Morph Manual 44

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A Reference Guide to the

Westminster Hebrew Morphology Database

Westminster Hebrew Institute
Westminster Theological Seminary
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Documents Release 44
!une "#, $##%
General Introduction
The Westminster Hebrew Morphology Database (MORPH) is, up to version 5!, a simple "#$%%
&ile, 'ontaining appro(imately a hal&)million re'or*s (appro(imately +,M-), ea'h re'or* repre)
senting a morpheme o& the Hebrew -ible Westminster Theologi'al #eminary is the owner, main)
tainer an* *istributer o& MORPH %ts three e*itors are Pro& "lan .roves, (/(e'utive Dire'tor,
Westminster Hebrew %nstitute), Pro& Dale Wheeler (Multnomah -ible $ollege) an* Pro& 0ir1
2owery (Dire'tor, Westminster Hebrew %nstitute) #tephen 0 #alisbury ("ssistant Dire'tor,
Westminster Hebrew %nstitute) is the assistant e*itor o& MORPH
#ome o& the 'hara'teristi's o& this *atabase are3
MORPH generally &ollows the Hebrew and &ramaic 'e(icon o) the *ld Testament
(H"2OT), 2u*wig 0oehler, Walter -aumgartner an* 4ohann 4a1ob #tamm, e*s
(5!!+) in matters o& lemmas an* parsing where su'h matters are either unambigu)
ous or arbitrary However, where we &eel H"2OT is in (substantive or typographi')
error or is in'onsistent we have not hesitate* to *eviate MORPH *oes not use or
&ollow #trong6s lemma numbering (H"2OT is the /nglish translation o& the original
.erman re&eren'e wor1 Hebr+isches und aram+isches 'e(icon ,um &lten Testa-
ment .H&'&T/, 2u*wig 0oehler, Walter -aumgartner an* 4ohann 4a1ob #tamm,
e*s (,
/*ition, / 4 -rill, +789)78)
MORPH generally &ollows the *i'tum :parse what is written not what is meant; This
means we try to parse a morpheme base* upon its e(ternal &orm apart &rom any
'onsultation with the wi*er 'onte(t in whi'h the morpheme stan*s "mbiguity &rus)
trates this goal an* o&ten &or'es us to parse 'onte(tually, eg, in the 'ase o& segho-
late noun state 0etiv wor*s 'an be parti'ularly *i&&i'ult to parse sin'e they *o not
have e(pli'it pointing an* o&ten appear (or at least *i* appear to the massoreti'
s'ribes) to be minor spelling mista1es
#ometimes the parsing o& a morpheme *epen*s upon te(t)'riti'al or philologi'al
('omparative semiti', et') 'riteria %n most o& these 'ases, MORPH parses a''or*)
ing to the massoreti' te(tual tra*ition MORPH attempts to vo'ali<e an* parse 1etiv
as well as 2ere %n all matters o& te(tual rea*ing, the 2eningra* $o*e( is our &inal ar)
biter3 MORPH is the morphology o& the language atteste* in that manus'ript
MORPH *oes not &ollow e('lusively any one authority &or grammar an* parsing "ll
the stan*ar* grammars = an'ient an* mo*ern = are 'onsulte*3 .0$, 4o>on?Murao)
1a, van *er Merwe, -auer)2ean*er, -ergstr@sser an* Walt1e)OA$onnor = to mention
Bust the most 'ommonly use* sour'es Cor "ramai', -auer)2ean*er, #egert
&ltaram+ische 3rammati1, an* Rosenthal & 3rammar o) 4iblical &ramaic are the
most &reDuently 'onsulte*
This *o'ument repla'es all previous *o'umentation, beginning with Release E! #ee the Release5otes &ile &or spe'i&i'
'hanges not 'overe* in this *o'ument Together, these two *o'uments 'ontain a 'omplete *es'ription o& Release EE
6*RPH Release 44 7 Document 8ersion9 74
We now *istribute the *atabase as one &ile This is how we han*le the *ata in)house
an* our &eeling is that any attempt to split it into smaller &iles intro*u'es unne'essary
ris1 o& ina*vertent *ata loss or 'orruption
"s a &urther e&&ort to maintain not only *ata integrity but also to 1eep versions o& the
*atabase separate, beginning with version ,5 we now *istribute our releases with
an MD5 'he'1sum number whi'h uniDuely i*enti&ies this release &rom all others
