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SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY BRIDGES PART IV SUBSTRUCTURES MARCH 2002 JAPAN ROAD ASSOCIATION Preface Road improvement in Japa fas been promoted in fll fore since the list Seyear Road Improvement Plan, which sare in 1984. Since theo, 9 five-year plans have followed successively. Ding this perio, tee has been arepidinetease in rod ae. In response to this, road network improvement hs ben promote actively, however, tere are sil tong demands for road network, Improveren in bth wan snd rr azas. 1m addon, 1 and globalization re peemeting wough the esonomy and society, and people ae Increasingly interested ia lving and global envionment and uiversl design, Win these actos snd otters inthe background, the nests of te people forthe rad fuelons and road space have been diversified and appropiate actons are required fr rod quay improvemeat. Acconinly, the Minisry of Lang Infastcture and Transport drew up a New S-year Road Improvement Plan, which sare in 1998, Following this plan the Misty is promoting wad Improvement or supporting he inplamenaion of now economic srucurs, rod improvement for supporting the buildup of ave communities and cites, road improvement for sustaining a beter living environment an road improvement fo making the land safe ive in Japan i in such sitio, but tr steep topographical features and many slivers, ad is unde lagen spl resins in the urban areas dic to the dense land use. The bridge f= an Indispensable strstr foroad improvement and must cope with these problems. is necessary fr bldges promote appropste inpeovement while eduing tele cycle cost and lessening the maintenance wor ‘As to echnical sandarés frond bridges, the "Constreton Standard for National and Prefectural ‘Highways vas lid down in 1886 a theft Japanese standard for rod struts an a design Ive load sas prescribed fr bridges inthis sandad. Since then, standards for bridges have been prepared in response to the development of automobile rc and progres in bridge technology. ‘The bide standards were a pr of he suet standards for roads aft butte ‘Draft Design Speciation for Steel Highway Bridges" were Ini down in 1939 for theft ime a tecnica standards for road Wriges ony. Since the, standards have been prepared and revised one afer anther according tote bridge stroctres andthe structural members In he period from 1972 vo 1980, tese stars were aange into the present syle consisting of am; Volume on Connon Mater, Pal: Volume on Stel Bridges, Pat I: Volume on Canc Bridges, Par IV: Volane on Substetres and Part V: Volume on Seismic Design. ARer that, revisions were made several Sines, Thu in 1999, he Standands were revised to reflect the ‘echnial ndings ateumulted eof tha time. In 993, they were revi bocaute ofthe review of design live load accompanying the amendmen othe Highway Stetue Ortinance, snd fn 1996, ‘beens of the soliieuion of seismic desgn pecilated by te Souther Hyogo Prefecnre Eartha. ‘The Japan Road Associion pulsed the “Design Speifiations for Stee Highway Bridges wih CCommentres" and "Ptccaton Specteatins for Stee! Highway Bridges with Comments in 1936. ‘Since ten, enc ine the standards are vse, the Associaton has published a book of the revised standards wih commentaries added for conliation indesign and erection practice. This ‘ime, the tecnial standards for highway bridges were revised mainly with respet to performance formulation sn emichment of ability stipulations. In response to tis, he Associaton reviewed the whole content of the "Specietions for Highway Bridges with Comments" and revised vesion is red for publication | carestly hope that the purpose of this revisin i somestly understand and igh quality ridge improvements are farther promoted inthe fate Marsh 2002 Michio Sam President Japan Read Assaciton Foreword “The “Specifisions for Highvay Bridges, Par IV: Subsractucs” was glven as a offal nate by the Ministry of Conawetion in 1980 under he tte “Tehsil Standards for Bridges and Highway Viadsots” Ik was established by consolidaing the “Design Guide for Highway Belge Substructure” which was dived ino separate volumes (Volume on General Matas of Suvey and Design (1966), Volume on Abutment and Pier Design (1968), Volume on Spead Foundation Design (1958), Volume on Pile Foundation Constiton (1968), Volume on Ceison Foundation Design (1970, Volume on Castin-Place Pue Design and Consvuction (1973), Volume on Pe Foundation Desig (1976), and Voluse oo Caisson Foundation Construction (1977) , and were compiled spar ofthe syatematizton of specicaons for highway beg. ‘Arte, vision was made in 1998 mainly concering the stpulstions on liv loads to ke up ‘withthe enlarging tend of vehicle sie an intense durblty. Anoer vision was made in 1996 ‘manly conering the stpultions on seismic design ‘his revision slmod at performance-tipultng tchrca standards and employed fora in which requirement was desrbed in principle together wi existing stipulations tat would say the requiremea. In addon, Par I: Volume en Common Maters reflected the research and study renuks and exprince snc the previous revision an reviewed the content based on auch efleten, sand Par W: Volo on Substtures reviewed the sipslitions on the allowable sess of reinforcement, countermeasure for salt damage, andthe new pile consructon method t prove urbili Major revisions se allows Par: Volume on Common Mater, (© Specifies the performance roquted fom 2 bridge and the basic mancrs to always pay remo in bridge design, a the basic idea of ridge csi, © Specifies the maters quired fiom the materials aswell ae ads stipulations concerning serail wie rope ad parallel wie san © species the requirements for bearing and exparson jolts as well es emiches ho Stipulations on design methods © Clarifies the istallaion of @ waterproof layer or te like on the bridge surice asphalt savement as wel a eiches the description about tae eonsieratons for sab dub Improvement Pact 1: Volume on Substructure, © Allowable sess of reinforcement under th aplication of dead load was stipulated in order to taking nto sseount the drsbility of reinforced concrete © Countermeasure ofthe sil damage for reiafored concrete was stipulated. © Design metho fr bending moment and shear force of footing as revised © The ulimate bearing capacin-stiating formula for spread foundation was revised, considering the size eet ofthe coetcent of bares ep (© Presorng pile ste ppe and soll cement compose pile vibratory hammer pile diving ‘method, which have Been employed on he ncease, were splat, © Bowing copacly-esinaing formula for cast-inplace ple, pil-boring method, sel pipe sheet ile foundtion a as.n-place diaphragm wal founaton was revised. ‘This document gives te text of the specications together with he background of and grounts for stipulations and the difereacer fom the old speifistons in the commentaries. Therefore, ‘eflly read the commentaries ination tothe tat when using these specifications, We expect that you can ge an intimate understanding rom seh pers ‘We camestly hope tat this document is wef for design and eresn of road bridges and contbtes to securing higher sft and daily ‘Marci 2002 Commies on Bridges Ssbcommitee for Summarizing Subeommies on Subsructres ‘Members of Committee on Bridges CCbirman: Syoichi SAFKI (since May 1999) Former Chairman Nobuyuki Narita Members: (© Katsuito AONO (© Hlrokaze IEMURA (© Tadayoshi ISHIBASHI (© Yostiyaki ENAMI (O Akio OTSUKA, 0 Higjime OKAMURA, (© Kanihiko KAWASHIMA (© Masahiko KITAZAWA (© Yokiake i101 (© Takeshi SHIRASUNA (Ichiro TAKASAKE ‘Tadayoki TAZAKL © Keviesi TOKIDA ‘Yasushi NAKAMURA (© Takaaki NANBU (© Yukihiro NISHIDA Konihiéo HARADA, (© Minorv FUIIWARA, (© chitosan (© Kaname YAHAGE (© Koichi YOKOYAMA Secreury ‘Yasuhiro ISHIHARA Toshio SAKAI (© Takashi SHINDOH Kazshio NISHIKAWA © io FUKUL (© Takashi HONDA © Minoru MIz0E O Sigeki VAG (O Taisuke AKIMOTO syohjitkeDA (© Tesiwo IWASAKI Kaziya OHSHIMA O Michio OKAHARA, Haruhiko OKUNO. (© Makoto KITAGAWA Hiroshi SATOH © Hiroshi SHINOMARA © Yukiko SUMIYOSH (© Naofumi TAKEUCHI © Fumio TATSUOKA ‘Shigeo NAKAHARA, Shigeru NAMIKAWA ‘Toshioki NISHIDA (© Sedahiro NOMURA (© Yourou FUINO ‘abaya FUJIMOTO Masahiko YASUDA, ‘Aste YAMAKAWA (© Blichi WATANABE Shigeki unsyOH ‘Masamichi SANO Syoichi NAKATANI ‘Masshiro NISHITANI ‘Motoo FUI ‘Kaoru MATUZAKI ‘Akira MORIYAMA (© member as of March 2002 ‘Members of General Panning and Coordination Sub Committee (Chairman ‘Tadayuki TAZAKL Kunihiko HARADA ‘Advisor “Toshio IWASAKI Keiichi KOMADA, [Nobuyuki NARITA ‘Chairman (Su) Katsuhito AONO Yakihio NISHIDA, ‘Asso YAMAKAWA Members Shige UNIOK Hiromi KOSKA Ichiro TAKASAKI Kenichi TOKURA ‘Toshitaka MIYATA Secretary ‘Yasuhiro ISHIFARA, ‘Masahiro NISHITANL Yoshiyuki ENAMI Showichi SAEKI Michio OKAHARA Minoca FUSTWARA Makoto KITAGAWA Masamichi SANO Haruo TAKANO. Kazuhiro NISHIKAW Hidenori TOMIVAMA Ksoru MATSUZAKI ‘Members of General Sub-Committee Chama; ‘Takaki NANBU Former Chien: ‘Asso YAMAKAWA Kunihiko HARADA ‘Talaya FUIMOTO Members ( Kenichi ANDOH (O Hiro ISHIKAWA ‘Yasthiro ISHIHARA 0 Sigeki UNIVOH (© Tasoms KADOTAN! ‘Ykhiro KUTSUNA, Masshio KOIKE O Hires KoA Kano KOMORI Hines SATOH © Koshi SHITOR ( Toksshi SHINDOH, (© Nobuhiko TAKAGL Koichi TAKAHASHI (© Takashi TAMAKOSHT Hidenori TOMIYAMA ‘Masaaki NAKANISHI ‘Kamito NISHIKAWA (© Kensal HATA © Fro FUKUI ‘Nobuaki FURUYA © Minoru MIZOE (© Aki: MORIYAMA, “Toshio YASUMATSU Takefumi IKEUCH Hiroshi ISHIZAKI Siro TWATATE, ‘Aue OGAWA © Hiroshi KIKAWA Kenji KUBOTA Kenji KOHSA Akiide KOSHIMIZU ‘Toshio SAKAT Masamishi SANO ‘Yasushi SYOHSEN Syviehi SUZUKI Haruo TAKANO O Shigeo TAKEL O Kein TAMURA O Syoichi NAKATANI (© Toshitiko NAGANUMA Masahiro NISHITANI O Shigers HIRANO Motoo FUITL Kaoru MATSUZAKI iroyoshi MIYAUCHT © Shigeki var (© member as of Marh2002 Members of Subcommittee on Substructures (Chairman Michio OKAHARA Members (© Hifuni AOKI (© Hiroki seIKAWA Masahiro ISHIDA, Kon ICHIKAWA, (© Satoshi To. Masaki UEDA. (© Masihike OOISH “Tuswo OGATA “Takeshi KATAYAMA, (© Sunso KAWABATA Yoshimi KIMURA ‘Yokiiro KUTSUNA, ‘Toshio SAKA ‘Mastmichi SANO ‘Yasushi JOSEN ‘Masahiro SHIRATO. ‘Kenichi SUZUKI Shiro TANAMURA, Kenuyoshi TSUDA Hiden TOMIVAMA, Satoru NAKAMOTO (© Masthiro NISHTTANL (© Takashi HARA Motco FUSIL (© Mamoru FUYUKI © Kenji Masui isnlome MATSUZAKI (© kite MORIYAMA Haruo YOSHIKAWA 0000 © Abibide nso Takahiro ISHIDA ‘Yasuhiro ISHIHARA toa CHIKAWA 0 Siro waTaTE, O sigeti UNsvON, (© Masshiro OTSUKA ‘Nobuyuki KAJIMA, O KgjikawaGucHl ‘Yoki KISHI © Kimsei Kan Yosio KURAKATA, (© Mineo SATO (© Junichi SHIBUL “Takeshi SHIRASUNA (© Tokashi SHINDO (© Masaki TATSUTA Keliehi TAMURA (O Takashi TOKUSHIGE (© Syoishi NAKATANI (© Masaaki NISHIGUCHT (O Nobehiko HAMADA 0 tro FUKUI Yasuo FU) (© Yostito Maeda Kor Matszakt ‘Toshins MORITANE (© Shigeki Yat (© Katsuya WADA (© ‘member ss of Mare, 2002 “Members of Working Sub-Committee on English Edition of Te Specification Members Keichi AOKI O KejitsemaRu © sme UEMURA, “Masazumi OKADA Kamiya SASAKI [Nobutike TAKAGL © Hiroshi DOBASHI ‘Takeshi MATSUMOTO. Hiroki ISHIKAWA, (© Talaoti ICHIOKA (© Tomoaki OKADA Kezuhiro KA (© Akira SHIRATORI (© Osamu TSUKAHARA (© ‘Takeshi HIROSE (© Kanno YAMAGUCHI (© member as of May, 2005, CONTENTS Part IV : SUBSTRUCTURES (Chapter 1 Genezal~~ S LL Scape: 12 Definon of Terns 13. Randanmentas of Design Caeultions 14 Conditions of Consraton for Design 1.5) ems be Shove in Drawings chapter? Survey a 21 General 2.1.1 Pundamentale . a 212 ThpesofSuneys 22 Gesechnical Invention 221 Genero 22.2 Preliminary Surveys “ 22.3 Prinial Surveys 224 Bsaluon of Geotechnical Parameters for Design 23 Surey of River Characteristics and Water Utliztion-m-- 24 Survey of Constrveton Conitons = CChapter3_Pandamental of Design = 31 Oesera ~ 32 Load Combinations in Design Calelations 33. Verification of Safe for Lands nn Chapter Allowable Sess ~ ss 41 Genera —-— 42 Allowable Stesses of Conerte~ co 43 Allowable Stresses of Reinforcing Bars 4A Allowable Sess f Ste or Strottes rn 45 Allowable Stresses of PC Steel Misti ~ “2 (Chaper 5 Verification of Setral Members ~ “68 5.1 Vericaon of Stetural Members for under Ordinary, Exteme Wind, and Level 1 artnguake Coons : st S11 General ss oe 5.12 Veietion of RC Members jected to Bending Moments Axial Forces 6 5.13 Veietion of RC Members jected a Shear Frees =e 65 52 Vereation of Members or Under Level 2 Earthaake Corton nnn 521 Genera a sn 2» 52.2 Verification of RC Members Subjected to Bending Moment or Axial Fores 99 52.3 Verification of RC Members Subjected to Shear Fores n Chapter 6 Durability nn so 61 Genera et : . 28 {62 Examination of Salt Damage = ~ aa Chester? Stra Demis of Reinforced Concrete Members 1 2A Scope sn — 6 72 Genel sm Bh 73 Minimum and Maximum Amount of Reinforeement ~ a 14 Reinforcement Cover smn ~ 85 15 Clea Disance between Reinforcement Bars son v5 116 Anchorage of Reinforcement Baran 8 7 Hook and Bent Shape of Reinforcement enn “9 18 JolnofReinforcenest Bars vs o3 79 Axia Reinforcement Bar or 5 710 Stay ~ zs 95 TAL Hoop Te se ~ “ st 72 Te vo : v8 CChaper 8 Design of Piers, Abutment ard Footings =~ . sot 8.1 Score smn ~ 101 82 Genera cnn ses 101 82.1 Suucual Configuration so 101 822 Designo Sisctures with Lage Width —— ~ 102 825 Prowcton against coliding objet ao 103 83 Design of Pies: = ar 83.1 Tshaped Pier a a 832 Rigiame Piers = : one OY 44 Design ofAbuiments: 7 no 54.1 Reverse T shaped Abumens nen 1 842 Skew sbuments~ NI 543 Designofperpe: et 864 Design of wing was ot 845 Rear side ofabutment = 126 85 Colum-Footing Connections and Wall Footing Connesions 1 86 Designo ridge Seat —_, 87 Footings — 871 Genes os . eee 892 Thisknes of Fotngs “137 873 Desig for Bending Moments cen 39 874 Design far Sear Fog snnennnnn my B75 _Arangument of Renforcement ~ 1 Chapcr 9 Fundamental Requiem fer Stabilization of Foundations 161 8.1 Selesin of Foundation Types 7 92 asic Requirements of Design =~ sce 9.3 Selection of Bearing Layer and Embedment Depth Requirements 170 94 Design Ground Surfae nnn sen 95 Coclients of Subgrate Reaction 175 95.1 Gaetan tn 175 95.2 Cocliins of Subgrade Resting nn m 946 Calelation of Sbgrate Reaton and Displacement onsen 180 96.1 Goren ~ s = ry 9462 _Subgrade Reaction Else Displacement sen 963 Considtion Setlement ~ oh 97 Deep Foundations #9 be Constructed Deep in Grounds Subject to Consolidation ‘Settement vv 86 9.8 Foundation Subjected to Beene Loads oe v7 99 Foundations of Skewod Abuenent: ~ 188 (Chapter 10 Design of Spread Foundations === : ~ 19) 101 Fundamental of Design ~ : 19) 102 Load Shearing =~ vn 194 103 Allowable Bearing Cait f Gromé-——~ vo “198 103.1, Allowable Verical Bering Capac of Ground telow Base of Fowndtion 195, 1032 Allowable Horizontal Being Capacity of Ground vn 208 10.33. Allowable Sher Resiaunce ofthe Ground below the Base of «Founsstion 206 104 Cetin of Subgrade Reatins mmo - v8 10.5 Caleition of Subgrade Renton Intensity and Displscement omen sont 106 Design of Footings smn — ssn D6 10.7 Tresmeat of Foundation Base nd Backfill Materials ~ 219 10.7.1 Foundation Base v9 10.12. Back Matera so ~ 220 Chapter 1 Design of Caisson Foundation : ~ om HL BasioRequrements of Design: 222 12 Load Sharing vc 225 Shapes and Dimensions som a Allowable Bering Capacity of Soil Layer=~-sennnnn ~ 230 11441 Allowable Veta Bearing Capac of Sol Layer: 230 11.42 Allowable Sheer Resistance of Soi Layers tthe Botom of Foti rn 296 1A Negative Skin Feton sennnnnnn : 29 11.5 Coefelent of Ground Reaction ané Upper init Valu of Subgrade Reaction 39 1.51 Coefient of Ground Restin-rrnenne 239 1.52 Upper Limit Value of Ground Reston nn sn 282 1.6 Caleltions of Seton! Fore, Ground Resction, and Displacement sneD8 1.7 Design of Various Members of Foundon ne 285 1.1 Caisson Side Wail and Pron co 285 1.32 Top Slab : — 1193. Top Sib Boaing Uni = 1.74 Reton Plate of Open Caan 11.75. Cating Edger nnn ee 11.76 Ceiling Slab for Pnematic Casson Working Chamber and Suspended Beams for the Ceitng Sab 11.77 Parapet : aoe 11.78 Examination of Stresses ding Conscton 14 Verification for Level 2 Eantqeake=-—~ ALL Bases of Verification mre 21.82 Yielding of Foundation nme 21.83 Limit Values for Ductty Factor and Displacement of Foundations 11.84 Caleulaton on Sectional Force, Subgrade Reaction and Displseement--—--~ ALS Veifation Sor the Seng of Members 119 Dats of Stuer 1191. Construction Joint = —— 11.92 Reinforcment round Poesmati Caisson Shaft ales 11.93 Asangemeat of Reinforcing Baron te Side Walls CChaper 12. Design of Pl Foundations 12 Funamentls of Design 122 Load Seating ~ 123 Arangomentof Piles 124 Allowable Bearing Capeity of Ples=----~ = 124.1 Axil Allowable Bearing Capcity of Sage Pile — 1242 Axil allowable pullout force of Single Pls . 1243 Negative Skin Fiction oe 1244 Consideration of Group Piles Eels 125 Coffeen of Horizontal Subgrade Reston ner 1266 Spring Constants ene nn 1261 Axil Spring Corstns of is a 1262. Radial Spring Constant of Pies 64 261 269 270 an am 215 216 216 an 299 202 202 208 204 306 308 au 37 317 317 320 127 Caeuation o Pe Reactions and Displacements =~ sonnnninn 328 12.8 Design of Pe Foundation under Speia! Conditions wn a2 129° Design of Pie ene 334 129.1. Design of ies against Lands eter Construction 384 129.2 Pile Joins: cron 346 129.3. Connections between Pile and Footing nn 129.4. Examinations for Contacto Period ao 351 12.10 erifestion for Level 2 Eashquake Conon 352 12101 Basis oF Verification: —— 7 12102 Vieng of Foundation 35 12.103 Allowable Duct Factor and Displacement of Foundation: 35 12104 Calealaion of Sectional Forces, Pile Head Reaction, and Displacereats 356 12105 Veriton of Structural Menbers : a6 1211 Src Dail ~ 266 1211.1 PHC Pies 1366 12112 RC Pile ~ ~ 268 1.13 Castin pee RC Piles == o ~ 369 12114 Sea Pipe Pes : on 12115 See Pipe Sol Cement Pes co 382 12116 Sc Pile va ~ 38 CChaper 13 Desig of Stee Pipe Shes Pile Foundation so 386 1.1 asic Requirement of Design “ ~ 386 13.2 Lod Shrines 1388 133 Shape ond Size ~ 390 134 Allowable Bearing Capacity ofa Stet Pipe Shet Pile 3 154.1 Allowabe Bearing Capacity of «Sel Pipe Sheet Pl v2 1242 Allowable Pulou Fore of Sto Pipe Shes Pile 296 13.43 Nesave Stn Fiction ssn 396 135 Coaficie of Ground Reaction oe seman 3 136 Caeuetion of Sectional Force, Unt Ground Reston and Displacement nnn 399 137 Design of Varios Members of Foundation. on 406 131 Stet Pipe See Pile . 1B. Top haben 1373. Design of Comection between Top Sib and Stel Pipe Sheet ile 138 Coffer: 139 Vefeation for Level 2 eartuskecondtan een 139.1 Basie of Verteton ee 1392. Yield of Foundation 13.93 Allowable Dzilty Factor sn Allowable Displacement of Foundation 13.94. Calton on Setonal Fore, Grount Reaction and Displacemeat 153.9 VerSeaton fr Sanath of Members —— 1.40 Detas of Stretton CCagter 14 Cast-n Situ Diaphragm Wall Foundation Designs ~~~ 141 Basie Requirement of Design: 142 Losd Sharing = = 43 Shape, Siz addon 144 Allowable Bearing Capacity of Ground 164.1 Allowable Vere Betting Capacity of Foundation Bed Ground 1442 Allowsble Shar Resistance ofFoundstion Bed Ground ce 1443 Negnve Skin Friction ~ ——_-——— 143. Coetcient of Ground Reaction and Upper Limit Vlue OF Subgage Reaction 1451 Coeffen of Ground Reston ~ ve 14.5.2_Upper Limit Yale of Ground Reston ~~ : 146 Caleulations of Sectional Force, Ground Reaction, and Displacement ~~ 147 Design of Foundtion Bayne 148 Veriton for Level 2 Earthquakes: vt 1481 Principles of Vefcaton 1482. Yield of Foundation ~ a 1483. Allowable Dutlity Factor and Allowable Displacement of Foundation 1M.84Caleulstion on Seton Fore, Subgrade Reston and Displacement 14.85 Veriton fr Strength of Members mm 149. Dewi of Site 431 “1 4 85 38 149.1 Joi Beowcen Elements pov ae 1492 Connection benveen Casini Diaphragm Walls and Top Sats 43 14953 Thickness of Wall . nnd 14.946 Arrangement of Renvreng Bas : as 14955 Lapspint of Vera Relafoeclag Batson nA CChaper 15. Genera Requirements on Exsction of Wosk - st 1S. Scope sn ~ sh 15:2 General lems of Consreton Works : 488 153 Suey for Consetin Work enn - sta 18.6 Buscuton Programe sn = 155 Work Reco! - a ‘Chapter 16 Conseuctin of Caisson Foundation — 16.1 Method wo be Applied : —— 454 162 _Seleion of Construction Machines and Insrunents ” 454 163 Temporary Facies : se 45 164 Cming Edges enn 6 165 Installation of Casson a oe 486 166 Caisson Main Body : 4st 167 Excavation and Sinkitg : smn 168 Verification of Bearing Ground a nerd 169 __TopSlabe-omennnnn sn nnn 2 1610 Cut-off Wals and Temporary Retaising Wall snl 6A Centers vn nen 16.12 Equipment Work : 2 st 16:13 Concrete Fling ofa Pretmatic Cason 465 16.14 Botom Slab ofan Open Caisson : ce 466 (Chapter 17 Constton f Preface Pile Foundations nnn sy VTL Method tbe Applied — ery 172 Séletion of Construction Machine and Istumens sn 468 173 Tea Piling : oo a 17 Preparation for Consttign nnn sen) 175 Transporation, Sorege, and Inspection vo 40 176 nsallton oe 7 = 177 Siteselded Join ee ssn 178 Finishing of Pe Head oe 7 179 Disposal of Bxcavatd Earthn em an 17.10 Driving Plena lishing the Driving Operation oo 403 VEAL Plebving Method = —— vod 17.1.1 Excavation and Sinking nnn 17.4112. Treatment ofa Pl Tip nn 7 419 1.12. Prboring Pile Meth nnenn sn as 2.1 Boring ~ me 81 1.122 Injetion of Fot Prteton Fld an Pile Perghery Fag Fai “6 17123 Sinking ce nen 17.13 Stel Pipe and Sol Csment Composite Pe Method sm 482 17.131 Preparation of Sil Cement Conn rennin 17.132 Sinking of Stel Pipe : vs 484 {Chaper 18 Consition of Cast-ln-Place Pile Foundation nnn 86 181 Method tobe plied ~ : 486 182 Selection of onsmuction Machines and Insruments 467 183 TesPtng se nT 184 Preparation fr fstaliation =~ smn 8 185 _Casvimplac Pile Methed ty Mechanical Excavation : 490 185.1 Excavation na sn 490 18.52. Prtecton of Bore Wall fiom Calpe =n v9 18.53 Disposal of Excavated Earth =~ sn 492 1854 Completion of Bore Boom sin eh 185.5. Reinercemene von 493 18.5.6 Conese nomenon vn vn 186 Deep Foundation Method 495 18.6. Disposal of Spring Water and Ground Water cS 1862 Excavation sen - 496 18463 Protection of Hore Wal fot Collapsing ann 1864 Completion of Bore Botom snd 18655 Reinforcement Barge ——— AB 18656 Cone nnn ~ v6 186.7 Backfiing sn vn 493, ‘Chapter 19 Construction of Sel Pipe Shes Pile Foundation ~ 500 19.1 Method to Applied san ven 500 192. Test Pligg oe 501 193 aston of Gude Matern “ vn 50 194 Driving Pile and Finishing the Driving Operation sn 02 195 Fling Concrete and Finishing of Jin Pipes: ss 04 195 —Covfertam and Top Sib — ry) 186.1, Construction oa Coedam: ot 18.62 Top Slab Conetion and Top Slab on nn $06 19.5.3. Removing Suppo Tinberns and Ste Pipe Shet Piles Acting as Coffea 506 (Chapter 20. Consruction of The Cas-y Siu Dizpragm Wall Fosndtion-=owensasneSO 201. Method oe Appied enon ~ 07 202 Test Work 07 203 Prepanton for onstruction and Temporary Facies ~ 07 203.1. Preparions for Conston 307 203.2. Temporary Facies mre ~ 50 204 Excavation: ee 510 204.1 Element Alloeton nnn nan see 510 204.2 Sabiliy of Trench Walls smn ree 510 2043. Shy : vm oo su 204.4 Excavation : ——— sit 204.5. Sine Processing sons 205 Reinforcing Bus end Element Joint enn su 205.1, Fabeicaion & lnsallation of Rnforcement Stee Cages snes 205.2. Element Joins a 206 Coneee PARTIV SUBSTRUCTURES CHAPTER 1 GENERAL 11 Scope "The specications in Wis Part shal be principally applod to the substrures of Haway bridges ‘This Ace clarifies the scope of Part TV: Subsroctes “Te scope of highway bridges incorporsed inthe Speciitions for Highway Bridges an thse smaters no pein this poelieation are specie in Se. 1.1 of Part I: Comox, Inthe design and construction of subatucue the following guidelines may be refered to: (A) Rend arthwrks- Guidelines for Construction, ty JRA Japan Road Associaton) (2) Rood Earhwors- Guidelines for Sof Ground Testnent Works, by JRA (2) Rood Eathworks- Guidelines for Retaining Walls, by JRA (@ Road Eathworks- Guidelines for Calves, by IRA (65) Rood Banhwerks- Guidelines for Temporary Stctres by RA (6) Road Eanhworks- Guidelines for Genetica! Investigation, by JRA (1) Road Eanhwors- Guidlines for Drainage Wort, by JRA (8) Roa Eathworls- Guidelines fr Slope Stbiliy and Surface Treatment, by JRA (Chapter 2, Chapters 3 4, nd Chapters 15020 of his Par provi speifetions on sur, ig, a constton, epecvely. With regards to design, Chapters 3 10 7, Chapter Chapter 9, and CChapers 10 t9 1 spocty general and commen reqtenen’; specific requirements fr pet, shutments and footings: andomentalreguremens of foundations; and design methods fr individual foundation types, respectively Regarding consteton, Chapter 15 and Chapters 16 10 20 specify gearal mates and constuction proediresfr nv foundations respectively. 12 Definitions of Terms a @ o ® © © o © © 10) co) 2) i) “Te erg sd his Pat are defined as Tolowe ‘Subseuctura Body Foundation Under ordinary condition Under earthquake condition Under Level 1 cathquake condition Under Level 2 ethqukeconon ‘Under storm condition Footing imate Bearing Capacity Allowable Bearing Cpaciy Design Ground Plane [Embodiment Depth Etfoaive Embodiment Dept Upper part ofa substructure, such as a abutment or per that teansers loads fom the sepersructuret the foundation —Lower pare of a subsucture that wansters loads from 2 subsructurl body tothe ground Condition that excludes the effect of earthquakes and wind {nthe combination of Fads, — Condition that considers he effect of earthquakes and wind fn the combination of loads, Condition with consideration ofan earthquake having abigh probability of occurrence during the bridge service lf (Lev! Seismic Motion) —Condivon with consideration of an earthquake having = lower probability of aoeamence durin the bridge service but strong seismic motion (Level 2 Seismic Motion. Condition that considers wind loads in the combination of loads Structure in the form of a slab which, as a part of the foundation, supports a bidge support column of wall and ‘eases loads fo the ground or piles. This is sometimes called the top sab in caissns, steal pipe shot piles, and diaphragm ‘wal foundations Maximum resisting strength that ground can develop in supponing a stuctre timate bearing capacity divided by a specified safety factor, or bearing capacity detemnined from the allowable displacement, whichever is small. Ground plane determined in design as against the curent ‘round plane, es one from which horizoatal resistance ean be ‘pected with consideration for fire changes in ground propetes, _—Dept fom the curent ground plane to the hotom op of the foundation, = Depth fom the design ground plane to the botom oF ip of {he foundation 13 Fundamentals of Design Calculations ‘Oy Tae asoarey of the devin caTeulatons tall be appropriately determined wih a fall understanding of the accuracy of the design requirements. The final results inthe design calculations shouldbe performed to thre sigifcan gues. (2) In the design esleulations, analytical theories and analytical models capt of ‘dequately evaluating material properties of members, structural geometric ‘harictrstics, and the properties of ground resistance, shall be employed (1) Inte design of substructures, it should be note thatthe accuracy of the estimates of the sength of see and concrete high but that of sols low because of is completed nate. In ter words, design calculations ee performed with lage variations in accuracy depending onthe uteri. Therefor, isnot alvays appropri to enhance the calcultionaccuey. The accuracy ‘halbe determined by eareflly reviewing the assumed design conto, ‘Onto ssumsion hat he land conditions and design standard ales reltng to materia nd the Fundamental dimensions in the design clelaon contain no error, caleulte resus to tee significant fguresoven fe allowable valves are available to more than the sige figures, ‘Theallowabl valus of covert and sme other matrls are ususlyaalable oto igicat figures. In such eases two spice figure re acceptable Table-.13.1 indicates the effective minimum values nthe nal ess of sgn cleans ‘Tble-C.1.31 Effective Minimum Vis in Design Calealations a aig [ERATE Ta ‘Concer Sgr Resaoe en? | 190 ‘Ass Speng Const of Pi ie wo dual Faesia le wpe | ‘Sib Racin esty ani? Daplcene an ' ‘st Compre Sener a Caste wim? | 01 ening Comprenive Suen Corte Nw? | 01 ‘Sho Ste inConrete, Nim? | 001 ‘Bond Stee a Coerete Nim? | 001 ‘Shes in Renee Natt ‘Stee in Se Meee wine [1 ‘Sree in PC Sel Moers Nina? (2) n verifying he safe of members an the stabil of foundations, anlytical methods and meels ‘hall be enploye, which adequately conser he characterises ofthe mater, goomaty, and ‘ound resistance to obtain enginerng indies for stresses, subgrade reactions, and placements. 1A Conditions of Construction for Design (1) When designing substructure, the construction conditions shall be considered appropriately. (@) Provisions specified in Chapters 4 through 14 are based onthe premise that requirements for constretion specified in Chapters 15 through 20 are fully satisfied. When ‘construction conditions may fail to follow those specified in Chapters 15 through 20, it ‘all be taken into consideration in designing substructures. (2) Incase itis impocsible to fellow the conditions of construction specified in Chapters 15 through 20, safety, equivalent to or more than that based on the provisions specified in Chaptore 4 through 1, should bo secured hy performing nacessery tests or other measures, LS tems to be Showa in Drawings In design drawings and the like, necessary information shall be given considering the ‘ontunience of construction and maintenance Major items of aubstructures which should be shown in design drawings are listed below D_ Suporstructures © Class ofbridge wien Span ‘Type of superstrctures ® e ® © Method of construction required) 2) Substructanes o e @ @ ° ° “Materials and types of substructures Design loads of substructures Allowable displacement ‘Types of materials used (in the case of concrete, specified compressive strength, water-cement ratio to be determined by durability, and watetightness, ‘maximum sizes of coarse aggregates, ete.) ‘Types of bearing stratum Allowable stress and allowable bearing capacity 8) Construction conditions taken as premises ofthe design ‘These are the preconditions in the design that are related to construction. Describe ‘what needs tobe satisfied in construction and the like, 4) Maintonance-related consideration in the design Describe the maintenance-elatod matters considered in the design, assumed future ‘maintenance conditions and tho like. CHAPTER? SURVEY 2.1 General 21.1 Fundamentals ‘A survey shall be porformed to abtain essential information about the design ‘and construction of substructures Asurvoy shall be performed to obtain the information required to design and construct ‘economic and safe substructures. The design stage survey shal focus on collecting {information on the bearing ground layer, selecting an appropriate foundation type based on the geotechnical conditions, and determining the geotechnical design parameters 2.1.2 Types of Surveys (i) The following surveys shall bo performed for the design and construction of substructures D Geotechnical investigations 2) Surveys of river characteristics and irigation 8) Surveys of construction conditions (2) Por surveys in specific cases under the following conditions, special attention shall be given to existing data, geography, geology, and D Soft ground 2) Ground likely to become unstable during a 8) Mountainous a 4) Areas prone to landslide 5) Construction close to existing structures (D ‘Table-C.2.1.1 tabulates the principal objectives and contents of various surveys of ch stage of the design and D to 9) above (1). The surveys necessary for construction should be performed with reference to Table-C.2.1., For design stage survey, itis necessary to perform surveys of the construction conditions. At the construction stage, supplementary surveys of the construction ‘should be implemented, as nevded, only after fully understanding the results of the surveys obtained at the design stage, Furthermore, during construction, various surveys need tobe performed forthe purposes ofconstruction management, (Chapter 16 deseribes the surveys required during construction, (OD Surveys of Sot Ground It ie goneraly dificalt to evaluate the geotechnical conditions of sof ground, and such an evaluation would hevo a significant affect on surrounding structures and round, as woll as the design of the structures concerned. ‘Therefore, careful surveys of soft ground should be performed in consideration of the following points D Survey of Bxisting Materials ‘An overview of the ground conditions should be frst obtained from available information in geotechnical bore logs or geological profiles. In casos of soft round, more detailed studiee ave necessary. Therefore, it is important to 1g ground tudy of provious construction including carefully collect and examine existing geologieal data when mal survey plan. At the same time structural scales, evaluations of geotechnical parameters and types of euxiliary construction methods introduced will provide valuable information for planning the design and construction. 19 Geotechnical Investigations When designing and constructing structures on the soft ground, detailed vestigations of consolidation settlement, negative skin friction, lateval ground ‘movement and the stebility of retaining and eofferdam walle are neoded. As a rosult of thece studios itis important to evaluate the appropriate geotechnical parameters. Surcharges on fills, escontric earth pressures during construction, ground ereep, and the lowering of groundwater levels may cause specific changes ofthe ground Droperties. In such cases itis necessary to increase the numberof test sites and Investigations in onler to comprehend conditions such as the variation, thickness, and structure of soil layers, and to ensure the adequacy of ‘eotechnical parameters evaluated from the teste {i) Surveys of Surrounding Environment At sites on soft ground site, a significant number of additional work including increased foundation works for main structures, temporary works such a8 cofferdams, and sof ground improvement works may be required. In addition, environmental effets such as propagation of ground vibration, large ground isplacoment, contamination of underground water and other problems are likely to arice. Accordingly, surveys on adjacent on adjecent facilities and bared structures need to be performed. 2) Survey of Ground Likely to Bocome Unetable during an Barthquake ‘A Tiguefnetion assessment is needed for saturated sandy ground where sail liquefaction is ikaly to occur during en earthquake. As a rough estimation, the classification of the grounds shown in Table-C.2.1.2 or historical seeorde of the ooeurrense of aoil liquefaction should be referred to, Occasionelly, seismic subgrade reactions of soft cohosive soil layers or silly til layers can not be expected. When addressing such cases, the design should conforma to Chapter Sof ait V Seismic Design. Furthermore, at sites where lateral earth prossuros due to backfill would affect ‘the safety of substructures close to waterfronts, lateral ground spreading caused by ool Liquefaction is likely to occur during an earthquake, When construction of substructures ig planned at such sites, detailed surveys of the structure (Chickoss and gradient of soil layers likely to cause liquefaction and lateral spreading, the structural characteristics of quay walls, present geography and ature land use, undergeound water level, etc are needed, ‘Table C2.1. Survey (0) Suney_—_—“Prspa Opies [Saray Rem “r [etal anes Base Poet grink I Gary pont al ae nye report 5 ole mape and oe ogo [) Sounding jo “Genera eeaay a [3 STi "asrandentracion |). Roce jin Detormination ata) Geophysical exsortion and sitenadeofeosmie ground |” wlcty measurement of Pana S } ‘Srtrminstin oteetachnieal vesatere or apaaie ale Save, af J) Shay of constrain mals] Undone water eT farounisnter |! machine, euipment amd o) Wer ult se Souangpeedrae [Panesar presurs fi) Pw drs end rely [Savay af Toe Ga] Seay of comtanton meta] ps of a ond waa nd OxgeShor [i Rosin foment ar [Raney Bier Canaan ad ‘Survey oY Unetstending vivre and lase]0) Rios wnilake Wo Onna om ive and dere of hangs ‘naiione rut nave (Chratsitice fs Garment loi, tow as, mater ianagerment lize gn iar ins be one nent al Ines” bata fl sodeatond Seiler on fas plane, say of By fants, and mea f Nii Tea aa, fiatonand | andforniefcotatrocion at") Onuvens swing and inl ondenan the (iherolsee | fur srctune and temporary [atone a ing re athe lid waterae ahs] arena S| lcs, sry of xine 9 Gereral sere nr or [O Doge dorms and ae] inraten | dein and contusion ofa | esr from’ pinl construction Stine comple ‘Table-C.2.1.1 Survey @) Samay Fea estes Say ae L Survey |S Sindy he 1 FiseatFalldings ace wl, | -Nei Repali ‘Surunding ‘onrruiton mormon | viinnuon nv round Brvwenmn ‘Beroment wat vl wd ‘enn wel ene ‘Atte Polit Saltese Conte Lem" ‘Scisrund autem, change in | governmental Srelwates and aie change | erlnone ould aiytscur daring feat onstrartin dwt coarution | dard ‘aotode,mactign, en pean anes ‘aoneien ea ier of lial ‘srnment ining newark frst serheads Working retro a ‘dt sienmene sefivoluoe, | ani Ennrcamints | Cedionranomtracion | Sad ieroansons on ace’ | Hypene Law” vo Sty armerans |) Leta, aginst, ant | nde Suey Between cet Proedaes for dipootot | tnd sche aa te tak erated ved end ature | Hygione ana ‘ressceconeried (0) Lenton an seaahy of| related reeaatios wo Stag feet ‘etn maser sap, Shaul teal tin esto | foerge ct ‘colorood reac een jo. peatom ype: ele of vw Stay afpretetion ‘Ser te ed ats Sporatine 1) eater bento ‘Tuble-C.2.12 Geographical Ground Conditions in Terms of ‘Probability of Occurrence of Liquefaction Feta ‘Geographic! Ground Condi @ Hi ‘ave vverbeds, Dry River Pasties Moderne ‘Alluvial Lowland a Om Plans, Hil 10 8) Survey of Mountainous Areas When the design and construction of substructures axe undertaken in ‘mountainous areas, it ie important to evaluate the ground conditions (mainly rocky grounds) and study the construction methods. As the gootechnical conditions and construction conditions in mountainous areas will differ from ‘those for plain field, specific evaluation methods should be employed to take the ground features into account, 1) Survey of Bristing Materials When landslides, slope failures, and debris ows are likely to our, existing information focusing on the results of goologial eurveys should be collected as reeded. Furthermore, with reference to past disasters that occurred nesrbs, substructure types, construction methods, and subsidiary construction methods shall be examined i Survey of Geography and Geology ‘The designer must carefully examine the locations and number of investigation sites, as mountainous arces often have stoop geographic features and the structure of the geotechnical layers is generally complex, Accurate information ‘on the geography and geotechnical structures should be obtained by inereasing the number of surveys and boroholes. In general, a2 mountainous areas are rocky ground, the survey itoms and their evaluation procedares will differ from those for ground, The characteristics of rocky ground should be evaluated from the result of comprehensive studies of the rock features, locations, cracks, openings, joints, voc properties euch aa the locations and characteristics of faults and weathered transformation zone ‘Physical properties from unconfined and triaxial compression texte, and eophysical explorations such as seismic prospecting i) Survey of Construction Conditions ‘Actudy ofthe construction conditions ie of primary importance ia the design of substructures in mountainous areas For example, the construction methods, the selection of appropriate machinery, temporary works designs, and the Aesign of access roads are important itoms. Surveys of the surrounding environment as well as construction sites are also necessary, nw 4) Survey of Areas Prone to Landslide ‘When a bridge construction sit is lented in an area prone to landslides, or when the possibility of the occurrence of @ landslide needs to be examined at the ‘onstruction site, the following surveys shall be performed 1) Survey of Bxisting Materials Landslides tend to ooeur at sites with particular geographical and geological conditions. ‘Therefore, itis necessary to collect and analyze information on ‘geographical and geological feature, and past disaster records in and around the sit, and to examine the existence of landslide geography. 4 Analysis of Aerial Photographs ‘Te may be possible to analyze the bodements to landslides, preceding bodements, past evidence (euch as microrgeography) of landalides, geological structures and plantation situations, and to obtain other useful information from serial photographs. Ia order toa yze detailed phenomena, iti advantageous ta uco serial photographs eaptured during the winter and mid spring periods when leat cover i minimized. Field investigations should be porformed to observe and estimate landslide mechanisms in view of existing survey data and information derived from aerial photographs. {i0 Geological Surveys and Monitoring Geological surveys should be performed to undersiand landslide mechanism, sroundwater situations and landslide movement. The survey could incorporate through borehole surveys at appropriate calected locations. Extensometers, round surfhes inclinometars, borehale inclinometers, and land survey ‘techniques (auch as GPS) can be used as monitoring equipment and procedures. lnstallation of such equipment shouldbe decided in consideration ofthe location and landslide direction, 5) Survey of Construction close to Bxisting Structures ‘When # now construction is undertaken close to existing structures, the existing structures may sustain displacement or movement due to the new construction. ‘Tho principal reazons of such displacement are 2 8) Deformation of retaining walls, otferdam wall, or backfill ) Heaving or boiling 2 Settlement of loose sandy ground caused by construction vibration @ Drainagesinducod groundwater lowering and generation af voids ©) Pio driving or caisson construction ‘When the construction of substructures is undertaken close to existing structures, suffciont surveys should be performed to avoid displacement and movement of ing atructures, 2 Survey of Existing Matariala It is important to examine examples of damage and remedial measures to existing structures, and past experiencss of construction eloe thes and their in-situ measurements. Those data will provide invaluable information in torms of damege estimation and remedial measures based on similar construction works. Geotechnical Investigations ‘A survey of examples of damage to structures constructed close to existing structures has revealed that most damage results from inadequate geotechnical investigations. In cases of adjacent construction projects, the ground conditions around the existing and now structures ehould be fully understood. When existing structures are likely to sustain damage, ground surveys and eotechnical tests should be implemented. iD Surveys of isting Structures Tn conducting adjacent construction works, the dimensions and characteristis of the existing structure should be well understood. In pariculay, in view of the cedects of ground excavation works on surrounding ground, the safety of existing structures is occasionally examined. In such eases, ellowable dieplacements of existing structures, ‘7pes, configurations, dimensions, and embedment depths to ‘the foundations should be examined on the basis ofthe final drawings of the completed structures necding remedial measures. Design conditions, design ‘methods, and the state of working stresses should be investigated with reference tothe design documents, Fry It is also appropriate to confirm whether or not the construction ofthe existing structures has heen performed in accordance with the design documents and to ‘heck the decrease inthe capacity due tothe deterioration of the structure, 2.2 Geotechnical Investigation 2.2.1 General (DA welkplanned and executed goatachnical Tave obtain adequate information for the design of substructures, (2 Two geotechnical investigations, survey, shall be performed in accordance with the design process, in order ‘that the requited data and information on the site are able to be systematically and efficiently obtained igation ie voquired to preliminary survey and a principal () The results from geatechnionl investigations are key factors for determining overall bridge types as well as the types and dimensions of found ‘Therefore, appropriate getecbnicel investigations, procedures and test conditions fare needed so that the information required for the design calculations are obtained. The location, dapth and amount of surveys will depend on the in-situ jtustions, Thus fon structures, 4 the survey and design are clooely related, adequate reviews of | the field and soil conditions, the proposed bridge type and design calevlaion procedures should be performed to plan an appropriate geotechnical investigation. ® As ground conditions differ from one site to another, adequate geotechnical investigations should be selected in accordance with the type and acale of the foundations, and the desig stagos. Its possible to perform effective geotechnical investigations by reviewing survey items and accuracy, and by distingul between the preliminary and principal surveys. 1“ 2.2.2 Preliminary Surveys Tn onda to understand the approximate properties of the soil Tayera at the bridge site, and to obtain information necessary for selecting foundation type ‘and conducting 2 preliminary design and principal survey plan, the following ssurvoys shall be performed: (2) Survey of existing geotechnical materials (2) Site veconnsissance (2) Geophysical exploration (® Borehole and test pitting In designing substructures, itis necessary to recognize the geotechnical structures at ‘tho site, determine approsimate substructural dimensions and foundation arrangements, perform necessary ground surveys, and obtain dosign information. Proliminery surveys should be performed to identify geotechnical structures and the contents ofthe principal surveys (Surveys of Existing Materials ‘Surveys of existing information are conducted to comprehend the outline of the seographical and geotechnical fertures at the site through existing geotechnical investigation date, geographical maps, end aerial photographs. Accordingly, Ihetorial surveys shouldbe performed atthe fist stago of the preliminary surveys ‘in order to understand the approximate geotechnical structures and so that the results ean bo usod in other surveys D Surveys of Fxisting Ground Information Geographical and geological maps should be collected for the survey of the teographical and geotechnical structares, Purthermore, itis often possible to define the outline of the geotechnical layers by calecting borehole data and information on wells near to tho investigation site 2) Surveys of Exiting Structures By collating information on foundation types, scales, settlement and inclinations, tnd construction records of existing structures located close to the investigation site itis possible to derive an outline of the gootochnical layers of the bridge ste 16 9) Surveys of Other Information In adltion tothe above, the following information is needed for the design’ 5) eologice! mape (land condition maps, land use maps, land clasification maps, old maps, ete) ) Wide-area information including aerial photographs, remote sensing dats, ops ©). Information on disasters such as landalides, rock failures, rver floods. 4) Laws, regulations and guidelines on environmental protection including noise and vibration, ©) Taformation on active faults ©) Site reconnaissance Site reconnaissance is used to evaluate subsurface geology from the properties of rocks and scl observed at the surface. In other words, geological plans are prepared by combining sectional geological maps mado from rock outerops and ‘other properties slong rivers and roads in the survey area. Furthermore, the ‘ristence of landslides, and other geographical and geological features adverse to the construction should be examined in the geographical observation (9) Geophysical Explorations Although various methods for geophysical explorations for preliminary surveys are availabe, seismic prospecting procedures are sometimes employed for estimating Aopths to the bedrock, the degree of weathering and creck openings. Sonic prospecting is also used for surveying soabod geography. ( Surveys by Boring and Test pitting Boring, togather with the standard penetration tests and other in-situ taste should be conducted to identify ground layers and the existance of underground water, and to seloct an appropriate ground layer to support the structure, Moreover, the existence of consolidated soil layers and the permeability of ell layers should be ‘examined by conducting laboratory testa, Tn case ofa shallow soil layer, the sol conditions and the properties of the boering ‘ground ean be identified by test pitting. 