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Rio de Janeiro, March 10, 2014.

Consumption grows 2.9% and EBITDA totals R$1,697 million in 2014

Energy losses fall by 3.2 p.p. to 42.2%
Total energy consumption came to 6,531 GWh in 4Q13, 1.8% up on 4Q12, driven by increased consumption in the residential and commercial segments, which moved up by 3.3% and 2.2% respectively. In the year as a whole, total consumption increased by 2.9%; Consolidated net revenue, excluding revenue from construction, totaled R$1,701.0 million in 4Q13, 7.2% down on 4Q12, affected by the reduction in net revenue from distribution. The commercialization segment did best, with year-on-year net revenue growth of 46.4%. In 2013, also excluding construction revenue, net revenue totaled R$6,602.0, up 1.4% achieved in 2012. Consolidated EBITDA1 amounted to R$1,696.8 million in 2013, 17.9% higher than in 2012, and R$341.7 million in the fourth quarter, 28.0% down on 4Q12, reflecting the 71.4% reduction in other operating revenue from distribution, due to the booking of revenue arising from a change in accounting estimates in 4Q12. When adjusted for the CVA, EBITDA came to R$429.5 million in 4Q13, 29.9% down on 4Q12. Net income totaled R$129.0 million in the fourth quarter, 19.4% less than in 4Q12, due to the booking of revenue arising from a change in accounting estimates in 4Q12. In year net profit surpassed in 38.5% the value achieved in Operational Highlights (GWh) 4Q13 4Q12 Var. % 2013 2012 Var. % 2012, reaching R$587.3 million. Non-technical energy losses in the last 12 Billed Energy - Captive Market 5,182 5,114 1.3% 20,391 20,054 1.7% months, as a percentage of billed energy in Consumption in the concession area 6,531 6,415 1.8% 25,717 24,997 2.9% Transported Energy - TUSD 1,348 1,301 3.6% 5,326 4,943 7.7% the low-voltage market (ANEEL criterion), Sold Energy - Generation 1,239 1,269 -2.4% 4,882 5,373 -9.1% 1,022 413 147.5% 4,197 1,717 144.5% recorded a substantial improvement this Commercializated Energy (Esco) 4Q13 4Q12 Var. % 2013 2012 Var. % year, falling by 3.2 p.p. to 42.2% in Financial Highlights (R$ MN) Net Revenue** 1,701 1,834 -7.2% 6,602 6,513 1.4% December 2013. EBITDA 342 474 -28.0% 1,697 1,439 17.9% Collections stood at 99.3% of billed EBITDA Margin** 20.1% 25.9% -22.3% 25.7% 22.1% 3,6 p.p. 129 160 -19.4% 587 424 38.5% consumption in 4Q13, in line with the level Net Income 4,025 4,273 -5.8% 4,025 4,273 -5.8% Net Debt recorded in the same quarter in 2012. Capex 214 269 -20.4% 845 797 6.1% Provisions for Past Due Accounts (PCLD) * Own Load + network use represented 1.9% of gross billed energy ** Does not consider construction revenue from distribution, totaling R$43.8 million, considerably lower than the 4Q12 figure. The Company closed 4Q13 with net debt of R$4,024.9 million, 3.1% down on September 2013. The net debt/EBITDA ratio stood at 2.84x. On March 10, 2014, the Board of Directors approved a proposal to distribute dividends of R$364,838,033.34, or R$1.789 per share, based on net income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. Adding previous payouts during the year, the payout was equivalent to 84.6% of adjusted annual net income, with a 11.3% dividend yield. The proposal will be submitted for approval by the ASM to be convened.
BM&FBOVESPA: LIGT3 OTC: LGSXY Total shares: 203,934,060 shares Free Float: 76,264,255 shares (37.57%) Market Cap (03/07/14): R$3,236 million Conference Call: Date: 03/12/2013 Time: 4:00 p.m. (Brazil) // 3:00 p.m. (US ET) Phone numbers: +55 (11) 2188 0155 // +1 (646) 843 6054 Webcast: IR Contacts: Phone: +55 (21) 2211-2828/2560 Fax: +55 (21) 2211-2787 Email: Website:

Grid Load*

9,507 9,625

-1.2% 34,587 36,409 -5.0%

EBITDA is calculated in accordance with CVM Instruction 527/2012 and represents net income +income and social contribution tax + net financial expenses + depreciation and amortization.

Presentation of 4Q12 and 2012 Results

The Companys 4Q12 and 2012 results were reclassified due to a change in accounting practices in regard to consolidating the results of Lights jointly-owned subsidiaries, in accordance with IFRS 11 (CPC 19 R2). The reclassification affected the income statement accounts, but had no impact on net income, since the results of these jointly-owned subsidiaries began to be booked under equity income. The following companies are no longer consolidated: Renova Energia, Guanhes Energia, EBL, Lightger, Axxiom, Amaznia Energia and E-Power. For further information, see Exhibit V. The income statement of these jointly-owned subsidiaries, proportional to Lights interest in each, is included as Exhibit VI to this release. This information should be regarded as complementary, exclusively for comparative purposes, since it is not in accordance with Brazilian accounting practices. In addition, as of the fourth quarter, Management decided to present PIS and COFINS tax credits on purchased energy as a reduction factor for purchased energy costs instead of presenting them as a reduction in PIS and COFINS on revenue. The purpose of this reclassification was to align the presentation criterion with the best practices of companies in the same sector.

Table of Contents
1. The Company............................................................................................................................. 4 2. Operating Performance............................................................................................................. 5 2.1 Distribution .......................................................................................................................... 5 Energy Balance ................................................................................................................... 7 Energy Losses ..................................................................................................................... 8 Communities .................................................................................................................... 11 Collection ......................................................................................................................... 11 Operating Quality ............................................................................................................ 12 2.2 Generation ......................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 Commercialization and Services ........................................................................................ 13 3. Financial Performance............................................................................................................. 13 3.1 Net Revenue ...................................................................................................................... 14 Consolidated .................................................................................................................... 14 Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 14 Generation ....................................................................................................................... 15 Commercialization and Services ..................................................................................... 16 3.2 Costs and Expenses............................................................................................................ 16 Consolidated .................................................................................................................... 16 Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 17 Generation ....................................................................................................................... 19 Commercialization and Services ..................................................................................... 20 3.3 EBITDA ............................................................................................................................... 21 Consolidated .................................................................................................................... 21 Distribution ...................................................................................................................... 23 Generation ....................................................................................................................... 23 Commercialization and Services ..................................................................................... 23 3.4 Consolidated Financial Result ............................................................................................ 21 3.5 Debt ................................................................................................................................... 25 3.6 Net Income ........................................................................................................................ 27 3.7 Investments ....................................................................................................................... 28 Generation Capacity Expansion Project .......................................................................... 29 4. Cash Flow ................................................................................................................................ 30 5. Corporate Governance ............................................................................................................ 33 6. Capital Markets ....................................................................................................................... 34 7. Recent Events .......................................................................................................................... 36 8. Disclosure Program ................................................................................................................. 39

1. The Company
Light S.A. is a holding company that controls subsidiaries and affiliated companies in three main business segments: energy distribution, generation and commercialization/energy services. In order to increase the transparency of its results and provide investors with a better basis for evaluation, Light also presents its results by business segment. The Companys corporate structure in December 2013 is shown below:

OPERATING INDICATORS N of Consumers (thousand) N of Employees Average provision tariff - R$/MWh Average provision tariff - R$/MWh (w/out taxes) Average energy purchase cost - R$/MWh Installed generation capacity (MW)* Assured energy (MW)* Pumping and internal losses (MW) Available energy (Average MW) Net Generation (GWh) Load Factor
Does not include purchase on spot. * Includes proportionate share of associates

4Q13 4,118 4,293 416 287 133 941 685 87 598 1,226 61.8%

4Q12 4,030 4,223 464 324 134 942 687 87 600 1,157 63.4%

Var. % 2.2% 1.7% -10.5% -11.3% -1.1% 6.0% - 1,6 p.p.

2. Operating Performance
2.1 Distribution

Total energy consumption in Light SESAs concession area (captive clients + transport of free clients) came to 6,531 GWh in 4Q13, 1.8% up on 4Q12, chiefly due to the increases of 3.3% and 2.2% in residential and commercial consumption, respectively. Residential consumption totaled 2,099 GWh in the quarter, accounting for 32.1% of the total market, 3.3% up on 4Q12, despite the 1.5C year-on-year decline in the average temperature. Commercial clients consumed 2,031 GWh in 4Q13, equivalent to 31.1% of the total market. The 2.2% increase over 4Q12 was due to the reclassification of condominiums from the residential to the commercial segment. Industrial consumption amounted to 1,440 GWh, representing 22.0% of the total market, a slight 0.4% down on the same period the year before. In view of ANEELs ratification of the market during the tariff revision process, consumption by the free client CSN, which totaled 435 GWh in 4Q13, 3.5% down on the 451 GWh recorded in 4Q12, will be included as of this quarter. The other consumption segments, which accounted for 14.7% of the total market, posted an upturn of 1.2% over 4Q12, with the rural and public utility categories, which represented 0.3% and 5.2% of the total market, respectively recording increases of 29.9% and 3.6%. The government category, which represented 6.2% of the total market, recorded a reduction of 2.2%.

