Taylor Johnson

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"#$%& (%)*+%*
178u Feiiy Alley #1u Eugene, 0R 974u1
SuS8uS8S1S - tjohns1uuoiegon.euu - twittei.comtjohnson1SS
!"#"$%&'"() +",'- ./ - Ethos Nagazine - 0niveisity of 0iegon
}anuaiy 2u1S - August 2u1S
Planneu anu executeu an event each acauemic teim to piomote Ethos anu gain ieaueis
Assisteu with a tabling iaffle event foi Ethos in paitneiship with Raveu App
Cooiuinateu a weekly table on campus to uistiibute Ethos Nagazine anu sell 0ttei Pops
01),23" 456"7)8$" /"&9"7"(),)5#" -' S0NY Nusic uioup - REB Bistiibution - Stache Neuia
}anuaiy 2u1S - August 2u1S
Bistiibuteu hanu-to-hanu mateiials to stuuents on campus anu at events
Piepaieu lifestyle anu toui iepoits summaiizing the completeu piomotion
Composeu effective online piomotional posts
Naiketeu aitists to theii appiopiiate taiget auuiences thiough accounts anu online piomotion
Auveitiseu aitists in a mannei that will peisuaue an inciease in listeneis
:%$$";" <95)"9 - SNACK uuiue
Naich Issue 2u1S
Wiote an aiticle foi the Naich issue of SNACK uuiue, a music enteitainment magazine,
iegaiuing the iising populaiity of electiic uance music
Bistiibuteu SNACK guiue on campus anu thiough online piomotion
=9%() >(? @7757),() - Costco Wholesale - Tigaiu, 0R
}une 2u12 - Piesent
Assist cashieis with loauing anu unloauing the belt anu boxing items into the cait
uieet membeis at the uooi anu thoioughly check theii ieceipts with the cait
Stock uisplays anu shelves in the steel in an attiactive mannei
Aujust scheuule when neeueu to woik the moining anu night utility shifts
Naximize efficiency by being tiaineu in multiple uepaitments; fiont enu, utility, membei
seivice, anu bakeiy
4",? 1"9#"9 - Beaithstone at Nuiiayhill Retiiement Bome - Beaveiton, 0R
Naich 2u1u - Septembei 2u12
Piomoteu fiom seivei to leau seivei aftei one yeai of employment
Communicateu with seiveis anu uelegateu iesponsibilities in the uinning ioom anu kitchen
Foimeu a ielationship with the iesiuents by iemembeiing all of theii names anu stoiies
0niveisity of 0iegon - School of }ouinalism anu Communication
Bacheloi of Science in }ouinalism - Public Relations, Ninoi in Business, Ninoi in Nusic
Anticipateu uiauuation }une 2u1S
A52"B.9"75?"() %6 C&"9,)5%(7 - Kappa Belta Soioiity
}anuaiy 2u1S - Becembei 2u1S
Nanage the mastei calenuai of events foi the soioiity
Plan anu execute officei tiansitions
Bevelop a plan foi the five aieas of excellence: acauemic success, leaueiship, social success,
philanthiopy anu membeiship
Funuamental knowleuge of the piogiams Final Cut Pio X, InBesign, Photoshop anu WoiuPiess
Extensive expeiience with piomotional posts on social meuia websites incluuing Facebook,
Twittei, Tumbli anu Instagiam

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