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Davao Doctors College Malvar St.

Davao City

Family Assessment

Barangay Los Amigos, Tugbok District, Davao City In Partial Ful illment o t!e "e#uirements in Primary $ealt! Care

A Com%ilation Presente& to t!e College o Allie& $ealt! Sciences Davao Doctors College

Presente& by' BS"T ( )(*A +rou% (, sub*grou% , Maceren, -&.in +eno Magbanua, Amet!yst D. Mara%ao, Merl /onne L. Maravilla, 0lga S. A&viser' Doctor Paul Dilig

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A community is a grou% o %eo%le s!aring common geogra%!ic boun&aries an& common values an& interest .it!in a s%eci ic social system. T!is social system inclu&es !ealt! system, amily system, e&ucational system, religious system, .el are system, recreational system, legal system, religious system, an& lastly communication system. Alt!oug! all communities are t!e same, eac! one is uni#ue because it unctions .it!in a s%eci ic sociocultural, %olitical economic an& environmental conte1t. It is regar&e& as an organism .it! its o.n stages o &evelo%ment an& it matures t!roug! time. T!e amily is a natural basic unit o %eo%le, 2t!e irst an& vital cell o society. 3. Family is a un&amental social grou% in society t!at %er orms ma4or unction* re%ro&uction an& sociali5ation. It is a grou% o %eo%le relate& by bloo&, marriage, or a&o%tion living toget!er. T!e amily !as t.o or more %eo%le .!o s!are common goals an& values, !ave long*term commitments to anot!er, an& resi&e usually in t!e same &.elling %lace. T!e stu&y ocuse& in a community .it! a amily t!at lives in a relocation area an& is mostly acing %roblems. T!e amily c!osen .as one o t!e in ormal settlers .!o .ere relocate& t!ree years ago. T!e stu&y covere& all t!e socio*economic, !ealt!, !ome an& environmental %roblems o t!e amily t!at s!oul& be assess, stu&y, conclu&e an& give recommen&ations. $o.ever, its limitations e1clu&e %ersonal an& con i&ential areas t!at can in luence t!e trust o t!e client an& t!e trust.ort!iness o t!e researc!ers an& t!ose involve&.

GENERAL OBJECTIVES T!e %ur%ose o t!is stu&y is to &etermine t!e relevance o %er orming amily assessment, to &istinguis! t!e !ealt! an& environmental %roblems o t!e amily an& to accom%lis! t!e assessment t!roug! gat!ering an& analy5ing &ata on t!e amily structure an& c!aracteristics, socio*economic an& cultural c!aracteristics, !ome an& environment an& t!e !ealt! %ro ile o t!e amily.

SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES T!is stu&y aims to ac!ieve t!e ob4ectives' 6. To in& a amily .!o is .illing to be t!e %ros%ect o t!e stu&y. (. To establis! an& maintain ra%%ort to t!e c!osen amily. ,. To assess t!e amily .ay o living an& to attain absolute an& com%re!ensive in ormation rom t!e amily. 7. To gat!er in ormation t!roug! intervie.s an& observation8 i&enti y %roblems relate& to .ay o living, analy5e&, an& inter%ret result. ). To assess i t!e amily is ca%able to be a.are o t!e %roblems %resent in t!e !ouse!ol&. 9. To take a look i t!e amily evaluates %roblems as con&itions nee&ing an& urgent attention. :. To ormulate, im%lement an& evaluate t!e outcome. ;. To give s%eci ic recommen&ation an& e&ucate t!e amily about !ealt!.

SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY To t!e community T!is stu&y .oul& !el% in t!e %revention o &iseases. Also, t!is .oul& lea& in a&vocating en!ancement on t!e amenities nee&e& in making a community an environment avorable or &evelo%ment an& !ealt!. To t!e amily T!is stu&y .oul& !el% t!e amily to ackno.le&ge %roblems an& risks actors relate& to !ealt!. Also be able to i&enti y an& un&erstan& %roblems, inclu&ing !ealt! t!reat, !ealt! &e icit an& ot!er crises an& assist t!em or t!eir im%rovement. T!ey .ill also learn !o. to maintain an environment .!ic! is !el% ul to !ealt! an& %ersonal &evelo%ment.

To t!e stu&ents T!is stu&y .oul& !el% t!e stu&ents be able to i&enti y amily %roblems in t!e community an& .oul& !el% t!em a%%ly in t!eir li e .!at t!ey !ave learne&. It gives t!e stu&ents an o%%ortunity to un&erstan& an& observe t!ose %rinci%les an& %roblems in real li e setting an& lastly &evelo% sense o critical t!inking.

