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DISCIPLINE GUIDELINES FOR TEACHERS The Board approved Administrative Guidelines 5600A states that teacher effectiveness and

purposeful, well-planned activities are prerequisites to good discipline. ost students will e!hi"it #good$ "ehavior when the% perceive the teacher is competent, consistent, fair, and supportive of school policies. The following guidelines should contri"ute to effective discipline& A. B +. -. '. /. 'sta"lish fair, wor(a"le, consistent, and educationall%-productive procedures "% which the classroom and other areas of learning will operate, "ased on an anal%sis of the program, the maturit% level of the students, and their needs, a"ilities, and interests. )lan and conduct learning activities that contri"ute to accomplishing specified o"*ectives and goals, stimulate and encourage application of thought, and require the active participation of the students. ,elp set the tone for good discipline "% modeling the "ehaviors e!pected of students. .nform students of the high e!pectations regarding discipline and insist in their fulfillment. .nitiate parental contact where appropriate and necessar%. 0upport district and "uilding administrators in disciplinar% matters and avoid undermining the supervisor% guideline.

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