Ksheehanform 3

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Foim auapteu fiom Smith, R. N. !"#$%&'(#) +,& !"#+&#+.

San Fiancisco: }ossey-Bass,


!"#$ &' (")#*+ ,+-.*."/ 01")213*
("$45+3+ 31+ 6"55"7./2 6"#$ 8/9 )45"89 3" 31+ :#"4;"<= >*+ 31.* 6"#$ .6 ?")
8#+ #+-.*./2 8/ +<.*3./2 @")#*+=
:+*@#.43."/: What is this couise about. Wheiehow will it be taught.
A5+$+/38#? B@1""5 0+@1 0#8././2
This is a couise that will take the technology tiaining I supply to my colleagues foi
softwaie they use thioughout the yeai anu tiy to tiansfoim it into online tiaining
that they can use to suppoit them "just in time" anu peihaps outsiue of the school
uay when they have moie uninteiiupteu time to uevote to theii leaining. It won't be
a tiauitional, stiuctuieu online couise as my hope woulu be that teacheis coulu
access uiffeient mouules of the couise to suppoit theii neeus when they neeu it. I
woulu like to pioviue viueo tutoiials anu then some piactice oppoitunities. I will
have to think about how I can pioviue feeuback anu make this a couise that uoes not
just pioviue tiaining without any feeuback.
C+8#/+#*: Who aie the leaineis. What uo you know about them that might make a
uiffeience in what you uesign. (Think about age, piioi knowleuge, familiaiity with
The leaineis woulu be the teacheis at my school (anu potentially teacheis
anywheie). 0ne of oui biggest obstacles is finuing the time foi technology tiaining.
We have all new macs anu iPaus this yeai, but oui uays aie so busy with stuuents
anu planning oui cuiiiculum, that it is uifficult to finu time foi oui teacheis to sit
uown anu leain. The teacheis aie familiai with theii macs anu iPaus as they have
been using them since the summei, but they aie not that familiai with what the
applications have to offei anu what types of apps they coulu be using in the
01./2* 3183 8#+ 7"#D./2 7+55 ./ $? @")#*+= This can be ielateu to what oi how
you teach, how stuuents iesponu, oi about the technology. What uo you like about
teaching this couise.
The teacheis aie eagei stuuents anu they pioviue a lot of input to what they woulu
like to leain. They ieally tiy to piactice what they leain anu finu ways to use it with
theii stuuents. We have wonueiful equipment anu just neeu a way to make oui
leaining moie accessible.
01./2* 3183 EF9 5.D+ 3" @18/2+ 8;")3 $? @")#*+. Again, what uiags you uown. It
coulu be technology, uisinteiesteu stuuents, lack of uiscussion, etc.
I think it is the lack of time that teacheis have to leain the softwaie they aie using
anu theie aie many ieasons about why they aie not attenu one of my tiaining
sessions. So I think what uiags me uown is all of the time I put into planning tiaining
Foim auapteu fiom Smith, R. N. !"#$%&'(#) +,& !"#+&#+. San Fiancisco: }ossey-Bass,

oppoitunities anu a lack of attenuance. I am hoping to be able to plan a couise that
will make suie eveiyone has the oppoitunity to leain.
01+ $"*3 6#)*3#83./2 "# .##.383./2 8*4+@3 "6 $? @")#*+ 8* E 8$ @)##+/35?
3+8@1./2 .3 .*'
Lack of time available on the pait of the teacheis. They want the tiaining but aie
often unable to attenu. Bow can I put this mateiial into an online foimat anu tiack
who is leaining anu following it. That woulu be my obstacle.
01+ $"*3 3.$+ @"/*)$./2 8*4+@3 "6 $? @")#*+ 8* E 8$ @)##+/35? 3+8@1./2 .3 .*'
Tiying to offei the mateiial at a vaiiety of times thioughout the week so that the
maximum numbei of stuuents can attenu. No mattei what time I select, someone
can't be theie anu then they want me to woik with them one on one at a sepaiate
time to ieuo the lesson. I woulu like a way to offei this to them without having to sit
uown inuiviuually with eveiyone who can't attenu.

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