/ven i& one bit is 'hange*, the 'he'1sum will 'hange an* not mat'h the 'anoni'al
release number
This *atabase was &irst 'on'eive* an* built *uring the +7F!s "s it has mature*, we have &oun*
it ne'essary to a** to an* 'hange the *ata re'or* stru'ture "t that time a &lat "#$%% &ile was the
only a''eptable :lowest 'ommon *enominator; &or maintenan'e an* *istribution However, we
have 'ontinuously wrestle* with the problem o& au*iting an* maintaining 'hange *eltas, espe)
'ially as time an* personnel have 'ome an* gone %n that time the worl* has seen the intro*u')
tion o& the %nternet an* the Worl* Wi*e Web %n a**ition, our long)range plans &or the *atabase6s
e(pansion 'all &or signi&i'antly more 'omple( *ata stru'tures
To resolve these issues, WH% is ta1ing the &ollowing a'tion3
The !" series of releases will continue to be in the legacy format! After #!$% we
will pro&ide a 'legacy' &ersion% but it will not ha&e the new information added
to the database
With MORPH (5!) the *istribute* *atabase &ormat will 'hange to an GM2 en'o*ing,
in'lu*ing a DTD?#'hema, G#2T trans&ormations to generate HTM2, an* a basi' G#2
The *istribute* &ile will be available in both Mi'higan en'o*e* Hebrew an* HTC)F
Hebrew en'o*ing (allowing proper *isplay o& Hebrew te(t in any HTC)F 'ompliant
appli'ation3 browser, wor* pro'essor, et')
Monitor an* 'omply with the &inal re'ommen*ations o& the newly &orme* Open #'rip)
tural %n&ormation #tan*ar* (O#%#) Ihttp3??wwwbiblete'hnologiesorgJ, whi'h we
The a*vantages o& these a'tions &or the *eveloper will be3
The a**ition o& new possibilities &or *isplay &ormats in appli'ations, in'lu*ing the 're)
ation o& browser)base* appli'ations ta1ing a*vantage o& GM2 &le(ibility
Kastly in'rease* interoperability between appli'ations that support the above)men)
tione* stan*ar*s an* te'hnologies, as well as ease o& *ata &ormat trans&ormation by
not only WH%, but also by the user
#eamless integration with a Win*ows 5!!! ? Win*ows GP environment whi'h uses
Hni'o*e natively as its 'hara'ter en'o*ing
The elimination o& &ont issues
The a**ition o& signi&i'ant new &eatures, su'h as user annotation o& *ata whi'h then
be'omes sear'hable
These 'hanges will &ree WH% o& the sha'1les o& its obsoles'ent *ata mo*el an* allow us to great)
ly e(pan* the type an* 'omple(ity o& in&ormation provi*e* Cor e(ample, we plan on systemati)
'ally re'or*ing the reasons or authority &or the parsing or te(tual rea*ing we ma1e #u'h annota)
tions an* alternate parsing 'oul* be easily in'orporate* into the *istribute* *atabase &or greatly
enhan'e* value an* usability
2ong)range plans are, by their very nature, subBe't to 'hange Levertheless, we want to give the
*eveloper 'ommunity a Mhea*s upN; about our intentions an* the *ire'tion we want to go We are
intensely aware o& the nee* &or timely noti&i'ation o& maBor 'hanges su'h as this "s soon as *e)
6*RPH Release 44 $ Document 8ersion9 74
'isions are ma*e &or ea'h a'tion an* the *etails have been wor1e* out, we will be in&orm the
'ommunity about those 'hanges
M(R)H Record *ormat
There are two basi' 1in* o& re'or*s in MORPH3 a verse separation re'or* an* a morpheme
re'or* The verse separation re'or* begins with an angle bra'1et or Mgreater)thanM sign3 M>M &ol)
lowe* by the stan*ar* 'hapter an* verse enumeration, &ollowing the 2eningra* $o*e( versi&i'a)
tion This re'or* has no other purpose than to visually set o&& verses &or human rea*ers
" morpheme re'or* is 'ompose* o& three &iel*s separate* by spa'es, so that the &ollowing
gn1:1,3.1 ):ELOHI92YM ):ELOHIYM@ncmpa
is un*erstoo* to be
Record ID Hebrew Text Parsing
gn1:1,3.1 ):ELOHI92YM ):ELOHIYM@ncmpa