CHAPTER II DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE Geography Barangay Los Amigos !a& a total %o%ulation o ;,7<= in!abitants. It !as a %o%ulation gro.t! rate o ;)>, .it! a &ialect s%oken o ?isayan or Tagalog. T!e in&igenous grou% is Bagobo. Topography Barangay Los Amigos belongs to Tugbok as its %olitical &istrict, an& a %art o , r& Congressional District. Its %olitical sub&ivision consists o (, Purok@Sitios.T!e legal basis o creation is Congressional Act o 6=97. Los Amigos !as a total classi ie& lan& area o 7:).; !ectares. 0ut o t!e total lan& area, agriculture orestry an& is!ery is %resent. "ice is t!e ma4or cro% consisting o 9(.In livestock, it consists o 6(< co.s. In %oultry, it consists o )9< c!ickens. In is!ery, 6; !a A!ectaresB is or cat is! an& ; !a A!ectaresB or tila%ia. T!ey !ave ; &rier or %ost !arvest an& 7 mini .are!ouses or acilities. T!ey !ave one market or commerce tra&e an& in&ustry. T!ey !ave a total income o (,,7<,7<7.<< P$P. Cl !a"e 0ne season c!aracteri5es t!e area. Mont!s rom /anuary to May are consi&ere& to be &ry season .!ile t!e remaining mont!s o t!e year, rom /une an& December are consi&ere& as .et season. /une an& /uly mont!s are t!e times o t!e year .!en !eavy rains .oul& lo.. Fa# l " e$ Cater system, t!ey !ave 9 level ( .it! a 9< DCCD .it! a 6) ree an& ; artesian .ell. Social .el are an& %rotective services, t!ey !ave ) &aycare centers an& (< barangay %olice or tano&s acilities, t!e electricity .as actually t!e o.nerDs %rerogative. Some %uroks t!at .ere bit ar still !a& no sources o lig!tning. -lectricity is su%%lie& by t!e Davao Lig!t an& Com%any.

CHAPTER III FAMILY PROFILE A% Fa! ly Co!po$ " o& Fa! ly Me!'er$ Age Se( C)l S"a"*$ Rela" o&$h p "o "he hea+ o, "he ,a! ly Meriam L. Co&ilan Ta'le -%-. Fa! ly #o!po$ " o& Legen&' S*single M*marrie& CL*common La. C*Ci&o.e& Se%*Se%arate& )= Female S E@A E@A Po$ " o& & "he ,a! ly Re$ +e&#e o, ea#h ,a! ly !e!'er Los Amigos, Tugbok District, Davao City

Table 6.6 s!o.s t!e &ata about our client. Meriam Co&ilan, age& )=, is single an& living in Los Amigos, Tugbok District, Davao City. T!is ty%e o amily is an a&ult living alone. B% Fa! ly S"r*#"*re a&+ Chara#"er $" #$ Meriam Co&ilan is one o t!e o s%ring o +erman an& Dionesia Co&ilan. S!e is t!e youngest out o si1 c!il&ren. Meriam &oesnFt !ave !er o.n amily because s!e &i&nFt %lan to get marrie&. In t!e %ast, s!e .as living at /uan Luna Street, Davao City near t!e Ateneo &e Davao Gniversity. S!e .as living .it! !er a&o%te& t.o ne%!e.s an& t.o nieces. -&&ie C. Fuentes an& /ean C. Fuentes, siblings, t.o o t!e a&o%te&, are t!e o s%ring o t!e &ecease el&er sister o Meriam name& Maria T!eresa. Eita C. Pul%ul an& /immy L. Co&ilan are siblings t!at are also a&o%te& an& c!il&ren o anot!er el&er sister o Meriam name& Leticia. At %resent, Meriam is no. living alone in !er !ouse at Los Amigos, Tugbok District relocation area. S!e is su%%orte& by !er ne%!e.s an& nieces.


SOCIO.ECONOMIC PROFILE Fa! ly Me!'er H ghe$" E+*#a" o& A""a &e+ O##*pa" o& I&#o!e Pla#e o, /or0

Meriam L. Co&ilan

7t! yr. !ig! sc!ool




Ta'le 1%-. So# o.e#o&o! # pro, le Table (.6 s!o.s t!e socio*economic %ro ile o Meriam Co&ilan. T!e !ig!est e&ucation t!at s!e !as attaine& .as ourt! year !ig! sc!ool. S!e &i&nFt %ursue to college &ue to inancial insu iciency. Be ore t!e &emolis!ing o !er !ouse an& eatery %lace, Meriam .as living at /uan Luna, /acinto Street near Ateneo &e Davao Gniversity. T!is eatery %lace !el%s to su%%ort t!e sc!ooling o !er ne%!e.s an& nieces. Eo., MeriamFs %lace t!at is near Ateneo &e Davao Gniversity !a& been &emolis!e& an& being relocate& in t!e Los Amigos "elocation Site, !er situation is &i icult or t!e reason t!at !er income source, t!e eatery %lace, !as been also &emolis!e&. Since s!e !as no income, s!e is no. su%%orte& by !er ne%!e.s an& nieces. -&&ie, !er el&est ne%!e. t!at s!e a&o%te&, is giving !er P!%. :<< H 66<< every .eek. Eita, also one o !er a&o%te& niece, is giving !er P!%. ,<<< H 9<<< sometimes.