16 223 Principal Surveys ‘The prindpal survey to Wentily ground conditions, construction conditions, ‘and geotechnical parameters for the detailed design of foundations shall ‘generally consist of the flowing: © Boring: (6) Underground water survey © Sampling Loading wot @ Sounding (@ Geophysical exploration and @ Geotechnical tests seophysical prospecting (©) Rock tests (©) Survey of tonic gas and An xample ofa flowchart for planning prinipal surveys according to2.2.4 valuation of Gootechnical Parameters for Desiga, is shown in Fig.C-22.1 ‘An overview ofthe stages is as follows! A, Scheme of Survey Survey items, tect conditions, locations, depths and length of survey should be determined in view ofthe following factors |) Bridge type! Location, type, dimensions of substructures, ete 1D) Construction methods: Groundwater, sil properties, geography; ee 2 Field conditions! Geography, geology, field environment, local characteristics, ® Design caleulations: Structurel size, verification items, caleulation methods, necessary geotechnical constants, expected dieplacements, oe. ©) Characteristics of survey methods Applicability to eoil concerned, properties of geotechnical parameters to be obtained, ete. " ‘A. Schomo of Surveys! ‘The extont and test provedures (test procedures and conditions) should be decided in view of various ftctore including bridge typ ‘onstruction procedures, field conditions, design ‘aleulations, and characters of surveys ¥ BB, Implementation of Surveys ke adaitional surveys ¢ should be (. Review of Survey Results conducted, if “Examination and modification of measured values |p) M°*S* “Evaluation of groundwater, ground layers, and geotechnical properties, and review of foundation {types and design calculation procedure, when necessary. ¥ D, Bvaluaiion of Geotechnical Parameters for Design (Article 22.4. ig.0-2.2.1 Procec for Planning of Prinsipal Survoye to Bvaluation of| Geotechnical Parameters "These gootechnical investigations should be performed at each bridge abutment and pier location. For wide bridges couple of surveys should also be conducted in the transverse direction. In cases of complex or simple geographical variations, however, the number of survey points can be increased or decreased, respectively, In cases when abutments or piers are constructed at inclined sites, itis appropriate to increase the number of survey points eo that the soil layer structures and bearing soil ayers can be evaluated. Surveys should be performed up to the depths of the soil layers affecting the ‘bearing capacitia, landslide, foundation settlement and displacement, ote. When ‘existing survey results indicate that no sol layer causing consolidation settlement is present underneath a bearing layer, adequate geotechnical investigations should be performed to obtain information onthe existence ofa firm lavey with @ ‘hicknose greater than the shorter foundation width, in order to determine 8 suitable bearing layer. ‘Tho oxtont of the geotechnical survey should be defined after reviewing assessments of the geotechnical paramotors. Densely curvey point gride may be necessary for complex geotechnical structures Soll propertios are extremely complicnted in comparison with other materiale in civil ongincering, and their eurvey methods may depend on the type of sei Moreover, geotechnical information nooded for the design of foundations may Aifforin accordance with foundation sige, construction condition, ete, Accordingly, survey mothode and survoy itome chould be dotormined on the basis ofthe design. Te may be dificult to employ general survey mothods to soils with a unique geology. Further, more accurate design procedures may be required under particular conditions. In such eases, special surveys not described in thie chapter may be employed after confirming their effectiveness, Although new ground survey fechnologios may bring about more aveurate geotechnical parameters for certain ‘conditions, such values may not always provide geotechnical paremeters suitable for design. Therefore, in introducing new tochnelogies, it is essential to fully clarify Whether the actual behavior of «foundation an be represented by applying uch rootechnicel parameters tothe calculation method employed. B. Implementation of Surveys Ground surveys will be performed on the basis ofthe survey ccheme described in A above. In actually implementing selected ground surveys, careful attention should be paid to key matters, C. Review of Survey Results Survey results should be carefully rviawed, measured values should he modified when needed, and all data should be put in order, o that design geotechnical parameters (described in D. below) can be appropriately evaluated. In reviewing the ‘measured valu, itis important to detect nueva valuee and to identify the reasons for such values. Specifically, the following fctors should be examined! 4) Effects of disturbances and stress elenses of il samples caused by a handling 1) Btleets of joints and cracks in rock eausd by rok tests and in situ oek surveys ©) iets of diferences between survey and test methods Bets of special geotechnical and geological features depending on regional In reviewing the eurvey sesulla, itis neceseary to Mlentily series of processes for ‘the examination and modification of measured valves, When itis found from the ‘survey rosuts that the inclination of ground layers i greater than expected values, the aurvey acheme should be raviewad with consideration ofthe effects on design results and the acquisition of sucient information for design purposes. Further, when it is difficult to evaluate design geatechnical parameters dosevibed in D. holon) from the survey sesulte, or when it is necessary to alter design conditions sumed at the survey scheme stage, additional surveys should be performed D. Evaluation of Geotechnical Parameters for Design Geotechnical parameters for design should be evaluated in accordance with 2.2.4, on the basis ofthe survey results described in O abore. ‘The relationship between survey methods and survey tems is shown in Tble-C.2.2.1, Outlines and Key consideration points of the surveys will be discussed below. See "Ground Survey Methods’ Gapan Geotechnical Society) and “Methods of Gootochnical ‘Tests and Commentary" JGS) for details ofthe survey methods () Boring Boring is performed to understand geological formations and to measure groundwater tables. "The enginsering properties of reeks are often estimated from the care specimens as ‘well a tho boring conditions. In cases of soils rather than rocks, boring plays a more Important role in providing sampling at required depths a described below. Accordingly itis necessary to select adequate boring methods and bore diametersin 20 a I= = eee el ao es a oS om, oe ee os, aa == aa =z: Saceess =| ser == a SS oe ee Suan sg | ~ pe hsinp ws ease | = 5 a= | LS - i =| Ses = | | ioe =|) a= ata " er Snlropa ‘nega sora g| OE _— me deena ES. eens) onl] SSS: 2 = = ao es S| SS ae eS (1) soy aang pa poo ANG BOHNING BOR TESOL Giana a RATT eves a pie nea swe rag ome sericea 2 | fabngee semantoitaet Geoesersmany | OE tow sexy | SES renga anpee Sematutem ¢| A, se re ny a sronra ee ere na es fuumavnacnng SF ae a pS RS SL Sep mi comes ae (ce a gi =o resins 9 oat emerearep eee > em tape ret | amigo svipeeneedmisprtimseteqpn | ed0W 4 | gdp ate, 8 or aan om EN Soepa esas = ceresry pee oon tog pret smn epom retain onde Bo eat “emai aa SaaS open ney cp ey wy > meme 8) ame ne asa sudan | aeopa sresctomenay spent % “een corner cond» tsar RRR ORRERT i see oe Sine sepsnen go vet] ermine 6} Ze Tappa | SO wu onraerprom 9] PARES, oy 2a ‘aso a Bas = | we es amps | EE Sonang poe rpeienyAaaang woman WORM F¢ED-ANNL accordance with appropriate sampling methods and insitu testing methods. ‘Therefore, otary boring is normally employed in view of the abovementioned survey techniques It is important to carefully select hore sites, numbers, and depths required forthe round survey Surface rocky ground may not be sppropriste as bearing stratum due to ‘weathering cracking, or faulting, In such eases, ground surveys need tobe carried ‘out up to the dopth of tiff bedrock, to confirm geological formations and to obtain sudequate information for selecting an appropriate hearing stratum. When boring equipment isnot recovered, groundwater in the holes may boil during ‘tho sinking of caissons causing compressed air to leak from the construction, It is Important to avoid thie situation, because it may cause serious problems during construction. When such problome are expected, the boreholes should be located way from the exact location of any abutments and piers. (© Sampling ‘Sampling is performed to prepare specimens for observation and various laboratory tests. Specimens can be classified as ether “disturbed” or “undisturbed”, and used {or the laboratory teste shown in Table-C.2.2.1. Sampling methods should be selected in accordance with the sol type and the level of compaction. When detailed laboratory tosts are performed to obtain triaxial strength ratios for weak soils and Hiquefiable sands, the effects of sampling Aistarbance on test rerults are extensive. In euch cases frozen sampling recommended ‘The sampling locations shal conform tothe descriptions in () below. (® Sousdiog Standard penetration teste (SPT) are often employed in conjunction with boring, SPT plays an important role in estimating the properties of geological structures ‘Various geotochnisal parameters can be empirically evaluated from measured N’ values with the use of correlation equations. In recent years, fully automatic SPT ‘equipment have beon developed and employed to minimise the effeets of human Interaction, However, it is suggested that SPT may not be applicable to all situations It i only possible to understand the actual geotechnical conditions by ‘combining the results of various survey techniques, The SPT should be considered 9 part of the minimum aurvey required. Tin cases of gravel layers, the SPT tends to take high values due tothe inevitable impacte with individual stones, In such enses, the N values should be modified by carefully reviewing a relation between blow count and penetration, ‘Tho in-situ vane shear testis « method to directly obtain the shear strongth (mainly cohesion) of gol in-situ ‘The portable cone penetration tes, double-tube electric cone penetration test, and ‘Swedish sounding are used to examine the hardness snd density of ails, These ‘methods are often combined with other methods. The locations, depths, and number ‘of tests should be determined in view of the purpose. (Soil Tests Soil tests consist of tests to obtain the physica properties of soils and tests to obtain the mechanical properties of soils. The physical properties of soils include the partsslar ands comeapond ao ie incipaleade @P) + betking loads Panctpal londe () = parlor las comeepandng ] 15g a principal lads (P) + collin lands ©) DPrseipl lade escolar ive loace ana lapaele + wamie | gy i} ses 0) Tp aces of eaiamay Tow Seas a ‘® Lend combinations | afer eamcaton as aa) with cteeson oeis [Ia sneer of posveomplaan areas eb sppronnately equal to allowable | 1.25, 15 @) Regardless of the values presented in Table-4.1.1, the increase multipliers for cates considering wind loads and seismic effects during construction should be adequately established by consideration of the conditions of the construction site and the structural systems employed during construction, 19 42 Allowable Stresses of Concrete (D) Reinforced Concrete (RO) Members Constructed in the Air “TAD The allowable compressive stresses and shear stresses of the concrete in [RC members constructed inthe air are shown in Table-$.21. ‘Table-42.1 Allowable Compressive Stresses and Shear Stresses (N/mm!) ‘Disign Sona of newt (a) alulale Compe 7a a0] 9900 s ee pes [1s [as ‘When Only Corte eves Shear Foros (i) [0.2 [025 | 024 [025 ‘Shear Steses [When Corerte avd Diagonal Tolle infroment indy cary (E3) ‘enching Sear Stresses (Fs) tae [ooo [ose [Te 16 faz [as | a9 However, whon only the concrete boars the shear forces, the allowable shear stressee ¢,, should be modified in consideration ofthe following effocts ‘D Influence of Effective Depth dof Section tu should be multipliad by the modification covficient , shown in ‘Table-4.2.2in terms ofthe effective depth of the section. ‘Table-4.2.2 Modification Coefficients ¢, in Terms of Bifective Depthd of Sections BiaiveDevth | tenthen | p00 | aon oo | ee ‘dm fo” | c “oro00 ee 1a i a mm 08 4 Influence of Longitudinal Tensile Reinforcement Ratio p, 1 should be multiplied by the modification coetficient cy specified in ‘Tablo-4.2.9 in terms of the longitudinal tensile reinforcement ratio p, Here, p, can be obtained by dividing the total area of winforcement located in the tonsle side from the neutral axis by bd. 0 ‘Tuble-4.2.8 Modification Coefficients ¢y in Verms of longitudi Reinforcement Ratio p, al Tensile a [| o | o | o | we oe a [oe | we | ue | is Si) Influence of Axil Compressive Forces For structural members subjected to large axial compressive forces, £4 should be multiplied by the modification coefficient cy caleulated by Hq (4.2.1 in terms ofthe axial compressive forces eyal+My/M,and 1S ty $2 420 = a cad eee ee 2) The allowable bond stresses of conerete with reinforcing bars of diameter of ‘51 mm or smaller shall take tho values chown in Table-4 2.4 ‘Tublo-4.2.4 Allowable Bond Streas of Concrete (Wm!) ‘Desige Stenrth af Concrete (a) a || 2 | @ Type of Reintorens Bar ond Bara ‘foo [ome foaD Deluened Ba ta Tre Ta? Ln 8) The allowable bearing stress of concrete shall tske the values ealeulated, from Bq(4.2.2). a ee (02sen0s. Joys and eu 5050 22 * tes the allowable beating stree of onesie (nm) TA! the total ate othe coneree section in he cae of el aang ‘4+ he aren ofthe conerat ection subjected toa Bering force in the ‘case of local loading (mm*) ara + the design stenath of onerste (Nim) 4) The allowable stresses of concrete used for east-in-place piles installed in the atmosphere shall take 90% of the values shown in Tables 4.2.1 and 424, (2) RCMembers Constructed in Water ‘The allowable stresses of concrote for east-in-place piles and diaphragm walls for RC members constructed in water shall take the values shown in "Table-4.2.5. Hero, the mix proportions should generally be a unit cement volume of 350 ligin’ or higher, a water-comont ratio of 5S % or lower, and a slump of 150-210 mm. ‘Table-4.2.6 Allowable Stresses of Concrete of Castin-place Piles and Diaphragm Walls Constructed in Wator (Nimm®) ‘mine Stength of Gonsete ‘o_o Design Steagth of Cooeete in Water (2) a | a | ‘Compressive [ Fesutl Compressive Ste 30_[-0 [a0 ‘Stes | Axial Compeesive See es [1st se When ely Conerete cari SbearForseo(ty) | 02s | 026 | 025 ‘Sear Suess | When Concrie and Diagonal Tele | _— Reinfoemen jointly eaey (F3) ad Bond Suess Delomned Bard — Toa (6) Plain Concrete Members ‘The allowable stresses of the eonerete in plain concrete members shall take the values shown in Table-4.26 2 ‘Tablo°4.2.6 Allowable Stresses of Plain Concrete (Nim) TowatGiem [Alone See amar Gomorniv Sas Sac gs | ea) Seiedconrenir mace —— 4 oa! Deion Tensile Steaeth of i Sp 5008 Cocret contng os 4 110 Beane Sete wien 6h Hore, when the bridge seats used to install bearing supports are strengthened with reinforcoment, the allowable bearing stress can be raised up to 7.0 [Nimm?, Further the allowable bering stress inthe ease of local loading shall, bo calculated from ¥q(4.2.2), and its value shall not exceed 12 Nim? (W) Prestressed Concrete (PO) Members ‘Tho allowable stresses of the concrete in PC members shall conform to the provisions of Sec. 8.1 and 8.2 of Part llConcrete Bridges, (8) Precast Concrete Piles ‘The allowable stresses of concrete in RC piles, PHC piles, and SC piles shall take the values shown in Table-4.27. ‘Table-42.7 Allowable Stresses of Concrete in RC Piles, PH Piles, and SC Piles (Nimin’) "ype oF — RoPilse | HCP | sCPiee "lereral Comprssive Sees ze Fess! a ‘Shear uses m7 In addition, the allowable flexural tonsileatress of eonerete in PHC piles for seismic design shal be the valuee shown in Table-4.2.8, ‘Tuble-4.2.8 Allowable Flexural Tensile Stresses of Concrete in PHC Piles for Seismic Design (Nisom') TBikcive Pretest Oy, 3950, 78 Tea, rissa esate Sees ae 0 () For the conereta used for reinforood concrete members constricted in the ai ite 89 allowable srs is stipulated in the range of design standard strength oa from 21 0 30 Nima. Although actual uses of concrate whose design standard strongth, ‘excoeds this range are increasing, the allowable stress should be established bbanad on the stipulations in 4.102) if conerete having a design standard strongth, not stipulated here i to be wed, 1D. When the shoar stross is to be carried only by the conerete shown in Table 42:1, the allowable shear stress ta i obtained dividing the meaa shear stress, ‘te which the concrete proseated in Table 5.21 can carry, by a safety factor of 1.5, This safty factor was detarmined for the purpose of not allowing shear tacking to occur in a substructure with « small amount of sheer reinforcing bbare and under continuing loads Tn design which considers the effect of earthquake, the value of, shown in Table 6.2.1 shall be usod instead of using ‘he value multiplied ra) by 1.5, which ie the required ovendesign factor according to the combination of loads given in Sec. 4.1. Tn other cases, the value multiplied tj by the required overdesign factor according to the ‘combination ofoads given in See. 4.1 shall be used forthe allwable stress. It {stipulated here that ta shouldbe corrected consiering the effective height 4 of a member section, axial tonsile reinforcement ratio py and axial compressive force. When using Table 4.22 or 4.2.3, the correction factor c or épr may be detormined by lingar interpolation if the effective height a of a member section and avial tensile reinforcement ratio p lie between the valuoa given in these tables low to take the effective height d of a member section is shown in Figs. C. 42.1 w C. 4.2.3 for the cases ofa voctangular section, circular section and hollow rectangular seston, For a rectangular section, the effective height ‘taken a tho distance from the compression eg to the cantor of gravity ofthe ‘tensile reinforcement, noglcting the lateral reinforcement. For a circular ‘section, itis replaced by a equare section of equal ares, and the effective hight is taken as the distence from the compression edge of the replacing square ection othe center of gravity of the reinforcement ina quarter ofthe tensile side, ‘The width of circular section in taken as the width of «square section of equal ares. 54 Fig. €.42.1 How to takeeffective Fig. C.42.2 How to take effective hheightd in reetangularsection height d and width b in eireular section FET vemos, Ft Seine Fig. C.4.23 How to take effective height d and Width bin hollow reetangular section "The axial tensile roinforcoment rato p: should be determined, ass general rule, from the total sam ofthe oro Jying on the tensile side of the neutral axis in the sections however, in consideration of simplicity, it may be determined from the total sum of the crotersectional ares of the the contri in the seston, YPora etrucsural member hoving mulriple check sections all the sections may be designed using the lowest value of in consideration of simplicity. In etructural members subjected to large axial compressive forces, the shear stress the concrete must carry is large. Tn auch cases, ri shall be modified in consideration ofthe influence ofthe axial compressive forces. However for pier columns, abutment walls, fotings oF cther members in which exces axial compressive stresces will not develop, this influence may be neglected {or simplicity (ew= D. With reinforced conerots members, shear rosistance can be increased by ctioual areas of the reinforcements jal reinforcements lying on the tensile side of increasing the amount of diagonal tension reinforcement, However, if cy 2 9 reinforcoments are placed in an amount exceeding & certain value, thore ie concern that diagonal compressive fracture will occur in the concrete, For thie roason, the value of usin Table 4.2.1 is prescribed as the maximum of the ‘ean shear stress in the ease wheze the concrete caries shear forces in conjunction with diagonal tension reinforcoment, When checking the punching shear stress, it is stipulated that a correction should not be made considering the influence ofthe effective height 4 of « member section, axial tensile reinforcement ratio p: and axial comproseive force, nor should an incrense of allowable stress be made considering the combination of loads stipulatod in 4.12, ‘This is beem tenknown points about the evaluation of allowable punching shoar stress under loads such as a latoral force and a bending moment simultaneously © there axe many, scting in addition tothe punching shear force in the caso of, for example, a le head connection. However, in designing the parapet stipulated in 8.4.3, the attaching portion of en unseating prevention structure can be considored ‘48 part where a punching shoar force alone acts in the main as with a slab or the like, Therefore, the value of tus may be used for the check. When checking for earthquakes, the punching shear stress that the eancrete can carry may be determined considering the overdesign factor [Based on surveys and research condueted 60 far, Table 4.2.4 shall epply to reinforcements not exceeding 51 mm in diameter, ‘The allowable bearing stress of concrete is celeulatod using Bq. 4.2.2. Here, attention shall be paid to the following matters (see Pig. C. 4.2.4) Fig. C. 4.24 How to find bearing area © The centroid of Acshall coincide with that of As © ‘The width and longth of Ac shall not exceed 5 times those of Ay respectively. & Tehere are multiple Avs, their As shall not overlap © Backside of As shall be roinforeod by grid-type reinforcements or the lke againet tenileforoea developing at ight angles to the working direction 56 ® ° cof the boaving forces 4) For caissontype and other castinplace piles constructed in air, concrete casting is an operstion that takes place in a narrow space of the hole ‘Therefore, there is a danger that execution management or inspection will not be as thorough as with aboveground structures. For this resson, 80% of the values in Tebles 4.2.1 and 424 shall be used for the allowable stress of ‘eonorete used for eas-inplace piles constructed in aie FFor concrete of the same mix under water, concrote generally has & larger strongth dispersion and ¢ lower mean strength then conerete cast inthe sir. In consideration of this point and based on the relation between the compressive strength of specimens cured by the stendard curing procedure and the comprossive strength of cores taken from actually constructed eastin-place pi ‘he dosign strength and allowable stresses of underwater concrete are proscribed as shown in Table 4.2.5. For bond stross, the value in air is reduced because the rwinforcoments are subjected to the influence of muddy water in the excavated hate For underwater concrete used for castin-place piles and diaphragm walls itis ood to use an under water concrete with 20 Ninas* of nominal strength (Compressive strength assured by JIS S908), This concrete has a lot of ‘onstruction results and its quality control is easy. Ifan underwater concrete of Ihigher strongth than this isto bo usod, a euporplastisizer may be necessary to increase lowability without increasing the unit water content. In this.ase, twill be nocessary to do a previous investigation and exercise appropriate quality control on hov to use the superplasticizer, ‘Tho allowable strese values for plain concrete are prescribed. For the allowable Dending tencile streas of concrete, oalB0 may be used as a yardstick in place of on! Because precast concrete piles are fabricated under strict quality contol at the factory, these values are atipulated diterenty frm the way specified in (1). As shown in Table 4.27, the allowable bending tensile stress of« PHC pile is taken at ‘ero: however, for the combinations of loads that consider the influence of ccerthquakes, the values shown in Table 428 are stipulated according to the cffoctive amount ofprestress to ensure that a fracture safety margin factor of 2 or over will be secured under « situation whore atleast simple bending is acting. Hore, the PHC pile whose effective prestress oy fall in the range 3.9 5 oe < 7.8 ‘may be considered as the PHC pile A stipulated in JIS A 5379, and the PHC pile 87 {alling inthe vange 78 5 6a may be considered as the piles B and C, respectively. For the allowable shear stress, the value fain the ease where the concrete alone fs to cany the shear foroog is shown, This value can be overdesigned according to Equation 4.2.1, depending on the combination oflonds or on tho axial eo {oree and the amount of effective prestress acting on the pile. Horo, the shear stress in the RC pile is prescribed in accordance with Sec. 43.9 of Part Ik: Concrete Bridges, The shear streasin the PHC ple is proscribed tobe 0.85 Nim? from tho rorults of shearing proof strength taste, ‘These values shall not bo molliied due tothe influence of effective height and the influence of axial tension rwinforeement ratio prescribed in (D1). Anallowablestrese ie stipulated anew this time forthe concrete used for SC ples. It is stipulated thet the allowable stress of concrete used for SC piles should conform to ¢hat of PHC piles. 43 Allowable Stresses of Reinforcing Bars ‘@) The allowable stresses of reinforcing bars of diameter of ST mm or less shall take the values shown in Table-4.3.1, ‘Table-4.5.1_Allowable Stresses of Reinforcing Bars (Num!) a ata Si SCC oe a veces we | 00 | am ania [PO = Se sae | Demcgnweerm| say | aco | ae Te whew Ga Ta omnes} Tea emia | oe ‘or Anchoring Length of Reinforcing Bars 180 200 Pre oo (2) ‘The allowable stresses of gas-welded joints shall bo identical to those of the parent metals, provided that adequate quality control including tests is performed. (2) ‘Tho strengths of joints euch as welded joints, mechanical joints and eleeve joints shall be determined based on the results of tests taking the actual ‘use conditions into scoount. () The allowable shoar stresses of fillet-welded sections with are welding ‘botwoen the reinforcement and other steel materials shall take the values shown in Table-4..2. ‘Table 48.2 Allowable Sheer Stresses of Fllet-welded Sections by Are welding (Nim? Tips oats a _ BE ‘sbamn | 90 0s 15 SOR ATs save lowever, the allowablo chear stress of the reinforcement welded with a steel ‘material having a strength lower than that ofthe reinforcement shall take the value ofthe allowable shear stross of the steol material. (‘The provision in Soc. 3:3 of Part I: Concrete Bridges are correspondingly applied tozeinforcements not exceeding 51 mm in diameter 9 ® @ @ ‘Actual uses of SD 990, SD 490 or other high-strength reinforcement axe now increasing. However, their allowable stress isnot stipulated here partly because ithae not been examined sufficiently. As described in Sec. 3.1 of Part I: Common, high-strength reinforeoment may be used in the scope ofits applicability if ts characteristics and quality are proven, In such case, itis necessary, ae tipulated in 4.10), to establish en allowable stress fr thet reinforcement in such away that ‘the reinforcement will have an equal or superior safety margin to the allowable stress of reinforcoment givon in Table 4.1 1) To improve the durability of reinforced concrete member, itis important to sve consideration o preventing harmful eracks from occurring. For a beam fr other member in which tens stresses occur under the aetion of main loads other than live loads or impacts, harmful cracks and their progress due to the live loads or the like should be held down. ‘Therefore, an allowable stress is stipulated anew for the reinforcement existing in this condition ‘This allowable stress need not be applied to a member in which no tonsile strescee will oosur under the action of main loads other than live loads oF impacts, a member always staying underwater or underground, or a member in direct contact with the gi For SR 235 and SD 295A, JIS prescribes only P and S content as chemical ‘components but does act prescribe chemical components for ensuring weldabilty. ‘Therefore, even JIS standard materials cannot be used without limitation. Tt is necessary to verify in advance that there are no problems with weldabiity oF the required pesformance of pressuro-welded reinforcements. When arc welded, mechanical, sleeve joint or other types are to be used for reinforcoment joints, this clause preseribes that the joint steength shall be \etermined through testing considering the uso conditions such as reinforeement typo, diameter, stressed conditions and joint loations. ‘This clause is preseribed referring to the commentary in Sec. 3.2.8 () of Part I: ‘Stel Bvidges and is applied tothe conncstions between steel pipe sheet piles and the top slab ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation. 44 Allowable Strosses of Steel for Structures ‘The allowable stresses of parent metals and welded eoctions of etaal Tor structures materials shall take the values shown in Twble-44.1. However, these values are when a plate thickness is 40 mim or less, And, the values for compression and shear of steel pipes are those when buckling is neglected ‘When connecting two steel meteriala with different strengths, the value of the lower strongth materials shall be taken, Further, the allowable stresses of the welded sections at the connectors of steel pipe theet pile foundations shall take values equal to 80% of those of the nctory welding ‘Table-4.4.1 Allowable Stresses of Stool for Stractures (N/mm!) < fear | See aT eel Material sua00 Classifica PO ca = iso | sua | SMA ean. 140 | 186 210 | 355. int Mets Te Samrewon riggs tatoos 0a [ina Cope a eT ec |Remtes Ov [Somes [0g [aT aa Ag, Pee enn ane Wottng Pariatremtatin {Sear | ao | 105 | ano | sas esl 206, one fy te ‘Fisld Welding oe ‘Welding, reepectively voy Nota) $8400 shall not be weed in welded structures, ‘These values are proscribed in conformity with Se. 2.1 of Past I: Common and See, 16, 5.1, 82.8 and 14.8, of Part Tl Steel Bridges. ‘The allowable stresses shown in Table 44.1 are the values for plate thicknesses not exceeding 40 mm, Ifa member exceeding 40 mm in plate thickness it to be used, the allowable strss given in See. 8.21, 32.3 and 143 of Part II: Stool Bridges shall be ‘weed. oy For SS 400, JIS stipulates only the amounts of phosphor and sulfur as chemical ingredionts, but does not give any stipulations about chemical ingredients for securing weldability. Accordingly, this material may be used for non-welded members in a sostrited way: However, if SS 400 of 22 mm or las in plato thickness is tobe usod as «a temporary material or ifit hus been ascertained beforehand that theres uo problem in weldability, it may be used for welded members, ‘The allowable stress of feld welding is prescribed tobe 90% of shop welding as before. For fll penstration groove wolding, the presribed value for shop welding may be taken as the allowable value if executed and inspected in accordance with the preeeriptions in Chapter 17 of Part It: Steal Bridges. For the connector welds in a steel pipe sheet pile foundation, the work must be executed in places difficult to ‘ensure environmental conditions favorable fr welding operations, and therefore 80% of tho value for shop welding is prescribed ae the allowable value. 4.5 Allowable Stresses of PC Stee! Materials "Tho allowable tvensos of PC stool malorials shall conform tothe provisions oF ‘Soc. 3.1 and 8.4 of Part I Concrete Bridges. ‘This prescription states that the allowable stross of PC steel materials used for prestressed concrete members shall be in aceanlance with the prescriptions in Articles 8.1 and 3.4 of Part III Concrete Bridges, When JIS G $187 thin deformed PC steel bar Typo D, No. 1 (the allowable tress of which is not prescribed in Patt III Conerste Bridges) is to be used as « PC stee! ‘material for PHC piles, the allowable stress shown in Table-C, 4.5.1 may be used, Tablec. 45.1 Allowable Tensile Stress of Thin Deformed PC Stee! Bar Type D,No. 1 (N/mm) “waters ‘bre Symi Teas ‘hin farmed PC so br Type. No ‘sro 820 5 Bibliography D_ Concrete Pile Installation Technology Association “Bxperimental Report on Shear ‘Strength of PHC Piles" March 1997 ee Japan Society of Civil Engineers Concrete Library Vol. 43, “Design Guidelines for Reinforced Concrete Structures Using Lavge-diameter Reinforeoment D 51” August 1977 CHAPTERS VERIFICATION OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS [5.1 Verification of Structural Members for under Ordinary, Extreme Wind, and Level 1 Earthquake Conditions. BAA General (D In the verification of structural members for under Ordinary, extreme wind, and level 1 carthquske conditions, the sectional forces in a member ehell bo ‘estimated from the theory of elasticity. The flexural, shear, and torsional rigidity of an Reinforced Concrete (RC) member may be caleulated based on assumptions that the effectiveness ofthe full concrete section is considered but that of steel reinforcement is neglected, (2 The verification of an RC momber subjected to bending moments or axial forces under ordinary, extreme wind, and lovel 1 earthquake conditions shall conform to the provision in See. 6.1.2 (9) The verification of an RC mombor eubjocted to shoar forces under ordinary, extreme wind, and level 1 carthquake conditions shall conform to the provisions in Sec. 5.1.3 5.1.2. Verification of RC Members Subjected to Bending Moments or Axial Forces It shall be verified that the stresses in the concrete and reinforcomont of RO mombers ealeulated to comply with the following assumptions aze emaller then ‘the allowable stresses provided in Chapter 4 (D Fiber strains aro proportional tothe distance from the neutral ex (2 The tensile strength ofthe concrete is neglected, () Tae ratio of the Young's modulus of the steel reinforcement to that of the concrete is 15, ‘The above specifi the fundamental concept for the verieation of RC members subjected to bending moments under ordinary, extreme wind, and level 1 earthquake conditions The assumptions for ealculating the strestes in RC members subjectad to Dending moments or combinations of bonding moments and axial frees shall be the “same with the conventional assumptions ised for auch calculations 45.1. Verification of RC Members Subjected to Shear Forces () Verification of Shear Forcas 1 When only the concrete carries the shear force, the mean shear stresses calculated from (@) shall be smaller than the allowable shear stresges a1 specified in See. 4.2. 2) When the consrote and diagonal tension reinforcement jointly earry the shear forces, the mean shosr streases r, shall exceed the allowable shear stresses a specified in Seo. 42 (2) Verification Sections ‘The verification of a beam adjacent to a column in a T'shaped pier or a rigid frame pier subjected to shear orces shall be performod at the section lustrated in Fig-5.1.1 In tho case of « hunched corner, verification shall be conducted at the section, ‘hich isthe closer tothe column, of the two sections that ar detarmined using the hoights of « beam taken at the starting and ending pointe of the hewnch, Further, the emount of diagonal tension reinforcement lelose to the columa the hhatehod area in Fig’5.1.D) shall generally be placed moro than that of rwinforcomont estimated at the verification section ‘The shear force in the concreta at the lower portion of @eslumn or wall shall be veriied atthe section illustrated in Fig-6.1.2 ‘Yerieain Sexton Vereston Seton Eateries foe Shee Fors (Closet the Clams) (Depa Pie (0) Rip ame Pie 1G EWG igS.1.1 Verificstion Sections for Shear Forot in Beams close to Columns er Stone Force Fig-5.1.2 Verification Section for Shear Force in a Column, (8) Mean Shoar Stress ‘The mean shear etsess of the concrete gonerated in «section of an RC membar shall be ealoulated by Ba. (6.1.0) ony ‘_!mean conerete shear stress generated in a. member section (Nim?) ‘5, ‘shear foree considering the variation in efloctive depth of the member 9), ealoulated from Ba, (6.1.2). However, when the allowable shear stress ‘sinereased according to the shesrspan ratio, or when pier columns are subjected to alternating oyli loads during an earthquaks, the effect of the variation in effective depth of a member shall not be considered, 1 Where, + sheae force acting on a member section ON) ‘AC: bonding moment acting on a member section (N+mm) 4 + effective dapth of member section (am) (rofir to Fig 6.1.8) 6 a ‘width of a member section (mm) angle botweon tho comproscion edge and the member axie (ogress) (cofer to Fig: 5.1.8) 7: angle between the tensile steel material and the member axis degrees) (cofer to Fig-6.1.8) ‘onsle Sts Maceiat Mecibe Ais ‘Saud nk 7 wt be psi who he tee Mie ~— interest Sesion for Cadet Maan Shen tose Fig’3.1.8 Definitions of fy, and d (@ Diagonal Tonsion Bars ‘Whon the mean shear stress in the concrete exceeds the allowable shear strese ty specified in Sec. 42, diagonal tonsion bars with a crose'sectional area more ‘than caleulated from Ba. (6.1.8) shall be placed, ‘Stirrups in a boum shall generally carry one half or more of the total shear force that the diagonal tonile reinforcement would carry. US ss 4 WW Tain +6050) Gas) 2825-5 or ‘A, 5 Cross:sectional aroa of diagonal tonsion bars arranged with a spacing of| ‘sand angle of @ (mm?) ‘Shear oreo carried by the diagonal tension bars arranged with a spacing of s and an angle of 8 (S) Es}: Sum of shear forces si, carried by the diagonal tension bars with diferent angles 8 (9. Shear force considering the influence ofthe effective depth changes of the member QD) shall be calculated by Bq.(6.1.2. However, when the allowable shear stress value is increased in terme of the shear epan ratio, or when columns are subjected to alternating eyclie loads during earthquakes, the influence of the effective depth changes of the member should not be considered, Shoar fore carried by concrete (N)shall be ealeulated by Bq, (5.1.4). 1a) +4! allowable shear stress when only the concrete carries the shear forces vim) 4 aective depth of the member section (mm) width ofthe member section (mm) 4 ‘spacing of the diagonal tension bars in the direction of member axis (am) (6 “angle between the diagonal tension bars and the member axis (degrees) 12, ‘allowable tensile stvess of diagonal tonsion bars (Nim?) (RC members subjected to shear forces under ordinary, extreme wind, and level 1 ‘carthquake conditions shall be verfed in terms ofthe mean shes atrees fy ‘When only the conerets carves the shear foross, the allowable shear stress, may take values modifiod by tho provisions dotailod in Socs 4.1 and 42, When ty ‘excosde tthe amount of dingonel tonsil reinforcement shall be equal to or more ‘than the smount obtained fom Eq. (6.1.9, and shall he azzanged in accordance ‘with the provisions specified in Secs 7.10, 7.11, and 7.12 Diagonal tonsile reinforcements denote bent-bars,stirups, hoops, and intermediate tes, which will ‘be arranged to resist the diagonal tension generated in members when subjactd to ‘shear force, If ry exceeds the allowable shear stress r,y when the concrete and iagonal tensile reinforcement jsintly bear the shear frees, an appropriate ‘modifistion including elargoment of the concret section shouldbe considered (®) Verification for shear forces shouldbe principally conducted at the section with the langest thear force or at the cection with varying shear strengths, However, verification at beam sections loeo to the column as shown by the oblique lines in Fig-6.1.1, may not be necessary (@) This clause specie the procedure forthe calculation of the mean shear strest fy used for the vevilication of shear frwes. fy should be derived in consideration of the effect of the effective depth changes of the member. However, when the allowable stross valu is increased interme ofthe shear-span ratio (efor to 87.0), {nthe mombors with a small sheer span ratio, uch are footings and top slabs, tho effect ofthe effective depth changes atthe member should not be considered. Alo, when pier columns are subjected to alternating (reversed) cyclic loads in the nonlinoar rango, during an earthquake, the affect of tho effective depth change of the membar should not be considered because this effect ie not still clarified (‘This clause specifies the procedure for the calculation of the amount of diagonal tensile reinforoement. r5) for caleulating the shear force S,, earvied by the concrete may take values modified by the provisions detailed in Sece 4.1 and 42. Although the effctive depth of the member section, d, is used in Bq. (6.1), the shearspan, a, should be used instead of d/1.15 in Bq. 6.1.9), if a) Mojzan fee tng on subtree momen Fy Farhan” ass Fyy=Figh om 849 Raya{Reane (honest) esa where FF, Inertia force acting on substructure at fixed end (KN) Fg: Ineria force acting on substructure at movable end Fry Horizontal foree acting on substructure at fixed end in transversal letion, when applying the force equivalent to the weight of “superstractare ad the weight of substructure upper above the base ground surface (KN) Fy,! Horizontal force acting on substructure at fixed end in longitudinal rection, when applying. the force equivalent to the weight of superstructure and the weight of substructure upper above the base round surface (KN) FjytMorizntal foree acting on substructure at movable end in transversal rection, when applying the force equivalent to the weight of superstructure and the weight of substructure upper above the base ground surface (€N) ‘ky: Design horizontal seismic coefficient R: Vertical reaction of superstructure acting on substructure under ‘consideration during earthquakes (kN) Friction coefficient of movable bearing 8: Skew angle Inthis case, pay stention to the fet thatthe point of action of the horizontal forces is atthe center of gravity ofthe superstructure, excep inthe case where the dreetion of action of seismic forces coincides withthe bridge xis direction us Fig. C. 846 Horizontal forces under earthquake condition on skew abutment 843 Design of parapets (DA parapot shall be designed to carry earth pressure as woll ae vehicle load (Ploads) and the loads from the approach cushion and falling prevention devices. (2) When unseating prevention structure is installed, parapet shall be designed to ensure the function of the unseating prevention atruetue i fully performed. ‘The verification of @ perapet shall be carried out in uccordance with the load to be considered in designing. Regardless of the existence of an unseating prevention structure, lateral reinforcement shall be arranged the outside of longitudinal rinforcoment, withthe aim of ensuring th load distribution and the durability, ‘A parapet should be designed to be safe against carth preseurw ae wall aa against the shock of wheel loads and vehicle loads acting on the rear side ofthe abutment. If an. approach cushion is installed or aseismatic connectors are attached, design the parapet ‘in consideration ofthe ther effet, because they also exert reactions. ( Vehicle foads inciude the Toad used whon designing «flor slab or oor system and the Leload used when designing a main girder. This clause prescribes that the load shouldbe used when dasigning a parapet. 1D) When an approach cushion i installed: 2) Calelation of front reinforcement of parapet ut ‘The front reinforcement of a parapet should be designed to eatry te loads ‘exerted under ondinary condition (se Fig.C.8.4.6). M,=Rl, ReaR, +T/1375 (€.84.10) (04) MIE -M,: Bending moment st base of parapet (kN'min) Distance fom centroid of parapet section to point of action of reaction (x) ‘Re Total reaction acting om pedestal (N/m) Restion ating on pedestal due to wand w, (N/m) One-sided load of Toads (= 100 #N) Seltweight of pavement over approach cushion (kNin') yy! SelEeight of approach cushion (RN/n") LL: Spas length take it at 0.7) (a) 1: ‘Length of approach cushion) ke La Fig. C.8.4.6 ‘Seetional foree in ease where approach cushion is installed; at normal times i Calculation of rear reinforcement of parapet “The rear reinforcement of a parapet should be designed to cary loads under Level I earthquake condition (se FigC.8.4.7) ss(C.84.11) M,=My 4M, +My 5 = By Fy + Pa us My: Bending moment at base of parapet (KNm/m) 5,2 Shear force at base of parapet (N/m) ‘M,_: Bending moment due to force of inenia of approach cushion during earthquakes, My = Ry.rq (mim) Force of inertia of approach cushion during cantguakes, Ry =2R yh, (eNim) 4: Reaction due wselfveight of approach cushion aetng on pede ‘nd sef-weigh of pavement over approach cushion (KN) ‘iy Design seismic coefficient used in sismie coefficient method (Mg: Bending moment dve to fores of inertia of parapet and pedestal during earthquakes, Me =Gyyo (N/m) Gp Forces of inert of parapet and pedestal during earthquakes (Nin) (Mg: Bending moment duet earth pressure, My =2,Pyy (kN) 7 a: Bat presse dng eatguakes, Poy = 7h, coe 4 (kN) Unit weight of earth (RN?) K,,:Coeflclent of earth pressure during earthquakes (Volume of arthquale-esistant Design, See. 6.2.4) 4,2 Wal surface friction angle between rear wall surface and earth during cathquakes (=O degrees) i Yor ys AS shown in Fig. C. 8.4.7 Trl Fig. C.8.47 Section force in ease where approach cushion is installed; during ‘earthquake (Geismic coefficient method) 2) When no approach cushion is installed 9 ‘when no approach cushion is installed, the rear reinforcement ofthe parapet should be designed against the loaded condition shown in Fig C.8.4.8. My =M,=M, need (C8412) where ‘Mg: Bending moment t base of parapet (kN min) St Shear fore at base of parapet (kN) 1M: Bending moment due 19 T-load (Na) [M+ Bending moment dus to arth pressutes (kN mn) + Sheae force due to Toads (kN/m) arth pressure (Nn) fs, Fig. C.848 Loaded condition due to T-loads and earth pressure 1) Calculation of section fore due to Moads For wheel and other loads imposed on a small surface area for a relatively short «ime, the foad intensity ue to T-losds should be by Eq. C. £4.13, because eath pressure intensity decreases wit depth Tr k, (cay “(ava Nb+ 2x) 6 y >. ‘P.: Load intensity due to Toads a eps x (N/m) K+ Coslcint of active earth pressure (Volume on Common, See.2.2.6) (Onesie load of Toads (= 100KN) 2: Side length of loaded surface in bridge ais direction (0.2 m) 20 bs Side length of loaded surface at right angles to bridge axis (m) Fig. C, 8.49 Load intensity due to Toads ‘This load imensty is due to the one-sided load of T-loads. Therefore, indesign ‘of the parapet, it should be treated assuming thet itis uniformly distributed over ‘nlf of the occupied width of one set of Toads 2.75 m3 = 1375 m). Gencralized formulae for the load intensity, bending moment, nd shear force per unit width ofa parapet due to T-loads can be represented by Eq. C. 8.4.14. KI =a -racnsone( 222 C844) ‘P+ Laadintensity de Toads a depth x (Nn?) K ,: Coefficient of ative earth pressure (Volume on Common, Sec.2.2.6) T+ Onwsided load of Toads (= 10048) 4: Side length of loaded sure in bidge axis ie 1M, : Beading moment due to Toads (mm) Parapet height ‘Shear foree due to Toads (Nim) (02m a a Because the load intensity due to Toads derived by the above equations is a logarithmic function, it decreases remarkably at depths more than 1 m below the round surface. Therefor, for parapets with a height of more than I m, itis good to consider the lod intensities within | m as extemal forees. In this case, ‘the point of action ofthe resultant of load intensities les 36 cm below the ground surface, and Mp sn Sp may be caleulated by Fa. C. 8.4.15. M, =13.03 K()~036, " nas (c.84is) 13.036, i Caloulation of ection fore due to earth pressures - (C8416) y+ Earth pressure (N/m) ‘Bending moment due to carth pressures (&N-a/m) K: Coefficient of active eat pressure (Volume of Common Matters See. 22.6) 2% Unit weigh of earth (kN!) fr: Parapet eight (an) Wall surface fietion angle between rear surface of wall and earth (egress) = 43) ‘When an unseating prevention structures are installed Because the unseating prevention structure provides the required safcty against unforeseen conditions not considered in desig, loads from the unseating prevention structure are not generlly considered in stability calculations for the substructure. lowever, when unseating prevention structares ae installed tothe parapet, breakage of the purapet may lead to falling of the superstructure. Therefor, it should be checked tht the bending moment developing atthe base of the parapet due to the Toad He from the unseating prevention structures shown inthe Volume on Seismic Design, Sec. 16.3 will not excsed the ultimate bending moment preseibed in ‘Sec.5.2.2 (00 Fig, C. 8.4.10) and the punching shear force developing at the parapet ‘will nt exceed the ultimate shear force prescribed in See5.2.3. The ultimate m2 ‘bending moment may be ealculsted assuming thatthe entire width ofthe parapet is effecive, The verification forthe punching shear force shall be done to ensure the inctallation part of the unseating prevention steucture will not collapse. In this ease, ‘the verification may be caried out comparing the punching shear force and the ulimate punching shear force, however, the evaluation method for the ultimate punching shear force is not clear. Therefore, ultimate punching shear force of a perapet may be calculated using r,s, prescribed in See.4.2(1) 1), multiplied 1.50, ‘over-design ftctor for earthquake condition prescribed in Sec.41.