The Record ID is &iel* 'ompose* thus3
Book Chapter Separator Verse Separator Position
in Verse
Separator Position
in Word
gn 1 : 1 , 3 . 1
that is, a boo1 name o& two 'hara'ters &ollowe* without a separator by the 'hapter number, &ol)
lowe* by a 'olon, an* then the wor*As position in the verse %& the wor* is 'ompose* o& more
than one morpheme, then a perio* or *ot &ollowing the wor* number an* the &inal number in*i)
'ates the position o& the morpheme within the wor*
The or*er o& boo1s in the *atabase &ollow the or*er o& the 2eningra* $o*e(, whi'h varies &rom
the tra*itional rabbini' 'anon by positioning $hroni'les a&ter the prophets The possible values
&or a boo1 name are3
#ong o& #ongs
$hapter an* verse numbers 'an go to three *igits Wor* position in verse an* morpheme posi)
tion in wor* 'an go to two *igits Lote that the boo1 or*er is not /nglish (Kulgate), nor Rabbini'
(6i2raot 3edelot), but in the or*er o& the 2eningra* $o*e( The *i&&eren'e between the Rabbini'
'anoni'al or*er an* the 2eningra* $o*e( is slight3 a shi&t o& $hroni'les to right a&ter 4ob
There is an optional note &iel* atta'he* to the en* o& a Record ID, mar1e* by a 'lose* bra'1et
MPM plus a number or letter Re&eren'es to two)*igit numbers are a''ents ("''ents were a**e* in
the release E5) The &ollow 'hart lists the meanings o& those notes3
6*RPH Release 44 " Document 8ersion9 74
Note Meaning xa!p"e
-H# has been &aith&ul to the
2eningra* $o*e( where there might
be a Duestion o& the vali*ity o& the
&orm an* we 1eep the same &orm as
d*23:1,,1-.1+1 YI.:R/)0L-- YI.:R/)0L@np
(missing silluD)
We have a**e* a sop pasuD where
2 an* -H# omit it
1"1:19,22.1+2 2:DO3L/45H-- 2./DO3L@a6"a
We rea* or un*erstan* 2 *i&&erently
than -H# (+7F, /*ition) O&ten this
notation in*i'ates a typographi'al er)
ror in -H#
gn1:22,4.1+3 ):ELOHI43YM ):ELOHIYM@ncmpa
Puncta :(traordaria Q a 55 is use*
to mar1 su'h mar1s in the te(t when
they are above the line an* 5, when
they are below the line
gn11:5,19.1+7 3. 3:@8c
gn11:5,19.2+7 90Y:E45Y52;</-- 9.=YI:@8p>2m"
+5 2arge letter(s)
&'11:72,3.1+5 ?=L@ ?=LA2@8p
&'11:72,7.1+5 2./>O113: 2./>O3:@ncm"a
+1 #mall letter(s)
pr11:2,,5.1+1 113: 3:@8c
pr11:2,,5.2+1 :IR:2./,1: R2:@'n8m"a
+4 #uspen*e* letter(s)
(%1,:3-,1-.1+4 9.E:@ 9.0:A1@ncm"c
(%1,:3-,11.1+4 M::=B.E11H M::=B.EH@np
+, %nverte* Lun (:+, in the te(t)
n%1-:37,,.1+, : :@
-H# has aban*one* 2 an* we 'on)
'ur "ll o& these o''urren'es are 1e-
tiv?2ere problems
d*32:13,7.1+9 CC9./47M:/D0Y 9./M/H@nc6pc
We have aban*one* or a**e* a 1e-
tiv?2ere relative to -H# %n *oing this
we agree with against -H#
gn9:21,4.1+E )/H:/L;O45H-- )OHELA1@ncm"c>3m"
"*aptations to a 2ere whi'h an*
-H#, by their *esign, *o not in*i'ate
e7:2,5.1+a CCM=H@ M/H@p!!
Rathir rea*ings in whi'h we have
*esignate* as 2ere;s when both
Dothan an* -H# list a 2ere
1"2,:,,14.1+F CCG/95H:/MIY@ GHM@'E'6"
1"2,:,,1,.1+F :/41) :/)A1@8!
Mis'ellaneous notes to the te(t an*
o''asions where more than one
bra'1et 'ategory applies
e2-:7,7.1+m 8E4733HEL-3-5 8.EHEL@ncm"a
The He$reI De* &iel* is the morpheme itsel&, as &oun* in the bibli'al te(t .enerally a Mwor*M
is given its own re'or* However, i& there are wawAs, the prepositions ): , ): , ): , ): , the relative
parti'le ): , the *e&inite arti'le ) , et', these are bro1en o&& the wor*, an* ea'h is given its own
re'or* line
6*RPH Release 44 4 Document 8ersion9 74
The transliteration s'heme use* is the Mi'higan en'o*ing s'heme
The &ollowing table lists the 'o*es use*3
Consonants Vowe"s
Hebrew West!inster Hebrew West!inster
"le& x ) Patah : =
-et : 9 Samets : /
.imel . 2 #egol : E
Dalet D #ere : 0
Heh H HireD : I
Waw 3 Holem : O
Oayin : J Samets Hatu& : /
Het > Sibbuts : K
Tet : L #hureD 3.
