DEFINITIONS. >n thi$ Act, !nle$$ the conte-t other i$e reA!ire$,= 5a6 B'oardB "ean$ the 4entral 'oard or a ,tate 'oard.

[5%6 B4entral 'oardB "ean$ the 4entral 0oll!tion 4ontrol 'oard 4on$tit!ted !nder $ection 3.] 5c6 B"e"%erB "ean$ a "e"%er of a 'oard and incl!de$ the chair"an thereof.

[5d6 Bocc!pierB, in relation to an& factor& or pre"i$e$, "ean$ the per$on ho ha$ control over the affair$ of the factor& or the pre"i$e$, and incl!de$, in relation to an& $!%$tance, the per$on in po$$e$$ion of the $!%$tance.] [5dd6 Bo!tletB incl!de$ an& cond!it pipe or channel, open or clo$ed carr&in# $e a#e or trade effl!ent or an& other holdin# arran#e"ent hich ca!$e$ or i$ li1el& to ca!$e, poll!tion.] 5e6 Bpoll!tionB "ean$ $!ch conta"ination of ater or $!ch alteration of the ph&$ical, che"ical or %iolo#ical propertie$ of ater or $!ch di$char#e of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent or of an& other liA!id, #a$eo!$ or $olid $!%$tance into ater 5 hether directl& or indirectl&6 a$ "a&, or i$ li1el& to, create a n!i$ance or render $!ch ater har"f!l or in9!rio!$ to p!%lic health or $afet&, or to do"e$tic, co""ercial, ind!$trial, a#ric!lt!ral or other le#iti"ate !$e$, or to the life and health of ani"al$ or plant$ or of aA!atic or#ani$"$. 5f6 Bpre$cri%edB "ean$ pre$cri%ed %& r!le$ "ade !nder thi$ Act %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent.
1 2 3

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 2 for cl$. 5%6, 5d6 and 5h6. >n$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 2. ,!%$ %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 2, for Btrade or ind!$tr&B.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

5#6 B$e a#e effl!entB "ean$ affl!ent fro" an& $e era#e $&$te" or $e a#e di$po$al or1$ and incl!de$ $!lla#e fro" open drain$.

[5##6 B$e erB "ean$ an& cond!it pipe or channel, open or clo$ed, carr&in# $e a#e or trade effl!ent.]

[5h6 B,tate 'oardB "ean$ a ,tate 0oll!tion 4ontrol 'oard con$tit!ted !nder $ection 4].

5i6 B,tate 8overn"entB in relation to a @nion territor& "ean$ the Ad"ini$trator thereof appointed !nder article 239 of the 4on$tit!tion. 596B$trea"B incl!de$= 5i6 river. 5ii6 ater co!r$e 5 hether flo in# or for the ti"e %ein# dr&6. 5iii6 inland ater 5 hether nat!ral or artificial6. 5iv6 $!%=terranean ater$. 5v6 $ea or tidal ater$ to $!ch e-tent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, to $!ch point a$ the ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, $pecif& in thi$ %ehalf. 516 Btrade effl!entB incl!de$ an& liA!id, #a$eo!$ or $olid $!%$tance hich i$ di$char#ed fro" an& pre"i$e$ !$ed for carr&in# on an& 3[>nd!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te"], other than do"e$tic $e a#e. CHAPTER II THE CENTRAL AND STATE BOARDS FOR PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF WATER POLLUTION 3. CONSTITUTION OF CENTRAL BOARD. 516 <he 4entral 8overn"ent $hall, ith effect fro" $!ch date 5%ein# a date not later than $i- "onth$ of the co""ence"ent of thi$ Act in the ,tate$ of A$$a", 'ihar, 8!9arat, )ar&ana, )i"achal 0rade$h, :a""! and ;a$h"ir, ;arnata1a, ;erala, Madh&a 0rade$h, +a9a$than, <rip!ra and (e$t 'en#al and in the @nion territorie$6 a$ it "a&, %&

>n$. %& Act 44 of 197C $. 2. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 2 for cl$. 5%6, 5d6 and 5h6. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 2 or Etrade or ind!$tr&F.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

notification in the Official 8aDette, appoint, con$tit!te a 4entral 'oard to %e called the
[Act 6 of 1974]

[4entral 0oll!tion 4ontrol 'oard] to e-erci$e the po er$ conferred on and perfor" the f!nction$ a$$i#ned to that 'oard !nder thi$ Act. 526 <he 4entral 'oard $hall con$i$t of the follo in# "e"%er$, na"el&?= 5a6 a f!ll=ti"e chair"an, %ein# a per$on havin# $pecial 1no led#e or practical e-perience in re$pect of 2["atter$ relatin# to environ"ental protection] or a per$on havin# 1no led#e and e-perience in ad"ini$terin# in$tit!tion$ dealin# ith the "atter$ afore$aid, to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent. 5%6 3[$!ch n!"%er of official$, not e-ceedin# five] to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent to repre$ent that 8overn"ent. 5c6 $!ch n!"%er of per$on$, not e-ceedin# five to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent, fro" a"on#$t the "e"%er$ of the ,tate 'oard$, of ho" no e-ceedin# t o $hall %e fro" tho$e referred to in cla!$e 5c6 of $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 4. 5d6 4[$!ch n!"%er of non=official$, not e-ceedin# three,] to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent, to repre$ent the intere$t$ of a#ric!lt!re, fi$her& or ind!$tr& or trade or an& other intere$t hich, in the opinion of the 4entral 8overn"ent, o!#ht to %e repre$ented. 5e6 t o per$on$ to repre$ent the co"panie$ or corporation$ o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent, to %e no"inated %& that 8overn"ent. 2 [5f6 a f!ll=ti"e "e"%er=$ecretar&, po$$e$$in# A!alification$, 1no led#e and e-perience of $cientific, en#ineerin# or "ana#e"ent a$pect$ of poll!tion control, to %e appointed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent.] 536 <he 4entral 'oard $hall %e a %od& corporate ith the na"e afore$aid havin# perpet!al $!cce$$ion and a co""on $eal ith po er, $!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act, to acA!ire, hold and di$po$e of propert& and to contract, and "a&, %& the afore$aid na"e, $!e or %e $!ed. 4. CONSTITUTION OF STATE BOARDS.


,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 3 for certain ord$. ,!%$ %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 3 for 4ertain ord$. ,!%$. %& $. 3, i%id., for Bfive official$B. ,!%$ %& $. 3, i%id., for Bthree non=official$B. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 3, for cl. 5f6.

3 4 2

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

516 <he ,tate 8overn"ent $hall, ith effect fro" $!ch date 1GGG a$ it "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, appoint, con$tit!te a 2[,tate 0oll!tion 4ontrol 'oard],
[Act 6 of 1974]

!nder $!ch na"e a$ "a& %e $pecified in the notification, to e-erci$e the po er$ conferred on and perfor" the f!nction$ a$$i#ned to that 'oard !nder thi$ Act. 526 A ,tate 'oard $hall con$i$t of the follo in# "e"%er$, na"el&?= 5a6 a 3[GGG chair"an, %ein# a per$on havin# $pecial 1no led#e or practical e-perience in re$pect of 4["atter$ relatin# to environ"ental protection] or a per$on havin# 1no led#e and e-perience in ad"ini$terin# in$tit!tion$ dealin# ith the "atter$ afore$aid, to %e no"inated %& the ,tate 8overn"ent? 2 [0rovided that the chair"an "a& %e either hole=ti"e or part=ti"e a$ the ,tate 8overn"ent "a& thin1 fit.] 5%6 6[$!ch n!"%er of official$, not e-ceedin# five,] to %e no"inated %& the ,tate 8overn"ent to repre$ent that 8overn"ent. 5c6 7[$!ch n!"%er of per$on$, not e-ceedin# five,] to %e no"inated %& the ,tate 8overn"ent fro" a"on#$t the "e"%er$ of the local a!thoritie$ f!nctionin# ithin the ,tate. 5d6 C[$!ch n!"%er of non=official$, not e-ceedin# three] to %e no"inated %& the ,tate 8overn"ent to repre$ent the intere$t of a#ric!lt!re, fi$her& or ind!$tr& or trade or an& other intere$t hich, in the opinion of the ,tate 8overn"ent, o!#ht to %e repre$ented. 5e6 t o per$on$ to repre$ent the co"panie$ or corporation$ o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the ,tate 8overn"ent, to %e no"inated %& that 8overn"ent. 9 [5f6 a f!ll=ti"e "e"%er=$ecretar&, po$$e$$in# A!alification$, 1no led#e and e-perience of $cientific, en#ineerin# or "ana#e"ent a$pect$ of poll!tion control, to %e appointed %& the ,tate 8overn"ent.]

1 2

4ertain ord$ o"itted %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 4 ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 4, for B,tate 'oardB. <he ord Bf!ll=ti"eB o"itted %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 4. ,!%$. %& $. 4, i%id., for 4ertain ord$. >n$. %& $. 4, i%id. ,!%$. %& $. 4 i%id., for Bfive official$B ,!%$. %& $. 4, i%id., for Bfive per$on$B. ,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 4, for Bthree non=official$B. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 4, for cl. 5f6.

3 4 2

7 C 9

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

536 *ver& ,tate 'oard $hall %e a %od& corporate ith the na"e $pecified %& the ,tate 8overn"ent in the notification !nder $!%=$ection 516, havin# perpet!al $!cce$$ion and a co""on $eal ith po er, $!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act, to acA!ire, hold and di$po$e of propert& and to contract, and "a&, %& the $aid na"e, $!e or %e $!ed.
[Act 6 of 1974]

546 Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in thi$ $ection, no ,tate 'oard $hall %e con$tit!ted for a @nion territor& and in relation to a @nion territor&. the 4entral 'oard $hall e-erci$e the po er$ and perfor" the f!nction$ of a ,tate 'oard for that @nion territor&? 0rovided that in relation to an @nion territor& the 4entral 'oard "a& dele#ate all or an& of it$ po er$ and f!nction$ !nder thi$ $!%=$ection to $!ch per$on or %od& of per$on$ a$ the 4entral 8overn"ent "a& $pecif&. . TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE OF MEMBERS. 516 ,ave a$ other i$e provided %& or !nder thi$ Act, a "e"%er of a 'oard, other than, a "e"%er=$ecretar&, $hall hold office for a ter" of three &ear$ fro" the date of hi$ no"ination? 0rovided that a "e"%er $hall, not ith$tandin# the e-piration of hi$ ter", contin!e to hold office !ntil hi$ $!cce$$or enter$ !pon hi$ office. 1 [526 <he ter" of office of a "e"%er of a 'oard no"inated !nder cla!$e 5%6 or cla!$e 5e6 of $!%=$ection 526 of ,ection 3 or cla!$e 5%6 or cla!$e 5e6 of $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 4 $hall co"e to an end a$ $oon a$ he cea$e$ to hold the office !nder the 4entral 8overn"ent or the ,tate 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the co"pan& or corporation o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or the ,tate 8overn"ent, %& virt!e of hich he a$ no"inated.] 536 <he 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, if it thin1$ fit, re"ove an& "e"%er of a 'oard %efore the e-pir& of hi$ ter" of office, after #ivin# hi" a rea$ona%le opport!nit& of $ho in# ca!$e a#ain$t the $a"e. 546 A "e"%er of a 'oard, other than the "e"%er=$ecretar&, "a& at an& ti"e re$i#n hi$ office %& ritin# !nder hi$ hand addre$$edH 5a6 in the ca$e of chair"an, to the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent. and 5%6 in an& other ca$e, to the chair"an of the 'oard. and the $eat of the chair"an or $!ch "e"%er $hall there!pon %eco"e vacant. 526 A "e"%er of a 'oard, other than the "e"%er=$ecretar&, $hall %e dee"ed to have vacated hi$ $eat if he i$ a%$ent itho!t rea$on, $!fficient in the opinion of

,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 2, for $!%=$ection 526.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

the 'oard, fro" three con$ec!tive "eetin#$ of the 'oard, 1[or

[Act 6 of 1974]

here he i$ no"inated

!nder cla!$e 5c6 or cla!$e 5e6 of $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 536 or !nder cla!$e 5c6 or cla!$e 5e6 of $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 4, if he cea$e$ to %e a "e"%er of the ,tate 'oard or of the local a!thorit& or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of the co"pan& or corporation o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or the ,tate 8overn"ent and $!ch vacation of $eat $hall, in either ca$e, ta1e effect fro" $!ch date a$ the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, $pecif&.] 566 A ca$!al vacanc& in a 'oard $hall %e filled %& a fre$h no"ination and the per$on no"inated to fill the vacanc& $hall hold office onl& for the re"ainder of the ter" for hich the "e"%er in a ho$e place he a$ no"inated. 576 A "e"%er of a 'oard 2[$hall %e eli#i%le for reno"ination]. 5C6 <he other ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice of a "e"%er of a 'oard, other than the chair"an and "e"%er=$ecretar&, $hall %e $!ch a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 596 <he other ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice of the chair"an $hall %e $!ch a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. !. DIS"UALIFICATIONS. 516 No per$on $hall %e a "e"%er of a 'oard, ho= 5a6 i$, or at an& ti"e ha$ %een ad9!d#ed in$olvent or ha$ $!$pended pa&"ent of hi$ de%t$ or ha$ co"po!nded ith hi$ creditor$, or 5%6 i$ of !n$o!nd "ind and $tand$ $o declared %& a co"petent co!rt, or 5c6 i$, or ha$ %een, convicted of an offence hich, in the opinion of the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of the ,tate 8overn"ent, involve$ "oral t!rpit!de, or 5d6 i$, or at an& ti"e ha$ %een, convicted of an offence !nder thi$ Act, or 5e6 ha$ directl& or indirectl& %& hi"$elf or %& an& partner, an& $hare or intere$t in an& fir" or co"pan& carr&in# on the %!$ine$$ of "an!fact!re, $ale or hire of "achiner&, plant, eA!ip"ent, apparat!$ or fittin#$ for the treat"ent of $e a#e or trade effl!ent$, or

