Week 10 2014

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Second Semester 2014 Mrs.

Clearys Tiger Stars Lake Asbury Junior High School, 7- Science Week # 10 2014 Essential Question: Ho! ha"e scientists ac#uire$ kno!le$ge about ancient ti%es& Objectives: '()lain ho! *ossils *or%. +$enti*y $i**erent kin$s o* *ossils. escribe !hat *ossils tell about organis%s an$ their en"iron%ent. escribe ho! geologists $eter%ine the relati"e an$ absolute age o* rocks an$ *ossils.

A ter sc!ool tutorin" Wednesda#$ %arc! 12t! a ter sc!ool until &:00 'm(
)a# %onda# *ome+ork ,essons A$"ance Cha)ter . Lesson 1 The relati"e age o* rocks.

A$"ance ,ea$ )ages -./ to -0-, %arc! 10$ 2014 !rite "ocabulary in notebook !ith $e*initions.

Stan$ar$ Stu$ents gra)h their $ata Stan$ar$ Continue !orking on the an$ !rite a gra)h analysis !orkbook Science *air !orkbook )ages 1/ to 23. )ages 1/ to 23. -uesda# A$"ance 4inish *ol$able at ho%e i* %arc! 11$ 2014 not *inishe$ in class. Co%)lete "ocabulary )ages -01 to -07. Stan$ar$ To *inish )ages 2- an$ 21 o* the science !orkbook at ho%e i* not *inishe$ in class. Wednesda# A$"ance ,ea$ te(tbook )ages -06 %arc! 12$ 2014 to -/2. A$"ance Tools use$ by geologist to $eter%ine relati"e age o* rocks *ol$able. Stan$ar$ Stu$ents begin !orking on the $iscussion an$ conclusions o* their science )ro5ect, )ages 2- to 21. A$"ance Ho! is ra$ioacti"e $ating use$ by geologist to un$erstan$ ancient history& Te(tbook )ages -01 to -07.

Stan$ar$ ,ea$ Cha)ter 2, Lesson 0, )ages -13 to -10, se$i%entary rock. ,e"ie! 7ocabulary. Stan$ar$ Stu$ents !ork on )ages 22 an$ 2. o* their science !orkbooks. 8orkbook $ue no later than 4ri$ay, March -.. -!ursda# A$"ance Cha)ter . test 8e$nes$ay, A$"ance :eologic Ti%e ;ur %arc! 1.$ 2014 March -9, 13-.. Ancient 8orl$, )ages -06 to -/2. Stan$ar$ Stu$y *or cha)ter 2 Test Stan$ar$ ,e"ie! an$ rein*orce$ ne(t Thurs$ay, 8e$nes$ay, March 13, igneous an$ %eta%or)hic rocks 13-.. acti"ity. Se$i%entary rock *ol$able. /rida#
%arc! 14$ 2014

A$"ance Stan$ar$ Science 8orkbook $ue $ate.

A$"ance Stan$ar$ 4inish se$i%entary rock *ol$able. +ntro$uction to the rock cycle.

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