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Vampire IX

Many years ago, Henry s father, vampire Stephen, and Toms father, werewolf Jack was good friend and they lived together for many years. But one day, a very bad wizard knew what happened, but every day he worried that if they want to kill him. I must stop it. the bad wizard thought and he went to Jacks house at that weekend. At the weekend, Jacks house had a very different guest. Jack had lived 500 years, so he knew if the wizard went to find him and he probably wanted to tell him his bad idea. I come here to find you because I have foreseen some bad things that will happen to you. The wizard said. Really? What has Stephen done? Jack pretended to be cooperating. He has stolen some moonstones; you know this thing were very important to you. Jack was very angry. He knew Stephen did not steal the moonstone, so he really wanted to kill the wizard now. Stephen is so bad. Can I call my son to help you? Jack still pretended to be cooperating.

Of cause, come with your son! the wizard was so happy and his wicked smile made him look like a demon. Then Jack gave the wizard a cup of tea and he left. After ten minutes, Jack still did not come back. The wizard drank the tea. Boom, the cup was dropped on the floor. He smelled a scent of werewolf. Maybe this is the scent of the tea. The wizard thought. Boom! There was a big noise in the room. The wizard was going to run. Boom! He saw a figure moving so fast just like lightening. Boom! There were three different people standing around the wizard. Hello, wizard! Stephen said. Did you tell them! the wizard said. Yes, I did! Jack said. Ha ha the wizard was laughing. What are you laughing about? Jack said loudly. Im laughing about what we did! the wizard said happily. We will die! Stephen said. Stephen knew the wizard could saw the future. Let me go! the wizard said loudly. Dont let him go! Stephen said. He knew if he let the wizard go, he would call more wizards to join this war. Bum! There was a big sound from outside.

Whats that! the wizard said. Nothing, only my family. Stephen said, but he didnt know who that is too. The wizard picked up his magic wand quickly. Boom! There was a big noise from the magic wand! Squat down. Jack shouted. Bum! The magic hit the window. Crash! Grab his magic wand! Jack said, Freeze! the wizard cried out. If I move, what will you do? Jack said. You will die! The wizard said. But Jack had already moved. Boom! Jack died. No! Stephen shocked. But he had moved, too! Boom! Stephen passed out! Silence Tom was so sad and angry. He really wanted to kill the wizard now! Bye! the wizard said. He is so happy! He fulfilled his mission. Boom! The wizard suddenly passed out. Tom didnt know what happened but he saw a man in second floor. Thank you! Jack said. You are welcome! That strange man said. But who are you? Tom asked. Im a human, a friend of your father and please remember my son, Alex. That man said.

Be careful! Tom said. But it was so late. The wizard stood up. Boom! He killed that good man, too. No! Tom screamed and ran away as fast as fire. He struck the wizard, but wizard did not die. Boom! The wizard used his last power to kill Tom, too. Crash! The wizard finally died, but he had created a terrible monster, Tom. The magic did not kill him directly but it made Tom crazy. This monster could kill any living beings! After 100 years, in a country, a man, Alex was going to go to the ghost house because he had heard no one could come back once they went there. They all said there was a vampires house. Alex did not believe it and he thought vampire did not exist in the world. So he was going to find the missing people in the mountain. He climbed and climbed, and after he reached the summit, he saw a different world. There was a lost country on top of the mountain. But he didnt know where the people are? He went inside but had a strange feeling. He looked around like someone was watching. Alex walked and walked, but he saw a terrible thing which could answer his question where the people are. There was a little hill, and this hill was made of humans bodies. Alex was so scared and he wanted to get back to the bottom of

the mountain as soon as possible. Im very sorry. Alex heard a terrible voice sound like a mummy s talking. Alex turned back, Oh my god. There was a girl standing behind his back. Who are you? Alex was very scared. Im a 400 year-old vampire. That little girl said, And I can help you, but you must safe my brother. Dont worry. He is only a baby. Please dont tell him he is a vampire. Oh if you dont take him to your home then I will kill you. The little girl said again. Boom, boom! A big noise came from their back. Alex saw a giant werewolf coming to eat him. Run! The girl said. Alex ran as fast as he could and caught that baby. Ah! Alex was trapped. He rolled and rolled till he arrived the foot of the mountain. Ah! Alex was passed out. When he weak up, he saw he was in his room. Oh my god. Alex got out the bed. He knew it was not a dream because he saw a little baby sleeping next to him on his bed. His mum came in, where did you get this baby? His mum said. He could not tell his mum this baby was a vampire. If he

said that, his mum would eat him. I find this baby in the forest Alex lied. In the forest? his mum asked, Oh, Poor child! his mum said and she was going to hug that baby vampire. Dont touch him. Alex screamed. Ok, I will not touch him. His mum said. His mum felt so strange, Alex never rude to me before, maybe he got something wrong. His mom thought. What happened to you? His mum asked. Nothing. Alex said. His mom felt very strange, but she couldnt find any things to his son. His mom closed the door. Oh my god, you mum so stupid werewolf. The baby vampire said. Oh, you can speak, and you speak like a man! Alex said. Oh, this is my sister fault. The baby said. Why does your sister s fault? Alex asked. She forgot to say Im 100 years old. The baby vampire said. What! Alex always thought this baby only 1 year old, but the truth that he was older than him 80 years old. Im so stupid; I forget vampires are good at lie!

Dont think you are stupid, oh and I forget to tell you I can know your mind. The baby vampire said. Boom! A big noise formed the mountain. Hey! What s that? It looks like a giant. A noise said. Alex turned round, but that vampire had gone. Vampire changed his body, and he ran and ran, he ran as like as fire. Hello, crazy werewolf! vampire said. Hello, Stephens son Henry. Werewolf said. You run so fast, little mice Werewolf said. Oh dear werewolf cat, please remember: you kill my father and my family. Henry said. No it s you kill my family first! Tom said. Hey, wait for me!!! Alex said. Who are you? Tom said. My name is Alex. Alex said. Ok, you keep going. Alex said. Crash! Big werewolf pushed Henry on a big stone. Ah!!! Henry pushed the evil werewolf on another big stone. Tom was angry, he jumped in the sky. Crash, vampire had already gone away. Oh yeah, I forget to tell you name. My name is Henry. Henry said.

Ok, henry. Whos that werewolf? Alex asked. Oh that bad werewolf, he is Tom, he get wizards magic and he hate us so he kill my family. Henry said. Where are you, little mice? A terrible noise form outside. I must go out now! Henry said. He will kill you! Alex said. That s fine, Im 100 years old I know how to survival. Henry said. Boom! Something crashed the door, boom! The door was opened! Little mice are you there? Tom said it like that wizard. Crash! Henry hit Tom, boom and boom. They were doing like wrestle. Alex got his knife, and walked near them and he saw Toms head and hack. Crash! He did it! He killed the big evil werewolf. Tom slept on ground, he had already died, and there were many bloods on ground. At next week, Henry would go back that country; at top of the mountain he would find his family. And Alex will live in the country and to be a nice farmer.

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