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Manual de Treinamento

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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A Themomix Bimby

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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Histria da Thermomix Bimby:

A Thermomix Bimby o acessrio de cozinha mais avanado no mercado mundial. Produzido na Frana e com design Alemo (desenvolvido pela Porsche), tem mais de 120 anos de existncia. Protegido por patentes mundiais, a Thermomix Bimby substitui 24 acessrios de cozinha, incluindo o fogo! Ela tem habilidade de bater, misturar, pulverizar, moer, ralar, cozinhar, vaporizar, pesar os alimentos entre outros. Por ser rpida e fcil de usar, a Thermomix Bimby permitir que voc poupe dinheiro, tempo, espao e principalmente, cozinhe uma grande variedade de alimentos cuidando de sua sade e da sua famlia!

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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Porque a Thermomix Bimby um SUCESSO:

Economia: Substitui 24 eletrodomsticos, incluindo o fogo; Dinheiro poupado: Utilizao total dos alimentos No h desperdcio; Saudabilidade: Alm da utilizao de alimentos frescos e saudveis A refeio preparada em baixas temperaturas; Rapidez: A Thermomix Bimby prepara os alimentos sozinha e de forma rpida.

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Motor Tipo: Relutncia (No h necessidade de manuteno); Potncia nominal: 500 Watts Velocidade: Varivel: 40 10.000 rotaes/minuto Proteo eletrnica contra sobrecargas

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.

Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Sistema de Aquecimento Tipo: Integrado com o copo da Thermomix Bimby; Potncia nominal: 1.000 Watts Proteo eletrnica contra super aquecimento

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.

Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Unidade Central Material hipoalergnico de alta qualidade apto para contato com alimentos.

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.

Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Copo Lmina com propriedade de equipamentos cirrgicos inoxidvel ; Capacidade mxima de 2 litros; Marcao de escala de 0,5 litros, interna e externa.
Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.

Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Varoma Material hipoalergnico de alta qualidade apto para contato com alimentos;

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.

Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Acessrios Esptula; Borboleta; Cesta.

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.

Conhea a Thermomix Bimby:

Conexo Eltrica Tenso de 220 Volts, 60Hz; Potncia Mxima: 1.500 Watts; Cabo de fora: 1 metro Garantia 2 anos Uso Domstico; 6 meses Uso Industrial.

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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Programa de Relacionamento:
Ps-venda ilimitado Clube de receitas Assistncia tcnica

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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O que a Thermomix substitui?

Liquidificador Batedeira Ralador Varinha mgica Balana Espremedor de frutas Centrfuga Passe Vite Picador de gelo Pulverizador Moedor Sorveteira Chocolateira Iogurteira Panificadora Amassadeira 123 Turbo Panela vapor Triturador Timer Multiprocessador Panela eltrica Cockteleira Fogo

Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

Changed This Changed text This This with Changed only text text the with appears only only DEMO the with appears appears DEMO in the VERSION the DEMO in demo VERSION in the the demo VERSION of version. demo CAD-KAS of version. version. CAD-KAS This of PDF-Editor CAD-KAS text This This can PDF-Editor text text be can PDF-Editor ( can removed be be ( removed removed with ( the with with full the the version. full full version. version.


Distribuidor exclusivo Thermomix no Brasil

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