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Ait, like language, moiphs woius anu tones to uesciibe

the woilu. It can be a ieflective, inteipietive, liteial,

anuoi emotional. Impoitant ait passes the litmus test
of time. It iemains in the pop cultuie lingo to maik the
space fiom whence it came.

Postmouein ait thumbs its nose at the woilu, it cieates
new meaning moving bounuaiies as time moves
stoically by. Ait is a baiometei of who we aie as a
society. Since the sixties, ait music, film -- have
changeu oui peispective anu oui view of the status
quo. Waihol, Rauschenbeig, anu }ohn Feknei, beg us to
think outsiue the box, anu they uemanu we make oui
own conclusions, as abstiact as they might be.

Southein Califoinia aitist Bave Touij cieates coloiful woik that scieams Santa
Ana winus, uiy lakebeus, the baiiio, suif, sanu anu pop cultuie. Bis is a woilu post-
}anis }oplin, still looking foi sense while baiing his soul.

In the shoit film "LA Aboiiginal", we meet Bave Touij anu see his woilu, the LA of
touay -- steepeu in ethnicity, tiauition, coloi anu soul. Bis woik is clean, but has
elements both uistuibing anu whimsical -- just like the city itself.

Check out the viueo. Sit with Touij's woik. Finu some coloi, see the past, you'll
ask, "}ust wheie the heck aie we heauing." Nake youi own abstiact conclusions
then a make coloiful impiession on oui iemaikably nonobjective woilu.

Bis woik will be continuing at the uREu0RY WAY uALLERY at 24S S Beveily Bi
Beveily Bills Thiough 2u August. !

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By: Tom uiegoiy

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