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Similes:As brave as a lion. As bright as a day. As bright as the sun. As busy as a bee. As clear as a crystal. As cold as ice.

As cool as cucumber. As cunning as fox. As cute as a baby. As delicate as a flower. As dry as a bone. As easy as a pie As fast as a race car. As fat as hippo. As fit as a fiddle. As flat as a pancake. As free as a bird. As funny as a clown. As fresh as a daisy. As gentle as a lamb. As good as gold. As hairy as an ape. As happy as a clown. As hard as a rock. As high as a kite. As sly as a fox. As smart as an owl. As smooth as a silk. As sober as a judge. As solid as a rock. As sour as a vinegar. As steady as a rock. As sticky as a jam. As straight as an arrow. As strong as an ox. As sturdy as an oak. As big as a bus. As blind as a bat. As alike as two peas in a pod. As annoying as nails scratching against a chalkboard. As hot as hell. As hungry as a wolf. As innocent as a lamb. As keen as a mustard. As light as a feather. As light as air. As merry as a cricket. As loud as a lion. As obstinate as a mule. As nutty as a fruit cake. As old as the hills. As pale as a ghost. As proud as a peacock. As pure as snow. As quick as a wink. As quick as lightning. As quick as a mouse. As rich as gold. As round as a circle. As sensitive as a flower. As sharp as a needle. As silent as a grave. As silly as a goose. As slow as a tortoise. As slow as a snail. As sweet as honey. As tall as a giraffe. As thick as a brick. As thin as a toothpick. As timid as a rabbit. As tiny as a grain of sand. As tough as a leather. As tricky as a box of monkeys. As white as a ghost. As white as snow. As wise as an owl. As wise as Solomon. As beautiful as nature. As big as an elephant. As black as coal.

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