Total energy consumption in Light SESAs concession area (captive clients + transport of free clients ) amounted to 25,717 GWh in 2013, 2.9% up on 2012. All categories contributed to this result, especially the commercial segment, which accounted for 30.9% of the total market and recorded annual growth of 4.5%. Residential consumption totaled 8,312 GWh, accounting for 32.3% of the total market and 2.0% more than in 2012, negatively impacted by the reclassification of condominiums from the residential to the commercial segment, as well as by the termination of contracts with clients with long-term default. Excluding these effects, residential consumption increased by 4.7%. In 2013 as a whole, average monthly consumption climbed by 2.2% to 185.2 kWh/month. Commercial clients consumed 7,939 GWh, 4.5% up on 2012, fueled by the reclassification of condominiums from the residential to the commercial segment. Excluding this effect, commercial consumption fell by 2.2%. In 2013, industrial consumption amounted to 5,668 GWh, 2.4% more than in 2012, led by higher consumption from the steel/metallurgy and rubber/plastic industries, which jointly accounted for 61.3% of total industrial consumption. In the others category, which accounted for 14.8% of the total market, consumption increased by 2.3%. All segments recorded an upturn, with the rural, government and public utility categories reporting respective increases of 8.2%, 0.9% and 3.1% over 2012.

Energy Balance
DISTRIBUTION ENERGETIC BALANCE - GWh Position: January - December 2013
PROINFA 523.2 CCEAR Light Energia 48.2 ITAIPU (CCEE) 5,310.5 AUCTIONS (CCEE) 7,646.6 NORTE FLU (CCEE) 6,351.0 OTHERS(*) (CCEE) 970.0 SHARES 7,401.7 ANGRA I & II 892.1 Billed Energy 20,391.0

Residential 8,311.6 Industrial 1,395.4 Commercial 7,086.2 Losses + Non Billed Energy 8,262.1 Others 3,597.8

Own load Light


Required E. (CCEE)

Basic netw. Losses Adjustment

405.0 85.2

(*) Others = Purchase in Spot - Sale in Spot. Note: 1) At Light S.A., there is intercompany power purchase/sale elimination 2) Power purchase data as of 01/08/2014 (subject to change)

Energy Balance (GWh) = Grid Load - Energy transported to utilities - Energy transported to free customers = Own Load - Captive market consumption
Low Voltage Market Medium Voltage Market

4Q13 9,507 673 1,340 7,495 5,182

3,446 1,737

4Q12 Var. % 2013

2012 Var. %

9,625 -1.2% 34,587 36,409 -5.0% 582 15.6% 1,935 2,637 -26.6% 1,306 2.6% 3,999 5,018 -20.3% 7,737 -3.1% 28,653 28,755 -0.4% 5,114 1.3% 20,391 20,054 1.7%
3,351 1,763 2.8% 10,133 13,207 -23.3% 6,847 49.8% -1.5% 10,258

= Losses + Non Billed Energy

2,312 2,623 -11.9% 8,262 8,701 -5.0%

Energy Losses
In 2013, Light made significant progress in reducing energy losses. Non-technical energy losses totaled 5,738 GWh in 2013, accounting for 42.2% of billed energy in the low-voltage market (ANEEL criterion), 3.2 p.p. less than in 2012. Light SESAs total energy losses amounted to 8,352 GWh, or 22.8% of the grid load, in the 12 months ended December 2013, 0.8 p.p. down on December 2012.

In order to improve the reduction in non-technical energy losses, Light has been continuously investing in initiatives that include conventional fraud inspection procedures, the upgrading of network and measurement systems, and the Zero Loss Area program (APZ). The main highlights were as follows: Consumer unit inspections: This initiative is directed at low-voltage residential clients, who are selected by an intelligence system. In 2013, the Company conducted 57,000 regularization procedures, 7.0% up on the 53,266 recorded in 2012, resulting in the incorporation of 245.6 GWh, versus 157.9 GWh in the previous year. Additionally, recovered energy climbed by 23.1% from 125.2 GWh, in 2012, to 154.1 GWh. The assertiveness ratio increased by 3 p.p., demonstrating the improved efficiency of the potential fraudulent client selection process. Indirect low-voltage inspections: The inspection of major clients through indirect low-voltage measurement systems accounts for an important share of Lights energy incorporation and recovery. In 4Q13, the Company conducted 861 such regularizations, versus 1,193 in the same period in 2012. Despite this reduction, however, there was a gain in efficiency,

measured by energy incorporation and recovery, which increased from 13.6 GWh to 23.8 GWh and from 3.9 GWh to 5.4 GWh, respectively. Installation of remote electronic metering devices: SMC (centralized metering system) devices are installed in areas with high loss rates, with or without the support of Pacifying Police Units (UPPs). The UPPs give Light more room for maneuver in regard to combating default or energy theft. The Company installed 12,169 such devices in UPP-protected areas in 4Q13, resulting in the incorporation of 17.3 GWh. In areas outside the sphere of the UPPs, Light installed 11,324 devices, with the incorporation of 30.0 GWh. As a result, the Company closed 2013 with 432,000 installed electronic meters, 26.7% more than in 2012. Zero Loss Areas (APZ): In August 2012, the Company created the APZ Project, based on a combination of electronic metering and a shielded network, supported by dedicated teams of technicians and customer relations personnel with clearly defined targets, whose compensation is tied to improving loss and default indicators in their respective areas. A typical APZ has around 17,000 clients. The project, known commercially as Light Legal, which receives support from SEBRAE in regard to the training of partnering micro-entrepreneurs, closed December 2013 with 26 operational APZs and 416,000 clients in the Baixada Fluminense region, and the citys west and north sides. Since the beginning of the project, the APZs in place have already resulted in an average 20.3 p.p. reduction in non-technical energy losses on low-voltage billings and an average revenue increase of 7.5 p.p.. The table below shows the results per installed APZ through December 2013 in the 17 areas where the results have been determined:

Neighborhood Curicica Realengo Cosmos Sepetiba Caxias 1 e 2 Belford Roxo 1 e 2 Vigrio Geral Caxias 3 Nova Iguau 1 Nova Iguau 2 Nilpolis Nilpolis Convencional Ricardo de Albuquerque Mesquita Cabritos/Tabajaras/Chapu Mangueira/Babilnia Coelho da Rocha Batan Total

Client Numbers 12,967 10,180 38,132 20,650 14,186 21,559 17,616 17,897 33,485 21,757 10,396 11,158 25,703 9,038 6,025 18,407 8,787 297,943

Non-Technical Losses / Low Voltage Market * 10.8% 14.2% 17.5% 30.5% 29.0% 24.6% 14.3% 19.2% 28.6% 22.5% 28.5% 13.0% 15.0% 27.0% 12.1% 12.4% 11.1% 20.3%

Collection Rate 99.2% 99.9% 105.9% 97.8% 93.7% 96.1% 102.3% 96.6% 99.7% 98.3% 96.6% 98.1% 98.1% 97.6% 98.2% 98.7% 101.3% 99.5%

* Reflects the results accumulated until dec/13 since the begining of the implementation of each APZ.

Since the beginning of the pacification process in low-income communities in the state of Rio de Janeiro in 2009, Light has increased its presence in these areas in order to improving the quality of supply and avoid energy theft. Up to December 2013, the Company had installed 101,000 electronic meters in the communities. Of the 34 communities with Pacifying Police Units (UPP), Light is present in 17 and has already concluded the remodeling of the network in nine, recording an average 53.0 p.p. loss reduction (from 64.1% to 11.1%) and an average 88.9 p.p. increase in timely payments (from 9.6% to 98.5%), as can be seen in the adjacent table.
Conclusion Year 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2013 Losses Before Current 95.00% 52.10% 62.70% 62.30% 73.30% 61.80% 60.50% 64.10% 8.21% 16.99% 13.80% 11.80% 10.14% 11.10% 9.84% 11.10% Collection Before Current 0.20% 23.10% 16.20% 5.40% 1.40% 9.50% 31.40% 1.20% 9.40% 9.60% 98.65% 98.44% 102.63% 97.81% 98.78% 96.66% 94.70% 101.33% 87.50% 98.50%

Areas Santa Marta Cidade de Deus 1 Chapu Mangueira Babilnia Cabritos Tabajaras Formiga Batan Borel Mdia


The fourth-quarter collection rate stood at 99.3% of billed consumption, 3.8 p.p. up on 4Q12, led by the 19.0 p.p. increase in government segment collection, mainly

reflecting the settlement of debt from a major client in December. All segments recorded a year-on-year upturn. The annual collection rate came to 100.6%, 2.6 p.p. more than in 2012, showing consistent growth through the past few years as a result of efforts implemented by Light. The ongoing program to combat default with the progressive installation of electronic meters, more efficient collection procedures, the implementation of the APZs, the increasing number of

disconnections, and the change in the criterion for treating clients with long-term default resulted in the excellent collection rate performance throughout 2013. In 2013, provisions for past due accounts (PCLD) accounted for 1.9% of gross billed energy and totaled R$158.3 million, less than in 2012, when there was a extraordinary impact from the adjustment of the estimate for the reception of past debt due from major clients, including the government segment, in the amount of R$111.7 million.
4Q13 PCLD 4Q12 Var. (R$) 2013 2012 Var. (R$) (124.3)

43.8 109.4

(65.7) 158.3 282.6


Operating Quality

In 4Q13, in the overhead distribution network, 165 medium-voltage distribution circuits were inspected/maintained, 439 transformers were replaced and 31,964 trees were pruned. In the underground distribution network, 6,042 transformer vaults and 14,470 manholes were inspected. In addition, 52 transformers, 78 switches and 195 protectors were maintained. In 2013, the moving average of the equivalent length of interruption indicator (DEC), expressed in time, registered 18.40 hours, while that of the equivalent frequency of interruption indicator (FEC), expressed in occurrences, stood at 8.31 times. The 4Q13 DEC and FEC indicators recorded an improvement over the same period in 2012, thanks to the positive effects of the emergency action plan started in June 2013, characterized by more intensive tree pruning and energy network maintenance measures.

