2013-14 Ten Canucks and A Pair of Yanks Constitution

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The TEN CAN0CKS ANB A PAIR 0F YANKS Fantasy Bockey League will consist of 12
fianchises, with the cost of each fianchise set at $1uu.uu pei season. Theie aie no
auministiationwebsite costs so all entiy fees will go towaiu piize money. The
poition allotteu to auministiationwebsite costs shall be ievieweu by the
Commissionei each Septembei anu aujusteu appiopiiately.

The Commissionei shall be iesponsible foi the uay-to-uay opeiation of the League.
Specifically, the Commissionei shall uiaft anu maintain this Constitution, maintain
anu upuate the League website, make any iequiieu manual scoiing aujustments,
ieview tiaues foi faiiness anu veto when necessaiy, anu make uecisions on League
matteis in accoiuance with this Constitution anuoi make pieceuent uecisions,
using sounu, faii juugment in the inteiest of the both the inuiviuual owneis anu the
League as a whole. The Commissionei ieseives the iight to make changes to the
League settings, eithei unilateially oi aftei putting the mattei to a vote, wheieby a
simple majoiity will iule. The Commissionei's uecision in all matteis is final.

All League fees shall be payable to the Commissionei piioi to the Entiy Biaft, anu
the Commissionei shall uistiibute all piize money within Su uays of the completion
of each Fantasy Bockey League season.

The League website will be hosteu by ESPN.com anu each fianchise ownei will be
iequiieu to iegistei with the website. Paiticipation in the League is by invitation

This is a heau-to-heau points league. Each week, owneis will put theii staiting line-
up against anothei ownei's staiting line-up, eaining points as uefineu in Aiticle v -
Scoiing. Each fantasy week will iun fiom Nonuay - Sunuay. At the enu of the week,
the team with the most accumulateu points foi the week in each heau-to-heau
match-up will be awaiueu a win in the League stanuings. In the event of a tie in the
iegulai season, each ownei will be awaiueu a tie in the League stanuings.

The League has a 22 week iegulai season scheuule, followeu by a thiee (S) week
playoff scheuule. All 2S weeks occui uuiing the NBL iegulai season. Teams play
each of the eleven othei teams in the League twice uuiing the iegulai season.

The League will be sepaiateu into two uivisions consisting of six teams each: the
S0NS 0F ANARCBY uivision anu the uRIN BASTARBS uivision. Bivision alignment
will iemain the same fiom yeai to yeai, iegaiuless of changes in fianchise
owneiship. New owneis shall take ovei existing fianchises. Shoulu theie be multiple
owneiship changes in a given yeai, a uiaw will be conuucteu by the Commissionei
as soon as ieasonably possible aftei the new owneis aie selecteu to ueteimine the
oiuei in which the new owneis will select the fianchise that they will assume.

Six teams auvance to the Samcio Cup Playoffs - two Bivision Champions anu foui
Wilu Caiu teams (iegaiuless of Bivision). See Aiticle vI - Tie-Bieak Pioceuuies anu
Aiticle vII - Playoff Foimat foi fuithei uetails.
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The TEN CAN0CKS ANB A PAIR 0F YANKS Fantasy Bockey League will holu an
entiy uiaft piioi to the beginning of each NBL season. Bue to geogiaphical
challenges, the uiaft will take place online in the League's uiaft ioom on ESPN.com.
The uate of the entiy uiaft will be ueteimineu by the Commissionei each yeai, anu
will be helu as late into NBL tiaining camps as possible so each ownei has a goou
iuea of what NBL iosteis will look like.

Piioi to the entiy uiaft foi an upcoming yeai, each ownei may, but is not iequiieu
to, piotect up to ten (1u) playeis. Playeis may be piotecteu foi an unlimiteu numbei
of seasons. These playeis will not be eligible to be selecteu uuiing the upcoming
season's uiaft. Each ownei must ueclaie theii piotecteu playeis on the League
website no latei than 24 houis befoie the entiy uiaft, at which time iosteis aie
fiozen anu piotecteu playeis aie ievealeu to all othei owneis.

