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Essence to Diabetes

Hormone Glucagon

Source Pancreas Alpha cells Pancreas Beta cells



Pancreas Beta cells


Small Intestine

Norepinephrine Epinephrine

Adrenal Medulla Adrenal Medulla

Growth Hormone Cortisol

Ant. Pituitary Gland Adrenal Cortex


Ant. Lobe Pit. Gland

Response breakdown of stored liver glycogen Hepatic gluconeogenesis Hepatic Ketogenesis Glucose uptake by cells. Affects glucose metabolism and glycogenesis. Post-prandial glucagon secretion. Protein and fat synthesis. Post-prandial glucagon secretion. Gastric emptying. Food Intake and body weight. Glucose dependent insulin secretion Post-prandial glucagon secretion. Gastric emptying. Food Intake and body weight. Glycogenolysis Lipolysis (breakdown of fat) Glycogenolysis Glycolysis in muscles Insulin secretion by the pancreas. Gluconeogenesis Glucose uptake Gluconeogenesis Protein Synthesis Glucose Uptake Stimulates the production of cortisone by the adrenal glands.

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