Mo&"hly E(pe&$e$

Par" #*lar$ "ice A,< kls.B

A!o*&" 6,67<

Per#e&"age ,:.:)

Meats an& Fis!A or &ogsB



+rocery Abiscuits, co ee, co eemate, sugar, s!am%oo, bat!room soa%, laun&ry soa%B FareA or at least a mont!n& every Sun&ay B T0TAL







Ta'le 1%1. Brea0+o2& o, Mo&"hly E(pe&$e$

100 80 60 40 20 0


Meat and Fish



Figure 6.6 H +ra%!ical re%resentation o mont!ly e1%enses

Table (.( s!o.s MeriamFs consum%tions an& t!e estimate& amount s%ent %er mont!. As a single a&ult living alone, Meriam s%en&s P!% 6,67< in a mont! or !er rice

consum%tion or .!ic! s!e consumes ,< kilograms in ,< &ays8 t!is cost !er P!% ,; %er kilo. 0n t!e ot!er !an&, s!e s%en&s P!% 6<<< or !er meat an& is! consum%tion. 0ccasionally, Meriam goes to &o.nto.n at least a mont! or !er necessities an& every Sun&ay or atten&ing mass. T!is cost !er 677 %er mont! or !er are. CULTURAL PROFILE MeriamFs amily originate& rom Tacloban City, Leyte. C!en s!e .as 66 years ol& !er amily trans erre& to Davao City, Davao "egion. An& no., s!e !as been relocate& to Los Amigos, Tugbok District. Meriam is a Leytenyo because !er at!er an& mot!er came rom Leyte. S!e .as oriente& as a "oman Cat!olic. S!e .as &evote& to !er religion because s!e goes to c!urc! an& atten&e& t!e mass every Sun&ay.


HOME AND ENVIRONMENT PROFILE T!e lot .as grante& to Meriam L. Co&ilan, along .it! t!e ot!ers .!o .ere relocate& too. An e#ual s#uare*meter area .as rig!t ully given to t!em by ormer city mayor, "o&rigo Duterte .!o relocate& t!e in&igents to a better site. T!e !ouse .as built .it! mi1e& materials. T!e u%%er %ortion .as com%ose& o galvani5e& iron or t!e roo an& 2amakan3 or t!e !al o t!e .all. T!e %ortion com%rises o cement or t!e loor an& !ollo. blocks or t!e ot!er !al o t!e .all. T!e !ouse !as also a balcony an& it com%rises o cement an& tiles. It is also ence& by Cyclone an& !ollo. blocks. T!e &isa&vantage o using 2amakan3 an& galvani5e& ceiling as a !ousing material is t!at it can cause ire .!en acci&ents !a%%en. For e1am%le, since t!e client uses .oo& an& ire in cooking oo&, it maybe a %ossible source o ire acci&ents. T!e lengt! o t!e loor area is (.67; meters multi%ly to its .i&t! o 6.=( meters e#uals to t!e total loor area o 7.6( meters. T!is %lace is not overcro.&e& because t!e client is living alone an& t!e total loor area is greater t!an t!e total s%ace re#uirement. T!ere are 9 .in&o.s in t!e !ouse an& eac! o it !as a lengt! o <.7<; meter an& .i&t! o <.,7; meter an& t!is e#ual to t!e total .in&o. o%ening o <.67. T!e ventilation is (<.,=> an& t!is mean t!at t!e !ouse is satis actory ventilate&. -ven t!oug! t!e !ouse is %ro%erly ventilate&, .arm ambiance s%rea&s insi&e t!e !ouse because t!e !eat o t!e sun %enetrates t!roug! t!e galvani5e& ceiling. T!e clientFs !ouse is not connecte& to t!e electricity t!atFs .!y s!e only uses t!ree c!argeable lam%s an& one kerosene lam% or t!e lig!ting o t!e !ouse. Pointe& s!ar% nails are locate& in !er be&room an& t!is can cause acci&ent. T!e client is also e1%eriencing !ouse %ests inclu&ing ro&ents t!at al.ays roam aroun& insi&e !er room t!at %ossibly rests in .et an& &ark %laces, mos#uitoes t!at bree& in stagnant .aters in !er %lants, lies t!at came rom !er %etFs oo& %late an& t!at also rests every.!ere &ue to unclean an& %oorly saniti5e& environment, cockroac!es an& li5ar&s t!at are cra.ling in t!eir kitc!en table an& .alls t!at multi%ly in unti&y an& &ark %laces insi&e !er !ouse. T!e &ogs, %lace& in t!e balcony, an& roasters, t!at !ave cage besi&e t!e !ouse, are t!e %ets o t!e client. In terms o garbage &is%osal, s!e %uts !er garbage in cello%!ane locate& near in t!e cooking area. S!e segregates !er .aste into non*bio&egra&able an& bio&egra&able. C!en t!e cello%!ane is ull, s!e .ill go to t!e barangay !all an& t!ro. it. T!e client !as a blin& ty%e o &rainage system .!erein .aste