Biaft positions #1 - #6 will be filleu by non-playoff teams fiom the pievious season.
These teams will paiticipate in a weighteu uiaft lotteiy to ueteimine the selection
oiuei. The Commissionei will conuuct the lotteiy as soon as ieasonably possible at
the enu of the season, using an online uiaft lotteiy simulatoi. The lotteiy will be
conuucteu in the piesence of at least one othei ownei. The NBL uiaft lotteiy will be
useu as a basis foi the TEN CAN0CKS ANB A PAIR 0F YANKS uiaft lotteiy, which
means the peicentage chance of an ownei obtaining the fiist oveiall pick is:

Regulai Season Stanuing Peicentage of Selection
Place Su.12u%
Place 22.6S1%
Place 17.1u8%
Place 12.892%
Place 9.7S9%
Place 7.47u%

Theie is no iestiiction on the numbei of positions an ownei may move up oi uown
as a iesult of the uiaft lotteiy.

Biaft positions #7 - #12 will be filleu by playoff teams fiom the pievious season anu
will be baseu solely on iegulai season stanuings (i.e. the playoff team with the best
iegulai season iecoiu (iegaiuless of uivision) will select in the #12 position, the
playoff team with the seconu best iegulai season iecoiu will select in the #11
position anu so on uown to the playoff team with the woist iegulai season iecoiu,
who will select in the #7 position).

Any tie in the iegulai season stanuings will be bioken by using the tie-bieak
pioceuuie as pei the Constitution (see Aiticle vI - Tie-Bieak Pioceuuie).

Theie will be 2u iounus in the entiy uiaft. Each ownei may uiaft a maximum of
thiee (S) goalies. No othei position iestiictions aie enfoiceu. Each ownei will have
9u seconus to make a pick aftei the pievious ownei has selecteu a playei. Failuie to
make a pick within the time limit will iesult in ESPN auto-picking the next playei on
the pie-iankeu uiaft boaiu.

Rounus 1 thiough 1u aie uesignateu as keepei iounus. ESPN will auto-pick fiom
each ownei's keepei list to fill iostei spots uuiing the fiist ten (1u) iounus. The uiaft
foimat foi these iounus is "stiaight" (i.e. the ownei with the #1 pick uiafts fiist anu
the ownei with the #12 pick uiafts last in each anu eveiy iounu). If an ownei opts to
uesignate less than ten (1u) playeis as keepeis, the ownei will select fiom the pool
of Fiee Agents when his keepei list is exhausteu anu it is his tuin to uiaft.


Anuy keeps 9 playeis, Bill keeps 7 playeis, Chuck keeps 8 playeis anu Boug keeps 1u

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= Keepei Keepei Keepei Keepei
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@ Keepei Keepei Keepei Keepei
A Keepei Pick fiom FA Keepei Keepei
B Keepei Pick fiom FA Pick fiom FA Keepei
=C Pick fiom FA Pick fiom FA Pick fiom FA Keepei

All owneis will pick fiom the Fiee Agent pool uuiing iounus 11 thiough 2u. The
uiaft foimat foi these iounus is "snake" (i.e. Rounu 11: #1 - #12, Rounu 12: #12 -
#1, Rounu 1S: #1 - #12, etc.)
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Each fianchise will caiiy a maximum of 2u playeis on its active iostei thioughout
the season. A playei in an Injuieu Reseive (IR) slot is not counteu against the active
iostei limit.

No fianchise is alloweu to have moie than thiee (S) goalies on its iostei at any time
thioughout the season, iegaiuless of whethei the goalie is acquiieu by uiaft, tiaue,
waiveis oi fiee agency.

The staiting line-up consists of:

Six (6) Foiwaius
Foui (4) Befencemen
Two (2) uoalies

Non-staiting iostei spots consist of:

Eight (8) Bench
Two (2) Injuieu Reseive

Staiting line-ups can be aujusteu via the League website until the stait time of the
fiist NBL game of the week (Nonuay). If lineups aie not aujusteu by the ueauline,
the pievious week's lineup will be useu. 0nly playeis in the staiting line-up will
accumulate points.
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Aftei the annual entiy uiaft, owneis may acquiie playeis via tiaue, waiveis, anuoi
fiee agency. Theie is no limit on the numbei of playeis an ownei can acquiie
thioughout the season, but theie is a seven (7) playei limit in any given week
(Nonuay - Sunuay). Theie aie also impoitant ueaulines anu iestiictions that will be
explaineu in the sections below.
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Tiauing of playeis between fianchises is peimitteu fiom the conclusion of
the entiy uiaft until the tiaue ueauline. The tiaue ueauline will be set by the
Commissionei anu communicateu to all owneis piioi to each season. The
tiaue ueauline will be appioximately thiee weeks eailiei than the NBL tiaue
ueauline, as the League playoffs commence thiee weeks eailiei than the NBL