,!%$. %& $. 2, i%id, for certain ord$. ,!%$ %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 2, for B$hall not %e eli#i%le for reno"ination for "ore than t o ter"$B.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5f6 i$ a director or a $ecretar&, "ana#er or other $alaried officer or e"plo&ee of an& co"pan& or fir" havin# an& contract ith the 'oard, or ith the 8overn"ent con$tit!tin# the 'oard, or ith a local a!thorit& in the ,tate, or ith a co"pan& or corporation o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the
[Act 6 of 1974]

8overn"ent, for the carr&in# o!t of $e era#e $che"e$ or for the in$tallation of plant$ for the treat"ent of $e a#e or trade effl!ent$, or 5#6 ha$ $o a%!$ed, in the opinion of the 4entral 8overn"ent or a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of the ,tate 8overn"ent, hi$ po$ition a$ a "e"%er, a$ to render hi$ contin!ance on the 'oard detri"ental to the intere$t of the #eneral p!%lic. 526 No order of re"oval $hall %e "ade %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or the ,tate 8overn"ent, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, !nder thi$ $ection !nle$$ the "e"%er concerned ha$ %een #iven a rea$ona%le opport!nit& of $ho in# ca!$e a#ain$t the $a"e. 536 Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in $!%=$ection 516 and 576 of $ection 2, a "e"%er ho ha$ %een re"oved !nder thi$ $ection $hall not %e eli#i%le for reno"ination a$ a "e"%er. 7. VACATION OF SEAT BY MEMBERS. >f a "e"%er of a 'oard %eco"e$ $!%9ect to an& of the di$A!alification$ $pecified in $ection 6, hi$ $eat $hall %eco"e vacant. #. MEETIN$S OF BOARDS. A 'oard $hall "eet at lea$t once in ever& three "onth$ and $hall o%$erve $!ch r!le$ of proced!re in re#ard to the tran$action of %!$ine$$ at it$ "eetin#$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed? 0rovided that if, in the opinion of the chair"an, an& %!$ine$$ of an !r#ent nat!re i$ to %e tran$acted, he "a& convene a "eetin# of the 'oard at $!ch ti"e a$ he thin1$ fit for the afore$aid p!rpo$e. 9. CONSTITUTION OF COMMITTEES. 516 A 'oard "a& con$tit!te a$ "an& co""ittee$ con$i$tin# holl& of "e"%er$ or holl& of other per$on$ or partl& of "e"%er$ and partl& of other per$on$, and for $!ch p!rpo$e or p!rpo$e$ a$ it "a& thin1 fit.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

526 A co""ittee con$tit!ted !nder thi$ $ection $hall "eet at $!ch ti"e and at $!ch place, and $hall o%$erve $!ch r!le$ of proced!re in re#ard to the tran$action of %!$ine$$ at it$ "eetin#$, a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 536 <he "e"%er$ of a co""ittee 5other than the "e"%er$ of 'oard6 $hall %e paid
[Act 6 of 1974]

$!ch fee$ and allo ance$, for attendin# it$ "eetin#$ and for attendin# to an& other of the 'oard a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed.


1%. TEMPORARY ASSOCIATION OF PERSONS WITH BOARD FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSES. 516 A 'oard "a& a$$ociate ith it$elf in $!ch "anner, and for $!ch p!rpo$e$, a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed an& per$on ho$e a$$i$tance or advice it "a& de$ire to o%tain in perfor"in# an& of it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act. 526 A per$on a$$ociated ith the 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 516 for an& p!rpo$e $hall have a ri#ht to ta1e part in the di$c!$$ion$ of the 'oard relevant to that p!rpo$e, %!t $hall not have a ri#ht to vote at a "eetin# of the 'oard, and $hall not %e a "e"%er for an& other p!rpo$e. 1 [536 A per$on a$$ociated ith the 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 516 for an& p!rpo$e $hall %e paid $!ch fee$ and allo ance$, for attendin# it$ "eetin#$ and for attendin# to an& other or1 of the 'oard, a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed.] 11. VACANCY IN BOARD NOT TO INVALIDATE ACTS OR PROCEEDIN$S. No act or proceedin# of a 'oard or an& co""ittee thereof $hall %e called in A!e$tion on the #ro!nd "erel& of the e-i$tence of an& vacanc& in, or an& defect in the con$tit!tion of, the 'oard or $!ch co""ittee, a$ the ca$e "a& %e. 2 &11A.DELE$ATION OF POWERS TO CHAIRMAN. <he chair"an of a 'oard $hall e-erci$e $!ch po er$ and perfor" $!ch d!tie$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed or a$ "a&, fro" ti"e to ti"e, %e dele#ated to hi" %& the 'oard.] 12. MEMBER'SECRETARY AND OFFICERS AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF BOARD. 516 <er"$ and condition$ of $ervice of the "e"%er=$ecretar& $hall %e $!ch a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 526 <he "e"%er=$ecretar& $hall e-erci$e $!ch po er$ and perfor" $!ch d!tie$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed or a$ "a&, fro" ti"e to ti"e, %e dele#ated to hi" %& the 'oard or it$ chair"an.


>n$. %& Act 44 of 197C. $. 6. >n$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 7.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

536 ,!%9ect to $!ch r!le$ a$ "a& %e "ade %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent in thi$ %ehalf, a 'oard "a& appoint $!ch officer$ and
[Act 6 of 1974]

e"plo&ee$ a$ it con$ider$ nece$$ar& for the efficient perfor"ance of it$ f!nction$.


[G G G

[53A6 <he "ethod of recr!it"ent and the ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice 5incl!din# the $cale$ of pa&6 of the officer$ 5other than the "e"%er=$ecretar&6 and other e"plo&ee$ of the 4entral 'oard or a ,tate 'oard $hall %e $!ch a$ "a& %e deter"ined %& re#!lation$ "ade %& the 4entral 'oard or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, %& the ,tate 'oard? 0rovided that no re#!lation "ade !nder thi$ $!%=$ection $hall ta1e effect !nle$$, I 5a6 in the ca$e of a re#!lation "ade %& the 4entral 'oard, it i$ approved %& the 4entral 8overn"ent. and 5%6 in the ca$e of a re#!lation "ade %& a ,tate 'oard, it i$ approved %& the ,tate 8overn"ent.] [53'6 <he 'oard "a&, %& #eneral or $pecial order, and $!%9ect to $!ch condition$ and li"itation$, if an&, a$ "a& %e $pecified in the order, dele#ate to an& officer of the 'oard $!ch of it$ po er$ and f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act a$ it "a& dee" nece$$ar&.] 546 ,!%9ect to $!ch condition$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed, a 'oard "a& fro" ti"e to ti"e appoint an& A!alified per$on to %e a con$!ltin# en#ineer to the 'oard and pa& hi" $!ch $alarie$ and allo ance$ and $!%9ect hi" to $!ch other ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice a$ it thin1$ fit. CHAPTER III (OINT BOARDS 13. CONSTITUTION OF (OINT BOARD. 516 Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in thi$ Act, an a#ree"ent "a& %e entered into= 5a6 %& t o or "ore 8overn"ent$ of conti#!o!$ ,tate$, or 5%6 %& the 4entral 8overn"ent 5in re$pect of one or "ore @nion territorie$6 and one or "ore 8overn"ent of ,tate 8overn"ent conti#!o!$ to $!ch

4ertain ord$ o"itted %& $. C, i%id >n$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. C. >n$. %& Act 23 of 19CC. $. 6.

2 3

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


@nion territor& or @nion territorie$, to %e in force for $!ch period and to %e $!%9ect to rene al for $!ch f!rther period if an&, a$ "a& %e $pecified in the a#ree"ent to provide for the con$tit!tion of a :oint 'oard, I 5i6 in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5a6, for all the participatin# ,tate$, and
[Act 6 of 1974]

5ii6 in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5%6, for the participatin# @nion territor& or @nion territorie$ and the ,tate or ,tate$. 526 An a#ree"ent !nder thi$ $ection "a& == 5a6 provide, in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 516, for the apportion"ent %et een the participatin# ,tate$ and in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5%6 of that $!%=$ection, for the apportion"ent$ %et een the 4entral 8overn"ent and the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent or ,tate 8overn"ent$, of the e-pendit!re in connection ith the :oint 'oard. 5%6 deter"ine, in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 516, hich of the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent$ and in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5%6 of that $!%=$ection, hether the 4entral 8overn"ent or the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent 5if there are "ore than one participatin# ,tate, al$o hich of the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent$6 $hall e-erci$e and perfor" the $everal po er$ and f!nction$ of the ,tate 8overn"ent !nder thi$ Act and the reference$ in thi$ Act to the ,tate 8overn"ent $hall %e con$tr!ed accordin#l&. 5c6 provide for con$!ltation, in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5a6 of $!%= $ection 516, %et een the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent$ and in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5%6 of that $!%=$ection, %et een the 4entral 8overn"ent and the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent or ,tate 8overn"ent$ either #enerall& or ith reference to partic!lar "atter$ ari$in# !nder thi$ Act.= 5d6 "a1e $!ch incidental and ancillar& provi$ion$, not incon$i$tent ith thi$ Act, a$ "a& %e dee"ed nece$$ar& or e-pedient for #ivin# effect to the a#ree"ent. 536 An a#ree"ent !nder thi$ $ection $hall %e p!%li$hed, in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 516, in the Official 8aDette of the participatin# ,tate$ and in a ca$e referred to in cla!$e 5%6 of that $!%=$ection, in the Official 8aDette of participatin# @nion territor& or @nion territorie$ and participatin# ,tate or ,tate$. 14. COMPOSITION OF (OINT BOARDS. 516 A :oint 'oard con$tit!ted in p!r$!ance of an a#ree"ent entered into !nder cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 13 $hall con$i$t of the follo in# "e"%er$, na"el&?=


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5a6 a f!ll=ti"e chair"an, %ein# a per$on havin# $pecial 1no led#e or practical e-perience in re$pect of 1["atter$ relatin# to environ"ental protection]
[Act 6 of 1974]

or a per$on havin# 1no led#e and e-perience in ad"ini$terin# in$tit!tion$ dealin# ith the "atter$ afore$aid, to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent. 5%6 t o official$ fro" each of the participatin# ,tate$ to %e no"inated %& the concerned participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent to repre$ent that 8overn"ent. 5c6 one per$on to %e no"inated %& each of the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent$ fro" a"on#$t the "e"%er$ of the local a!thoritie$ f!nctionin# ithin the ,tate concerned. 5d6 one non=official to %e no"inated %& each of the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent$ to repre$ent the intere$t$ of a#ric!lt!re, fi$her& or ind!$tr& or trade in the ,tate concerned or an& other intere$t hich, in the opinion of the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent, i$ to %e repre$ented. 5e6 t o per$on$ to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent to repre$ent the co"panie$ or corporation$ o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent. 2 [5f6 a f!ll=ti"e "e"%er=$ecretar&, po$$e$$in# A!alification$, 1no led#e and e-perience of $cientific, en#ineerin# or "ana#e"ent a$pect$ of poll!tion control, to %e appointed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent.] 526 A :oint 'oard con$tit!ted in p!r$!ance of an a#ree"ent entered into !nder cla!$e 5%6 of $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 13 $hall con$i$t of the follo in# "e"%er$, na"el&?= 5a6 a f!ll=ti"e chair"an, %ein# a per$on havin# $pecial 1no led#e or practical e-perience in re$pect of 3["atter$ relatin# to environ"ental protection] or a per$on havin# 1no led#e and e-perience in ad"ini$terin# in$tit!tion$ dealin# ith the "atter$ afore$aid, to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent. 5%6 t o official$ to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent fro" the participatin# @nion territor& or each of the participatin# !nion territorie$, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, and t o official$ to %e no"inated, fro" the participatin# ,tate or each of the participatin# ,tate$, a$ the ca$e "a& %e %& the concerned participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent. 5c6 one per$on to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent fro" a"on#$t the "e"%er$ of the local a!thoritie$ f!nctionin# ithin the participatin# @nion

,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 9, for certain ord$. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 7 for cl. 5f6. ,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 9, for certain ord$.

2 3

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


territor& or each of the participatin# @nion territorie$, a$ the ca$e "a& %e and one per$on to %e no"inated, fro" a"on#$t the "e"%er$ of the local a!thoritie$
[Act 6 of 1974]

f!nctionin# ithin the participatin# ,tate or each of the participatin# ,tate$, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, %& the concerned participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent. 5d6 one non=official to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent and one per$on to %e no"inated %& the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent or ,tate 8overn"ent$ to repre$ent the intere$t$ of a#ric!lt!re, fi$her& or ind!$tr& or trade in the @nion territor& or in each of the @nion territorie$ or the ,tate or in each of the ,tate$, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, or an& other intere$t hich in the opinion of the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of the ,tate 8overn"ent i$ to %e repre$ented. 5e6 t o per$on$ to %e no"inated %& the 4entral 8overn"ent to repre$ent the co"panie$ or corporation$ o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent and $it!ate in the participatin# @nion territor& or territorie$ and t o per$on$ to %e no"inated %& 4entral 8overn"ent to repre$ent the co"panie$ or corporation$ o ned, controlled or "ana#ed %& the participatin# ,tate 8overn"ent$. 1 [5f6 a f!ll=ti"e "e"%er=$ecretar&, po$$e$$in# A!alification$, 1no led#e and e-perience of $cientific, en#ineerin# or "ana#e"ent a$pect$ of poll!tion control, to %e appointed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent.] 536 (hen a :oint 'oard i$ con$tit!ted in p!r$!ance of an a#ree"ent !nder cla!$e 5%6 of $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 13, the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 546 of $ection 4 $hall cea$e to appl& in relation to the @nion territor& for hich the :oint 'oard i$ con$tit!ted. 546 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 536, the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 4 and $ection$ 2 to 12 5incl!$ive6 $hall appl& in relation to the :oint 'oard and it$ "e"%er=$ecretar& a$ the& appl& in relation to a ,tate 'oard and it$ "e"%er=$ecretar&. 526 An& reference in thi$ Act to the ,tate 'oard $hall, !nle$$ the conte-t other i$e reA!ire$, %e con$tr!ed a$ incl!din# a :oint 'oard. 1 . SPECIAL PROVISION RELATIN$ TO $IVIN$ OF DIRECTIONS. Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in thi$ Act !nder $ection 13, = here an& :oint 'oard i$ con$tit!ted

5a6 the 8overn"ent of the ,tate for hich the :oint 'oard i$ con$tit!ted $hall %e co"petent to #ive an& direction !nder thi$ Act onl& in ca$e$ here $!ch direction relate$ to a "atter ithin the e-cl!$ive territorial 9!ri$diction of the ,tate.

