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Childlessness is defined as the condition of being without children.

There are two distinguishable types of childlessness, voluntary and involuntary. 1.) Voluntary childlessness - also described as childfree, is a consequence of having made a decision not to reproduce. - Celibacy that is, abstention from sexual intercourse. 2.) Involuntary childlessness - to be childless not by choice. - infertility, defined as the inability of a person or persons to conceive, due to complications related to either or both the woman or the man. This is regarded as the most prominent reason for involuntary childlessness. - The death of an infant or child either before, during, or shortly after birth. Infant death can happen for any number of reasons, usually being medical or environmental. Death can be attributed to factors such as, inadequate access to proper medical care, biological malformations, maternal complications, and/or accidents and unintentional injuries. - medical or gynecological problems, including a lack of maternal medical care before or after birth and damage obtained from a previous pregnancy.

Effects of Childless in Marriage

There are many reasons not to have children, but even in todays society, its not a popular choice. People who choose not to conceive or adopt may be viewed as selfish, yet one can build a case of selfishness against couples who have lots of children, yet cant even take care of them. Ultimately, no one has a right to judge a couple who decides not to bear children or adopt. Their reasons are personal and their own. Yet many struggle because it isnt the norm. Childless couples have many advantages concerning their time. Many live very busy lives doing for others or running their own businesses and companies. Making a choice to not have children is often the best thing for them Sometimes you have women who feel they are not the nurturing type and husbands who feel theyre not dad material. Such couples usually know from an early age that their vocation in life is not to have children.

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