2.2 Generation
LIGHT ENERGIA (GWh) Regulated Contracting Environment Sales Free Contracting Environment Sales Spot Sales (CCEE) Total 4Q13 268.1 863.2 107.2 1,238.5 4Q12 1,069.4 204.7 (4.9) 1,269.2 % -74.9% 321.7% -2.4% 2013 1,044.3 3,627.5 210.0 4,881.8 2012 4,103.0 746.6 523.8 5,373.4 % -74.5% 385.9% -59.9% -9.1%

Light Energia sold 1,238.5 GWh in 4Q13, 2.4% down year-on-year, primarily due to the seasonality of contracts in 2013, when the Generation Scaling Factors (GSF) observed in October, November and December were 103.31%, 103.36% and 107.97%, respectively, versus 96.37%, 90.66% and 96.87%, in the same months in 2012. In 4Q13, energy sold on the captive market (ACR) amounted to 268.1 GWh, 74.9% down on 4Q12, chiefly due to the maturity of the energy sale contracts acquired at the mega-auction in 2004, equivalent to 345 average MW. These


contracts were renegotiated on the free market (ACL), whose energy sales moved up by 321.7% as a result, reaching 863.2 GWh, with better prices. Annual energy sales totaled 4,881.8 GWh, 9.1% down on 2012, mainly due to poor hydrological conditions, impacted by the delayed start of the rainy season and the consequent low level of hydro plant reservoirs.

2.3 Commercialization and Services

In the fourth quarter of 2013, direct energy sales by Light Esco and LightCom from conventional and subsidized sources totaled 1,022.0 GWh, versus 413.0 GWh in the same period in 2012, representing an increase of 147.5%. In 2013, energy sales totaled 4,197.0 GWh, 144.5% more than the 1,716.8 GWh recorded in 2012, primarily due to the sale of energy from Light Energia, which became available after the maturity of the contracts acquired at the auction in 2004. In the services segment, the Company entered into four contracts in 4Q13: two chilled water plant projects for a large chain of malls in So Paulo and the south of Brazil, one integrated service projectgeneration of energy plus the operation of a chilled water plantfor a mall in So Paulo, and an increase in the business volume of co-generation project with a major beverage company. In 2013, 13 service provision projects were in progress, nine of which are still ongoing, including a co-generation project for a large beverage company, five projects in major shopping malls, and one project related to the construction of a transmission line of 138 kV for a large Brazilian mining company.


3. Financial Performance
3.1 Net Revenue Consolidated
Net Revenue (R$ MN) Distribution Billed consumption Non billed energy Network use (TUSD) Short-Term (Spot) Others Subtotal (a) Construction Revenue Subtotal (a') Generation Generation Sale (ACR+ACL) Short-Term Others Subtotal (b) Commercialization and Services Energy Sales Services Subtotal (c) Others and Eliminations (d) Total w/out construction revenue (a+b+c+d) Total (a'+b+c+d) 4Q13 1,340.5 39.1 109.3 32.9 1,521.8 365.0 1,886.8 119.7 24.2 4.5 148.5 121.4 14.5 135.9 (105.2) 1,701.0 2,066.0 4Q12 1,403.4 88.1 135.0 37.8 19.3 1,683.7 199.3 1,883.1 102.2 (0.2) 2.5 104.5 74.5 18.4 92.9 (47.4) 1,833.8 2,033.1 Var.% -4.5% -55.6% -19.1% 70.2% -9.6% 83.1% 0.2% 17.1% 85.3% 42.1% 63.1% -21.3% 46.4% 122.3% -7.2% 1.6% 2013 5,354.1 (75.1) 491.7 37.8 88.1 5,896.5 820.3 6,716.8 505.1 43.6 10.0 558.7 566.2 35.5 601.7 (454.8) 6,602.0 7,422.3 2012 5,183.9 94.7 528.0 64.8 73.7 5,945.1 669.3 6,614.4 363.5 38.4 8.2 410.1 243.9 49.0 292.8 (134.9) 6,513.0 7,182.4 Var.% 3.3% -6.9% -41.7% 19.4% -0.8% 22.6% 1.5% 39.0% 13.5% 21.6% 36.2% 132.1% -27.5% 105.5% 237.1% 1.4% 3.3%

Balance of the settlement on the CCEE The subsidiary Light SESA counts revenues and costs, with zero margin, related to services of construction or improvement in infrastructure used in services of electricity distribution.

Consolidated net operating revenue totaled R$2,066.0 million in 4Q13, 1.6% up on 4Q12. Excluding revenue from construction, which has a neutral effect on net income, consolidated net revenue declined by 7.2% to R$1,701.0. In 2013, consolidated net operating revenue came to R$7,422.3 million, 3.3% up on 2012, or R$6,602.0 million excluding construction revenue, up by 1.4%.

Net revenue from distribution totaled R$1,886.8 million in 4Q13, 0.2% more than in 4Q12. Excluding revenue from construction, net revenue from distribution amounted to R$1,521.8 million, down by 9.6%.


The reduction was primarily due to the Extraordinary Tariff Adjustment of January 24, 2013, which reduced tariffs by 19.63%, partially offset by the 1.8% upturn in total market consumption and the 1.3% (excluding the effect of the
special obligations) increase in the average energy tariff as of November 7, 2013, ratified by the Tariff Revision

process. The distribution market consists mostly of the residential and commercial segments, which together accounted for 60% of energy sales revenue, while free market sales accounted for 21%.

In 2013, net revenue from distribution, excluding revenue from construction, amounted to R$5,896.5 million, 0.8% lower than in 2012, chiefly due to: (i) the Extraordinary Tariff Adjustment of January 24, 2013, which reduced tariffs by 19.63%, (ii) the 2.9% upturn in total market consumption, and (iii) the 1.3% (excluding the effect of the special obligations) increase in the average energy tariff as of November 7, 2013, ratified by the Tariff Review process.

Net revenue from generation totaled R$148.5 million in 4Q13, 42.1% more than in 4Q12, chiefly due to the 321.7% surge in the volume of energy sold on the free market (ACL), whose contract prices are higher than on the captive market, where this energy was previously sold. The average sale price, net of taxes, weighted by both markets, stood at R$106.1/MWh in 4Q13, 32.3% higher than the R$80.2/MWh recorded in the same period in 2012. Annual net revenue totaled R$558.7 million, 36.2% up on 2012, primarily due to the higher price and volume of energy contracts traded on the free market (ACL), as well as the increase in the average spot market price.


Commercialization and Services

Net revenue from commercialization and services stood at R$135.9 million in 4Q13, 46.4% up on 4Q12, reflecting the substantial period increase in energy prices and sales volume, primarily as a result of the reallocation of Light Energias captive market contracts terminated at the close of the previous year to the free market. The average sales price, net of taxes, totaled R$118.8/MWh in 4Q13, 34.1% less than the R$180.3/MWh recorded in the same period in 2012. Annual net revenue totaled R$601.7 million, 105.5% up on 2012.

3.2 Costs and Expenses Consolidated

Costs and Expenses (R$ MN) Distribution Distribution w/out Construction Revenue Generation Commercialization Others and Eliminations Consolidated w/out Construction Revenue Consolidated 4Q13 (1,745.4) (1,380.4) (41.3) (133.1) 100.1 (1,454.7) (1,819.7) 4Q12 (1,565.9) (1,366.6) (49.7) (85.4) 44.9 (1,456.7) (1,656.1) Var.% 11.5% 1.0% -16.9% 56.0% 123.0% -0.1% 9.9% 2013 (5,814.3) (4,994.1) (164.4) (575.4) 443.2 (5,290.6) (6,110.9) 2012 (5,806.3) (5,137.0) (164.6) (267.7) 124.1 (5,445.1) (6,114.4) Var.% 0.1% -2.8% -0.1% 115.0% 257.2% -2.8% -0.1%

In the fourth quarter of 2013, operating costs and expenses totaled R$1,819.7 million, 9.9% up year-on-year. Excluding construction costs, consolidated costs and expenses declined by 0.1% in relation to 4Q12. In 2013, consolidated costs and expenses, excluding construction costs, totaled R$5,290.6 million, 2.8% less than in 2012.


Costs and Expenses (R$ MN) Non-Manageable Costs and Expenses Energy Purchase costs Costs with Charges and Transmission CDE Fund (in Tariff Review) Others (Mandatory Costs) Credit PIS/COFINS on purchase Manageable Costs and Expenses PMSO Personnel Material Outsourced Services Others Provisions Depreciation and Amortization Other Operacional/Revenues Expenses Total costs w/out Construction Revenue Construction Revenue Total Costs 4Q13 (1,126.5) (1,090.2) (129.2) (3.7) 96.5 (253.8) (214.1) (82.1) (3.9) (114.8) (13.3) (57.2) (84.7) 102.2 (1,380.4) (365.0) (1,745.4) 4Q12 (1,217.5) (1,087.3) (236.8) (4.3) 111.0 (149.1) (176.0) (61.1) (4.0) (93.6) (17.3) (250.2) (80.4) 357.5 (1,366.6) (199.3) (1,565.9) Var.% -7.5% 0.3% -45.5% -14.1% -13.0% 70.3% 21.6% 34.4% -2.2% 22.6% -23.0% -77.1% 5.4% -71.4% 1.0% 83.1% 11.5% 2013 (3,753.3) (3,846.1) (535.8) 303.4 (17.4) 342.6 (1,240.8) (782.9) (286.0) (15.5) (409.2) (72.2) (210.0) (335.2) 87.3 (4,994.1) (820.3) (5,814.3) 2012 (4,033.6) (3,527.8) (866.2) (16.8) 377.2 (1,103.4) (692.0) (256.9) (17.1) (354.2) (63.7) (473.1) (293.3) 355.0 (5,137.0) (669.3) (5,806.3) Var.% -7.0% 9.0% -38.1% 3.2% -9.2% 12.5% 13.1% 11.3% -9.5% 15.5% 13.3% -55.6% 14.3% -75.4% -2.8% 22.6% 0.1%

In 4Q13, distribution costs and expenses climbed by 11.5% over the same period in 2012. Excluding construction costs, total costs and expenses increased by 1.0%. In 2013, distribution costs and expenses, excluding construction costs, totaled R$4,994.1 million, 2.8% lower than in 2012.