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 7, for cl. 5f6.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

5%6 the 4entral 8overn"ent alone $hall %e co"petent to #ive an& direction !nder thi$ Act here $!ch direction relate$ to a "atter ithin the territorial 9!ri$diction of t o or "ore ,tate$ or pertainin# to a @nion territor&. CHAPTER IV POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF BOARDS 1!. FUNCTIONS OF CENTRAL BOARD. 516 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act, the "ain f!nction of the 4entral 'oard $hall %e to pro"ote cleanline$$ of $trea"$ and ell$ in different area$ of the ,tate$. 526 >n partic!lar and itho!t pre9!dice to the #eneralit& of the fore#oin# f!nction, the 4entral 'oard "a& perfor" all or an& of the follo in# f!nction$, na"el&?== 5a6 advi$e the 4entral 8overn"ent on an& "atter concernin# the prevention and control of ater poll!tion. 5%6 co=ordinate the activitie$ of the ,tate 'oard$ and re$olve di$p!te$ a"on# the". 5c6 provide technical a$$i$tance and #!idance to the ,tate 'oard$, carr& o!t and $pon$or inve$ti#ation$ and re$earch relatin# to pro%le"$ of ater poll!tion and prevention, control or a%ate"ent of ater poll!tion. 5d6 plan and or#ani$e the trainin# of per$on$ en#a#ed or to %e en#a#ed in pro#ra""e$ for the prevention, control or a%ate"ent of ater poll!tion on $!ch ter"$ and condition$ a$ the 4entral 'oard "a& $pecif&. 5e6 or#ani$e thro!#h "a$$ "edia a co"prehen$ive pro#ra""e re#ardin# the prevention and control of ater poll!tion. 1 [5ee6 perfor" $!ch of the f!nction$ of an& ,tate 'oard a$ "a& %e $pecified in an order "ade !nder $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 1C]. 5f6 collect, co"pile and p!%li$h technical and $tati$tical data relatin# to ater poll!tion and the "ea$!re$ devi$ed for it$ effective prevention and control and prepare "an!al$, code$ or #!ide$ relatin# to treat"ent and di$po$al of $e a#e and trade effl!ent$ and di$$e"inate infor"ation connected there ith. 5#6 la& do n, "odif& or ann!l, in con$!ltation 8overn"ent concerned, the $tandard$ for a $trea" or ell? or

ith the ,tate

0rovided that different $tandard$ "a& %e laid do n for the $a"e $trea" ell or for different $trea"$ or ell$, havin# re#ard to the A!alit& of ater,

>n$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. C.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 [Act 6 of 1974]


flo characteri$tic$ of the $trea" or ell and the nat!re of the !$e of the ater in $!ch $trea" or ell or $trea"$ or ell$. 5h6 plan and ca!$e to %e e-ec!ted a nation= ide pro#ra""e for the prevention, control or a%ate"ent of ater poll!tion. 5i6 perfor" $!ch other f!nction$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 536 <he 'oard "a& e$ta%li$h or reco#ni$e a la%orator& or la%oratorie$ to ena%le the 'oard to perfor" it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ $ection efficientl&, incl!din# the anal&$i$ of $a"ple$ of ater fro" an& $trea" or ell or of $a"ple$ of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent$. 17. FUNCTIONS OF STATE BOARD. 516 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act, the f!nction$ of a ,tate 'oard $hall %e == 5a6 to plan a co"prehen$ive pro#ra""e for the prevention, control or a%ate"ent of poll!tion of $trea"$ and ell$ in the ,tate and to $ec!re the e-ec!tion thereof. 5%6 to advi$e the ,tate 8overn"ent on an& "atter concernin# the prevention, control or a%ate"ent of ater poll!tion. 5c6 to collect and di$$e"inate infor"ation relatin# to the prevention, control or a%ate"ent thereof. ater poll!tion and

5d6 to enco!ra#e, cond!ct and participate in inve$ti#ation$ and re$earch relatin# to pro%le"$ of ater poll!tion and prevention, control or a%ate"ent of ater poll!tion. 5e6 to colla%orate ith the 4entral 'oard in or#ani$in# the trainin# of per$on$ en#a#ed or to %e en#a#ed in pro#ra""e$ relatin# to prevention, control or a%ate"ent of ater poll!tion and to or#ani$e "a$$ ed!cation pro#ra""e$ relatin# thereto. 5f6 to in$pect $e a#e or trade effl!ent$, or1$ and plant$ for the treat"ent of $e a#e and trade effl!ent$ and to revie plan$, $pecification$ or other data relatin# to plant$ $et !p for the treat"ent of ater, or1$ for the p!rification thereof and the $&$te" for the di$po$al of $e a#e or trade effl!ent$ or in connection ith the #rant of an& con$ent a$ reA!ired %& thi$ Act. 5#6 la& do n, "odif& or ann!l effl!ent $tandard$ for the $e a#e and trade effl!ent$ and for the A!alit& of receivin# ater$ 5not %ein# ater in an inter= ,tate $trea"6 re$!ltin# fro" the di$char#e of effl!ent$ and to cla$$if& ater$ of the ,tate.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

5h6 to evolve econo"ical and relia%le "ethod$ of treat"ent of $e a#e and trade effl!ent$, havin# re#ard to the pec!liar condition$ of $oil$, cli"ate and ater re$o!rce$ of different re#ion$ and "ore e$peciall& the prevailin# flo characteri$tic$ of ater in $trea"$ and ell$ hich render it i"po$$i%le to attain even the "ini"!" de#ree of dil!tion. 5i6 to evolve "ethod$ of !tili$ation of $e a#e and $!ita%le trade effl!ent$ in a#ric!lt!re. 596 to evolve efficient "ethod$ of di$po$al of $e a#e and trade effl!ent$ on land, a$ are nece$$ar& on acco!nt of the predo"inant condition$ of $cant $trea" flo $ that do not provide for "a9or part of the &ear the "ini"!" de#ree of dil!tion. 516 to la& do n $tandard$ of treat"ent of $e a#e and trade effl!ent$ to %e di$char#ed into an& partic!lar $trea" ta1in# into acco!nt the "ini"!" fair eather dil!tion availa%le in that $trea" and the tolerance li"it$ of poll!tion per"i$$i%le in the ater of the $trea", after the di$char#e of $!ch effl!ent$. 5l6 to "a1e, var& or revo1e an& order == 5i6 for the prevention, control or a%ate"ent of di$char#e of a$te into $trea"$ or ell$. 5ii6 reA!irin# an& per$on concerned to con$tr!ct ne $&$te"$ for the di$po$al of $e a#e and trade effl!ent$ or to "odif&, alter or e-tend an& $!ch e-i$tin# $&$te" or to adopt $!ch re"edial "ea$!re$ a$ are nece$$ar& to prevent control or a%ate ater poll!tion. 5"6 to la& do n effl!ent $tandard$ to %e co"plied ith %& per$on$ hile ca!$in# di$char#e of $e a#e or $!lla#e or %oth and to la& do n, "odif& or ann!l effl!ent $tandard$ for the $e a#e and trade effl!ent$. 5n6 to advice the ,tate 8overn"ent ith re$pect to the location of an& ind!$tr& the carr&in# on of hich i$ li1el& to poll!te a $trea" or ell. 5o6 to perfor" $!ch other f!nction$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed or a$ "a&, fro" ti"e to ti"e %e entr!$ted to it %& the 4entral 'oard or the ,tate 8overn"ent. 526 <he 'oard "a& e$ta%li$h or reco#ni$e a la%orator& or la%oratorie$ to ena%le the 'oard to perfor" it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ $ection efficientl&, incl!din# the anal&$i$ of $a"ple$ of ater fro" an& $trea" or ell or of $a"ple$ of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent$. 1#. POWERS TO $IVE DIRECTIONS. 1 [16] >n the perfor"ance of it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act ==

,. 1C ren!"%ered a$ $!%=$ection 516 thereof %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 9.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


[Act 6 of 1974]

5a6 the 4entral 'oard $hall %e %o!nd %& $!ch direction$ in ritin# a$ the 4entral 'oard "a& #ive to it. and 5%6 ever& ,tate 'oard $hall %e %o!nd %& $!ch direction$ in ritin# a$ the 4entral 'oard or the ,tate 8overn"ent "a& #ive to it? 0rovided that here a direction #iven %& the ,tate 8overn"ent i$ incon$i$tent ith the direction #iven %& the 4entral 'oard, the "atter $hall %e referred to the 4entral 8overn"ent for it$ deci$ion. 1 [526 (here the 4entral 8overn"ent i$ of the opinion that the ,tate 'oard ha$ defa!lted in co"pl&in# ith an& direction$ #iven %& the 4entral 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 516 and a$ a re$!lt of $!ch defa!lt a #rave e"er#enc& ha$ ari$en and it i$ nece$$ar& or e-pedient $o to do in the p!%lic intere$t, it "a&, %& order, direct the 4entral 'oard to perfor" an& of the f!nction$ of the ,tate 'oard in relation to $!ch area for $!ch period and for $!ch p!rpo$e$, a$ "a& %e $pecified in the order. 536 (here the 4entral 'oard perfor"$ an& of the f!nction$ of the ,tate 'oard in p!r$!ance of a direction !nder $!%=$ection 526, the e-pen$e$, if an&, inc!rred %& the 4entral 'oard ith re$pect to perfor"ance of $!ch f!nction$ "a&, if the ,tate 'oard i$ e"po ered to recover $!ch e-pen$e$, %e recovered %& the 4entral 'oard ith intere$t 5at $!ch rea$ona%le rate a$ the 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, %& order, fi-6 fro" the date hen a de"and for $!ch e-pen$e$ i$ "ade !ntil it i$ paid fro" the per$on or per$on$ concerned a$ arrear$ of land reven!e or of p!%lic de"and. 546 For the re"oval of do!%t$, it i$ here%& declared that an& direction$ to perfor" the f!nction$ of an& ,tate 'oard #iven !nder $!%=$ection 526 in re$pect of an& area o!ld not precl!de the ,tate 'oard fro" perfor"in# $!ch f!nction$ in an& other area in the ,tate or an& of it$ other f!nction$ in that area]. CHAPTER V PREVENTION AND CONTROL OF WATER POLLUTION 19. POWER OF STATE $OVERNMENT TO RESTRICT THE APPLICATION OF THE ACT TO CERTAIN AREAS. 516 Not ith$tandin# contained in thi$ Act, if the ,tate 8overn"ent, after con$!ltation ith, or on the reco""endation of, the ,tate 'oard, i$ of opinion that the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act need not appl& to the entire ,tate, it "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, re$trict the application of thi$ Act to $!ch area or area$ a$ "a& %e declared therein a$ ater poll!tion, prevention and control area or area$ and there!pon the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act $hall appl& onl& to $!ch area or area$.

>n$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 9,


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

526 *ach ater poll!tion, prevention and control area "a& %e declared either %& reference to a "ap or %& reference to the line of an& ater$hed or the %o!ndar& of an& di$trict or partl& %& one "ethod and partl& %& another. 536 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette,= 5a6 alter an& ater poll!tion prevention and control area of e-ten$ion or red!ction. or hether %& a&

5%6 define a ne ater poll!tion, prevention and control area in hich "a& %e "er#ed one or "ore ater poll!tion, prevention and control area$, or an& part or part$ thereof. 2%. POWER TO OBTAIN INFORMATION. 516 For the p!rpo$e of ena%lin# a ,tate 'oard to perfor" the f!nction conferred on it %& or !nder thi$ Act, the ,tate 'oard or an& officer e"po ered %& it in that %ehalf, "a& "a1e $!rve&$ of an& area and #a!#e and 1eep record$ of the flo or vol!"e and other characteri$tic$ of an $trea" or ell in $!ch area, and "a& ta1e $tep$ for the "ea$!re"ent and recordin# of the rainfall in $!ch area or an& part thereof and for the in$tallation and "aintenance for tho$e p!rpo$e$ of #a!#e$ or other apparat!$ and or1$ connected there ith, and carr& o!t $trea" $!rve&$ and "a& ta1e $!ch other $tep$ a$ "a& %e nece$$ar& in order to o%tain an& infor"ation reA!ired for the p!rpo$e$ afore$aid. 526 A ,tate 'oard "a& #ive direction$ reA!irin# an& per$on ho in it$ opinion i$ a%$tractin# ater fro" an& $!ch $trea" or ell in the area in A!antitie$ hich are $!%$tantial in relation to the flo or vol!"e of that $trea" or ell or i$ di$char#in# $e a#e or trade effl!ent into an& $!ch $trea" or ell, to #ive $!ch infor"ation a$ to the a%$traction or the di$char#e at $!ch ti"e$ and in $!ch for" a$ "a& %e $pecified in the direction$. 536 (itho!t pre9!dice to the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 526, a ,tate 'oard "a&, ith a vie to preventin# or controllin# poll!tion of ater, #ive direction$ reA!irin# an& per$on in char#e of an& e$ta%li$h"ent here an& 1[ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te"] i$ carried on, to f!rni$h to it infor"ation re#ardin# the con$tr!ction, in$tallation or operation of $!ch e$ta%li$h"ent or of an& di$po$al $&$te"] or of an& e-ten$ion or addition thereto in $!ch e$ta%li$h"ent and $!ch other partic!lar$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 21. POWER TO TA)E SAMPLES OF EFFLUENTS AND PROCEDURE TO BE FOLLOWED IN CONNECTION THEREWITH.