(3). Because these _etfications assume the condition just before the superstructure fll from the bridge seats, the loads du to rear earth pressure or fom the approach cushion need not be considered. Ducility with regard to the seismic design isnot the important factor for parapet, intermediate ies need not tobe arranged with the aim of controlling the ‘buckling of longitudinal reinforcement and maintaining the binding effect of intemal concrete, however, asa result of considering the necessary for shear reinforcement, intermediate ties shouldbe aranged when necessary. ‘Hy Seismic force used in design of ascismatic connectors neon i Rg! Dead load reaction of superstructure () ‘M,: Bending moment developing at base of parapet due to loads from aseismatic connectors (tfm) Fig. C.84.10 Working loads in case where aseismatic connectors are attached 8.44 Design of wing walls {) The wing walls shall be designed as slabs to receive superimposed loads due to live loads and the earth pressure, 2) Te slabs in this ease shall be cantilevers fixed to a wall or slabs fixed on two sides toa wall and footing, Itis the general practice that abutments are provided with wing walls with the purpose of protecting the rar earth, ‘hey are Gxed to the abutment body or parapet at right angles (or nearly right angles) tot. ‘Shapos of wing walls are shown in Fig. C.8.4.11. Part () and () are the side wall type ‘and Pert (ar the parallel type. ‘Thoir shapes and dimensions vary according to the 13 installation site ofthe abutment, backfill height, and gradient ofthe slope o @ Fig. C. 84.11 Shapes of wing walls "The wing walle chould be designed considering the superimposed los dve to live loads and the earth proscure, beau they ae diocty fired to the abutiment body in order to prevent lnteral movement of the earth behind the abutment. "The design should be basically a elab structure. The typesin Pars) and (of Fig. 8.4.11 should be designed as slabs fixed on two sides and the type in Parts () as cantilevers. Becauo analysis of slabs fixed en two sides is complex, the slab may be Aesigned based on the following concapt asa oustomeny method if J, and /, are not very long. [In this figure, portions A and D are designed aa centilovers supported on a-b and ef, respectively, In the design of segments a-b and ef, the reapective esultante of earth rosrures acting on portions A ani D are made to act onthe cantilever inorder to find ‘the sectional force at che Bxed end. This sectional forco may be distributed uniformly ‘over opments ab and o£ Band C ave designed as cantilevers supported on bc and ed, respectively. Ia this ease, itis good tn divide bre and ex into two ar more sections band btcand ee'and od and design each section with the force caleulated atthe most unfavorable position in that section. In Fig. C. 8.4.12, soction b-b'is wall designed with the moment, Mb, per unit langth at point b, and likewise bte with My c1"with Mc ed with Ma, 124 pence eR Perce Merete ee Fig. C. 84.12 Design of wing walls When jor fy shown in Fig, C. 8411 exceeds 8 m, diffrences wil rise between the results of analysis asa slab fixed on two sidee and the customary method, and the customary method is apt to lend to uneconomical design. Therefore, wing walle xeveding 6 m in length are desirably designed as slabs fixed on two sides. ‘The wing walls should be generally designed to carry the active earth pressure, However, for abutments forming a U with its front wall and wing walls, there have boon ‘nstancos in which cracks occurred et the connection portion ofthe wing walls because ‘the earth Billed inside was slways compacted by live load. Thos, wing walle antsfying all the following conditions should be designed with earth pressure a rst, © Noapproach cushion is installed. ® Nosidewalk cr the like i provided @ ‘The angle botween che ont wall and wing walle ofthe abutment i less than 90 agrees, ® The shape ofthe wing walls is of the side wall type, "Sidewalk or the like" hore inches, besides sidewalls, portions ordinarily not loaded with vehicle loads such as shoulders, "No sidewalk or the like is provided” may be thought of a a sidewall orth lke less than 1 m in width Give consideration to wall thickness and arvangoment of reinforecments to ensure adequate transfor of fores, The connected portions make structural weak points and therefore are desirably provided with a hauneh, In a wing wall of the parallel type, the main horizontal reinforeements must be ‘anchored in the dieston of tho lsteral reinforcements (horizontal bars) inthe parapet. ‘Therefore, itis necessary to add veinforcing bars in the parapet if the wall thickness or ‘he amount of horizontal reinforcements of the parapet is emer than the wing wall, 125 84.5 Rear side of abutment ‘Back Biling behind an abutment shall be designed and executed using a specially good quality and adequately compactible material. It ie desirable to install an approach cushion behind the abutment, ‘Because settlement of the backfill behind an abutmont remarkably hinders vehicular trafic, material ofespecally good quality should be used for the backflland should be adequately compacted so as to hold down settlement as to as low a level as possible, Water having that saop into the bactill must be drained out by an appropriate method, ‘The backSll behind en abutment may be deformed not only by settlement due to ‘consoldation or the like but als by the settlement aozompanying abutment vibration oF liquefection during earthquakes. Thorofore, it is desirable to install an approach ‘cushion (ne Fig. C.8.4.19) in onder to ensure amooth road trafic after the earthquake in fdaition consideration for not imparting shocks to running vehicles or the abutment. Desiga ofthe approach cushion shouldbe referred to Reference 2. Ifthe backfill cettlos remarkably, mage may be caused tothe approach eushion. Therefore, itis necessary to take preventive measures against settlement such as adequate compaction of the ‘beef ar cil improvemeat. 126 8.5 Column Footing Connections and Wall-Footing Connections Tongitadinal rainkoreement in columns and walle at conmsctions with footings shall be extended up to depth capablo of fully trancmitting sectional forces inthe ‘columns or walls to the footings, and anchored there with hooked ends. ‘The longitudinal reinforcement in columns or walls shall normally retain an anchorage length as calevated in Seo 7.8(2)2, shall be extended up tothe lotions ofthe lower reinforcement in footings or top slabs, and their ends shall be anchored bby hooking. However, in eaaes when the required anchorage length of the longitudinal reinforcement is longer than the depth of the footing, the longitudinal reinforcement can be extended up tothe lower reinforcement of the footings or top slab, bend at that position, and then laid parallel to the lower reinforcement. The ends of the reinforcement shall be hooked as specified in See 7.7 (2). Daring an earthquake, piers may demonstrate plastic behavior at their basos and large pull-out foroas may be generated in longitudinal reinforcement subjacted to alternating eysic loadings, For the purposes of transmitting and disteibuting the pullout fees to the inner parts of footings, the hoops specified in Seo 7.11(2) hall be extended toa depth equal to or deeper than the larger of one half ofthe shorter length ofthe column section or one half of the height ofthe footings. ‘The spacing of tho hoops in the fectings can be equal to or less than that of hoops placed atthe base of the pier Intermediate ties need not to be placed in footings, because the swelling ‘of longitudinal reinforcement i unlikely inthe footings, aa 86 Design of Bridge Seats (] Bridge seats shall bo designed with sufiient strength to withstand the vertical and horizontal forces from bearings. (2) Bridgo coats should be designed s0 that corrosion of bearings and girders can be miniminnd. (9) Bridge seats designed to comply with the foloseing requirements may be decmod to satisy () above 1) Bridge seats shall have a sufficient strength in the longitudinal direction of the bridge against the design horizontal seismic forces used in the verification of bearings epeciied in See 15.2 of Part V Seismic Design. 2) ‘The distance, Slam), between the edge of bearings and the edge ofthe top of the substructure (or bearing support edge distance) shall be equal to oF larger than the following value! $=0.24-0.005 2 (en where, ‘5+ bearings edge distance (m) 22 span length (on) 8) Bridge seats carrying concentrated forces from bearings shall be adequately reinforced with reinforcement, (@ In Japan, the corrosion of bearing supports and girders often occurs at bridge ‘sents as they are often located in confined areas end the weather conditions are often humia. Therefor, itis necessary to design bridge seats with an adequate radiont for water drainage (1) Bridge seats camry the eupersteucture using bearing supports and sustain large horizontal forces during an earthquake. In ease the concrete portions ofa bridge eoat fail, eubsidence and unseating ofthe girders may oom. Accordingly, bridge seats should be designed to have sufficient strength in the longitudinal direction against design horizontal seismic forees used in the verification of bboaring supports epecified in See 15.2 of Part V, Seismic Design, 1s ‘The strength of bridge seats can be calculated from Bqe(C.8.6.1) through, (C86). Those equations ore derived from experiment on bridge soste subjected to horizontal loads fa = Pet (86D P20 a ey Ay (casa) 2 =D b0-h/d,)2,4, (cae) + strength ofthe bridge seat (N) load carried by concrete (N) load carried by reinforcement (N) ‘coefficient to ealeulate 7, obtained from Fig-C.8.6.. 7, + Bearing stress at the lower face of bearing support due to vertical {orees (N/mm), derived by dividing the dead load reaction foree acting ‘on the bearing support by the area ofthe lower steel plate. 2a * design strength of concrete (Nim. resisting area in concrete (mm‘) (se0 Fig -C.8.6.2) {6 * Modification coefficient for load carried by reinforcement, usually 05. +h * depth of J-th reinforcing bar from the eurface af the bridge seat (rm) Gofer to Fig-C8.69) 44,’ length from the contar of the anchor bolt in the rear of the besring ‘support tothe edge ofthe se at (n) (rofer to Fig-C.86.3) co, yield point of reinforcement (Nim!) + eross sectional area of /-th reinforcing bar (ma®) Fig-C.8.6.1 Cooficient « to Caleulate Strength Carried by Conerete 120 stn he downward wth angles 8 dogroes) FigC.86.2 Resisting Area 4,of Concrote nd dy Fig-C.86.5 Definitions of #, Of the bars arranged horizontally inthe direction ofthe bridge axis, bars crossing the resisting planes and fully anchosed inta doaper concrete can be considered as reinforcoment in By (C:8.6.3). Straps aatisfYing this requirement can also be ‘considered as reinforcement. Hero, the location of anchor bolts and the amouat of reinforcement should be determined so that the strength of the reinforcement will be lets than half f the total strength ofthe bridge seats, This is because the maximum strength of reinforcoment was approximately half of the total ofthe bridge seats in the experiments, strength 2) Safety against feiluve at bridge seats can bo ensured by the strength verification procedures noted abowe. However, when the bearing support edge distance S illustrated in Fig-C.8.64, is insuficiont the conerote in front of the bearing supports may crack, break off, and fall. Accordingly, the bearing support ‘edge in the longitudinal direction should retain the length longer than the value 130 siven from Bq. (86.0, ‘The distance $ in cases of skewed or curved bridges shall be measured in the distance from the postion of the resultant vertical foe acting on thesurface ‘fa footing infront of a column or wall to the front faco of thecolumn ar wall (am) ie /2, 4) Go) L's modified length of shear span, 1 14! column width oe wall width perpendicular tothe werifieation section (nm) 4: effective depth offeting in front of slum or wall (mm) 89 Pile Foundation Footings ‘When the main reinforcement comes at lower side of the footing, the shear span a can be the distance from the center of the outermost pile to the front face of the column or wall, When the main reinforcement, comes at the upper side of the footing, the shear span a can be calculated by Bq 87.8). a=L+l e758) where, 4 § shear span (mm) L® distance from the conter of the outer-most pile to the front face ofthe column cor wall Gam) 1°: modified length of shear span, L’=min(,,/2, 4) (mm) column width or wall width perpendicular to the verification section (ram), shown in Fig-8.7.. 4 + effective depth ofthe footing infront of eumn or wall (mm) (@) Bffective Width ‘Tho effective width ofthe footing against shear forces shall generally be the total width. Inthe ease of an extremely large pile-tepie distance, the effective ‘width shall be obtnined in accordance with the provisions detailed in Se, ur ara. (6) Verification of Pile Foundation Footings for shear forces by assuming as slab structures Verification of pile foundation footings for shear forces in a level 2 seismic situation shal! be performed by treating th footings aa alab structures, whon necessary. (j)TRe conerate in etructatal membor with a small shear span ratio a/d such a8 a footing ean withstand shear stresses larger than those in an ordinary beam or thin slab, due to the arch action. Accordingly, it is reasonable to estimate the allowable shear stresoes rand the shear strongth 5, of the concrete by consideration of the effects Aeserived in See (9). ‘The thickness ofthe footing will be extremely Iarge if only the concrete is used to rosist the chear foreas. In such case, the use of diagonal tension reinforcement can bbe considered. However, cinco the resistance moshanism becomos like a tied arch ‘structure if it is @ member with @ small shear span ratio, the effets of shear reinforcement expected from the truss theory may not be generally obtainable. ‘Accordingly, the modification provided in Soe (92) shall be performed in terms of the shear span ratio, and it ie desirable to avoid design that largo raies on shoar reinforcement, (DD As proviously described, since the concreto in the footing can carry large shear stress, verification for shear foroes is not necessary at least in the range one half the footing thickness from the front fave of the column, Verification for shear forces is necessary only for the section at distance ono half of the footing thickness from the front face of the eolume, Furthermore, provisions for the arrangement of diagonal tension reinforcement are introduced for the ase when the main reinforcement comes ‘a the uppor section of the foctng. Here, diagonal tension reinforcement need ‘not be arranged at and inside the anchoring sections of the main reinforcoment ‘in columns ot walls, This is beeause the anchoring portion of a eolumn or wall enclosed by many axial and lateral seinforcing bars and therefore one can ‘expect their restraining effect on the conerete in the anchoring portion, so it ‘can be thought that the share inthe shear strength the conerete can oarty is 148, freater than in the proteuding portion of footing 2) Tho sections of footings at the conter, of piles must be verified for shear forees, ‘because each pile works as a support. Furthermor, the punching shear stress snd bearing strs in the eonerote must be examined at the connection between the pile and footing, depending on the connection method, 2) In the verification for shear forces, the main reinforcement in the footing shall bo assessed in trms ofthe direction of bending moments at the seston in front ofthe column or wall due to the vertical loads acting on the entire area of the footing infront ofthe column or wall. The location ofthe main reinforcement in ‘he footing in shear design may be different from that in the design for bending ‘capacity In the design for bending moments, the load'besring mechanism is treated as a beam medel along the axis of the footing. Conversely, the Toad bearing mechanism against shear forces ig treated as the strut-tie model ‘based on truss or arch theory (8) 1) For structural members with a shear span ratio a/d of 25 or less, the increase ‘ooffcionts cyfor the allowable shear stress # and the shear strength 5, of the concrete are shown in Tuble-87., ‘The increase coefficients in Table-8.7.1. are conservative and based on experimental date of the shear eapacity of deop beame. It was found from event experimental results that the shear strength continued to increase leven after the generation of shear cracks when the tensile main reinforcement is placed on the uppers section ofthe footing, Therofore, modification by the increase coefficient c, is recommended, and the methods forthe calculation of shear epan a are nevly specified in 3). ‘As described in Commentary (8) of See 5.1.8, when the allowable stress is increased in terms of the shear span ratio, the eifet of the variation of the ffoctive depth of the member on the shear foree shell not to be talon into count, because its effect i sill unknown, Purther, it should be noted that 4} Shirato, M, Ful, J, Masui, N. and Kosa, K: Toward unifying ultimate limit state of shear for pile ceps Sh 2002 Osaka Congres, Osaka, Japan, Vol. 8, pp. 163°172, 2002. 9" Shirato, M, Pui, J, Masui, N. und Kosa, Ulinate shar strength of pile ep, roc. ofthe 19 US-Japan bridge engineering workshop, Trukubs, Japan, 2003.10, "Teshnical Memorandum of PWRI. 2003, 9) increase cooficionts in Tuble-B.7.1 cennot be applied whon the members subjected fo lateral eycli losding snow plastic behavior. The ressons for this are that extensive eracking would occur in the conerete when the members are subjected to alternating cvelic loads in the yield range, and the shear stresses ‘carried by tho conerete would significantly decrease, As a result the shear bearing mechaniam due to archection in a thick member may not be demonstrated effectively. 2) As described in 1D, the arch action predominates in the shear resistance ‘mechanism of a structural member with a small shear epen ratio «/d rather than the truss action, which is gonerally seen in an ordinary slender beam with 1 large shear span ratio. The effecis of diagonal tension reinforcement, ‘evaluated by the truss theory in the case of a small shear span ratio may be smaller than the effects in the ease of a lavge shear span ratio, Tt should be noted, however, that these elfects are still under investigation. Accordingly, the reduction cosficiant c, shown in Eq.(B.7.8) hall be sed to avoid a design that zelios on the shear strength provided by diagonal tension bars. FFor diagonal tensile reinforcement, it is good to examine the amount of reinforcement also from the viewpoint of workability, and it is desirable to arrange it so that the shear reinforcement ratio pw ealeulated by Equation C. £87.48 0.3% or less, ‘pe 100 Aniae) snl 8.74) where pe Shear reinforeement ratio (0) ‘Ae: Cross-sectional area of diagonal tensile reinforcement (mm®) 4 Placement intorval (mm) of diagonal tensile reinforcement in longitudinal direction of feoting & Placement interval (mn) of diagonal tonsile reinforcement in transverse direction of footing 2) The determination procedures for the shear span ratio @ are specified Although the procedures considering the distributed overburden loads of soils ‘and loads from motile piles still ned tobe clarified, the determination of the ‘shoar span ratio is as fallow! 150 In order to dosign footing members, the shear pan of spread foundations can be determined in consideration ofthe distribution ofthe subgrade resction at the base of the foundation, which is estimated during the verification of ‘oundation stability. Accordingly, the shear span can be the distance from the front face of the column or wall to the center of gravity of the vertical loads acting on the front footing. ‘When the main reinforcement comes on the upper section ofthe foting, such as the rear footing of a spread foundation, reinforcement, the shear span should take the sum of Z (distance from the resultant vertical foree to the front face ofthe column or wall) and L’ (modified length) 4) The shear span of pile foundation when the main reinforeement comes on the lower face of the footing ean be the distance ftom the front face of the column or wall to the eenter of the outay-most pile. “Hlowover, when more than one row af ples in font of the column or wall, noed to ‘be vorified the shear span at the piles inthe row cloter to the column ox wall may ‘ecome too conservative. In such a case, the shear span at each verifeation section can be the absolute value ofthe ratio ofthe bending moment, which cstimated at the front fice of the cslumn or wall due to all vertical pile head ‘actions acting on the verifleation section and the area outside oft to the shear force whichis estimetod at the front face of the column or wall due tothe same vortcal pile head reactions. ‘When the main reinforcement comes atthe upper section of the footing, the eae span can be ostimated as follows. Ae illustrated in Fig-.8.78, the compressive forees due to pull-out forces from piles are expected to bo transmitted from the upper section of the footing at lneation of the pile to the compression zone at ‘he aco ofthe column or wall. Accordingly, the shear epan ia this case should be {greater than that when the footing. reinforcement comes atthe lower seston ofthe 1st UW UJ t 4 Fig-C.8.7.8 Schematic Drawing of Comprocsve struts inside a Footing of| Column or Wall Subjected to Horizontal Forces When the number of roses of piles that are associated with the verification sections atthe front face ofthe column or wall is two or mora, and when tho main reinforcement comes at the upper section ofthe footing, the shear span at each verification section can be obtained as flows onbessteu (cara) where, @ : shear span at verification section (mm) AM" bending moment estimated atthe front face of column ox wall due to vertical pile head reactions acting on the verification eection and the ‘area outside oft (Nemm) [S15 shear farce estimated at the front face of column or wall due to vertical pilechead resctions acting on the verification section and the area ‘outside oft (N) + modified length of shoar span, £'=min(, (2,4) (mm) 1,5 column width or wall width perpendicular to verifeation section (Gum), shown in Fig-8 7.2 4 = effective depth of foting in font of column or wall (mm) ‘To simplify the calculation ofa shear span, only the vertical ple head reactions may be taken into account, beeause vertical pile head reactiona are the most {influential on the distribution of principal compression stresses ooting le the (8) When considering a level 2 earthquake condition acting on pile foundations for piers, verification shall be performed, when necessary, by treating the footing as fa slab mombor subjected to two directional shear forces, in addition to the verification treating it as a beam member subjctad to shear fooes. At that time, fas the effects of the eccentricity at the position of hovizental loading are considerable, the verification section shal be placed atthe sections surrounding 182 the column oF wall at the distance one-half of the footing thickness from the ‘front face ofthe column or wall. And, vorisication shall be made against vertical {forces acting on the outside of the verfietion eetion (refer to Fig-C.8.7.9. Howover, whom the piles are arranged in a uniform latice or zigzagrpattern, and when atleast one pile exists between the front fac ofthe column and the verification section (or the effoctive or resisting section), verifcstion can be omitted because the ehoar failure a a clab member ia considered to be unlikely. (ofer to Fig-C8.7.10. When treating a foting subjected to shear forees asa slab member, the effects of bending moments may have a significant offect, unlike an ordinary slab that is affected by only pure punching shear: Therefore, the shear strongth P, should ‘be calculated in the same manner as tbe shear veifestion for a beam member, ‘n accordance with the provision in See 6.2.8. The sheer strength ofthe concrete ‘used forth calculation of Ps should be estimstod at verification sections 1 to & illustrated in Fig-C.8.7.9(b), and 2, should take the sum af those throe values, ‘Hore, in ealculating the shear strength provided by the eonerote, the effective ‘width and the tensile main reinforcemont ratio should be taken at each verification svotion, Further, the increase coefficient ci forthe shear strength ‘of the concrete in terms of the shear span ratio shall be the value obtained by 18q(C8.7.9). The choar span a shall be the distance () fom the front fave ofthe column at euch verification section tothe cantar ofthe outermost pile row. 183 Cou | L Be-[[d > c ‘Seco he a oO |e Sees ie : Tamed LF [PO fal G@ When Considered as (3) When Considered a8 Beam Member Slab Member se ‘Stet pe) ig’-C.8:7.9 Verification Sections for Shear Forees Subjected to Horizontal Loads (EMfective Width) asa iis Ss et oS fi cs) @ o -2| ° 9) lo Jojo lo eaten St i : ¢ posoo WETS © Shear Voneation sb Beam @) Shear Veriton m Slab Messbore ‘nd Sib Mena no ‘sot Reger guid tition only Rowe Fig/C.6.7.10 Examples of Footings not Requiring Shear Verification Poe Manto) 63 , se Saalay ar) where, cue increase cocffciont for shear strength provided by concrete, Aletermined in terms of shear span ratio = shear span (mm) 4 effective dopth of footing (mm) atthe front face ofthe column or wall In the current revision, itis stipulated thatthe increase coefficiant cq shown in ‘Tuble-81.1 shall be incorporated when caleulating the shear strength of boam ‘members. However, the increase coefficients in this table are the values that are {determined based on tho results of loading tests on deep beams. As the effets of ‘the shear span ratio and the adequacy of the effective action used to estimate shear strongth as a deep slab are atll less well understood, the sheer strength should be calculated as done in Part 1V (1890) ‘Tho shoar strength ofthe diagonal tension reinforoement S, can be eslevlated by Eq. (C8:7.7 and Fig-C.8.7.11, Fig-C.8.7.11G@) is usod when the distance 155, from the front face of tho column to the outermost row of piles, , is equal to or ‘ereater than 1/15 and (is for the ease with Led/L.18 In Eq(C.8:7.7), mis the number of diagonal tension reinforeoment arranged in the area highlighted by the slanted lines in Fig-C8.7.11, Ao (ar 'S, + shear strength provided by diagonal tension reinforcement (N) 4A; erocs'sectional area of diagonal tension reinforcement (mm) ‘a4, Yield stress (or yield poind) of diagonal tension reinforcement m+ number of diagonal tension reinforcement arvanged in the area highlighted by the slanted lines in Fig-C.87.11 It is necessary to consider the degree of inclination of all non-vertical tension bars = el een $e on ti rs tettaoe Seen w fe Wie of ila rt “ser mn aa onas (@)InCaseof L2dA15 —(t) In Case of LedA.15 FigC.8.7.11 Avoa to be considered in Caleuating Shear Strength as a Slab Member 156 87.5 Arrangement of Reinforcement (D All veinforcoment shall be arranged in accordance with the following requirements! Single Footines 1D In view of the results of the verification for the persistent, extrome wind, level 1 seismic, situations, and the level 2 seismic situation, the amount of rwinforcomont por wnit width, 4, and 4, for the roepective cases shall be ‘caloulated using the effective width specified in See, 8.7.8. 2) The amount of reinforcement ofthe larger of4,and 4, shall be arranged at ‘equal spaces in the arwa within the effective width b calculated by Bq (8.7.0. ‘The amount of reinforcement of 4 shall be distributed at equal spaces in the area outside the above, 8) The main reinforcement in the footing shall be arranged in twovdirection so that the footing behaves as a slab member, and the arrangement of the reinforcement sball be determined in consideration of the layout of ples, 4) Reinforcement shall be placed in the upper face of the footing to avoid brittle failures due to unexpected overburden Toads, oven when tension ie not expected in the upper side of the footing. In general, the emount of ‘reinforcement in the upper side shall be equal to or greater than one third of ‘that inthe lower side. For abutment footings, reinforcement oqual to half or ‘more ofthe main tonsion reinforcement shal be placed in the upperside ofthe front footing and in the lower side of the rear footing. 8) Reinforcement shall be arranged in the upper or lower side af the footings 90 that the entite sida fact against bending moments. The amount of rwinforcement in each direction shall be equal to or greater than one third of that in the perpendicular direction 187 eee a Ae [onthe ce (a) When Main Reinforcement is (4) When Main Reinforcement is Placed at Lower Sectionof Footing Placed at Upper Section of Footing, Fig-8.78 Arrangement of Reinforcements Continuous Footings ‘The arrangement of the reinforcement in the cantilever regions of continuous footings shall conform to the provisions in (1) Single Footings above, In the continuous beam portions of continuous footings, the amount of reinforcement 4s (persistent, extreme wind, and level 1 seismic situations) and 4, (evel 2 seismic situation) shall be obtained according to (1)D), and shall be arranged in accordance with the provisions in (1)2) above, "The arrangement of the main, upper and lower reinforcements shall conform to tho provisions 8) to 8) of (2) in the above. 158 ft Seon - Seeeades Fig-8.7.4 Arrangement of Reinforcement for Continuous Footing (When Main Reinforcement is Arranged inthe Lower Section of Footing) (9) Connection between Footing and Abutment Wall "The main tension reinforcement in an abutment focting shall retain the anchor length specified in Sec 7.6(2)2), and shall be anchored by extending the ‘reinforcement up to or bayond the position ofthe vertical reinforcement in the ‘ear ofthe wall in the case of front footings end in the front of the wall in the Li case of rear footings. (DD. This section specifies the procedures to obtain the required amount of reinforcement and its arrangement in a rectangular section which is determined using the effective depth and the effective width stipulated in See £8.7.865) against a bending moment calculated by assuming the footing as cantilever and the vertical sction as the section of footing at the front face of ‘the column, 8) The main reinforcement in the footing should be arranged in two directions. In the case of footinge with pile foundations, the arrangement af the piles shall be carefully considered, In particular, when there area small number of piles, the arrangement of the reinforcement must be carefully determined 20 that resetion forces of piles are directly transmitted to the piles and the column or wall 4 This provision (See. 87.5(1)4)) is specified because the behavior of overburden soils on the footing is not well understood still and because the resistance of the backfill against the inertial forees of the abutment is not always ensured. 5) When the difference between the amount of reinforcement in two perpendicular divections in the upper and lower sections of the footing is significantly large, the main reinforcement located distant from the column oF ‘wall (perpendicular to the verification section) will not be effective, and the whole section may not be resistant to the bending moments offectively. Accordingly, it is recommended that the amount of reinforcement in each divecton should be at loast one third of that in the perpendicular direction. (@) At the connostion between a footing and ubutment wall, tensile stresses can ‘oour at the top and bottom of the footing, partly duo to the sectional frees cocurring at the bottom of the abutment wall. Therefore, the main tension seinforcement in the abutment footing shall be extended up to extended up to ‘the vertical reinforcement at the rear wall side in the ease of ear footings, and anchored there, However, when these anchoring lengths do not satisfy the anchoring lengths spocifiod in Sec. 7.6(2)2), the reinforoement shall be ‘extonded boyond tho positions of the vortical reinforeement in order to they retain the required anchoring lengths. 160 CHAPTER 9 FUNDAMENTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STABILIZATION OF FOUNDATIONS 8.1. Selection of Foundation Types Foundation type should be selocted by taking the following items into consideration (Q) ‘Topographic and Geological Conditions (2) Characteristics of Structures (2) Consteuction Conditions @ Bavironmental Conditions (©) Others Foundation types are roughly classified into spread, caisson, pil, stel pipe sheet pile, snd diphragm wall foundations, When designing a foundation type for @ specific objective, one of these five types should he selected frst of sll according to suevey results as provided for in Chaptor 2, and then its details should he determined by reviewing details of respective design requirements. ‘Foundation types are generally selected at an initial stage of designing procedures ‘which include structural planaing and comparison designing. Should a foundation type bb changed after itis once select, euch a change wil grestly set beck the designing procedures. Hence, it is necessary to make fll study ofall the conditions atipulated ia the provision above before finally selecting a type. Correct selection neods surveys suited for contents and objoctives to be voviewed as well ax appropriate construction Inowiedge, [No diffoent types of foundation should be applied to 8 single subetrscture, This Deeause there ere great differences among bearing mechanisms of foundations, and because remarkable dfforonces are found among them i behaviors during earthquake: loads are shared among foundations in a manner which cannot be described simply, thereby no sufficient safety being socured in such a ease, But such structures are scceptable in which loads are shared by foundations divided by working divetions a ‘typical example i to bear horizontal bearing force by a caisson foundation and vertical lone by a plo foundation. In this ease, however, safety should be filly confiemed by reviewing their behavious during easthguake, 61 92. Basic Requirements of Design (Basie Design Requirements 1 The foundations shall be stable against bearing failure, toppling, and sliding under the load to be considered in the design under ondinary, storms, and fevel 1 earthquake conditions and foundation displacement shall not ‘exceed the allowable value. Here, the allowable displacement shall be determined in consideration of the allowable displacement of the superstructures and substructures nevestany for preserving the bridge function 2) For the pier foundation, the general rule is that level 2 earthquake resistant verification shall be done according to the mothod using ultimate lateral etrength during an earthquake stipulated in Chaptors 6 nd 12 of Part V Soismie Design 2) For Abutment foundations located on liquefiable grounds, tho general rule is that level 2 earthquake-resistant checking shall be dono according to ‘the method using whimate lateral strength during an earth stipulated in Chapters 6 and 18 of Part V. (2 Classification of Foundation-Design Procedures Foundations shall be claasiied into the spread, caisson, pile, steel pipe sheet pile and castinrplave diaphragm wall types and a foundation shall be designed according tits type (© This provision states the basic policy in stability checking of foundation. ‘The foundation serves to securely transfor the londs ncting on the superstructure and substructure tothe besring ground, and it must be mechaniealy stable and must not allow harmful deplacoment to oseur. The mechanism of « foundation to resists loads i different according to tke working method and depth ofthe foundation and the relative rigidity of the foundation and ground. Therefore, in the stability checking, a design motel and checking items must be sctablished with due ‘considerstion fr the resistance mechanism. 1D To ensure the stability ofthe structure, the foundations should exhibit the required safety factors against beering, toppling, and sliding, Conventionally, a check 162 regarding toppling is required fr every type of shallow foundation eg. & spread oundation. However, in the ease of foundations for rgidframe or arch bridges that will nt topple in the longitudinal direction due to their structural configuration, ‘he stability checking regarding toppling can be neglected. For deep foundations, no checking regarding toppling is required as before ‘The basis ewquirements in stability chacking and tho etability checking iteme of ‘each foundation te under ordinary, storms, and level 1 earthquake conditions are as shown in Tablee‘C.9-2.1 and C.9.2.2. ‘As storm situation may be considered as equivalent to the level 1 earthquake situation, the safety factors in the stability checking for storm situation may take those for the level 1 earthquake situation. However, since concepts of the covfisionts ofthe subgrade reactions and ground sueface for the design in storm situation may differ from those in the earthquske situation, the displacement and subgrade reactions in storm situation should bo calculated ucing the stebilty ‘analysis models under ordinary conditions Table-C.9.2.1 Stability Checking Ttems of Bach Foundation Type under Ordinary, ‘Storms, and Level 1 Barthqueko. Conditions ‘icing em | Bearing Capac peel fececai Foundation Type _|Werical ao ei = Displacement Spread Foundation Or = Caiseon Foundation ¢ ce e Pie Foundation : Stel Pipe Sheet Pile : Posntation i) ° Cantirplace ° ° 3 Diaphragm WallPousdation ( indeates the ‘whae the load ie shared at the embedded portion Although, as shown in the provision above, the allowable displacement of foundations shall be determined in consideration of the displacement of the superstructures and substructures necessary for proserving the bridge fonction, ‘he fllowing displacement shouldbe taken into account daring the design’ (@) Allowable Displacement determined from the Superstructare 168 ‘This is @ value to restrict the displacement of the foundation not to exort « Ihaemful infuence on the superstructure and is equivalent to the value if @ displacement is givon atthe pier top or bescing postion (@) Allowable Displacoment dotermined from the Substructure For an elastic foundation, an excessive horizontal displacement of the foundation borings sbout a harm residual displacement. Therefore, for an ordinary elastic foundation, it is desirable to restviet the horizontal foundation displacement within the limite of not allowing a lange residual displacement to be present in ‘the foundation in order to secure the foundation stability in design. That is, in ‘engineering sense, & is the allowable displacement determined fom the ‘oubytructure that stipalates the horizontal foundation displacement in order to not leave a large residual displacement and to keep within the limits of the possibilty, of evaluation of elastic behavior. "The allowable horizontal ‘ieplacement is principally determined to be 1% based on the results of many loading test. For a large elastic foundation with @ width of 5 motors or more, hhowover, the allowable displacement ix deteriined to be 50 mm bocatse few loading test data axe available and it je 15 mm fora pile foundation with a pile diameter of 1.5m or lass considering the past performance. Moreover, the allowable displacement of abutment foundations under ordinary conditions should be 15 mm regardless ofthe foundation width, beeause the displacement may inetease with tine due to the effects of creep end backfill settloment. Noto ‘the general rule is thatthe displacement of foundation at the design ground surface is checked with the allowable displacement. 164 (enmiseran aioe pt men apse pp ; | ed ‘erpudea | Seonsneta) “pewoauor | Tarek | Sue puna | Paap ‘pees Spoq ans rane |'suumq | ome | — | soy | swonog | YM {10% wenydngs | nad 2 uoaedp “aipedes spoqansea | MeMewion? | punt wong | — | wonwpunay 2 tewozvow | taieg | ed oud ious di ars | weusmndop | Rm, | sede kpoq anseia)| _fewiopoH toed. Fuunaq | wonog | — See | swonog | HO sorepuney vost ‘oades Sug Spa pr fe sonepana peas pow sygoyedo 3 ‘daoy | >t umpepenea od wopepuney ype jo spouou uliyp yo ads quand puw Suppoy> KyUgns Jo NUMAN TT6"D MEL, 2) The fundamental concepts of the stability checking of pier foundations for the level 2 earthquake situation are spedficd in Chapters 6 and 12 of Part V Seismic Design. Detailed analysis procedures including stability analysis model ‘evaluation of design patameters, definition of yield of foundation aa # aystom, land llowablo ductility factors of foundations aro provided in Part 1V Substructures. Analytical model, yield, allowable ductility facto, and allowable ‘Soplacement of foundations are summarized in Table-C.9.2.. ‘The following displacement shouldbe taken into acount! (a) Allowable Displacement determined from the Superstrueture ‘The allowable displacement of «foundation should be restricted to avoid adverse effects on the serviceability of the bridge and the reparability of| the superstructure, In general, unseating prevention eyetame should be esignad in consideration of those viewpoints ©) Allowablo Displacoment dotormined from the Substructure When a foundation is dosignod by considering its ductilo behavior, it is recommended to restrain displacement of the foundation to prevent excessive residual displacement due to its ductile behavior Tn the ease of pier foundations, « rotational angle of 0.02 radians at the top of the foundations ean be adopted at an approximate design target. Note that wen itis verified thatthe foundations should wot reach the yield points, checking on the allowable displacoments is not required because excessive residual displacement is unlikely to occu Since, in general, « spread foundation is supported by compacted soil and the bearing strength is significantly higher than the fores acting on the structure, Seismic eneray absorption derived from a loeal uplift due to rotation of the foundation during level 2 earthquake motion can he expected. Bven when 2 prvad foundation demonstrates euch nonlinear behavior, tho aupporting {ground itself may not sustain sevore damage. Accordingly, stability verification of spread foundations by the ductility design method may not be required. However, as larger forces would bo gonoratod in the footing during a level 2 carthquake motion than in a level 1 earthquake motion, the structural safety of the footings shall be verted fora level 2 earthquake siteation, In the previous version of Specifications for Highway Bridges the stability of sbutment urdations during « level 2 earthquake situation was omitted. In 168 this revision, in view of the examples of damage examples to actual sbutment foundations, verification forthe lovel? earthquake situation shall ba performed cconding to the provisions in Chapters 6 and 13 of Part V Seismic Design. This will provide abutment foundations rosting on liquefiable ground required strength, and will avoid excessive residual displacement, even ifthe abutment ‘foundations sustain seismic plastcization. 167 renee 168, om steep (©) The design techniques given in Chaptors 10 to 14 are based on design caloulations that consider the work method of each foundation type, boaxing conditions of the foundation, load sharing and rigidity of the foundation, and their scope of ‘applicability is Limited to themeelves, Here, the classifeation of foundation types bby structural types and work methods ie mainly employed forthe classification of design methods. BL, is « quantity to avaluste the relative rigidity of «foundation land the ground and is given az a guideline to indicate the practical scope of applicability ofthe design methods ee Table C. 9.2.2. For a foundetion on a slope, the resistance mechanism to loads cannot be represented adequately with the cafety checking described in these chapters. In sucha case, safety checking considering the resistance mechanism should be done separately, () The design methods for spread and caisson foundations can be classified as shown in Tuble-C3.24, in terme of the ratio of the embedment depth to the foundation width, rogardless of the method of construction. However, when round rosistance in front of the embedment of a foundation ean not be ‘expected even if J,/8 >1/2, itis appropriate to design the foundation asa spread foundation ()Te classification of desiga methods for caisson, stzel pipe sheot pile cast place diaphragm wall and pile foundations depends on whether the foundation is treated as one columnar bedy or a8 a rigid frame consisting of multiple ‘columnar members connected by footings. (© Tue horizontal stability of s column type foxindation such a8 a caison, steel pipe sheet pipe, or east'in-place diaphragm wall foundation should be chockod in consideration of the Mexural vigidity of the foundation, regardless of the vale of 2 (@) Piles with 1

Pe where 'S: consolidation settlement (m) ina cohesive soil layer ‘60: intial void ato at a layer whose depth is 6): void ratio at alayer whose depth is 2 apainst po + Aor Hi: thickness (m) of the cohesive soil layer Ce: index of compression of the cobesive sol layer ‘ho, increment of vertical stress (kin?) at a depth of z inthe soil layer, ‘caused by applied load Re: consolidation yield tress (Nm?) at a depth of 2 Po: effective overburden load (kNim’) ata depth of “The value po inthe equation above should be obtained by using Pa. C. 9.63. 12 ~~(C963) po= th+y(@—hy unit weight of earth (N/m) 175 wnitweight in water of earth Vin?) 22: depth (n fom a subgrade surface 1h: dep (tom the subgrade surface to subgrade water level, ‘40; may be obtained by the customary caleulation method (Eq. C. 9.64) which follows ‘an assumption that subgrade stess disperses linearly as shown in Fig-C. 9.6.1, —_ @B0 . . "Eyam saraas) eee where Bs shorter width (of load longer wit (m) of load angle of dispersion. Generally taken from 30° to 35°. 2 applied load (Nm) mo : caaeec, PTET TITETTT TIT TITTY _* Fig-C. 9.64 Distribution of Ground Stress Fig-C.962 elogp Curve Generally, the value C, should be obtained by means of @ consolidation test. Ifn0 log curve is prepared, Equation C. 9.6.5 may be utilized for cohesive sol layer whose sensitivity ratio isnot high. C= 0.009 (m,— 10) (€.9.65) where wy : liquid limi (%) 183 In case ofa multi-layered consolidation deposit as shown in Fig-C. 9.63, volumes of ‘consolidation setlement in each layer should be summed up. a Contin tye 4 EL, comtinonine 2 2 = —— sl = ‘Consolidation yer | ' 4 & u Bre comotition ye Fig-C, 9.6.3 Malti-layered Consolidation Deposit Consolidating time in a uniform saturated cohesive sol layer whose maximum drainage stance (em) is D eat be estimated by using Eq, C. 9.6.6 below: mt cy ‘ ~ son (C.96.6) 2 consolidating time (s) taken to reach a specific degree of consolidation Tm Gy: eveffcient of consolidation (nis) obtained by consolidation test “Ts time coefficient hich is determined by inital conditions on disibation ‘of subgrade stess increment As, causing consolidation and is in ‘carrespondence to degree of consolidation U (2) (see Table-C. 9.6.1) 1D: maximum drainage distance (m) in a saturated cohesive soil layer. If double sided dreinage is done in consolidation layer whose height is H m1, D=HD, (se FigC. 9.64) 188 Us degree of consolidation (%) as defined by Eq. C. 9.6.7 Uw BEE 100 or smnemnn(C, 9.6.7) 1: Void ratio before consolidation starts 1: Void ratio when consolidation is completed ©: void ratio at an arbiteary time Table-C. 9.6. Time Coefficient ve, T veo, T 0 0.008 oO 0287 20 0.031 0 0.403 30 oon 80 0.567 40 0.126 90 0348 50 0.97 Pome ayer 7 Perma hyer permeable layer Fig-C. 9.64 Selecting Drainage Distance Ifa deposit is composed of multi cohesive soil layer whose coofficont of consolidation difers euch as Ovl, Cv2, and CvS as shown in Pig-C. 9.6.5, maximus drainage layer distance D' may be caleclated by using Kquation ©. 9.6.8 a8 to {maginary layer thickness 2D' and a eoefficont of consolidation of Cv. 185 E, tC, . [Eea ay, [Oe gered Dy [Eee mnnrnnnnn epee Dee (C.9.68) where D ‘maximum érainage distance (m) Dy,Dp “Dy: maximum éainage distance of exch layer (i) Cy, Ca Cy: coefficient of consolidation ofeach layer (als) ca any arbitrary coefficient of consolidation (m2/s) to be chosen as representative of the layers Permeable yer Permeable yer Fig-C.9.65 Deposit Composed of Consolidation Layers with Different Cv 9.7 Deep Foundations to be Constructed Deep in Grounds Subject to Consolidation Sottlement ‘When constructing @ deep foundation in subgrade which ie sabjociod to consolidation settlement, influences of land subsidence upon the foundation, including negative friction fore, shall be reviewed. Consolidation settlement oocurs in volt eubgrade, if offctive strobe is incronsed by ‘banking near a foundation or by pumping up subgrade water to lower a subgrade water level. Consolidation has not been completed yet in many of relatively new reclaimed lands, When constructing pile or caisson foundations in such eubgrades, influences of land subsidence upon the foundations need tobe reviowod, 186 Is influences includo occurrence of nogative skin fiction force inthe foundation skin, failure to expect horiontal resistance in some part of ground because design ground surlaces change by land subsidence, and vertical sharing i reduced, For further details, xefor to sections ofeach foundation, 9.8 Foundations Subjected to Recentric Loads {Influences of lateral movement, if @ foundation constantly eubjected to eeeentsic load may more laterally shall be reviewed, When constructing in soft ground an abutment or other structures which are constantly subjected to eccentric load, there are possibilities of lateral movement of & foundation. The lateral movement may sometimes break expansion joints, doform an abutment when its parapet wall comes in contact with a superstructure, or injure bearing Many causes are supposed to force an abutment & move laterally, including eo quality: shapes and dimensions of beckiil interaction between an abutment body and pile and caisson: and landfilling conditions, Hence, it is considerably dificult at prevent to grasp lateral movement quantitatively when designing an abutment However, foundations which cause and do not cats lateral movement can be largely ‘entifed by using a lateral movement‘identiffng index (1 index) which is ealculatod by using Eq. C. 98.1, Ifthe J index is Tess than 1.2, a designer may judge that no lateral movement wil occur, and if exceeding 12, it may occur sant os where 1 lateral movementidentifying index corrective coofciont of soft ground thickness, 4) D/L )corvestvecoefcient of foundation bedy resistance width, convective coeficiont of abutment length, us= VAC <3.0) ‘unit weight of Sling material (kNim®) hight of backfl (m) average value of cohesion in the soft ground CxNim#) ‘of ground thicknees m) abutment length + > 187 Be abutment with (md 1: total width of foundation bodes (nd L? embedded depth of the foundation (rm) Influences of lateral movement must be roviewed if there are poseiilties of its owcurrence, Recommended countermeasures to be takon against possible Interal movement include a method to inereaco resistence by improving soil layers or enhancing rigidity of foundation structures or & method to reduoe loads of backfl ogheormas Arie weit i f i i 4@ i a 2 5 5 b 2 a = i sand Layer | é easing Layer aul Ginn) gate ‘mbedent Length of Foundation L Fig-C.9.81 Foundation Subjected to Lateral Loads 9.9. Foundations of Skewed Abutments "The stability checking for the foundations of skewed abutments shall generally ‘be done in the direction perpendicular to the rear surface and tho bridge axis direction. If the oblique angle 0 (eee Fig. C. 9.9.1) of tho bridgo is small, the stability of tho sbutmont foundation is sometimes mote severe inthe direction perpendicular to the abutment rear face than in the bridge axis direction. For an abutment foundation having an oblique angle, it is dificult to uniformly stipulate the direction to be considered in the design, It is good ta check in both directions, as deserbed in thie 188 article, unless the direction in which to design can be limited considering various conditions. In genera, the abutment rear face is backfilled by ombanking in most caoeo and the earth pressure acts in the direction perpendicular tothe abutment rear face. Thevefove, i is cullciont in many eases to examine only in the direction perpendicular tothe rer face, For skow abutments, there are many cases in which the rear tgpographical conditions sre uneven, Therefor, the earth pressure acting oa the abutiment ie not aifiem over ‘the width ofthe abutment. In addition, the direction of action of earth pressure deos not coincide with tho bridge axis direction. or this reason, calculation of abutment stability and stresos involv three-dimensional anslyss and is therefore complex, For simplicity of ealeulation and for an adoquatoly safo design, the earth pressure p scting on the rear wde ofthe abutment in Fig-C- 9.8.1 may be deemed to act wniformy ‘over the width of the abutment. Tn thi case, because the conter of gravity, O, of the ‘abutment docs not lic on the same vertical plane athe line of action ofthe resultant XP of earth proscure, the vertical reaction and sliding force per unit ares at end A may’ be considered tobe larger then at end B. For ekew angles langer than 75 degrees, there ‘is no particular noed to consider the above. In the esoe where the skew angle is less than 75 degrees and the abutment width is narrow or whore the resultant 2P of earth preseures is ange, you will want to consider the shove and extend the footing nt portion ACC to the hatched portion in Fig-C. 9.0.1 unless safety has boen fully ascztsined ‘through coleulation, If the foting for part AC in no extended, it must be proven that ‘the abutment will never rotete due to escontrcty of the line of action ofthe resultant of the earth pressures "The horizontal lod from the supertractare nocsssary for checking the stability of an abutment foundation may be found according tothe commentary to 8.4.2. 