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SB1 3C1 Ch.

9 Quiz: Respiratory System Part A: Fill in the blank (10 marks) Carbon dioxide capillaries oxygenated Alveoli contract deoxygenated Exhale relax decreases Inhale increases

1) when you inhale your diaphragm and rib muscles _______________, when you exhale your diaphragm and rib muscles ________________. 2) when pressure in your chest cavity decreases you _______________, when pressure increases you _______________. 3) when you inhale oxygen diffuses from your ____________ to your _________________. 4) The heart pumps ________________ blood to the lungs. 5) ________________ blood from the lungs returns to the heart. 6) If ________________________ concentration is too high in the blood then the brain __________________ breathing rate. Part B: Match the word to its description (10 marks) _____ where the vocal chords are located _____ a genetic disease that produces excess sticky mucus _____ these hair like projections line the trachea _____ a dome shape muscle that is important for breathing _____ these surround the alveoli _____ disorder that causes inflammation of the airways _____ flap that prevents food from entering your airways _____ caused by bacteria or a virus resulting in a cough _____ air sacs where gas exchange takes place ______ food and water pass through here (your throat) Part C: short answer 1) Explain the function of the respiratory system in one sentence (1 mark) A. Diaphragm B. Larynx C. Alveoli D. Pharynx E. Asthma F. Cilia G. Pneumonia H. Cystic Fibrosis I. Capillaries J. Epiglottis

2) Choose one respiratory difficulty or disorder and explain how the respiratory system is affected and how it can be treated. (3 marks)


Part D : label the diagram

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