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC $. 13 for Bind!$tr& or tradeB

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


516 A ,tate 'oard or an& officer e"po ered %& it in thi$ %ehalf $hall have po er
[Act 6 of 1974]

to ta1e for the p!rpo$e of anal&$i$ $a"ple$ of ater fro" an& $trea" or ell or $a"ple$ of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent hich i$ pa$$in# fro" an& plant or ve$$el or fro" or over an& place into an& $!ch $trea" or ell. 526 <he re$!lt of an& anal&$i$ of a $a"ple of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent ta1en !nder $!%=$ection 516 $hall not %e ad"i$$i%le in evidence in a le#al proceedin# !nle$$ the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection$ 536, 546 and 526 are co"plied ith. 536 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection$ 546 and 526, hen a $a"ple 5co"po$ite or other i$e a$ "a& %e arranted %& the proce$$ !$ed6 of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent i$ ta1en for anal&$i$ !nder $!%=$ection 516, the per$on ta1in# the $a"ple $hall == 5a6 $erve on the per$on in char#e of, or havin# control over, the plant or ve$$el or in occ!pation of the place 5 hich per$on i$ hereinafter referred to a$ the occ!pier6 or an& a#ent of $!ch occ!pier, a notice, then and there in $!ch for" a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed of hi$ intention to have it $o anal&$ed. 5%6 in the pre$ence of the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent, divide the $a"ple into t o part$. 5c6 ca!$e each part to %e placed in a container hich $hall %e "ar1ed and $ealed and $hall al$o %e $i#ned %oth %& the per$on ta1in# the $a"ple and the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent. 5d6 $end one container forth ith,== 5i6 in a ca$e here $!ch $a"ple i$ ta1en fro" an& area $it!ated in a @nion territor&, to the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or reco#ni$ed %& the 4entral 'oard !nder $ection 16. and 5ii6 in an& other ca$e, to the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or reco#ni$ed %& the ,tate 'oard !nder $ection 17. 5e6 on the reA!e$t of the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent, $end the $econd container.= 5i6 in a ca$e here $!ch $a"ple i$ ta1en fro" an& area $it!ated in a @nion territor&, to the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or $pecified !nder $!%= $ection 516 of $ection 21. and 5ii6 in an other ca$e, to the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or $pecified !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 22.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[546 (hen a $a"ple of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent i$ ta1en for anal&$i$ !nder $!%=$ection 516 and the per$on ta1in# the $a"ple $erve$ on the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent, a
[Act 6 of 1974]

notice !nder cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 536 and the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent hi"$elf, then, =

ilf!ll& a%$ent$

5a6 the $a"ple $o ta1en $hall %e placed in a container hich $hall %e "ar1ed and $ealed and $hall al$o %e $i#ned %& the per$on ta1in# the $a"ple and the $a"e $hall %e $ent forth ith %& $!ch per$on for anal&$i$ to the la%orator& referred to in $!%=cla!$e 5i6 or $!%=cla!$e 5ii6, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of cla!$e 5e6 of $!%=$ection 536 and $!ch per$on $hall infor" the 8overn"ent anal&$t appointed !nder $!%=$ection 516 or $!%=$ection 526, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of $ection 23, in ritin# a%o!t the ilf!l a%$ence of the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent. and 5%6 the co$t inc!rred in #ettin# $!ch $a"ple anal&$ed $hall %e pa&a%le %& the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent and in ca$e of defa!lt of $!ch pa&"ent, the $a"e $hall %e recovera%le fro" the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, a$ an arrear of land reven!e or of p!%lic de"and? 0rovided that no $!ch recover& $hall %e "ade !nle$$ the occ!pier or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, hi$ a#ent ha$ %een #iven a rea$ona%le opport!nit& of %ein# heard in the "atter.] 526 (hen a $a"ple of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent i$ ta1en for anal&$i$ !nder $!%=$ection 516 and the per$on ta1in# the $a"ple $erve$ on the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent a notice !nder cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 536 and the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent ho i$ pre$ent at the ti"e of ta1in# the $a"ple doe$ not "a1e a reA!e$t for dividin# the $a"ple into t o part$ a$ provided in cla!$e 5%6 of $!%=$ection 536, then, the $a"ple $o ta1en $hall %e placed in a container hich $hall %e "ar1ed and $ealed and $hall al$o %e $i#ned %& the per$on ta1in# the $a"ple and the $a"e $hall %e $ent forth ith %& $!ch per$on for anal&$i$ to the la%orator& referred to in $!%=cla!$e 5i6 or $!%=cla!$e 5ii6, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, of cla!$e 5d6 of $!%=$ection 536. 22. REPORTS OF THE RESULTS OF ANALYSIS ON SAMPLES TA)EN UNDER SECTION 21. 516 (here a $a"ple of an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent ha$ %een $ent for anal&$i$ to the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or reco#ni$ed %& the 4entral 'oard or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 'oard, the concerned 'oard anal&$t appointed !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 23 $hall anal&$e the $a"ple and $!%"it a report in the pre$cri%ed for" of the re$!lt of $!ch anal&$i$ in triplicate to the 4entral 'oard or the ,tate 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e. 526 On receipt of the report !nder $!%=$ection 516, one cop& of the report $hall %e $ent %& the 4entral 'oard or the ,tate 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, to the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent referred to in $ection 21, another cop& $hall %e pre$erved for prod!ction %efore the

,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 13, for $!%=$ection 546.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


co!rt in ca$e an& le#al proceedin#$ are ta1en a#ain$t hi" and the other cop& $hall %e 1ept %& the concerned 'oard. 536 (here a $a"ple ha$ %een $ent for anal&$i$ !nder cla!$e 5e6 of $!%=$ection 536 or $!%=$ection 546 of $ection 21 to an& la%orator& "entioned therein, the 8overn"ent anal&$t referred to in that $!%=$ection $hall anal&$e the $a"ple and $!%"it a report in the
[Act 6 of 1974]

pre$cri%ed for" of the re$!lt of the anal&$i$ in triplicate to the 4entral 'oard or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 'oard hich $hall co"pl& ith the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 526. 546 >f there i$ an& incon$i$tenc& or di$crepanc& %et een, or variation in the re$!lt$ of, the anal&$i$ carried o!t %& the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or reco#ni$ed %& the 4entral 'oard or the ,tate 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, and that of the la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or $pecified !nder $ection 21 or $ection 22, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the report of the latter $hall prevail. 526 An& co$t inc!rred in #ettin# an& $a"ple anal&$ed at the reA!e$t of the occ!pier or hi$ a#ent $hall %e pa&a%le %& $!ch occ!pier or hi$ a#ent and in ca$e of defa!lt the $a"e $hall %e recovera%le fro" hi" a$ arrear$ of land reven!e or of p!%lic de"and. 23. POWER OF ENTRY AND INSPECTION. 516 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ $ection, an& per$on e"po ered %& a ,tate 'oard in thi$ %ehalf $hall have a ri#ht at an& ti"e to enter, ith $!ch a$$i$tance a$ he con$ider$ nece$$ar&, an& place== 5a6 for the p!rpo$e of perfor"in# an& of the f!nction$ of the 'oard entr!$ted to hi". 5%6 for the p!rpo$e of deter"inin# hether and if $o in hat "anner, an& $!ch f!nction$ are to %e perfor"ed or hether an& provi$ion$ of thi$ Act or the r!le$ "ade there!nder of an notice, order, direction or a!thori$ation $erved, "ade, #iven, or #ranted !nder thi$ Act i$ %ein# or ha$ %een co"plied ith. 5c6 for the p!rpo$e of e-a"inin# an& plant, record, re#i$ter, doc!"ent or an& other "aterial o%9ect or for cond!ctin# a $earch of an& place in hich he ha$ rea$on to %elieve that an offence !nder thi$ Act or the r!le$ "ade there!nder ha$ %een or i$ %ein# or i$ a%o!t to %e co""itted and for $eiDin# an& $!ch plant, record, re#i$ter, doc!"ent or other "aterial o%9ect, if he ha$ rea$on to %elieve that it "a& f!rni$h evidence of the co""i$$ion of an offence p!ni$ha%le !nder thi$ Act or the r!le$ "ade there!nder? 0rovided that the ri#ht to enter !nder thi$ $!%=$ection for the in$pection of a ell $hall %e e-erci$ed onl& at rea$ona%le ho!r$ in a ca$e here $!ch ell i$ $it!ated in an& pre"i$e$ !$ed for re$idential p!rpo$e$ and the ater thereof i$ !$ed e-cl!$ivel& for do"e$tic p!rpo$e$.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

526 <he provi$ion$ of 1[the 4ode of 4ri"inal 0roced!re, 1973] 52 of 19746, or, in relation to the ,tate of :a""! and ;a$h"ir, the provi$ion$ of an& corre$pondin# la in force in that ,tate, $hall, $o far a$ "a& %e, appl& to an& $earch or $eiD!re !nder thi$ $ection a$ the& appl& to an& $earch or $eiD!re "ade !nder the a!thorit& of a arrant i$$!ed !nder 2[$ection 94] of the $aid 4ode, or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, !nder the
[Act 6 of 1974]

corre$pondin# provi$ion$ of the $aid la . *-planation.= For the p!rpo$e$ of thi$ $ection, BplaceB incl!de$ ve$$el. 24. PROHIBITION ON USE OF STREAM OR WELL FOR DISPOSAL OF POLLUTIN$ MATTER, ETC. 516 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ $ection, = 5a6 no per$on $hall 1no in#l& ca!$e or per"it an& poi$ono!$, no-io!$ or poll!tin# "atter deter"ined in accordance ith $!ch $tandard$ a$ "a& %e laid do n %& the ,tate 'oard to enter 5 hether directl& or indirectl&6 into an& 3 [$trea" or ell or $e er or on land]. or 5%6 no per$on $hall 1no in#l& ca!$e or per"it to enter into an& $trea" an& other "atter hich "a& tend, either directl& or in co"%ination ith $i"ilar "atter$, to i"pede the proper flo of the ater of the $trea" in a "anner leadin# or li1el& to lead to a $!%$tantial a##ravation of poll!tion d!e to other ca!$e$ or of it$ con$eA!ence$. 526 A per$on $hall not %e #!ilt& of an offence !nder $!%=$ection 516, %& rea$on onl& of havin# done or ca!$ed to %e done an& of the follo in# act$, na"el&.= 5a6 con$tr!ctin#, i"provin# or "aintainin# in or acro$$ or on the %an1 or %ed of an& $trea" an& %!ildin#, %rid#e, eir, da", $l!ice, doc1, pier, drain or $e er or other per"anent or1$ hich he ha$ a ri#ht to con$tr!ct, i"prove or "aintain. 5%6 depo$itin# an& "aterial$ on the %an1 or in the %ed of an& $trea" for the p!rpo$e of reclai"in# land or for $!pportin#, repairin# or protectin# the %an1 or %ed of $!ch $trea" provided $!ch "aterial$ are not capa%le of poll!tin# $!ch $trea".

1 2

,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 11, for B4ode of 4ri"inal 0roced!re, 1C9C 52 of 1C9C6 .B ,!%$. %& $. 11, i%id, for B$ection 9CB. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $.11, for B$trea" or ellB.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


5c6 p!ttin# into an $trea" an& $and or #ravel or other nat!ral depo$it hich ha$ flo ed fro" or %een depo$ited %& the c!rrent of $!ch $trea". 5d6 ca!$in# or per"ittin#, ith the con$ent of the ,tate 'oard, the depo$it acc!"!lated in a ell, pond or re$ervoir to enter into an& $trea". 536 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, after con$!ltation ith, or on the reco""endation of, the ,tate 'oard, e-e"pt, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, an& per$on fro" the operation of $!%=$ection 516 $!%9ect to $!ch condition$, if an&, a$ "a& %e
[Act 6 of 1974]

$pecified in the notification and an& condition $o $pecified "a& %& a li1e notification and %e altered, varied or a"ended. 2 . RESTRICTIONS ON NEW OUTLETS AND NEW DISCHAR$ES. 1 [516 ,!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ $ection, no per$on $hall, previo!$ con$ent of the ,tate 'oard,== itho!t the

5a6 e$ta%li$h or ta1e an& $tep$ to e$ta%li$h an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or an& treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or an e-ten$ion or addition thereto, hich i$ li1el& to di$char#e $e a#e or trade effl!ent into a $trea" or ell or $e er or on land 5$!ch di$char#e %ein# hereafter in thi$ $ection referred to a$ di$char#e of $e a#e6. or 5%6 %rin# into !$e an& ne or altered o!tlet$ for the di$char#e of $e a#e. or 5c6 %e#in to "a1e an& ne di$char#e of $e a#e. 0rovided that a per$on in the proce$$ of ta1in# an& $tep$ to e$ta%li$h an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$ i""ediatel& %efore the co""ence"ent of the (ater 50revention and 4ontrol of 0oll!tion6 A"end"ent Act, 19CC, for hich no con$ent a$ nece$$ar& prior to $!ch co""ence"ent, "a& contin!e to do $o for a period of there "onth$ fro" $!ch co""ence"ent or, if he ha$ "ade an application for $!ch con$ent, ithin the $aid period of three "onth$, till the di$po$al of $!ch application. 526 An application$ for con$ent of the ,tate 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 516 $hall %e "ade in $!ch for", contain $!ch partic!lar$ and $hall %e acco"panied %& $!ch fee$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed.] 536 <he ,tate 'oard "a& "a1e $!ch inA!ir& a$ it "a& dee" fit in re$pect of the application for con$ent referred to in $!%=$ection 516 and in "a1in# an& $!ch inA!ir& $hall follo $!ch proced!re a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 2 [546 <he ,tate 'oard "a& ==
1 2

