Learn9 References From Mendeley October 2009

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on Mendeley - http://www.mendeley.

Created by Will Pollard
learn9 reference


learn9 is about learning with ISO 9000 or finding out how people learn from quality systems in
general. Or why learning is rare.

This is copied from Mendeley page. The links may work in PDF. I started with my own papers, also
on Scribd. Then I added the most popular refs from Mendeley stats. So this is a start on building a
list. There is also a more restricted mode where links to PDF content is possible but limited to
smaller groups. Some places still available, suggest contact through Scribd.

Building theories from case study research

K M Eisenhardt (1989)

Acad. Manage. Rev. 14 p. 532-550

A dynamic theory of organizational knowledge creation

I Nonaka (1994)

Organization Science 5 (1) p. 14-37

Management Learning

John Burgoyne, Michael Reynolds (1997)

SAGE p. 342

The Fifth Discipline (UK publication)

Peter Senge (2006)

Random House Business Books p. 445

Learning for Action

Peter Checkland, John Poulter (2006)

John Wiley and Sons Ltd p. 200

Management, Values and Dr. Deming

Will Pollard (2003)


Is ISO 9000 is worth another look?

Will Pollard (2001)


Search results, data security, and integrated management

Will Pollard (2005)


Putting this on Scribd is intended to make some links with Mendeley and academics. I don't know
who is downloading from Scribd but Mendeley seems another stage in web distribution.

will789gb on Twitter

October 16 2009

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