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Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

By: Stephen Saravia

Father Hidalgo
Born- May 8th, 1753 t 1! he "oined a #esuit $ollege %ntered Colegio de San &i$olas Studied priesthood 'rdained a priest in 1778, (hen he (as !5 years old Challenged traditional religious and politi$al vie(s

%) *rito de +olores ,Cry o- +olores.

*ro(ing unrest a/ong the peasant population0 Septe/1er, 12 18130 Hidalgo rings the $hur$h 1ells o- +olores0 4allies parishioners to rise up against the peninsulares His 1attle $ry 5)ong )ive the 6irgin o*uadalupe and death to the Spaniards7 833 /en "oin the $ause right a-ter the spee$h

8oor rural people -lo$9ed 1y the thousands to "oin $ause Hidalgo (as $lai/ed *eneral !3,333 angry peasants -lo$9 to *uana"uato :illed hundreds o- /en, (o/en, and $hildren inside the *uana"uato *ranary

Hidalgo (as not a good /ilitary general0 His -ighters la$9ed /ilitary dis$ipline0 Me;i$o City retreat- (ants to stop 1loodshed

Hidalgo is $aught in 1811 For$ed to repent pu1li$ly Hidalgo is e;e$uted 1y -iring s<uad on #uly 33th, 1811 Hidalgos head (as dangled in a /etal $age ne;t to the granary in *uana"uato, to deter any other re1ellions


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