,!%$. %& $. 12, Act 23 of 19CC, for $!%=$ection$ 516 and 526. ,!%$. %& $. 12, Act 23 of 19CC,for $!%=$ection$ 546, 526 and 566.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5a6 #rant it$ con$ent referred to in $!%=$ection 516, $!%9ect to $!ch condition$ a$ it "a& i"po$e, %ein#== 5i6 in ca$e$ referred to in cla!$e$ 5a6 and 5%6 of $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 22, condition$ a$ to the point of di$char#e of $e a#e or a$ to the !$e of that o!tlet or an& other o!tlet for di$char#e of $e a#e.
[Act 6 of 1974]

5ii6 in the ca$e of a ne di$char#e, condition$ a$ to the nat!re and co"po$ition, te"perat!re, vol!"e or rate of di$char#e of the effl!ent fro" the land or pre"i$e$ fro" hich the di$char#e or ne di$char#e i$ to %e "ade. and 5iii6 that the con$ent ill %e valid onl& for $!ch period a$ "a& %e $pecified in the order, and an& $!ch condition$ i"po$ed $hall %e %indin# on an& per$on e$ta%li$hin# or ta1in# an& $tep$ to e$ta%li$h an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or e-ten$ion or addition thereto, or !$in# the ne or altered o!tlet, or di$char#in# the effl!ent fro" the land or pre"i$e$ afore$aid. or 5%6 ref!$e $!ch con$ent for rea$on$ to %e recorded in ritin#. 526 (here, itho!t the con$ent of the ,tate 'oard, an& ind!$tr& operation or proce$$, or an& treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or an& e-ten$ion or addition thereto, i$ e$ta%li$hed, or an& $tep$ for $!ch e$ta%li$h"ent have %een ta1en or a ne or altered o!tlet i$ %ro!#ht into !$e for the di$char#e of $e a#e or a ne di$char#e of $e a#e i$ "ade, the ,tate 'oard "a& $erve on the per$on ho ha$ e$ta%li$hed or ta1en $tep$ to e$ta%li$h an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or an& treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or an& e-ten$ion or addition thereto, or !$in# the o!tlet, or "a1in# the di$char#e, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, a notice i"po$in# an& $!ch condition$ a$ it "i#ht have i"po$ed on an application for it$ con$ent in re$pect of $!ch e$ta%li$h"ent, $!ch o!tlet or di$char#e. 566 *ver& ,tate 'oard $hall "aintain a re#i$ter containin# partic!lar$ or condition$ i"po$ed !nder thi$ $ection and $o "!ch of the re#i$ter a$ relate$ to an& o!tlet, or to an& effl!ent, fro" an& land or pre"i$e$ $hall %e open to in$pection at all rea$ona%le ho!r$ %& an& per$on intere$ted in, or affected %& $!ch o!tlet, land or pre"i$e$, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, or %& an& per$on a!thori$ed %& hi" in thi$ %ehalf and the condition$ $o contained in $!ch re#i$ter $hall %e concl!$ive proof that the con$ent a$ #ranted $!%9ect to $!ch condition$.] 576 <he con$ent referred to in $!%=$ection 516 $hall, !nle$$ #iven or ref!$ed earlier, %e dee"ed to have %een #iven !nconditionall& on the e-pir& of a period of fo!r "onth$ of the "a1in# of an application in thi$ %ehalf co"plete in all re$pect$ to the ,tate 'oard. 5C6 For the p!rpo$e$ of thi$ $ection and $ection$ 27 and 33,= 5a6 the e-pre$$ion Bne or altered o!tletB "ean$ an& o!tlet hich i$ holl& or partl& con$tr!cted on or after the co""ence"ent of thi$ Act or hich 5 hether $o con$tr!cted or not6 i$ $!%$tantiall& altered after $!ch co""ence"ent.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


5%6 the e-pre$$ion Bne di$char#eB "ean$ a di$char#e hich i$ not, a$ re$pect$ the nat!re and co"po$ition, te"perat!re, vol!"e, and rate of di$char#e of the effl!ent $!%$tantiall& a contin!ation of a di$char#e "ade ithin the precedin# t elve "onth$ 5 hether %& the $a"e or different o!tlet6, $o ho ever that a di$char#e hich i$ in other re$pect$ a contin!ation of previo!$ di$char#e
[Act 6 of 1974]

"ade a$ afore$aid $hall not %e dee"ed to %e a ne di$char#e %& rea$on of an& red!ction of the te"perat!re or vol!"e or rate of di$char#e of the effl!ent a$ co"pared ith the previo!$ di$char#e. 2!. PROVISION RE$ARDIN$ E*ISTIN$ DISCHAR$E OF SEWA$E OR TRADE EFFLUENT. (here i""ediatel& %efore the co""ence"ent of thi$ Act an& per$on a$ di$char#in# an& $e a#e or trade effl!ent into a 1[$trea" or ell or $e er or on land], the provi$ion$ of $ection 22 $hall, $o far a$ "a& %e, appl& in relation to $!ch per$on a$ the& appl& in relation to the per$on referred to in that $ection $!%9ect to the "odification that the application for con$ent to %e "ade !nder $!%=$ection 526 of that $ection 2[$hall %e "ade on or %efore $!ch date a$ "a& %e $pecified %& the ,tate 8overn"ent %& notification in thi$ %ehalf in the Official 8aDette.] 27. REFUSAL OR WITHDRAWAL OF CONSENT BY STATE BOARD. [516 A ,tate 'oard $hall not #rant it$ con$ent !nder $!%=$ection 546 of $ection 22 for the e$ta%li$h"ent of an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or e-ten$ion or addition thereto, or to the %rin#in# into !$e of a ne or altered o!tlet !nle$$ the ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or e-ten$ion or addition thereto, or the o!tlet i$ $o e$ta%li$hed a$ to co"pl& ith an condition$ i"po$ed %& the 'oard to ena%le it to e-erci$e it$ ri#ht to ta1e $a"ple$ of the effl!ent.
4 3

[526 A ,tate 'oard "a& fro" ti"e to ti"e revie ==


[5a6 an& condition i"po$ed !nder $ection 22 or $ection 26 and "a& $erve on the per$on to ho" a con$ent !nder $ection 22 or $ection 26 i$ #ranted a notice "a1in# an& rea$ona%le variation of or revo1in# an& $!ch condition. 5%6 the ref!$al of an& con$ent referred to in $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 22 or $ection 26 or the #rant of $!ch con$ent itho!t an& condition, and "a& "a1e $!ch order$ a$ it dee"ed fit.]
1 2 3 4

,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 13, for B$trea" or ,!%$. %& $. 13, i%id., for certain ord$.


,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $ 13, for $!%=$ection 516. ,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 14 for $!%=$ection 526. ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 13, for cl. 5a6.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

536 An& condition$ i"po$ed !nder $ection 22 or $ection 26 $hall %e $!%9ect to an&
[Act 6 of 1974]

variation "ade !nder $!%=$ection 526 and $hall contin!e in force !ntil revo1ed !nder that $!%=$ection. 2#. APPEALS. 516 An& per$on a##rieved %& an order "ade %& the ,tate 'oard !nder ,ection 22, $ection 26 or $ection 27 "a& ithin thirt& da&$ fro" the date on hich the order i$ co""!nicated to hi", prefer an appeal to $!ch a!thorit& 5hereinafter referred to a$ the appellate a!thorit&6 a$ the ,tate 8overn"ent "a& thin1 fit to con$tit!te? 0rovided that the appellate a!thorit& "a& entertain the appeal after the e-pir& of the $aid period of thirt& da&$ if $!ch a!thorit& i$ $ati$fied that the appellant a$ prevented %& $!fficient ca!$e fro" filin# the appeal in ti"e. 1 [526 An appellate a!thorit& $hall con$i$t of a $in#le per$on or three per$on$ a$ the ,tate 8overn"ent "a& thin1 fit, to %e appointed %& that 8overn"ent.] 536 <he for" and "anner in hich an appeal "a& %e preferred !nder $!%=$ection 516, the fee$ pa&a%le for $!ch appeal and the proced!re to %e follo ed %& the appellate a!thorit& $hall %e $!ch a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 546 On receipt of an appeal preferred !nder $!%=$ection 516, the appellate a!thorit& $hall, after #ivin# the appellant$ and the ,tate 'oard an opport!nit& of %ein# heard, di$po$e of the appeal a$ e-peditio!$l& a$ po$$i%le. 526 >f the appellate a!thorit& deter"ine$ that an& condition i"po$ed, or the variation of an& condition, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, a$ !nrea$ona%le, then,== 5a6 here the appeal i$ in re$pect of the !nrea$ona%lene$$ of an& condition i"po$ed, $!ch a!thorit& "a& direct either that the condition $hall %e treated a$ ann!lled or that there $hall %e $!%$tit!ted for it $!ch condition a$ appear$ to it to %e rea$ona%le. 5%6 here the appeal i$ in re$pect of the !nrea$ona%lene$$ of an& variation of a condition, $!ch a!thorit& "a& direct either that the condition $hall %e treated a$ contin!in# in force !nvaried or that it $hall %e varied in $!ch "anner a$ appear$ to it to %e rea$ona%le. 29. REVISION.

,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $ 12. for $!%=$ection 526.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


516 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a& at an& ti"e either of it$ o n "otion or on an application "ade to it in thi$ %ehalf, call for the record$ of an& ca$e here an order ha$ %een "ade %& the ,tate 'oard !nder $ection 22, $ection 26 or $ection 27 for the p!rpo$e
[Act 6 of 1974]

of $ati$f&in# it$elf a$ to the le#alit& or propriet& of an& $!ch order and "a& pa$$ $!ch order in relation thereto a$ it "a& thin1 fit ? 0rovided that the ,tate 8overn"ent $hall not pa$$ an& order !nder thi$ $!%= $ection itho!t affordin# the ,tate 'oard and the per$on ho "a& %e affected %& $!ch order a rea$ona%le opport!nit& of %ein# heard in the "atter. 526 <he ,tate 8overn"ent $hall not revi$e an& order "ade !nder $ection 22, $ection 26 or $ection 27 here an appeal a#ain$t that order lie$ to the appellate a!thorit&, %!t ha$ not %een preferred or here an appeal ha$ %een preferred $!ch appeal i$ pendin# %efore the appellate a!thorit&. 3%. POWER OF STATE BOARD TO CARRY OUT CERTAIN WOR)S. 1 [516 (here !nder thi$ Act, an& condition$ have %een i"po$ed on an& per$on hile #rantin# con$ent !nder $ection 22 or $ection 26 and $!ch condition$ reA!ire $!ch per$on to e-ec!te an& or1 in connection there ith and $!ch or1 ha$ not %een e-ec!ted ithin $!ch ti"e a$ "a& %e $pecified in thi$ %ehalf, the ,tate 'oard "a& $erve on the per$on concerned a notice reA!irin# hi" ithin $!ch ti"e 5not %ein# le$$ than thirt& da&$6 a$ "a& %e $pecified in the notice to e-ec!te the or1 $pecified therein.] 526 >f the per$on concerned fail$ to e-ec!te the or1 a$ reA!ired in the notice referred to in $!%=$ection 516, then, after the e-piration of the ti"e $pecified in the $aid notice, the ,tate 'oard "a& it$elf e-ec!te or ca!$e to %e e-ec!ted $!ch or1. 536 All e-pen$e$ inc!rred %& the ,tate 'oard for the e-ec!tion of the afore$aid or1, to#ether ith intere$t, at $!ch rate a$ the ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& order, fi-, fro" the date hen a de"and for the e-pen$e$ i$ "ade !ntil it i$ paid, "a& %e recovered %& that 'oard fro" the per$on concerned, a$ arrear$ of land reven!e, or of p!%lic de"and. 31. FURNISHIN$ OF INFORMATION TO STATE BOARD AND OTHER A$ENCIES IN CERTAIN CASES. 2 [516 >f at an& place here an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$, or an& treat"ent and di$po$al $&$te" or an& e-ten$ion or addition thereto i$ %ein# carried on, d!e to accident or other !nfore$een act or event, an& poi$ono!$, no-io!$ or poll!tin# "atter i$ %ein# di$char#ed, or i$ li1el& to %e di$char#ed into a $trea" or ell or $e er or on land and, a$ a re$!lt of $!ch di$char#e, the ater in an& $trea" or ell i$ %ein# poll!ted, or i$ li1el& to %e poll!ted, then the per$on inchar#e of $!ch place $hall forth ith inti"ate the occ!rrence of $!ch accident, act or event to the ,tate 'oard and $!ch other a!thoritie$ or a#encie$ a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed.]

