Teaching v1

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Jennifer Hains

1505 Oak Ave. 3W, Evanston, IL 60201 ajhains@sbcg oba .net, !"#$#33$1%##

&o obtain a '( $ti)e teaching *osition in an e e)enta+, c ass+oo)

Northwestern University, Evanston, IL -aste+ o' .cience in E/(cation, antici*ate/ g+a/(ation 0(ne 200# A+ea o' concent+ation1 E e)enta+, E/(cation I inois .tan/a+/ &eaching 2e+ti'icate &,*e 03, 0(ne 200# University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Amherst, MA -aste+ o' 3(b ic A/)inist+ation, -a, 2003 A+ea o' concent+ation1 E/(cation 3o ic, t! O"af #o""e$e, Northfie"d, MN 4ache o+ o' A+ts cum laude, -a, 2001 -ajo+s1 5isto+, an/ 6+ench .t(/, Ab+oa/1 3a+is, 6+ance, 0an(a+, 2000

#"assroom E%&erience
'omona E"ementary choo", (i"mette, IL Student Teacher, 0an(a+, 200# 7 -a+ch 200# &en 8eek teaching inte+nshi* in thi+/ g+a/e c ass+oo) Student Observer, A(g(st 2006 7 .e*te)be+ 2006 Abraham Linco"n E"ementary choo", #hica$o, IL Student Observer, Octobe+ 2006 7 9ove)be+ 2006 Obse+ve/ an/ assiste/ teache+ in 'i'th g+a/e (+ban c ass+oo) Avoca choo" )istrict, (i"mette, IL Substitute Teacher, g+a/es : 7 !, .e*te)be+ 2006 7 *+esent #enter for *a"ent )eve"o&ment, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL Teaching Assistant, .e*te)be+ 2006 7 9ove)be+ 2006 Assiste/ in en+ich)ent c ass 'o+ secon/ an/ thi+/ g+a/e gi'te/ st(/ents

+i""s and Interests

#om&uter +i""s, 3+o'icient in (se o' -ic+oso't O''ice a** ications, 'a)i ia+ 8ith 32 an/ -acintosh * at'o+)s, an/ e;*e+ience/ in (se o' <+ea)8eave+ 8eb /esign so't8a+e Lan$ua$e, Ab e to co))(nicate in 8+itten an/ o+a 6+ench Music, Active , invo ve/ in inst+()enta )(sic =6+ench ho+n an/ t+()*et> 1%%0 7 2000 &orts, Running, Yoga, Tennis, Soccer, )e)be+ o' high schoo an/ co ege int+a)(+a an/ inte+co egiate tea)s,

(or+ E%&erience
-isch" and (eiss )enta" Associates, Evanston, IL Appointment Coordinator, A(g(st 200" 7 0( , 2006 Iowa tate .an+ and *rust #om&any, Iowa #ity, IA Teller, 1%%6 7 2001 = i)ite/ to s())e+s an/ ho i/a,s> t! O"af #o""e$e Academic 'esource #enter, Northfie"d, MN French Tutor, 1%%% 7 2000

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