.ater lo.s t!roug! a system o close& %i%es to an un&ergroun& %it or covere& canal locate& outsi&e t!e !ouse. T!e toilet o t!e !ouse is %ro%erly clean an& maintaine& an& it is locate& besi&e t!e sink area. T!is toilet is 2%ail ty%e3 .!ere t!e .aste .as &is%ose& by lus!ing .ater rom t!e %ail. T!e client .ater su%%ly is get in t!e corner o t!e street in .!ic! t!ere is a aucet .it! .ater connection an& store& t!is in a large &rum or a cylin&rical container locate& insi&e t!e toilet room, but t!is .ater su%%ly is s!are& also .it! t!e ot!er %eo%le in t!e community. S!e store& !er &rinking .ater in a .ater 4ag container an& a %itc!er locate& at !er &ining table. In storing t!e oo&, s!e uses %lastic %lates an& a roun& container .it! cover or t!e biscuits, co ee, cream an& sugar an& still locate& at t!e &ining table. For cooking acility, s!e uses stainless casserole an& kitc!en utensils an& cooks t!e oo& manually by using .oo& an& ire. T!e kin& o neig!bor!oo& .!ere t!e client lives is not over cro.&e& an& t!e !ouses are aligne&. S!e sai& t!at !er neig!bors are rien&ly an& t!ey !el% eac! ot!er. T!e clientFs community !as social acilities available like mini basketball locate& in t!e barangay !all. T!ere is also a government !ealt! care center locate& in t!e barangay !all an& it is a%%ro1imately 6 kilometer a.ay. T!e client !as !er o.n cell %!one or communication %ur%oses. T!e mo&e o trans%ortation t!at is available in t!e community are tricycles.


HEALTH PROFILE A% SIGNIFICANT ILLNESSES IN THE FAMILY Na!e C*rre&" S g& , #a&" Ill&e$$e$3 D $ea$e$ 4heal"h #o!pla &"5 Meriam L. Co&ilan $y%ertension Taking Plen&il A elo&i%ineB Doctor Eacer o a clinic near ECCC mall Ta'le 7%-. S g& , #a&" Ill&e$$e$ & "he Fa! ly Table ,.6 s!o.s t!e signi icant illnesses o Meriam. T!e client relates in t!e intervie. t!at s!e .as &iagnose& to !ave !y%ertension. $y%ertension is an abnormally elevation o bloo& %ressure. It is a !ere&itary &isease an& it is also common to obese %eo%le because t!e total lengt! o t!eir bloo& vessels is relatively greater t!en t!inner in&ivi&uals. S!e is taking Plen&il A elo&i%ineB, me&ication or !ig! bloo& %ressure. It .as %rescribe& .!en s!e !a& !er c!eck u% in a clinic by Doctor Eacer near ECCC mall. Trea"!e&" Appl e+ Per$o& Co&$*l"e+ Ho$p "al 6a" o& 4Da"e3MD3Na!e o, "he ho$p "al5 E@A

B% NUTRITIONAL ASSESSMENT -% R $0 A$$e$$!e&" Mea$*re$ ,or O'e$ "y



/e gh" 40g5

He gh" 4!5


I&"erpre"a" o&

Meriam L. Co&ilan


99 kg

6.,: m



Ta'le -%a Bo+y Ma$$ I&+e( 40g3!85 I&"erpre"a" o&9 :-;%<= Gn&er.eig!t -;%<.1>%>?= Eormal 1<.1?%?=0ver.eig!t @7A= 0bese

Table 6.a s!o.s t!e bo&y mass in&e1 o t!e client. Meriam Co&ilan ,age& )=, !as a !eig!t o 6.,: meters, .eig!ing 99 kilograms. $er bo&y mass in&e1 is ,).69, .!ic! is .it!in t!e obese range. Bo&y .eig!t is use& as an in&icator o an in&ivi&ualFs !ealt!. BMI ABo&y Mass In&e1B is a number t!at correlates a %ersonFs !eig!t an& .eig!t. It is a use ul tool or &iagnosing obesity or malnutrition. $o.ever, suc! &iagnosis s!oul& take into account a %ersonFs age, gen&er, itness, an& et!nicity.



Mea$*re!e&" 4#!5

I&"erpre"a" o& T!e client is at !ig!

Meriam L. Co&ilan


=) cm

risk o central obesity*relate& !ealt! %roblem.

Ta'le -%' /a $" C r#*!,ere&#e I&"erpre"a" o&9 Me& 9@ ?A #! are a" h gh r $0 o, #e&"ral o'e$ "y.rela"e+ heal"h pro'le! /o!e& 9@ ;A #! are a" h gh r $0 o, #e&"ral o'e$ "y.rela"e+ heal"h pro'le!

Table 6.b s!o.s t!e .aist circum erence o t!e client. Meriam, age& )=, !as a .aist line o =) cm. T!is in&icates t!at t!e client is at !ig! risk o central obesity*relate& !ealt! %roblem.

Na!e Meriam L. Co&ilan

Age )=

/a $" 4#!5 =) cm

H p 4#!5 66; cm

/HR <.;6

S g& , #a&#e T!e client is not at !ig! risk o obese*

relate& !ealt! %roblem.