1 2

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 14, for $!%=$ection 516. ,!%$. %& $. 12, i%id., for $!%=$ection 516.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

526 (here an& local a!thorit& operate$ an& $e era#e $&$te" or $e a#e or1$ the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 516 $hall appl& to $!ch local a!thorit& a$ the& appl& in relation to the per$on in char#e of the place here an ind!$tr& or trade i$ %ein# carried on. 32. EMER$ENCY MEASURES IN CASE OF POLLUTION OF STREAM OR WELL. 516 (here it appear$ to the ,tate 'oard that an& poi$ono!$, no-io!$ or poll!tin# "atter i$ pre$ent in 1[an& $trea" or ell or on land %& rea$on of the di$char#e of $!ch "atter in $!ch $trea" or ell or on $!ch land] or ha$ entered into that $trea" or ell d!e to an& accident or other !nfore$een act or event, and if the 'oard i$ of opinion that it i$ nece$$ar& or e-pedient to ta1e i""ediate action, it "a& for rea$on$ to %e recorded in ritin#, carr& o!t $!ch operation$ a$ it "a& con$ider nece$$ar& for all or an& of the follo in# p!rpo$e$, that i$ to $a& == 5a6 re"ovin# that "atter fro" the 2[$trea" or ell or on land] and di$po$in# it of in $!ch "anner a$ the 'oard con$ider$ appropriate. 5%6 re"ed&in# or "iti#atin# an& poll!tion ca!$ed %& it$ pre$ence in the $trea" or ell. 5c6 i$$!in# order$ i""ediatel& re$trainin# or prohi%itin# the per$on$ concerned fro" di$char#in# an& poi$ono!$, no-io!$ or poll!tin# "atter 3[into the $tea" or ell or on land] or fro" "a1in# in $anitar& !$e of the $trea" or ell. 526 <he po er conferred %& $!%=$ection 5>6 doe$ not incl!de the po er to con$tr!ct an& or1$ other than or1$ of a te"porar& character hich are re"oved on or %efore the co"pletion of the operation$. 33. POWER OF BOARD TO MA)E APPLIATION TO COURTS FOR RESTRAININ$ APPREHENDED POLLUTION OF WATER IN STREAMS OR WELLS. 4 [516 (here it i$ apprehended %& a 'oard that the ater in an& $trea" or ell i$ li1el& to %e poll!ted %& rea$on of the di$po$al or li1el& di$po$al of an& "atter in $!ch $trea" or ell or in an& $e er, or on an& land, or other i$e, the 'oard "a& "a1e an application to a co!rt, not inferior to that of a Metropolitan Ma#i$trate or a :!dicial Ma#i$trate of the fir$t cla$$, for re$trainin# the per$on$ ho i$ li1el& to ca!$e $!ch poll!tion fro" $o ca!$in#.] 526 On receipt of an application !nder $!%=$ection 5>6 the co!rt "a1e $!ch order a$ it dee"$ fit.

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 16, for Ban& $trea" or ellB ,!%$. %& $, 16, i%id., for B$trea" or ellB. ,!%$. %& $. 16, i%id., for Binto the $trea" or ellB. ,!%$. %& $. 17, i%id., for $!%=$ection 516.

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The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


[Act 6 of 1974]

536 (here !nder $!%=$ection 526 the co!rt "a1e$ an order re$trainin# an& per$on fro" poll!tin# the ater in an& $trea" or ell, it "a& in that order= 5i6 direct the per$on ho i$ li1el& to ca!$e or ha$ ca!$ed the poll!tion of the ater in the $trea" or ell, to de$i$t fro" ta1in# $!ch action a$ i$ li1el& to ca!$e poll!tion or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, to re"ove $!ch $trea" or ell, $!ch "atter, and 5ii6 a!thori$e the 'oard, if the direction !nder cla!$e 5i6 5%ein# a direction for the re"oval of an& "atter fro" $!ch $trea" or ell6 i$ not co"plied ith %& the per$on to ho" $!ch direction i$ i$$!ed, to !nderta1e the re"oval and di$po$al of the "atter in $!ch "anner a$ "a& %e $pecified %& the co!rt. 546 All e-pen$e$ inc!rred %& the 'oard in re"ovin# an& "atter in p!r$!ance of the a!thori$ation !nder cla!$e 5ii6 of $!%=$ection 536 or in the di$po$al of an& $!ch "atter "a& %e defra&ed o!t of an& "one& o%tained %& the 'oard fro" $!ch di$po$al and an& %alance o!t$tandin# $hall %e recovera%le fro" the per$on concerned a$ arrear$ of land reven!e or of p!%lic de"and. 1 &33A. POWER TO $IVE DIRECTIONS. Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in an& other la , %!t $!%9ect to the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act, and to an& direction$ that the 4entral 8overn"ent "a& #ive in thi$ %ehalf, a 'oard "a&, in the e-erci$e of it$ po er$ and perfor"ance of it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act, i$$!e an& direction$ in ritin# to an& per$on, officer or a!thorit&, and $!ch per$on, officer or a!thorit& $hall %e %o!nd to co"pl& ith $!ch direction$. *-planation.=For the avoidance of do!%t$, it i$ here%& declared that the po er to i$$!e direction$ !nder thi$ $ection incl!de$ the po er to direct= 5a6 the clo$!re, prohi%ition or re#!lation of an& ind!$tr&, operation or proce$$. or 5%6 the $toppa#e or re#!lation of $!ppl& of electricit&, ater or an& other $ervice.]



>n$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 1C.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

<he 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, after d!e appropriation "ade %& 0arlia"ent %& la in thi$ %ehalf, "a1e in each financial &ear $!ch contri%!tion$ to the 4entral 'oard a$
[Act 6 of 1974]

it "a& thin1 nece$$ar& to ena%le the 'oard to perfor" it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act. 3 . CONTRIBUTIONS BY STATE $OVERNMENT. <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, after d!e appropriation "ade %& the 7e#i$lat!re of the ,tate %& la in thi$ %ehalf, "a1e in each financial &ear $!ch contri%!tion$ to the ,tate 'oard a$ it "a& thin1 nece$$ar& to ena%le that 'oard to perfor" it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act. 3!. FUND OF CENTRAL BOARD. 516 <he 4entral 'oard $hall have it$ o n f!nd, and all $!"$ hich "a&, fro" ti"e to ti"e, %e paid to it %& the 4entral 8overn"ent and all other receipt$ 5%& a& of #ift$, #rant$, donation$, %enefaction$ 1[fee$] or other i$e6 of that 'oard $hall %e carried to the f!nd of the 'oard and all pa&"ent$ %& the 'oard $hall %e "ade therefro". 526 <he 4entral 'oard "a& e-pend $!ch $!"$ a$ it thin1$ fit for perfor"in# it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act, 2[and, here an& la for the ti"e %ein# in force relatin# to the prevention, control of a%ate"ent or air poll!tion provide$ for the perfor"ance of an& f!nction !nder $!ch la %& the 4entral 'oard, al$o for perfor"in# it$ f!nction$ !nder $!ch la ] and $!ch $!"$ $hall %e treated a$ e-pendit!re pa&a%le o!t of the f!nd$ of that 'oard. 37. FUND OF STATE BOARD. 516 <he ,tate 'oard $hall have it$ o n f!nd, and the $!"$ hich "a&, fro" ti"e to ti"e, %e paid to it %& the ,tate 8overn"ent and all other receipt$ 5%& a& of #ift$, #rant$, donation$, %enefaction$ 1[fee$] or other i$e6 of that 'oard $hall %e carried to the f!nd of the 'oard and all pa&"ent$ %& the 'oard $hall %e "ade therefro". 526 <he ,tate 'oard "a& e-pend $!ch $!"$ a$ it thin1$ fit for perfor"in# it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act,2[and, here an& la for the ti"e %ein# in force relatin# to the prevention, control or a%ate"ent of air poll!tion provide$ for the perfor"ance of an& f!nction !nder $!ch la %& the ,tate 'oard, al$o for perfor"in# it$ f!nction$ !nder $!ch la ] and $!ch $!"$ $hall %e treated a$ e-pendit!re pa&a%le o!t of the f!nd of that 'oard. 3 [37A. BORROWIN$ POWERS OF BOARD.

2 3

>n$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 16 >n$. %& $. 17, i%id. >n$. %& Act 23 of l9CC, $ 19.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


A 'oard "a&, ith the con$ent of, or in accordance ith, the ter"$ of an& #eneral or $pecial a!thorit& #iven to it %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e,
[Act 6 of 1974]

the ,tate 8overn"ent, %orro "one& fro" an& $o!rce %& a& of loan$ or i$$!e of %ond$, de%ent!re$ or $!ch other in$tr!"ent$, a$ it "a& dee" fit, for the perfor"ance of all or an& of it$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act.] 3#. BUD$ET. <he 4entral 'oard or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 'oard $hall, d!rin# each financial &ear, prepare, in $!ch for" and at $!ch ti"e a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed, a %!d#et in re$pect of the financial &ear ne-t en$!in# $ho in# the e$ti"ated receipt and e-pendit!re, and copie$ thereof $hall %e for arded to the 4entral 8overn"ent, or a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent. 39. ANNUAL REPORT. 1 [516 <he 4entral 'oard $hall, d!rin# each financial &ear, prepare, in $!ch for" a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed, an ann!al report #ivin# f!ll acco!nt of it$ activitie$ !nder thi$ Act d!rin# the previo!$ financial &ear and copie$ thereof $hall %e for arded to the 4entral 8overn"ent ithin fo!r "onth$ fro" the la$t date of the previo!$ financial &ear and that 8overn"ent $hall ca!$e ever& $!ch report to %e laid %efore %oth )o!$e$ of 0arlia"ent ithin nine "onth$ fro" the la$t date of the previo!$ financial &ear. 526 *ver& ,tate 'oard $hall, d!rin# each financial &ear, prepare, in $!ch for" a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed, an ann!al report #ivin# f!ll acco!nt of it$ activitie$ !nder thi$ Act d!rin# the previo!$ financial &ear and copie$ thereof $hall %e for arded to the ,tate 8overn"ent ithin fo!r "onth$ fro" the la$t date of the previo!$ financial &ear and that 8overn"ent $hall ca!$e ever& $!ch report to %e laid %efore the ,tate le#i$lat!re ithin a period of nine "onth$ fro" the la$t date of the previo!$ financial &ear.] 4%. ACCOUNT AND AUDIT. 516 *ver& 'oard $hall "aintain proper acco!nt$ and other relevant record$ and prepare an ann!al $tate"ent of acco!nt$ in $!ch for" a$ "a& %e pre$cri%ed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent. 526 <he acco!nt$ of the 'oard $hall %e a!dited %& an a!ditor d!l& A!alified to act a$ an a!ditor of co"panie$ !nder $ection 226 of the 4o"panie$ Act, 1926 51 of 19266. 536 <he $aid a!ditor $hall %e appointed %& the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent on the advice of the 4o"ptroller and A!ditor=8eneral of >ndia.

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 23, for $. 39.


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

546 *ver& a!ditor appointed to a!dit the acco!nt$ of the 'oard !nder thi$ Act
[Act 6 of 1974]

$hall have the ri#ht to de"and the prod!ction of %oo1$, acco!nt$, connected vo!cher$ and other doc!"ent$ and paper$ and to in$pect an& of the office$ of the 'oard. 526 *ver& $!ch a!ditor $hall $end a cop& of hi$ report to#ether ith an a!dited cop& of the acco!nt$ to the 4entral 8overn"ent or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 8overn"ent. 566 <he 4entral 8overn"ent $hall, a$ $oon a$ "a& %e after the receipt of the a!dit report !nder $!%=$ection 526, ca!$e the $a"e to %e laid %efore %oth )o!$e$ of 0arlia"ent. 576 <he ,tate 8overn"ent $hall, a$ $oon a$ "a& %e after the receipt of the a!dit report !nder $!%=$ection 526, ca!$e the $a"e to %e laid %efore the ,tate 7e#i$lat!re. CHAPTER VII PENALTIES AND PROCEDURE

&41. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH DIRECTIONS UNDER SUB'SECTION (2) OR SUB'SECTION (3) OF SECTION 2%, OR ORDERS ISSUED UNDER CLAUSE (+) OF SUB'SECTION (1) OF 32 OR DIRECTIONS ISSUED UNDER SUB' SECTION (2) OF SECTION 33 OR SECTION 33A. 516 (hoever fail$ to co"pl& ith an& direction #iven !nder $!%=$ection 526 or $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 23 ithin $!ch ti"e a$ "a& %e $pecified in the direction $hall, or conviction, %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter" hich "a& e-tend to three "onth$ or ith fine hich "a& e-tend to ten tho!$and r!pee$ or ith %oth and in ca$e the fail!re contin!e$, ith an additional fine hich "a& e-tend to five tho!$and r!pee$ for ever& da& d!rin# hich $!ch fail!re contin!e$ after the conviction for the fir$t $!ch fail!re. 526 (hoever fail$ to co"pl& ith an& order i$$!ed !nder cla!$e 5c6 of $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 32 or an& direction i$$!ed %& a co!rt !nder $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 33 or an& direction i$$!ed !nder $ection 33A $hall, in re$pect of each $!ch fail!re and on conviction, %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter" hich $hall not %e le$$ than one &ear and $i- "onth$ %!t hich "a& e-tend to $i- &ear$ and ith fine, and ca$e the fail!re contin!e$, ith an additional fine hich "a& e-tend to five tho!$and r!pee$ for ever& da& d!rin# hich $!ch fail!re contin!e$ after the conviction for the fir$t $!ch fail!re. 536 >f the fail!re referred to in $!%=$ection 526 contin!e$ %e&ond a period of one &ear after the date of conviction, the offender $hall, on conviction, %e p!ni$ha%le ith

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 21, for $. 41.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


i"pri$on"ent for a ter"

[Act 6 of 1974]

hich $hall not %e le$$ than t o &ear$ %!t

hich "a& e-tend to

$even &ear$ and ith fine.] 42. PENALTY FOR CERTAIN ACTS. 516 (hoever == 5a6 de$tro&$, p!ll$ do n, re"ove$, in9!re$ or deface$ an& pillar, po$t or $ta1e fi-ed in the #ro!nd or an& notice or other "atter p!t !p, in$cri%ed or placed, %& or !nder the a!thorit& of the 'oard, or 5%6 o%$tr!ct$ an& per$on actin# !nder the order$ or direction$ of the 'oard fro" e-erci$in# hi$ po er$ and perfor"in# hi$ f!nction$ !nder thi$ Act, or 5c6 da"a#e$ an& or1$ or propert& %elon#in# to the 'oard, or 5d6 fail$ to f!rni$h to an& officer or other e"plo&ee of the 'oard an& infor"ation reA!ired %& hi" for the p!rpo$e of thi$ Act, or 5e6 fail$ to inti"ate the occ!rrence of an accident or other !nfore$een act or even !nder $ection 31 to the 'oard and other a!thoritie$ or a#encie$ a$ reA!ired %& that $ection, or 5f6 in #ivin# an& infor"ation hich he i$ reA!ired to #ive !nder thi$ Act, 1no in#l& or illf!ll& "a1e$ a $tate"ent hich i$ fal$e in an& "aterial partic!lar, or 5#6 for the p!rpo$e of o%tainin# an& con$ent !nder $ection 22 or $ection 26, 1no in#l& or illf!ll& "a1e$ a $tate"ent hich i$ fal$e in an& "aterial partic!lar, $hall %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter" hich "a& e-tend to three "onth$ or ith fine hich "a& e-tend to 1[ten tho!$and r!pee$] or ith %oth. 526 (here for the #rant of a con$ent in p!r$!ance of the provi$ion$ of $ection 22 or $ection 26 the !$e of a "eter or #a!#e or other "ea$!re or "onitorin# device i$ reA!ired and $!ch device i$ !$ed for the p!rpo$e$ of tho$e provi$ion, an& per$on ho 1no in#l& or illf!ll& alter$ or interfere$ ith that device $o a$ to prevent it fro" "onitorin# or "ea$!rin# correctl& $hall %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter"

