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Childrens Book: Narrative Writing Project

Rough Draft: Due Wednesday, November 6th Final Draft: Due Monday, November 18th

For our next writing project, we will be writing childrens books! Yay! Our target audience will be 5-9 year olds. The following things will be mandatory in ALL books: Cover Title, Author, Illustrator, Cover Art Title Page Title, Author, Illustrator, Copyright date (due date), Publishing Company (you may make up the name), small illustration About the Author Page (inside back cover) 1 paragraph about yourself, photo of you Blurb & Reviews A paragraph about your book and 2 reviews of your book from friends

Category Story Line Conventions Illustrations Cover Title Page

About the Author Blurb & Reviews Rough Draft Construction Page/Sentence Requirements

Description Creative and cohesive story; everything makes sense and there is a moral Spelling, grammar, sentence structure All pictures accurately match the story and are drawn, printed, colored appropriately Cover includes the title, author, illustrator, and cover art Includes title, author, illustrator, copyright date, publishing company, and small illustration I paragraph about yourself, photo of you 1 paragraph summary of your book, 2 reviews Words, rough illustration, and layout of book Book is organized in the correct way and effectively bound together Each book must have a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 20. Each page must have AT LEAST 4 sentences on it.

Points 10 15 10 10 10

10 10 10 5 10



Back of cover About the Author Page

Title Page


Back cover Blurb and Reviews

Good Luck! Happy Writing!

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