Ro* Y #hewa : :
0a& : < Hate& Patah : :=
2ame* : L Hate& #egol : :E
Mem : : M Hate& Samets : :/
Lun : :
#ame1 : H Miscellaneous
"yin : ?
Peh _ c 8 0etiv C
#a*e . M Sere CC
So& ; G Dagesh .
Resh ~ R MaDDe& @
#in : . "''ent -- -3 45 e*c.
#hin : B
$ompoun* 4oint
(a spa'e in -H#)
Tav : D "&&i(?#u&&i( #eparator ;
" Hebrew wor* is 'onstru'te* by beginning with a (reDuire*) 'onsonant, &ollowe* by an optional
*agesh (i& any), &ollowe* by a (reDuire*) vowel, &ollowe* by an optional a''ent mar1er, &ollowe*
by an optional 'onsonant (in the 'ase o& a 'lose* syllable) Lo *istin'tion is ma*e between me*i)
al an* &inal 'onsonants, 2amets an* 2amets hatu), vo'al an* silent shewa or dagesh )orte an*
dagesh lene
The 8ar"!ng portion o& the re'or* is separate* into two parts3 the lemma an* the morphology
The separator is an MatM sign (@) &or Hebrew lemmas an* a per'ent sign (O) &or "ramai' lemmas
6*RPH Release 44 % Document 8ersion9 74
The Lemma &iel* is very similar to the He$reI De* &iel* %& H"2"T shows more than one
homonym &or a lemma, a MA1M is a**e* to the en* o& the &irst lemma *ealt with in H"2"T, MA2M to
the se'on* lemma an* so &orth %& there are no homonyms &or a lemma, no homonym number is
a**e*, &or it is a uniDue lemma #ome e(amples3
an* 5
homonyms o& Hebrew lemmas
a''or*ing to H"2OT
e2-:7,9.2 M.=,3,-?=L M=?=LA2@8d
e2-:5,1-.1 )047L )0LA5@ncm"a
HniDue Hebrew lemma e2-:7,11.3 )/1343REM )EREM@nc6"a
HniDue "ramai' lemma er7:12,4.1 H:LI33G3.-3 HLGO':p3mp
homonym o& an "ramai' lemma
a''or*ing to H"2OT
er5:1,1.1 9=R@ 9.=RA2Oncm"c
The Morp#o&ogF &iel* &ollows a&ter the lemma separator
There are si( 'ategories o& re'or*s3 (+) paragraphing, (5) parti'le, (,) pronoun, (E) noun, (5) a*)
Be'tive or numeral an* (8) verb " seventh 'ategory, su&&i(es, 'annot stan* alone, but appear at)
ta'he* to the en* o& prepositions, nouns or verbs Here are some interprete* e(amples o& ea'h
+ Paragraphing
gn1:5,17.1 8 8@
The Mlemma; here is arti&i'ial MM stan*s &or paragraphing
5 Parti'le
When the arti'le appears by itsel& with an a''ent note the noun whi'h it mo*i&ies shares the
same wor* number, in this 'ase M1@M The arti'le is wor*)part M@.1M an* the noun is wor*)
part M@.2M The lemmas is MH=M, it is a Hebrew lemma M@M, an* the parsing is M8ar*!c&e@
gn79:17,1.1 H=45 H=@8a
gn79:17,1.2 M.IB:8.:D/45YIM-- MIB:8.:D=YIM@ncmda
The noun is the se'on* part o& wor* 8 in verse +8 o& .enesis E7 %ts Hebrew lemma is
MMIB:8.:D=YIMM an* its parsing is M:o%n@Mommon@Ma"c%&!ne@D%a&@=$"o&%*eM
" *e&inite arti'le with inseparable preposition prior to Release E! was tagge* with ML8aM at
the en* o& the analysis &or the preposition -eginning with Release E!, when the AHA is not
present, this o''urren'e o& the arti'le re'eives a line to itsel&
gn79:11,2.1 L= L:@8p
gn79:11,2.2 A H=@8a
gn79:11,2.3 2.E338E:-3 2.E8E:@nc$"a
The te(t is the 5
wor* o& the ++
verse o& the E7
'hapter o& .enesis Part + has ML=M as
the Hebrew te(t, ML:M &or the Hebrew lemma, an* is a M8ar*!c&e@8repo"!*!onM Part 5
has been given the M*ummyM Hebrew te(t o& un*ers'ore, MAM, parse* as M8ar*!c&e@=r*!@
c&eM whi'h represents the assimilate* AHA
The ,
part o& the 5
wor* o& .enesis E73++ is, in the Hebrew te(t, M2.E338E:-3M Lote
that the wor* has two a''ents, one &or ea'h syllable The wor* 'omes &rom the Hebrew lem)
ma M2.E8E:M %ts parsing is M:o%n@Mommon@9o*#@H!ng%ar@=$"o&%*eM, that is, it is treat)
e* by a*Be'tives an* verb in&le'tions with both mas'uline an* &eminine gen*ers
2"2:5,,.1 ):=L0Y;HE,1M )EL@8p>3mp
6*RPH Release 44 < Document 8ersion9 74
%n 5 #am 535, the F
wor* is M):=L0Y;HE,1MM whi'h has a morphologi'al slash *ivi*ing the
wor* &rom its su&&i( The Hebrew lemma is M)ELM an* its parsing is M8ar*!c&e@8repo"!@
*!onM The parsing o& the su&&i( is signale* by the M>M an* is un*erstoo* to be M3
, Pronoun
2"2:5,1-.1 )=D.EM-3 )=D.EM@p!2mp
%n 5 #am 535, we &in* the +!