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 22, for Bone tho!$and r!pee$B


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

[Act 6 of 1974]

hich "a& e-tend to three "onth$ or r!pee$] or ith %oth.

ith fine

hich "a& e-tend to [ten tho!$and

43. PENALTY FOR CONTRAVENTION OF PROVISIONS OF SECTION 24. (hoever contravene$ the provi$ion$ of $ection 24 $hall %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter" hich $hall not %e le$$ than 1[one &ear and $i- "onth$] %!t hich "a& e-tend to $i- &ear$ and ith fine. 44. PENALTY FOR CONTRAVENTION OF SECTION 2 OR SECTION 2!. (hoever contravene$ the provi$ion of $ection 22 or $ection 26 $hall %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter" hich $hall not %e le$$ than 1[one &ear and $i"onth$] %!t hich "a& e-tend to $i- &ear$ and ith fine. 4 . ENHANCED PENALTY AFTER PREVIOUS CONVICTION. >f an& per$on ho ha$ %een convicted of an& offence !nder $ection 24 or 22 or $ection 26 i$ a#ain fo!nd #!ilt& of an offence involvin# a contravention of the $a"e provi$ion, he $hall, on the $econd and on ever& $!%$eA!ent conviction, %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent for a ter" hich $hall not %e le$$ than 2[t o &ear$] %!t hich "a& e-tend to $even &ear$ and ith fine? 0rovided that for the p!rpo$e of thi$ $ection no co#niDance $hall %e ta1en of an& conviction "ade "ore than t o &ear$ %efore the co""i$$ion of the offence hich i$ %ein# p!ni$hed. 4 A. PENALTY FOR CONTRAVENTION OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE ACT. [(hoever contravene$ an& of the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act or fail$ to co"pl& ith an& order or direction #iven !nder thi$ Act, for hich no penalt& ha$ %een el$e here provided in thi$ Act, $hall %e p!ni$ha%le ith i"pri$on"ent hich "a& e-tend to three "onth$ or ith fine hich "a& e-tend to ten tho!$and r!pee$ or ith %oth and in the ca$e of a contin!in# contravention or fail!re, ith an additional fine hich "a& e-tend to five
2 3

,!%. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $.23, for E$i- "onth$F . ,!%$. %& $. 24, i%id., for Bone &earB. >n$. %& $. 22, i%id.,

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


tho!$and r!pee$ for ever& da& d!rin#

[Act 6 of 1974]

hich $!ch contravention or fail!re contin!e$ after

conviction for the fir$t $!ch contravention or fail!re.]

4!. PUBLICATION OF NAMES OF OFFENDERS. >f an& per$on convicted of an offence !nder thi$ Act co""it$ a li1e offence after ard$ it $hall %e la f!l for the co!rt %efore hich the $econd or $!%$eA!ent conviction ta1e$ place to ca!$e the offenderJ$ na"e and place of re$idence$, the offence and the penalt& i"po$ed to %e p!%li$hed at the offenderJ$ e-pen$e in $!ch ne $paper$ or in $!ch other "anner a$ the co!rt "a& direct and the e-pen$e$ of $!ch p!%lication $hall %e dee"ed to %e part of the co$t attendin# the conviction and $hall %e recovera%le in the $a"e "anner a$ a fine. 47. OFFENCES BY COMPANIES. 516 (here an offence !nder thi$ Act ha$ %een co""itted %& a co"pan&, ever& per$on ho at the ti"e the offence a$ co""itted a$ in char#e of, and a$ re$pon$i%le to the co"pan& for the cond!ct of, the %!$ine$$ of the co"pan&, a$ ell a$ the co"pan&, $hall %e dee"ed to the #!ilt& of the offence and $hall %e lia%le to %e proceeded a#ain$t and p!ni$hed accordin#l&? 0rovided that nothin# contained in thi$ $!%=$ection $hall render an& $!ch per$on lia%le to an& p!ni$h"ent provided in thi$ Act if he prove$ that the offence a$ co""itted itho!t hi$ 1no led#e for that he e-erci$ed all d!e dili#ence to prevent the co""i$$ion of $!ch offence. 526 Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in $!%=$ection 516, here an offence !nder thi$ Act ha$ %een co""itted %& a co"pan& and it i$ proved that the offence ha$ %een co""itted ith the con$ent or connivance of, or i$ attri%!ta%le to an& ne#lect on the part of, an& director, "ana#er, $ecretar& or other officer of the co"pan&, $!ch director, "ana#er, $ecretar& or other officer $hall al$o %e dee"ed to %e #!ilt& of that offence and $hall %e lia%le to %e proceeded a#ain$t and p!ni$hed accordin#l&. *-planation==For the p!rpo$e of thi$ $ection,== 5a6 Bco"pan&B "ean$ an& %od& corporate, and incl!de$ a fir" or other a$$ociation of individ!al$. and


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5%6 BdirectorB in relation to a fir" "ean$ a partner in the fir".

[Act 6 of 1974]

4#. OFFENCES BY $OVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. (here an offence !nder thi$ Act ha$ %een co""itted %& an& /epart"ent of 8overn"ent, the )ead of the /epart"ent $hall %e dee"ed to %e #!ilt& of the offence and $hall %e lia%le to %e proceeded a#ain$t and p!ni$hed accordin#l&? 0rovided that nothin# contained in thi$ $ection $hall render $!ch )ead of the /epart"ent lia%le to an& p!ni$h"ent if he prove$ that the offence a$ co""itted itho!t hi$ 1no led#e or that he e-erci$ed all d!e dili#ence to prevent the co""i$$ion of $!ch offence. 49. CO$NI,ANCE OF OFFENCES. [516 No co!rt $hall ta1e co#niDance of an& offence !nder thi$ Act e-cept on a co"plaint "ade %&== 5a6 a 'oard or an& officer a!thori$ed in thi$ %ehalf %& it. or 5%6 an& per$on ho ha$ #iven notice of not le$$ than $i-t& da&$, in the "anner pre$cri%ed, of the alle#ed offence and of hi$ intention to "a1e a co"plaint, to the 'oard or officer a!thori$ed a$ afore$aid, and no co!rt inferior to that of a Metropolitan Ma#i$trate or a :!dicial Ma#i$trate of the fir$t cla$$ $hall tr& an& offence p!ni$ha%le !nder thi$ Act.] 2 [526 (here a co"plaint ha$ %een "ade !nder cla!$e 5%6 of $!%=$ection 516, the 'oard $hall, on de"and %& $!ch per$on, "a1e availa%le the relevant report$ in it$ po$$e$$ion to that per$on? 0rovided that the 'oard "a& ref!$e to "a1e an& $!ch report availa%le to $!ch per$on if the $a"e i$, in it$ opinion, a#ain$t the p!%lic intere$t.] 3 [536 Not ith$tandin# an&thin# contained in $ection 29 of the 4ode of 4ri"inal 0roced!re, 1973], 52 of 19746 it $hall %e la f!l for an& 4[:!dicial Ma#i$trate of the fir$t cla$$ or for an& Metropolitan Ma#i$trate] to pa$$ a $entence of i"pri$an"ent for a ter"
1 2 3

,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $. 26 for $!%=$ection 516. >n$ %& $. 26, i%id. ,!%=$ection 526 ren!"%ered a$ $!%=$ection 536 %& $. 26, i%id. ,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 19, for certain ord$.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


e-ceedin# t o &ear$ or of fine e-ceedin# t o tho!$and r!pee$ on an& per$on convicted of

[Act 6 of 1974]

an offence p!ni$ha%le !nder thi$ Act. %. MEMBERS, OFFICERS AND SERVANTS OF BOARD TO BE PUBLIC SERVANTS. All "e"%er$, officer$ and $ervant$ of a 'oard hen actin# or p!rportin# to act in p!r$!ance of an& of the provi$ion$ of thi$ Act 542 of 1C636 and the r!le$ "ade there!nder $hall %e dee"ed to %e p!%lic $ervant$ ithin the "eanin# of $ection 21 of the >ndian 0enal 4ode. CHAPTER VIII MISCELLANEOUS 1. CENTRAL WATER LABORATORY. 516 <he 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette,= 5a6 e$ta%li$h a 4entral (ater 7a%orator&. or 5%6 $pecif& an& la%orator& or in$tit!te a$ a 4entral (ater 7a%orator&, to carr& o!t the f!nction$ entr!$ted to the 4entral (ater 7a%orator& !nder thi$ Act. 526 <he 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, after con$!ltation "a1e r!le$ pre$cri%in#== 5a6 the f!nction$ of the 4entral (ater 7a%orator&. 5%6 the proced!re for the $!%"i$$ion to the $aid la%orator& of $a"ple$ of ater or of $e a#e or trade effl!ent for anal&$i$ or te$t$, the for" of the la%orator&J$ report there!nder and the fee$ pa&a%le in re$pect of $!ch report. 5c6 $!ch other "atter$ a$ "a& %e nece$$ar& or e-pedient to ena%le that la%orator& to carr& o!t it$ f!nction$. 2. STATE WATER LABORATORY. 516 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette,= 5a6 e$ta%li$h a ,tate (ater 7a%orator&. or 5%6 $pecif& an& ,tate la%orator& or in$tit!te a$ a ,tate (ater 7a%orator&, to carr& o!t the f!nction$ entr!$ted to the ,tate (ater 7a%orator& !nder thi$ Act. ith the 4entral 'oard,


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

526 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, after con$!ltation r!le$ pre$cri%in# ==

ith the ,tate 'oard, "a1e

[Act 6 of 1974]

5a6 the f!nction$ of the ,tate (ater 7a%orator&. 5%6 the proced!re for the $!%"i$$ion to the $aid la%orator& of $a"ple$ of ater or of $e a#e or trade effl!ent for anal&$i$ or re$t$, the for" of the la%orator&J$ report thereon and the fee$ pa&a%le in re$pect of $!ch report. 5c6 $!ch other "atter$ a$ "a& %e nece$$ar& or e-pedient to ena%le that la%orator& to carr& o!t it$ f!nction$. 3. ANALYSTS. 516 <he 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette appoint $!ch per$on$ a$ it thin1$ fit and havin# the pre$cri%ed A!alification$ to %e 8overn"ent anal&$t$ for the p!rpo$e of anal&$i$ of $a"ple$ of ater or of $e a#e or trade effl!ent $ent for anal&$i$ to an& la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or $pecified !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 21. 526 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, appoint $!ch per$on$ a$ it thin1$ fit and havin# the pre$cri%ed A!alification$ to %e 8overn"ent anal&$t$ for the p!rpo$e of anal&$i$ of ater or of $e a#e or trade effl!ent $ent for anal&$i$ to an& la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or $pecified !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 22. 536 (itho!t pre9!dice to the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 12, the 4entral 'oard or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the ,tate 'oard "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, and ith the approval of the 4entral 8overn"ent or the ,tate 8overn"ent, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, appoint $!ch per$on$ a$ it thin1$ fit and havin# the pre$cri%ed A!alification$ to %e 'oard anal&$t$ for the p!rpo$e of anal&$i$ of $a"ple$ of ater or of $e a#e or trade effl!ent $ent for anal&$i$ to an& la%orator& e$ta%li$hed or reco#ni$ed !nder $ection 16, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, !nder $ection 17. 4. REPORTS OF ANALYSTS. An& doc!"ent p!rportin# to %e report $i#ned %& a 8overn"ent anal&$t or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, a 'oard anal&$t "a& %e !$ed a$ evidence of the fact$ $tated therein in an& proceedin# !nder thi$ Act. . LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO ASSIST.

