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Team Busterduck: Alsharif, Cardwell, Raduns, Williams New Media and Technical Communication -- ENC 3416 Dr.

Zoetewey Software Requirements Report Specifications Team BusterDuck

A. Executive summary
A.1. Recommendations Critical functional requirements (what the system will do) and some performance indicators (how well the system will do what it does): Establish alumni profiles in the system under design. The system under design collects alumni data on: contact information, track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, grade point average, and Graduate Record Examination score. The SuD sorts profile data based on: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores. System administrator has the ability to establish new ASP profiles. System administrator has the ability to update existing ASP profiles. The SuD produces data reports based on alumni information: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores.

A.2. High Level Diagram See Attached diagram. A.3. Problem and Context In the current system, information about alumni is only available through the minds of externals, such as professors. No official storage system exists to collect, sort, and analyze information about alumni. The current system is not effective in organizing large amounts of data about alumni consistently. The Current System collects information on very few graduates, and the information gathered is incomplete. The overall operating environment of the new system will consist of alumni and the administrator. A.4. The Requirements Gathering Process The requirements were created over a number of meetings and discussions among group members and the client. The client started the process by informing us of the problem he needed fixed. This initial interaction started the collaboration between the group through a series of questions and suggestions and thoughts. Daniel attended the meeting with the client to gather information. Sam authored the talking points for the client meeting. The talking points where reviewed and revised by the group individually. This created the

foundation on which the requirements where created. After setting the foundation for the requirements between all members, the team divided tasks amongst each other. Sundus authored the executive summary. Sam authored the current system summary. Daniel authored the future system report. Chris wrote on the gap analysis. Each part was reviewed and revised by at least 2 other members besides the author. After revisions, the group collectively reviewed and approved each section of the requirements report. A.5. General Considerations The client has expressed a concern that the current system is not working effectively. The current system is unofficial and only provides partial information about a small number of graduates. Also, the current system loses much of the information required by the client. In order to satisfy client requests, a new system will be designed. The new system seeks to store information required by the client. The team agrees that the new system has issues of dependency. The SuD is dependent on alumni participation in many facets, such as: engaging with a user friendly interface, and updating profiles over a period of 18 months. The team plans on motivating alumni participation by creating an incentive program.

A.6. Scope The project will address the following areas: Data collection Alumni verification Data processing into categories Data composes into reports The project will not address the following potentially related areas: Require alumni participation. How alumni are contacted to participate in the Alumni Success Project. Track all graduating students from all programs and departments. Collect info for marketing purposes.

B. Current State Data Flow Diagram Part B CS and Part B Table (See attached for Diagram)
B.1 The Name and Number of Processes 1. System Obtains Alumni Input. 2. Sends Alumni Data to Administrator. 3. Administrator Compiles Report.

B.2 Success Criteria B.3 Started By

Alumni accurately gives information to professors. A need for a letter of recommendation Data successfully transferred from Alumni to Faculty Graduate, Professor, computer, web browser, internet access, ISP Alumni go online and they log into their email or Facebook account. The Alumni then proceed to enter their professors contact info. The Alumni then compose a message containing their situation and need for a reference. The Alumni then send the messages to the professors. The Professor receives the message and respond. CS_FR1. System obtains alumni input: specific graduate school alumni went to after USF.

Professors give accurate Alumni data to Administrator Administrator request for Alumni Data Professor transfers Alumni data to Administrator Graduate, Professor, Facebook, computer, web browser, ISP

B.4 Results of B.5 Elements of

Administrator manually creates Alumni Data Report Administrator desire to gain department statistics Administrator contains updated Alumni information Graduate, Professor, Facebook, web browser, internet, ISP

B.6 Actions

B.7 Requirements

Alumni go online and Alumni send an ethey log into their email, and professor mail or Facebook gets it and reads it account. The Alumni and considers and then proceed to enter writes the letter. their professors contact info. The Alumni then compose a message containing their situation and need for a reference. The Alumni then send the messages to the professors. The Professor receives the message and respond. CS_FR2. Alumni data CS_FR3. Administrator sent to administrator compiles manual from professors. reports based on alumni data.

C. Future State Data Flow Diagram Part C FS and Part C FS Table (See attached for diagram)
C.1 The Name and Number of Processes 1. Alumni establish profiles 2. Collect Alumni Data 3. SuD sorts Profile Data 4. System Administrator Establishes new profiles 5. System Administrator updates profiles 6. SuD produces reports

C.2 Success Criteria

Alumni completely fill fields on profile page. Alumni

System receives Alumni data.

Data is organized correctly by the system.

Administrator establishes new ASP profiles.

System Administrator has the ability to update existing ASP profiles. Administrator

C.3 Started By


C.4 Results of

C.5 Elements of

C.6 Actions

C.7 Requirements

Location for which Alumni Data can be inputted. Internet, Graduate, ISP, computer. Alumni inputs data into profile. FS_FR 1. Alumni establish ASP profiles with the SuD.

