Schmidt Assignment 3

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Budget Category Classroom FTEs ELL Staffing Title I Staff Development Classroom Supplies/Materials Site Capital Allocation Special

Ed. Staffing Clerical and EA Support TOTAL

Dollar Amount 4,689,643.00 205, 711 268,884 36,674 152,217 0 1,478,720 173,067

4,689,643.00 20
1,600,000 1,400,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 200,000 0

4,689,643.00 205, 711

Title I Staff Development Classroom Supplies/Materials 4,689,643.00 205, 711 Site Capital Allocation Special Ed. Staffing Clerical and EA Support

Classroom FTEs ELL Staffing Title I Staff Development Site Capital Allocation Special Ed Staffing Clerical and EA Support

Highland Park Senior High Budget

Clerical and EA Support 2%

Site Capital Allocation 0% Classroom Supplies and Materials Staff Development 2% 1% Title I 4% ELL Staffing 3%

Special Ed Staffing 21%

Classroom FTEs ELL Staffing Title I Staff Development Classroom Supplies and Materials Site Capital Allocation Special Ed Staffing Clerical and EA Support

4689643 205711 268884 36670 152217 0 1470720 173067

Park Senior High Budget

Clerical and EA Support 2%

Classroom FTEs 67%

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