159 Bibliography » Ba} 3 4 9 Pablie Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction: Coefficient of Ground Reaction and Its Correction by Using Loaded Width, Technical Memorandum of PWRINo, 299, July 1967 Public Works Research Institue, Ministry of Construction: Study on Selection Procedures for Structure Foundation Types, Technical Memorandum of PWRI No. 2528, January 1988 Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction: Study on Lateral Movement of Abutments, Technical Memorandum of PWRI No. 1804, December 1981 Yoshida, 1 and Yoshineka, R.: A Method to Estimate Modulus of Horizontal Sulpgrade Reaction for a Pile, Soils and Foundations, Vol. 12, No.3, September 1972 Okahara, M., Nakatani, S. and Matsui, K: Study on Vertical and Horizontal Bearing Characteristics of Pie, Proceedings of Structural Engineering, Vol. 374, March 1991 190 CHAPTER 10 DESIGN OF SPREAD FOUNDATIONS 10.1 Fundamentals of Design (D The verification of eproad foundations for under ordinary, storm, and level 1 earthquake condition shall conform tothe following: 1) The vertical eubgrade reaction at the base ofa spread foundation shall not exceed the allowable vertical beating capacity of the ground, as detsiled in See. 10.8.1, 2) The resultant load acting on a spread foundation shall at within one sixth of the base width from the center in the ordinary and storm conditions, and lone third of the base width from the center in the level 1 earthquake condition, 8) When horizontal loads are partially eupportod by the embedded portion of « spread foundation, the horizontal reaction shall not exosed the allowable horizontal Dearing capacity of the ground, as detailed in See. 10.3.2 4) ‘The shear reaction at the base ofa spread foundation shall not exceed the allowable ehear resistance ofthe ground below the foundation, es dotailod in See. 10.8.8, 9) The displacements of spread foundations shall not exceed the allowable displacements detailed in See. 9.2. © The stresses occurring in footings shall not exceed the allowable stresses detailed in Chapter 4 © Spread foundations shall be verified for the love 2 earthquake condition to avoid the cecurrence of yielding in footings. "The gpreed foundations specified in ths chapter are principally the foundations that directly transmit loads from superstructures to sturdy supporting ground and are installed by constructing s footing on comparatively shallow, excavated ground. Furthermore, this chapter can also apply to shallow rigid foundations, whase behavior is similar to that of a spread foundation such as a caisson foundation of which the ‘fictive embedment depth is oqual to or lss than one half the wideb 191 = Aes Sauces — ‘estin Unt Oi Storm an at Brake Coden, “enon of Lads inthe Onna Sard Lael Borgia Conon er Bearing Cnet erie he Lee? Era Conon Fig.-C.10.1.1 Desiga Calculation Flowchart for Spread Foundations 192 () This Provision specifies the requirements forthe verification fo the ordinary, storm, and level 1 earthquake conditions. 2) Stability against overturning momente shall be verified interme of the degree of cozentrcity ofthe resultant loads, Ths verification process is designed to restrict the plasticization of the gubgrade reaction from the supporting ground and “ottlement ofthe foundation by limiting uplift when the foundation is subjected to vertical foroes and overturning moments. In the ordinary condition, the location of the rosultant loed is provided so that the entie base ia in contact with the supporting ground and the distribution of th subgrade reaction is trapezoidal, The purpose of this is to avoid uneven settoment of foundation due to eccentric loads ‘and uplift, The effects of eccentric leads on settlement and plasicnation ofthe subgrade reaction in the level 1 earthquake conditions seismic situation are comparably small in comparison with these in the ordinsry condition, booase the seismic forces act in alternating directions with short time periods, The verification forthe level 1 earthquake condition can be omitted in cases when the stability against overturning is judged to be retained based on the characteristics ofthe etructur, such as rgid-feame bridgea and arch bridges in the longitudinal Airesion Moreover, as the storm situation is considered as an extreme phenomenon ‘equivalent to the lev 1 earthquake condition, the stability veriGeation for ‘eccentric load in the storm situation can be dealt with same as in the level 1 ‘certhquake condition. | When a footing is constructed on sturdy ground with sulficient horizontal resistance and the surrounding ground is backfilled with material of sufiient sength, it may be assumed that the shear reaction ofthe ground acting on the ‘base and the horizontal reactions atthe front face ofthe footing jointly reset the horizontal forces acting onthe footing. 5) Until the initiation of siding ofa foundation, the shear deformation generated in ‘the ground below a spread foundation due to the horizontal foees transmitted ‘rom the foundation ia the primary cause of horizontal displacements of spread foundations. Such deformation is not signifieant when compared with those of other types of foundations, and seldom exerts any adverse influence on the 193 superstructure, Furthermore, it i uot likely to cause problems in view of the provention of the residusl deformation ofthe ground. Therefore, verification of ‘orisontal displacement can be omitted for spread foundations ‘The horizontal displacement of statically indeterminate structures, such as rigid-feame and arch bridges should be calculated as they are affected by small displacement ofthe foundation. The effets of eny horizontal digplacement on the entire bridge eystem should be examined, and the structural details of the sperstrictures and substructures should be determined (@) When the stability of spread foundations is verified in accordance with the provisions in () above, verification forthe level 2 earthquake condition ean be ‘omitted. The reasons for thie are that enorgy absorption due to uplift of the foundation can be expected bacauce of allowances for the ground bearing frees due to the sturdy supporting ground, and that the ground would aot eustain excessive failures even ifthe spread foundation behaves as a nonlinear system. However, in the level 2 earthquake condition, the structural members of « foting shall be ‘voified in accordance with the provisions of See. 106, asthe fores ating on feoting sections during a level 2 oasthquake condition would be sigaiicantly largor then those during @ level 1 selamic situation, because of uplift of the foundation. A standard design calculation flowchart for spread foundations js ilustratod in Fig-0.20.11 10.2 Load Shearing (@) All vertical loads shall be tranamitted by the vertical ground reaction at the base of the foundation. (@ Aihorizontal loads shell bo transmitted by the choar reactions acting atthe base of the foundation, However, when load shearing at hoth the base of the foundation and the side face of the embedment to horizontal loads is considered, their contsbutions aba be carefully examined. (@) Although spread foundations axe normally embedded into relatively dense or hard ‘subool layers, friction reistance around foundations cannot be expected. Therefore, 194 ‘tho vertical ground reastions resist the vertical load © As spread foundations are embedded into shallow sturdy supporting layers, the ‘osistance of horizontal loads by the embedded portions ia not permitted. ‘Thus, shear reaction at tho foundation base principally transmits the horizontal Jad, However, when steady supporting layers can be retsined near the ground surface, ‘the embedded portions may partially support the horizontal loads. Their conteibutions for eupportng loads ex procentad in the Commentary in See. 10.5. 10.3 Allowable Bearing Capacity of Ground 108.1. Allowable Vertical Bearing Capacity of Ground below Base of Foundation (WD) Allowable Vertical Bearing Capacity ‘The allowable vertical bearing capacity of grownd shall be determined in ‘onsidoration of the ultimate bearing capacity of the ground and settlement ‘of the foundation. The safety factors shown in Tuble-10.3.1 shall be ensured when evaluating the allowable vertical bearing capacity based on the ultimate bearing capacity ofthe ground. ‘Table 10.8.1 Safety Factor Under ordinary | Under storm, level Lenrthquake ‘condition condition 3 2 Ultimate Bearing Capacity of Ground 1) Tho ultimate bearing capacity ofthe ground shal be estimated based on the geotechnicsl investigations, The oseentricty and inclined load, configuration and dimension of the foundations, embedment depth ete shall be considered in the estimation of the ultimate bearing capacity of the ground, 2) The ultimate bearing capacity considering the effcts of eccentricity and inclination of loads (by the static formulas) and the scale effects on the 195, coofficients of bearing capacity can be obtained by Bq (10.9.0). This equation may be regarded as satisfying 1) above. anaforsnsveanselnanns} onan where, (Q, ultimate benting capacity considaring the effoete of eooentricity ‘and inclination of loads and the scale effect on bearing capacity coefficients (kN) © + cohesion of subsoila QeNim) 9! overburdon surcharge (kNim®), 9=72, ‘Ae + fective foundation area (mn?) nora! unit weight of subsoil of the supporting ground and ‘ombedingground (kiNim, respectively. The underwater unit ‘weight must be taken when subsoile are lower than the groundwater level By + effetive foundation width considering eccentricity of lod (in), BnB-2ey B + foundation width (m) ‘ey + ccconteicity of rosultant force (rm) Dy + effective embedment depth of foundation fm) 2,6 foundation shape factors se! increase factor for embedment efocts Noo Nyc My! coefficients of bearing capacity considering the inclination of loads ‘modification factors for the scale effect on coefficionts of bearing * * capacity 8) When the ultimate bearing capacity ofthe ground considering the effects of occentrcity and inclination of loads and the soale effects on zhe ‘coeflcients of bearing capacity is evaluated using the plate bearing test, it shall be caleslated by Bq(10.3.1) with cohesion cand shear resistance angle ¢. (), (1) The ulkimate bearing capacity is determined in terms of the dimensions ofthe 196 footing, and the cccontricty and inclination of the los, The ealeulation of the ultimate beating capacity without considering the effects of the eccentricity and ‘ncination of loads overestimates the value. Consequently, the effects of eccantcic ‘and inclined loads are incorporated into the ealelation, ‘The equation forthe estimation ofbearing capacity in the previous version of Part IV Substructures (1996.12) was based on a simple rigid;plastic theory, and was established as an analytical solution by assuming thatthe shear resistance angle 4 uniform along the failure plane. However, as failures actually progtess in a step-by-step manner, the angle ¢ is nonuniform along the fallure plane even atthe ‘ultimate stato. It has beon laifed from experiments thatthe coefficients of beating capacity decrease with an incroase in the dimensions of the foundation base, ‘Therefore, to take this phenomenon into ascount, modification factors forthe scale lic on the coeficients of bearing capacity axe introduced to the ultimate bearing capacity formula in this version of Pact IV Subetructares. In ganoral, the settlements of foundations incrase with loading anes. Although this phenomenon is reflected in the design hy introdusing the modifietion factors forthe scale effect on the ultimate bearing capacity, the ultimate bearing eapecity is not tevin grade oso nna at tae of natin ON) ; tino ote etn inn ‘base of foundation (kN/m*) | 2 B * foundation width (ma) T 2 tondatin length perpen the faa Fig-C.10.5.1 Subgeade 0) tate cne wher the base tthe funtion "fenton ty at and embedment ground jointly support the load ‘of Foundation pie ata. 2 Thema acing the nation ete oth a he trate nds eben sown na 6308 : oie afin wha, Fin barzontl es ating fue nd 020 1, + Smt fie tinge embed pr Ennion 0 1059) 42 * total horizontal freo acting from foundation to ground (kN ‘jy + slotment ratio of horizontal fore acting onthe embedded potion to a nD, sat on the base, and fy =P that onthe bass, and fy = ee soy © coeficent of horizontal ebgrade recction (Nim) 1, & coefficient horizontal shear subgrade reaction (kNin) B+ foundation with (on) Dy offestive embedment depth (x) 4) The total moment seting on the base of the foundation ean be shared by the au ‘base and tho embodded portion as shown in Bq (105.0, (105.4) My + moment acting on AE * total moment acting on baso (kN Py allotment ratio of moment acting on embodded portion to that on sna ue) ky sky? coefficients of vertical and horizontal subgrade reaction, respectively QeNin®) B+ foundation width (x) Dy + effective ombedment depth (x) Here, My Ms, and Mare moments expreseed about the centroid of the base of a foundation. 2) Tho clastic displacement of « foundation may be ealelated by the fllowing methods @) Vertical Displacement ‘The vertical displacement atthe centroid ofthe base of foundation can be ‘obtained from Bq (0.10.58). 1 5 y “ 1055) iy where, {5.5 vertical displacement at centroid afhase of foundation (x) V © vertical lod acting on base (kN) A aren ofbase (x) ‘yy 5 coaflicont of vertical subgrade resction (kNin*) However, when there is «possibility of consolidation stiloment atthe ground blow the base, the effets of consolidation settlement also should be also examined. (©) Rotational Angle a8 ‘The rotational angle of foundation can be obtained by By.(C.10.58). My ote C1050) where, 2 * rotational angie of foundation (radians) ‘Mg? moment acting on base of foundation (zN-m) 4h, coofciont of vertical subgrade reaction (kNin®) + moment of inertia about the centroid of base (a). In cases ofa point load acting outside the middle third of the foundation, should take moment of inertia (,) ealewlatd from the following equation: 1=6o-2)1 roment otneta of bse inctes point ed sting eae he Iniddle thied ofthe foundation lx) B+ foundation width x! width over which base reaction is acting (i) refer to Fig-C.105.1) (©. Horizontal Displacement ‘The horizontal displacement ofa foundation can be obtained by Bq (C.10.8-0, 1 By (exo. xD (©1059 5,2 horizontal displacement at base of foundation (x) Hig hotiaontal force acting 0 base OLN) width over which hase reaction acts (m) 1D foundation length perpendicular to the wideh (rn) y+ coeficientof horizontal shear subgrade reaction (kNn®) 106 Design of Footings Footings shall be designed in accordance with the provisions in See. 8.7, in consideration ofthe goctional forces determined from the forees acting on the structure such as the dead weight, overburden surcharge, earth pressure, and ‘subgrade reaction intensity when subjected to various loads under ordinary ‘condition, storm, level 1 seismie and level 2 earthquake condition, 26 ‘As chown in Fig-C.106.1, footings should be designed secording othe provisions in Sec. 8, with consideration ofthe forces acting on the structure such as the dead load, overburden surcharge, subgrade reaction, and Uhe vertical components of earth ‘Tho subgrade reaction intensity of footings in the ordinary, storm, and level 1 earthquake condition should bo calculated using the distibution of subgrade reaction intensity obtained according to the provisions in See. 105. app od ~ Ye see ‘Welton Sas, :Subgad atin Ler Fig-C1006.1 State of Loads in Design of Footing ‘The amount of foundation uplift that occurs under level 2 cearthquake condition will be igaifcantly greater than that during « level 1 ssismie situation, and the subgrade reaction willbe concentrates near to the edge of the base ofthe foundation. Accordingly, ‘larger sectional force willbe generated inthe foundation. ‘Therefore, the distribution ofthe subgrade reaction intensity shall be ealeulated in aesordance withthe provisions in See. 87 for a level 2 earthquake condition, The resultant force of the subgrade ration intonsty may be assumed to work ata paint ey ftom the center ofthe foting, as llustvatod in Fig-€.10.62. ‘The loestion of the resultant force can be obtained by Bq4C.10.6.1 in consideration of dimensions ofthe footing and the Iosds acting on the base, ‘The derivation of Ba(C.10.6.1) is shown in Reference Material’ “Nonlinear Seismic Response of Spread Foundations pes cre a7 wher, “+ stance from the contr ofthe bss of he Snundation to the leton af the romitont fre of th egraderoastion crt sy, moment at the base when the foundation edge begins t Kit ON-m), a» Me B® ondtion wide inthe verflention direction (n) + verti load ating onthe base etction agsnat dead load GN) 17 oment atthe base when subject to the horizontal seismic xeficent of Pier foundation specid in See. 124 of Part V Semi Design (N=) Snder tho assumption that the modieation factor for damping ratio shall be equal to 1.0, asely the energy sbsorption de foudation “lif shal not be considered ‘The reason why the modification factor for damping ratio cp is equal to 10 is thatthe damping properties expected dusing vibrations eausing the uplift are uncertain, as ecoribed in Seo. 12.4 of Past V. ‘In the vorfleation ofthe bending moment, the subgrade reaction intensity cting on the trea between the verification section and the edge of the footing ean be considered from the subgrade reaction intensities evaluated from both ey given by Ba (C106. and the vertical ld ¥ acting on the base (ofr to Fig-€.10.6.2), Furthermore, the bending moment caused by the horizontal shear subgrade reaction ‘Hy acting on the base may be taken into eecount in the verification of moment resistance at the verication section spcifed above, as shown in Fig-C.10.62. The shear subgrade reaction Hy sncorporates the nonlinear characteristies of foundation uplif, and can he oblained by Bq, (010.62). Furthermore, it ean be assumed that ‘Hydistvibutes inthe same atea as that subjected tothe vertical subgrade reaction, By (c1062) whore, “ly £ shear subgrade reaction acting on the base ofthe Foundation (kN) © vertion load working on the base kN) ‘hg + hight from the base tothe point of applicstion ofthe inertial free (a) cy? distance between the center ofthe footing and the point of aplication of ‘the rosultant force of the subgrade reaction inbeusity (cceentricty) (iw) a8 Setetien Seton fr | Sugden ty 2 Fig0.10.6.2 Distribution of Subgrade Reaction Intensity to be Used in ‘the Verification of Footing 10.7 Treatment of Foundation Base and Backfill Materials 10.7.1 Foundation Base ‘The base of the foundation shall be ascumed to have suliient shoay Posistanoe by boing in continuous contact with the supporting ground. Jn order to rotsin sliding vesistanco, which ie ¢ hey issue in the stability of spread foundations, appropriate treatment of the base of the foundation with respect to the round conditions is requited In the caso of sandy and unoven ground, cobblestones or crushed stones should be placed below the base ofthe foundation so that continuous contact between the ground andthe stones is achieved, as shown in Fig-C.10-71. Inthe cage of rocky ground where ‘nbblestones would not bein continuous contact with the ground, conerete could be wed to make level ground, as shown in Fig-C210.7.2. Also, the concrete placed on uneven ‘round should be notched to increase the contact botween the rosky ground and the concrete, Furthermore, excessive disturbance of the ground during construction should be avoided because siding shear planes could bo gonorated immediately below the bese, 219 When adding a projection, the projection should project through the layer of ‘bblestones or orushed stones into the supporting ground. Cxtbosnoes, Crushed = Fig-€.10.7.1 Sandy Ground Fig-€.10.72 Rock Fi) mia t y satan oie Hoes ig-€.10.73 Projection Added 10.7.2 Backfill Material ‘When the embedded portion of «foundation supporta the horizontal Terese, backfill material, construction conditions, and other key matters shall be ‘lavifiod in the design documents 220 Whon lateral resistance ofthe backfil sols expected, backfill materials, construction conditions, an other key mattors shall be cleaelydescibod in the design document, that the contractor filly understands the intentions of the dasigner. When lateral resistance is expected at the excavated portion af a epread foundation constricted in excavated rock, i is necessary to fill gaps with material that has strength equivalent of that of the rock. When loose materials such as elag ate used as the fll material, no resistanor can be expocted, because the modulus of deformation and the strength ofthe material will differ sigaifcantly from that ofthe rock 2a CHAPTER 11 DESIGN OF A CAISSON FOUNDATION ALA Basie Requirements of Design (1) Vetifiction of a caisson foundation under ordinary, storms and Level 1 earthquake conditions shall bein accordance withthe following: 1) The unit verical ground resction at the caisson foundation bottom shall not be sreater than the allowable unit vertical bearing capacity of the foundation bottom ground stipulated in Sec. 11.4.1. 2). The shear ground reaction atthe esisson foundation bottom shall not be greater than the allowable shesr resistance of the foundation bottom ground stipulated in Sec. 1142, 13). The displacement of the caisson foundation shall not be greater than the allowable value stipulated in See. 9.2 44) The wit sues occurring inthe various members of the caisson foundation shall not ‘oe arate than the allowable nit stress stipulated in Chapter 4. (2) Verification of a caisson foundation under Level 2 earthquake condition shall be in accordance with the stipulations in Sec. 11.8 This chapter applies to eaisson foundations that are constructed by the pneumatic caisson ‘method or open cason method, transfer loads from the superstructure to good bearing layers and generally have a large embedded depth compared to the feundation width (1) 1) Ifthe exisson foundation is subjected to vertical and horizoatal loads simultaneously, ‘an eccentie inclined Toad will act on the foundation bottom, Considering that ‘sisson foundations generally have a large embedded depth, however, an allowable unit vertical bearing capacity that neglects the influence of ecventicty and Inclination may be use. 2) The allowable shear resistance may not be overevaluated, because the ground is generally disturbed during constuction, (@) The basic concepts for checking a caisson foundation under Level 2 earthquake condition are given in Chapters 6, 12 and 13 of Part V Seismic Design. For specifi caleulation 22 ‘models, the establishing of constants, definition of foundation yield and others are stipalated in Sec, 1.8, The standard design und calculation flow of a caisson foundation ofa pier is shown in Fig-C. 11.141 For & esisson foundation of an abutment resting on a ground where itis judged that liquefaction affecting the bridge will occur, checking should be done in accordance with the stipulations in Chapters 6 and 13 of art V Seismic Design, 23 "Som es vel eras ‘Sharpe eatoe "ZAlbonble erence acho owe deen Desai aoe aonb oo con] hecing or Loelesthgaes Fig-C. 11.1.1 Design and Caleulation Flow of Caisson Foundation ofthe Pier oa 11.2 Load Sharing (1) Versicl loads shall generally be reistod by vertical ground reaction of soil layers at @ Foundation otto (@) Horizontal loads shall generally be resisted by vertical ground reaction of soil layers at @ foundation botiom, horizontal ground reaction of skin soil layers, and shear ground reaction at foundation bottom. ‘Aste restnce clans of he ground sound 8 cxivon fundon, the flowing 6 inte of EASE coefficients of ground reaction should be considered it, Hn some lesFeC 120 Ee © vesntpeninmensintnonten "EY EEE (coefficient of ground reaction, &) ‘s| Sai 1h © Huma ar iden a ies foundation bottom (coefficient of ground a reste) gez) © Honma gout sae non oat Gna en (coefficient of ground reaction, ky) (three-layer ground) © Horizontal shear ground resistance at ounéation sides (coefficient of ground reaction, ow) © Vertical shear ground resistance a foundation ear (coefficient of ground reaction, kya) Uni ground esting, © Vertical shear ground resistance at foundation sides (coefficient of ground reaction, kyo) Fig-C. “These ground resistance elements should be treated at being bilinear, as shown in Fig-C. 11.22. However, the vericel and horizontal shear ground resistance at the foundation bottom should be trated as being linear when doing a check for ordinary conditions, storms and Level 1 earthquakes, and the oecurring unit ground reaction should not be made greater ‘than the allowable value as stipulated in See. 11. ‘The horizontal ground resistance clement atthe foundation front should be considered only atthe faces that compress the round, ‘Thus far, the horizontal shear ground resistance atthe foundation sides should be considered by increasing the horizontal coefficient of ground reection at the foundation front face by 20% However, since this technique cannot consider the difference of influence of side faces due to the difference in sectional profil ofthe foundation body, itis stipulated that the ground reaction atthe side faces shouldbe treated es an independent resistance clement. For a caisson with a relatively small embedment ratio, the influence of the ventcal shear ‘ground resistance clement at the foundation peripheral faces comes out noticeably. ‘Therefore, itis stipulated that this round resistance element should be considered only as a resistance element to horizontal loads ‘When the foundation las a citeuar or oval section, it may be replaced with a foundation having a rectangular section and its frontal face and side faces may be evaluated instead, However, the actual shape should be used forthe foundation batiom face, and the flexural ripiity ofthe foundation body should also be calculated from the actual shape. The above is the basics of stability calculation of a caisson foundation, However, it is stipulated considering the work characteristics ofthe caisson foundation thatthe design against vertical ‘and horizontal loads should be executed under the following conditions: (1) The caisson foundation may distur the ground depending on the method of immersion ‘work, Therefore the dead weight ofthe substructure including the foundation, vertical reaction ofthe superstructure ané other vertical loads that act for lon time should all be ‘borne by the foundation bottom face alone in principle. When the surounding ground is _g00d in nature and the disturbance due to caisson immersion i thought to be minimal, the vertical shear ground resistance at the foundation peripheral faces mey be considered against the vertical load occuring after completion upon adequate examination. (@) All the ground resistance may be considered against the horizontal loads acting on the superstructure and substructre, ‘With the above-stated premises rearranged, one can establish a stability ealetation model {for normal, earthquake (seismic coefficient method) and storm conditions and a stability calculation model for seismic design according to the method using ultimate lateral strength during an earthquake, These models are shown in Table-C. 112.1 for ‘comparison 26 ‘Table-C. 11.2.1 Stability Caleulation Model ‘Check for onlinary conditions, storms and Level | earthquakes ‘Check for Level 2 earthquakes 7 Liner ava gene * Cone be eduction of iio oundaton body | + Lica bending gy tiation of te Fundatons sure "Ther reste at unaon "Checker ei rund | iggy es telon sne greater hen the allot vale “Linear Horizontal shear 1 Check thatthe ground Pan g steater than | tinea | foundation bottom: ‘eaetion is not greater i the allowable le i 7 Bilinear 7 Blin 3] figizel wound |e upertimit depends on |+ Forth wpe ini conser neat foundaon |” Coulomb'spusve can | the dincsiona cnet of i eam the pave rene repo, 3) Monona ar B) gomiretnancea |» bine Binet | minions ass ‘erica stew god resins a fenton | Blea on and ea fs ‘erica shew ground resins foaton| tie fhe 113 Shapes and Dimensions ‘The shape and dimensions of a caisson foundation shall be determined considering construction conditions, in addition to the shape and dimensions of the abutment or pier on that foundation and the stibility of the foundation and the stresses occurring at various Portions ofthe caisons. 1) Dimensions of eaisson ‘The size of the caisson should of course be sufficiently safe for the foundation ‘ability. In addition, the sizeof the caisson top must have a margin also for the ‘Shape and dimension ofthe structure supported on tho caisson. 227 2 “The plane dimensions of an open cuisson should be about 20 meters, considering the certainty, easiness end safety of construction, When this is exceeded, i is desirable to give special considerations. For a pneumatic caisson, ite inside dimensions are desirably about 2.5 meters or more, considering the shaft dimensions and workability. A plausible ease where the jmensions are about 2.5 meters is, for example, a caisson with a rectangular for oval section and having wo shafts installed in series. If any construction allowance is needed at connections between the eaisson top slab and body and between a cut-off wall and the body, due consideration should be given to measures, to be taken fr ealarging the caisson main body. inside Shapes ofeoss sections ‘Shapes of easton evss sections are generally rectangular, circular, or oval, Since a circular shape has a minimum ratio of surface eea to sectional area, fietion resistance is least during a casson-sinking process, and bending siress in the cross section to be caused by extemal force is also small. These characieristies proper to the circular cress section are displayed more clearly in larger sectional area, However, tis shape is not alvays favorable, because a esison may rotate around its A rectangular shape is easy o make @ construction pattem and to assemble and its stable dating instalation, being excellent in preventing eccentricity and inclination However, it is dificult to excavate its comer portions ofan open caisson. If between a length and a width is excessively large, a caisson becomes less stable uring installation, and tends to be escentric, Hence, i is recommended not to set the ratio more than 3: (longer to shorter sides). In addition, i installing & caisson in flowing water, due consideration is needed to reduce its lowing resistance. If a caisson has a large cross section, it is necessary to install a partion wall to reduce bending stress occuring in its wall and bending-torsional stress occurring in the body. If however, installing a partition wall in an open caisson, the installation work will be harder: i is preferable to review possiblities of installing economic and technical view-poins. from In case of « specific bridge, for example, a bridge with directional separation, a -supersmicture is sometimes placed, not on a single large caisson but on two small 228 » caissons. In such a case, it is necessary to take into account influences to be given to each other during a process to sink the caissons: their coefficients of ground reaction shouldbe reduced. Preparation ofa caiston-sinking diagram (Once shapes and dimensions of a caisson are determined, itis necessary to simulate @ process to sink the caisson for checking whether or not the process has any obstacles. ‘Should te caisson weight be found remarkably ight, consideration will be needed to increase a wall thickness. ‘A relationship among factors in sinking a caisson is generally represented by EC. 1134. We + We>U+R 13.) where Ws weight ofa caisson body (KN) sinking loads applied tothe caisson (kN) U: Fora preumatic caisson, the uplift pressure (KN) due to theoretial or working air pressure. For an open caisson, the buoyancy (EN) acting on the foundation, R: sinking resistance ofthe caisson (KN) ‘When illustrating this relationship in accordance with a sinking proces, it becomes clearly comprehensible. FigC. 11.3.1 shows an example of the relationship of sinking factors. When it is expected in this casson-sinking diagram that sinking resistance is to large to cause a esisson to smoothly sink, anyone will see that & bbe needed to apply overburden or to installa fietion-reducing device. However, pressurereducing sinking of a caisson should not be considered at a designing stage. Resistance against caisson sinking includes the exisson's skin friction, resistance to bbe caused when the caisson is inclined, and eaisson edge resistance. Among others, the esisson is inclined, and cxisson edge resistance. Among others, the eisson skin fletion which is needed for preparing the diagram is summarized as shown in Table- 11.3.1 based on past experience, Foran open caisson, undug portions are left near the cutting edge. Therefore, sbout 10 KNim? must be added as the edge resistance tothe circumferential tition force shown in TableC. 113.1. Fora pneumatic caisson, undug portieos do not form in general, Therefore, the edge resistance need not be considered inthe design, 229 ‘Table-C. 11.3.1 Skin Friction Resistance of a Caisson (kNim?) ‘Galsson dept es sm | im | 25m | 30m | 4om ‘Cohesive sol 30_| 60 [70 [90 io ‘Sandy sol 14 17 20 2 24 Gravely soll 2 2a 27 2 31 a —~1oads ad resizane 8) 8 $0 i 2.500 T cats weak v nit \ SPALL Fig-C. 11.3.1. Typical Example of a Caisson-sinking Diagram soc |e so 2a nn) ame eas 300 M4 Allowable Bearing Capacity f Soil Layer 11.4.1 Allowable Vertical Bearing Capacity of Soll Layer () Allowable vertical bearing eapecity Allowable vertical beating capacity shall be determined by taking into account of ultimate bearing capacity of soil ayers at a foundation bottom and settlement of the foundation, In this respect, the vertical beating capacity shall secure a safety factor shown in Table-1.4.1 against theultimate beating capacity ofthe soi layer. 230 ‘Table-1141 Safety Factor Wader store and Under Ordinary | Level 1 earthquake ae conditions 3 2 (2) Ultimate bearing capacity of sil layers at a foundation bottom 1) The ultimate unit bearing espacity ofthe foundation bottom ground shall be obtained by doing an appropriate ground survey and considering the shape, dimensions, ‘embedded depth of the foundation 2) The ultimate unit bearing capacity of the foundation bottom ground that can be obiained using static formulas may be calculated by Eq. (11.41). When this ‘equation is aplied, 1) may be deemed tobe satisfied. cep, #120) qian where at ‘ultimate bearing capacity (kN/m) of soil layers at a foundation tetom e ‘cohesion (kN/m’) of soil layers below the foundation bottom ‘unit weight (kN/m®) of soil layers below the foundation bottom Hoveves as nt Weight in wae a dep lowe than rod wile amit weight (Nin) of soil layers above the foundation bottom, Howeve as nit weight in wate a depth lowe than round wie a Shape factors of the foundation botom Bid (a) ofthe fomistion De eflestive embeded depth (n) of th foundation No Np Nye coefficients of bearing capacity 3) When obtaining an ultimate bearing capacity ofa soil layer at a foundation bottom by means of a plate beating test, a value of an ultimate bearing capacity to be obtained by the test must be modified, by considering that area of the testing plate is ‘: caisson font width (mB: easson lateral width (a) ‘where BID 1, if B/D > 1, 3) When obtaining ultimate beating capacity of soil layers st foundation bottom by means of a plate bearing test, be careful about whether the test results represent the ou strength of the soil layers in issue and do not allow any disturbances or local deviations inthe layers to fect the results, ‘When it is impossible to continue loading inthe plate bearing test until an uhimate bearing capacity is reached, regard 1.5 times the yield loads as the ultimate bearing capacity. When an ultimate bearing capacity is not reached within the range up ta ‘maximum testing load regard 1.5 times the load strength at the maxim testing Toad as the ultimate bearing capacity. In this case, however, the ultimate bearing ‘capacity thus obtained shouldbe atleast less than those which are obtained by wsing «static formula. ‘Comection by using loaded area should be effected by using Eq, 114.1, by using a static formule, Namely, both cohesion ¢ and an angle of shear resistance of a si layer in issue should be estimated by referring to results of ground survey and soil quality tests as well as past experience. ‘These values thus obtained should be used. to calculate an uikimate bearing capacity based on loaded width in plate bearing test, When the loaded are estimated above differs from that cbtzined from results ofthe test, values based on the test results should be used to modify the values e and ‘which are in tur used for comectng the value ofthe loaded area. Loading tests are wsually conducted by using specimens whose diameters range from 0.3 m0 0.75 m. On the contrary, some actual structures measures more than 10 m. Wide. It is generally recognized that ultimate bearing capacity increases as lotded ‘rea increases, but loading tests have confirmed it only in cases whore a circular loading plate diameter is maximum 3 m, When analogizing from this fact the tendency of increases inthe ultimate bearing capacity in accordance with thos inthe loaded area is expected to apply up to about 10 m. It is preferable to apply the value for 10 m ifthe diameters larger than 10 m, Plate bearing tests are performed in a working chamber at a caisson bottom, but they ‘are often performed in a condition fice from influences of earth from the ground surface to the botom. Hence, influences of earth covering may be added for ‘modification purpose in calculation. The “condition free from influences” here refers to a condition where diameter of a losding plate is 4 times or more of the distance between exisson cuting edge and loading plate, ‘When such a modification is made by means of loading plate sizes, the coefficient of subgrade resction to be used in caleulation should be modified by using Eq, C. 1142, 235 (1142) E2 _coefficient(kNlem*) of subgrade reaction at actu sisson bottom coefficient (2Niem?) of subgrade reaction tobe obtained from a loading ‘est Bri diameter ofa tet plate, or equivalent loaded wih (en) {jp equivalent loaded width (re) of aetalstractre 11.42 Allowable Shear Resistance of Sol Layers at the Bottom of Foundation (1) The allowable shear resistance ofthe ground at the foundation bottom shall be obtained for the shear resistance acting between the foundation bottom and the ground while securing the safety factor given in Table-11.42. Tle ttA2 Sey Facer Tad somal ‘de Ordinary con? | Heel earinike TE 12 (@) The shear resistance of the ground at the foundation bottom shall be obtained, ‘considering the ground conditions adequately. This may be deemed to be satisfied ifthe shear resistance ofthe ground atthe foundation bottom was obtained by Eg. 114.2. =cyA,+Viandy (1142) where ‘li. shee resistance (kN) working between foundation botom and a sel layer ': vertical load (kN) working on the foundation bottom, subtracted by buoyancy Ae: effestive loaded aea (x?) ‘ee! cohesion (kN/m’) between the foundation bottom and the soil layer ‘toto angle (degree) between the foundation bottom and the sot layer (@)Because the shear resistance is governed by the cohesion between the foundation bottom and ground, and the friction angle, itis desirable to determine these values by fully examining the ground conditions, Generally, the cohesion and the ftition angle ‘between a foundation bottom and a soil layer may take those values which are shown in “Table-C. 103.4 236 Elective losded area of @ foundation bottom signifies bottom atea of portions of «aisoon foundation in which no floating is Found as described in See... 1143 Negative Skin Friction [Negative fiction acting on the skin of a caisson foundation must be reviewed, When the ‘oundston reaches a bearing layer through # layer which may be susceplible to consolidation setlement. 1) In caisson foundation which reaches a bearing layer through layer which may be susceptible to consolidation setlement, relative settlement may be generated between soil layer end the caisson, and fiction between the caisson skin and the sil layer imparts downward fore tobe foundation. In such cas, the skin friction does not ‘work in favor of the bearing capacity but acts as oad ‘Methods to obtain negative fetion fore involves many points to be solved in future research, but those which are curently employed ae described below: sod ye Fig-C. 11.43 Negative Skin Friction Rey 8 UH mmm (C143) circumferential length (m) of a caisson pth (m from the ground surface to a consolidated layer bottom average fiction (kNim) ofthe eaisson's skin. Can be regarded as half ‘of unconfined compression strength gy. where ‘Raj negative skin Seton (kN) u Hi: f 287 2 Skin friction of @ pile has been studied theoretically and experimentally, and they indicat that the intensity approximates 1/2 of unconfined compression strength de, namely, cohesion of cohesive soil. Hence, this section provides that this value can ‘be currently applied to an average tition ofthe eaison’s skin ‘Since the negative skin friction Ray doesnot take ino account reduction of the skin fiction by influences of positive fiction below a neutral point, settlement of a caisson bottom, and setting velocities of soll layers, it may be said that actual nogative skin friction ranges zero through Ray. Since a caisson is sted down by reducing its skin fiction, the skin fiction force shows less influence immeditely after the construction of the cssson, For this reason, the above-mentioned value ‘may be considerably reduced, if reviewing negative skin fiction within a few months after a esiseon is constructed When the above-mentioned value of Rey is used as negative skin fiction, the designers may take it as safe if 1.5 times a sum total of the Ray and other loads ‘existing over a Jong period does not exceed ultimate bearing capacity ofa foundation bottom. Magnitude of consolidated settlement tobe caused by vertical loads can be computed by refering to See. 9.63. ‘The concept of stress distribution in the caisson foundation needed in this case is shown in Fig-C. 11.44, tis generlly thought that distribution takes place from the foundation botiom as shown in (2). If t can be thought tht there is fictional resistance on the exsson sides, however, it may be considered thatthe stresses are istributed from the position ofa third ofthe exsson length 1 (© trol ston resitance (feral ton ristnee ‘taken nto exam ‘ete ne account Fig-C. 1144 Stress Distribution 238 115 Coefficient of Ground Reaction and Upper Limit Value of Subgrade Reaction 115.1 Coefficient of Ground Reaction (1) The coefficients of ground reaction used in the design of a caisson foundation shall be determined considering the load sharing spulated in See. 11.2, in addition to fully ‘examining the results of ground surveys and soil tests. (@) The coefficients of ground resction used in the design of caisson foundation shall be the coefficients of vericel ground reaction and horizontal shear ground reaction at the foundation bottom, the coefficient of horizontal ground reaction at the foundation front, the coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction at the foundation sides, and the ‘coeflicient of vertical shear ground reaction at the foundation periphery. When they \were determined on fill examination ofthe results of ground surveys and soi tess, (1) may be deeded to be satisfied {@)In the design ofa caisson foundation, the ground resistance elements shown in Sec. 11.2 fare considered. For this purpose, sx different coefficients of ground reaction ar used. ‘They are the coeficients of vertical ground reaction and horizontal shear ground reaction at the foundation bottom, the coeflcient of horizontal ground reaction atthe foundation font, the coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction atthe foundation sides, the coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction at the foundation front and reat, and the coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction at the foundation sides, They were stipulated referring (othe results of lateral loading tests conducted on models of single piles, caisson foundations and the like. These coefficients of ground reaction may be calculated based onthe following. 1) Coefticient of vertical pround reaction at foundation bottom Find the coefficient of vertical ground reaction at the foundation bottom from Ex. C. 951. 2) Cosficient of horizontal shear ground reaction at foundation bottom Find the coefficient of horizontal ground reaction atthe foundation bottom from Ea cuss k= 03k z (C1151) » o) where ‘i: Coefficient of horizontal sheer ground reaction at foundation bottom (Nim) |: Coefficient of verical ground reaction at foundation bottom (kN) Coefficient of horizontal ground reaction at foundation front Find the coefficient of horizontal ground reaction atthe foundation font face fom Fa. C.11.52. (C2152) ‘ky: Coefficient of horizontal ground reaction at foundation front (KN/m") kyo: Coefficient of horizontal ground reaction derived fram Eq. C. 9.5.5. Gr Avorecton for wed fr estnaig tafe citsn immersion, Sau prulag isto excuted at he piper fics of he fundaton tS shown lef tov mayne 13a he same mane es fer Slopragm wall undatn If however the round epi iets eevee) ied by inmenon bf contac going Inpostble br sevsoumetl preset or oer ony le camecon incor hou bet 0 sn. aula aned wit foundation font fae (m), desved om aC 13 3B, =BAs/B,) ss 133) i: tiv ft fie with of foundation (nde fom Fa, C1159 1. vetv embeded dept of oan) Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction at foundation sides Find he coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction atthe foundation side faces from Bq. C. 1.54. gun = 06k yo (C154) where ‘yo! Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction at foundation side faces| (Nien?) iyo: Coefligient of horizontal ground rection at foundston side faces (RN/n?), derived from Eq. C. 115.5 sees) gens 240 Dy: Equivalent loaded wiih of foundation side faces (mn), derived fiom Fa, Cusé. .(YD.E,). soma (C, 18.6) D, D4: Bfectve side fae width ofthe foundation (m), derived from Equation C 1153, '5) Coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction at foundation front and rear faces Find the coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction atthe foundation front rear laces from Eq, C. 11.5.7. gyp = 03 (C57) where ‘sya: Coelicient of ventcal shear ground reaction at foundation front and rear faces (kN/t”) 6) Coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction at foundation sides Find the coefficient of vertical sear ground reaction atthe foundation side feces ftom Bq. C. 11.5.8, sy = O3Kyp moe = “(C1LS8) where eyo: Coelfcien of vertical shese ground reation at foundation sides (KN) For circular sections it was ascertained theoretically and analytically that the ground resistance was smaller than the case of a rectangular section of the same with. ‘Therefore, the width of the body’s circular portion should be reduced ss shown in Fig.C. 11.5.1 and the reduced value should be used in calculation as the effective Toaded width, Let be the width of the foundation front fac and D be the width of the side face. Then, the effective front face width B, and effective side face width D, can be derived ftom Eq, C. 11.5.9. Rectangular section: Be= B,D.=D Cireularsection: B= 0.8B,D,~ 08D (B= 088 oval (1 (1159) v { D-028 Q 7 oval) pre D.=08D 2a Fora foundation with «circular or oval section, the section may be replaced withthe section shown ia Fig-C. 11.5.1 using Eq. C. 11.59 and stability calculation may be performed with the section that is replaced. For the foundation bottom, however its actual shape should be used and the flexual rigidity ofthe foundation body should als be ealolated from the actual shape. (9 Ovaseion 2) (Ora section (1) Fig-C. 115.1 Effective Loaded Width B, and D, of Foundation 11.52 Upper Limit Value of Ground React ‘The upper limit values forthe horizontal ground reaction of the foundation front, horizontal shear ground reaction of foundation sides, and vertical shear ground reaction of peripheral sarfaces shall be obtained dividing the passive earth pressure strength and maximum Iietion force at each location by the modification factor in Table-11.5.1, ‘Table-11.5.1 Modification Factor Uader | Under storm and Ordinary | Level | exrthquake cconaition ‘condition Horizontal ground reaction of rs ha foundation font : Tiorizontal shear ground veacton | 5 a ‘of foundation sides : Vertical shear ground rection of [55 7" peripheral foundation surfaces a ae Por the unit vertical ground reaction and shear ground reaction atthe foundation bottom, it should be checked for ordinary conditions, storms end Level 1 earthquakes thet they are ‘within the allowable value. For the unt horizontal ground reaetion atthe foundation front and the unit shear ground restion atthe foundation pesiphery, however, the design should be done considering plastciztion because, even if plasicization may occur in parts of the ground at the foundation periphery it will not lead to deformation of the whole foundation for an increase in residual deformation, Here, the unit shear ground reaction at the foundation periphery is refered to 95 the unit horizontal shear ground reaction at the foundation sides, the unit vencal shear ground reaction at the foundation front and zea, and ‘the unit vertical shear ground reaction at the foundation sides. These ground resistances should be modeled as being bilinear, and their respective upper limits should be the passive ‘earth pressure intensity or maximum skin fiction force divided by the correction factor in ‘Table-IL.S.1. The passive earth pressure intensity and maximum skin friction force may ‘ach be found by the following methods. 