Ta'le -%# /a $" H p Ra" o 4/HR5 B &+ #a"or ,or #e&"ral o'e$ "y I&"erpre"a" o&9 Me&9 @ = -%A /o!e& 9@ or = A%;<

Table 6.c s!o.s t!e Caist*$i% "atio an& Inter%retation. "esults in&icate t!at t!e sub4ect, Meriam L. Coli&an, )= yrs. 0l&, !as a .aist line o =) cm .it! a !i% measurement o <.;6, ranging .it! t!e normal. t!e .aist*to*!i% ratio is one .ay to &etermine t!e risk o obesity*relate& illnesses an& con&itions. Na!e Brea0,a$" 4I+e&" ,y "he ,oo+ a&+ " !e ,or ea" &g5 L*&#h 4I+e&" ,y "he ,oo+ a&+ " !e ,or ea" &g5 D &&er 4 I+e&" ,y "he ,oo+ a&+ " !e o, ea" &g5 I&.'e"2ee& !eal 4I+e&" ,y "he ,oo+ a&+ " !e ,or ea" &g5

Meriam L. Co&ilan

Co ee .@sugar Jcream A='<<am*6<'<< amB

"ice, vegetables, bula& A&rie& is!B, bi!on, meats, c!icken, bee A6('<< %m* 6'<< %mB

Pi%ino A9'<<%m *:'<<%mB

Maruya, lum%ia, biscuits A,'<<%m* 7'<<%mB

Ta'le -%+ Ea" &g3 Fee+ &g Ha' "$3 Pra#" #e$ Table6.& s!o.s t!e eating %ractice o t!e client, Meriam L. Co&ilan. T!e table in&icates t!at t!e client usually takes co ee or break ast at ='<<am to 6<'<<am. "ice, vegetables, bi!on, bula&, meat c!icken, an& bee usually taken or lunc! .it!in 6('<<%m to 6'<<%m an& %i%ino or &inner .it!in 9%m to :%m. Client usually takes maruya, lum%ia, an& biscuits in*bet.een meal .it!in t!e time interval o ,'<<%m to 7'<<%m.

1% R $0 Fa#"or A$$e$$!e&" Mer a! L% Co+ la& Hyper"e&$ o& Phy$ #al I&a#" ) "y Se+e&"ary L ,e$"yle C gare""e $!o0 &g O'e$ "y D a'e"e$ Mell "*$ Al#ohol Dr &0 &g S*'$"a&#e A'*$e Ta'le 1 Table ( s!o.s t!e %resence o risk actor o t!e client, Meriam L. Co&ilan. $y%ertension, P!ysical Inactivity, Se&entary Li estyle, an& 0besity are t!e actors t!at are %resent to t!e client. Some risk actors t!at are in&icate& as 2K3 are not %resent to t!e client. C C C D C D D D

CHAPTER VII PROBLEM PRESENTATION Pro'le! C*e$3 Da"a T!e !ouse o t!e client is ma&e u% o mi1 materials suc! as 2amakan3, Fa! ly N*r$ &g Pro'le!$ A% F re Ha6ar+ 6. Inability to make &ecision .it! res%ect to taking

%ly.oo&, !ollo. blocks an& galvani5e& roo ing. S!e uses .oo& or c!arcoal in cooking !er oo&. T!e cooking area is insi&e t!e !ouse.

a%%ro%riate !ealt! action &ue to' a. Fear o conse#uences o action, s%eci ically social an& economic conse#uences. (. Inability to %rovi&e a !ome environment con&uctive to !ealt! maintenance an& %ersonal &evelo%ment &ue to' a. Ina&e#uate amily resources, s%eci ically' Financial constraints or limite& inancial resources8 Lack o skill in carrying out measures to im%rove !ome environment.

T!e !ouse is not connecte& to t!e electricity t!atFs .!y s!e only uses kerosene lam% an& c!argeable lam%. T!e client is inancially insu icient to %rovi&e electric source or !er !ouse. -ven t!oug! t!e !ouse is satis actory ventilate&, t!ere is a %ossibility t!at t!e %lace is .arm because t!e !eat o t!e sun %enetrates t!roug! t!e galvani5e& ceiling.

B% Poor L gh" &g a&+ Ve&" la" o& 6. Inability to make &ecisions .it! res%ect to taking a%%ro%riate !ealt! action &ue to' a. Lo. salience o t!e %roblem@ con&ition b. Fear o conse#uences o action, s%eci ically' -conomic conse#uences (. Inability to %rovi&e a !ome environment con&uctive to !ealt! maintenance an& %ersonal &evelo%ment &ue to' a. Ina&e#uate amily resources, s%eci ically' Financial constraints

T!e client is also e1%eriencing

C% Pre$e&#e o, ho*$ehol+ pe$"$

!ouse %ests inclu&ing ro&ents t!at al.ays roam aroun& insi&e !er room t!at %ossibly rests in .et an& &ark %laces, mos#uitoes t!at bree& in stagnant .aters in !er %lants, lies t!at came rom !er %etFs oo& %late an& t!at also rests every.!ere &ue to unclean an& %oorly saniti5e& environment, cockroac!es an& li5ar&s t!at are cra.ling in t!eir kitc!en table an& .alls t!at multi%ly in unti&y an& &ark %laces insi&e !er !ouse.

