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Reading Skills and Reading Speed

Presented By: Zeeshan Bin Farrukh 1552-108-026

Reading Skills and Reading Speed


Reading is the knowledge process of deriving meaning from written or printed text. or Reading is a process of retrieving and understands the meaning of stored information or ideas.

The Purpose and importance of Reading

To acquire / Enhances knowledge Reading helps in mental development

Improvement of conversational skills

helps readers to decipher new words developing vocabulary, language skills To connect the ideas through the material on the basis of prior knowledge If the reader don't know anything about a subject, then it will be difficult for him to grab the information 7516324 This is hard to read and remember. 751-6324 This is easier because of chunking. 123-4567 This is easy to read because of prior knowledge and structure

Reading Comprehension:
The essence of reading The process of constructing meaning from text The ability to provide accurate responses regarding the written material

Comprehension skills:
Readers' prior knowledge Knowledge that reading makes sense This knowledge helps to recognize the words and meaning. Clarify confusing parts of the text For instance skilled readers, may predict what will happen next in a story by using clues presented in text

Factors that Impact on Reading Comprehension

Reader Based Factors

Phonemic Awareness Alphabetic Understanding Fluency with the Code Vocabulary knowledge Prior knowledge Engagement and interest

Text Based Factors

Narrative v. Expository Genre considerations Quality of text Density and difficulty of concepts

Five types of reading

Scanning Skimming Light Reading Word by Word Reading Reading to Study

Comparison of efficient and slow readers

Efficient reader
Reads ideas. Reads multi-word phrases. Visualizes ideas. Sets a purpose. Adjusts reading speed to need. Keeps reading. Has a large vocabulary in that subject area. Practices speeded reading daily. Marks text for memory. Sorts materials as critical, interesting, or trash.

Slow reader
Reads words. Reads one word at a time. Vocalizes words. Reads to "the end of the book." Reads everything slowly and deliberately. Re-reads sentences to be sure of understanding. Has a limited vocabulary in that area. Rarely attempts speeded reading. Leaves pages pristine and clean. Reads everything irregularly.

Speed Reading
Speed Reading can help us to read and understand written information much more quickly. To read large volumes of information quickly Savings of time by speed reading

Speed Reading is based on the following principles:

Wider visual span seeing more words per fixation.

Minimizing vocalization (mouthing the word) and sub-vocalization ( saying the word in your mind) of the words.
Being familiar with the topic and terminology of the subject material. Know why you are reading the material motivation increases attention span. Good visual skills well coordinated eye teaming and focusing skills. Minimized refractive error easier if you are wearing the correct eye glass prescription ask your optometrist or optician.

Psychology of speed reading

Concentration Consciously force yourself to read faster Putt the mind in order Organizing, Analyzing, Evaluating, and Reacting Reading and purpose of reading keep yourself relax

Some of the facts that reduce reading (speed reading) rate Word-by-word reading. Expanded length of time spent reading each block Faulty eye movements Regression Missing of concentration Lack of practice in reading Fear of losing comprehension read slowly. Poor evaluation of which aspects are important and which are unimportant. The effort to remember everything rather than to remember selectively.

Tips for increasing reading speed Work on vocabulary improvement. Determine your purpose before reading Try to read faster than normal speed Use your hand or an index

Speed reading techniques:

1. Geometric progression 2. Time Calculation 3. Read, read, and read! 4. Keep plowing ahead 5. Seek professional help

SQ3R Technique
SQ3R is a five-step reading strategy. The name is an abberviation of the five steps of the strategy: Survey Question Read (at your own pace): Recite/write Review

How to Improve Our Reading Skills

Higher and professional education is required more reading. Like in our course majority of work is depends on reading. How good we are in reading skills? steps to help us to improve our reading skills:
1. Evaluate our reading habits 2. Provide the best conditions for reading 3. Use our eyes efficiently. 4. Increase our vocabulary by keeping a dictionary 5. Match reading speed to the material we are reading 6. Do not vocalize the words. 7. Do not eread words. 8. To improve reading speed, practice for about 15 to 30 minutes each day

For the curious

The average reading speed is often held to be around 265 wpm. Calculating your reading speed is a very simple and straightforward process. Just time yourself reading a page of a book at a comfortable pace. Count the number of words in the first five or ten lines, whatever you feel is representative of the page as a whole, and then count the total number of lines in the page. Then use the following formula: the number of lines in the page divided by the number of lines used for your word count multiplied by the number of words in your word count divided by the number of minutes it took you to read the page

Speed Reading software develop reading skills. By using Speed reading software, you can improve your ability to speed read. You needn't practice special exercises; it is just enough to read and periodically practice Speed reading software characteristics. Common returns to what has already been read, usually decreasing the speed of reading, become impossible. Articulation becomes impossible because nobody is able to articulate the text reading at high speed. Become accustomed to grasping a whole word or a group of words by a single look. In such a way you activate your peripheral vision facilities. Study how to speed read without haste because the program dictates the speed you have chosen and does not react to your haste. Magic Speed Reading can be used to study foreign languages as well because initially you can read slowly, and then eventually accelerate, repeating familiar texts.

Thank you

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