1) Passive earth pressure Passive earth pressure shall be computed in accordance with the provisions in Sec. 226 of Common besed on results of soil quality tests. In this respect, the coefficient of passive earth pressure shall be obtained ftom Ea, C. 1.5.10. x — ee bona coxBosar cos at 5, Jato) co PE] (C.115.10) Ke! coefficient of passive earth pressure in normal time = Key: coefficient of passive earth pressure during earthquake angle of shear resistance of earth (degree) —fcsion angle between a caisson wall and ‘arth in normal sme Te shall be -/3.(€egree) 6:1 flction angle between a caisson wall and ‘earth during an earthquake. shall be-#6. (degree) cz angle between ground surface and horizontal plane. It shall be either Fig-C. 1182 Determi positive or negative as illustrated in Fig~ Positive or Negative Signs C. 11.5.2. degree) fora ‘A coeiticient of pasive earth pressure in the case of ground surface inclined angle is shown in Fig-C. 11.53. Eq, C. 11.5.10 has shown a method to caleulate intensities of passive earth pressure ‘incase the sound is composed of a single soil layer. No strict solutions have been sven to cases for the ground composed of more than one sil layer, because an angle long sliding plane varies, the method tn calculate has not guied stitly. Fr this reason, this section determines thet intensities of passive earth pressure for the sovond and lover layers should be obtained by assuming that all the layers above ‘thom form loads applied to them (see Fig-C. 115.4). A formula (C. 11.511) (C. 1.5.12) toealeulate an intensity of passive earth pressure fora three layer deposi is sven below. The direction of action ofthe passive earth pressure intensity is not horizontal; however, because its influence is generally small, no correction should be done here for the direction of seton, 6 ah / TI fen ) a ig | a AL ey lest i [ | : mn | tect it | |eahen | | ‘Angle of shear resistance — ‘ eae Fig-C.1153 CocticintofPaniveFarth _Rg-C.11.S4_Calelting Prasneat Sat ayes conten to taesoge bop |) Inthe case of normal time, Peo * Kt +26. R + hn Pra * Kestahs + 2e,VKy +Kn(a+yiby) (15.1) Pes *Kestshs +26,¥Kp, +Ky(@+ 1B, +Yaha)) ii) Inthe case of earthquake, Pen = Kentiby +261 Pima = Kevits +260VKun +Kustiby Pers = Kuso +205 V Reps + Keats + 12h) where Pru Pra pos: intensity (eNin*) of passive earth pressure in normal ime atthe depth of hs, hth, hats intensity (KN/n*) of passive earth pressure during Level 1 earthquakes at the depts of, hss, thats ru Dea Ps For other symbols, refer to Fig-C. 11.5.4 2) Maximum skin ftetion force ‘The maximum unit skin fiction force shouldbe derived based on results of sil tsts and from Bq. C.11..13 8 Sandy soit f= min{IN, 0.5(¢+ po tang} < 56) Cobesive soil (115.3) F=05(6- po ang)] $ 100 ‘Maximum unit skin friction force (kN/?) f Nevalue by standard penetration test Cohesion of soil (ain) Static earth pressure intensity acting on wall surface (KN) Angle of shear resistance of soil (depres) apogee Eg. C. 11.5.13 refers to the unit skin fiction force of a digging pile and is set to ‘ensue that ¢ and @ can be considered atthe same time, This time, the maximum skin ition foree of a bored pile was roviewed based on the results of loading test. For the caisson foundation, however, its effec is unknown. Therefore, itis stipulated here thatthe conventional forrmula for bored piles should be applied. If, afer caisson immersion, it is ascertained by a test or the like that about the same ‘maximum unit skin fiction force as a diaphragm wall foundation can be expected by contactprouting with cement mortar or the like on the foundation peripheral faces and its execution management technique as been established, the value of a diaphragm wall foundation given by Fa. C. 14.5.1 may be used as the upper limit of| the unit shear ground reaction at the foundation peripheral faces. ‘When a mechanical frctionreducing work method using a frietion-rducing sheet ‘vas employed for caisson immersion and the sheet remains after work competion, the shear ground resistance at the foundation peripheral faces may not be taken into account in both horizontal and vertical directions 116 Calculations of Sectional Foree, Ground Reaction, ind Displacement (2) Sectional forces, unit ground reaction and displacement of a caisson foundation shall be caleulated appropriately, considering the properties ofthe foundation and ground. (2) When designing in accordance with the following, the provision(1) may be deemed to be satisfied. ‘The sectional forces, ground reactions, and displacements of caisson foundation shall, penenally be calculated employing the assumption ofthe finite long beam on an elastic foundation evaluated ground strength through the ground reaction coefficient. In ‘calculation, the horizontal ground reaction of the foundation front, the horizontal sheat ground reaction of foundation sides, and the vertical shear ground reaction of peripheral foundation surfaces shall not exceed the upper limit values specified in Seo 11.5.2 respectively (@)1) Modeling of ground resistance at foundation peripheral faces When vertical and horizontal loads and a moment are acting on the caisson foundation, the ground produces 2 ground reaction atthe foundation peripheral and bottom faces to resist these actions (Fig-C. 11.6.1). The unit ground resistance q, can be derived as the product of the coefficient k of ground reaction and the displacement 8 within the elastic region as indicated by Bq. C.9.6.1. Assume that, ifthe displacement goes ou of the elastic region, the unit ground resistance may take the upper limit g, or lower limit q (Fig-C. 11.62), aT Fig-C.1161 Ground Resistance Fig-C. 162 Relation between Unit Ground Reshtance and Displacement 43 (qu's 18 <4,) (k5> au) {k6 9,) y'/8( kB are distributed in a parabolic ‘way in a unigirectionsl slab, & wide x high, with a high beam as shown in Fig-C. 112714, 266 see (C ALTA) (11.75) 1176) “Me working bending moment Tops (mm) ‘Section wits of top slab = (nm) Ji; Top slab thickness (mm) Distance from top face of top slab (nm) 7 Resultant ofensile stesses (mm allowable intensity (Nima?) Fig-C. 11.7.4 Distribution of Stress oftensile stress of Intensities in a Unidirectional Slab with reinforeement ‘High Beam ‘Shear force end minimum volumes of reinforcement should be in accordance with rovisions in the Secs. 87.4 and 7.3, respectively. Since tensile stress occurs in a top slab interior due to Poissons ratio in case axial force working from a body of an shutment ore pier is large or in case the top slab thickness is thinner when compared ith the axial fore, itis necessary to review internal stress of concrete. 11.73 Top Slab Bearing Unit ‘When a top slab bearing unit is designed as simple bearing, the following provisions shall be applies (1) The top slab bearing unit shall be designed on an assumption that itis susceptible to ‘extemal force working on its lower side. @ The top slab beating unit shall be checked as to floating on the top slab and bearing pressure and sliding ofthe bearing unit. Minimum anchoring reinforcement of the top slab and bearing tnit against floating shall be 0.2% or more ofthe top sab beating area 267 ‘and use bars whose diameter is 16 mm or thicker. @) The beating surfece shall resist sliding moment with friction becked by close contact between the top slab with the bearing unit after chipping the surface. Should the sliding ‘moment nat be resisted with friction alone, other measures shall be taken, including provision of protrusions. |When moment works on @ caisson top slab as ilusated In Fig-C. 11.715, both anchoring reinforcement necessary for protecting the slab fiom floating and bearing stress intensities on ‘the op slab bearing surface will be wel calculated by assuming that his calculation is similar to stteas calculation o be done in ease «reinforced concrete cross section, acting as that of a {op slab bearing unit, is susceptible to vertical forse and moment. tis expected that bending and shear resistance of parapet and fictional resistance of the top sab bearing unit will resist sliding moment. However, it is very difficult to cause the ‘parape’s resistance alone to bear horizontal force H working oni, because the thickness of the parapet is restricted, Hence chipping the op slab bearing surface to produce suficient fiietion is appropriate. Assume @ coefficient of fiction inthis ease as that fora rock and ‘concrete, or 0.6, a8 shown in Table-C, 10.3.4 In some portions, however, like a fixed and of 1 continuous gitder, sliding cannot be resisted only by the coefficient of resistance, 0.6. In sch a case, the designers may take a measure to provide @ protrusion for increasing resistance, as shown in Fig-C.11:7.16 268 AL wa" ys hip ere ! Ad reinorcement ar ‘Topslab Main a bea sure reinforcement Adio reinfreement coe Fig-C. 11.7.6 Fig-C.11.7.18 Anchoring Reinforcement _Typical Example of Protrusion 11.74 Bottom Plate of Open Caisson ‘Bowtom plates ofan open caisson shall be designed to securely transfer loads to ground 1) Abottom plate of an open caisson is generally produced by placing concrete in water after the csisson main body is sink in position, Hence, this plate must be ‘constructed with special eare and need to be as thick as warrants full safety. When ‘considering construction errors, it needs minimum thickness of 2m. ‘An open caisson has to transfer reaction of bottom layers to side walls or partition ‘trough the botiom plete, Stress is transferred in concrete interior as shown in Fig~ C.11.7.17. In the case of Fig-C. 1.7.17 (a) where a range of stress transferred fiom side walls is overlapped on the bottom, the bottom plate can be regarded as @ mass and involves no bending stess to make a point of. Tn the ease, however, of Fig-C. 11,7.17 (®) where the ange is not overlapped on the bottom, bending ‘moment has o be checked. Since a joint between the botiom plate and the side wall ‘onerete does not form s completly one-piece structure, the bottom plate should be ‘designed as slab simply bome on the periphery. A span in this ease should be AB jn Fig-C. 117.18. 269 @ ® Fig-C. 11.748 Span for Calculation Purpose Since, however, the bottom plate is constructed with underwater coneret, it hardly hase reinforced concrete structure, thereby being made of plain concrete. 2) Since a joint between a bottom plate and side wall concrete dees not form a ‘completely one-piece body, itis recommended to provide protrusions whose shapes are Tike wedges, steps, or knot so that te joint may have a structure 10 well bear the bottom plate 11.75 Cutting Page ‘The cutting edge shall have a shape that allows the casson to be sunk easily and shall be checked for safety during sinking. In design calculation, a cutting edge should be regarded as cantilever beam against the worst possible load, The worst possible load in case of a pneumatic caisson indicates temporary ‘eduction of atmospheric pressure in working chamber immediately before the final sinking ‘process of the caisson. In this ease, loads expecied to acton the caisson include static earth ‘pressure and static water pressure from outside and one thd of working pressure from inside. ig-C.11.719) 270 [External pressures in the case of an open caisson do not differ from those in the case of @ ppncumatic one, but intemal pressure should have at least 3 m of difference from the static water pressure o cope with it Fig-C. 11.7.20). Ifa cutting edge is regarded as 8 cantilever ‘beam inthe case of an open caisson, itis necessary to provide a structure possessing sufficient yield stength near a fulerum of the cantilever beam. But ifthe fulerum eannot bear it because & partition exists, the caisson should be designed to keep the side wall thickness as near tothe euting edge as possible while the edge and the fulcrum shouldbe fully reinforced. ‘Together with the other objective t reinforce the fulcrum, it is recommended to arrange reinforcement atthe edge at an interval of at least 200 mm with bars whose diameter should bbe one grade thicker than vertical reinforcement of the caisson side wall. A span of a cantilever beam i usually measured from a cuting edge toa partion, ia caisson i provided. ‘withthe parton. For caisson without a partition, it shouldbe preferably about 1.5 m. I is expected that considerably lage tensile stress will occur ina circumferential direction of horizontal cross section in an open caisson cutting edge. Hence, itis necessary to take {great eare in designing horizontal reinforcement fora caisson, even ifit is smal in diameter For shapes of cutting edge, refer to Reference Data No.4 a L Smcearh esse IBefworkingchanber_ Street pressure Sule water resare Sacer ameter pressure Sse wie rewire nee he ston presre ‘ude akon Fig-C. 11.719 Design Load ofa Cutting Fig-C. 11.720 Design Load of a Cuting idge (pneumatic caisson) edge (open eaisson) 11.7.6 Ceiling Slab for Pneumatic Caisson Working Chamber and Suspended Beams for the Ceiling Stab (1) The working chamber ceiling slab of a pmeumatic caisson shall he checked for safety against combinations of loads during construction and ater completion. 2) Suspended beams for working chamber ceiling slab of a pneumatic eaisson which is provided with a partion shall be designed as « beam which uilizes the partion lower part to share loads acting on the working chamber ceiling slab (It is needless to say that a preumatic caisson working chamber should be sitight while sinking it, But it is necessary to design the working chamber ceiling slab in such a ‘manner that it may be safe against the most unfavorable conditions, like the case with a cutting edge The most unfavorable load conditions during construction mean i) when sinking loads are removed immediately before final sinking of the caisson (Fig-C. 11.721) and i) when working chamber atmospheric pressure is temporarily reduced due to power failure oF similar causes (Fig. 11.722). Gravity ofthe ceiling slab should be taken into account in both cases. In the later ease, sinking loads are fully spplied onto the working chamber ceiling slab, and some ‘unfavorable eases have been reported thet abrupt sinking accelerated the sinking loads, increasing them a few times more than the original ones. It is safe if the designers should regard the working chamber atmospheric pressure as about 13 like the case with See. 11.75, ray of Sikig celng ab ° | 4 eraiyot I eins sb Cw ese ‘nt wtng chante rane Fig-C. 1.721 Fig-€. 11.722 HtSinking Loads are Removed If Working Chamber Air Pressures Reduced I is assumed in this section that, after the sinking process is completed, loads acting on. the bottom plate are shared by a working chamber ceiling slab. In the case of a ‘pneumatic caisson, a working chamber ceiling slab is construed as reinforced concrete ‘member in advance othe sinking process. Hence, the bottom plate is considered to act ‘as acover ofthe working chamber space: itis supposed tat loads are applied and borne not by the bottom plate, bu bythe ceiling slab, As shown in Fig-C.11.7.17, the ceiling ae @ slab can be regarded as a mass, when the stress transferring lines are overlapped, Reviewing is needed only when they are not overlapped, In the case of a pneumatic caisson, itis rather dificult to fally fll a ceiling slab lower part with conerete, thereby indicating large bottom reaction. When expecting it to be fully filled, routing or other measures are needed. ‘An economical way to design a suspended beam for working chamber ceiling slab of @ caisson which is provided with a partition isto design the slab as bi-directional one supported or suspended by a partition. The suspended beam should be designed as bbeam to share loads acting on the working chamber eifing slab as shown in Fig.C. 11.723. tis recommended inthis case that an effective height ofthe beam should be practically sett a quarter ofa span and that its effective width should fll within a range of by= 4b (6 6) or less as shown in Fig-C. 11.7.24, in accordance with the range of beams fo which the Hooke's law is applicable. When designing as beam, vertical reinforcement wich ‘corresponds to web one should be fully arranged for connecting the suspended beam and ‘the ceiling slab ina continued unit ‘When many partitions are provided, cleulation may be performed as gating structure. Loads acing ona working ‘harber oing sab ‘Gaviy of speeded beam Fig-C. 11.723 Design Loads of Suspended Beam 213 [suspended eam Working chamber sing sab ig-C. 11.724 Exfeetive Width and Reinforcement Arrangement in Suspended Beam 11.2.7 Parapet |A parapet shal be designed hy taking into account structures and shapes of cut-off was to be cconsteucted oni Since a parapet i often affected by loads acting on cut-off walls constructed on it, it should be designed by fully considering materials, structures, and shapes ofthe cut-off walls. ‘A parapet may be designed as a canlever beam on which stac earth and water pressures \work as shown in Fig-C, 11,7.25, in accordance with strctures and shapes of cut-off wall. any os Ltt Spates Perse pasate faa Covnestigettemcinrsts (Witter cg oe sates Fig-C. 11.725 Design Load of a Parapet 24 11.7.8 Examination of Stresses during Construction In the design ofa caisson foundation, a check shall be dane on the stresses occurring in the various part of the caisson during constuction in addition to the check stiplated in See. 11.1 ©. Examination ofthe stresses during construction is more important for th caisson foundation than for other types of foundations, There are cases where an accident occurred from neglecting this. Hence it is necessary to calelate them at cach member of he ceisson under ‘various coniltions which ere probable during construction. Those conditions which need special review are listed below. States @ and @ need constructs to pay close attention to construction work: the ‘constructors must prevent occurrence ofthese stages under their responsibility. © Ieamediately after starting installation ofa caisson At this stage, the caisson isin the simply supported state, that is, not partly supported (Fig-C, 11.726), in the cantilevered stete (Fig-C. 11.727), in the diagonally supported state (Fig-C. 11.728), or otherwise supported. © Suspended state at each lift (constructed height foreach install ‘he installation work (Fig-C. 11.7.29) jon process) during © The worst loaded state 1 possibly occur immediately before completing installation ofa final caisson “Tine worst loaded state” here indicates a case where intemal pressure in a working chambers erupt reduced due to power failure, ete. © Hollow state inthe caisson interior while daining water after completing installation © Review ofall he states during a caisson installation work 215, Fig-C. 11.727 State of Camtlever Support srpored ces anitesiy fates ahs Suspended -C. 11.728 Fig-C.1.729 ‘State of Diagonal-point Support Suspended State 118 Verification for Level Earthquakes 11.84 Basis of Verification (1) When the load stipulated in Sec. 64.7 (2) of Part V Seismic Design acts on the exisson Foundation of per, then section forces, unit ground reaction and displacement will occur ‘in the foundation, These quantities shall be calculated aceotding to the stipulations in ‘See, 1.8.4, and it shall be checked as a general rule thatthe calculated values do not reach the yield of the foundation stipulated in See. 1182. However, when the plasticization occurring in the foundation isto be considered. the response ductility factor ‘and response displacement of the foundation shall be calculated according to the stipulations in See, 12.4 of Part V Seismic Design, and it shall be checked that the calculated values are not greater than the allowable ductility factor and allowable displacement ofthe foundation stipulated in See. 1.83, (2) When the abutment rests on a ground that is judged may liquefy and affect the bridge, is sisson foundation shall be checked according tothe stipulations in Sec. 13.1 of Part V Seismic Design {@) The caisson foundation shall be checked for the setion foes accurrng in each ofits ‘members in accordance with the stipulations in See. 11.8.5. 26 ‘The csiston foundation is verified for Level 2 carthquakes by the ductility design method, and this verification concept is stipulated in Chapters 6, 12 and 13 of Part V Seismic Design. ‘This section stipulates the calculation methods for the section forces, unit ground reaction and Aisplacement of a caisson foundation, yield ofthe foundation, allowable ductility factor ofthe foundation ellowable displacement and the lik, ‘The concrete collation procedure of the seismic design of caisson foundations with the application of the ultimate lateral strength method during earthquakes shall be shown as follows (refer to Fig-C. 111.1, 1) Set the upper limit ofthe various coefficients of ground reaction to be used in the stismie design according to the method using ultimate lateral strength during. an earthquake, 2). Supposing that the enisson foundation is ated on bythe load preseribed in See. 6.4.7 (@) of the Volume on Seismic Desiga, calculate the sectional force, unit ground reaction and displacement occurring inthe foundation according to Sec, 118.4 and check thatthe foundation does not reach the yielding state prescribed in Sec. 11.82. ‘When the foundation is found to have reached its yield asa result ofthe check, the dimensions and the like of the foundation or pier should be varied, and a chock should be done again as @ general rule. However, ifthe foundation will each its yield due to floating of its botiom or plasticization of the front ground because the oundation embedment is shallow (take the ratio of effective embedded depth t the shorter side width ofthe foundation, and the inequality LB <1 may be wsed as ‘measure of sheliovmess), then is design may be reexamined asa spread foundation 3) When the pler has a sufficiently large ultimate lateral strength with respect to the design horizontal seismic coeficient used inthe ductility design method, donot vary the dimensions of the foundation even if the foundation will exceed its yield, caleuate the response ductility factor of the foundation by the method stipulated in Sec. 12-4 of Part V Seismic Design and check thatthe calculated value is not greater than the allowable ductility factor stipulated in Soc. 11.83. For a caisson foundation, the secondary gradient used in calculation of response ductility ctor may be neplected because it has litle influence, Ifthe need arises, however, the secondary gradient may be evalusted fiom the horizontal load-horizontal displacement relationship of the foundation and then the response ucllity factor may be calculate. am 4) When the ground is judged to liquefy according to the stipulations in Chapter 8 of Part V Scismie Design, lower the soil constant, calculate the section forces and isplacement occurring inthe foundation with the lowered soil constant, and do the check of 2). When this is not satisfied, do @ check about the response ductility ‘actor in aocordance with 3). 5) When the occurence ofpasticization i the caisson foundation isto be considered as with 3) oF 4), check thatthe calculated foundetion response displacement is not jareater than the allowable displacement stipulated in See, 11.83, 66) Check thatthe section forces in the various members caleulated in 2) to 4) sre not ‘reatr than the strength ofthat member stipulated in Sec. 11.8.5. Inthe ease where the design isto be done asa spread foundation described in 2), it also should be checked thatthe section forces occuring atthe response displacement calculated by ‘the method stipulated in Ses. 12.4 of Part V Seismic Design are not greater than the strength of each member. 1182 Yielding of Foundation ‘The yield of a esisson foundation shall be defined as the time when its horizontal isplacement atthe point of action ofthe force of inertia from the superstructure begins to increase steeply dve to plastcization ofthe foundation or ground resistance, or floating ofthe foundation, ‘Yielding of @ foundation is refered to as the time when horizontal displacement begins to steeply increase at the point of action of force of inertia ffom the superstructure in the Dorizontal loaé-horizontal displacement relationship as the general behavior of the foundation. In the proper sense, this horizontal losd-horizontal displacement relationship should be found frst, and then the yield of the foundation should be established. As major factors affecting the yield of the caisson foundation, the platicization of the foundation aad ‘ground resistance, floating ofthe foundation, andthe like must be considered. Considering the simplicity of design practice here, the time when the foundation reaches the frst one of ‘the states described in 1) to 3) below may be taken as an indication of yield ofthe foundation, 1) Plasticization of foundation ) Cireular section In horizontal section ofthe foundation body, when all the axial reinforcements included ina 90-degree sector yield, are 2) > ii), Rectangular section ‘When all te axial reinforcements in the foundation rear wal yield iil) Oval section Ifthe foundation rear wall is a hemisphere, i) applies, and if « fat face, if) applies. Piasticzation of ground at foundation front face Find the proportion of plastic region, Ar, of the front ground from Bg. C. 11.8. ‘Yielding is reached when this value reaches 60%, de Ly Tex 100 (6) rome (C, U8) where Ze. Proportion of plastic region of font ground (%) Tig: Sum of length (1m) of regions where the ground atthe foundation front face ‘Teaches is upper limit of unt horizontal ground reaction Lg: Bective embedded depth of foundation (em) Floating of foundation Find the proportion of area, Ay, of floated foundation bottom fom Eq. C. 11.82. ‘Yielding is reached when ths value reaches 60%. fay An/Ax 100 0) (C1582) where 4g: Proportion of area of floated foundation bottom (%) ‘Arg. Area of floated foundation bottom (m’) 4: Area of foundation bottom (a?) “The indications of yield described in 1) to 3) were established using the stability calculation model shown in Sec. 11.8.4 in an approximate way fom the results of calculations caried out forthe eaisson foundations of general ground conditions and ‘a general shape. Ifthe caisson foundation is to be installed in a special ground or if it bas a special shape, or in otherwise special cases, the relationship between the Dorizontal load P and horizontal displacement 6 in the behavior of the entre ‘foundation should be ascertained fist and then the yield state should be established separately. Here, there are the logP-logé method and the like as methods to establish a yield state 219 11,83 Limit Values for Ductiity Factor and Displacement of Foundations ‘The allowable ductility factor and allowable displscement of a caisson foundation shall be ‘determined to ensure thatthe damage to the foundation will be confined to the extent that 2 functional recovery asa bridge an be easily achieved. “To ensure that even if the esisson foundation exceeds its yield, the damage to the foundation \will be confined to the extent that a functional recovery asa bridge can be easily achieved it js stipulated thatthe response ductility factor should not be greater than the allowable ductility factor nd the response displacement should nat be greater than the allowable displacement. ‘The limit value of ductility factor should be determined according tothe allowable ductility {actor for the ease where the reinforced concrete pier in Sec. 10.2 of the Volume of Seismic Design is judged tobe bending rupture and should be ealelated from Eq. C. 11.83. 8y- vwoe(C, 1183) ‘4g: Limit value of ductility factor of caisson foundation 3; Horizontal displacement (m) atthe point of action of force of inet fom the superstructure when the foundation body reaches its ultimate state. 8: Horizontal displacement (m) atthe point of action of force of inertia from the ‘superstructure when the foundation body reaches the yield state prescribed in Sec. 1182. ‘a: Safety factor, taking a value of 1.8. ‘The horizontal displacement 8, at the point of action of force of inertia from the superstructure when the foundation body reaches (ts ultimate state and the horizontal displacement 8, at the point of action of force of inertia from the superstuctre when the Foundation body reaches the yield point are respectively calculated using the model given in See. 11.8.4, The safety factor eis taken to be 1.8 in onder to hold the foundation damage 9 ‘an extent smaller than the damage of the pier body. If yield of the foundation is determined by the plasticization of the foundation front ground or the floating of the foundation botom, the foundation plasicization will last past the yield of the foundation. Therefore, the response ductility factor may become apparently very large. ven in such a case, the foundation damage level can be held down low by limiting tothe allowable ductility factor ‘The allowable ductility factor of the caisson foundation ofan abutment may be taken at about 3 asa provisional standard, as stipulated in Sec. 13.6 of Part V Seismic Design. [As described in the commentary to Sec. 92, the allowable displacement of the caisson foundation ofa pier may generally be taken at about 0.02 rad of the angular displacement at the caisson top as standard to prevent an excessive residual displacement ftom occurring in the foundation ifthe foundation exceeds its yield. 11.84 Caleulation on Sectional Force, Subgrade Reaction and Displacement (1) ‘The section fores, ground reaction and displacement of the exsson foundation shall be calculated appropriately considering the characteristics of the foundation and ground. (2) When calculating in a ecordance with the following, (1) may be deeded tobe satisfied. Sectional forces, ground reactions end displacements of caisson foundations shall _gencrally be calculated assuming the foundation a the ground reactions asthe finite long, ‘beam on an elastic foundation where ground resistant is evaluated through the ground reattions coefficient. In this calculation, the flexural rigidity of the foundation body shal be reduced according to the sectional free. In addition, the flowing values shall ‘not exceed respective upper limit values: the vertical groune reactions as well asthe shear ‘round reaetions of the foundation bed, the horizontal ground reaction ofthe Foundation front, the horizontal shear ground reetion of the foundation sides, and the vertical shear ‘subgrade reactions of te peripheral surfaces of foundations. When the foundation body ‘exceeds the yield poin, the decrease in flexural rigidity ofthe foundation body shall be ‘evaluated and calculation shall be performed taking this decrease into account. (2)The strength and displacement of a caisson foundation should be calculated by the method stipulated in Sec. 11.6 a8 2 principle, and at that occasion, the member characteristics of the foundation ané the ground resistance around the foundstion may be established a follows. 1) Member characteristics of foundation body Generally, the flexural rigidity of the foundation body may be calculated on the assumption that the foundation body isan elastic body, because the foundation body {also held within te yield point in the design method using ultimate lateral strength uring an earthquake. However, if the pier has a sufficiently large lateral strength orf the foundation is suspected to exceed its yield du to ground liquefaction or the like, the calculation must be done considering, the rigidity reduction of the foundation. In this ease, the bending rigidity and rigidity redvetion of the foundation may be evaluated by modeling the bending momentcurvature relationship of the foundation as shown in Fig-C. 11.8. In Fig-C. 11.8.1, the yield stale is referred to as the plasticized state of the foundation described in Commentary 1) in Sec. 11.82, and the ultimate state is referred to the state ia which the conerete stain reaches the ultimate stain atthe compression edge of the member. The stress-strain curve of reinforcement and concrete should be obtained according tothe stipulations in Secs. 10.3 and 104 of Part V Seismic Design. For the ultimate strain of concrete, the value for Type 1 earthquake ground motion may be used here, although there ere unclear points about the extent of influence that the repeated loading due o earthquake ground motion has cn the strength ofthe foundation a — Ew i Bows i Ccuranre (1m) {Ce Craking point, ¥: va post U:Uiotepoine Fig-C. 11.8.1 Bending Moment-curvature Relationship ofthe Foundation Body 2) Ground resistance around foundation Ina check by the ductility design method, the various ground resistnce elements ated in See. 11.2 may be treated as bilinear. The upper limit of unit ground reaction should be set as described in ) throug |) Unit vertical round reaction t foundation battom ‘The upper limit of unit vertical ground reaction atthe foundation bottom is the ‘ultimate load-bearing copacty of the ground a the foundation bottom prestibed in Sec, 11.4.1 i) Unit shear ground reaction at foundation bottom oblained by Eg, C. 11.8.4, soon (C. HBA) ‘Pai Upper limit of unit shear ground reaction at foundation bottom (kN?) ‘He: Shear resistance force (KN) scting between foundation bottom and round, obtained by Bq, 11.412 Effective loaded area of foundation bottom face (m) {ily Unit horizontal ground reaction at foundation front face ‘The upper limit of unt horizontal ground reaction at the foundation front fae is obtained by Eq, C. 11.85. Phu Oper (C185) where. ‘Pi: Upper limit of unit horizontal ground reaction at foundation front face Nim") 4: Overdesign factor of upper limit of coeficent of horizontl ground reaction, derived from Eq,C. 11.86. For cohesive soil with an N- value of or less, take this value tobe ay = 1.0. ap" 10+05 (2/B) $3.0 ~ (C186) = Depth fom design ground iovel(m) Be: fective front width of foundation (e) ‘Par: Passive soil pressure intensity (kNim’) of ground at depth z during an earthquake, given by Eq, C. 115.12 ‘The overdesign factor ay ofthe upper limit of coeicient of horizontal ground reaction is a coeflicient to take into account the eect of the thee-dimensional extent of passive resistance at the eaisson or other columnar foundation. Is value is established based on a theoretical solution and experimental results jv) Unit horizontal sheer ground reaction at the foundation side faces and unit vertical shear ground reaction atthe peripheral faces ‘The upper limit of unit horizontal shear ground reaction at the foundation side faces and unit vertical shear ground reaction atthe petipheral faces shouldbe the maximum unit skin fietion force derived from Eq. C. 115.13, 263 1185 Verification for the Strength of Members For each member of the caisson foundation, it shall be checked that the section forces ‘occurring in the member and caleulsted according to the stipulations in See. 11.8.4 are not sreater than the strength ofthat member » Vertical section of caisson body i) Verfcation for bending moment For bending moments, checking may be omitted because they are calculated by evaluating the extent of damage in a vertical section ofthe eaisson body in See. 134) 4i) Verification for shear forces ‘Check tht the shear forces eccurring in the calculation in Sec. 1.8.4 do not ‘exceed the shear strength calculated in Sec. 5.2.3, Horizontal section of caisson body For the wit harizontal ground reaction infront of the foundation calculated in Sec. 11.84, check the bending and shearing in a horizontal section of the esisson body according to Sec 1.7.1, s described ini trough ii. 4) Calculation of sectional forces Calculate the sectional forces by regarding the horizontal section as a rigid frame. ii) Verification for bending moment For the bending moment occurring inthe check section, check that dhe ultimate ‘member bending moment prescribed in Sec, 5.2.2 is larger. iil) Verification for shear force ‘Check thatthe shear force occurring atthe check soction isnot greater than the shear strength of the member stipulated in Sec. 5.2.3. 284 3) Top slab ‘The verifieation for a footing preseribed in See. 8.7 applies. Therefore, in design against bending moments, calculate the sectional forces on the same assumption as for the footing without using Eqs. C. 11.7.4 through C. 11.7.6 even for thick top slabs, Fora caisson top sab, the reaction occurring inthe side walls has a large influence. ‘Therefore, in dosign against shear forces, only the shese resistance as the slab eseribed in Sec. 8.7.4 hast be checked. Ithe majority ofthe centerline ofthe top slab support lies within 2 (his te top slab thickness) as shown in Fig-C. 11.8.2 or ‘the centerline ofthe top slab support on the font side lies within h2, no checking is required because there is no fear of shea failure. Ni Fig-C. 1182 Example of Top Slab not Req ing Checking of Shearing 4) Top slab support ‘When flosting occurs at the top slab suppor, an excessive response displacement or residual displacement may occur at the point of action of force of inertia from the superstructure. Therefore, the top slab support should also be checked inthe same way as forthe top slab body to verify thatthe occurring bending moments do not exceed the yield bending moment 19 Details of Structure 11.9.1 Construction Joint When it is conceivable that the caisson becomes in suspended state during sinking, the ‘construction joints between Fis and between the suspending beam and working chamber ceiling slab shall be fully reinforced in te vertical direction, ‘A caisson body may be partially suspended while itis being sunk, asa result of collapse of surrounding earth, adhesion of walls while being left intet over along period, or inclination of the caisson. Considering these worst situations, ths section provides thet additional reinforcement should be aranged in construction joints between lifts in the vertical direction of side walls tis commonly seen that total of sinking loads are applied on a working chamber ceiling slab immediately before a final stage of the sinking process. Shoulé the working chamber simospheric pressure be abruptly reduced due to power failure, the ceiling slab wil be left stale in which itis suspended only by a beam. Hence, the joints between the suspending ‘beam and the slab should be folly reinforced by arranging additional reinforcement in the vertical direction. 119.2 Reinforcement around Pneumatic Caisson Shaft Holes ‘Wher the main reinforcement of the working chamber ceiling slub is discontinued by the shaft hole, the periphery of the shaft hole shall be reinforced by annular and diagonal reinforcement ‘When sinking @ foundation under a pneumatic caisson work, a 1.2-meter diameter shaft is usually constructed through a working chamber ceiling slab to allow passage of workers and to discharge excavated earth, To install the shaft, an opening with a size equal to the sheft inside diameter is provided inthe ceiling slab. The shaft is connected to the ceiling sab with anchor bolts. Since, however, main reinforcement of the ceiling slab becomes disconnected in the hole periphery, it is necessary to strengthen it by aranging annular or diagonal reinforcement as illustrated in Fig-C. 11.9. arange upper and lower eso things) 7 B vara [ BB r.~SC—t 4 For the intermediate hoop tes, reinforcement of the same material asthe horizontal reinforcement and 16 mm or over in diameter should be used. ‘The intermediate hoop tes should be arranged in the wall thickness direction. “The spacing of inner tie placement ina section should be less than the wall thickness (Gess than 1 eter if the wall thickness is not greater than I mete). However, if plasicization of the foundation is to be considered in the check by the ductility Te factor of salty forthe bearing pile can be used ina fetion pile if the pil satistes reliable conditions regaeding bearing capacity ‘Table-I242 Modification Coefficient for Factor of Safety depending on Ultimat Bearing Capacity Estimation Method, 7 ‘Ultimate Bearing Capacity Estimation | Modification Coethcient for Factr| ‘Method of Safety 7 Bearing Capacity Estimation Equation 10 ‘Vertical Loading Test 12 (2) The in-situ ubimate bearing capacity shall be obtained cither by the empirical bearing ‘capacity estimation formula together with adequate geotechnical investigations, or from the results of vertical loading tess (11) The ultimate bearing capacity can be obtained cither by the empirical bearing capacity estimation formula or ftom the results of loading tess. The bearing ‘capacity of ground is defined asthe total bearing capacity including the weight of the pile, but the allowable bearing capacity ofa pile is defined as the allowable load ‘acting on the pile head. Therefore, in cases of heavy piles such as cas-in-place RC piles and steel pipe soil cement piles, Eq.(124.1) incorporating the pile weight should be used. The weight of soils replaced by the pile in Eq.(124.1) can be expected as the bearing capacity, and therefore the safety factor need not 0 be considered, Furthermore the effective weight ofthe pile and sol inside the pile, , is subtracted because the allowable bearing capacity is evaluated at the pile head In this case, the weight of the pile should take the value after subtracting the buoyancy: 2). From the results of load tests on fiction piles, itis confirmed that their shor-term bearing capacity is equivalent to that of bearing ples. However, the long-term bearing capacity of fiction piles is uncertain. Therefore, the fator of safety for fiction ples shal be higher than those for bearing ples However, it was recently observed that the effects of long-term settlement on long- term bearing capacity are minimal in eases of piles propedly embedded into an aver ‘consolidated ground. The factor of safety for bearing piles may be applied to fiction ples satisf¥ing the conditions deserbed in 3) below. Furthermore, the end bearing capacity of a fiietion pile shall be neglected. ‘Moreover, as bored piles are rarely used as fiction piles, it should be carefully ‘examined when they are adopted 3) The conditions for friction piles whose factors of safety are equal to that for a bearing pile shouldbe as follows: (@) ‘Significant ground setlement is not currently in progress or may not be expected in the future, (8) The embedded length ofthe pile is greater than 25 times the ile diameter (or 25, ‘when the diameter is { m or large) 205 4) (© In cases of ground with a high clay content, more than one third of the ‘embedded length of the pile is embedded into the over-consolidated ground layer These conditions are established with view of the performance of existing friction piles () above is specified because friction piles are normaly installed at sites with deep supporting layers, their embedded lengths are often longer than 25 times the pile ameter, and ple performance is satisfactory in such eases. It should be noted, however thatthe properties of long-term bearing capacity of short friction piles are no confirmed, due to & lack of actual performance records (© above is specified because itis expected that piles that are properly embedded into overconsolidated ground will not eause critical problems, even if the surrounding ground settles duc to unexpected events. This reflects the concept ofthe load transfer to the surrounding Soil sed inthe caleulation of settiement fax friction piles in cobesive sol (refer to Fig.C.12.4.9), However, as consolidation setiement may be estimated in case of an abutment on soft cohesive ground, courier measures such as preloading for reducing ground settments need to be taken when adopting fition piles. When residual ground settlement will inevitably occur even if counter measures are adopted, or when ‘consolidation setlement is foreseen due to an inerese in loads transmitted from the shaft, itis recommended to determine the effets of foundation setlement on the superstructure, and to take appropriate measures including the adoption of simply suppored girders, ecording tothe needs ofthe case. A sulfcient pile bearing capacity shall be ensured by the modification coefficient for the factor of safety depending on the ultimate bearing estimation method tabulated in Table-12.4.2, in addition to the factor of safety m. The empirical bearing capac formula provides an average value based on pile load test results at various sites. However, the results of in-situ load tests will provide the Dearing capacity atthe site, and ts regarded that suc results willbe more reliable. ‘The resuls of pile load texts would provide the bearing capacity atthe test sit Geographical and geological structures and the characterises of the surrounding swile need to be eareflly examined when determining the applicable area of the test results. In general, the allowable bearing capacity of a bridge foundation may be caleuated by multiplying the altimete bearing capacity obtained from the load test 296 On) (at the surrounding site) by 12 (modification coefficient for the factor of safety shown in Table-12.4.2) ifthe following coneitions are satisfied (@) The geographical and geological conditions of the surrounding ground are approximately equal to those at the foundation ste (0) The characteristics of sol resistances such as N values and compressive strength are similar tthe two sites (©) Piles are almost same inthe length. However, the modification coefficient forthe factor of safety of friction pile shall, be 1.0 in consideration of long-term safety although the short-tem bearing capacity will have sufficient strength because ofthe neglect of end bearing capacity assumed in the design calculation. ‘The ultimate bearing capacity ean be obtained fiom the empirical bearing capacity estimation formula of Eq(C.124.1) on the basis of the results of adequate ‘geotechnical investigations. At that time, iis resommended to estimate the bearing capacity by referring to actual loading test records performed at similar sits. R= AUDLS, [ smnnnnnn (C1241) where, ‘leimate bearing capacity of pile (RN) area of pile tip (ms?) + ultimate end bearing capacity intensity per unit area (Nn) perimeter of ple (m) ‘thickness of soil layer considering shaft resistance (m) ‘maximum shaft resistance of sil layer consiering pile sha resistance (Nar) prsetes ') Estimation of Ulimate End Bearing Capacity Ineasity (4) (@) Driven Piles ‘The uikimate end bearing capacity intensity 4s of a driven pile (piles installed using the driving method or the vibro-hammer method) may be evaluated by Fig-C.124.1. This figure gives the mtio of y to the characteristic N value at te ground atthe ple tip (obtained by the method shown in Fig-C.12.42(b) as funetion of the pile embedment ratio tothe supporting layer (ratio of the equivalent embedment depth above the 207 Fig-C1241 supporting layer to the pile diameter), The equivalent embedment depth above the supporting layer can be obtained by the procedures illustrated in Fig-C.12.42, In ease of open-end steel pipe piles in Fig-C.124.1, the uimate bearing capacity is reduced for an embedment rato less than 5 in consideration of the effects of the closed tip. Furthermore, the design N value ofthe ground atthe level ofthe pile end should be no greater than 40 in the calculation ofthe bearing capacity. Fig.-C.12.41 can apply to gravelly, sandy, and cohesive grounds, bt not to rocks or sft rocks. The being capacity of driven ste pipe piles whose ‘ends are installed in soft racks or mudstone maybe obtained by referring to Reference Materal-7 (omitted in the English version). In Fig-C.12.4.1, the ulkimate bearing capacity is reduced for an embedment ratio less than 5. This is not to recommend tha the emibedment depth into soll layer with an N value greater than 40 should be 5 or more times the pile diameter in cases of the ground such as a) In Case of a Certain Supporting Layer” in Fig-C.124.2. This would mean that “(b) In Case of ‘an Uncertain Supporting Layer” in Fig-C.12.42, the effects of embedent (for an embedment ratio of approximately 5) on bearing capacity can be expected. Therefore, the design shall be caried out in eonsidestion of field construction methods. In addition, it shoulé be noted during pile installation that piles do not sustain failure by driving them into deeper ‘round layer even though they have already reached a layer of sufficient ‘bearing capacity atl ned ttn) Evaluation Chart for Ultimate End Bearing Capacity Intensity (2) 298 evalue Pe Lit Gravel (ea pie ee Tia ‘Reis | he triton of ash b elyemimen()e thecoe Sal bee “1242 Determination Method of Equivalent Embedment Depth {nto Supporting Layer In this new revision of Part IV, the ultimate end bearing capacity of piles installed by the vibro-hammer method is newly introduced. Its confirmed that the results of load tess for vibro-hammer piles are approximately equal to those of conventional driven piles, Therefore, both methods are jointly described as driven piles. However, the waterjet technique must not be used as part ofthe vibro-hammer method. () Castin-Place RC Piles In eases of eastin-place RC piles, the effects of ground disturbence and loosening due to pile installation works on pile bearing capacity are regarded as being greater than those in eases of driven piles. The ultimate nd bearing capacity intensity of eastin-place RC piles could take the values shown in Teble-C.124.1 ‘As the effets of construction on the value of uae considerable in eases of sandy grounds, a constant value of 44 regardless of ground strength was established for grounds with an N value of 30 or larger in the previous version of Part IV, On the basis of the recent results of loading tests on castin-place RC piles, the ultimate end bearing capacity intensity u may ‘ake 5,000 Kin? when a fully hardened sturdy gravelly ground with an N value of $0 oF lager and witha thickness ofS m or greater is selected as the supporting layer. ‘The end bearing capacity intensity of « hard cohesive soil layer is cstablished in accordance with that for caisson foundations. ‘The following points should be noted when applying Table-C.12.4.. (A) The pile end shall be embedded into sturdy supporting ground with an embedment lengta roughly equal tthe pile diameter (B) During constuction, the occurence of boiling shall be carefully noted and treated with cement slime (€) These values sal! apply to cast-in-place RC piles installed by machine excavation. The values for large-diameter (g = 1.43.5 m) eas place RC piles installed by open excavation should be separately evaluated. Furthermore, the ultimate end bearing capacity imensity can be established on the besis ofthe results of in-situ loading tests ‘Tuble-C.12.4,1_ Ultimate End Bearing Capacity Intensity of Cast-in-Place RC Piles ‘Ulimate Bearing Capac round Type End Bearing Intensity Qt?) Giavelly Layer and Sandy Lays NERD) 3,000 Stuy Gravelly Layer (750) 5000 Hard Cohesive Soil Layer aa Notes) 4 unconfined compressive strength (KNin®), 2 IN value from the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) (©) Bored Pile Installation Method (Nakabori Piling Method) ‘The ultimate end bearing capacity of bored piles shall be evaluated by carefully examining the instlltion method. Tip treatment procedures for precast piles (steel or concrete) by the bored pile installation method can be classified into three categories (A) to (C), land the ultimate end bearing capacity intensity can be evaluated in scoordance withthe methods shown in able-C.12.42. 