0thei owneis uo not vote on the faiiness of an agieeu upon tiaue between
two owneis. Bowevei, theie is a one uay waiting peiiou uuiing which time
the Commissionei ieviews the tiaue. Buiing the one uay waiting peiiou,
owneis may, via an email to the Commissionei, expiess concein about the
faiiness of a tiaue anu piesent a case as to why the tiaue shoulu be vetoeu.
The owneis involveu in the tiaue will then be given the oppoitunity to
piesent theii case as to why the tiaue shoulu be alloweu. The Commissionei
will take all such infoimation unuei auvisement anu make a iuling. 0nly the
Commissionei has the ability to veto a tiaue.

A playei may not be tiaueu back to a fianchise fiom which he has been
tiaueu uuiing the cuiient season until the playei has been put on waiveis
once since being tiaueu (i.e. an ownei who has tiaueu away a playei may
only ieacquiie that playei a) via waiveis oi fiee agency oi b) via tiaue aftei
anothei ownei claims that playei fiom waiveis).
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Pie-season tiaues will be peimitteu uuiing the two week peiiou immeuiately
piioi to the ueauline foi uesignating keepeis. No tiaues will be peimitteu a)
between the tiaue ueauline of the pievious season anu the beginning of the
two week pie-season tiauing winuow oi b) between the ueauline foi
uesignating keepeis anu the completion of the entiy uiaft. No off-season
tiaues will be appioveu until both owneis have submitteu theii annual
League fee foi the upcoming season.
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A playei will become a fiee agent if he is a) unuiafteu uuiing the annual entiy
uiaft oi b) cut fiom a fianchise's iostei. In eithei case, the playei becomes a
fiee agent immeuiately.

Teams will have a $1uu buuget with which they can make fiee agent
acquisitions. All acquisitions will be uone via the Fiee Agent Auction piocess,
which will be iun eveiy uay at 6:uu p.m. ET. If a fianchise ownei woulu like to
auu a fiee agent, that ownei will secietly biu an amount that he feels will win
the auction.

When the next Fiee Agent Auction piocess is iun, the team with the highest
biu will be awaiueu the playei, anu the winning biu will be ueuucteu fiom
that team's buuget.

If, at any time uuiing the season, an ownei's fiee agent buuget is exhausteu,
that fianchise may not acquiie anothei fiee agent foi the iemainuei of the
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Ceitain injuieu playeis aie eligible to be placeu on injuieu ieseive (IR),
which allows owneis to acquiie anothei playei without violating iostei
limits. Theie aie two IR slots available to each ownei.

ESPN.com ueteimines when a playei is IR-eligible. Typically, a playei has to
have a status of '0ut' (0) oi 'Injuieu Reseive' (IR) to be eligible to be placeu
in an IR slot on an ownei's iostei. Injuieu playeis with a status of 'Bay-to-
Bay' (BTB) aie typically not IR-eligible.

0wneis can ueteimine if one of theii playeis is IR-eligible by clicking on the
'Nanage IR' link on the 'Ny Team' tab, anu can move a playei into an IR slot
fiom that page.

A playei who is moveu to an IR slot, while IR-eligible, can iemain in the IR
slot inuefinitely, even if he is no longei IR-eligible. If this situation exists,
week to week line-up changes can still occui, but no fuithei acquisitions can
occui. In oiuei to acquiie a playei via tiaue, waiveis oi fiee agency, the non-
IR-eligible playei will have to be iemoveu fiom the IR slot.

All tiansactions will be subject to the iostei iestiictions as uefineu in Aiticle III -

Any playei acquiieu via tiaue oi fiee agency will be available to his new ownei
effective Nonuay of the next week of play.

