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Clean Air

William Landa Markita LeDuff Iliana Lopez Daisy Mendez Eloisa Lopez


Clean Air Act of 1970

Groundbreaking Legislation!
1. Set Criteria Air Pollutants 2. Regulate sources that emit these pollutants

EPA action
1970 Sets Standards
Research Program Development

Allows States to do much of the regulation Cooperative Federalism

Clean Air Amendments of 1990

The Bush II Administration

Political conservative Clear Skies Initiative Weakened Regulation of air pollution

The Obama Administration

Intent to tighten regulation on airpolluters Mercury and Air Toxics Standards

Whats wrong with Regulation?

Economy Job Loss Energy loss

Two sides of the story

EPA claims Saves money in the long run Protects the health of public Reduce prevalence of disease Industry claims Costs consumers money Hurts the economy Costs America jobs

(Cahill, 2011, p. 44)

pursued civil and/or criminal

penalties (Cahill, 2011, pp. 45-46).

National Economic Research Associates

Employment loss
1.5 million jobs over the next 4 years

Direct costs
$15 billion to 16.7 billion per year

Lost energy supply

Between 54,000 to 69,000 megawatts

Disposable family income

$200-$500 per year
Source: American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity

By 2020.
230,000 lives Almost 2,000 billion dollars Countless Health effects
Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The past 40 years

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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