00 Table-C.124.2 Ultimate Bearing Capacity Intensity by the Bored Pile Installation Method, 40 Pile Tip Teaenent Method ‘ralon Metads of Uae Bearing Capa Torry at lle Tp Fina bvving Wetiod Evaunton Mesos Tor Diving Pesca be appa cmon Mi eng sd Mixing Method ‘Unt End Bering Capacity Inns Nin gun {150N(S7 300) fo Sandy Layer 200N(5 10,000, or Gravelly Layer where N: SPT Wave or Ground a Pile End ‘Unite El Bearing Capacity Inst of Casc-n- pace Ps eat be apie (A) Final Driving Method (B) Cement Milk Jetting and Mixing Method (Only Applicable to Sandy Grounds) Inthe cement milk jetting and mixing method shown in Tabe-C.12.4.2, precast piles with an extemal diameter of between 500 to 1,000 mm ere normally used. The calculation methods showm in Table-C.12.4.2 can ‘only apply to pies constructed by pile instalation methods in which the ‘characters of bearing capacity are clarified and it is confirmed that the equivalent or larger end bearing capacity in comparison with that ‘estimated ffom Fq(C12.4.1) can be expected ftom the results of previous vertical pile load tes. In addition, appropriate constuction ‘management procedures shall have been established. At that time, itis recommended thet embedient depth into the supporting layer is not shallower than the pile diameter, and the design diameter shall ake the ‘actual pile diameter, Furthermore, in cases when large-diameter precast piles whose external diameters exceed the value above, their bearing capacities and settement characteristics shall be reviewed separately (©) Conerete Placing Method ‘This method is employed only when neither methods (A) nor (B) sbove apply to the treatment of the ground atthe ple tip. (@)Pre-borng Pie Installation Method ‘The ultimate end bearing capacity intensity by the pre-boring pile instalation method shall take the values in Table-C.12.433, based on the ‘results of past pile load tests, TubleC.12.43 Ultimate End Bearing Capacity Intensity by the Pre-boring Pile Installation Method, 4 ‘Ground Type Ulimate End Bearing Capacity Intensity CaP) Sandy Layer 150N/ ($7,500) Gravelly Layer 200N (510,000) ‘Note) ¥-N value fom the Standard Penetation Test SPT) for he aground atthe pile end ‘Tble-C.12.43 presumes that RC piles, PHC piles, or SC piles with an ‘extemal diameter of between 300 and 1,000 mm are used. Table-C.12.4.3 ‘ean only apply o piles constructed by the pile installation methods in whieh the characteristics of bearing capacity ae clarified and itis confirmed that ‘the equivalent or larger ultimate end bearing capacities can be expected in ‘comparison to that obained from Fq(C.124.1) from the results of vertical loading tess. In addition, the space between the hole wall and the pile skin stall be backfilled with runny cement for keeping the resistance even inthe small displacement level. Effective construction management procedures stall also have been established. At that time, it is recommended thatthe embedment depth into the supporting ayer isnot less than the pile diameter, and the design diameter shall take the actual ple diameter. However, in cases of large-diameter piles whose extemal diameters exceed the value above, their boating capacities and settlement characteristics shall be reviewed separately. Inthis revision, the ultimate end beating eapacity intensity by the pre-boring pile installation method is shown. Evaluation of the ultimate end bearing capacity intensity of piles by this method was deemed difficult in the past, because the construction methods were variable, and data from past loading tests were limited. In this revision of Part IV, however, the results of past loading tests are shown, with the limitations of the pile installation methods satisfying the conditions inthe Commentary in Se. 12.1. {€) Stel Pipe Soil Cement Piles The ultimate end beating capacity intensity of piles constructed by the steel pipe soil cement pile installation method shall take the values in Table- €.124.4, based on the results of past pile load tests. Further, the area of ane pile tip A in Eq.(C.12.4.1) shall be the sectional area of the soil cement column. Table-C1244 Ultimate Bearing Capacity Intensity at Pile Tip of Piles installed by the ‘Steel Pipe Soll Cement Pile Installation Method ‘Ground Type | Uiimate End Bearing Capacity Intensity (Nm) Sandy Layer 150N (57.500) Geavelly Layer ‘2O0N ($10,000) Note) 1: N value fom SPT for ground at pile tip Piles installed by the stel pipe soil cement pile installation method would ‘generally have a soil cement column diameter of between 700 and 1,500 ‘mm, a stel pipe diameter of between 500 and 1,200 mm, and soil cement cover of between 100 ané 200 mm. Table-C.12.44 can only apply o piles constructed by pile installation methods in which the characteristics of ‘bearing capacity ae clarified and it is confirmed thatthe equivalent or larger end bearing capacity in comparison with that estimated from Ea.(C12.4.1) can be expected from the results of previous vertical pile load tests. In addition, appropriate constuction management procedures shall heve been established. However, in cases when stel pipe soil cement piles exceed the conditions specified above, their bearing capacities and settlement ccharaeteistis shall be reviewed separately Although the values in Tele-.12.4.4 re etblisod in consideration ofthe revue of lading tess on sel pipe soil cement pile, the following spectcations (A) to (©) on pile is (fer to Fig-.1243) nea 1 be satisfied hen appving those valet. Furthermore, the resuirements for constructing pile tips are shown in Sec. 17.13.1. (A) The embedment dept into the supporting layer shall be roughly equal to or deeper than the diameter ofthe soil cement column Dy (B) The depth of steel pipe penetrating into the soil cement column tp shall be roughly equal to or greater than 1.5 times the diameter of the stel pipe. Further, additional rits or sections need to be installed within the range 1.25 9s or more from the steel pipe tp. (©) The depth from the steel pipe tip to the soil cement column tp shall be roughly equal to or deeper than 0.5 times the soil cement column diameter Da 20a anal Spans Ler tier tn 0s a * Fig-C.1243_ Pile Tip of Stel Pipe Soil Coment (Treatment ofthe Bored Pile Method, the Pre-boring “Method, andthe Stel Pipe Soil Cement Method {As for ples installed by the bored pile method (imited to the cement milk Jetting and mixing method), the pre-boring method, and the steel pipe sol cement method, which are similar procedures and in which particular construction management procedures (not specified in Chapter 17) are needed, the empirical bearing capacity estimation formulas in this Chapter may apply as far as respective application conditions are satisfied owover, this particular provision shall be applicable only to piles installed by the methods in which pile head bearing capacities not less than the ‘ultimate bearing capacities obtained from Eq(C.12.4.1) are confirmed from the results of loeding tests (three examples in cases of sandy supporting layers, and thre or more examples in eases of gravelly supporting layers are necessary). Moreover, the ultimate bearing capacity estimation equations shall be applicable only to grounds having characteristics similar tothe site at which the loading tests were caved out Furthermore, for a pile installation method in which construction ‘management procedures are not confirmed or the bearing capacity is smaller ‘than the ultimate bearing capacity obtained from Eq(C.124.1), loading tests shall be executed according to 2) above, and the adoption of the method needs t0 be examined by reviewing the ultimate bearing capacity and ‘construction management procedures ii), Estimation of Shaft Resistance Intensity J scting on the Pte Skin ‘The maximum shaft resistance intensity acting on the pile skin shall take the values showe in Tuble-C.12.45, depending on the pile installation method and ground type. In the case ofa steel pipe soil cement pile te perimeter of the pile U in Eq(C.12.41) shall take the perimeter of the soil cement column, [Note thatthe provisions in i) (above may be applied for the maximum shaft resistance intensity ofthe piles installed by the bored pile method (the cement ‘milk jetting and mixing method), the pre-boring method, and the steel pipe soil cement method. ‘Table-C.124.5 Maximum Shaft Resistance Intensity (Nin?) Ground Tye Pile Installation Method Sandy Soil | _ Cobesive Soil Driven Pile Method Goclating Vinehoreee Method) | 2¥ (S100) | cor 10 (<150) Castin-place RC Pile Method 30200) | cor ON (S150) Bored Pile Method 2N ($100) [0 8e oF 8 (#100) re bored Pile Method 51 (S150) | cor 10 (100) ‘Sicel Pipe Soil Cement Pile Method | 10N (S200) | e or 10.N(=200) (Note) c: cohesion of ground (KN/m’), N: N value from SPT. ‘The perimeter of pile Vin Eq(C.12.4.1) shall be the petimetr of the cement soil pile in stet pipe soil cement Pile method, Ina soft subsoil layer with an N value not larger than 2, the maximum shaft resistance shall not be evalusted using the N valve, because the SPT N value is not & reliable indicator in such soils, In some cases, however, a certain cohesion c can be expected even in a ground with a small N value. In such cases, it is more appropriate 1 estimate the maximum shaft resistance intensity bby obtaining cohesion estimates from other soil tests. Furthermore, necessary to review the effecs of negative skin friction in soft subsoil layers as. specified in See. 12.43, For seismically unstable ground, the design shaft resistance intensity shall be obtained ty multiplying the maximum shaft resistance intensity by the coafficient De provided in Se. 8.24 of Part V, Seismic Design 2). The empirical bearing capacity estimation formulas show in 1) are established on. the basis ofthe reslts of vertical ple lod tests, In cases when vertieal pile load tests are executed for piles of a arly used type oF installation method, te allowable ‘eating capacity may be estimated by multiplying the modification coefficient forthe {actor of safety, 12, by the ultimate bearing capacity obained from the pile load tests. Pile load tests shall be performed on the basis of the "Method for Static Axial Compressive Load Test of Single Piles (JOSIS11-2002)" or appropriate relating standards specified by the Japan Geotechnical Society. 08 ‘The ultimate bearing capacity of piles hased on pile load tests shall take the load ‘when the load versus settlement curve ofa static loading test or equivalent bocomes approximsely parallel to the axis of setlement (refer to FigC.124.4). However, the setlement exceeds 10% ofthe pile diameter when the ultimate bearing capacity {is mobilized, the ultimate bearing capacity for design is replaced withthe load at the settlement equal to 109% of the pile diametor (Fig-C.12.4.4). ‘When pile load tests re performed for cohesive soil ground, iis recommended to perform unconfined compressive tests on undisturbed samples, ttle cone penetration tess, and other appropriate tests, in addition to the standard penetration tests (SPT). This will enable the establishment of reasonable empirical bearing capacity estimation formulas. Further, the converted N values should be evaluated {or layers having N valves lager than 50, Fig-C.1244 Evaluation of Utimate Bearing Capacity from Vertical Pile Load Tests 12.42 Axial allowable pull-out force of Single Piles (1) The axial allowable pull-out force of single pile shall be obtained from Fq(12.4.3), by pile diameter (m) ‘in negative skin fietion per unit area QANi2) YS! unit weight of earth (kN/m3) Draw a circle with « radius of fe which is obtained as above around each pile acting as a center in a manner illustrated in Fig. C. 12.47, distribute the overlapped portions of the cirles to adjacent piles, and obtain area A, 10 be bbome by each pile (shaded portions in the figure). "Negative skin fiction of each pile ean be calculated by applying a ratio of A, of cach pile toa cree area Ap (= 12) to the following equation: (C.1246) Raf: negative skin friction of each pile (KN) |Aiz area tobe bome by each pile a illustrated in Fig. C. 124.7 (m2) AO: m1e2 (m2) Raf: negative skin ftietion of a pile iit is treated as single pile KN) ‘The value of Ryg should be applied to each pile for reviewing the negative ski fiction, There have been reported that the outermost piles are subjected to negative skin fiction corresponding to tht in the case of a single pile, even if the negative fiietion is reduced for group piles. This should be borne in mind when reviewing a pile body stress. ais (1) The bearing capacity of a pile group subjected to axial compression forces shall be reviewed in consideration of the group effects depending on the distance between ‘adjacent pile centers. The group effects on seitlement due to axial compression forces shall also be reviewed, @) The beating capacity of pile groups subjected to horizontal forces shall be reviewed in consideration of the group effects depending on the distance between adjacent pile centers. (1)1)_ When the distance between adjacent pile centers is large, the axial bearing capacity ofthe pile group may be evalusted from the product ofthe numberof piles and the bearing capacity ofa single pile, When the distance between adjacent pile centers is shot the bearing cepaity per pile is decreased because the foundations behave as 1 caisson consisting of the piles and soil mass located between the piles. The threshold value forthe distance betwoen adjacent pile centers will alter according 10 the sol properties and pile allotments, and cannat be specified. Therefore, an upper limit of beaving cepacty may bo calculated by assuming the pile foundation as & Inypothetical caisson as illustrated in Fig-C.12.48, and the axial allowable bearing capacity ofthe pile group evalusted by Eq(C.12.47). However, inthe ease of piles ‘vith expanded pie-tp diameters, an addtional careful investigation is needed. +@,+9)) a= (©1242) fe mommies : Fig-C1248 Hypothetical Casson Foundation where, 'Q,: aba allowable bearing capacity of pile group (allowable loadsa ile head) (kN) 1m: factor of safety (refer to 124.1) sua (0, limate end bearing capacity a pile gop (KN) 9, a (C1248) Ag: Shaded ares illustrated in Fig-C.12.4.8 4g: Wimate bearing capacity intensity of sol atthe base of the hypothetical "caisson foundation (refer to 11.4.1) Nin) IW: effective weight of soil placed bythe hypothetical sisson foundation ony ,: skin Bion of ile roup 4) Op Ug by Fyne Ug: perimeter of the shaded ara in Fig-C.1248 11,5 thickness ofeach layer from the footing to the pile ip (m) 1 shearstength intensity of each layer (KN/n?) (C1249) 2) When consoldation settlement of sols due to increased loads transmitted from the shai is evaluated in eases of fiction pile foundations, dispersion ofthe load may be considered as shown in Fig-C.1249, and consolidation settlement may be calculated by the provisions in See, 96.3. == ony ‘eres || 4 Fig-C.12.49 Load Allotment for Reviewing Consolidation Settlement of Friction Piles 3) When weak or consolidation layers lie below the supporting layer of a founestion and the supporting ayer is thin, the bearing capacity and settlement should be also ‘examined. In the examination, the pile group needs to be treed as one structural body. In this case, dispersion ofthe loads may be considered below the supporting layer, as shown in Fig-C.12.4.10, and consolidation settlement can be reviewed according tothe provisions in Se. 9.63. Moreover, in cases when fiction in intermediate layer can be expected, load allotments including the intermediate layer may be considered a8 erent ome a lspci ee Conlin ae Fig-C.12.4.10 Load Allotments for Reviewing Rearing Capacity and Consolidation Settlement of Ground Layer below Thin Supporting Layer (@) The load allotment in each pile of a pile group subjected to horizontal loads will differ due tothe interference between ples. Further, the efficiency ofthe group is lower than that of single piles. Load allotments and group effects will alter depending on factors inchuding ground type, pile instalation method, and the mumber of piles, It is well- known that group-pile effects will be generated in ease of a short ple-to-ple distance generally not longer thas SD (where D is the pile diameter). Losd allotments are reduced in acing piles and center piles in comparison to leading piles and outward piles. Furthermore, the efficiency ofthe group decreases significantly with decrease in ple4o~ pile distance. However, itis difficult wo determine group effects considering the various factors ‘mentioned cbove. Moreover, the difference in load allotments to individual piles can be covered within the range of the design safety factor However, the coefficients of sorzontal subgrade reaction for grouped piles are practically assumed 10 be identical to ‘those for single piles, incase of a pile-topile distance of approximately 2.5 D. The reaton for this is that differences in the horizontal coefficients of the subgrade reaction ‘will not havea significant effect on pile stress. owover, in cases when significantly shorter distances are likely to occur, # decrease in design vertical bearing capacity needs to be considered. To evaluate the reduced coefficient, the coeficient of horizontal subgrade reaction obtained from Sec. 12.5 may ‘be multiplied by the modification coefficient (x) of Eq(C.12.4.10) wotoo2(2s-£ $) be<2s0} (c124.10) where, 1 ‘modification coeficient forthe coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction 1s distance between adjacent pile centers (m) a6 D: pile diameter (m=), equal to the diameter ofthe soil cement colums in cases of steel pipe soil cement pile However, it has been shown from recent experiments on both models and actual pile ‘groups that group effects cannot be neglected for ples subjected to large deformations. ‘Accordingly, in the vesitication for the level 2 earthquake condition specified in See. 12.10, the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction must be reduced even for piles with apile-to-pile distance not less than 2.5 times the pile diameter. 125 Coefficient of Horizontal Subgrade Reaction “The coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction to be wsed in the design of piles shall be ‘evaluated ether by flly reviewing the results of geotechnical investigations and sol ests, or by back-caleulating the logd-dsplacement curve abtsined from horizontal loading tests, 1) Coefficients of horizontal subgrade reaction should be computed from Eq.C. 9.54, when, ‘blaining from results of geological surveys and sol tess. For stel pipe soil cement pile, D in the Table, C. 9.5.2 shall be the diameter ofthe sil cement column 2) When obtaining fom a losd-displacement curve to be prepared by means of «horizontal load test of piles, the designers may count back coeiicients of horizontal subgrade reaction from standard displacement at design ground surface and load corresponding to it 126 Spring Constants 12.6.1 Axial Spring Constants of Piles ‘The axial spring constant of single pile sll be estimated from the empirical estimation formulas based on vertical pile loading test and the results of sol tests, or from the load settlement curves from vertical loading test. ‘The axial spring constant of pile Ay is defined a the axial force capable of generating ¢ unit Aisplacement atthe pile headin the longitudinal direction ofthe pile. This spring constant is sed to estimate clastic setlement of the pile foundation, as well as to estimate the pile reaction specified in See. 12.7. When Kv is used in the evaluation of the pile head reaction, its value will affect the pile head moment and sxil tensile force, In particular, since footings having a short pile-o-pile distance and few pile rows tend to rotate, the pile air ‘head moment and other forces will significnily affect the value of Kr. In such cases, the properties of Kr shouldbe fully investigated and an appropriate value adopted. Although its recommended to obiain the value of 1 from the pile head load and pie head settlement curves from vertical ple load tests, it may be obtained fom empirical estimation formulas similar tothe case of bearing cepacity 1) Inestablishing a method forthe estimation of Kr ased on pile load tests, the value of 4 in Bq.(C.12.6.1) was analyzed from the values of Ki measured in numerous pile load test results. The value of 2 is evaluated in terms ofthe embedment ratio (U/b) depending on the pile installation procedure, as shown in Bq.(C.12.63) 4, rT (€:12.6.1) ‘Ky axial spring constent of pte (kN/m) ‘a proportional coeficient ‘ps net cross-sectional area of pile (mm?) ‘Young's modulus of pile (KN/mm) pile Length (m) D: ple diameter (m) Furthermore, the axial spring constant Kr of a stel pipe soll cement pile is evaluated from Eq (C.12.6.2) Ae Eth Ky aate tes sv a soe (€1262) where, Mie: et ros-sectional area of sel pipe (mm) Ey: Young's modulus of ste! pipe (Nin) net cross-sectional area of sol cement column (mm) Bj: modulus of deformation of sil cement (kN/mm?) Fn= 5004 ‘a! unconfined compressive strength of soil cement (kNAmm") LE: pile length (m) 4 values can be evaluated ftom Bq (C.12.6.3) 318 2 {@ = 0.014(U/) + 0.72: Dives Piles (Biow Method) 4@ = 0.017) - 0.014: Driven Piles (Vibro Hammer Method) «2 =(031(L/D)- 0.15: Castinplace RC Piles (1263) {@ = 0.010(L/D) + 0.36: Bored Piles (= 0013(L/D) + 0.53: Pre-boring Piles «1 = 0040(L/D) + 0.15: tel Pile Sil Cement Piles ‘The results of loading tess were analyzed under the fllowing conditions (@) The measured Ky value is taken asthe secant gradient atthe yield point judged from logP-log8 method on the PS curve from loading tess, where P i pile head Jad and S's pile head settlement. () As most data in Eq(C.12.63) ave for an embedment ratio L/D 10, Eq(C.12.3) should generally apply to piles with an embedment ratio not Jess than 10. ‘Therefore, for piles with 1/D < 10, itis recommended to determine Kr by referring tothe results of pil lod tests performed under similar conditions. (©) The value of 4p is thenet cross-sectional rea, In case ofa ste pile sil cement pile, D dente the diameter of the sol cement column, Moreover, when an SC piles sed asthe upper ple of a PHC pile, a, 4y and ®y shal ake the values of the PHC pile Jn the estimation of Ky ffom soil tests, itis evaluated by assuming an elastic pile ‘with distributed springs on its perimeter and a spring at the pile end. Ki can be estimated by substituting from Eq (C1264) into Bq (C.12.6.1) or Bq(C.126.2).. y canbe estimated from Bq (C.12.64), coefficients Cs and Kv are given a (€.1264) 1 foe a fee 4: blockade area at ple tip (si?) 1: pile perimeter (m) ‘by: Vertical coefficient of subgrade reaction at pile end (kN/m') a9 Cp! covficiont of sliding between pile shaft and surrounding sil (N/m) 3) As fr pile installation methods in which empirical estimation formulas for the ‘value, even if not specified in this Article, are proposed from the results of vertical pile load tests, the requirements shown in the Commentary of Asticle 12.1 are satisfied and appropriate management procedures nocessary for the conditions and assumptions are implemented, the empitieal estimation formulas may be emplayed following careful review ofthe ground conditions. 12.62 Radial Spring Constant of Piles ‘The radial spring constant of a single ple shall be evaluated on the basis of the beam theory for elastic foundations using the cosficient of horizontal subgrade reaction. Radial spring constants Ki to Kx ofa ple are defined as below: Ky, Ks: radial force (kNim) and bending moment (kN-mv/im) to be applied on a pile head when displacing the head by a unit volume in a radial diretion while keeping it from rotating Ko,Kee radial force (Niad) and bending moment (KN-n/ad) 10 be applied on pile head when rotating the head by a unit volume while Keeping it ftom moving ina radial direction. “These spring constants can be obiined from a relationship between load and displacement to ‘be computed based on the theory of a beam on an elastic floor using a coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction, 1). Piles with a semi-infinite length (BL¢ 23) Ifa coefficient of horizontal subgrae reaction is constant iespective of depths and if an embedded depth of a pile is sufficiently long, the constants ean be computed ‘rom TableC. 12.6.1 by using the Hayashi-Chang Theory. ‘Table-C. 12.61 Radial Spring Constants of a Pile ‘Rigid ame of pile ead hwo 12EIB SER m Coan a2 “E18 (mn) +05 21° x Ka,Ky Ke 2p? ° ° “4EI6 (+B) +05 1+Bh” (ifn) +2 fig coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (kN/m’) Dz pile diameter (9) Fora sce pipe soil cement pile, take the diameter ofits sll cement column, El bending rgisity of the pile kN") Astherigiiy of esta pipe sll coment pil, the igi of theses! pipe alone maybe taken beats the soil eerent contbuts ite tothe igily {tits unconfined compresivesvength is about 1 Ninn” ‘axial length ofthe pile above design ground surface (rn) 2) Piles with finite length (1 < Al, <3) ‘A radial displacement and sectional force of a pile with a finite length need the ‘designers to consider bearing conditions of the pile tp, since they are affected by these conditions. However, if the pile tip is embedded into a good quality supporting ayer to depth similar to the pile diameter, the pile can be generally regarded as hinged (pil ip) it is possible to assume that a coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction (Ky) is constant in the direction of depth, the displacement method ean be calculated by using values Kas, Koto, Koby and Kabs which are obtained by multiplying the radial spring constants Ky, Ks, Ks, and K, by a corrosive coofiient ‘This corrective cooicient isa function of cand Bh and has values as shown in Fig-C. 12.6.1. However, Fig-C. 126.1 should be applied within @range of 1 < PL, <3, aan ies of fine tng (= ALe<3) Piksofsumi Condes] Free Hinged Fixed infinite tengshs ti @ o) © @lez3) wwe |e | aw ca Schematic drawing yl i Kigi? Kg igh K Spring K2g2/ K292* 292° Ke constants 363! Kgs" K363° & Kage! Kaga® Kags Ls sano) he 7 . le a st ate a Hint 1 PR=0 Bao ou ee 7 m © 75s ot oe ed or) Oe a | be 7 Po Fig-C. 12.61 Corrective Coefficients of Radial Spring Constants of Piles of Finite ‘Lengths a2 12.7. Caleulation of Pile Reactions and Displacements ( Pite reactions and displacements shall be evaluated by considering the properties of the pile strocture and ground, (2) When calelatng in accordance with the folowing, the provision (1) may be deemed to be satisfied, ‘The pile reaction and displacement shall be calculated by representing the footing by a rigid structure, and the pile and ground by a linear elastic structure with the spring ‘constants inthe axial and lateral directions of the pile (@)In a check for ordinary conditions, storms and Level 1 earthquakes, pile may be treated ‘as an elastic body because the stresses occurring inthe pile are restricted tothe allowable stress, Regarding nonlinearity of coeficiens of hovizontal subgrade reaction, there will ‘be no practical inconveniences even if they are tested by assuming as i they were linear ‘within allowable displacement and considering nonlinear behaviors of pile as apparenly linea (ee Fig-C. 12.7.1). © Actual load-dsplacement curve © Load-isplacement curve assumed tw de linear 4; allowable displacement Pee ond 1 Pileband dipacenent Fig-C. 12.7. Assuming Linearity of Ple Behaviors Following are the calculation methods if piles and soll layers are linearly clase: a ‘method using a rigid-frame model in which a pile head is connected to a footing, making a pile a beam borne on an elastic Door; and a displacement method which solves a formula balancing displacement of the whole pile foundation (or displacement of a footing) with horizontal and vertical frees and rotational moment working on the pile ‘foundation as a whole by assuming a footing as rigid body end by means of a spring matic at a pile ead, Calculation based on a displacement method 1) Computational assumption inthe displacement method aa For computational convenience, pile resction and footing displacement are assumed in the displacement method a follows: © Apile foundation is assumed to bea two-dimensional structure © Piles are linearly elastic in push-in, pull-out, and bending displacements, and ‘both axial and radial spring constants in both axial and lateral direction ata pile Incad are constant, irrespective of fod. “The same spring constant is applied to push-in and pull-out displacements, (© Footings ate rigid and rotates around the centzoid of group piles, 2) Calenlation method Ina calculation using the displacement method, form a coordinate as shown in Fig 12,72, set an origin at an arbitrary point O of a footing, determine external forces ‘working on the Point O as illusteated inthe figure, and set displacements 5, 8 at Point O i the ditection of the coordinate axis and rotation to the directions as itustated, 5 Design goin ace Fig-C, 12.72 Coordinate ina caleulation using the Displacement Method ou ‘The origin O may be selected ftom any arbitrary points, but itis recommended 10 coincide it withthe centroid of group piles below the footing. In this case, the displacement ofthe origin ean be obtained by solving the following simultaneous equation with three unknowns. ecg +A 18y +A gg 2 Hy AgeBy Ay 8 +A, 10 Vp (12.71) ogy +g By +A ote Assuming that the footing bottom is horizontal, each coefficient can be obtained by using the following equations: ge =¥i(K, 0080, + Ky ssn?) Ay # Ay = E (Ky ~Kj)-sind, os, Aga Ae {Ky ~Ki)x sind, 2080, -K,+c080,} L(y -e0s*e, +K, sin?) a 2 E Ky 086, +K,osn?0,)x Kp sine} Aga = E {Ky +05" 0, +K, esin? 8,)x? + (Ka +K3)x, sin, + Ky 40.12.72) “is, lateal loads acting above a footing bottom (KN) Viz vercal loads acting above a foting bottom (kN) ‘moment of external forces around the origin O (kN-m) lateral displacement atte origin O () ‘verical displacement atthe origin O (tn) rotational angle ofthe footing (rad) ‘x coordinate of the ith pile head (ri) angle of a vertical axis fom the i-th pile axis (legres). Signs tobe in accordance with Fig-C. 12.7.2. SERGEE If coefficients of horizontal subgrade reaction sre constant imespective of depths, spring constants in the lateral direction Ky, Ke, Ks, and K, of a pecan be obtained by using Fig-C, 126.1 or Table. 12.6.1. By using displacements (Gy, 8, a) at the footing origin obtained from the results of the above-mentioned calculations, pile axial force Py, pile radial foree Pry, and ‘moment Mi acting on each pile head can be obtained by using the following equations 25 (c.1273) (C1274) ‘where radial displacement at the i-th pile head (em) 4 axial displacement a the ith pile head (ra) Kj: pile axial foree which generates a unit volume of exial ‘displacement tothe pile head (pile's axial spring constant) (im) Ki, Kz Ks and Ke. spring constants ofthe pile in the lateral direction ‘x: x coordinates ofthe i-th pile head (m) (angle of vertical axis from the ith ple axis (degree) Pys_ axial force ofthe i-th pile (kN) Py radial force ofthe i-th pile (KN) ‘Mg: moment as extemal force acting onthe ith pile esd (Nm) ‘Among the values obtained as above, My represents moment as extemal force tributed on pile heads, and a bending moment My intemal force on the pile ‘heads is value withthe opposite sign. (Namely, Myi~ Ma) ‘Then, pile head vertical reaction Vj and horizontal reaction Hy are given by the following equation, and are used in calculating reinforcement amangement of footings: Vj = Py +080, ~P) sind, (C1273) H, = Py +sin8, +P, C089, Since the following equation must hold effective, it helps the designers to check ‘whether ornot the calculating process is correct DH =Hy LM=V L(My + Vex) = Mo, (C1276) 3) Vertical piles with symmetic anangement 326 Followings are practical caleulation formulas handling symmetially arranged vertical piles (@; = 0), which are calculations most often used, with the spring constants Ki, Ks, Ks, and Ks and Ky being same among the piles. Assuming thatthe total numberof piles isn, ce son(C 127) vom (C. 12.7.8) a, -0 inca igt ane 128 Desiga of Pile Foundation under Special Conditions When designing a pile foundation under such special conditions as mentioned below, ‘comprehensive reviewing must be done as to characteristics of ground, losding conditions, and salty of the pile foundation asa whole (1) Pite foundation considering lateral resistance at footing embedded portions ar {@) Pile foundation with piles susepsible to lateral loads (2) Pile foundation with piles of substantially diferent lengths in the same footing (Pile foundation tobe constructed ona slope (6) Pile foundation with no specific restietions on lateral displacement (4)Pile foundation considering lateral resistance at footing embedded portions Its the principle ofthe pile foundation to cause piles alone o resist lateral loads. When soil ata footing front side is good in nature and allows the designers to expect lateral resistance for desipning purposes, they are permitted to make a calculation in which resistance of the piles and footing meded portion is taken into account, by using the following procedures. In this cas, filed-back front col layers must have more strength ‘han original ones ha. Namely, when ground surrounding the footing embedded portion is completely ‘compacted and fully tightened to protect it from being scoured, or if it has been. ‘confirmed thatthe surounding. ground will not move due to liquefaction or softening in lower soil layers, resistance of the footing embedment front side can be added t0 calculation of the pile foundation inthe following mannes. Assuming tha, like the case with a easson foundation and spread one, the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction k' ofthe foting embedment is proportional to depth from the subgrade surface, and therefore the front subgrade reaction indicates a parabolic Gistibuion, lateral resistance of the footing embedment front side is represented as follows, tom Fig-C. 12.8.1 PekiS. SKE Fig-C. 128.1 Resistance of Footing Embedment 328 @ H = Bf ky 2(3, +a(d—2)} dz Cie i (€.1281) ‘, ly =8-4y( 34.8, +40.) Since momen around the origin is represented by: = BP ki 2, +0(d—2)} «(d-2eée ‘i ° c (C1282) Benen is beter to rewite the coefficients Av, Avy in the simultaneous equation with three ‘unknowns as shown in Eq. C. 127.1 as follows Aug E(€ sso, +Ky sn?) Bed hy = DlKu —Ki)sin8 0080, Aen = E (Ky -Ky)+5;+sin0, +0080; -K, se0s0,} +E sBea? Ay = E(u +0620, K,esin?6,) ‘hye E(k o00870,+K, esn?0, ox, Ky sino} Aan 9 Ey 008 0, + Kosi ex? +(Ka +R), e5n0, + Ke ene + pki Bed (C1283) cd: depth of footing embedment tm) B: width perpendicular o lateral load i the footing embodment (ma) ye coeicient of horizontal subgrade reaction atthe lower front part ofthe footing embodiment (kN/m’) ‘The coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction Ky should be caleulated in the same ‘manner as inthe caisson foundation. ‘A reaction at the lower part of footing Py = ki * 8 can be obttined from lateral displacement 6, but it is mcessary to confirm thatthe intensity does not exceed resistant earth pressure strength Fp = K,y'+ d (where, K, = coefficient of passive earth pressure, and y/unit weight of earth atthe footing embedment at the respective points Pile foundstion with piles susceptible to lateral loads ‘When wave presse, lowing water pressure (tidal pressure), dynamic water pressure, and other lateral forces act directly on pile main body on design ground, like a ease with 29 le bent and mli-column foundations, or inertia force during an earthquake cannot be regarded on a pile main body on design ground surface for seismic design, these forces should be added to extemal ones acting on portions above a footing, and the loadin the ight side of Eq C, 12.7.1 should be reconsidered in the following manner Ag t8, +g 08, +g 02H + Gy Ay 08, £4, 3, tA = Vet Gy rn(C 128.4) AaB, tay 18, + Ag et=My + yf where Gy = EF +6050, 2 sind, (C1285) (C.128.6) [Pe PPreoo-oa (C.128.7) a fPoo-v'ex [Pe@m-v'ex However, ple length should be more than 3/8. ‘The P(x) represents distributed load perpendicular tothe pile axis acting on a unit length ‘ofa pile (KN /m), and loads Qs, Ro, Sy, and Ty are represented as follows: ‘Loads for partially uniformly varying loads as shown in Fig-C. 12.8.2. 330 {r{2h, +.) +P,(2h, +hy)} [nang +2myby +h3)+P,(3n§ +2h.5, #88)} Anant +37 +2bjb5 +h3)-+#3(4h} + 3h3h, + 2hgh +I) aaa cad vw (C. 12.88) Footing lan i} a 4 a Design coud rice Fig-C. 1282 Loads on Projected Portion ofa Pile Pile axial force Py pile lateral force Py, and moment My as external force ofeach pile ‘nad ca be calouated by using Ea. C, 12.89 afer solving Eq C. 12.84 1 obtain By, 8, yak v8.89) soe 6, ve 8 g'= 8, 000, ~(6, +0 in cma 5y'=8, oan, (5, +an)oon0,| morn 80) 381 Table-C. 12.8.1 Examples of Loads Qo, Ro, So, and Ty Toads [Unifomiy varying] Uniform | Paraboially diseited | Concentrated 2 Mi tem) \ I al |) rth of alt ‘ fads 0 Hir+r) Ph (p44 +P) P e Ton? ¥ ro | ren) | rm Jena) Ph, we App spn so aah +P) gee a (on, +127) — P) Pn wt “ dpe to | Mtansn) | tet | Ate sam—n) | bom ‘When the pile body is directly subjected to lateral load, bending moment ofa pile above the ground surface may be abtained based on the ordinary beam theory, after obtaining pile head lateral fore Py and moment My in a form of external force. A pile portion inthe ground can be calculated by using Eqs. C. 128.11 -C, 12.8.13, Lateral displacement on design ground surface: f _Lt1+ Bh he + Bp} ape sevennn(€. 12.811) ‘Maximum bending moment of an embedded portion: Max ra Pa. fersanlhngrr ha) =(-44) sell “(C.128.12) Depth causing Mani be “f tse i (€.128.13) where re Bh, nat, Ryo Bt sae {@) Pite foundation wit ples of substantially different lengths in the same footing ‘fa pile foundation involves ples of substantially different lengths, for example, because ‘8 beating layer is inclined, spring constants Ky, Kai Ky, Ka, and Ky naturally belonging ‘ech pile should be used fr calculation by using the displacement method. ‘Among these constants, Kiy t© Ky possess different values depending on boundary contitions at each pile tip and ean be obtained fiom Fig.C. 12.6.1. 4) Pile foundation tobe constrasted on a slope When constructing pile foundation on a slope, due consideration shall be given to ‘evaluation of load effects by rear earth not deeper than « design ground surface and lateral resistance of pile font ground lower than the design ground surface, while influences ofthe slope and surface sol quality are taken into account. ‘When the ground is horizontal, coefciens of horizontal subgrade reaction of the pile front ground are generally regarded as constant inthe direction of depth. But, the pile front ground is limited in a slope, it is better to reduce the coefficients of horizontal ground reaction as the ease may be to calculate as a beam on an elastic Noor. Since lateral resistance of sol layers near the ground surface gives great influences on the pile stability if pile embedment is shallow, it is necessary to check horizontal stability by taking this tendeney into account. It is also desirable 10 review stability of the slope as = whole, including the pile foundation. 6 Pile foundation with no specific resetions on lateral displacement Since the displacement method is backed by a sufficient amount of practical experiences and enjoys established reliability, this section has adopted this method as a designing ‘method applicable 10 ordinary pile foundations by establishing allowable values for horizontal displacement foundations indesign ground surfaces. However ths allowable Aisplacement i based on the elastic analysis method and fas been set asa constant value inrespective of diferences in hardness ofthe soil layers and the pile types. It may be possible that a pile body stress may be increased by far more than actually required, by ‘keeping displacement within an allowable range according to the conditions of the soil layers and the pile types. In such acas, the foundation by applying a nonlinear analysis ‘method which takes into account lateral ulkimste resistance of soil layers at respective depths ofthe piles and yield displacement of ples may be designed, 129° Design of Pile 12.9.1 Design of Piles against Loads after Construction (1) The axial fores in pile setions due to axial pusi-in or tensile forces shall be evaluated in ‘consideration of the ground properties. (@) The bending moments and shear forces in pile sections due to lateral forces and pile head ‘moments shall be calculated by modeling the pile structure as a beam on an elastic foundation, () The safety of pile sections against axial forces, bending moments, and shear forces shall be verified, (21) An axial pushin force of a pile body is seduced in the direction of its depth, a5 ‘Mustated in Fig-C. 12.9.1 (b), but generally the axial force may be assumed not ‘changing inthe depth direction 2). Teimay be assumed that an axial pull-out force changes linearly fom the pie ip to the head as illustrated in Fig-C. 12.9.1 (c) with pile tip stress being zero, i the soil, layers are uniform, When an upper layer i sof, the axial force may be ealeulated by suming a it doesnt change th sf rind isin iC. 129 @). hey pe » Te z a lh 4 A/a) asl /G q Py a wo we w Fig-C.12.9.1 Assuming Axial Forces (@) Extemal forces working ata pile head and generating lateral displacement include the two types of forces: lateral force and pile head moment to be generated when a pile and 1 footing are designed in a form of a rigid connection. This section provides a pile 334 body-designing method to resist these exteral forces by assuming that the pie is a bear onan elastic floor. Since pile head reaction should generally be obtained by considering footing «isplacemeat in this chapter, ts influences should be taken into account when designing a pile body. » 2 Basie assumption for designing a pile body tis desirable that design bending moment of a pile body should be determined by taking the following two points into consideration, © Fora rigidly connected pile head, the bending moment to be used in the design of the pile head portion shall be the larger of the pile head bending moment calculated by the displacement method and the maximum underground hending ‘moment obtained regarding the ile head connection as a hinged one. © Apple middle portion shall be designed by using a larger value between bending ‘moments incase ofa pile head rigid connection and a pile head hinged one, even if he tig connection is used ‘The above-mentioned provision has been set up because i is dificult to seoure ideal connecting conditions in designs and construction procedures even when designing & pile by regarding a connection betwcon a pile and a footing as rigid one and because reviewing of a state of a pile head hinged connection shall be conducted if considering the worst situations during an earthquake, Computational classification by conditions of piles © When a coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction ofa pile i uniform and its embedded depth is 3 or more, calculation may be casi out by assuming that the ple isa beam of semi-infinite length with a constant coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction, © When a cocflicient of horizontat subgrade reaction ofa pile is uniform and if its ‘embedded depth isles than 3/8, cleulation may be eazred out by assuming that the pile is a beam of finite length with a constant coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction. © When a coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction ie not uniform, calculation may be caried out in accordance with item © or ® above, by using an average 5 value of coeficients of horizontal subgrade reaction from the ground surface to the depth of /. ') The caleulation formulas fora ple of semi-infinite length ‘The ealeulaton formulas are shown in Table-C. 12.9.1. Apply a) asa basic formats for calealation in case ofa pile head rigid connection and b) for ('502— "dug 2 = da yeh aw igmaenee o=0 aa, pan we . a oper peau std |p ump woo Repu pur suo velmonac aelajoaes a a pe ond on ann wuz 9 weMOW yy (09 ad 830 00 eI 7 seqiiynd ‘Past 9 U TORIOG 2° wag onde ta ” 0= E18 spanos oy noe uonng same woq2oqp go suonenbe ponseayiCd (2 sooo jousayeg se sIMoMOWY pue sx04 [IE] 1 SEIMUUION [EDU FETT IL ot Sndoy wet gd omy CNW *ywotod punosdtiopun | y ue Buoye mode pe ywoU BiNpIBE (a-joo Crem LN nL govt Bon EN peut | a we xotuow Buypuog, ws ay og youorsod | pee we 2010) says a2 (sary) aed ‘iy jo uojuod yoeo | 2 ye yesuow Buppuog pane ‘ofbue uogeuyout |p est td (eu F soups puna | 9 je wowooetdotc (uu pray id Jewsaondisa | g 248 (oyouey woneuroudde ayssoans) yo wauacuideig (ys 718990 wood yea 20) 8045 Kawa ida Jo uonsed oe be puna Supueg, (Cams 0+ (awe “anus uonaysa. pana aya VOR he] westep wouiou pong pur amo uoHDayig sano ULE HEA SEA JO SEINUUION WONEIMDIED Z6Z IME ou MH N= WH= oH sant oes FAI roe? ne? CUT Fi [ict m+ 1509+ Cre ates—recse) i] 5-| [qantas e9—2)=1f (reso [rere Lacalsesor- i] ° [re ms + dese) [nerd ms ~ nso) [aca [anes ° (in? wee mst res09] Fa | ign? ne APE C800 . [acormeng [oa artesoo ° Lr? ne-Aoe50- 1809) ~ 2+ 197 809-|—— ° Tania ‘sor aH HE HA 17D DUE D9 AUNRHOD woNEAADNET Fez TIAN 5 1292 Pile Joints (1) The safery of pile joints against loads acting during installation and after completion shall be verified 2) Pile joins shall be installed at locations where the effects such as pile sectional stress ‘llowanee, change in ground stiffness, and corrosion are iia (Like a ple body pile joins stall be checked to assure safety against axial pushin forces, ‘axial pull-out forces, and lateral Torees which are to be cause by loads after the structure {is completed. Driven piles shall be checked to assure safety against load by driving ‘work during a construction process in addition tothe above-mentioned forces. The joint structures are based on the premise that they shall have strength equivalent to the fill, strength of pile body. @ si 1 installation procedures of joints for precast piles always include work to be done at the joints are susceptible to influences of whether or not site work is successfully effected. Hence, it is necessary to design them while paying attention to easiness to install them in addition to dynamic properties. Locations to install joints must be selected by giving comprebensive consideration t0 their sectional forces, number of installing locations, easiness to instal, and economic merit. Locations where corosion gives great influences include areas where drying and wetting, ‘oyeles are repeated a a result of fluctuating water for ground water level, postions exposed to drainage containing harmful salt, ete. Joints shall not be installed joints at such locations 12.8.3 Connections between Pile and Footing ‘Connections berween pile and footing shall generally be rigid connections at pile heads, and the stresses at connections shall be verted Although connections at pile heads can be classified as either rigid connections or hinge connections, rigid connections are employed. This is because they are advantageous when lateral displacements tend to be dominant in the design, and their seismic performance is more appropriate owing tothe higher indeterminate orders, 346 1). Connection Methods Connections between pile and footing may be selected from one of the following methods: Method A: A length of pile is embedded into the footing to resist the pile head ‘bending moment. The minimum embedded length shall be equal to the pile diameter. This method is epplicable to steel pipe piles, steel pipe soit cement ples, PHC piles, SC piles and RC piles. Method B; A minimum length of pile embedded into the footing, and reinforcing ‘ars resist the pile head bending moment, The minimum embedded length may be 100 mm. This method is applicable to stel pipe piles, steel pipe soil cement piles, PHC piles, SC ples, RC piles, and ca place RC ples 2) Basics of Design Connections between pile and footing shall be designed as rigid connections, and shall be verified against all forces acting at the pile head including push-in forces, pull-out frees, lateral forces, and bending moments. When reinforcing bars are ‘used to reinforce pile heads in Method B, the stresses inthe conerete and reinforcing ‘ars inthe footing is reviewed by assuming a virtual RC pile section inthe footing ‘A that time, the assumed virtual RC pile section should have strength not less than that ofthe ple structure 3). Structural Details 3) Method A © ‘Scructural details of a stecl pipe pile and a steel pipe soil cement ple are shown in Fig-C.12.93, and Fig.