Non-Manageable Costs and Expenses In 4Q13, non-manageable costs and expenses came to R$1,126.5 million, 7.5% down on the same period in 2012. This result already includes the effects of Decree 7945/13, with the provision for the monthly transfer of CDE funds totaling R$36.4 million in the quarter. Purchased energy costs edged up by 0.3%, chiefly due to: (i) higher expenses with availability contracts, due to thermal plant dispatch by the National System Operator (ONS), (ii) the contractual adjustment with the Norte Fluminense hydroelectric plant in November 2013, (iii) the depreciation of the Real, which impacted the cost of energy acquired from Itaipu, partially offset by the lower required load volume in the quarter, which reduced spot market purchases.

Costs with charges and transmission fell by 45.5%, mainly due to the reduction in the network usage charge, as a result of the renewal of certain transmission companies contracts.

The following table gives a breakdown of non-manageable costs:

Non-Manageable Costs and Expenses (R$ MN) Energy Purchase costs Itaipu TPP Norte Fluminense Short-Term Energy (Spot)
Hydrological Risk CDE - Hydrological Risk Quotas Exposure CDE - Quotas Exposure Others

4Q13 (1,090.2) (172.5) (279.0) (81.4)

(0.6) 27.3 (108.1)

4Q12 (1,087.3) (147.3) (258.7) (128.9)


Var. % 0.3% 17.1% 7.9% -36.9%


2013 (3,846.1) (654.7) (1,089.0) (123.5)

(102.6) 159.2 (160.4) 160.4 (180.1)

2012 (3,527.8) (566.3) (967.0) (164.9)


Var. % 9.0% 15.6% 12.6% -25.1%


Energy Auctions
Availabilities Contracts Others

(203.0) (354.2)

(145.6) (406.8)

39.4% -12.9%

(870.2) (1,108.7)

(451.5) (1,378.0)

92.7% -19.5%

Costs with Charges and Transmission

System Service Charge (ESS) CDE - ESS Transported Energy Other Charges

(41.6) 9.1 (57.4) (39.3)

(61.5) (128.4) (47.0)

-32.3% -55.3% -16.4%

(320.5) 178.0 (217.7) (175.7)

(128.9) (520.8) (216.6)

148.7% -58.2% -18.9%

CDE Funds (in Tariff Review) Others (Mandatory Costs) Credit PIS / COFINS on purchase Total

(3.7) 96.5 (1,126.5)

(4.3) 111.0 (1,217.5)

-14.1% -13.0% -7.5%

303.4 (17.4) 342.6 (3,753.3)

(16.8) 377.2 (4,033.6)

3.2% -9.2% -7.0%

Non-manageable costs are passed on to consumer tariffs and any increase or reduction in such costs in relation to the regulatory level constitutes a regulatory asset or liability (CVA) balance, to be taken into account in the next tariff readjustment, but which is not recorded in the income statement in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). These regulatory liabilities totaled R$87.8 million in 4Q13, versus regulatory assets of R$138.0 million in 4Q12. The average purchased energy cost, excluding spot market purchases, amounted to R$148.3/MWh in 4Q13, in line with the R$148.67/MWh recorded in 4Q12.

Manageable Costs and Expenses In 4Q13, manageable operating costs and expenses, comprising personnel, material, outsourced services, provisions, depreciation and others, totaled R$253.8 million, 70.3% up on 4Q12. Costs and expenses from personnel, materials, outsourced services and others (PMSO) totaled R$214.1 million in the fourth quarter, 21.6% up on the same period in 2012, chiefly due to the 34.4% and 22.6% increases in personnel and outsourced services, respectively. The upturn in the personnel line was due to the extraordinary impact from the recognition of bonus payments for the achievement of targets totaling R$12.9 million, while the increase in the outsourced services line was primarily due to higher costs in 4Q13 from: (i) the success fee for consulting firms, totaling R$11.2 million, related to process performance improvements; and (ii) the progress of the APZ project, totaling approximately R$6.0 million; Other Operating Revenue/Expenses recorded revenue of R$102.2 million, 71.4% down on the R$357.5 million registered in 4Q12. In 4Q13, the main factor was the recognition of R$124.8 million related to the New Repositioning Value (VNR) following approval of the new Regulatory Asset Base (RAB). In 4Q12, the main effect was the recognition of R$408.2 million in asset remuneration revenue at the end of the concession, calculated by the VNR criterion, defined by the granting power through Executive Decree 579/2012, which was previously recognized at the acquisition cost. In 4Q13, the provisions account recorded R$57.2 million, 77.1% down on 4Q12, due to the constitution of nonrecurring provisions in 4Q12 totaling R$272.8 million, broken down as follows: (i) R$129.6 million for contingencies, mainly related to labor suits and judicial deposits, and (ii) R$111.7 million in provisions for past due accounts (PCLD), related to the non-recurring adjustment of the estimate for the reception of past debt due. In 4Q13, PCLD totaled R$43.8 million, substantially lower than the R$109.4 million reported in 4Q12.

Operating Costs and Expenses (R$ MN) Personnel Material and Outsourced Services Purchased Energy (CUSD) Depreciation Other Operacional/Revenues Expenses Others (includes provisions) Total 4Q13 (6.4) (4.8) (7.4) (13.5) (9.2) (41.3) 4Q12 (6.5) (6.1) (13.2) (13.9) (3.2) (6.7) (49.7) Var.% -2.3% -21.2% -44.2% -2.9% 37.0% -16.9% 2013 (23.7) (18.5) (34.4) (55.4) (0.3) (32.1) (164.4) 2012 (22.9) (18.8) (34.3) (56.0) (1.4) (31.1) (164.6) Var.% 3.4% -1.6% 0.1% -1.0% -81.5% 3.1% -0.1%


In 4Q13, Light Energias costs and expenses amounted to R$41.3 million, 16.9% down on 4Q12. The main reduction was in the CUSD/CUST/Purchased Energy line, as a result of settlement deficit in the short term market energy generated in 4Q12. Fourth-quarter costs and expenses were broken down as follows: personnel (15.5%), materials and outsourced services (11.6%), CUSD/CUST/purchased energy (17.9%), depreciation and others (54.9%). PMSO per MWh generated by Light Energias plants stood at R$17.0/MWh in 4Q13, versus R$16.1/MWh in 4Q12. In 2013, Light Energias costs and expenses came to R$164.4 million, in line with 2012.

Commercialization and Services

Operating Costs and Expenses (R$ MN) Personnel Material and Outsourced Services Purchased Energy Depreciation Other Operacional/Revenues Expenses Others (includes provisions) Total 4Q13 (2.2) (0.8) (123.2) (0.0) (5.7) (1.2) (133.1) 4Q12 (2.0) (9.4) (73.6) (0.0) 0.0 (0.3) (85.4) Var. % 8.3% -91.8% 67.5% 23.1% 310.2% 56.0% 2013 (8.2) (18.0) (540.9) (0.2) (5.7) (2.3) (575.4) 2012 (6.4) (26.9) (232.4) (0.3) 0.0 (1.7) (267.7) Var. % 27.8% -33.0% 132.8% -43.9% 41.1% 115.0%

Costs and expenses totaled R$133.1 million in 4Q13, 56.0% higher than in 4Q12, mainly as a result of purchased energy costs, which grew by 67.5% over 4Q12, due to the higher volume of energy purchased for commercialization. The Other Operating Revenue/Expenses line refers mainly to the provision of R$5.0 million for losses from the investments in Consrcio Maracan Solar, due to lack of sufficient evidence regarding the recoverability of these investments at the end of the year. In 2013, costs and expenses totaled R$575.4 million, 115.0% up on 2013, also explained by higher purchased energy costs.


3.3 EBITDA2 Consolidated

Consolidated EBITDA (R$ MN) Distribution Generation Commercialization Others and eliminations Total EBITDA Margin (%) Regulatory Assets and Liabilities Adjusted EBITDA 4Q13 4Q13 226.1 119.8 2.8 (6.9) 341.7 20.1% 87.8 429.5 4Q12 397.6 71.9 7.6 (2.7) 474.4 25.9% 138.0 612.4 Var.% -43.1% 66.5% -63.7% 160.5% -28.0% -5.8 p.p. -36.4% -29.9% 2013 1,237.7 444.1 26.3 (11.3) 1,696.8 25.7% (21.0) 1,675.8 2012 1,101.4 322.5 25.7 (10.4) 1,439.1 22.1% 330.4 1,769.5 Var.% 12.4% 37.7% 2.4% 7.9% 17.9% 3.6 p.p. -5.3%

Consolidated EBITDA totaled R$341.7 million in 4Q13, 28.0% down on 4Q12, while the EBITDA margin3 narrowed from 25.9% to 20.1% in the same period. The fourth-quarter reduction can be explained by two factors: (i) a 71.4% decline in other operating revenue from distribution, due to the booking of extraordinary revenue in 4Q12, and (ii) a 21.6% increase in the distribution companys PMSO costs and expenses. In 4Q13, generation segment EBITDA grew by 66.5%, while that of the distribution and commercialization segments fell by 43.1% and 63.7%, respectively.

EBITDA is calculated in accordance with CVM Instruction 527/2012 and refers to net income + income and social contribution taxes + net financial expenses + depreciation and amortization. 3 Revenue from construction was not considered in the calculation of the consolidated and distribution EBITDA margins, due to the booking of revenues and costs with a zero margin.


