Chapter 14 Final Powerpoint

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Chapter 14: Job design

Coca Cola company

Presenters: Will Landa Joseph Garibay Long He Xiang Guo

Worlds number one producer of soft drinks Brand Symbol Produces four of top five soft drinks in the world Massive distribution 400 beverage products 200 countries worldwide 70% of revenue outside N. America

The Coca

Cola Company

Mission cont.
Employees are the heart and soul 125 years of Success Simple, Solid, and Timeless business

Job Design
Good job design helps avoid problems, improve productivity, and enhance employee well-being

No one can do it all

Traditional approaches to job design

1. Scientific Management
2. Job Enlargement/Job rotation 3. Job enrichment

4. Job Characteristics Theory

Job Characteristics Theory

Initiated in mid-1960s Traditional approach Departs from the three earlier approaches Interaction between individual and specific attributes of their job

Job Characteristics Theory

1. Skill Variety

2. Task identity
3. Task significance

4. Autonomy
5. Feedback

Motivating Potential score

The MPS is used to measure a jobs potential for motivating its employees.

A company with a responsibility to enable its employees to tap into their full potential. They encourage performance excellence by creating meaningful and involving jobs. According to the companys Web site, each employee of The CocaCola Company helps lead our success in the beverage industry by committing to benefit and refresh everyone who is touched by our business.

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