-C.12.9.4, respectively. Shear connectors inside and outside of the pile are installed at two levels with thickness shown in Table-C.12.94, The width of the shear connector isnot be less than twice it thickness. Furthermore, in consideration of is workability, field welding of the shear connoctor shall be all-round fillet welding om the "upper face of shear connector. an TableCA2.9.4_ Thicknes of topper ine and ous Pie ie Danser Gan) Thskness of Soper Gam) as than 800 9 Tigao or more tan 800—1200 2 alo or moe tan 1700-1500 6 Lose + Here | Fig-C.12.9.3 Method A for Steel Pipe Flg-C.12.9.4 Method A for Steet Pipe Pile Soll Cement Pile 506 re Fig-C12.95 Method Afor PHC Pile Fig ‘and Method A for RC Pile "12.9.6 Reinforcement in Footing ® Structural details ofa PHC pile are shown in Fig-C.12.9.5 ® Structural details of RC piles follow those of PHC piles. ® Structural details OFC piles follow those of PHC piles 4s ip ‘When pile heads are designed using Method A, reinforcing bars shall be ranged as illustrated in Fig-C.12.9.6, as the main reinforcing bars a the lower section ofthe footing are cut by inserting the piles, Method B With the results of the loading experiments, it is recommended that the anchoring Iength shall be +0 d (dis diameter of reinforcing bat) from the center of the lower main reinforcing bar in footing. Bonds between reinforcement and concrete are released by the effets of seismic eyelic loads, and the some portions of anchoring reinforcing bars become ineffective. The ‘new anchoring length of 10dis designed to include an additonal allowance. A. cover of 200 mm should be ensured from the viewpoint of workability © Tre structural details of steel pipe piles and steel pipe soll cement piles are ‘shown in Fig.-C.12.9.7 and Fig-C.12.98, respectively ‘2 Shear connectors inside the pile conforms to Method A for ste! pipe piles 'b. The gap between the shear connector and the longitudinal reinforcing bar is equal to or greater than 15 mm, and the gap between the pile and ‘he Longitudinal bar shall be equal to or greatr than the bar diameter. © Anchoring length of bars into the footing. shall be calculated by Bq{C.12.9.8), In general a 235 d’may be taken. eum (c.12.98) 14: necessary anchoring length of bars (msm) ‘Ac: erost-setional area of bar (mn) te llowable bond stress of concrete (inm?) U! perimeter of bars (nm) + allowable tensile stress of bars (Nim?) a Bardiameter (mm) 6. Reinforcing bers in Method B for steel pipe piles and Method B for steel pipe soil cement piles shall generally be the reinforeement cage ‘ype. When reinforcing bars are welded tothe ouside perimeter ofthe pile, SD295B or SD345 reinforcement, which includes the provision for ‘welding, shall be employed, AI bats shall be welded individually. Structural dot follow those of the reinforcement age type ce, The embedded length of battered piles into the footing shall be 100 mm or greater Structural details of PHC piles are ilutated in Fig.-C.12.99. ‘4, The provisions in Sec. 12.111 apply to cases when reinforcing bars are arranged inside the pile suetue When the assumed reinforced concrete section is verified, PC stel is neglected. ‘e. The anchoring length is determined by Method B for steel pipe steels. {At that time, the anchoring length when the pile head is cut i increased ‘by 506 (Pi diameter of the PC steel member), and the pile analyzed 25 a member ofthe reinforeed concrete section. Structural detils of RC piles follow those of PHC piles. ‘Structural deals of SC piles follow those of PHC piles. Reinforcing bars ‘welded tothe pile perimeter are in accordance with those for stel pipe Piles Structural details of easin-place RC piles ae illustrated in Fig.-C:12 9.10, teas y = sal a} == de Seu conten | =r E aes g-C129.7 Melia forSel Pipe Fig-C.1298_Metod Br Sel Poe ine su tenen tae ‘Lome Nain Reinforcing | eee | eae eg eet a ea ge) scams ; moo [EEall| 3] 3 FigC.12.9.9 Method B for PHC Pies ‘and Method B for RC Piles 12.94 Examinations for Construction Period Fig-C.12.9.10 Method B for Cast-in- place Files ‘The safety of piles shall be verified against the forces acting during transportation, installation preparation, and driving, 1) The PHC piles and RC piles stipulated in JIS eause no problem in ordinary cases ‘ecause they are designed considering the stresses during transportation. However, severe impacts during transportation are not considered. When the pile is awkward wanspon and is subject to severe impacts during transportation, it may be necessary to employ a teansporition method considering impact prevention and stress reduction during transportation or place more reinforcement than stipulated in LS. Similar considerations are also necessary for the SC piles, Incase of steel pipe piles which have smaller gravity when compared with their cross section, stress during transportation will seldom govern their design, 2). Stestes tht are inconceivable after completion may act during the installation of a pile, For example, even for a pile not intended to resist pullout forees ora pile that ‘was designed considering the pullout forces acting after completion, when the pullout fore considered in the design is smaller than the dead weight of the pil check is needed for the axial tensile stress due to the dead weight of the pile in ‘suspension durin installation This is also applicable to bending stess of a pile, Bending stress. during construction is generally large duting transportation as stated 1) above, When, however, a pile is supported in a manner not expected during transportation, stresses ‘eeurred in the predictable supporting process shall be calculated, 13) Impact stress which occurs in a ple body while diving it is related with properties of soil layers around it and its tip, but no special reviewing is needed in ondinary soil layer conditions. However, when the sol layers at the pile tip are hard, itis possible that stresses ‘occurring at the ple tip are increased more than those occuring at other portions ‘When the end is driven into sof layer, tensile stoss whose absolute value is similar 1 that of compression stress will be refleted. Hence, safety during the driving process shall be confirmed in sucha case. 12.10 Verification for Level 2 Earthquake Condition 12.10.1 Basies of Verification (1) When the loeds specified in See. 64.72) of Part V Seismic Design apply to pier pile Foundations, sestonsl frees, pile heed reactions, and displacements shall be calelated by the provisions in Sec. 12.10.4. Foundations not reaching the yield point as specified in See. 12.102 shall be verified. When yielding of the foundations is considered, (be allowable values specified in Seo, 12.10.3 shall be verified, (@) Abuiment pile foundations esting on liquefiable ground shall be verified in accordance ‘with the provisions in Sec. 13.1 of Part V. The strength of pile foundations ageinst sectional forees occurring in members shall be verified according to the provisions in See. 12.105, ‘The asic concept ofthe verification of ple foundations by the ductility design method forthe level 2 earthquake condition is provided in Chapters 6,12, and 13 of Part V Seismic Design, This section specifies the method forthe calculation of the sectional forces end displacements of pile foundations and alo stipulates yielding and ellowable ductility factors and othe items. Verification items and design procedures for pier pile foundations in the ductility design ‘method areas follows (refer to Fig-C.12.1.1: 1), Sectional forces, pile head reactions, and displacements of pile foundations shall be caleulated according to the provisions in See. 12.104, and no yielding of pile foundations shal be verified according to the provisions in See. 12.102. Whenitis found that the foundations tend to yield, their configuration or dimension shall be altered, and the verification procedures repeated. 2) When a pice has a significantly larger ultimate horizontal strength egainst the design horizontal coefficient that required, the dimensions of the foundation need not be altered when the foundation yields. However, the response ductility factor, ‘evaluated according tothe provisions in See. 12.4 in Part V and not exceeding the allowable ductility of foundation provided in Sec. 12.103, shall be verified. 43) Pile foundations in ground judged to be possible t liquefy and take reduced so parameters by the provisions in Chaper 8 of Pat V, shall be verified even fora state of reduced soil parameters. When this verification cennot be performed, response ductility factors shall be verified in accordance with 2) above, 4) When designing ple foundations that are likely to yield according to 2) or 3) above, {he response displacements shall not exceed the allowable ductility factor provided in See, 12.103, 5) Sectional fores in the footing and the shear force in the ple structure calculated by 1), 2), oF 3) and not exceeding the strength ofthe structural members shown in the provisions in Sec. 1210.5, shall be verified, 358 12.102 Yielding of Foundation Yielding of foundation is defined as a state in which the lateral displacement of the superstructures atthe point ofthe inertial force tends to rapidly increase due to the yielding of the ple structure or the achievement ofthe upper limits ofthe pile head reaction, Yielding of foundation is defined 95 a state in which the Interal displacement of the superstructure atthe point of the inertial force tends to rapidly increase with respect to the lateral load. Yielding of foundation shall be evaluated in terms of the lateral load and horizontal displacement relationship. Here, a decrease in flexural stiffess due to the yielding of te piles and soil resistances and an increase in rotational displacement due to the ‘achievement of the upper limits of pile head reactions shall be incorporated as principal ‘actors affecting foundation yielding. ‘Yielding of pile foundations may generally be characterized asthe state in which one of the following two conditions occurs: D Allpiles yield ® Pie resetionsin one row of piles reach the upper limits of bearing capacity ‘Adkltional states such asthe condition in which the pile head reaction reaches the wpper limits ‘of tensile bearing capacity, or the lateral soil resistance yields to a certain depth, could have been proposed as causes of a sudden increase in displacement. However, the two conditions shown in ( and @ above are recommended as standards as a result of preliminary “analyses on the large displacements of pile foundations. Moreover, the typical yielding conditions shown in @) and @ above are evaluated in view ofthe results of analyses on pile foundations with common ground conditions and structural configurations by using the analytical model shown in Sec. 12.104. Accordingly, when pile foundations are constructed the ground of unusual conditions, yielding shall be established on the basis ofthe latcral oad- lateral displacement relationship 12.103 Allowable Ductility Factor and Displacement of Foundations “The allowable ductility factors and displacements of ple foundations shall be established 10 restrict the damage of foundation so that the function of bridge is easly recovered, Piers that exhibit a large white horizontal strength, or are constructed on lquefiable ground ‘may be designed in consideration of the occurrence of yielding, The response ductility 354 ‘actors and response displacements of foundations calculated sccording to the provisions in Sec. 124 of Part V and which do not exceed the allowable ductility factors and allowable isplacements, respectively, shall be checked in order to reset damage of foundation such that the function of bridge is easily recovered without any excessive repair work to oundatons. 1k should be confirmed that the ultimate states of limited secon of pile members in & pile foundation are not directly related to & decrease in suength of the entire foundation system, 1k is difficult to clearly define the ultimate state of the entire foundation system, Accordingly, the allowable ductility factors shall be established in such a manner that damage ‘of foundation will remain within easily repsrable extents. Regarding pile foundations, the allowable ductility factor may be determinstically taken to be 4, in view of the results of loading experiments on single piles and pile groups satisfying the structural detail requirements provided in Sec. 12.11. This recommended allowable ductility factor is considered tobe independent of the numberof rows of piles and the type of piles, elthough in practice itis true thatthe limit ductility factor must depend on those elements. The reason for the recommended allowable ductility factor being made constant is thatthe proposal is based only on a small number of experimental sues of pile groups, and conventional numerical analyses cannot predict the onset of the deformation capacity of the total oundetion system. However, allowable ductility factors for certin-types of pile having & large deformation capacity can take larger values in cases when the deformation capacity of the pile is confirmed by sufficient experiments, and the allowable ductility factors ean be ‘established as conforming to the purposes ofthe above provision. ‘Further, in eases when yielding ofthe foundation is dependent on the bearing eapacity of the pile, another method in which the response ductility factors are defined in terms of the yielding of the foundation and which is regarded as a sate of simultaneous yielding of the all piles could be proposed. However, es the design calculation by this method is complicated, response ductility factors in terms ofthe yielding of foundations specified in Sec, 12.10.2 may be verified ‘he allowable ductliy factor for abutment pile foundation may be taken to be 3 as specified in Sec. 13.4 of Part V, Seismic Design. 12404 lation of Sectional Forces, Pile Head Reactions, and Displacements (1) Seetional forces in structural members, pile head reactions and displacements of pile foundations shal be evaluated by considering the characteristics of the pile structure and the ground (@) When caleulatng in accordance with the following, the provision (1) may be deemed to be satistied, Sectional forces in structural members, pile head reactions and displacements of pile foundations stall be calculated by replacing the pile foundations with frame structures supported by nonlinear subgrade- springs. Here, the flexural stiffness of the pile structure shall be educed according 10 the axial fores and bending moments generated in the pile structure, (2)Analytical models indicated herein can be used forthe verification of pile foundations using the ctity design method. Tn evaluating te strength and deformation capacities of pile foundations, the effects of the nonlinearities of ground resistances and flexural stifinesses of pile structures cannot be neglected. Therefore, itis necessary to model pile foundations as frame structures considering these nonlinear characterises (eler to Fig-C.12.10.), Although various methods are available for modeling the nonlinear ground resistance and xual stfiness of piles, in view of the convenience of analytical methods and ‘determination of numerical parameters in design practices, the nonlinearities of soil resistances and flexural stiffnesss of piles may be modeled as detsiled below. ‘The analytical meshods mentioned here have been proposed on the basis ofthe results of load tests of single piles and pile groups. Other new methods may be employed when the effectivenes of such methods is confirmed by load tests, analyses, or other means. 386 FigC.12.10.1 Analytical Model of Pile Foundation 1) Charactristes of Axial Resistance of Piles ‘The characterises of axial resistance of piles shall be expressed by a bilinear type seleton curve in which the axial spring constant of the pile Kix usod in the ‘ucility design method takes th inital grade, and the upper limit of the compressive strength Phy and the upper limit of tensile strength iy form the upper and lower bounds, respectively (refer to Fig-C.12.10.2(a), Here, the axial spring constant ofthe pile Kir used in the ductility design method stall take the axial spring constant of the pile Ki oblained from See. 12.6.1. As ‘described inthe Commentary 1) in See. 12.6.1, Kis caleulated as the secant grade atthe yield point on the curve of the pile head load P and pile head setlement S relation obtained from static pile load tests. Although the value of A during an cearthquike is uncertain, the values forthe level 2 earthquake condition may tke the values for the persistent situation, similar to the cases for the level 1 seismic ‘The upper limits of the pusb-in bearing capacity Phy and the tensile beating capacity Fy are evaluated fom Bq4(C.12.10.1) and Eq(C.12.10.2), respectively. ia (Ry + Rew) (c:12.10.) «1 2:102) where ‘ey: Upper limit ofthe push-in bearing capacity (KN) ‘By: upper limit of the tensile bearing capacity (kN) ast 2a ultimate bearing capacity of pile in-situ (KN), evaluated from the provisions in See. 12.4.1 ‘hy: ultimate tensile bearing capacity of pile in-situ (RN), evaluated from the provisions in See, 12.4.2 1, effective weight of pile and soil inside the pile (KN) ‘of the push-in bearing eapeity (RN) it ofthe tensile bearing capacity of pile (KN) Py “The upper limit ofthe push-in bearing capacity ofthe pile, Rw, of eastin-place RC piles, PHC piles, SC piles and RC piles shall he evaluated from Fg (C.12.1033), and the upper limit ofthe tensile bearing capacity shall be evaluated only on the basis of the yield strength of longitudinal reinforcement, Furthermore, fy and. Pay for steel pipe piles and steel pipe soil cement piles shall be equal to the axial ‘compressive forces and axial tensile forces coresponding to the yield point of steel, respectively. Here, the sectional area of the pile in the calculation of Row and rv may represen he cross-sectional area at he pile hea. Rye 208504 A +0, 4, (C.12.103) ‘Ry! Uppe limit ofthe structural compressive strength of ple (KN) 74: design strength of concrete (QNn") Ac cross-sectional area of eonerete (ns?) 2: yield pont of longitudinal reinforcement (Nin?) ‘Az eosssetonal ace of longitudinal enforement (a) (Characteristics of Lateral Ground Resistance ‘The characteristics of lateral ground resistance shall be expressed by a bilinear type skeleton curve in which the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction Aye used in the ductility design method takes the intial grade andthe upper limit of horizontal reaction intensity forms the upper bound (efe to Fig-C.12.10-2(6). The values of ‘bye and Pa are obtained from the following: ey =6 i (C1210) Pras =o iy Pe {C.12.105) where ye? coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction used in the ductility design method (Nm) ‘Pm? Upper limit of horizontal subgrade reaction intensity (KN/m") 1ky: coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction during an earthquake (KN? ‘oblained from See. 9.5 ‘py! passive earth pressure ld’), obtained from the provisions in See. 2.2.6 ‘of Part I Common Specification using the coefficient of passive earth resnure expressed in Eq(C.11.5.10) 1: modification factor for the coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction in a single pile ;/! modification factor forthe upper limit of horizontal subgrade reaction intensity ina single ple ‘ny! modification factor forthe coefficient of horizontal subgrade resetion considering the group effects ‘np! modification factor forthe upper limit of horizontal subgrade reaction intensity considering the group effeets “The values of 4 and + may take the values shown in Table-C.12.10.1. These values are obtained ftom the results of lateral load tests on single piles. The ‘modification factor fr the coefficient of horizontal subgrade rection considering the croup effets, ™, may tke the following value: ma2a vs (c12.10.6) “The modification factor forthe upper limit of lteral subgrade reaction intensity ‘considering the group effets, Tr, may tke the following values For cohesive soils: ™p=1, 0 --(C1210-7) Forsandy sols: 7%» = (distance between adjacent pile centers in the icection perpendicular to loading) pile diemeter) $M nnn (C1210) Here, the upper limit of horizontal subgrade reetion intensity, Py, of tiling piles in sandy ground, takes one half ofthe value obtained from Fa(C.12.10.8). Further, the values of % and % have been obtained from the results of load tesis on grouped piles. ‘When the soil in ffont of a footing can be expected to remain undisturbed aver the design life of the structure and is weil backfilled so that lateral resistance can be cexpzcted, the ground resistance around the footing may be taken into sosount in design calculation, At that time, the lateral resistance of the ffont face of the {footing may be evaluated in accordance witha caisson foundation. 359 3 Sonar ene 7 ac Sgt reat ay Pte) "reo pine Jy (Oumeiinisthei Renal tite) Chamois Fig-C.12.102 Characteristics of Resistance of Piles ‘Tuble-C12.10.1_ Modification Factors ‘Ground Type % e, Sandy Grousd 1s | 30 Cohesive Ground | 15] 15 Note) % should be 1.0 far cohesive ground with SPT N@. Bending Moment-Curvature Relationship ‘The bending momentcurvature relationship ofcast-in-place RC piles, PHC piles, SC piles and RC piles shal be expressed by a t-near type skeleton curve as shown, FigC.12.103. Inthe figure, the yielding state indicates the state when the stress of | the typical reinforcement reaches its yield, and the ultimate state denotes the state ‘when the compressive sirain in the eonerete reaches its ultimate stain, or when the strain in the PC steel reaches 5%. ‘The stress-strain curve of the concrete in cast-in-place RC piles, PHC piles and RC piles is determined by the provisions in See, 10.4 of Part V Seismic Design. AL shat time, the ultimate strain may take the type I seismic motion, The volume ratio of | Jateral confinement reinforcement of PHC piles and RC piles may be evaluated by assuming a solid section, However, the stress-srain curve of conerete for sections ‘without Sl concrete inside PHIC piles and RC piles shal follow the provisions of | Sec. 42.4 in Part II] Concrete Bridges. Here, the ultimate stain in the conerete shall be 0.0025, The stress-strain curve of concrete in SC piles is illustrated in Fig.~ C1210. Ibis confirmed from experiments thatthe ultimate strain in the conerete in SC piles is larger than that of other reinforeed concrete structures because the concrete is confined by the stel pipe. Here, the ultimate compressive strain takes (0.005 considering structural safety, Furthermore, any inrease in conerete strength ‘owing to the confinement by the steel pipe is neglected because the effects are unknown, The stress-strain curve of the reinforcing bars sball conform to the provisions in See. 10.3 of Part V, and that of PC steels in the PC shall be as shown in Fig-C.12105, ‘The bending moment-curvature relationship of stel pipe piles and steel pipe soil cement piles shall be expressed by a bilinear type skeleton curve in which a perfectly plastic moment i taken asthe upper bound, as illustrated in Fig~C.12.10.6. ‘The perfectly plastic moment Mp and curvature # atthe grade turning poiat r” ‘ay be obtained from the following equations forthe sake of simplicity: My «My costar 2). --(€412.108) ty =(Mp/M,)¢ ve (C.12.10.10) where -M,_ perfectly plastic moment of ste! pipe ples and steppe oil cement piles (eX) 4 curvature of stee! pipe piles and stel pipe sil cement piles atthe grade ‘uring point (Vm) Mj: peel plastic moment of ste! pipe ples and stel pipe soll cement ils wot ec ee em) er (C AZAD) AM, yield moment of sel pipe piles and tea! pipe soi cement ples kN) 1M, =(o,-NIA)Z, (€.12.10.12) ratio of yielding axial fore without moment % to working axial force ” My (C.12.10.13) ig: yielding ail force 4S) Ny=0, A (C.12.10.14) 25: plate seion mols of ste pipe (m) 253A se 1210.5 2,2 setion modulus of tee! pipe (a) zatbe eae (121019) ‘9,5 yield point of steel (Nin?) re diameter of steel pipe (m) 1 thickness of sel pie em) A: cross-sectional area of ste! pipe (m") 4: cxmane of el pet ing Cm) 6M (EL (C.1210.17) EL Anu lfness of sel pipe Nem") As the yielding state, ultimate state, and perfectly plastic moment of the pile structure will change with the axial forees, the bending moment-curvature relationship for pile structures needs io be established in accordance with the ple head reactions. As the pile head reactions will also change with the inertial force of the structure, the bending moment-curvature relationship needs to be modified when calculating the Isteral loadlateral displacement relationship of group pile foundation, However, these relations will become complicated in the design calculation, andthe plastic behavior occurring in foundations wil be restricted Therefore, the behavior of the entire foundations may be estimated by the following assumptions. For the piles in a group-pile foundation comprised of east-in-place RC piles, PHC piles, SC piles, or RC piles, half of the piles may be assumed to sustain the exial compressive loads and their bending moment- curvature relationship may be established Dy sssuming tht the axial forces are equal to the pile head reactions caused by the dead loads For the other half of the piles, their moment curvature relationship may be established by assuming that axial forces are zero. The bending moment-curvature relationship ofthe piles ofa grouppile foundation comprised of ste! pipe piles or stel pipe soil cement piles may be ‘evaluated by assuming that the axial forces are equal to the ple head reactions eaused by the ‘dead loads In adton, when the effects of lateral spreading of the ground due to liquefaction are ‘considered according to the provisions in Soe, 8.3 of Part V Seismic Design, the bending ‘moment-curvature relationship is established by assuming that the axial Fores ae equal to the pile head reactions caused by the dead loads, regardless of pile type. (© Se a % ccna # ifm at Fig-C.12.103 Bending Moment-Curvature Relationship of Castin-place RC Piles, PHC Piles, RC Piles and SC Piles 362 Fig-C12.104 Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete in SC Piles 2 emt | Fig-C.1210.5 Stress-Strain Curve with PC Steel oe Geme pem Stee! Pipe Fig-12.10.6 Bending Moment-Curvature Relationship of Pile Structures Piles and Steel Pipe Soil Cement Piles 248 12.105 Verification of Structural Members ‘Structural members in pile foundations shall be verified such that the sectional forees| ‘occurring in the members evaluated according tothe provisions in See. 12.10.4 do not exceed their strengths. “The sectional forces in strctural members of pile foundations calculated ftom the provisions in See, 12,1044 shall not exceed the strengths of respective members. Because the decrease in the flexural sffiaess due to yielding andthe upper limits of the structural compressive and tensile suengths of piles are taken into account in the analytical model of the ductility design ‘described in See. 12.104, shear forces being generated inte piles are verified. The sections below which the amount of reinforcement is reduced must be reviewed in view of sectional forces occuring in piles based onthe calculation result in the verification, 1) Verification for Shear Forces in Pile Structures isha he verified thatthe shea Forces occuring ina pile structure do not exceed the shear stengths of the pile structure. Here, in veilying stengths of foundations according to the verification in the ductility design method shown in Sec. 1.10.1 and Fig-C.12.1.1, shear forces being generated in pile strctves subjected to loads provided in Sec. 64.7(2) of Part V shall be incorporated. Furthermore, in verilying the response dutlity factors of foundations, the shear forces atthe state of response isplacement evaluated by the provisions in See. 12.4 of Part V shall be incorporated However, in eases where the esponse displacement is equal to or smaller than the yield displacement, verification of shear forces shall be performed forthe smaller of| the response displacement computed under the assumption ofthe modification factor or damping ratio (in Bq (12.4.3) of Part V) of 1.0 and the yield displacement ofthe Foundation, “The shear strength of a pile foundation may be evaluated according 0 pile type as follows: © Castin-place RC Piles ‘The shear forces in castin-place RC piles are evaluated sccording to See. 5:23. ‘The width of the member section b may take one side of an equel-area square ‘having an area identical to the sectional area ofthe member, and the effective depth d may take the distance ftom the centoid of the bars situated in one quarter ofthe tensile sie to the compressive side ofthe equal-area square (refer to Fig-C.2.2), Moreover, shear strength may increase depending on axial forces a the pile heads that are generated by dead loads. 364 ® PHC Piles and RC Piles ‘The shear stength of PHC piles and RC piles shall be evaluated according to ‘See. 5.2.3. Here, the width of the member section 6 may take the total width of webs of the equal-area box section, and the effective depth d may take the centroid of bars situated in one quarter of the tensile side to the compressive side ofthe equal-area box section (refer to Fig4.2.3), Although the shear strength of the concrete Se evaluated from Eq45.21), the values of «65% shall take 1.5 times the allowable shear stresses specified in Table-42.7. Further, the shear strengths may increase depending on the axial forces at pile heads ‘generated bythe prestresses snd dead loads. ® Stee Pipe Piles, Steel Pipe Soil Cement Piles, and $C Piles For steel pipe piles, steel pipe soil cement piles, and SC piles, the stengths under combined sitesses when subjected to simultaneous bending moments and shear forces shall be verified. However, asthe effec of bending moment will preval a the limit state of pile structures, the verification for shear forces may be neglected. 2). Design of pile caps ‘The design of pile caps shall be cartied out in scordance with the provisions in See. 87. 245 1241. Structural Details 1241.1 PHC Piles (1) PHC pites shall conform tothe standards in Annex 5 of TIS A $373 (Precast Prestressed ‘Concrete Products). (@) The tips of PH piles shall be protected during driving and have structures appropriate for pling. (@) The heads of PHC piles shall have sufficient strength to resist hammer blows. (4) The joints of PHC piles shall have suficient strength and satistactory workability. Are- welding joins with metal itings may be employed, (5) When PHC pile heads are cut inside the piles at the pile head, inforcing bars shall be placed in advance as needed (6) Adequate reinforcement shall be incorporated in sections where pile structures with PHC piles could yield during an earthquake. Spiral reinforcing bars based on E94(12.11.1) ean be arranged with an interval of 100 mm or less. 2,0, 2245 (2) where, volume rato of spiral reinforcing bars, evaluated from Eq (10.4.7) of Part V by assuming a sold section «yield point of reinforcing bars (1)Unless otherwise specified in this provision, PC-PHC piles should be designed by applying the related specifications and complying with the IIS provisions. ‘Compression strength of PHC piles is 80 Nimm? or more, and methods to generate ‘conerote strength include high-temperature, high-pressure steam curing and mixing of high-performance plasticizer and high-strength admixture. PHC piles should be regarded as standard if they have dimensions and materials as specified in S.A 3337. 266 (2) PC-PHE pite tips are generally classified into closed and open shapes. Most of small- diameter PC-PHC piles are an open type. This classification depends mainly on ifferences in ther construction methods, ‘Their tip should be structured, if necessary, with full reinforcement by considering inclination of bearing layers, soil quality, and consiaction methods as well as punching of intermediate layers. (8) Since suesses acting on a pile head while driving it ae expected tobe locally increased to ‘great extent due co uneven driving or other factors, the head must be flly reinforced. So, most ofthe PHC piles currently employed are provided with their heads bound with a steel band of 10010250 mam wide, (4) Since installation procedures of joints always include work to be done at site, they are ‘often less administered. Hence itis necessary to design them while paying atention to ‘easiness to install them and maintenance oftheir functions afer installation in addition to reviewing of dynamic properties. A prevailing structure ofthe joints isan endplate in most cases (ee Fig-C. 12.1.1). ‘Most of pile joints ere installed below ground water level, but if there is fesr for corrosion, they mus be protected with sufficient corrosion-proof measures. (6) Length in which the presress becomes ineffective due to the cutoff of a PHC pile head ‘may assume SO times the diameter of the PC steel, based on past experimental results, Reinforcing bars inside the pile structures following the Method B for pile-footing connections (refer 1 Fig.-C.12.9.9) need to be placed in consideration of the cover and spacing to bars, the arangement of the PC steels and anchoring length considering the |B Some a] ale ante | sioeaicst eps egy Design noe Fite tngh team | Ot Sa tt coro Soe siges of ben 7 =e Tina tine in Bran HE serves Ecapost ey [Aseria [25 ier Staion far Taal polar eon ound seen Liner considering ain dependency | Bilinear 4 [Hes shear rou EYISENCatts Romaion [eluictincbebrzanatessineot] png 3 | peripheral faces 2° front gro & | Verical shear ground [Merial se oid cad int ering oe | ga | outer and iner peripheral faces |! Pipe shee ile Wg nce FF | fetoundaton bom nc nea Bins ‘© [Horizontal shear ground sce Sandan near ner | sew som ie * In analysis using an imaginary well beam that considers the shear slippage in the joints, the steel pipe shee pile body is treated as an elastic body even ater yielding. Therefore, the foundation displacement and response dutty factor are derived neglecting the secondary _radient ofthe load-displacement curve beyond the yield of the foundation described in 1) of See. 13.9.2. 132 Load Sharing (1) Vertical loads shall generally be resisted by vertical ground reaction of foundation bed and shear ground reaction on the outer and inner eircumtetential surface of foundation. (2) Horizontal loads shall generally be resisted by vertical ground reaction of foundation bed, horizontal ground reaction for the foundation front, horizontal shear ground reaction at the side plane, and vertical shear ground reaction of the outer and inner circumferential surface of foundation. 289 (1) The steel pipe sheet pile point ofa see! pipe sheet pile foundation is generally embedded ‘in a good bearing layer. As resistance elements against vertical Toads, the vertical ground reaction at the wel bottom, the vertical shear ground seacton atthe well outer peripheral surface andthe vertical shear ground reaction a the well iner peripheral surface may be considered, The vertical shear ground reaction atthe well inner peripheral surface does not take effect more than the ground at the outer surface, and this tendeney is more noticeable at shallower depths. Therefore, as sipulated in See. 13.4, the vertical shear ‘round resetion a the inner surface should be taken into account only near the ste! pipe sheet ple point. @) As resistance clements against the horizontal foad acting on the steel pipe sheet pile foundation and the overturning moment due to it, vertical ground reaction and shear ‘ground reaction from the ground atthe well bottom, horizontal ground reaction from the ‘ground atthe well front face, an horizontal and vertical shear ground reaction from the ‘ground at the well peripheral faces are conceivable, and ground resistance from the inner soit also exists. These types of ground My reaction differ in nature and are difficult to ‘estimate with the same accuracy, It is stipulated here that the resistance should rely on the vertical reaction and horizontal shear re from the ground at the well bottom, the horizontal reaction from the ground atthe front, the horizontal shear reaction from the ground at the side faces and the vertical shear reaction f from the ground at the outer and inner Saat peripheral surfaces and the design calculation on should be done taking these types of ground reaction into account a the same time. Fig-C.13.21 Load Sharing 4 | I I i 1 i i q I t I I t I 133 Shape and Size ‘The shape and size ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation shall be decided considering the shape ‘and size of the abutment of pier on that foundation, oundation stability, and stress at each member of the steel pipe sheet piles a well as the construction conditions. 1) Plan 390 2 2 The plan of a steel general sheet pile foundation is circular, oval or rectangular in In case the plan becomes large, tel pipe sheet pies in bulkhead or inner single piles ‘can be used to hold the plan of the foundation to reduce the stress concentation at ‘he connection between the well and the top slab. Fora rectangular plan, a chamfered rectangle is sometimes used to improve the constncability ofthe connectors at the Size of stel pipe shee pile foundation ‘The size ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation must secure sufficient stability as well as have sufficient margin forthe shape and size ofthe structures supported by that foundation. ‘Consttuetion method ‘The cunstruction methods of a stel pipe shee pile foundation include the temporary cofferdam method, rising method and cofferdsm method, In the temporary cofferdam method, the stel pipe sheet piles at periphery of well part are erected above the water or ground level and their joints are illed with ‘valerproof material to form the wall of a cafferdam, The inside of the steel pipe sheet piles is excavated and dewatered, and a top slab and structural body are ‘constructed, After that, the potion ofthe stel pipe sheet ples protruding above the 1p ofthe top sla i cut off and remaved. In this method, the steel pipe sheet ples at periphery of well part also serve as cofferéam walls. Therefor, the residual stresses ‘caused during cofferdam work must be considered. Moreover, the structural body has tbe constructed inside the cofferdam of erected stel pipe sheet ples, Therefore, the foundation shape should be decided, considering the clearance between the steel pipe sheet piles and structural body, not to interfere wth structural body construction. In the rising method, the stel pipe sheet piles at peiphery of well part and in ‘bulkhead ace erected above the water or ground level and a top slab and strucial body are constructed on the top. It is applicable to steams and harbor areas where there are no restrictions due to ship lane width. The shape should be decided ‘considering that the water level and the force of inertia of the top slab during an ‘earthquake have significant influence on the foundation dimensions. Jn the cofferdam method, a cofferdam is made using stcel sheet piles or the like to secure working space under the water surface or ground surface and insall = foundation under the river bed, sea bed or ground surface. Unlike the temporary cofferdam method, it is not necessary to consider the residual stesses, and the foundation shape can be decided by only the stesses occurring inthe foundation, 134 Allowable Bearing Capacity of a Steel Pipe Sheet Pile 13.44 Allowable Bearing Capacity of a Stee! Pipe Sheet Pile (Allowable bearing capacity ofa stel pipe shect pile shall be calculated by using Fa. 134.1, while seourng the safety factor defined by Table-13.4.1 andthe ultimate bearing capacity to be determined by a sil layer considering the ground conditions, construction method and the ike, 034.) Re: allowable bearing capacity (kNUpile) of a stee-pile sheet pipe im safety factor defined by Table-13.4.1 2: ultimate bearing capacity (Epil) of a steel pipe sheet pile to be determined by asoil layer ‘Table-134.1 Safety Factor ‘Siomns and Level Ordinary conditions | earthquake conditions 3 2 (2) Ubimate bearing capacity ofa stet pipe sheet pile tobe determined by a soil layer shall bbe calculated by using a bearing capacity — estimating formula or shall be obtained by ‘conducting verical load tests of a stcel pipe sheet pile. (4) Since each steel pipe sheet pile which composes a stel pipe sheet pile foundation has ‘properties similar to those of astel pipe sheet pile, allowable push-in bearing capacity should be based on bearing capacity of each stel pipe sheet pile, as provided for in this @) 1) When calculating ultimate bearing capacity ofa steel pipe sheet pile to be determined by a soil layer, by means of calculation, it is recommended to refer to appropriate ground survey results and to use the following equation: 202 gras UaLE +U.a1g,) ~ (C1341) ultimate bearing capacity of pile ofa steel pipe sheet pile to be determined by asoil layer (RN/pile) ultimate bearing capacity per unit area to be borne at the sheet pile tip (Nim) ‘enclosed area of the ste! pipe sheet pile (m") ‘number of stel pipe sheet piles which form external wall of well part pile) ‘number of stel-ple sheet piles in bulkhead (pile) ‘numberof inner single piles (pile) peripheral length along the line enveloping the outer periphery ofthe well part (m) ‘sum of peripheral lengths along the lines enveloping the inner peripheries of the well and bulkhead and peripheral lengths of the inner single piles (m) ‘thickness of each layer that takes into account the skin fiction force at the ‘outer peripheral surface ofthe well portion of the foundation (m) thickness of each layer that takes into account the skin fiction force at the inner surface of the well portion of the foundation (m) Consider only the region from the bottom face to the short-side length (La) ofthe inner soil (ig-C.13.4.1) ‘maximum unit skin fiction force of each layer that takes into account the skin fiction foree at the outer peripheral surface ofthe well portion of the foundation (kNim’) ‘maximum unit skin friction force of each layer that takes into account the ‘skin friction foree atthe inner peripheral surface of the well portion ofthe foundation («Nim") Because the ste! pipe sheet pile work is executed by the driven pile method (driving method and vibratory hammer method) or pile-boring method inthe same mannet as a stel pipe pile, the unit ultimate bearing capacity atthe steel pipe shee ile point ‘and maximum unit skin fition forces f; and fj may be caleulated according to Sec. 124. Design ground evel yi Y i I ! t a I 2 | I rwcesenee } I tere ies bead, j f SY) ates { i an nl eres o of & Being mecinisn st aig, pg) ‘Reg meshaim at foundation botom and win (Bay Da) the inner peripheral cue perp sce Sete ft ton Fig-C. 134. Region where the Skin Friction Force at the Inner Peripheral Surface of the Well Portion ofthe Foundation Should he Taken into Account 2) The losding test ofa tel pipe shet pile is generslly conducted only on a single ple “Therefore, the obtained result will differ from the bearing capacity of an actual stel sheet pile foundation which is united by joints. To evaluate the bearing capacity ‘of the whole foundation, the pile-poim bearing capacity and skin fition foree must ‘be measured seperately and the bearing capacity of the whole steel pipe sheet pile foundation must be estimated using these measurements. Ifthe loading test was ‘conducted in such a method, the correction factor y of the safety factor given in Table-C. 12.4.2 may be applied similarly ta pile foundation, 134.2 Allowable Pull-out Force ofa Steel Pipe Sheet Pile (1) Allowable pull-out force ofa steel pipe sheet pile shall be calculated by Ba. 13.4.2, while securing the safety factor defined by Table-13 4,2 and the ultimate pull-out force to Be determined by a sol layer considering the ground conditions, construction method and the like peu . (342) allowable pull-out force ofa stel-pile shee pile (Nile) safety factor defined by Table-13.42 ultimate pull-out force of ste! pipe sheet pile to be determined by a soil layer (eNipile) We effective weight ofthe stel pipe sheet pile (KN/pile) 394 TableISAd Safety Factor ‘Storms and Level Ondinary conditions | earduquake conditions é 3 (@) The ultimate pullout force of a stel pipe sheet pile determined by the ground shall be calculated by a bearing estimation formala efter doing an appropriate ground survey oF ‘obiained by doing a pull-out test. ()Since each steel pipe sheet pile which composes a steel pipe sheet pile foundation has properties similar to those ofa steel pipe sheet ple, allowable pull-out farce should be ‘based on pull-out force ofeach steel pipe sheet ile, a provided for inthis section () When calculating ultimate pull-out force of estel pipe sheet pile to be determined by a soil layer, by means of calculation, tis recommended to use a total amours of maximum ‘skin friction forees of the steel pipe sheet ples at each layer as estimated by using sppropriate ground survey results as shown below: nah usus suns) ne €.1842) wes Te nat pt fase pip sie pile be tend sol ye om) ‘nz numnber of steel pipe shet piles which form external wall of well part (pile) rng_numnber of stee-ile sheet piles in bulkhead rng number ofiner single ples (ile) Up: peripheral length along the line enveloping the outer periphery ofthe well part, (a) ‘Up: sum of peripheral Lengths along the lines enveloping the inner peripheries of the ‘wel and bulkhead and peripheral lengths ofthe inne single piles (m) ‘Le. thickness of each layer that akes into account the skin friction force atthe outer Peripheral surface of the well portion ofthe foundation (m) 1 thickness of each layer that akes into account the skin friction force atthe inner surface of the well portion ofthe foundation (m) Consider only the region from the bottom face to te shor-sie length (Ly) of the inner sil. (Fig-C. 13.4.1) fe maximum unit skin fiction force of each layer that takes into account the skin fjetion force atthe outer peripheral surface of the well portion of the foundation (kN?) SS ‘maximum unit skin friction fore ofeach layer that takes into acount the skin fication force atthe inne peripheral surface ofthe well portion of the Foundation (Nim) Like Sec. 134.1, the maximum unit skin fiction forces f and fof a steel pipe sheet pile ‘may be ealeulated acconding to See. 12.4.1. 13.43 Negative Skin Friction ‘When steel pipe sheet pile foundation work isto be executed in aground where thee isa feat of seftlement due to consolidation, an investigation shall be done on the vertical bearing capacity of the steel pipe sheet pile and the unit stress inthe stel pipe sheet pile body taking into account the influence of negative skin fietion in order to prevent damage tothe sel pipe sheet pile body and secute the funetion of he structure. 1) The investigation on negative skin friction may be done in the following procedure milly to the negative skin friction of a ple foundation given in See. 12.43, ') Position of neueal point For a steel pipe sheet pile foundation it is the best to assume that the neutral point lies atthe lower end of the consolidated layer and consider the negative ‘kin fiction from the whole consolidated layer and all the layers present abo (ee Fig-C. 13.42). ii) Investigation on vertical bearing capacity Calculate the allowable bearing capacity according to Sec. 13.4.1 and investigate the besting capacity. In addition, investigate the vertical bearing capacity that takes the negative skin feton into account ‘The negative skin friction per stel pipe sheet pile of # steel pipe sheet pile {oundation may be calculated by the following equation, which is based on appropriate ground exploration results. Ry = LUE (C1343) where ‘Ry. Negative skin ftietion per stel pipe sheet pile (kN/pile) zniz_ Number of steel pipe sheet piles on the periphery ofthe well part (pile) 296 Ur: exper! ents long th line enveloping the outer periphery of he vel pat (m) 1h: Thickness of ac eer that aes the negative skin ition nto acoset() fe Maximum unit skin ftietion force of each layer that takes the negative ‘skin friction into account (kN/m") ‘The unit skin friction foree, fof steel pipe shet pile should be calculated in accordance with the atipulatons in See. 12.4.1, In this eae, for a sot layer with aan N-value of 2 of less, the maximum unit skin fection foree should be calculated from the cohesion , obtained by a sol test. ‘The vertical bearing capacity per steel pipe sheet pile when acted on by a negative skin friction has only to satisfy Eq. C. 13.4.4. Ry tRy SRy/l5 ors (C1344) where ‘Re: Ultimate bearing capacity per ses pipe sheet pile due tothe ground present under the neutral point (KN/pile) ‘That is, this isthe sum of maximum ska fietion force ftom the layers under the neutral point and the ultimate pile-poin bearing capacity and is calelated according tothe commentary to Sec. 13.4.1. ‘Re: Vertical extemal fore due to dead weight acting on one stel pipe sheet pile Nile) 1 4 FE conta = jw Poe 3 ese in ton Fig-C. 134.2 Negative Skin Frietion and Neutral Point sor }) Examination on unit stress in pile body ‘The stresses in a pile body when acted on by a negative skin fiction have only to satisfy the following Ea. C. 13.45. 