6. Inability to %rovi&e a !ome environment con&ucive to !ealt! maintenance an& %ersonal &evelo%ment &ue to' a. Ina&e#uate amily resources, s%ecially' Limite& %!ysical resources* e.g. s%ray or killing %ests. b. Ina&e#uate kno.le&ge o im%ortance o !ygiene an& sanitation. c. Ina&e#uate kno.le&ge o %reventive measures. &. Lack o skills in carrying out measures to im%rove !ome environment

T!e acilities o t!e !ouse are unorgani5e& an& unclean because t!e client sometimes .ill not recogni5e it as a %roblem. T!e ront yar& o t!e !ouse !as unorgani5e& t!ings like .oo&, %ail, ro%e an& sacks.

D% U&" +y pla#e 6. Inability to %rovi&e a !ome environment con&ucive to !ealt! maintenance an& %ersonal &evelo%ment &ue to' a. Lack o kno.le&ge o im%ortance o !ygiene an& sanitation. b. Lack o skills in carrying out measures to im%rove !ome environment.

T!e client is living alone because s!e &oesnFt !ave !er o.n amily an& !er a&o%te& nieces an& ne%!e.s !ave t!eir o.n amily.

E% L ) &g alo&e 6. Inability to make &ecisions .it! res%ect to taking a%%ro%riate !ealt! action &ue to' a. Fear o conse#uences o action &ue to' Social conse#uences -motional@ %syc!ological conse#uences

T!e client !a& c!eck u% in t!e clinic o Doctor Eacer near t!e ECCC mall. S!e .as &iagnose& to !ave !ig! bloo& %ressure.

F% Hyper"e&$ o& 6. Inability to %rovi&e a&e#uate nursing care to t!e sick, &isable&, &e%en&ent or vulnerable@ at risk member o t!e amily &ue to' a. Lack o kno.le&ge an& skill carrying out necessary interventions@treatment@ %roce&ure@ care Ae.g., !ealt!y li estyle %rogramB b. Ina&e#uate amily resources or care, s%ecially' Absence o res%onsible member Financial constraints (. Inability to make &ecisions .it! res%ect to taking a%%ro%riate !ealt! action &ue to' a. Fear o conse#uences o action &ue to' -conomic conse#uences

T!e client &oes not recogni5e it as a %roblem because it becomes !er !abit. T!e clientFs break ast is only co ee. In lunc!, s!e eats vian& an& rice but in &inner, s!e only eats vegetables like cucumber because s!e .as alrea&y ull in !er in*

G% I!proper ea" &g ha' " 6. Inability to make &ecisions .it! res%ect to taking a%%ro%riate !ealt! action &ue to' a. Failure to com%re!en& t!e magnitu&e o t!e %roblem b. Lo. salience o t!e %roblem

bet.een meals.

ClientFs &ogs !avenFt in4ecte& anti* rabies &ue to inancial %roblem.

H% Dog$ "ha" #a& #a*$e ra' e$ 6. Inability to make &ecisions .it! res%ect to taking a%%ro%riate !ealt! action &ue to' b. Fear o conse#uences o action &ue to' -conomical conse#uences

Since t!e client is !aving an im%ro%er arrangement acilities. Protru&e& s!ar% nails are also oun& on .alls o be&room an& ot!ers are on t!e loor an& t!ere is a %ossibility t!at t!e client .ill acci&entally ste% to %rotru&e& s!ar% nails.

I% Pro"r*+e+ Sharp &a l$ 6.Inability to %rovi&e a !ome environment con&ucive to !ealt! maintenance an& %ersonal &evelo%ment &ue to' a. ina&e#uate amily resources, s%eci ically' limite& %!ysical resources inancial constraints

b. Failure to see bene its As%eci ically long term onesB o investment in !ome environment im%rovement. c. Ina&e#uate kno.le&ge o %reventive measures

T!e clientFs surroun&ing .as im%ro%er arrange& an& s!e is recogni5ing t!e %roblem not very ba& an& gives no imme&iate attention.

J% I!proper arra&ge!e&" ,a# l " e$ 6.Inability to %rovi&e a !ome environment con&ucive to !ealt! maintenance an& %ersonal &evelo%ment &ue to' a. ina&e#uate amily resources, s%eci ically' limite& %!ysical resources inancial constraints

b. Failure to see bene its As%eci ically long term onesB o investment in !ome environment im%rovement.

c. Ina&e#uate kno.le&ge o %reventive measures

CHAPTER VIII PRIORITIEATION -% F re Ha6ar+ Cr "er a 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (@,16 <.9: Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore J*$" , #a" o& It is a !ealt! t!reat t!at nee&s imme&iate attention because t!e !ouse is ma&e u% o .oo&.

(. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem 6@(1( 6

It is %artially mo&i iable because t!e client !as insu icient un&s or renovating or im%roving t!e !ouse.

,.Preventive %otential (@,16 <.9:

It is mo&erate %reventive %otential because it nee&s a lot o time i1ing t!e !ouse.

