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Tier I My classroom will be a safe and productive space where learning and cooperation thrive.

Students will work hard to improve themselves socially and academically. Philosophy:
I believe that teachers are the facilitators of positive learning; I want to spark enthusiasm for learning and give my students the tools to cultivate their own knowledge base. I believe that a classroom should be a positive community. I want my classroom to be caring and safe where students are nurtured in a fair environment. I believe that teachers should provide a strong foundation for lifelong learning. As an educator, I have the opportunity to leave a mark on the future through my students. I believe school is the foundation for lifelong learning. It is my job to provide this strong foundation by sharing my passion for teaching and learning. For me teaching is a calling not a job. It gives me the opportunity to reflect and continually grow. When I teach with sincere enthusiasm, I will allow my students to "catch" my attitude and cultivate their enthusiasm for learning.

Proactive Intervention Strategies:

Cooperative Learning: Forming effective teams is an important first step in cooperative learning. My classroom will be set up so that students can use cooperative learning and work in pods. I will set the classroom up in a T-table arrangement. (Pictured below in my classroom set up) A four-person team allows for various interactions and the group can work as a team or can be broken down into pairs. I will create the as heterogeneous as possible so that my students will learn to work with all different people. Each team will have one high student, two average students and one low-ability student. Once teams are formed, we will do icebreaker activities so, that they can get to know one another. In the center of the pod, I will have a carrier that will contain 4 scissors, a bottle of glue, 4

calculators, 4 rulers, a box of crayons. I will also designate a pod captain, who will be in charge of the pod's materials, collecting materials for activities, clean desks, collect papers, etc. The captain is also responsible for any absent students missed work. This captain will rotate so that each member of the pod will have an opportunity to be the captain. The pod will also be eligible to earn team points. When they earn enough points, they will be able to choose a reward. Pre and Post Assessments Giving students pre-assessments gives me an opportunity to collect information for instructional direction. Using students prior knowledge encourages student involvement in the learning process. When we use examples from students experiences, they can bring their schema and assimilate new information. Without this knowledge, teachers may find that students struggle to progress and succeed. In addition to wasting instructional time by either repeating information students already know or beginning at a level too difficult for them to understand. In addition to pre-assessment, I will use performance assessments to motivate my students. A performance assessment can be used as a motivator because students have no idea that they are being assessed and performance assessments involve "doing." Performance assessments offer a variety of ways for students to demonstrate what they know about content as well as emphasizing additional skills that a student might possess. These additional skills might include creativity, perseverance, and teamwork. When performance assessments are included in curriculum students are motivated to use their strengths to succeed.

Environmental Accommodations:
Creating a Classroom Community: I believe it is necessary to foster a community in the classroom. Using small groups, cooperative learning and making students accountable will foster an environment of respect. This environment will allow students to take risks. Once a student feels comfortable enough to risk their ideas, they will be able to communicate and if they can explain it orally then I will know that they have learned. I will greet each student in the morning with a handshake and say, "Good Morning, it's nice to see you (student's name)." This will set a positive tone for the day. When we go to lunch and the class lines up I will say, "Have an excellent lunch." This will help remind them of my expectations. At the end of the day, I shake hands goodbye and say, "See you tomorrow," (and on the weekend "Have a good weekend. See you on Monday.") This will encourage positive behavior as well as teach social skills. My classroom will be organized with everything having a place so that students will be able to know where things are. I will have one bulletin board with personal information on it, such as my diploma, my favorite sports team logos, pictures of my family, etc. so that my students will know a little more about me. I will also have quote posters hung up around my classroom. I have always believed that words have power and I want my students to see daily affirmations so that they will begin to "feel" those positive things about themselves. The classroom expectations will be posted to create accountability. With the T-table arrangement, I will allow the students to sit where they like on the first day. As we get to know one another, form pods, and begin our classroom community I will move students.

I will have a semi-circle help table in the back of the room for various reasons. This table can be for struggling students or a designated spot for centers. My reading center will have a big rug, two big bookshelves, and a couch. It will also have comfortable pillows and beanbags to create a relaxing atmosphere. I will also create a "Safe Place" area called the "Birds Nest." When a student needs to have a safe place to think alone or to practice techniques to calm down, they will be able to excuse themselves and spend some time in the birds nest. Examples of Posters:

Basic Procedures:
Quiet Signal: When you hear the wind chimes, freeze, put everything down and quietly listen. Hallway: Show me HALL Hands at side-hands off the wall and off others All eyes forward-follow the person in front of you. Lips zipped-mouth closed Low Speed-stay on the right side, one tile away from wall Bathroom: 1. Line up quietly outside the bathroom, next to the wall so others may pass. 2. Three at a time in the restroom 3. Wait until someone leaves before you enter. 4. No talking in restroom 5. Use restroom 6. Wash hands 7. Return to line, quietly, observing hallway rules Morning Meeting 1. Quiet walk to carpet-no talking 2. Sit crisscross applesauce on carpet 3. Listen respectfully while others talk 4. If you have something to add, raise your hand, and wait until the teacher calls on you to share.

