Tal Questions 2 1

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Elizabeth Mattison February 10, 2014 TAL Questions #2 4.

1 An example that Ive had with both pedagogy and andragogy demonstrated would be when I taught swim lessons one summer. In the mornings I had classes with little kids ages 3-10 and I would have to help teach them the basics of how to swim and not drown in the pool there was a huge difference even between the little kids and the older kids, but all of them wanted the learning to be fun, they wanted to feel safe, and they also felt so happy when they were able to swim by themselves. They just needed encouragement and instructions and they all thought I was a genius and acted like I was so smart to be able to teach them to swim. They trusted me because they didnt really know all of the dangers and knew that I could protect them. I had to push them and motivate them and talk them into doing what Id asked them to do and make sure that they kept their focus on what we were doing. A couple of weeks though, I taught an adult class at night. The adults were pretty intimating to teach at first. They didnt look up to me and take everything I said as truth. They were all older than me and were strong successful people, but they did have to trust me to be able to teach them how to swim. They were able to push themselves and were so much more motivated than the little kids were. They pushed themselves to get better and didnt care that the class was fun, just that they learned how to swim. They had a fear that I could see them face every time they faced the water and they had to struggle to overcome it when I asked them to do things that were out of their comfort zone. But they had determination and when they mastered the task, they were so much more happy and proud of themselves as the kids were. 4.2 Lindemans fifth assumption about adult learners is that individual differences among people increase with age. That is so true because you cant teach a class of adults the same way you do kids, you have to give them so much more one on one time and get to know each learner and their needs personally and find ways that all of them learn best. They all have different reasons for needing to learn and will all approach it from a different angle and you need to be ready to facilitate all of them. 4.3 Clinical Psychology influenced andragogy because it showed how adults think and learn. It looked deep into the background of what motivates adults to work hard what pushes them to learn something new in the first place. It helps us be able to better facilitate adult learning. 4.4 Adult education shows us why adults learn. By teaching them we are able to see what works and what doesnt work. We were able to tell that some adults learn to reach a goal, some learn to be able to do an activity and some learn just for the sake of gaining knowledge. It shows us what really drives adults when it comes to learning. 4.5 I really see the agrological model proven true in my study habits and how I learn. I have to need to know it, I have to be responsible for myself to make sure I can get my work done, I have to experience what I learn for it to really click, I have to be ready to learn and be focused on the material and go to

class with a good attitude, I have to be oriented towards learning which I think I am, and I have to be motivated, which is one of the harder things to do sometimes

5.1 Hilgard's principles of learning help us be able to make some generalizations and make some broad guesses at how and why adult learners learn best. It looks on what should be expected from both the learner and teacher so that the peak of education could be reached. 5.2 I think theyre right that sometimes you should have some sort of cue to help students associate with certain subjects to learn. Sometimes that could help them subconsciously to put pieces together in their head. 5.3 I believe that I have multiple discrimination learning. It depends on what Im learning or working on as to if I learn better by hearing the information or reading, or remembering a picture, or associating it with an action. I can use any of them and they click pretty easily for me and like to use a variety or else I get bored just using one way of learning. 5.4 The facilitator is in charge of making sure the learner has a good environment, clarifies the purpose for learning, organizes the information to make it easy to understand, is flexible to be used by learners, accepts the attitudes and intellectual content of the group, accepts the fact that he/she is both a facilitator and sometimes learner, takes initiative in sharing feelings with the group, is alert to read the learners feelings, relies on students desire to learn to motivate and fuel the learning process, and functions as a facilitator of learning. 5.5 Dewey thinks that the central concept to learning is experience. Then comes democracy, continuity, and interaction with the facilitator and other learners. 5.6 Inquiry teaching involves making students constantly dig deeper and look for deeper answers. This type of teaching is afraid of the right answer because they think that limits the learners to only one correct answer and they wont keep searching for more answers. Modeling teaching is where you do things the way you want your students to imitate. You think theres one right answer and best way to do things and you strive to be an example of that in order for your students to follow your example. 5.7 One learning experience that I went through was trying to learn some of the language when I was in Zambia last summer. I had to totally rely on the people over there to teach me what they knew and I wanted to do my best and make them proud of what they taught me. Ob

6.1 If you decide to choose a learning style before you look at the content, you might have a hard time fitting that style to the certain topic you are going to teach. I personally think it would be way more beneficial to look at the material and then decide which way to teach it that would make the subject be more easily understood and your teaching most effective.

6.2 I know that it was super hard to be able to learn the language when I came back to America. I was no longer in an environment surrounded by people speaking Tonga and my teacher was halfway around the world. I think its hard to learn when youre the only one learning in a certain place. 6.3 Objectives are so controversial because each facilitator finds their own way to teach a subject and what they choose to focus on changes the objective and people cant agree on just one. 6.4 Program evaluation is when people try to see how effective of an education an institution or facilitator is giving. They come in and see how people are reacting to the program. Then they get data about what is being taught in the class and how it is being taught. Next they look at how the learners are behaving and if they are showing signs that they are picking up the material. Lastly they look at the data including costs, attendance, efficiency, turnovers, accidents etc. The learner would be satisfied by behavior analysis and reaction evaluation. The facilitator is evaluated through the learning evaluation, and the institution is checked out by the data evaluation.

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