7. Salience 6@(16 <.)

T!e client recogni5es it a %roblem but &oes not nee& imme&iate attention.

Total Score


1% Poor l gh" &g a&+ )e&" la" o& Cr "er a Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (@,16 <.9: It is a !ealt! t!reat t!at &oes not &eman& imme&iate attention. Because o %oor lig!ting, .!en t!e nig!t comes, t!e client may acci&ent &ue to %oor lig!ting. J*$" , #a" o&

(. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem 6@(1( 6

It is %artially mo&i iable because t!e client &oes not able to %rovi&e source inclu&ing lig!ting an& ventilation &ue to insu icient un& resources8 !o.ever, electric %ost are rea&y in case o connections.

,.Preventive %otential ,@,16 6

It is !ig!ly %reventive %otential because .!en t!e !ouse is connecte& to t!e source.

7. Salience <@(16 <

T!e client recogni5es t!is situation not a %roblem.

Total Score


7% Pre$e&#e o, ho*$ehol+ pe$"$ Cr "er a 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (@,16 <.9: Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore J*$" , #a" o& It is a !ealt! t!reat t!at nee&s imme&iate attention because t!e client may ac#uire &isease rom t!e

!ouse!ol& %ests.

(. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem 6@(1( 6

T!e client &oes not able to maintain cleanliness an& sanitation on !er environment very .ell.

,.Preventive %otential (@,16 <.9:

It is !ig!ly %reventive %otential because t!e client can clean !er environment %ro%erly an& a%%ro%riately.

7. Salience 6@(16 <.)

T!e client recogni5e it a %roblem but &oes not nee& imme&iate attention.

Total Score


>% U&" +y pla#e Cr "er a 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem (@(1( ( (@,16 <.9: Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore J*$" , #a" o& It is a !ealt! t!reat t!at nee&s imme&iate attention.

It is easily mo&i iable because it is not !ar& or t!e client to i1 t!is %roblem.

,.Preventive %otential ,@,16 6

It is !ig!ly %reventive %otential because t!e client can easily organi5e an& clean !er surroun&ings.

7. Salience 6@(16 <.)

T!e client recogni5es it as a %roblem but &oes not re#uire imme&iate attention.

Total Score


<% L ) &g alo&e Cr "er a 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& 6@,16 <.,, Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore J*$" , #a" o& Since t!e client &oesnFt !ave !er o.n amily an& !er a&o%te& nieces an& ne%!e.s .ill also !ave t!eir o.n amily, s!eFs e1%ecting t!at s!e .ill live alone, an& !ave a lonely eeling. T!ere ore, t!is %roblem oreseeable crisis. (. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem ,.Preventive %otential 7. Salience 6@(16 <.) 6@,16 <.,, T!e client recogni5es t!e %roblem but never nee& any attention. <@(1( < It cannot be %revente&. T!is %roblem is not mo&i iable.

Total Score


F% Hyper"e&$ o& Cr "er a Co!p*"a " o& 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem ,.Preventive %otential (@,16 <.9: <@(1( < It is mo&erately %reventive %otential because s!e is taking %len&yl as t!e &octor %rescribes it to !er. T!e client is a.are o t!e %roblem an& (@(16 Total Score (.9: 6 nee&s imme&iate attention. ,@,16 6 A#"*al $#ore It is a !ealt! &e icit t!at nee&s imme&iate attention to re&uce t!e unantici%ate& !a%%enings by %reserving !ealt!y li estyle. It is not mo&i iable. J*$" , #a" o&

7. Salience

G% I!proper ea" &g ha' " Cr "er a Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (@,16 <.9: T!is %roblem is a !ealt! t!reat because it may ac#uire certain illness. J*$" , #a" o&

(. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem ,.Preventive %otential ,@,16 6 6@(1( 6

It is %artially mo&i iable because it becomes !er !abit. It is !ig!ly %reventive %otential because it is easy to i1 t!e %roblem. T!e client &oes not recogni5e it <@(16 < as a %roblem.

7. Salience

Total Score


;% Dog$ "ha" #a& #a*$e ra' e$ Cr "er a Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (@,16 <.9: It is a !ealt! t!reat because t!e &og .as unvaccinate& an& it may ac#uire rabies rom &ogs .!en bitten. (. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem ,.Preventive %otential ,@,16 6 (@(1( ( It is !ig!ly %reventive because t!e &ogs must be in4ecte& by an anti*rabies vaccination. T!e client is a.are t!at it is a 6@(16 <.) %roblem but it &oes not nee& imme&iate attention. It is !ig!ly mo&i iable. J*$" , #a" o&

7. Salience

Total Score


?% Pro"r*+e+ Sharp Na l$ Cr "er a Co!p*"a " o& 6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem (@(1( ( (@,16 <.9: T!is %roblem is a !ealt! t!reat t!at can cause acci&ent. T!is %roblem is easily mo&i iable because t!ese s!ar% nails can be remove& or covere&. ,.Preventive %otential ,@,16 6 T!e %reventive %otential o t!is %roblem is !ig! because t!e %resence o s!ar% nails can be easily eliminate&. 7. Salience (@(16 6 T!e client kno.s t!is as a %roblem an& it nee&s imme&iate attention to avoi& t!is acci&ent. Total Score 7.9: A#"*al $#ore J*$" , #a" o&

-A% I!proper arra&ge!e&" ,a# l " e$ Cr "er a Co!p*"a" o& A#"*al $#ore J*$" , #a" o&

6.Eature o t!e con&ition or %roblem %resente& (. Mo&i iability o t!e con&ition or %roblem (@(1( ( (@,16 <.9:

T!is %roblem is !ealt! t!reat &ue to t!e im%ro%er arrangement.