When adjusted for the CVA, i.e. regulatory assets and liabilities that are taken into account in the next cycle of distribution tariff adjustments, reflecting, therefore, potential gross cash generation, adjusted EBITDA came to R$429.5 million, 29.9% down on 4Q12.

Annual EBITDA came to R$1,696.8 million, 17.9% up on 2012, or R$1,675.8 million including the CVA, down by 5.3%.


In 4Q13, the distribution companys EBITDA totaled R$226.1 million, 43.1% down on 4Q12, due to the 71.4% reduction in the Other Operating Revenue line and the 21.6% increase in PMSO costs and expenses. The EBITDA margin4 stood at 14.9%, 8.8 p.p. down on 4Q12. When adjusted for the CVA, distribution EBITDA came to R$313.9 million, 41.4% down year-on-year. In 2013, the distribution company posted EBITDA of R$1,237.7 million, 12.4% up on 2012, mainly due to the increase in net revenue, fueled by market growth, and the reduction in expenses from provisions. Including the CVA, distribution EBITDA came to R$1,216.7 million, 15.0% lower than in the previous year. The annual EBITDA margin came to 21.0%, 2.5 p.p. higher than the 2012 figure.

Light Energia recorded 4Q13 EBITDA of R$119.8 million, 66.5% up on 4Q12, primarily due to the repricing of energy sales contracts and the increased volume of energy sold on the free market (ACL), where contract prices are higher than in the captive market (ACR), together with higher sales volume on the short-term market. The EBITDA margin stood at 80.6% in the quarter, 11.8 p.p. higher than in 4Q12. In 2013, EBITDA from generation amounted to R$444.1 million, 37.7% more than in 2012, accompanied by an EBITDA margin of 79.5%, up by 0.9 p.p.

Commercialization and Services

EBITDA from commercialization and services totaled R$2.8 million in 4Q13, 63.7% lower than in 4Q12, chiefly due to higher operating costs and expenses, influenced by the extraordinary provision of R$5.0 million for losses on investments. The EBITDA margin stood at 2.0% in 4Q13, 6.2 p.p. above the 4Q12 figure. Annual EBITDA totaled R$26.3 million, 2.4% up on 2012, accompanied by a margin of 4.4%, down by 4.4 p.p.

Revenue from construction was not considered in the calculation of the consolidated and distribution EBITDA margins, due to the booking of revenues and costs with a zero margin.


3.4 Consolidated Financial Result

Financial Result (R$ MN) Financial Revenues Income from financial investments Net Swap Operations Moratory Increase / Debts Penalty Others Financial Revenues Financial Expenses Debt Expenses Monetary and Exchange variation Restatement of provision for contingencies Restatement of R&D/PEE/FNDCT Interest and fines on taxes Installment payment - fines and interest rates Law 11.941/09 (REFIS) Present value adjustment DIC/FIC Compensation Other Financial Expenses (Includes IOF) Braslight (private pension fund) Charges Monetary and Exchange Variation Total 4Q13 121.4 40.5 35.2 17.7 28.0 (219.4) (112.9) (59.1) 27.8 (1.9) (2.0) 1.5 (4.2) (3.6) (34.1) (31.0) (15.5) (15.4) (98.0) 4Q12 69.4 8.3 2.8 18.1 40.2 (197.2) (57.6) (6.9) (39.6) (0.9) (2.8) (38.8) (7.6) (8.5) (34.4) (15.7) (18.8) (127.8) Var. % 74.8% 388.7% 1159.9% -2.2% -30.4% 11.3% 96.0% 754.4% 105.7% -89.2% -52.6% 303.1% -10.1% -0.9% -17.7% -23.3% 2013 338.2 95.1 81.0 78.3 83.8 (791.9) (393.0) (138.6) 0.5 (11.2) (9.1) (7.2) (9.9) (48.6) (52.8) (122.0) (62.3) (59.7) (453.8) 2012 188.0 41.0 14.4 77.0 55.6 (679.1) (327.0) (20.3) (60.6) (6.4) (1.8) (14.8) (71.2) (38.1) (18.8) (120.1) (62.6) (57.5) (491.1) Var. % 79.9% 132.0% 460.6% 1.8% 50.6% 16.6% 20.2% 583.5% 74.6% 399.8% -51.5% -86.1% 27.6% 181.0% 1.6% -0.4% 3.9% -7.6%

The 4Q13 financial result was a negative R$98.0 million, 23.3% lower than the negative R$127.8 million recorded in 4Q12. Financial revenue totaled R$121.4 million in 4Q13, 74.8% higher than in the same period in 2012. The main variation was in the net swap result, although this was totally offset by financial expenses with the monetary and exchange variation. Further upward pressure came from the income from financial investments line, which increased by 388.7% due to the Companys higher cash position and the upturn in the benchmark interest rate (Selic). Fourth-quarter financial expenses came to R$219.4 million, 11.3% up on 4Q12, chiefly due to higher debt expenses from the Companys increased leverage and the upturn in the Selic. The restatement of provision for contingencies account posted a positive result of R$27.8 million in 4Q13, due to the reversal of the restatement of R$35.0 million in labor provisions. The annual financial result was a negative R$453.8 million, a 7.6% improvement over the negative R$491.1 million recorded in 2012.


3.5 Debt
R$ MN Brazilian Currency Light SESA Debenture 4th Issue Debenture 7th Issue Debenture 8th Issue Debenture 9th Issue - series A Debenture 9th Issue - series B Eletrobras CCB Bradesco Working Capital - Santander BNDES (CAPEX) BNDES FINEM Banco do Brasil Others Light Energia Debenture 1st Issue Debenture 2st Issue Debenture 3st Issue BNDES (CAPEX) BNDES FINEM Light ESCO BNDES - PROESCO Foreing Currency Light SESA National Treasury Merril Lynch BNP Citibank Bank Tokyo - Mitsubishi Light Energia Citibank Gross Debt Cash Net Debt (a) Braslight Debt (b) Adjusted Net Debt (a+b) Short Term 490.9 453.2 0.0 10.6 3.5 12.4 4.1 0.7 81.5 82.7 121.4 129.8 5.3 1.1 32.6 4.1 16.0 0.2 7.0 5.2 5.2 5.2 151.6 150.7 5.3 30.2 114.6 0.5 0.2 0.9 0.9 642.5 % 8.4% 7.8% 0.0% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 1.4% 1.4% 2.1% 2.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.6% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 2.6% 2.6% 0.1% 0.5% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 11.0% Long Term 4,480.6 3,802.5 0.0 649.3 469.6 995.4 610.1 5.9 225.0 0.0 507.7 189.5 150.0 656.7 171.4 423.7 29.9 22.6 9.1 21.4 21.4 692.2 504.8 42.7 87.3 234.3 140.6 187.4 187.4 5,172.8 % 77.0% 65.4% 0.0% 11.2% 8.1% 17.1% 10.5% 0.1% 3.9% 0.0% 8.7% 3.3% 2.6% 0.0% 11.3% 2.9% 7.3% 0.5% 0.4% 0.2% 0.4% 0.4% 11.9% 8.7% 0.7% 1.5% 4.0% 2.4% 3.2% 3.2% 89.0% Total 4,971.5 4,255.7 0.0 659.9 473.2 1,007.8 614.2 6.6 306.5 82.7 629.1 319.3 155.3 1.1 689.3 175.5 439.7 30.1 29.7 14.3 26.6 26.6 843.8 655.5 48.0 117.5 114.6 234.7 140.7 188.3 188.3 5,815.3 1,790.4 4,024.9 1,224.7 5,249.5 % 85.5% 73.2% 0.0% 11.3% 8.1% 17.3% 10.6% 0.1% 5.3% 1.4% 10.8% 5.5% 2.7% 0.0% 11.9% 3.0% 7.6% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.5% 0.5% 14.5% 11.3% 0.8% 2.0% 2.0% 4.0% 2.4% 3.2% 3.2% 100.0%


The Company closed 2013 with gross debt of R$5,815.3 million, 2.3% less than at the end of September 2013 and 37.2%, or R$1.6 billion, up year-on-year due to period funding: (i) the disbursement of R$58,7 million from the BNDES, in the last 12 months, to Light SESA; (ii) the disbursement of R$150 million from Banco do Brasil to Light SESA (February 2013); (iii) a foreign-currency loan of R$121 million from Banco Tokyo-Mitsubishi to Light SESA,

hedged by a Real swap transaction (March 2013); (iv) Light SESAs 9th debenture issue, totaling R$1.6 billion, with Banco do Brasil (June 2013), divided into two series, the first comprising R$1.0 billion at the CDI interbank rate plus +1.15% and the second, of R$600 million, at the variation in the IPCA consumer price index plus 5.74%. The funds were used for investments, working capital and the prepayment of R$500 million in Commercial Notes issued in May 2013 and R$375 million in more expensive debt, including R$160 million from the 5th debenture issue, at a cost of the CDI plus 1.5%. The Net debt/EBITDA ratio moved up from 2.58x in September 2013 to 2.84x in December 2013. As a result, the Company is still respecting its net debt/EBITDA covenant limit of 3.0x. The Company also has a covenant for the EBITDA/interest expense ratio, which should be higher than 2.5x. The result for this indicator in December was 3.79x. It is worth noting that noncompliance with this covenant only occurs if the limits determined by the indicators are not respected for two consecutive or four alternate quarters. The Companys debt has an average term to maturity of 4.1 years, in line with the previous quarter. The average cost of Real-denominated debt was 9.7% p.a., 0.9 p.p. up on the end-ofSeptember figure, this growth is explained by the increase in the Selic rate in the period. At the close of 2013, 14.5% of total debt was denominated in foreign currency, but considering hedges against exchange exposure, only 0.4% of this total was exposed to foreign currency risk, in line with the previous quarter. Lights FX hedge policy consists of protecting cash flow from foreign-currency-denominated debt falling due within the next 24 months (principal and interest) through the use of non-cash swap instruments with premier financial institutions.
+ + = EBITDA (12 months) Provision Other Operational Revenues/Expenses Regulatory Assets and Liabilities (CVA) Financial CVA EBITDA for covenants (b) 1,696.8 210.9 81.3 (21.0) 5.1 1,800.3 2.84 1,839.0 1,456.2 461.7 475.2 348.1 375.6 29.3 330.4 0.0 14.0 1,981.9 1,872.2 2.58 2.83 + + =

Covenants Multiple R$ MN
Gross Debt Swap Pension Fund Cash Net Debt for covenants (a)

Dec-13 Sep-13
5,815.3 (135.1) 1,224.7 1,790.4 5,114.4


5,955.1 4,666.0 (97.1) (29.4) 1,058.4 1,054.7 1,803.5 392.9 5,112.8 5,298.4

Net Debt / EBITDA (a/b)


Funding via Central Bank Resolution 4131, from Merrill Lynch, BNP, Citibank and Bank Tokyo-Mitsubishi, was contracted with swaps for the entire term of the debt.