wor* o& the verse to be M)=D.EM-3M, the a''ent on the se'on*
syllable %t is a Hebrew lemma, M)=D.EMM, an* its parsing is M8rono%n@Independen*@2
E Loun
2"2:5,1.1 Y/9047YBN2.IL:?/92D Y/90YBN2.IL:?/D@np
We have alrea*y seen e(amples o& 'ommon nouns above %n 5 #am 535 the 8
wor* is a
'ompoun* proper noun The te(t is MY/9047BN2.IL:?/92D0, with the two parts o& the
'ompoun* name *ivi*e* by the til*e (N) an* are not Boine* by ma22e) The Hebrew lemma is
M?/DM an* its parsing is M:o%n@8roperM
2"2:5,14.1 ):=DO45:0Y;<EM-3 )/DO3:@ncmpc>2mp
%n the +
part o& the +9
wor* o& 5 #am 535 we &in* the Hebrew te(t M):=DO45:0Y;<EM-3M
The morphologi'al slash tells us that there is a su&&i( The nounAs Hebrew lemma is
M)/DO3:M an* the parsing is M:o%n@Mommon@Ma"c%&!ne@8&%ra&@Mon"*r%c*M "n* the
su&&i( parsing a&ter the *ivi*ing M>M is M2
5 "*Be'tive?Lumeral
2"2:14,3.1 G/B/41H G/BEH@a6"a
%n 5 #am 53+9, the ,
wor* is MG/B/41HM with the a''ent on the &inal syllable The Hebrew
lemma is MG/BEHM an* we *is'over that it is an M=d(ec*!'e@/em!n!ne@H!ng%&ar@=$"o@
2"2:11,17.2 BIB./41H B0BA1@%cm"a
%n this se'on* e(ample, the 5
part o& the +E
wor* (the +
part o& the +E
wor* is a waw
'onBu'tion) is the wor* MBIB./41HM with the +
liste* (in H"2OT) homograph Hebrew lemma
MB0BM %ts parsing is MMard!na& :%m$er@Ma"c%&!ne@H!ng%&ar@=$"o&%*eM
8 Kerb
2"2:1,2.1 Y=45?=.@ ?.HA1@'E!3m">aP1QR*
%n 5 #am 538, the 5
wor* is MY=45?=.@M &rom the +
liste* Hebrew homographi' lemma
(a''or*ing to H"2OT) M?.HM %ts parsing is MSer$@Ga& H*em@Imper6ec*@3
Ma"c%&!ne@H!ng%&ar@=pocopa*ed@R%""!'e !n /orm and Mean!ngM
!"35:7,15.2 YOB=?;:=<E45M-- YB?@'#!3m">a>2mpP1QR*
%n the 5
part o& the +5
wor* in %saiah ,53E we &in* the wor* MYOB=?;:=<E45M--M, &rom the
uniDue Hebrew lemma MYB?M %t is a MSer$@H!6!& H*em@Imper6ec*@3
6*RPH Release 44 = Document 8ersion9 74
8er"on Ma"c%&!ne 8&%ra& 8ronom!na&
H%66!@R%""!'e !n Mean!ng and /ormM
The table below summari<es all the possible values &or ea'h &iel*
6*RPH Release 44 > Document 8ersion9 74
" paragraph
) parti'le a arti'le
c 'onBun'tion
d a*verb
g interrogative
i interBe'tion
n negative
o obBe't mar1er
p preposition
r relative
p pronoun i in*epen*ent i interrogative
i in*epen*ent 1 person m mas'uline s singular
+ person f &eminine p plural
, person c 'ommon
n noun p proper name

gentili' m mas'uline s singular a absolute

c 'ommon f &eminine p plural c 'onstru't
b both d *ual d
*etermine* T"ramai' onlyP
a a*Be'tive
m mas'uline s singular
f &eminine p plural
b both d *ual
Hebrew (R Aramaic more than one su&&i( possible
& verb - Dal A a&el p per&e't . su&&i(es a apo'opate*
p piel / ha&el i imper&e't h paragogi' he
) pual H hishta&el w wayyi2tol
n paragogi' nun
n ni&al 0 hitpaal & imperative d *ire'tional he or
h hi&il * hitpeel c in&initive 'onstru't pronominal he)lo'ale
H ho&al G hitpolel a in&initive absolute su&&i(es 1 person m mas'uline s singular
1 Dal pass I ishta&el ) parti'iple + person f &eminine p plural
t hitpael 2 itpeel