Administrator successfully receives Alumni Data Pool of Unorganized unorganized Alumni Data Alumni now in Data. manageable, statistical information. Internet, Administrator, Graduate, ISP, computer, ISP, webcomputer. browsers. System Profile entries collects organized into profile reports. entries. FS_FR 2. The FS_FR 3. The SuD collects SuD sorts alumni data profile data on: contact based on: track information, of English track of degree, English whether or not degree, alumni whether or majored or not alumni minored in majored or English, minored in graduation English, date, GPA, and graduation GRE scores. date, grade point average, and Graduate Record Examination score.


SuD produces reports based on information originating from admin interface page. Administrator

Administrator is able to login to interface.

Administrator is able to amend profiles

Produces report of Alumni Data

Administrator, ISP, computer, web-browsers.

Administrator, ISP, computer, webbrowsers. Administrator Administrator accesses is able to reports. amend documents. FS_FR4. System FS_FR5. administrator System has the ability administrator to establish has the ability new ASP to update profiles. existing ASP profiles.

Administrator, ISP, computer, webbrowsers. Administrator receives reports.

FS_FR6. SuD produces data reports based on alumni information: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores.

D. Gap Analysis

Current State The current system unofficially collects partial information through verbal communication among professors and the admin. Manually record on paper spread sheets by admin.

Future State Collect alumni data via profile entries.

Benefits and Differences Benefit: User inputs information directly into system via profile entries. Difference: Data supplied by alumni instead of professors.

Stores data input into a database

Benefit: Automates the organizing process. Difference: The process is automated and more accessible. Benefit: The SuD speeds up the organizing process. Difference: The storage and handling of the data is electronic as opposed to paper. Benefit: The admin has access to basic automated reports for the department. Difference: Basic reports are composed with data stored in the system.

Data is manually sorted.

Separate and organize alumni data

Reports are composed by the admin manually.

Generate report for the admin.

E- Requirements summaries
Current System CS_FR1. System obtains alumni input: specific graduate school alumni went to after USF. CS_FR2. Alumni data sent to administrator from professors. CS_FR3. Administrator compiles manual reports based on alumni data. Future System FS_FR 1. Establish alumni profiles in the SuD. FS_FR 2. The SuD collects alumni data on: contact information, track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, grade point average, and Graduate Record Examination score. FS_FR 3. The SuD sorts profile data based on: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores. FS_FR4. System administrator has the ability to establish new ASP profiles. FS_FR5. System administrator has the ability to update existing ASP profiles. FS_FR6. SuD produces data reports based on alumni information: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores.

F. Report Specifications:
Data will be organized by the SuD by tracks of English major or minor: Creative Writing, Literature, or Professional writing. The data in the SuD will be grouped by: graduation date, grade point average, and Graduate Record Examination score.

Use Case: 1 Establish Alumni Profiles

B.1. Level: BlueUser goal B.2. Primary Actor: User/alumni B.3. Stakeholders and Interests: * System administrator: manage the system to obtain reports on alumni data. * Alumni: supply the USF English department with data via profile entries. B.4. Preconditions: User is on the ASP SuDs website, and knows USF Net ID. C. Main success scenario: 1. User: click New User button on home page. 2. User: click major/ minor degree track. Options: Creative Writing, Literature, or Professional Writing. 3. User: verify Net ID and create password on New User page. 4. User: click either Major or Minor whether or not alumni majored or minored in English. 5. User: Input data into fields on profile page: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores. D. Extensions: 2a. User clicks incorrect major or minor degree track. - User clicks the back button, and then clicks on correct major/minor degree track. 3a. User inputs incorrect/invalid Net ID - Error message appears: The information you have provided does not match our records. Forgot/cant remember your Net ID? Click here. 4a. User clicks incorrect major or minor button. - User clicks the back button, and then clicks on correct major/minor button. E. Success End Condition: Alumni establish ASP profiles with the SuD. F. Failed End Condition: Alumni do not establish ASP profiles with the SuD. G. Stakeholders and Interests: The Department of English: data from alumni profiles. English advisors: success rate of data from alumni profiles. President of USF: accurate data from alumni profiles.

Use Case: 2 Collect Alumni Data

B.1. Level: BlueUser goal B.2. Primary Actor: User/alumni B.3. Stakeholders and Interests: * System administrator: manage the system to obtain reports on alumni data. * Alumni: supply the USF English department with data via profile entries. B.4. Preconditions: Alumni entered profile information into the SuD. C. Main success scenario: 1. User: submit alumni profile information by clicking Submit botton. D. Extensions: 1a. SuD doesnt collect alumni data. - Alumni data is not collected. Error message appears on user screen: Your data was not submitted. Please try clicking the Submit button again.

E. Success End Condition: The SuD collects alumni data on: contact information, track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, grade point average, and Graduate Record Examination score. F. Failed End Condition: The SuD does not collect alumni data on: contact information, track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, grade point average, and Graduate Record Examination score. G. Stakeholders and Interests: The Department of English: data from alumni profiles. English advisors: success rate of data from alumni profiles. President of USF: accurate data from alumni profiles.