It is !ig!ly mo&i iable because t!e client can i1 t!e acility arrangement o !er !ouse anytime s!e .ants.

,.Preventive %otential 7. Salience <@(16 < ,@,16 6

It is !ig!ly %reventive %otential because t!e %roblem is easy to i1. T!e client &oesnFt recogni5e it as a %roblem.

Total Score



T!is amily assessment case stu&y .oul& not be ac!ievable .it!out t!e gui&ance an& t!e !el% o several in&ivi&uals, .!o in one .ay or anot!er, contribute& an& e1ten&e& t!eir valuable assistance in %re%aration an& com%letion o t!is stu&y.

First an& oremostly to Almig!ty +o& or len&ing us $is .is&om, our clinical instructors' Mr. Pastor /ose Arrangue5, Doctor Paul Dilig, Doctor Dorot!y Dimaan&al or gui&ing us ste%*by*ste% on .!at to &o an& e#ui%%ing us t!e a&e#uate kno.le&ge to com%ly t!is manuscri%t. To our &ear %arents or t!eir all out su%%ort an& %rovi&ing us bot! inancial an& emotional assistance t!at u%li t our &e&ication in inis!ing our e&ucation. To our rien&s or %utting smiles unto our aces even t!oug! .e .ere in our %ainstaking time. Lastly, .e .oul& like to e1ten& our a ectionate gratitu&e to our client, t!e Meriam Co&ilan , or us to con&uct our assessment an& accommo&ating us into !er !ome.


T!e amily is t!e ocus o t!is assessment.

Per$o&al I&,or!a" o& Eame' Maceren, -&.in +eno Cano Age' 6; Date o Birt!' May :, 6==7 Provincial A&&ress' City A&&ress' Fa! ly Ba#0gro*&+ Fat!er' 0ccu%ation' Mot!er' 0ccu%ation' E+*#a" o&al Ba#0gro*&+ -lementary' $ig! Sc!ool' Maryknoll $ig! Sc!ool o Panabo College' Davao Doctors College A(<66*%resentB

Per$o&al I&,or!a" o& Eame' Magbanua, Amet!yst Divinagracia Age' 6: Date o Birt!' Marc! ,<, 6==) Provincial A&&ress' 6,= Boni acio Street, Iorona&al City, Sout! Cotabato City A&&ress' Malvar Street, Davao City Fa! ly Ba#0gro*&+ Fat!er' Bene&icto P. Magbanua 0ccu%ation' +overnment em%loyee Mot!er' -ngr. -lvira D. Magbanua 0ccu%ation' +overnment em%loyee E+*#a" o&al Ba#0gro*&+ -lementary' Iorona&al Central -lementary Sc!ool 6 A(<<6*(<<:B $ig! Sc!ool' Iorona&al Eational Com%re!ensive $ig! Sc!ool A(<<:*(<66B College' Davao Doctors College A(<66*%resentB

Per$o&al I&,or!a" o& Eame' Mara%ao, Merl /onne Lam%ara Age' 6: Date o Birt!' May (, 6==) Provincial A&&ress' L:B) Maliaville Sub&., Ising, Carmen, Davao &el Eorte City A&&ress' Malvar st., Davao City Fa! ly Ba#0gro*&+ Fat!er' Demetrio P. Mara%ao /r. 0ccu%ation' Businessman Mot!er' -rlin&a L. Mara%ao 0ccu%ation' +overment -m%loyee E+*#a" o&al Ba#0gro*&+ -lementary' Mt. Carmel Aca&emy $ig! Sc!ool' Carmen Eational $ig! Sc!ool College' Davao Doctors College A(<66*%resentB

Per$o&al I&,or!a" o& Eame' Maravilla, 0lga Salomon Age' 6; Date o Birt!' December ,6, 6==, Provincial A&&ress' Batobato San Isi&ro, Davao 0reintal City A&&ress' San&a.a, Davao City Fa! ly Ba#0gro*&+ Fat!er' Bernar&o Beato P. Maravilla 0ccu%ation' business man Mot!er' "osen&a S. Maravilla 0ccu%ation' Business .oman E+*#a" o&al Ba#0gro*&+ -lementary' Batobato Central -lementary Sc!ool A(<<6*(<<:B $ig! Sc!ool' San Isi&ro Eational $ig! Sc!ool A(<<:*(<66B College' Davao Doctors College A(<66*%resentB

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