s Dal passive parti'iple , person c 'ommon
a palel ) polel i& imper&e't, optional tag
b pealal R sha&el 314 Bussive
5t in &orm U meaning
c pilel 6 peal 5f in &orm only
d pilpel M pael 5m in meaning only
e polel ( peil 'ohortative 7t in &orm U meaning
8 poel D ho&al 7f in &orm only
m ti&il
1 sa&al 7m in meaning only
f polal 9 itpaal i& per&e't, optional tag
g polpal : itpoel
3+4 'onse'utive per&e't
i pulal
l poal
u hotpaal
& hitpolel
w hitpalpel
s hishta&el
" nitpael
8@, H@, :@ only
The obBe't mar1er an* many prepositions optionally ta1e a pronominal su&&i(
"ramai' only
"ramai' only
%n'lu*ing numerals
Or, waw)'onse'utive
Hse* only &our times3 Dan 53E5V 93F(5()V 93+5
Only on re'or*s whi'h are tagge* Mimper&e'tM
Hse* only on'e3 Hos ++3,
Only use* on'e3 Dan E3+8
6*RPH Release 44 ? Document 8ersion9 7$
The 0etiv)Sere
This massoreti' &eature presents more 'hallenges to the *ata stru'ture than any other single &a')
tor Cirst o& all, we must list the 0etiv an* @ere as separate wor*s (unli1e -H# whi'h uses one
AnonsenseA graphi'al wor* to in*i'ate both) Thus wor* 'ounts in verses with 0@ will be s1ewe*
by the number o& 0@ in a verse
#e'on*ly, there are simply a number o& anomalous situations 'reate* by trying to a''ount &or
this &eature within our normal en'o*ing " list o& the 1in*s o& situations &ollows
+ #imple 0etiv-@ere
gn,:14,17.1 CHO3M0) YM)@'#'m"
gn,:14,15.1 CCH=Y:M047) YM)@'#'m"
5 0etiv in two parts, 2ere in one
2"1-:9,12.1 C9.: 9.:@8p
2"1-:9,12.2 CYI.:R/)0L YI.:R/)0L@np
2"1-:9,13.1 CCYI.:R/)0,-L YI.:R/)0L@np
, 0etiv in one part, 2ere in two
2"12:22,11.1 CY:>/:.;=:IY >::@'E!3m">1c"P1QRm
2"12:22,12.1 CC3: 3:@8c
2"12:22,12.2 CC>=:.;=41:IY >::@'Ep3m">1c"P2Q
E 0etiv &ollowing ma22e) (note wor* an* part numbering)
2"3:25,12.1 3: 3:@8c
2"3:25,12.2 )ED@ )0D@8p
2"3:25,13.1 CMI9O3);E</ M/9O3)@ncm"c>2m"
2"3:25,17.1 CCMO4739/);E,-</ M/39O3)@ncmpc>2m"
2"3:25,15.1 3: 3:@8c
2"3:25,15.2 L/ L:@8p
2"3:25,15.3 D=,5?=D YD?@'Ec
5 0etiv an* @ere with ma22e) (note wor* an* part numbering)
2"17:4,21.1 L: L:@8p
2"17:4,21.2 9IL:D.I97Y 9.IL:D.IY@8p
2"17:4,24.1 C.O3M@ .YM@'Ec
2"17:4,2,.1 CC.IYM@ .YM@'Ec
2"17:4,29.1 L: L:@8p
2"17:4,29.2 )IYB;I91Y )IYB@ncm"c>1c"
8 0etiv an* @ere internal to 'ompoun* name
(4s+F35E an* 51+E39 have the only su'h other o''urren'es)
2k23:1-,5.1 9.: 9.:@8p
2k23:1-,5.2 2047YNC9::0Y@HI:.O92M 2.0Y)N9E:@HI:.OM@np
2k23:1-,1.1 2047YNCC9E:@HI:.O92M 2.0Y)N9E:@HI:.OM@np
9 @ere without 0etiv (2ere wela 1etiv ) EI&k)
2",:3,12.1 9.I45 9.:@8p
2",:3,12.2 ::H=R@ :/H/R@ncm"c
6*RPH Release 44 7# Document 8ersion9 74
2",:3,13.1 Ckk kk@EI&k
2",:3,17.1+a CC8.:R/45D-- 8.:R/D@np
F 0etiv without @ere (1etiv wela 2ere ) kI&E)
ek7,:11,12.1 C>:=M0B >/M0B@%c6"c
ek7,:11,13.1 CCEE EE@kI&E
$o*ing Pra'ti'es
+ #lash (A?A) to in*i'ate beginning o& su&&i( in te(tual entry
"ll su&&i(es are atta'he* to the en* o& the analysis o& the &orm to whi'h they are atta'he*
rather than having a line to themselves " slash in the te(t in*i'ates the beginning o& the