3.6 Net Income

Light posted net income of R$129.0 million in 4Q13, 19.4% down on the R$160.0 million recorded in 4Q12, primarily as a result of the 71.4% reduction in other operating revenue from distribution, due to the booking of non-recurring revenue in 4Q12, as well as the recording of asset remuneration revenue at the end of the concession, calculated by the VNR criterion, totaling R$408.2 million, as well as the 21.6% increase in the distributors PMSO costs and expenses.


Annual net income amounted to R$587.3 million, 38.5% up on 2012, due to the improved operating result from the distribution and generation companies. Including the CVA, adjusted net income came to R$573.5 million, 10.7% down on 2012.

3.7 Investments
CAPEX (R$MN) Distribution Network reinforcement and expansion Losses Others Administration Commercial./ Energy Efficiency Generation Total 2013 712.6 498.6 192.1 21.8 40.2 61.0 31.3 845.0 Partic. % 84.3% 70.0% 27.0% 3.1% 4.8% 7.2% 3.7% 100.0% 2012 694.1 338.5 199.8 155.9 50.9 26.1 25.7 796.8 Partic. % 87.1% 48.8% 28.8% 22.5% 6.4% 3.3% 3.2% 100.0% Var % 2.7% 47.3% -3.8% -86.0% -21.0% 133.4% 21.9% 6.1%

Light invested R$845.0 million in 2013, 6.1% more than in 2012. The distribution segment absorbed the lions share of R$712.6 million (representing 84.3% of the total), 2.7% up on 2012. Of this total: (i) R$349.8 million went to the development of distribution and expansion networks, including the underground network, to keep pace with market growth, strengthen the network and improve quality, (ii) R$192.1 million went to the energy loss project (network protection, electronic meters and fraud regularization), and (iii) R$ 148.7 million went to investments for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Olympics Games.

Commercialization and energy efficiency Investments increased from R$26.1 million, in 2012, to R$61.0 million, due to the co-generation project with a major beverage company.


Generation Capacity Expansion Projects

One of the pillars of Lights Strategic Plan is to increase the share of energy generation in its results. With this in mind, the Company has announced several projects to boost installed generating capacity, which now totals 941 MW. With the incorporation of the scheduled expansion projects, the position on December 31, 4Q13 was as follows:
Current Generation Park Existing Power Plants Fontes Nova Nilo Peanha Pereira Passos Ilha dos Pombos Santa Branca Elevatrias SHPP Paracambi Renova Total Installed Capacity (MW)* 132 380 100 187 56 13 73 941 Assured Energy (MW)* 104 335 51 115 32 (87) 10 38 598 Operation Start 1942 1953 1962 1924 1999 2012 2008 Act Date Concession / Authorization Expiration Date 2026 2026 2026 2026 2026 2031 2033

jul-96 jul-96 jul-96 jul-96 jul-96 feb-01 dec-03

Generation Capacity Expansion Projects New Projects Installed Capacity (MW)* Assured Energy (MW)* 16 114 13 4 3 3 3 169 18 23 3 18 40 48 3 11 4 312 Operation Start 2015 feb-15 sep-14 sep-14 dec-14 mar-15 feb-14 mar-14 jan-17 sep-15 may-18 2015/2016 jan-16 jan-17 apr-15 Concession / Authorization Expiration Date 2031 2045 2032 2032 2032 2031 2046 2047 2048 2050 2050 2051 2051 2052 2050

SHPP Lajes 17 Belo Monte 280 Guanhes 22 Dores de Guanhes 7 Senhora do Prto 6 Jacar 5 Fortuna II 5 Renova 321 LER 2010 37 A-3 2011 48 A-5 2012 5 LER 2013 35 A-5 2013 78 PPA 87 Mercado Livre I 5 Mercado Livre II 21 Mercado Livre III 6 Total 640 *Light's proportional Participation 51% Light 21.86% Light 2.49% Light


The fourth quarter of 2013 was marked by the following events related to projects for expanding Lights generating capacity:

Lajes SHP The basic project has already been approved by ANEEL. In June 2013, ANEEL altered the public service exploration regime to independent energy producer. As a result, the SHP obtained a 50% reduction in TUSD and TUST fees. The hiring of the construction company is in progress. Once the construction company is defined, it will be possible to begin the works, with start-up scheduled for the first half of 2016, given that the project has already been granted an installation license. The 17 MW turbine will be installed in the old powerhouse of the Fontes Velha power plant. In addition to increasing generating capacity, the project also brings certain other benefits, such as increasing operational flexibility, upgrading the supply of the CEDAE water main, controlling the Pira Rivers water level, and improving the quality of the water in the Lajes Reservoir.

Guanhes Energia The Guanhes complex comprises four SHPs: Dores de Guanhes, Fortuna II, Jacar and Senhora do Porto, on the Guanhes and Corrente Grande rivers and the Doce river basin, all of which in the state of Minas Gerais, with a joint installed capacity of 44 MW. Guanhes Energias shareholders are Light Energia S.A. (51%) and CEMIG Gerao e Transmisso S.A. (49%). The first turbine is scheduled for start-up in September 2014 and the final one in March 2015.

Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant In October 2011, Amaznia Energia, owned by Light (25.5%) and Cemig (74.5%), acquired 9.77% of Norte Energia, the consortium responsible for building and operating the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Power Plant. Located on the Xingu River in the state of Par, Belo Monte is the largest 100% Brazilian hydro plant and the third largest in the world, with an installed capacity of 11,233 MW and assured energy of 4,571 average MW. The first turbine is scheduled for start-up in February 2015 and all 24 turbines are expected to be operational by January 2019. The construction works are advancing, and the first phase of the electro-mechanical assembly works at the Pimental site is nearing completion.


Renova Energia (Renova) Entry of Cemig into the Companys controlling block At the end of the year, Renova entered into an agreement involving the acquisition of 51% of Brasil PCH and the entry of Cemig GT into Renovas controlling block. Brasil PCH has 13 small hydroelectric power plants, with a joint installed capacity of 291 MW and assured energy of 194 average MW. The acquisition, which became effective in February 2014, added operational assets to Renova, improving the balance between operational projects and projects under construction and development. Brasil PCH will also make a significant contribution to Renovas cash generation, enabling it to use the funds to invest in Renovas growth, both in terms of projects already contracted and new projects. Year of the largest contracting of energy in Renovas history. In 2013, Renova sold 257.6 average MW, corresponding to 514.5 installed MW through two auctions on the regulated market, as well as 15.0 average MW on the free market. At the 2013 Reserve Energy Auction (LER 2013), Renova sold 73.7 average MW to be generated by nine wind farms located in the state of Bahia, with a joint installed capacity of 159.0 MW.


4. Cash Flow
R$ MN Cash in the Beginning of the Period (1) Net Income Social Contributions & Income Tax Net Income before Social Contributions & Income Tax Provision for Delinquency Depreciation and Amortization Loss (gain) on intangible sales / Residual value of disposals fixed asset Losses (gains) on financing exchange activities Net Interests and Monetary Variations Braslight Atualization / provisions reversal Equity Pikup Financial Assets of the Concession Others Subtotal Working Capital Contingencies Deferred Taxes Braslight CDE fund Others Taxes Paid Interest Paid Cash from Operating Activities (2) Finance Obtained Dividends Loans and financing payments Financing Activities (3) Disposal of Assets/Intangible Fixed Assets/Intangible/Financial Assets Inflow/Acquisitions on Investment Financial Investments Investment Activities (4) Cash in the End of the Period (1+2+3+4) Cash Generation (2+3+4) 4Q13 1,787.3 129.0 16.4 145.4 43.8 98.3 14.1 59.1 118.8 31.0 (29.4) 2.9 (141.1) (35.2) 307.7 174.9 (30.0) 116.7 (35.4) 303.4 (24.0) (13.1) (180.4) 619.8 9.8 (185.1) (149.8) (325.2) (294.9) (24.0) (1,216.7) (1,535.5) 546.4 (1,240.9) 4Q12 1,088.5 160.0 92.3 252.3 109.4 85.5 17.0 6.9 45.5 34.4 178.8 (3.0) (408.2) (2.8) 315.9 (44.7) (18.9) (52.5) (3.0) (57.5) (4.7) (138.6) (4.0) 254.1 (351.4) (509.8) (607.0) (4.9) (205.4) (29.0) (8.0) (247.2) 230.3 (858.2) 2013 230.4 587.3 264.8 852.1 158.3 390.9 23.3 138.6 407.5 122.0 26.8 5.5 (168.8) (81.0) 1,875.3 209.6 (88.3) 109.5 (123.5) (185.4) (101.2) (389.8) 1,306.3 2,444.5 (259.9) (1,037.4) 1,147.2 (830.2) (90.6) (1,216.7) (2,137.5) 546.4 316.1 2012 652.5 423.9 174.5 598.4 282.6 341.7 20.9 20.3 358.2 120.1 250.9 (21.6) (408.2) (14.4) 1,548.9 (209.8) (83.1) (49.3) (120.6) (112.0) (74.8) (358.2) 541.2 1,117.4 (425.1) (770.7) (78.4) (803.3) (73.6) (8.0) (884.9) 230.4 (422.1)

The Company closed 4Q13 with a cash position of R$546.4 million, 137% up year-on-year. Operating activities, which totaled R$1,306.3 million in 2013, contributed to this positive result thanks to the substantial improvement in collection.