Use Case: 3 Sort Alumni Data

B.1. Level: BlueUser goal B.2. Primary Actor: System administrator B.3. Stakeholders and Interests: * System administrator: manage the system to obtain reports on alumni data. * Alumni: supply the USF English department with data via profile entries. B.4. Preconditions: Alumni data has been collected by the SuD. C. Main success scenario: 1. System administrator: Views sorted alumni data on admin interface page. D. Extensions: 1a. Data is not sorted on admin interface page. - See troubleshooting guide. E. Success End Condition: The SuD sorts profile data based on: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores F. Failed End Condition: The SuD does not sort profile data based on: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores. G. Stakeholders and Interests: The Department of English: data from alumni profiles. English advisors: success rate of data from alumni profiles. President of USF: accurate data from alumni profiles.

Use Case: 4 System Administrator Establishes New Profiles

B.1. Level: BlueUser goal B.2. Primary Actor: System administrator B.3. Stakeholders and Interests: * System administrator: manage the system to obtain reports on alumni data. * Alumni: supply the USF English department with data via profile entries. B.4. Preconditions: System administrator is logged into ASP and on the admin interface page. C. Main success scenario: 1. System administration: click New User button on admin interface page. 2. System administrator: click drop down: major or minor degree track. Options: Creative Writing, Literature, or Professional Writing.. 3. System administrator: click either Major or Minor to indicate whether or not alumni majored or minored in English. 4. System administrator: Input data into fields on profile page: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores.Click Submit. D. Extensions: 4a. Data is not collected by SuD after clicking Submit. - Error message will appear: Data has not been collected. See troubleshooting guide. E. Success End Condition: System administrator establishes new ASP profiles. F. Failed End Condition: System administrator does not establish new ASP profiles. G. Stakeholders and Interests: The Department of English: data from alumni profiles. English advisors: success rate of data from alumni profiles. President of USF: accurate data from alumni profiles.

Use Case: 5 System Administrator Updates Profiles

B.1. Level: BlueUser goal B.2. Primary Actor: B.3. Stakeholders and Interests: * System administrator: manage the system to obtain reports on alumni data. * Alumni: supply the USF English department with data via profile entries. B.4. Preconditions: C. Main success scenario: 1. System administration: click Search Existing User button on admin interface page. 2. System administrator: click on desired user to open editing page. 3. System administrator: click drop down to edit major or minor degree track. Options: Creative Writing, Literature, or Professional Writing. 4. System administrator: click drop down to edit Major or Minor, to indicate whether or not alumni majored or minored in English. 5. System administrator: Click fields on Existing User page to update: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores.Click Submit. D. Extensions: 5a. Profile does not update upon clicking Submit. - Error message appears: profile did not update. See troubleshooting guide. E. Success End Condition: System administrator has the ability to update existing ASP profiles. F. Failed End Condition: System administrator does not have the ability to update existing ASP profiles. G. Stakeholders and Interests: The Department of English: data from alumni profiles. English advisors: success rate of data from alumni profiles. President of USF: accurate data from alumni profiles.

Use Case: 6 SuD Produces Reports

B.1. Level: BlueUser goal B.2. Primary Actor: System administrator B.3. Stakeholders and Interests: * System administrator: manage the system to obtain reports on alumni data. * Alumni: supply the USF English department with data via profile entries. B.4. Preconditions: Alumni data has been sorted by the SuD. C. Main success scenario: 1. System administrator: Views sorted alumni data reports on admin interface page. D. Extensions: 1a. Data reports are not displaying on admin interface page. - See troubleshooting guide. E. Success End Condition: The SuD produces data reports based on alumni information on admin interface page: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores. F. Failed End Condition: The SuD does not produce data reports based on alumni information on admin interface page: track of English degree, whether or not alumni majored or minored in English, graduation date, GPA, and GRE scores. G. Stakeholders and Interests: The Department of English: data from alumni profiles English advisors: success rate of data from alumni profiles President of USF: accurate data from alumni profiles

Style Guide for the Alumni Success Project

This style guide is intended to dictate all of the deliverables Team Busterduck creates this semester for the Alumni Success Project. The style guides purpose is to establish a standard medium for documentation. *Note: Refer to the Microsoft Manual of Style for any rule not mentioned explicitly in this style guide.

Exceptions to MMS: The last word in a title is capitalized is only if it is a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, or pronoun.

Additions to MMS: System administrator and administrator will be used interchangeably. System under design and future system will be used interchangeably. The term alumni is referring to students who have already graduated. The term graduates is referring to students in the process of graduating (or right after graduation). The term users is referring to when the alumni or graduates are working directly with the system. Requirement numbers and titles will be bolded.

Preferred Style where there is no right answer: Refer to email as e-mail with a dash Use bold formatting for user interface elements in instructions Refer to user name with a space in between user and name: user name.

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