4 Ry) ho $0, /12 orm (€.1345) Unit stress in the steel pipe shes pile (EN) YYiela point ofthe ste! pipe shet ple material N/m’) [Net ross-seetional ares ofthe ste pipe body (m?) ‘Vertical external force due to dead weight acing on one steele shee pile kNVpile) ‘eg. Negative sin fection per stel pipe shee pile (kN/pile) 135. Coefficient of Ground Reaction (1) Coefficients of ground reaction to be used in designing astel pipe sheet pile foundation stall be determined considering the load sharing stipulated in See. 13.2 and filly ‘examining the results ofthe ground survey and sil test. (2) Coefficients of ground reaction to be used in designing a steel pipe sheet pile foundation hall include coefficients of vertical ground reaction at @ botiom, of horizontal ground ‘reaction ata front side, and of horizontal share ground reaction atthe bottom. Also, (1) may be deemed as satisfied if they are determined ater fll examination ofthe rests of ‘ground surveys and sol tests. Ql) Coeticient of vertical ground reaction A coefficient of vertical ground reaction should be calculated by using Eq, C. 9.5.1 ‘An equivalent loading width B, of a foundation should be obtained by using the following equation: B= Dy (C1351) where Ds: diameter of stel pipe sheet pile (m) 2). Coefficient of horizontal ground reaction ‘A cocilicient of horizontal ground reaction should be calculated by using Ea. C. | 13.5.2 and by taking is dependence on strain into account, i kw ~c+0,9h4(2) x (C.1352) where ‘ky coefficient of horizontal ground reaction (kN/m’) for which dependence on strain is considered incremental coefficient shared by the horizontal shear ground reaction at the circumferential surface of well pat, 1.0 may be used coeflcient of horizontal ground reation (kN/m’) to be obtained by using Bg. C.9.54 horizontal displacement ofa foundation (mm) at design soil layer standard displacement, which is generally 1% of the foundation width f exceeding 50 mm, it should be regarded as S0 mm. ys Fes 3) Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction at well bottom Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction atthe bottom of well pat should be calelated by using Eq, C. 13.53: k, 20.3 soon, 13,83) where ‘kg. coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction (kN/m*) atthe bottom of ‘vel part |b coefficient of vertical ground reaction (kNim") 136 Calculation of Sectional Force, Unit Ground Reaction and Displacement (1) The sectional forces, unit ground reaction and displacement of a stel pipe sheet pile foundation shall be calculated appropriately considering the characterises of the foundation and the ground. @) (A) may be deemed to be satisfied under the following condition, ‘The sectional forces, unit ground reaction and displacement of a steel pipe sheet pile ‘foundation shall be calculated, in principle, by evaluating the ground resistance in terms ‘of eoftcient of ground reaction and regarding the foundation as afinite-length beam on ‘an elastic floor. The calculation shall consider the shear slippage deformation cocurring at the joints between steel pipe sheet piles and determine the flexural rigidity of the 399 foundation at large. Ifthe shear slippage deformation Between steel pipe sheet piles is large, however, it shall rely on another analysis method that takes this into account. (2)The steel pipe shect pile foundation is « well-shaped foundation constructed by joining steel pipe sheet ples by joints. Therefore, slippage deformation occurs a the joints and. the foundation exhibits properties thet are intermediary between pile foundation and ‘caisson foundation. Ina steel pipe sheet pile foundation of ordinary structure and seale (B < 30 m and L/B > 1 and iL, > 1), bending deformation is dominant and the foundation at large approaches the stressed state asa single pile. I the influence of slippage deformation of the joints cevaluted in terms of composite efficiency and the flexural rigidity ofthe foundation at large is evaluated appropriately, it is judged thatthe calculation technique of assuming a nite Length beam on an clastic floor has sufficient accuracy. Therefore, iis stipulated as ‘rule to employ this ealeulation technique here. Here, B isthe foundation width in the loading direction of the well portion, Lis the length ofa stet pipe sheet pile in the well portion, and L. is the embeded depth ofthe foundation. In a steel pipe sheet pile foundation with B > 30 m, L/B <1 and Bes 1, however, the shear slippage deformation between steel pipe sheet piles is large, and the foundation ‘cannot produce the effects of composite efficiency by the joints, Therefore, the foundation uppronches to the stressed state in which each ste! pipe sheet pile behaves as ‘a single pile with the head rigily connected and subjected tothe slippage resistance (rom. the joints, The calculation techniques for this ease inelude the analysis method considering the shear slippage and using an imaginary well and the three-dimensional frame analysis method. However, except for special eases such as e novel structure or shape, the analysis method considering the shear slippage and using an imaginary well ccan reproduce the behavior wi sufficient accuracy for design by giving the shearing rigidity of the joint appropriately. For a steel pipe sheet pile foundation that also serves asa cofferdam, the residual sess ‘present ater drsinage must be considered in the design for ordinary. storm and Level 1 ‘earthquake cond An outlae ofthe design method is given below. 1) Finite-length beam on elastic floor The sectional forces, displacement and unit ground reaction force of a welltype steel pipe sheet pile foundation may be derived from Eq, C. 13.6.1 by regarding the stel 400 pipe sheet ple foundation as a finite-length beam on an elastic floor, as shown in Fig-C.13.6.. Fig-C. 13.6.1 Caleulation Model of Steel Pipe Sheet Pile Foundation tay BSG kya =0 (C.1361) ‘uj Displacement of foundation body (m) 1: Depth fom design ground level (m) . ays Coefciont of horizontal ground reasion (&Ni*) D:- Toll outer diameter of steel pipe sheet pile Foundation (m) The value of El this tine should be derived tom Eg ©. 13.62. Bie (Si sn Saaad) on (c.1362) where Esl) Plexural rigidity of steel pipe sheet pile foundation (k&¢m") Es: Young's modulus of steel pipe sheet ple foundation (KNim?) Zz Secon moment of area of steel pipe sheet pile foundation (ma) Ao: Net eross-sectional area of ith steel pipe body (m") Jo: Segond moment of area of i-th steel pipe sheet pile and inner single pile ) 1 Composite efficiency (= 0.78) ‘nx: Number of stel pipe sheet piles at periphery of well pat (pile) ing: Number of ste! pipe sheet piles in bulkhead (pile) sx: Distance ftom centroid of i-th steel pipe sheet pile and iner single ple to ‘nearal axis in horizontal section of founstion (mm) Inner single piles are to be used if the vertical bearing capacity is insufficient, however, they only slightly inerease the bending rigidity of the foundation (Considering the simplicity of design and standing onthe safer side, the rigidity ofthe inner single piles need not be included inthe rigiity ofthe foundation. 1) Vertical reaction force Calculate the vertical reaction force of each stee! pipe sheet pile at the foundation bottom using Eq. C. 13.63. aata sips . 363) where ‘Py Vertical reaction force of each steel pipe sheet pile at stel pipe sheet pile foundation bottom (KN) Vo: Vertical load acting on top slab botiom face (KN) ‘Mg: Beeding moment occurring at foundation bottom (kNan) ‘xi Distance from centroid of each see pipe sheet pile and inner single pile to neural axs in horizontal section of foundation m) inj: Number of ste! pipe shes piles at periphery of well pat (pile) rns: Number of stel pipe sheet piles in bulkhead (pile) ‘Number of inne single piles (pile) Ai) Unit stress in steel pipe sheet pile Calculate the axial unit stress oocusring inthe ste! pipe shect pile including the bulkhead de to the load ater completion, Use Eq, C. 13.64 forthe ealculation. Ns i (C1364) wae where j Axial unit stress in {ground level (Nin Vo: Vertical load acting on tp slab bottom face (KN) 1M. Bending moment oecusting in stool pipe shes pile at depth y from design ground level (kN) th tel pipe sheet pile at depth y from design 402 1: Distane from cet of ech see pipe sheet pile and iner single rileto nesta anism horizontal ection of fountain x) Net eres-sectonal ae per tes pipe") Modulus of tion pe sel ie *) Disbuton factor of ending moment with value in Fig-C. 13.6.2 thon a standard sae e_Mcsive embedded depth 5 oudation within loading ‘Satin as —} 18 Tas Fig-C. 13.62. Distribution Factor of Bending Moment 2) Analysis using imaginary wel and considering shear slippage Inthe anelysis, using finive-tength beam on an elastic floor described in 1), the well body was tated as a beam fiee of shear deformation. On the other hand, this 1nalysis method is based on a beam theory that considers shear deformation, That i, ‘an imaginary wel is assumed by tying up stel pipe sheet piles at their central axes 1s shown in FigC. 13.6.3, Assuming that the central axe of each ste! pipe sheet pile is fixed to the central plane ofthe imaginary well wall, establish the following assumptions inorder to render the well nto one dimension as a beam theory. 1 The imaginary well obeys a beam theory that considers sheur deformation. b. Each individual stel pipe sheet pile obeys a beam theory that neglects shear deformation, Assumption a. assumes the law of plain conservation for the imaginary well. As shown in Fig.-C. 13.64, this law asserts tht a section AA inthe imaginsry well that ‘was horizontal before displacement keeps to be flat after displacement and displaces toa section AA‘ In this occasion, the imaginary well makes a shear deformation (which is accompanied by the occurrence of a relative slippage displacement Av in the joint as shown in Fig-C. 13.64. Av is represented by Ba. C.13.6.5. 403 av=axeB (C1365) ‘where Ax ig the difference in x-coordinate between the cenval axes of ste! pipe sheet piles to which the joint under coasideration is connected. In response to this slippage digplacement, the joint filled with mortar produces a resistance force Gj. ‘hich is represented by Equation C. 13.6.6 with 3, representing the shear rigidity ofthe joi Gy, aaa Af (C1366) Gy corresponds to the shear distributed spring of the joint shown in Fig-C. 13.64, ‘and corresponds to the spring reaction force and i called the shear flow of the Joint, The shear resistance of the joint stands mainly on the surength of the filed ‘cement mortar. Therefore, the joint has a relatively small strength and is prone to plastciation, and it should be treated as bilinear-type as shown in Fig-C. 13.6.5. “The properties of @ steel pipe sheet ple foundation largely depend on this joint rity. As canbe seen fom Fig-C. 13.64, ifGy is very larg, the shear deformation {ofthe well hardly occurs andthe well approaches the properties of « single beam (caisson foundation and the like) for which the feedom from shear deformation was assumed ina sniler manne othe shove-stated analysis ofa fnite-ength beam, On the otter hand, if Gis zero, the sheet piles act as @ mere compound beam and therfore agree with the calculation method for pile foundations, which uses the lsplacement method essing the srs horizontal displacement ofthe ples Infact the shear strength ofthe joint is small although the G—Av curve of the joint i Fig-C. 1365 as lage vale of inital gradient. Therefore, some of the joints wil Plascize during an earthquake even at the level ofthe seismic coefficient method athe joint igity after plsticzaion, whch is converted into a secant gradient decreases noticeably. As a result the steel pipe sheet pile foundation exhibits Jntemediary properties bernen single foundation, such as easson foundation end pile foundation. Besides the wells sectional forces as a solid beam, a pile head- resting moment oscus atthe boom face of the top sl similarly tothe pile foundation In Fa. C. 13.66, the value of is larger for larger difference in x-coordinate of| the central axes ofthe sheet ples joined by the joint n the cylindrical well shown in Fig-C. 13.63, the jot on the side face has the largest value of @, and the value of| 4, is small onthe front face. Likewise, a bulkhead placed in the load direction acts to increase the shear rigidity ofthe well 404 Stet ppe shes pile ragimry wel ‘airy vel (Section of wo, (Isginary wel and shet ples Fig-C. 1363 Steel Pipe Sheet Pile Foundation (9 Before displacement After displacement Fig-C.13.64 Slippage Displacement Av of Joint Accompanying Shear Deformation of Imaginary Well Shea foot ‘Sipage depicameniofjom av Fig-C.1365 g — Ay Curve of Joint 409 13.7. Design of Various Members of Foundation 13.74 Steel Pipe Sheet Pile The steel pipe sheet pile shall be verified to be safe agninst the axial force and bending ‘moment caused by combinations of loads during construction and after completion FFor designing the steel pipe sheet pile, the sum of the stress obisined according to the stipulations in Sec. 13.6 and the residual stresses caused during cofferdam work, obtsined according tothe stipulations in Sec. 13.8, shall be the allowable stress stipulated in Chapter 4 or less 13.72 Top Stab ‘The top slab of @ ste! pipe sheet pile foundation may be designed as a beam supported on steal pipe sheet piles. 1) For the design of a top slab, several structural models are conceivable fom the relationship ofthe well’s shape to the slab body's shape. Exact structural analysis of | ‘top slab is usually difficult However, because the top slab of a stea! pipe sheet ile foundation generally has a large rigidity and is rigidly connected to the stel pipe sheet piles, it may be calculated as a cantilever wih the fixed end at the outer edge of| the lower end of the body. However, the sil inthe wel should share no load 2). The vertical reaction forces of the steel pipe sheet piles and inner single piles used for the design ofa top slab should be calculated using Eq. C. 13.7.1. Ye M, eas aon em (C2) re Ri: Vertical reaction force of i-th steel pipe sheet pile (KN) Ve; Vera ond cing on oto face pi) Me Monat ating onto fe of pb N=) Disc om ete fesse pew pean ins ito teal sn onl nono Stn (=) nj: Number of steel pipe sheet piles comprising outer periphery of well part (pile) nz: Number of steel pipe sheet piles comprising balkhead (pile) 406 ‘ns: Number of inner single piles (ile) In a section of the top slab, investigete the stress per unit width (1.0 m) at the position of the stel pipe sheet pile that produces the maximum vertical reaction force (Fig-C. 13.74) Ma v(€. 13.22) CN C1573) = (13.73) ‘Mg Bending moment occurring in A-A section (kNsa/m) Qs: Shea. force occuring in B-B section (kNin) ‘Roast Maximum reaction force occurring in one ste! pipe sheet pile (KN/pile) 1: Distance fom outer edge of lower end of body ta side face of sel pipe sheet ple (m) De: Diameter ofa stel pipe sheet pile (=) vw: Dead weight of top slab and overburden load (kN/n*) ‘Dy’: Centerso-centr intervel between adjacent steel pipe sheet ples of well pert (am) UJ Ron Fig-C. 13.7. Sectional Caleulation Model of Top Slab If there are bulkhead stel pipe sheet piles or inner singe ples, calculate essuming, fluence of their vertical reaction forees is distributed as shown in Fig-C. sor ‘¢ Dian, Ft Fig-C. 13.72. Region Affected by Vertical Reaction Force 3) Top slab thickness is determined against the above-mentioned bending moment and shear force. In addition, there are cases where it is determined from the way of connecting the top slab fo the tel pipe sheet piles, ‘When a circular wells combined witha rectangular pir or the diameter ofthe well is large, iis on the sae side to execute the design with a cantilever, however, this ‘ay lead to an excessive design. In such a cas, it is more rational to execute the design asa two-way sab ‘When the top slab thickness exceeds half of the distance from the outer edge of the lower end of the body to the center ofthe steel pipe sheet pil, the top slab must be designed as a one-way slab with a high beam height. The design method of unit stresses in @ one-way slab with high beam height may refer to See. 11.72 4) Even ifno tension occurs atthe upper face of the top slab, place reinforcements in an mount of 1/3 or more ofthat atthe lower face. When placing reinforcements in the top sith, itis best to place reinforcements in the amount calculated by section calculation in a mesh arrangement over the entire area ofthe top slab ‘A method to anchor the end of reinforcements in a mesh arrangement is shown in Fig-C. 13.73. aos Ancerngnfrenent Stel pip het pe Fig-C.13.13 Example of Reinforcement Arrangement in Top Slab 13.7.3 Design of Connection between Top Slab and Steel Pipe Sheet Pile The connection between the top slab and steel pipe sheet piles shall take a structure that ‘eansfes the load acting onthe top slab to the steel pipe sheet piles smoothly and safely. 1) When the foundation also serves as a cofferdam, the connection between the top slab and a ste! pipe sheet pile takes strcture in which the side face of the stel pipe shect pile in the well portion is connected tothe side face of the top slab, and plates, steel bars and the like are placed af connecting members. Generally, these connecting members are directly or indirectly eonnosted toa steel pipe sheet pile and then united into one body by placing top slab concrete, The plate bracket method Fig-C. 13.74), reinforcement insertion method (Fig-C. 13.7.5, reinforcement stud ‘method (Fig-C. 13.7.6) and other methods ae sed and they are shown below. 2) As forthe inne single ple, the steel pipe sheet pile of «bulkhead, andthe stool pipe sheet pile of @ well in the ease where the upright method or closed method is ‘employed, these piles take a structure in which they are connected to the top slab at ‘the lower fice of the top slab. Therefore, the connection should be designed ‘appropriately conforming to the connection method between stel pipe piles and footings ofa pile foundation. ts Be II LT ie in JOT 13.74 Example of Plate Bracket Method Moment elaarcement (ised tb) es le | fj spearincreaen Gs etm) 7 = (+ suet 2 Fig-C. 13.1.6 Example of Reinforcement Stud Method 138 Cofferdam (1) The cofferdam wall fora steel pipe sheet pile foundation that also serves asa tempor 10 cofferdam shall be verified to be safe against the loads acting daring the temporary work, (2) In the design of a steel pipe sheet pile foundation that also serves as = temporary cofferdam, the residual stresses due to and remaining after work execution shall be ‘considered. Inc stel pipe sheet pile foundation ofthe type that also serves as 2 temporary cofferdam, the steel pipe sheet piles are used as cofferdam walls during work execution, Therefore, cofferdam walls shall be verified to be safe against the loads acting during temporary work. As the top slab concrete is placed with the steel pipe sheet piles in a deformed state, the residual stress due to and remaining after work execution and the stress occurring de 10 the design extemal forces after completion should be added. The sum shall be equal to the allowable stress or less. Because the stess occurring in the steel pipe sheet pile at drainage is influenced by the “sequence of work exccution, its necessary to fully investigate the work sequence and execute the design according to that work, Because the design ofthe cofferdam ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation involves large-sale earth-retaining ifthe water depth is considered, itis best to apply elastoplastic analysis. Because the residual unit stress influences the design of the body, earth pressure and water pressure must be appropristely established aad an appropriste analysis model should be used. 139 Verification for Level 2 earthquake conditions 139 Basics of Verification (1) Assuming that the stecl pipe sheet pile foundation of @ pier is subjected to the load stipulated in Sec. 64.7 (2) of Past V: Seismic Design. the sectional forces, the unit ‘round reaction and the displacement occuring inthe foundation shall be calculated in accordance with the stipulations of Sec. 13.9.4, and they shall be verified not to reach their yield point stipulated in Sec. 13.92. In ease that plstcization of the foundstin ito be considered, the response ductility factor and the response displacement of the ‘oundation shall be calculated in accordance with the stipulations in See. 12.4 of Pat V: Scismic Design, and they shell be verified to be the allowable ductility factor and the allowable displacement ofthe foundation stipulated in See. 13.9.3 oF ess (@ For a stel pipe sheet pile foundation of an abutment resting on @ ground judged to liquefy much enough to affect the bridge, a stecl pipe sheet pile foundation shall be an ‘verified in accordance with the ulations in See. 13.1 of Part V: Seismie Design. @) The sectional forces occurring at each member of the steel pipe sheet pile foundation shall be verified tobe the allowable sectional forces in accordance with the stipulations in See. 13.95 or less. ‘The verifying concept of a stel pipe sheet pile foundation for Level 2 earthquake conditions by the ductility design method should bein accordance with the stipulations in Chapters 6, 12 ‘and 13 of Part V: Seismic Design. Its ealeulstion model should be in accordance with the stipulations in his chapter, 13.9.2 Vield of Foundation ‘The yield of a steel pipe sheet pile foundation shall be defined asthe condition were the horizontal displacement increases steeply atthe point of setion ofthe force of inertia of the ‘superstructure, due to plasticization or the vertical reaction of te steel pipe sheet pile having ‘reached its upper Limit, ‘The yield state ofa ste! pipe sheet pile foundation ints behavior as a whole is refered to as steep increas in horizontal displacement atthe point of action ofthe force of inertia of the superstructure, Factors causing this include the shape of the foundation, member characteristics, ground conditions and loading conditions from the superstructure and they depend on each other. Therefore, to be precise, the relationship between horizontal load and horizontal displacement must be obtained frst atthe point of action of the foree of inertia of the superstructure before the yield of the foundation can be determined, Here, however, considering the simplicity of design practice and based on the results of estimations using actual foundation conditions, the time when one ofthe following sates fist attained may be used as an indication ofthe yield ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation in general 1). Plasticization of steel pipe shee pile Of the ste! pipe shet piles at peripery of wll par, the extreme fer stress reaches the yield point inthe steel pipe shet piles ina quarter ares onthe pushin side. 2) Ultimate bearing cepacity at foundation botiom © Atthe pile point of quarter ofthe steel pipe shet piles or more, the vertical restion reaches the ultimate bearing capacity against push-in ofthe pile point a2 (© The sum of steel pipe sheet piles for which the vericl reaction atthe pile point has reached the utimate bearing capacity ofthe pile point and steel pipe sheet piles which have been heaved on reaches 60 percent of al tel pipe shes piles. Inthe stability calculation ofthe steet pipe sheet pile foundation hero, the effct of the iner single piles and the pattion’s steel pipe shee piles may be considered, snd the number of inner single piles and parttion’s stel pipe sheet piles may be ‘considered in the above-stated range of a quarter or 60 percent. ‘The indications of yield given in 1) and 2) were established in an approximate way from the results of analysis carried out on sce pipe shect pile foundations of various ‘round conditions and shapes using the mode! shown in Sec. 13.9.4, If te steel pipe sheet pile foundation isto be installed ina special ground, the relationship berween horizontal load and horizontal displacement of the foundation must be ascertained before te yield of the foundation can be determined. 1393 Allowable Ductlity Factor and Allowable Displacement of Foundation The allowable ductility factor and allowable displacement ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation Shall be determined so thatthe damage to the foundation will be confined tothe extent that functional recovery asa bridge can be easily done, stipulated to design to ascertain that even ifthe steel pipe sheet ple foundation exoseds its yield, the response ductility factor is not greater than the allowable ductility factor, ad the ‘response displacement isnot greater than the allowable displacement so that the damage to the foundation will be confined tothe extent that functional recovery’ as abridge can be easly done, A stel pipe sheet pile foundation can be regarded as an assembly of stel pipe piles in tems of structural members. As withthe pile foundation, even ifa part of the steel pipe shoot pile foundation has reached its ultimate state asa structural member, thi is not thought to directly lead to a strength reduction as @ foundation. Thus, similarly to the pile foundation, the allowable ductility factor of a see! pipe sheet pile foundation of an abutment may be taken at about 42s rough standard When the response ductility factor ofa foundation is to be calculated by Eq. 12.4.1 of Part V Seismic Design, the ratio, r, of secondary rigidity to yield rigidity of the foundation becomes necessery. For the yield state of steel pipe sheet pile foundation, the two states given in Se. 13.9.2 are used as its indications. OF these, if the yield ofthe foundation isto be determined a3 ‘based on plasicization of steel pipe sheet ples itis good to take r=0. On the other hand if ‘the foundation yields by te ultimate besting capacity ofthe foundation bottom fae, rmty be ‘considered. The secondary rigidity may be taken ss the slope of the line connecting the yield ‘point of the foundation and the poist corresponding to the allowable ductility factor on the load-displacement cuve ofthe foundation, ‘The allowable ductility factor of a steel pipe sheet pile foundation of an abument may be taken at about 3 asa rough standard forthe time being, as described in Sec. 13.4 of Part V Seismic Design. “The allowable displacement in a steel pipe sheet pile foundation of a pier may be generally taken at about 0.02 rad as a rough standard in terms of angular displacement atthe top of the foundation, as described in the commentary to Sec. 9.2, to prevent an excessive residual isplacement from occuring even if the steel pipe shee pile foundation exceeds its yield. 13..4.Caleulation on Sectional Force, Ground Reaction and Displacement (1) The soctional forces, unit ground reaction and displacement of a steel pipe sheet pile foundation shall be calculated appropriately considering the characteristics of the oundation and ground @) (may be deemed to be ss fed under the following condition. “The sectional forees, unit ground reaction forces and displacement of a steel pipe sheet pile foundation shall be, in principe, calculated by evaluating the ground resistance in terms of coefficient of ground seaction and regarding the foundation as a beam on an clastic floor. The calculation shall consider the shear slippage deformation occuring at the joint between sel pipe sheet ples, Hee, the vertical unit ground reaction force at the foundation bottom, horizontal unit ground reaction force at the ftont face, horizontal unit shear ground reaction fore atthe side faces and the vertical unit shear ground reaction force atthe outer and inner peripheral surfaces shall not exceed their respective upper limit, If the foundation goes beyond yielding, however. the decrease in flexutl rigidity of the foundation body shall be evaluated and the decreased value shall be used in the caleulation. @)1) Analysis model of steel pipe sheet pile foundation ‘To evaluate the behavior ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation exactly, itis desirable to consider the nonlineatity ofthe joint (verical and horizontal), nonlinearity of the 4 a round, and the nonlinearity of the steel pipe sheet pile material and use three- dimensional frame analysis or he lke. However, the behavior ofa steel pipe sheet pile foundation is generally governed by the sigiityof the well at large rather than by the Dexural rigidity of each individual steel pipe sheet pile. Consequently, the yield strength of a stel pipe sheet pile Foundation may be calculated by the “analysis method using an imaginary well and ‘considering the shear slippage atthe joints," considecing the nonlinearity in sheer slippage deformation atthe joints and (vertical and horizontsl) ground resistance but neglecting the nonlinearity of material beyond yielding of a steel pipe sheet ‘member. If his method is employed, the secondary gradient beyond yielding ofthe ‘oundstion determined from the member in See. 13.9.2. 1) should be neglected, However, the residual stresses caused during temporary work can be thought to have small influence on the strength of the steel pipe sheet pile foundation, Therefore, the residual stresses in the stel pipe sheet piles eaused during cofferdam work may be neglected in design for Level 2 earthquake conditions. Ground resistance around foundation ‘The ground resistance eround a steel pipe sheet pile foundation should consider the horizontal ground resistance in front, horizontal shear ground resistance at the side faces, and vertical shear ground resistance a the front and side faces ofthe outer and inner peripheries, ventical resistance and shear resstnce at the bottom shown in Fig-C. 13.91. In a steel pipe sheet pile foundation, unlike the caisson foundation, there is an undisturbed ground in the well and the internal hollow dimensions are large ‘Therefore, a resistance may be expocted from the interal soil, However, there are ‘many unclaifed matters because the resistance from the internal soi is influenced by the shape and intemal hollow dimensions of the foundation, presence of bulkheads, and properties ofthe grounds. Forth vertical shear ground resistance, the inner soi in the area ofthe shorter side ength may be considered similarly to design for ordinary, storm and Level 1 carthquske conditions. However, additional resistance due to the inner sil should be conslered after ful examination. ‘The ground resistance elements shown in Fig-C. 13.9.1 may be treated as bilinear ‘ype springs. Coefficients of ground reaction are shown in Table-C. 13.9.1. as Fal 2 Z| 4 Fig-C. 13.9.1 Modeling of Ground Resistance ‘Table-C. 139.1 Coefficients of Ground Reaction Resistance element ‘Coefficient of ground reaction (Nim) Worizanisl [k= ay kin (Bp /03)™% too = Fo /03 Outer | face | Verical (chest) [ksrw= 0.3 a ki (B./03)™ See | sie | _Wovizonal |hayp= 06 abn D.703)™ face [Vertical shear) [kero =03 ay kw (D./03)*™ Horizontal [r= bo (Br/03)™, bro aFe/03 Vertical hear) [lis= 0.3 by Front Bottom De Equivalent loaded with + Rectangular section: B, = B, D.=D + Circular section: B,=0.8 B, > Cy D.=08D t + Ovalshape (I): B= 08B (eiResaresorsetoe De=D-028 + Oval shape (2: Be=B-0.2D D.=08D { =} aos 4: Conection factor of coefficient of @oaraapet ground reaction (may be taken tobe 1.5) bien of exe ree ‘ton of foundation Eserie sap) [Exablish the upper limit ofthe various coefficients of ground reaction as described ini through i). |) Upper limit of vertical ground reaction at foundation bottom a6 ‘Consider the upper limit of vertical ground resetion at the steel pipe sheet pile point at the foundation bottom t© be equal to the ulimete bearing capacity (Gui) at the steel pipe sheet pile point determined from Eq, C. 13.4.1 for push- {nand equal to zeo for pull-out Horizontal round reaction infront of foundstion ‘The upper limit of horizontal ground reaction atthe ffont face of the foundation should be derived from Eq, C. 13.9.1 P= 6p Pe (©1391) where ‘Po Upp limit of horizontal unit ground reaction fre at foundation front (Nin?) 2 Overdesign fctor of horizontal unit round reaction force y= 1.0 0.5% Be £30 Take a » 1.0 for soft cobesve soil with an Novae of 2 oes Pe Passive sil pressure intensity during arthauske at that position (N/a?) Calculate te coeicien! of passive soil pressur using EC 1.5.10. 24 Depth rom design ground level () Be: Equivalent front width of foundation (m) ‘The upper limit of unit shear ground reaction force at foundation peripheral surface ‘The upper limit of unit shear ground resetion force should be in accordance with Table-C. 13.92 for the horizontal direction and with Table-C. 13.9.3 for the vertical direction, For the steel pipe sheet pile foundation, the uppet limit should be the value of shear resistance between grounds with consideration forthe unevenness of stel pipe sheet piles in the horizontal direction. Inthe vericel direction, gveit the same treatment as fora steel pipe ple ‘Table-C. 139.2 Upper Limit of Horizontal Shear Unit Ground Reaction of Ground at ‘Foundation Peripheral Surface ‘Ground ype | Uoper lini oFhorzonal shear nie round vexeion (Nin) Sandy sil © poten (200) Cohesive sol po tand (5 150) at ‘Table-C, 1393 Upper Limit of Vertical Shear Unit Ground Reaction of Ground at Foundation Peripheral Surface J Work metioa] = , ae as ving me Inner excavation met wel ‘min @Nn,e+potand) | min @Ni, e~potang) Sandy soil (6 1007) (1001) ive sl Py Ory, eee (©1301) (©1007) (Ne Nevalue of sandard penetration test e Coesion (kN) & Invoral ition angle ‘re Ratio of peripheral length along ste! pipe sheet piles at outer periphery. In general it may be taken to be 1S ‘Pe: Static soil pressure intensity (kN?) 139.5 Verification for Strength of Members ‘The strength of each member consisting steel pipe sheet pile foundations shall be verified to ‘exceed the sectional force caleuated in See. 13.9.4 1). Design of top slab “The load acting onthe tap sla should be calculated according to See. 13.7.2, and the Safety factors indicated in Table-14.4.1 ‘44: Ultimate bearing capacity of foundation bed ground (kN) A: Foundation body base area (excluding inner soil) (n°) Wz Effective soil weight replaced by cast-in-stu diaphragm walls (RN) Tuble-14.4.1_ Safety Factor Under som and Undesetinay | eva earngake conditions z 2 » 2 ‘Arees to be replaced by castin-situ diaphragm walls are excluded from the target of | safety factors because the effective soil weight in areas can be 100% considered as the bearing capacity. ‘The ultimate bearing capzcity of the foundation bed can be calculated through Table~ C. 144.1 according to the ground type. However this involves the premise thatthe toe of the castin-stu diaphragm wall foundation is embedded in a good supporting ground to depth equsl to or more than about the wall thickness. “The ukimate bearing capicty of the foundation bottom was taken at 3,000 kN/in® in the past if the ground at the toe was a gravel layer or sand layer. This was decided according to the ulkimete beating capacity, qa, of conventional eastin-sit piles. ‘After that, experience in construction of cast-in-stu digphragm wall foundations has increased and construction engineering and construction management techniques Ihave improved. The ultimate unit bearing capacity was examined based on the Toading test results accumulated up to that time. As a result, it was found thet an limate unit bearing eapacity of 5,000 IeN/n® ean be seouted ifthe around atthe foe is a good gravel ot sand layer (W 2 50). Thus, itis stipulated this time thatthe ‘ultimate bearing capacity, qa of the foundation bottom may be obtained by Table-C. 144.1. Ifa vertical loading test has been done, the ultimate unit bearing capacity may be set based on that value. 28 ‘Table-C, 14.41 Table for Estimation of gy of Castin-situ Diaphragm Wall Foundation Nim’) Grom ype Ulimate bearing capaci ge ‘Gravel layer and sand layer (VE 30) 3,000 ‘Good gravel layer and sand layer (V 50) 5,000 “Hard cohesive oil layer 3 ge ‘Where qui Unconfined compression strength (kNim") and N: Nvalue By standard penetration test 14.42 Allowable Shear Resistance of Foundation Bed Ground (1) The allowable shear resisiance ofthe ground st the foundation bottom shall be obtained while securing the safety factor showin in Table-4.4.2 for the shear resistance ecting between the foundation bottom and ground, ‘Table-ld42 Safety Factor Coder dorm and Underotinay | yet earuae const: a 2 (2) The shear resistance of the ground atthe foundation bottom shall be obtained while fly considering the ground conditions. This may be deemed satisfied ifthe shesr resistance ofthe ground atthe foundation bottom was obtained by Ea. 164.2 H,=AsesW,)ang + Aey +V tangy : enenn( 1442) Where, Tg Allowable shear reise of foundation bed ground (8) ‘Ar. Base are of foundation inne soil (mn) Cohesion of founation bed ground (kNn") 1,5, ietve weight finer sil above foundation be (RN) 4& Shear resistance angle of sol of foundation bed ground (Sree) ‘de. Effective loaded area of foundation bed (excluding inner sol) (a?) ‘Ce: Adhesion between foundation and bed ground (kNin*) Vertical force ating on foundation bed (subtracting boyancy) (kN). ‘Fricon angle between foundation and be ground (degre) (When calculating the allowable shear resistance of the ground at the bottom of a castin- ‘iu diaphragm wall foundation, itis stipulate for the safety factor thatthe safety factor for eaisson foundations should apply. 429 (@) Shear resistance of the casinsitu diaphragm wall foundation bed shall be considered the ‘sum of shear resistence between the foundation bed and ground and inner soil shear resistance, ‘When esleulating the shear resistance ofthe ground atthe foundation bottom, the values in Table-C. 103.4 may be employed forthe fiction and adhesion forees between the foundation bottom and ground, Here, the effective loading stea of the foundetion bottom means the area of unheeved portions of the castin-situ diaphragm wall ‘foundation bottom, 14.4.3 Negative Skin Friction Fora cast-in diaphragm wall foundation reaching its supporting layer through a ground where thete is the fear of consolidation settlement, the negative ftietion force acting atthe peripheral surface shal be examined, For a castin-situ diaphragm wall foundation reaching its supporting layer through a ground were there is the Fear of consolidation setiement, it should be verified, considering the negative fietion force seting at he peripheral surface, that Eq. C. 14.4.1 is satisfied. There {, however, no need to consider negative skin fietion indesign during earthquake. Because castin-situ diaphragm wall foundations are generally embedded into good quality load supporting layer. it s considered that inner soil is independent ofthe surrounding sol, ‘Therefore, inressing load and lowering water level are considered © minimally affect consolidate inner sol, and consequently negative friction foree acting on the foundation inner petiphery shall not be taken into consideration. Ba Be Ag, VELHO BSI) We tg ©4n Where Re: Long-term load ating on eas-in-sita diaphragm wall foundations (inluding foundation self weight) (KN) ej, Negative friction load (kN), calculated by the Eq. (C. 14.42) Ry =UEily von(C. 14.42) 11; Thickness ofeach layer in consideration of the skin friction Force on outer peripheral foundation surfaces (=) 430 fi. Maximum skin friction of each layer considering skin fiction force on outer peripheral foundation surfaces (kN/mn), calculated by Eq. (C. 145.1). In ‘calculation, soft layers with Ns? shall not be ignored, and maximum skin fiction fre shall be calculated based on cohesion ¢ acquired through sol tet. U; Outer peripheral foundation length (on) US Inner peripheral foundation length (m) Ls. Taickness of each layer in consideration of skin fition force on outer peripheral Foundation surfaces (m) Ls Thickness ofeach layer in consideration of skin ition force on inne peripheral oundaton surfaces (m), where ID's Ip. Le: Length of short side of inner soil indicated in Fig-C. 14.4.1 (m) Jf Maximum skin fiction fore ofeach ayer in consideration of skin fiction force on ‘outer peripheral foundation surfaces (kN/m’) calculated by the Fa (C. 145.1) fit Maximum skin friction free of each layer in consideration of skin fietion foree on jinner peripheral foundation surfaces force N/m’), calculated by Eq, (C. 14.51) Foundation body base area (excluding inner soi) (me) ‘Ultimate bearing capacity of foundation bed (KN/m") Effective weight of soil o be replaced by cast-in-situ diaphragm walls (kN) ' ' a ' wt A pdt en Nai atl fier az tt ton ss mo @ # Figo. 1441 Study on Negative Skin Friction 145 Coefficient of Ground Reaction and Upper Limit Value Of Subgrade Reaction 145.1 Coefficient of Ground Reaction (1) The coeficients of ground reaction used in the design of castin-situ diaphragm wall ‘oundation shall be desided considering the load sharing stipulated in Sec. 14.2, as well aan 1 fly examining the results of ground surveys and soil tests (@) The coefficients of ground reaction used in the design of a castin-situ diaphragm wall foundation shall be the coefficients of the vertical ground reaction and horizontal shear round reaction atthe foundation bottom, the coefficient of horizontal ground reaction at the foundation fron, the coefficient of horizontal shear ground rection atthe foundation sides, and the coefficients of vencel sheer ground reaction atthe foundation peripheral surface, and the provision (1) may be deemed to be satisfied when they are decided after {ally examining the results of ground surveys und soil tests (2)The coefficients of ground reaction used in the design of a castin-situ digphragm wall foundation may be obtained bythe fellowing: 1) Coefficient of vertical ground reaction forthe foundation bed Coefficient of vertical pround reaction forthe foundation bed shall be ealeulated by Eg. (C. 9.5.1), where vertical loaded area Aris base area ofthe foundation body. 2) Coeficent of horizontal shear ground reaction forthe foundation bed Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction for the foundation bed shall be caleulated by Eq. (C.11.5.1). But, the value for kris indicated in 1). 3) Coefficient of horizontal round reaction for the foundation front Coefficient of horizontal ground reaction for the foundation front shall be calculated by Ea. (C. 11.5.2), But, corrective cooiicient ay may be 1.5. (As for 4), 5) and Opitis similar) 44). Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction for foundation sides Coefficient of horizontal shear ground reaction for foundation sides shall be caleulated by Eq. (C. 11.54), 5). Coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction fr front and back ofthe foundation Coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction for front and back of the foundation shall be calculated by Eq, (C. 115.7). 5) Coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction for foundation sides Coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction for foundation sides shall be caleulated by Ea. (C. 11.5.8). ‘Vertical shear ground reaction of inner peripheral surfaces for sidelpartitions neat the foundation tip may be, in genorel, considered, as indicated in Fig-C. 145.1, by ae increasing the coefficient of vertical shear ground reaction for front and back of the foundation and foundation sides. Ret ‘+ A coefficient of ground reaction for the indicated i Teng shall be considered as: on 5, 2, “| ay'= (1+) kaw: kewo'=(14-2e) bs (1G) tn tn-(e3) einecraens ‘,=in BD) Fig-C. 1451 Vertical Shear Ground Reaction of Inner Peripheral Surfaces 14.5.2 Upper Limit Value of Ground Reaction ‘The upper limit values for the horizantal ground reaction ofthe foundation font, horizontal shear ground reaction of foundation sides, and vertical shear ground reaction of peripheral surfaces shall be obtained dividing the passive earth pressure strength and maximum skin fiction force at each location by the modification factor in Table-145.1. ‘Table145.1 Modification Factor ‘Under storm and Under ordinary | Level | earthquake ees ‘conditions orizntal ground resstion oF ra im foundation font orizontal shar ground eacion of foundation sides a e Vertical shear ground action oF peripheral foundation sureses ) ay ‘As with the caisson foundation, it should be verified that the vertical bearing capacity and shear ground reaction at the foundation botom are not greater than ther allowable valves for ‘ordinary conditions, storms and Level 1 earthquakes. However, pstcization may be allowed for the unit horizontal ground reaction atthe foundation font and the unit shear 433 ground reaction at the peripheral surface, These ground resistances shall be modeled as an dex D29 Q500| Pie DID GHW [Daler DT sheer connectors | (4283 mun) | (4.283 man¥im) | (4.263 mn‘) | (6.295 man) Note: “More than.” refers tothe ess where more than of einfreing bars reo be sranged 14.92 Connection betwoen Castin-stu Diaphragm Walls and Top Slabs ‘Vertical reinforcing bars fr cast-in-stu diaphragm wall shall be anchored by embedding the end of reinforcing bars well enough into the top slab concrete. In the areas connecting cas-in-situ diaphragm walls andthe top slab, vertical reinforcement ‘of castinsitm diaphragi walls shall be direcdy anchored into the top slab, —Vestcal reinforcing bas shall be anchored asin Fig-C. 14.9.1 eps on, —— a ane z Ancorretars Here, i ‘i Allowable bond stress of top sla conerste 2 vow (Wimm") ~ Gye: Allowable tensile stress of reinforcing bars Ninn?) oa 4 Diameter of reinforcing bars (mm) Sintra sal Led Fig-C. 149.1 Anchorage of Top Slab Connection 443 14.9.3 Thickness of Wall (1) The wall thickness of a castin-situ diaphragm wall foundation shall be decided ‘considering not only the member thickness as a structural member, but also the ‘construction conditions, ground conditions, joint stucture and positions, and the like, (2) In stability calculation of @ cast-in-sity diaphragm wall foundation, the design wall ‘thickness shall be used, {@) In section caleulation of s eastin-sita diaphragm wall foundation, the effective wall thickness shall be used. It is the design wall thickness from which the portion of deteriorated concrete atthe cast-in-situ diaphragm wal surface is subractd. (1)@) On the side walls of @ castin-sity diaphragm wall foundation, many rigid ‘connections are used between elements. At the joint portion, reinforcement is placed ‘two deop at wel, as there ae restrictions on construction. Therefor, it is not desirable ‘to take an unnecessarily thin wall thickness. Thus, itis desirable to tke the thickness of the castinsita diaphragm wall at 0.8 meter or more as the design wall thickness, referring tothe experience in construction so fr. (@) As factors to determine the effective wal thickness used in section caleulation, one may ‘mention mud cakes formed on the excavated teach wall surface, deterioration of the cconerete surface due to an intruding stabilizing liquid, end others. The extent of their ‘influence is thought to be smal in general. However, the foundation isa main structure, the finished state is difficult to ascertain, and thee are unclarfied matters about the deteriorated area of the surface. From these and other reasons, itis good to take the effective wall thickness vsed in section ealeulaton at the design wall thickness from ‘Which 20 mm on each side, ora tral of 40 mm, s subtracted, as shown in Fig-C. 14.9.2. However, the thickness must be examined seperately if tis expected that the mud cake formation thickness and oocurrence of excavation error will become large due to resritions of construction conditions and construction management, Excavted wid Fig-C.149.2 Design Wall Thickness and Effective Wall Thickness Used for Design ‘Caleatation 149.4 Arrangement of Reinforcing Bars (1) The arrangement and concrete cover of the main reinforcement shall be decided considering eonstructability and durability, such as the unevenness on the tench wall, installation of a reinforcement cage and concrete placement, This may be deemed satisfied if the minimum concrete cover of horizontal reinforcement is taken at 130 mm from the outer edge ofthe design wall thickness. (2) Appropriate reinforcing materials shall be installed on cages in onder to protect cages fom being deformed during positioning, ete. The shape of cages shell be determined in ‘consideration ofthe impact ofthe concrete easing, etc. (@) To provent brite fracture of the side wall, sufficient lnterally-estraining reinforcement shal be placed inthe side wall ¢ It is generally good to arrange the main reinforcement one deep. This is because there are joints in the cas-in-situ diaphragm wall foundation and, if arranged two deep, many problems will arise during consteuction work, such as assembly and installation of a reinforcement cage and concrete placement. ‘The arrangement of the main reinforcement should be decided to secure the required concrete cover, considering constructabilty such as the unevenness on the trench wall and installation of & reinforcement cage and durability of reinforced conerete installed underwater, Inthe cas-in-situ diaphragm wall foundation, both vertical and horizontal reinforcement serve a5 main reinforcement, and itis good to secure 130 mm or more from the outer edge of the design wall thickness forthe concrete cover of the horizontal reinforcement placed at the outer surface ofthe reinforcement cage @) Because cages used for castin-situ diaphragm wall foundations require high precision from the manufacturing to the positioning, deformation, which occurs during the transportation, the erection and the insertion, shall be prevented by installing reinforced frames composed of shape steels or bar stels. Spacers must be installed on cages for purposes of securing the covering for reinforcing bars, preventing damages on the channel wall surfaces when inserting cages, and preventing deformation of reinforcing bars, Further, cages require the space to insert, teemie pipes for the concrete casting. This space, which varies depending on the depth of casin-situ diaphragm walls, normally ranges from 0.6 to 0.8 m. (Cages are produced in divided parts with a piece measuring approximately 10t0 15 m in vertical direction and are inserted while connecting to vertical reinforcing bars in order. During this process, cages shall be temporary born and fixed at the correct location while preventing the deformation. Therefore, it is necessary to preliminary install bearing ‘material, such as shape steels, on cages atte time of production in consideration ofthe weight and te rigidity of cages. (3) To prevent the body of cast-in-sita diaphragm walls fom being filed by shear and 10 provide sufficient ductility, horizontal reinforcing bars as well as intermediate hoop ties shall be fully arranged on the side walls. In castinsitu diaphragm wall foundations, sufficient amount of horizontal reinforcing bars are generally arranged based on the design ofthe horizontal cross section. However, because intermediate hoop ties, which are needed to improve ductility, ae not necessarily required forthe design caleulaton, inermediste hoop ties shall be arranged in accordance with prescriptions under Se. 1193. 14.955 Lap-joint of Vertical Reinforcing Bars (1) The join method of vertical reinforcement shall be chosen considering constuctabily (2) The joint position of vertical reinforcement shall be decided considering the section force

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