su&&i( (these slashes are o''asionally omitte* or mispla'e*)
2"2:5,,.1 ):=L0Y;HE,1M )EL@8p>3mp
The slash is intentionally omitte* &or "ramai' nominals with the *e&inite arti'le (*eter)
mine* state)
(e1-:11,7.1 ):EL/47H=Y. ):EL/H.Oncmpd
(e1-:11,7.2 /,-) /)O8a
5 Dire'tional su&&i( on &irst wor* o& a 'ompoun* name
(Potential 'on&usion be'ause *ire'tional )he (or he)lo'ale) is su&&i(e* to &irst in the 'om)
poun* an* not the se'on*QA?A in*i'ates su&&i( position an* G* mar1s the analysis &or the
gn2,:2,3.1 8.=D.E47:;/45HN):=R/,-M 8.=D.=:N):=R/M@np>d
, Two #u&&i(es on a single wor* (verbs only)
Twi'e in the Psalms an* several times in Proverbs, there is both a paragogi' nun an* an
obBe't su&&i( whi'h means an analysis will in*i'ate two su&&i(es
p"13:7,1.1 Y:B=9.:>453.;:;:</-- B9>@'p!3mp>n>2m"
E "rti'le as part o& proper names (A??A)
%n previous versions o& Morph, a *ouble slash was use* to in*i'ate a *e&inite arti'le as
part o& a proper name, but this pra'ti'e has been *is'ontinue* in Morph E5
5 Run)on wor*s (te(tual 'orruption in manus'ript)
Run)on wor*s (te(tual 'riti'al issue) must be analy<e* separately There is no spa'e or
ma22e) in the te(t an* there&ore treate* as a single orthographi' entity but we analy<e
them eparately on two lines treating them as one wor* with two parts
(Cor the meaning o& the AP,A 'o*e, #ee page ,)
6*RPH Release 44 77 Document 8ersion9 74
2k15:1-,4.1+3 G/459/L: GO9EL@8d
2k15:1-,4.2+3 ?/43M ?=M@ncm"a
8 #pa'e or maDDe& A@A mean new wor*s e('eptW
" te(t entry or lemma may not have anything &ollowing a ma22e) e('ept &or the 'ase o&
'ompoun* names or nouns
9 $on'erning "ramai'
"ramai' se'tions are in*i'ate* with a MOM between lemma an* analysis instea* o& M@M
"ramai' se'tions are &oun* as &ollows3
.n,+3E9 (E
Daniel 53E (5
wor*) = 935F
/<raE3F = 83+F an* 93+5 = 58
F Raphe
4iblia Hebraica StuttgartensiaAs e*itorial poli'y was to omit raphe 'onsistently, MWother)
wise there woul* have been almost insuperable te'hni'al *i&&i'ultiesM
raphe *oes o''ur in -H# twelve times an* is represente* in the en'o*e* Hebrew te(t as
a 'omma, M,M3
e2-:13,2.1 D.I,R:M/4345>-- RM>@'E!2m"
e2-:17,2.1 D.I,::)/92458-- :)8@'E!2m"
e2-:15,2.1 D.,I2::O,-459-- 2:9@'E!2m"
d*5:13,5.1 <./,L@ <.OL@ncm"c
d*5:14,2.1 D.,IR:M/45>-- RM>@'E!2m"
d*5:1,,2.1 D.I,::)/45928-- :)8@'E!2m"
d*5:19,2.1 D.,I2::O45,-9-- 2:9@'E!2m"
2"11:1,1.2+1 M.=L:),<I,1YM MELE<:A1@ncmpa
!"22:1-,5.2 D.ID,:M3.-3 :DM@'EI2mp
(e2-:14,9.2 R=>:M/43H, RE>EM@ncm"c
)c5:11,7.1 L;/41H, L:@8p>36"
p"119:99,4.1 L,;I45Y-- L:@8p>1c"
These o''urren'es are almost all te(tual issues, most o& them o''urring in the De'a)
logues o& /(o*us an* Deuteronomy where there is the well)1nown *ouble pun'tuation
#in'e MORPH was base* upon the thir* e*ition o& -H#, these raphes also o''ur The
2eningra* $o*e( uses raphe e(tensively, an* a**ing those to the Hebrew te(t o&
MORPH is planne* &or a &uture release
7 :$onte(t)boun*; 'onstru'ts