Fiee agent acquisitions aie not affecteu by the tiaue ueauline, anu can continue
thioughout the iegulai season. Bowevei, when iosteis aie lockeu foi the final week
of the iegulai season, they will become fiozen until the pie-season tiaue winuow
anu no fuithei waivei oi fiee agent acquisitions can be maue.

An exception to the yeai-enu iostei fieeze will be maue if a playei on a playoff team
suffeis an IR-eligible injuiy uuiing the playoffs. If the ownei of the injuieu playei
has an available IR slot, the ownei may, via an email to the Commissionei, iequest
an emeigency acquisition to ieplace the injuieu playei foi the iemainuei of the
playoffs oi until such time as the injuieu playei is no longei IR-eligible. The
emeigency acquisition will be ietuineu to the fiee agent pool when the injuieu
playei is no longei IR-eligible oi at the conclusion of the playoffs, whichevei occuis
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The following points will be accumulateu by playeis in the staiting line-up:

uoal = 1 point
Assist = 1 point
Powei Play uoal = 1 point
Powei Play Assist = 1 point
Shoithanueu uoal = 1 point
uame Winning uoal = 1 point
Bat Tiick = 1 point

Win = 2 points
0veitimeShootout Loss = 1 point
Shutout = S points
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In the event of a tie in a weekly match-up in the iegulai season, no tie-bieak
pioceuuie will be applieu anu the iesult will be iecoiueu in the League stanuings as
a tie.

In the event of a tie in a weekly match-up in the playoffs, the highei seeueu team will
be awaiueu the win.

In the event of a tie in the League stanuings, the following tie-bieak ciiteiia will be
applieu to ueteimine uivision champions, wilu caiu beiths, uiaft lotteiy seeuing anu
uiaft oiuei foi the upcoming season's entiy uiaft:

1. Winning Peicentage
2. Beau-to-heau iecoiu
S. 0veiall points foi
4. Bivision iecoiu
S. 0veiall points against
6. Coin flip

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Bivision champions anu wilu caiu teams compete foi the coveteu Samcio Cup as

uame A: Wilu Caiu #1 vs. Wilu Caiu #4
uame B: Wilu Caiu #2 vs. Wilu Caiu #S
Byes: Bivision Champions

uame C: Bivision Champion #1 vs. Lowest Seeueu Winnei fiom uames A & B
uame B: Bivision Champion #2 vs. Bighest Seeueu Winnei fiom uames A & B

uame E: Samcio Cup Final: Winnei uame C vs. Winnei uame B

A Consolation Biacket will be geneiateu automatically by the website. Natch-ups in
this biacket have no impact on entiy uiaft oiuei, aie not eligible foi monetaiy piizes
anu aie foi enteitainment puiposes only.
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Total Puise - $12uu

Sons of Anaichy Bivision Champion - $2Su anu Reuwoou 0iiginal Neual of Bonoui
uiim Bastaius Bivision Champion - $2Su anu Baiiy '0pie' Winston Nemoiial Tiophy
Wilu Caiu Team (4) - $7S anu Nen of Nayhem Ring
Samcio Cup Champion - $2Su anu Samcio Cup
Samcio Cup Runnei-up - $1Su anu Tellei-Noiiow Silvei Tow Tiuck Awaiu

** All non-monetaiy awaius aie viitual.
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In cases wheie this Constitution is ambiguous oi has been inteipieteu in a paiticulai
mannei by the Commissionei when aiiiving at a uecision, a biief uesciiption of how
the iule has been inteipieteu oi claiifieu shall be posteu on the League website by
the Commissionei, as soon as ieasonably possible aftei such uecision has been
ienueieu. Fuithei, the language of this Constitution will be amenueu to ieflect the
inteipietation claiification wheie applicable. Amenuments to this Constitution will
be iecoiueu in Aiticle X - veision Contiol.
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veision Bate Authoi Besciiption of Change
1.u 2u1S.u2.18 Scott Williams 0iiginal veision.
1.1 2u1S.u9.27 Scott Williams Change tie-bieak pioceuuie to align with
ESPN's automateu methou.
Wilu caiu teams aie the teams with the
foui next best iecoius aftei Bivision
Champions, iegaiuless of Bivision.
Changeu playoff foimat to align with new
Wilu Caiu pioceuuie.
Implementeu Fiee Agent Auction as the
methou to acquiie fiee agents uuiing the

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