HHS Ventures Overview

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HHS Ventures

Accelerating Proven Concepts


Equipping and empowering HHS employees and members of the public who have an idea and want to act.


New Idea!

Iterative Implementation

Fully Operational

HHS Ventures Accelerating Proven Concepts

Supporting Phase II Efforts


Scaling a Successful Project Up and Out

Transferring a Successful Project Left and Right

Advancing from Successful Testing to Implementation

HHS Ventures

9 months of support for teams of up to 5 individuals

Access to a network of innovators

A suite of tools (technologies) typically not available to staff Up to $50,000 to go towards implementing your project

What is required of Ventures Teams

25-50% of your time 3 Day Accelerator: June 9-11 (in DC) Regular project reporting Bi-weekly all-team check-ins (in-person or phone)

Monthly individual team check-ins

Closing session in March

There are four paths by which a project is eligible to be submitted:

1. Projects that have previously gone through HHS Ignite 2. Projects that have been selected for an HHS Innovates Award 3. Projects that have previously gone through HHS Entrepreneurs

4. Projects submitted with the direct support of the head of your OpDiv

Team Makeup

If utilizing Eligibility Criteria 1-3 (carrying forth a recognized project), must have someone from original team on the Ventures team No more than 5 (formally)

Project lead must be FTE

Think of team structure as a company; the Project as a Product

Proposal Judging Criteria

Proposals submitted into Ventures will be evaluated by a panel of Reviewers based on the following criteria:

Proposed projects importance to and potential impact on OpDiv and HHS mission [35 points] Demonstrability of the evidence/data supporting the proposed steps [25 points] The feasibility of the project in terms of timeline, capital resources, personnel and program support. [25 points]

The novelty and disruptive nature of the innovation concept being tested [15 points]

March 28: Last day to Submit Proposal
March 31 April 14: Initial Scoring

April 22-24: Top Tier Pitch to Innovation Council members May 6: Selected Teams Notified

June 9-11: Kick-Off Accelerator in DC

March 2015: Project Demos & Closing Ceremonies in DC


Contact: Read.Holman@hhs.gov

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