&ll nominals have now been 'o*e* as to its Mstate,; either :absolute; or :'onstru't; %n the
past, MORPH ha* only mar1e* :'onte(t)&ree; 'onstru'ts, that is, those nominals
&orm 'hanges between absolute an* 'onstru't states Lominals are now 'onte(tually
parse*, an* in Morph EE, all 'ommon nouns have an e(pli'it state, though some a*Be')
tives an* some parti'iples still have *o not have an e(pli'it state
+! .en*er issues
0arl /lliger an* Wilhelm Ru*olph, MCorwar*M in 4iblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, p (ii
De&ine* as 'ommon nouns, a*Be'tives an* parti'iples
6*RPH Release 44 7$ Document 8ersion9 74
/(tensive gen*er 'onsisten'y 'he'1s have been ma*e The results show that Hebrew is in)
'onsistent in mar1ing morphologi', grammati'al an* pragmati' gen*er %n a &uture release,
we plan on o&&ering these *istin'tions
Cor now, when lemmas whi'h are not 'onsistently
use* &or one gen*er are usually parse* :b; &or :both;
++ Preposition X arti'le X nominal
%n theory, MORPH *ivi*es Hebrew wor*s into their relevant morphemes, one re'or* per
morpheme %n pra'ti'e there are in'onsisten'ies One o& those is the 'ase when a *e&inite
arti'le is assimilate* i& it o''urs between a preposition an* a nominal %t is only a phonemi'
'hange The *e&inite arti'le is still there an* is 1nown by the pata'h or Damets o& the prepo)
sition an* the *oubling o& the &irst 'onsonant o& the nominal Crom a *ata mo*eling point o&
view, the *e&inite arti'le *eserves its own re'or* Otherwise, when a user is Duerying *e&inite
arti'les, one must remember about this spe'ial 'ase We 'annot assume that level o& 1nowl)
e*ge on the part o& the user Cor e(ample,
gn1:5,3.1 L/ L@8p
gn1:5,3.2 A H=@8a
gn1:5,3.3 )O3R-3 )O3R@nc$"a
+5 Kerbal lemma spelling
#in'e H"2"T is our stan*ar* &or lemmas (an* part o& spee'h), we spell verbal lemmas as
H"2"T *oes3 the lemma 'onsists o& the three or &our root 'onsonants, omitting vowels,
*ageshes or shewa in &inal 1a& Cor non)verbal lemmas, also in a''or*an'e with H"2"T
pra'ti'e, bega*1e&at *ageshes, silent shewa in &inal 1a& an* &ull vo'ali<ation are in'lu*e* in
the spelling
+, "ramai' gentili'
Collowing an analysis o& the morphology o& gentili' &orms in bibli'al "ramai', we have e()
ten*e* the parsing o& gentili's to in'lu*e number an* determined (the "ramai' *e&inite arti)
'le) /(ample parsings3
ng @ no%n, gen*!&!c
" or p @ "!ng%&ar or p&%ra&
d or - ?n%&&) @ de*erm!ned or %nde*erm!ned
The gentilic is simply another noun 'lass, parallel to common an* proper nouns The 'o*es
use* &or these &eatures are the same as &or the common nouns, but is a more restri'te* set
in that state (absolute an* construct) is not parse*
$& Kan *er Merwe, et al, & Hebrew Re)erence 3rammar, Y5E5
" nominal is linguisti' Bargon &or what philology woul* 'all a :substantive; %n the 'ase o& Hebrew, this in'lu*es nouns, a*)
Be'tives an* parti'iples use* as nouns
6*RPH Release 44 7" Document 8ersion9 74

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