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The Forensic Scientist and the Crime Scene

Chapter 1

Functions of the Forensic Scientist

1. To supply accurate & objective information that reflects the events that occurred at the crime. 2. Provide expert testimony in court. 3. Train law enforcement personnel in recognition, collection, and preservation of evidence.

Expert Witness
Individual whom the court determines possesses particular skill or knowledge in a trade or profession relevant to the trial that will aid in determination of the truth.

Processing the Scene

Secure and isolate the crime scene
1.Responsibility of first officer on scene to take steps to preserve and protect the area. 2.Every individual who enters the scene is a potential destroyer of evidence. 3.Clear scene except for essential and authorized persons from crime scene area.

Processing the Scene

Record the Scene
1.Required for presentation at trial to assist in solving cases. 2.Three most common methods are:
1.Photography (video also) 2.Sketches 3.Notes

Record the Scene

Photography (and video)
1. It must be unaltered when photos taken do not move evidence. Always take pics first. 2. If items are moved, note them. Do not return them to the scene for pictures. 3. Take Many photographs from many different angles.

Record the Scene

1. Rough sketch/draft. Representation of all essential info. and measurements. Rough sketches are drawn at crime scene. 2. Objects located by distances measured from 2 fixed points. 3. DO NOT include unnecessary detail it will just confuse.

4. Must include: a. Outline of room and dimensions b. Location of fixed - objects doors, windows, shelves c. All recovered items of physical evidence. d. Case #, illustrators name, date, scale, legend e. Sketches are normally oriented to the North

5. Distances shown must be accurate. Use a tape measure. 6. Finished sketch precise rendering of scene drawn to scale w/legend. Usually drawn by an artist or draftsman someone who is experienced in drawing. This should look professional.

Record the Scene

Notes 1. Written notes, or voice notes using a recorder. 2. Must be a constant activity throughout processing of scene. 3. Time an item of physical evidence discovered, by whom, how, and by whom it was packaged. 4. Usually the only source of info to refresh memory months or years after crime. 5. Be very detailed.

Conduct a systematic search for evidence

1. Search must be thorough and complete. 2. Failure of this can lead to accusations of negligence and cover-ups 3. Areas searched must include all possible areas of entrance or exit by perpetrator.
Often traces of evidence are deposited where suspects enter or leave scene.

Search Methods

Search Methods

Search Methods
Strip or Lane
often used with multiple people.

Search Methods
Quadrant /zone
often used for big crime scenes

Collect & Package physical evidence

1. Physical evidence: any and all objects that can establish that a crime has been committed or can provide a link between crime, victim, and perpetrator. 2. Must be handled in a way that prevent any change from scene to lab.

Collect & Package physical evidence

3. Physical evidence includes evidence from body such as:
a. Victims clothing b.Fingernail scrapings c. Head & pubic hair d.Blood (for DNA typing) e. Recovered bullets from body. f. Hand swabs from shooting victims to check for gunshot residue. g.Fibers from clothing

Collect & Package physical evidence

4. Each different or similar items collect at

different locations must be placed in separate containers 5. Packaging separately prevents damage through cross-contamination.

Maintain Chain of Custody

1. Definition: A list of all persons who came into contact with an item of evidence.
2. Must be established whenever

evidence is presented in court.

Obtain Controls
Controls are physical evidence whose origin is known, such as blood or hair from a suspect that can be compared to crime-scene evidence.

Legal considerations at the Crime Scene

Valuable evidence can be excluded because of legal considerations.

unreasonable search and seizure

Allowances made to justify a warrant-less search:

1. Emergency situations (bomb threat, fire, terrorism) 2. To prevent the immediate loss or destruction of evidence. 3. Search made by consent of the parties involved 4. Search of a person and property within the immediate control of the person provided it is made following a lawful arrest.

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