Implementation Plan - Health

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LEARNING AREA DESCRIPTION In Health& students will learn about their own well-bein & and that of others and societ$& in health-related conte%ts!

EMPHASIS FOR MATAMATA PRIMARY Health pro rammes will incorporate meanin ful e%periences and tools that re*uire students to ma#e a e appropriate decisions in the #e$ learnin areas of food and nutrition& bod$ care and ph$sical safet$& and their mental health! Processes that students will be involved in include, assessin & adaptin & and appl$in decision ma#in and ris# ta#in & to a wide variet$ of environmental factors and situations!

KEY INDICATORS OF EFFECTIVE PRACTICE Teachers will develop and implement units based on needs of the children and dependin on composition of the class! "tudents will be tau ht #e$ vocabular$ to articulate their thin#in in health related conte%ts! Teachers encoura e co-operative sharin and problem solvin ! Learnin intentions are displa$ed as a uide and students are encoura ed to interpret these in their own wa$& havin more input into their learnin to develop 'ne%t steps(! )eportin to students and the parent communit$ on achievement throu h a variet$ of channels& includin formal meetin s and learnin conferences! Teachers will communicate with the Intermediate school to ensure students are e*uipped with appropriate #nowled e and s#ills! +uestionin will provo#e hi her order thin#in ! "tudents will be provided with opportunities in a real conte%t to appl$ their #nowled e and s#ills!


PROGRAMME IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES Teachers assess and prioritise the needs of their class at the be innin of the school $ear!

One term a $ear is dedicated to an identified Health focus!

Teachers plan and implement other micro units where and as needed!

Identified #e$ areas of safet$ will be tau ht with support from a encies -O" .-eepin Ourselves "afe/ "afe 0al#in & 1us safet$ - Police Life Education 2 Life Education Trust 1eachwise and 0ater "afet$ 2 "urf Lifesavers 3irewise 2 3ire "ervice "un "afet$ 2 4ancer "ociet$

KEY ELEMENTS FOR ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION 3ormative assessment a ainst learnin intentions underta#en b$ the teacher! "tudent self and peer evaluation will occur within learnin activities! "tudents to be involved in formulatin success criteria and assessment activities! "tudents discuss success criteria throu hout the unit!

RESOURCES 4ommunit$ a encies Manuals for -O" and Life Education 4urriculum in Action Manuals .Health and Ph$sical Education/ Life si5e manne*uins Outdoor Education 4entre .-aimai 1ase 4amp/ New 6ealand 4urriculum Health and PE Level 7-8 T#i - Health


At the end of Year 2
9escribe feelin s and as# *uestions about health& rowth& development& and personal needs

At the end of Year

9escribe their sta es of rowth and their development needs and demonstrate increasin responsibilit$ for self-care!

At the end of Year !

Identif$ factors that affect personal& ph$sical& social& and emotional rowth and develop s#ills to mana e chan es!

Per"onal Health # Per"onal $ro%th and &e'elo(ment

Per"onal Health # Safet) Mana*ement

9escribe and use safe practices in a ran e of conte%ts and identif$ people who can help! Identif$ ris# and use safe practices in a ran e of conte%ts! Identif$ ris#s and their causes and describe safe practices to mana e these!

Per"onal Health # Per"onal Identit)

9escribe themselves in relation to a ran e of conte%ts! Identif$ personal *ualities that contribute to a sense of self-worth! 9escribe how their own feelin s& beliefs& and actions& and those of other people& contribute to their personal sense of self-worth!

Relation"hi(" %ith Other Peo(le # Relation"hi("

E%plore and share ideas about relationships with other people! Identif$ wa$s of maintainin and enhancin relationships between individuals and within roups! Identif$ and compare wa$s of establishin relationships and mana in chan in relationships!

Relation"hi(" %ith Other Peo(le # Identit)+ Sen"iti'it) and Re"(ect

9emonstrate respect throu h sharin and co-operation in roups 9escribe how individuals and roups share characteristics and are also uni*ue! Identif$ wa$s people discriminate and wa$s to act responsibl$ to support themselves and others!

Relation"hi(" %ith Other Peo(le # Inter(er"onal S,ill"

E%press their own ideas& needs& wants& and feelin s clearl$ and listen to those of other people! E%press their ideas& needs& wants& and feelin s appropriatel$ and listen sensitivel$ to other people and affirm them! Identif$ and use local communit$ resources and e%plain how these contribute to a health$ communit$! Identif$ the pressures that can influence interactions with other people and demonstrate basic assertiveness strate ies to mana e these! Participate in communal events and describe how such events enhance the well-bein of the communit$!