5. Keep your hands and feet to yourself Entering Room in Morning 1. Come in put things away. *back pack in cubby, notes to teacher on her desk, homework in homework bin *You may visit if voice levels remain low; just remember you are responsible for your brain buster. 2. Start Brain Buster (morning work), work quietly 3. When announcements come on, pencils down, listen attentively, no one should talk 4. After pledge, take care of business, (lunch count, permission slips, attendance, etc.) 5. Exchange and grade Brain Buster When students need help or are participating in class discussions: They raise their hand and wait for the teacher to go to their seat or call on them. Leaving for the day: 1. As pods you will be excused to get your backpack. 2. Pack up, remember your planner 3. Do not leave when bell rings, wait to be excused by the teacher

Discipline Plan: Welcome to Whooville

I will create a community in my classroom by creating a classroom economy system for the town of "Whooville." I will explain to the students that as citizens of town of Whooville they have specific responsibilities just like in any other town. Everyone in the town has a job to do and there are both rewards and consequences for them. The system will include students earning different denominations of money for class jobs, completing homework, etc. However, there are also ways

to lose money such as having to borrow supplies to complete assignments or getting a ticket for a messy desk. The students will save their money and at end of the quarter/semester, we will have an auction. Earning Money: Using my classroom jobs, I will decide how much each job is worth. At the end of the week, the students will have a payday for the job they have done for the week. Jobs: Banker Line Leader Room Janitor Board Eraser Door Holder Secretary

Lunch Helper Teacher Helper Expectation Rater Tech Specialist Librarian Paper Passer

Good behavior or kind deeds. For example, helping a student in need or saying, "Thank You." etc. "Brain Bucks" are earned when students are really using their brain to work on a problem. Having homework turned in daily Grades at the end of the quarter

Charging Fees and Fines: Borrowing items when students are unprepared. Keeping a dirty desk Using the restroom when it is not time Staying in from recess for any reason Following rules without reminders

Spending Money: At the end of the semester/quarter, we will hold an auction with various prizes for students to bid on.

Students will be able to purchase special privileges with their money, for example staying in at recess

Ideas for Auction: Lunch in the classroom Bring something to share with the class Choose a sweet treat Extra special treat from the treasure box Extra computer time Help out with buddy class School projects 10 minutes free computer time No Homework pass Game during recess Stay in at recess Students choice where to sit for the day Trade desks with someone First to share First in line Lunch with teacher Listen to music as you work Journals Books Sit at teachers desk Extra recess Listen to headphones while you work Read-a-thon One free test answer Stickers 5 min. extra recess 5 min. to run 5 minutes talking time Class movie Extra help on math Free time Game day

At the beginning of the year, the class and I will on the five most important expectations. Next, we will all pledge to follow these expectations throughout the year. We will each, including myself, sign the bottom of the expectations. This will hang in a prominent spot so that the students can see it on a daily basis. 1. Respect Students listen to each other, are kind, and cooperate. Always do their best Respect self, others, and property

2. Reliable

Students are in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing. Follow Directions the first time.

3. Resourceful Students are prepared Work hard Turn in their best work on time.

Positive Consequences:
Give praise High-fives Praise specific behavior appreciated Positive notes to parents Positive phone calls to parents Thumbs up Wink Smile Pat on the back

Negative Consequences:
1. Class or individual verbal reminder

2. Student will be given specific warning

3. Student will be ticketed (lose money or chance cards) 4. Students name will be placed in behavior book.
5. Student will be given a behavior card: Please stop what you are doing and re-

think your behavior choice. Bring this card back to me after the lesson and tell me what you were doing wrong and how you are going to make better choices. 6. Student will be removed from situation. May go to "quiet place/birds nest/brain chair" to calm down and think about behavior. Or may return to seat, sit out of special etc.

7. Note home or phone call 8. Sent to buddy Classroom

9. Parent Teacher Conference 10. Sent to Principal

Emergency Plan:
I will be following all protocol that has been put in place by the school district in case of major emergencies. However, in addition I will have a plan put in place for disruptive and harmful behaviors. This plan will include having the students exit the classroom with their work, quickly and quietly, to a pre-established area. In addition to my own plan, I will also appoint two emergency officers whose job will entail making sure their peers are following the pre-established plan. I will also have an emergency sub plan binder in case I have to leave unexpectedly.

Communications Techniques:
Parent Welcome Letter:

Welcome to Whooville
Dear Parents, I am your child's _____ grade teacher, and I am delighted to have them in my class this year. I am looking forward to a very successful year, as I know you and your child are. I have high expectations and I will do all that l can to help your child achieve those expectations. It is my belief that as a classroom community we can help each student achieve success. You can help! In a few short weeks, we will have our school's open house. At this open house, I will go over my expectations, procedures, curriculum goals and I will also explain our Whooville Classroom economy. I hope to see you there! Finally, I want you know that one of my most important goals this year is to communicate with you, the parents. I am available every day before or after school for thirty minutes, and by email, or phone. Please do not hesitate to contact me.

. Sincerely, Ms. Dickson 435-956-3214 ext 456

At the open house I will give parents information regarding classroom procedures, polices and expectations. I will also have them fill out a questionnaire about their In addition to my welcome letter, I will set up a classroom blog where students will be able to check homework missed and stay up to date on what is happening in the classroom. I will also make five positive contacts a week with parents by email, phone, or note. Summary Classroom management is the primary concern for most teachers because without effective classroom management I will spend the majority of my time dealing with inappropriate student behavior and less time teaching. This will cause my students learning to suffer. However, with this develop management plan I will avoid many pitfalls, as a result I will be able to create that foundation for lifelong learning. Obviously, this plan in not conclusive, I recognize that there will have to be adjustments made as I get to know my actual students and school community. I recognize that I will also need to depend on my school community and use the resources available to me. In addition, I will also need to learn the school wide behavior management plan that is in place in my school. . I understand that to improve my students academic success I must also improve their social success.

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