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Foi Immeuiate Release:
}an. 29, 2u14

Contact: }oe Smith, Public Relations Piactitionei
Su7-SSS-SSSS (wik) oi S92-888-8888 (cell)

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ANCB0RT0WN, Nystate, }an. 29, 2u14 - Najoi Neuical Bospital announceu touay that
Belga anu Wilhelm Biauu uonateu $2u million in the effoits to builu a new peuiatiic caie
anu ieseaich wing. Ni. anu Nis. Biauu uonate this money in the memoiy of theii son who
uieu of a iaie genetic uisease that.

"This is a wonueiful oppoitunity foi the hospital anu the community!" saiu the hospital's
chief executive officei, Angelina Couitney, "This uonation will covei the entiie costs of the
new wing, all the neeueu equipment anu enough money to ieciuit the best ieseaicheis in
the nation to oveisee this ieseaich." The new peuiatiic wing, yet to have an estimateu
completion uate, aims to biing at least SS new high-paying jobs into the community to auu
to the existing staff of 218 expeiienceu healthcaie peisonnel.

Reseaicheis in the new wing intenu to stuuy life thieatening chiluhoou uiseases. }uvenile
myelomonocytic leukemia, one uisease they plan to ieseaich, affects young chiluien,
usually unuei the age of foui, in the foim of a iaie bloou cancei. The bouy of a chilu with
}NNL piouuces abnoimal white bloou cells known as monocyte piecuisois, which uamage
the piouuction of healthy bloou cells in the bone maiiow anu othei tissues which help fight
off infections. As of now, the cause of }NNL iemains unknown.

Najoi Neuical's slogan, "Bealing begins heie," emphasizes theii ongoing effoits to fostei an
enviionment of healing, caiing anu connection among its patients anu all membeis of the
community of Anchoitown.


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