Health) Communitie" and En'ironment" # Communit) Re"ource"

Identif$ and discuss obvious ha5ards in the home& school& and local environment and adopt simple safet$ practices! Ta#e individual and collective action to contribute to environments that can be en:o$ed b$ all!

Health) Communitie" and En'ironment" # Ri*ht" and Re"(on"i-ilitie"

4ontribute to and use simple uidelines and practices that promote ph$sicall$ and sociall$ health$ classrooms& schools& and local environments! E%plore how people(s attitudes& values& and actions contribute to health$ ph$sical and social environments! )esearch and describe current health and safet$ uidelines and practices in their school and ta#e action to enhance their effectiveness!

Health) Communitie" and En'ironment" # Peo(le and the En'ironment

Ta#e individual and collective action to contribute to environments that can be en:o$ed b$ all! Plan and implement a pro ramme to enhance an identified social or ph$sical aspect of their classroom or school environment!



Le'el One . Year /02 Theme . Sur'i'or

Le'el T%o . Year 10 3hat4" the Plan Stan5

Le'el Three . Year 20! Are You Read)5

In6uir) 7ocu": Per"onal health and (h)"ical de'elo(ment - "afet$ mana ement 4ommunit$ resources
1eachwise ; "wimsafe "unsafe <ettin Help "afewal#in "top& 9rop& )oll 3ire "afe at Home 1eachwise ; 0ater safet$ "unsafe 1i#ewise )oad safet$ 1oat safet$ Earth*ua#e 9isaster 1eachwise ; 0ater safet$ "unsafe "earch and )escue 4ivil 9efence Alert Emer enc$ "urvival 1ush "urvival 4$cle safet$

Theme . Code-rea,er

Lin,in* To*ether

In6uir) 7ocu": Relation"hi(" %ith other (eo(le 2 )elationships Interpersonal s#ills

Pla$ round <ames Ma#in 3riends <ivin 4ompliments 1each <ames 9esi nin Our Own <ames Helpin Others Leisure Time 3airpla$

)elationships in "port )esolvin 9isputes Peer Mediation =oinin 4lubs

Theme # Trea"ure See,er

$o for $old
"ocietal attitudes and

In6uir) 7ocu": Per"onal health and (h)"ical de'elo(ment - )e ular ph$sical activit$ values

Ma:or "ports Events - Ol$mpics Treasure our bodies Health in Our Hands Air To Live

"ports Events 2 )u b$ 0orld 4up Treasure our bodies Health in Our Hands Heart 4entral

"ports Events 2 3I3A 0orld 4up Treasure our bodies Health in Our Hands 1rain$ 1unch

Theme # E8(lorer

Team E8treme

In6uir) 7ocu": Mo'ement conce(t" and motor ",ill" - Movement s#ills Positive attitudes
Ha5ards 1each <ames Ma ic "chool 1us =ourne$ On our Pla$ round Ha5ards Trip to the -aimai

Ha5ards E%plorin our Environment 3irst Aid

Theme # In'entor

7a"ter+ 7urther+ Lon*er+ Stron*er

Movement s#ills
"ports Event 2 Mardi 4up "ports Mad La#e -arapiro )owin <$m;3itness 4entre 4lothin Technolo $ The "portin Ed e

In6uir) 7ocu": Mo'ement conce(t" and motor ",ill" - "cience and technolo $
"ports - 4ommonwealth <ames "ports Mad Our Pla$ round "ports 9a$ The 1each The "wimmin Pools Adventure Pla$ round "ports Events 2Tour de 3rance "ports Mad 4$clin Aerobics )unners Trainin pro ramme

Theme # Care*i'er

Hel(in* Hand"

In6uir) 7ocu": Health) communitie" and en'ironment" - )i hts& responsibilities& and laws People and environment

4harities that support health$ communities >olunteers Our Medical 4entre -eep N6 1eautiful Meals and "nac#s

4harities that support health$ communities >olunteers Our Medical 4entre;9ental 0ater the Essence of Life "uperheroes

4harities that support health$ communities >olunteers Our Medical 4entre 4harit$ Event 3ood Advertisin

Theme # Ne% 9ealander

:ein* the :e"t 3e Can :e

In6uir) 7ocu": Per"onal health and (h)"ical de'elo(ment 2 <rowth and development& Identit$& sensitivit$& respect

Personal 1est

Personal 1est


Personal 1est 0hat ma#es me ?ni*ue@ Peer Pressure

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