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


All local a!thoritie$ $hall render $!ch help and a$$i$tance and f!rni$h $!ch infor"ation to the 'oard a$ it "a& reA!ire for the di$char#e of it$ f!nction$, and $hall "a1e availa%le to the 'oard for in$pection and e-a"ination $!ch record$, "ap$, plan$
[Act 6 of 1974]

and other doc!"ent$ a$ "a& %e nece$$ar& for the di$char#e of it$ f!nction$. !. COMPULSORY AC"UISITION OF LAND FOR THE STATE BOARD. An& land reA!ired %& a ,tate 'oard for the efficient perfor"ance of it$ f!nction !nder thi$ Act $hall %e dee"ed to %e needed for a p!%lic p!rpo$e and $!ch land $hall %e acA!ired for the ,tate 'oard !nder the provi$ion$ of the 7and AcA!i$ition Act, 1C94 51 of 1C946, or !nder an& other corre$pondin# la for the ti"e %ein# in force. 7. RETURNS AND REPORTS. <he 4entral 'oard $hall f!rni$h to the 4entral 8overn"ent, and a ,tate 'oard $hall f!rni$h to the ,tate 8overn"ent and to the 4entral 'oard $!ch report$, ret!rn$, $tati$tic$, acco!nt$ and other infor"ation ith re$pect to it$ f!nd or activitie$ a$ that #overn"ent, or, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, the 4entral 'oard "a&, fro" ti"e to ti"e, reA!ire. #. BAR OF (URISDICTION. No civil co!rt $hall have 9!ri$diction to entertain an& $!it or proceedin# in re$pect of an& "atter hich an appellate a!thorit& con$tit!ted !nder thi$ Act i$ e"po ered %& or !nder thi$ Act to deter"ine, and no in9!nction $hall %e #ranted %& an& co!rt or other a!thorit& in re$pect of an& action ta1en or to %e ta1en in p!r$!ance of an& po er conferred %& or !nder thi$ Act. 9. PROTECTION OF ACTION TA)EN IN $OOD FAITH. No $!it or other le#al proceedin#$ $hall lie a#ain$t the 8overn"ent or an& officer of 8overn"ent or an& "e"%er or officer of a 'oard in re$pect of an&thin# hich i$ in #ood faith done or intended to %e done in p!r$!ance of thi$ Act or the r!le$ "ade there!nder. !%. OVERRIDIN$ EFFECT. <he provi$ion$ of thi$ Act $hall have effect not ith$tandin# an&thin# incon$i$tent there ith contained in an& enact"ent other than thi$ Act. !1. POWER OF CENTRAL $OVERNMENT TO SUPERSEDE THE CENTRAL BOARD AND (OINT BOARDS. 516 >f at an& ti"e the 4entral 8overn"ent i$ of opinion ==


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5a6 that the 4entral 'oard or an& :oint 'oard ha$ per$i$tentl& "ade defa!lt in the perfor"ance of the f!nction$ i"po$ed on it %& or !nder thi$ Act. or
[Act 6 of 1974]

5%6 that circ!"$tance$ e-i$t intere$t $o to do,

hich render it nece$$ar& in the p!%lic

the 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, $!per$ede the 4entral 'oard or $!ch :oint 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, for $!ch period not e-ceedin# one &ear, a$ "a& %e $pecified in the notification? 0rovided that %efore i$$!in# a notification !nder thi$ $!%=$ection for the rea$on$ "entioned in cla!$e 5a6, the 4entral 8overn"ent $hall #ive a rea$ona%le opport!nit& to the 4entral 'oard or $!ch :oint 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, to $ho ca!$e h& it $ho!ld not %e $!per$eded and $hall con$ider the e-planation$ and o%9ection$ if an&, of the 4entral 'oard or $!ch :oint 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e. 526 @pon the p!%lication of notification !nder $!%=$ection 516 $!per$edin# the 4entral 'oard or an& :oint 'oard. 5a6 all the "e"%er$ $hall, a$ fro" the date of $!per$e$$ion vacate their office$ a$ $!ch. 5%6 all the po er$, f!nction$ and d!tie$ hich "a&, %& or !nder thi$ Act, %e e-erci$ed, perfor"ed or di$char#ed %& the 4entral 'oard or $!ch :oint 'oard, $hall !ntil the 4entral 'oard or the :oint 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, i$ recon$tit!ted !nder $!%=$ection 536 %e e-erci$ed perfor"ed or di$char#ed %& $!ch per$on or per$on$ a$ the 4entral 8overn"ent "a& direct. 5c6 all propert& o ned or controlled %& the 4entral 'oard or $!ch :oint 'oard $hall !ntil the 4entral 'oard or the :oint 'oard, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, i$ recon$tit!ted !nder $!%=$ection 536 ve$t in the 4entral 8overn"ent. 536 On the e-piration of the period of $!per$e$$ion $pecified in the notification i$$!ed !nder $!%=$ection 516, the 4entral 8overn"ent "a& = 5a6 e-tend the period of $!per$e$$ion for $!ch f!rther ter", not e-ceedin# $i- "onth$, a$ it "a& con$ider nece$$ar&. or 5%6 recon$tit!te the 4entral 'oard or the :oint 'oard a$ the ca$e "a& %e, %& fre$h no"ination or appoint"ent, a$ the ca$e "a& %e, and in $!ch ca$e an& per$on ho vacated hi$ office !nder cla!$e 5a6 of $!%=$ection 526 $hall not %e dee"ed di$A!alified for no"ination or appoint"ent?

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


0rovided that the 4entral 8overn"ent "a& at an& ti"e %efore the e-piration of the period of $!per$e$$ion, hether ori#inall& $pecified !nder $!%=$ection 516 or a$
[Act 6 of 1974]

e-tended !nder thi$ $!%=$ection, ta1e action !nder cla!$e 5%6 of thi$ $!%=$ection. !2. POWER OF STATE $OVERNMENT TO SUPERSEDE STATE BOARD. 516 >f at an& ti"e the ,tate 8overn"ent i$ of opinion = 5a6 that the ,tate 'oard ha$ per$i$tentl& "ade defa!lt in the perfor"ance of the f!nction$ i"po$ed on it %& or !nder thi$ Act. or 5%6 that circ!"$tance$ e-i$t intere$t $o to do, hich render it nece$$ar& in the p!%lic

the ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, %& notification in the Official 8aDette, $!per$ede the ,tate 'oard for $!ch period, not e-ceedin# one &ear, a$ "a& %e $pecified in the notification. 0rovided that %efore i$$!in# a notification !nder thi$ $!%=$ection for the rea$on$ "entioned in cla!$e 5a6, the ,tate 8overn"ent $hall #ive a rea$ona%le opport!nit& to the ,tate 'oard to $ho ca!$e h& it $ho!ld not %e $!per$eded and $hall con$ider the e-planation and o%9ection$, if an&, of the ,tate 'oard. 526 @pon the p!%lication of a notification !nder $!%=$ection 516 $!per$edin# the ,tate 'oard, the provi$ion$ of $!%=$ection 526 and 536 of $ection 61 $hall appl& in relation to the $!per$e$$ion of the ,tate 'oard a$ the& appl& in relation to the $!per$e$$ion of the 4entral 'oard or a :oint 'oard %& the 4entral 8overn"ent. !3. POWER OF CENTRAL $OVERNMENT TO MA)E RULES. 516 <he 4entral 8overn"ent "a&, $i"!ltaneo!$l& ith the con$tit!tion of the 4entral 'oard, "a1e r!le$ in re$pect of the "atter$ $pecified in $!%=$ection 526. 0rovided that hen the 4entral 'oard ha$ %een con$tit!ted, no $!ch r!le $hall %e "ade, varied, a"ended or repealed itho!t con$!ltin# the 'oard. 526 >n partic!lar, and itho!t pre9!dice to the #eneralit& of the fore#oin# po er, $!ch r!le$ "a& provide for all or an& of the follo in# "atter$, na"el& ? = 5a6 the ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice of the "e"%er$ 5other than the chair"an and "e"%er I$ecretar& 6 of the 4entral 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 5C6 of $ection 2. 5%6 the interval$ and the ti"e and place at hich "eetin#$ of the 4entral 'oard or of an& co""ittee thereof con$itit!ted !nder thi$ Act, $hall %e held and


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

the proced!re to %e follo ed at $!ch "eetin#$, incl!din# the A!or!" nece$$ar& for the tran$action of %!$ine$$ !nder $ection C, and !nder $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 9.
[Act 6 of 1974]

5c6 the fee$ and allo ance$ to %e paid to $!ch "e"%er$ of a co""ittee of the 4entral 'oard a$ are not "e"%er$ of the 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 9. [5d6 the "anner in hich and the p!rpo$e$ for hich per$on$ "a& %e a$$ociated ith the 4entral 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 13 and the fee$ and allo ance$ pa&a%le to $!ch per$on$.] 5e6 the ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice of the chair"an and the "e"%er $ecretar& of the 4entral 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 596 of $ection 2 and !nder $!%= $ection 516 of $ection 12. 5f6 condition$ $!%9ect to hich a per$on "a& %e appointed a$ a con$!ltin# en#ineer to the 4entral 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 546 of $ection 12. 5#6 the po er$ and d!tie$ to %e e-erci$ed and perfor"ed %& the chair"an and "e"%er $ecretar& of the 4entral 'oard.
2 1


596 the for" of the report of the 4entral 'oard anal&$t !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 22. 516 the for" of the report of the 8overn"ent anal&$t !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 22. [5l6 the for" in hich the ti"e ithin hich the %!d#et of the 4entral 'oard "a& %e prepared and for arded to the 4entral 8overn"ent !nder $ection 3C. 5ll6 the for" in hich the ann!al report of the 4entral 'oard "a& %e prepared !nder ,ection 39.] 5"6 the for" in hich the acco!nt$ of the 4entral 'oard "a& %e "aintained !nder $ection 43.

1 2

,!%$. %& act 44 of 197C, $.23, for cl .5d6. 4l$ 5h6 and 5i6 o"itted %& $. 23, i%id ,!%$. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $.27

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


[5""6 the "anner in hich notice of intention to "a1e a co"pliant $hall %e #iven to the 4entral 'oard or officer a!thoriDed %& it !nder ,ection 49.] 5n6 an& other "atter relatin# to the 4entral 'oard, incl!din# the po er$ and f!nction$ of that 'oard in relation to @nion <erritorie$.
[Act 6 of 1974]

5o6 an& other "atter hich ha$ to %e, or "a& %e pre$cri%ed. 536 *ver& r!le "ade %& the 4entral 8overn"ent !nder thi$ Act $hall %e laid, a$ $oon a$ "a& %e after it i$ "ade, %efore each )o!$e of 0arlia"ent hile it i$ in $e$$ion for a total period of thirt& da&$ hich "a& %e co"pri$ed in one $e$$ion or in t o or "ore $!cce$$ive $e$$ion$, and if, 2[%efore the e-pir& of the $e$$ion i""ediatel& follo in# the $e$$ion or the $!cce$$ive $e$$ion afore$aid], %oth )o!$e$ a#ree in "a1in# an& "odification in the r!le or %oth )o!$e$ a#ree that the r!le $ho!ld not %e "ade, the r!le $hall thereafter have effect onl& in $!ch "odified for" or %e of no effect, a$ the ca$e "a& %e . $o, ho ever, that an& $!ch "odification or ann!l"ent $hall %e itho!t pre9!dice to the validit& of an&thin# previo!$l& done !nder that r!le. !4. POWER OF STATE $OVERNMENT TO MA)E RULES. 516 <he ,tate 8overn"ent "a&, $i"!ltaneo!$l& ith the con$tit!tion or the ,tate 'oard, "a1e r!le$ to carr& o!t the pr!po$e$ of thi$ Act in re$pect of "atter$ not fallin# ithin the p!rvie of $ection 63. 0rovided that hen the ,tate 'oard ha$ %een con$tit!ted, no $!ch r!le $hall %e "ade, varied a"ended or repealed itho!t con$!ltin# that 'oard. 526 >n partic!lar, and itho!t pre9!dice to the #eneralit& of the fore#oin# po er, $!ch r!le$ "a& provide for all or an& of the follo in# "atter$, na"el& ? = 5a6 the ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice of the "e"%er$ 5other than the chair"an and the "e"%erI$ecretar& 6 of the ,tate 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 5C6 of $ection 2. 5%6 the ti"e and place of "eetin#$ of the ,tate 'oard or of an& co""ittee of that 'oard con$tit!ted !nder thi$ Act and the proced!re to %e follo ed at $!ch "eetin#, incl!din# in A!or!" nece$$ar& for the tran$action of %!$ine$$ !nder $ection C and !nder $!%=$ection 526 of ,ection 9. 5c6 the fee$ and allo ance$ to %e paid to $!ch "e"%er$ of a co""ittee of the ,tate 'oard a$ are not "e"%er$ of the 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 9.
1 2

>n$. %& $.27, i%id. ,!%$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $.23, for certain ord$


The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

5d6 the "anner in hich and the p!rpo$e$ for hich per$on$ "a& %e a$$ociated ith the ,tate 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 13 1[and the fee$ and allo ance$ pa&a%le to $!ch per$on$].
[Act 6 of 1974]

5e6 the ter"$ and condition$ of $ervice of the 4hair"an and "e"%er $ecretar& of the ,tate 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 596 of $ection 2 and !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 12. 5f6 the condition$ $!%9ect to hich a per$on "a& %e appointed a$ a con$!ltin# en#ineer to the ,tate 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 546 of $ection 12. 5#6 the po er$ and d!tie$ to %e e-erci$ed and di$char#ed %& the chair"an and "e"%er $ecretar& of the ,tate 'oard. 5h6 the for" of the notice referred to in $ection 21. 5i6 the for" of the report of the ,tate 'oard anal&$t !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 22. 596 the for" of the report of the 8overn"ent anal&$t !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 22. 516 the for" of application for the con$ent of the ,tate 'oard !nder $!%=$ection 526 of $ection 22 and the partic!lar it "a& contain. 5l6 the "anner in hich inA!ir& !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 22"a& %e "ade in re$pect of an application for o%tainin# con$ent of the ,tate 'oard and the "atter$ to %e ta1en in to acco!nt in #rantin# or ref!$in# $!ch con$ent. 5"6 the for" and "anner in hich appeal$ "a& %e filed, the fee$ pa&a%le in re$pect of $!ch appeal$ and the proced!re to %e allo ed %& the appellate a!thorit& in di$po$in# of the appeal$ !nder $!%=$ection 536 of $ection 2C.

[5n6 the for" in hich and the ti"e ithin hich the %!d#et of the ,tate 'oard "a& %e prepared and for arded to the ,tate 8overn"ent !nder $ection 3C.

5nn6 the for" in hich the ann!al report of the ,tate 'oard "a& %e prepared !nder $ection 39.] 5o6 the for" in hich the acco!nt$ of the ,tate 'oard "a& %e "aintained !nder $!%=$ection 516 of $ection 43.

>n$. %& Act 44 of 197C, $. 21 ,!%. %& Act 23 of 19CC, $.2C for cl. 5n6

The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974


[5oo6the "anner in hich notice of intention to "a1e a co"plaint $hall %e #iven to the ,tate 'oard or officer a!thori$ed %& it !nder $ection 49.] 5p6 an& other "atter hich ha$ to %e, or "a& %e, pre$cri%ed.

>n$. %& $. 2C, i%id.

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