5. Corporate Governance
On December 31, 2013, the capital stock of Light S.A. comprised 203,934,060 common shares, 97,629,463 of which outstanding. The following chart shows Lights current shareholding structure:


6. Capital Markets
Lights shares have been listed in the BM&FBovespas Novo Mercado trading segment since July 2005, therefore adhering to the best corporate governance practices and the principles of transparency and equity, in addition to granting special rights to minority shareholders. Light S.A.s shares are included in the following indices: Ibovespa, IGC (Corporate Governance Index), IEE (Electric Power Index), IBrX (Brazil Index), ISE (Corporate Sustainability Index), ITAG (Special Tag Along Stock Index) and IDIV (Dividend Index). They are also traded on the U.S. over-the-counter (OTC) market as Level 1 ADRs under the ticker LGSXY. At the end of December, Light S.A.s shares (LIGT3) were priced at R$22.12. The Companys market cap (no. of shares x share price) closed the quarter at R$4,511 million.

BM&F BOVESPA (spot market) - LIGT3 Daily Average Number of shares traded (Thousand) Number of Transactions Traded Volume (R$ Million) Quotation per shares: (Closing)* Share Valuing IEE Valuing Ibovespa Valuing
*Ajusted by earnings.

4Q13 830.5 2,989 16.8 R$ 22.12 19.8% -2.9% -1.6%

4Q12 576.0 2,599 12.9 R$ 21.27 -1.1% -4.3% 3.0%



908.7 691.0 3,168 2,672 17.1 17.3 R$ 22.12 R$ 21.27 4.6% -14.3% -10.3% -11.6% -17.7% 5.4%

The charts below give a breakdown of the Companys free float in December 2013.


The chart below shows the performance of Lights stock between December 28, 2012 and March 07, 2014.

Lights dividend payment policy establishes a minimum payout equivalent to 50% of adjusted net income, calculated in compliance with article 189 of Brazilian Corporate Law and pursuant to Brazilian accounting practices and the regulations of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM). Shareholder payments in 2013 totaled R$199,243,576.62. Of this total, R$91,770,327.00 was paid in the form of dividends following approval by the Annual Shareholders Meeting of April 2013. On December 13, 2013, the Board of Directors approved the payment of interest on equity in the gross amount of R$107,473,249.62, equivalent to R$0.527 per share, based on the Companys net income in 2013 through September. The net amount per share, excluding withholding income tax of 15%, except for shareholders exempt from said tax, was R$0.44795. The interest on equity was paid on December 27, 2013 to shareholders registered as such on December 13, 2013. On March 10, 2014, the Board of Directors approved a proposal to distribute dividends of R$364,838,033.34, or R$1.789 per share, based on net income for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013. Adding previous payouts during the year, the payout was equivalent to 84.6% of adjusted annual net income, with a 11.3% dividend yield. The proposal will be submitted for approval by the ASM.

Dividends paid, dividend yield and payout


7. Recent Events
On November 27, due to Mr. Eduardo Grande Bittencourt resignation of post sitting member of the Fiscal Council, as the letter in Company power, the shareholders approved, by majority vote, election, as effective member of the fiscal council, Mr. Alissom Andrade Godinho, Brazilian, single, lawyer, bearer of identification document MG-10.188.202, issued by SSP/MG, inscribed in the roll of corporate taxpayers (CPF/MF) under number 013.501.306-21, with office at Rua Rio Claro, 120, Bairro Prado, CEP 30411-148, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, as a sitting member of the Fiscal Council for the remainder of the term of office, i.e. until the Annual Shareholders Meeting that resolves on the accounts of the year to be ended on December 31, 2013., On November 28, Light S.A., for the 7th consecutive year, that was selected to join the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) of BM&FBovespa.

On January 27, 2014, the Company entered into a Shareholders Agreement with Furnas Centrais Eltricas S.A. (Furnas) to manage Sociedade de Propsito Especfico Energia Olmpica S.A. (SPE Energia Olmpica), with the purpose of implanting, constructing, operating and maintaining a substation for the supply of electric power to the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Park. SPE Energia Olmpica is owned by the Company, which holds 50.1% of the capital stock, and Furnas, which holds the remaining 49.9%. On February 13, 2014, the Company fully settled the Private Instruments for the Rescission of Contracts for Technical Deficit Restructuring and Refinancing of Reserves to be Amortized with Braslight, totaling R$1,228.2 million, restated by the CDI interbank rate. On February 14, 2014, Renova Energia S.A., through its subsidiary Chipley SP Participaes S.A., acquired 51% of Brasil PCH (49% owned by Petrobras and 2% by Jobelpa) for R$739.9 million, sharing its control. On February 12, 2014, Renova Energia S.A. approved a capital increase to be subscribed and paid in by Cemig GT. The capital increase amounted to R$1,546.5 million, equivalent to R$53.2126 per Unit. Following this subscription and payment, a new shareholders agreement was executed, in which Cemig GT, RR Participaes and Light Energia made up the controlling block of Renova Energia S.A. On February 21, 2014, Light SESA contracted a loan in dollar together Citibank, through a Central Bank Resolution 4131 operation, already including a CDI Swap, totaling R$235,750,000.00, looking for a


reinforcement of working capital and / or refinance debts falling due in the coming months with a four-year term at the CDI interbank rate + 1.15% p.a. , according with the authorization granted by the Board of Directors on this date for contracting debt up to the limit of R $ 1,000,000,000.00. On March 7, 2014, Decree 8203/14 was issued, amending Decree 7891/13 to include the offsetting of distribution concessionaires involuntary exposure to the spot market, extending CDE transfer coverage to January 2014. The amount of CDE funds to be transferred to Light SESA, related to energy purchases in January 2014, in accordance with ANEEL Resolution 515/14, is R$181.2 million.


8. Disclosure Program
Schedule Teleconference 03/12/2014, wednesday, at 4:00 p.m. (Brazilian Time) and at 3:00 p.m. (NY Time), with simultaneous translation to English Access conditions: Webcast: link on site (portuguese and english) Conference Call - Dial number: Brazil: +55 (11) 2188 0155 EUA: +1 (646) 843-6054 Other countries: +1 866 890 2584 Access code: Light

Contact Gustavo Werneck Souza Mariana da Silva Rocha Marcelle Pelajo Leonardo Dias Wanderley

IR Team e-mail

Phone +55 21 2211-2560 +55 21 2211-2814 +55 21 2211-7392 +55 21 2211-2828

Forward-looking Statements
The information on the Companys operations and its Managements expectations regarding its future performance was not reviewed by independent auditors. Statements about future events are subject to risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on beliefs and assumptions of our Management, and on information currently available to the Company. Statements about future events include information about our intentions, beliefs or current expectations, as well as of the Company's Board of Directors and Officers. Exceptions related to statements and information about the future also include information about operating results, likely or presumed, as well as statements that are preceded by, followed by, or including words such as "believes", "might", "will", "continues", "expects", "estimates", "intends", "anticipates", or similar expressions. Statements and information about the future are not a guarantee of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions because they refer to future events, thus depending on circumstances that might or might not occur. Future results and creation of value to shareholders might significantly differ from the ones expressed or suggested by forward-looking statements. Many of the factors that will determine these results and values are beyond LIGHT S.A.'s control or forecast capacity.


EXHIBIT I Selected Financial Information per Company - R$ million

LIGHT SESA Net Operating Revenue Operating Expense Other Operating Revenues/Expenses Operating Result EBITDA Financial Result Result before taxes and interest Net Income EBITDA Margin*
* Does not consider Construction Revenue

4Q13 1,886.8 (1,847.6) 102.2 141.4 226.1 (66.1) 75.3 85.0 14.9%

4Q12 1,883.1 (1,923.4) 357.5 317.2 397.6 (105.3) 211.9 132.3 23.6%

Var. % 0.2% -3.9% -71.4% -55.4% -43.1% -37.2% -64.5% -35.7% -

2013 6,716.8 (5,901.7) 87.3 902.4 1,237.7 (361.5) 541.0 386.4 21.0%

2012 6,614.4 (6,161.3) 355.0 808.1 1,101.4 (406.2) 402.0 289.0 18.5%

Var. % 1.5% -4.2% -75.4% 11.7% 12.4% -11.0% 34.6% 33.7% -

LIGHT ENERGIA Net Operating Revenue Operating Expense Other Operating Revenues/Expenses Operating Result Equity Pickup EBITDA Financial Result Result before taxes and interest Net Income EBITDA Margin COMMERCIALIZATION AND SERVICES Net Operating Revenue Operating Expense Other Operating Revenues/Expenses Operating Result Equity Pickup EBITDA Financial Result Result before taxes and interest Net Income EBITDA Margin

4Q13 148.5 (41.3) 107.2 (1.0) 119.8 (22.7) 83.6 57.6 80.6% 4Q13 135.9 (127.4) (5.7) 2.8 (0.1) 2.8 1.8 4.5 4.4 2.0%

4Q12 104.5 (46.5) (3.2) 54.8 3.2 71.9 (21.3) 36.7 26.5 68.8% 4Q12 92.9 (85.3) (0.0) 7.5 0.1 7.6 (0.1) 7.5 5.0 8.2%

Var. % 42.1% -11.2% 95.6% 66.5% 6.4% 127.7% 117.6% Var. % 46.4% 49.3% -62.8% -63.7% -40.1% -13.5% -

2013 558.7 (164.1) (0.3) 394.3 (5.6) 444.1 (89.0) 299.7 199.2 79.5% 2013 601.7 (569.7) (5.7) 26.2 (0.1) 26.3 6.4 32.5 23.2 4.4%

2012 410.1 (163.2) (1.4) 245.5 21.0 322.5 (80.2) 186.3 133.7 78.6% 2012 292.8 (267.7) 0.0 25.2 0.2 25.7 0.2 25.6 17.4 8.8%

Var. % 36.2% 0.6% -81.5% 60.6% 37.7% 10.9% 60.9% 49.0% Var. % 105.5% 112.8% 4.3% 2.4% 2909.4% 27.1% 33.2% -


EXHIBIT II Selected Consolidated Financial Information R$ million

Consolidated - R$ MN NET OPERATING REVENUE OPERATING EXPENSE Personnel Material Outsourced Services Purchased Energy Depreciation Provisions Construction Revenue Other Operating Revenuess/Expenses Others OPERATING RESULT EQUITY PICKUP EBITDA (1) FINANCIAL RESULT Financial Income Financial Expenses RESULT BEFORE TAXES AND INTEREST SOCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS & INCOME TAX DEFERRED INCOME TAX NET INCOME 4Q12 2,066.0 (1,819.7) (92.8) (3.5) (124.6) (1,146.9) (98.3) (57.7) (365.0) 96.4 (27.3) 246.3 (2.9) 341.7 (98.0) 121.4 (219.4) 145.4 (18.5) 2.1 129.0 4Q13 2,033.1 (1,656.1) (70.7) (8.9) (106.5) (1,250.8) (94.4) (250.8) (199.3) 354.3 (29.0) 377.0 3.0 474.4 (127.8) 69.4 (197.2) 252.3 (24.6) (67.7) 160.0 Var. % 1.6% 9.9% 31.3% -60.5% 17.0% -8.3% 4.2% -77.0% 83.1% -72.8% -5.9% -34.7% -28.0% -23.3% 74.8% 11.3% -42.4% -24.9% -19.4% 2013 7,422.3 (6,110.9) (323.8) (18.3) (456.2) (3,848.3) (390.9) (210.9) (820.3) 81.3 (123.6) 1,311.3 (5.5) 1,696.8 (453.8) 338.2 (791.9) 852.1 (122.0) (142.8) 587.3 2012 7,182.4 (6,114.4) (290.6) (25.5) (400.2) (4,145.1) (349.6) (475.2) (669.3) 353.6 (112.6) 1,067.9 21.6 1,439.1 (491.1) 188.0 (679.1) 598.4 (115.0) (59.5) 423.9 Var. % 3.3% -0.1% 11.4% -28.2% 14.0% -7.2% 11.8% -55.6% 22.6% -77.0% 9.8% 22.8% 17.9% -7.6% 79.9% 16.6% 42.4% 6.1% 140.1% 38.5%

(1 ) EBITDA as of CVM Instruction 527/2012: Net Income + Social Contributions and Income Taxes + Net Financial Result + Depreciation/Amortization (*) The consolidated financial statements include the Light S.A. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. These financial statements were eliminated from equity consolidated companies, the balances of receivables and payables, revenues and expenses between the companies.


EXHIBIT III Consolidated Balance Sheet - R$ million

ASSETS Current Cash & Cash Equivalents Stocks and Exchange Receivable Accounts Inventories Recoverable Taxes Prepaid Expenses Other Current Assets Non-current Receivable Accounts Deferred Taxes Prepaid Expenses Concession financial assets Others Non-current Assets Investiments Fixed Assets Intangible Total Assets LIABILITIES Current Suppliers Fiscal obligations Loans and Financing Debentures Others Obligations Provisions Dividends and interest on equity to be paid Non-current Loans and Financing Debentures Others Obligations Deferred Taxes Provisions Shareholders' Equity Realized Joint Stock Profit Reserves Additional Proposed Dividend Asset Valuation Adjustments Other comprehensive income Accumulated Profit/Loss of Exercise Total Liabilities 12/31/2013 3,605.6 546.4 1,244.0 1,223.4 29.7 161.0 15.8 385.3 9,396.6 209.4 622.8 1,926.2 355.1 642.2 1,678.7 3,962.1 13,002.2 12/31/2013 3,318.5 907.3 198.6 591.5 51.0 1,408.6 129.5 32.0 6,206.6 1,823.5 3,349.3 263.7 226.4 543.7 3,477.1 2,225.8 565.6 332.8 429.5 -76.6 13,002.2 12/31/2012 2,167.2 230.4 15.3 1,441.6 30.3 203.7 2.0 244.0 8,980.3 289.4 830.0 1,573.3 346.2 557.4 1,635.3 3,748.6 11,147.4 12/31/2012 1,950.7 814.5 132.7 342.9 118.8 308.4 158.5 74.8 6,171.1 1,920.5 1,855.3 1,584.3 227.9 583.2 3,025.7 2,225.8 256.5 91.8 451.6 -172.0 172.0 11,147.4

EXHIBIT IV Regulatory Assets and Liabilities

R$ Million TOTAL ASSET TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL DIFFERENCE Net difference (quarter) Net difference (YTD)

Dec-13 Sep-13 Jun-13 Mar-13 dec/12 sep/12 Jun-12 Mar-12 428.7 627.6 (94.5) (381.2) 334.2 246.4 87.8 (329.2) (21.0) (108.8) 653.0 500.6 (77.4) (44.3) 575.6 456.3 119.3 101.2 220.4 101.2 365.7 (10.6) 355.2 138.0 256.8 262.7 174.4 177.8 (45.6) (76.0) (155.1) 217.1 98.4 22.7 118.7 75.7 (2.1) 194.5 73.6 (2.1)


Light has ceased to consolidate the results of its jointly-owned subsidiaries in its financial statements since January 1st, 2013, in accordance with accounting pronouncement CPC 19 and as approved by CVM Resolution 694/12. Pursuant to the new rule, these results should be regarded as investments and recognized in accordance with the equity income method, replacing the pro-rata consolidation method adopted up to the end of 2012. As a result, the Company no longer consolidates the following jointly-held direct and indirect subsidiaries on a pro-rata basis: Renova Energia, Guanhes Energia, Lightger, Axxiom, Amaznia Energia, EBL and E-Power. The change had no impact on the Companys net income, resulting only in alterations to individual accounts in the consolidated income statement as a counter-entry to the equity income account. As of the fourth quarter, Management decided to present PIS and COFINS tax credits on purchased energy as a reduction factor for purchased energy costs instead of as a reduction in PIS and COFINS on revenue. The purpose of this reclassification was to align the presentation criterion with the best practices of companies in the same sector. The consolidated financial information for 4Q13 is in accordance with the new accounting practice; however, for comparative purposes, the information for the fourth quarter of 2012 was duly adjusted to retrospectively reflect the change. The adjustments to the Income Statement of Light S.A. are as follows:


Published 2012 7.613,1 (6.889,6) 1.099,1 (1,3) 1.456,2 (495,7) 375,6 602,1 (109,0) (69,2) 423,9

Adjustments (430,7) 421,6 353,6 (31,2) 22,8 (17,1) 4,6 (375,6) (3,8) (6,0) 9,7 -

Reclassified 2012 7.182,4 (6.468,0) 353,6 1.067,9 21,6 1.439,1 (491,1) 598,4 (115,0) (59,5) 423,9



Published 4Q12 2.162,9 (2.137,9) 386,5 (0,4) 483,9 (133,4) 361,4 252,7 (24,0) (68,7) 160,0

Adjustments (129,8) 127,5 354,3 (9,5) 3,5 (9,5) 5,6 361,4 (0,4) (0,6) 1,0 -

Reclassified 4Q12 2.033,1 (2.010,4) 354,3 377,0 3,0 474,4 (127,8) 252,3 (24,6) (67,7) 160,0


EXHIBIT VI Complementary Information Consolidated Financial Information on a Proportional Interest Basis

This information is complementary and is exclusively for comparative purposes, since it is not in accordance with Brazilian accounting practices.


REPORTED CONSOLIDATE 2.970 (904) 2.066 (1.820) 246 (3) 342 (98) 145 (16) 129

RENOVA 21,86% 11 (21) (10) 16 7 7 (3) 3 (1) 3

LIGHTGER 51% 6 (9) (4) 2 (1) 2 (1) (2) (0) (2)

EBL 33% (0) (0) (0) 0 (0) (0) 0 (0) (0) (0)

AXXIOM 51% 5 (13) (8) 9 1 1 0 1 (0) 1

AMAZNIA 25,50% (1) (1) 1 (0) (0)


TOTAL 2.992 (947) 2.045 (1.793) 251 (4) 352 (101) 147 (17) 129


REPORTED CONSOLIDATE 10.783 (3.361) 7.422 (6.111) 1.311 (5) 1.697 (454) 852 (265) 587

RENOVA 21,86% 49 (22) 27 (8) 19 31 (16) 4 (2) 1

LIGHTGER 51% 16 (10) 6 (1) 5 9 (3) 1 (1) 1

EBL 33% 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 0 0 0 (0) 0

AXXIOM 51% 19 (14) 5 (4) 1 2 (0) 1 (0) 1

AMAZNIA 25,50% (1) (1) 0 (1) (1)


TOTAL 10.868 (3.407) 7.461 (6.125) 1.336 (8) 1.738 (473) 857 (268) 587


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