LP Reading

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Focus Theme Topic Learning Standard

: Reading : World of Stories : The Magic Lamp : 2.2.3 Able to read and demonstrate understanding of te ts b!: "a# se$uencing "b# predicting %ith guidance. : )! the end of the lesson* pupils should be able to: +. se$uence the stor! %ith guidance. 2. predict the stor! %ith guidance. : ,- minutes : Reading te t* sentence strips* poster :


Time Teaching Aids Acti(ities SET INDUCTION

Sing a song. "The Magic Lamp# PRESENTATION +. Teacher displa!s a reading te t. "appendi +# 2. Teacher reads the te t to the pupils. 3. .upils identif! difficult %ords from the passage. /. Teacher e plains the meaning of the difficult %ords. 0. .upils read the te t chorall!. ,. Teacher calls out pupils randoml! to read the te t line b! line. 1. Teacher as2s $uestions regarding the te t. 3 amples: a# 4o% does 5aniel feel %hen the magic lamp did not %or26 b# Wh! the magic lamp did not %or26 c# Wh! does genie fulfilled 5aniel7s %ish6 d# 8an !ou predict the end of the stor!6 9. Teacher distributes 'umble up sentence strips to each group. "Appendi 2#

:. 3ach group %ill arrange the sentence strips according to the stor!. +-. The group present their %or2 b! pasting the sentence strips on the board and read the te t aloud. CLOSURE +. Teacher sho%s a poster regarding the gi(en te t. 2. .upils label the poster. "Appendi 3# 3. Teacher sums up the lesson b! discussing %ith pupils the morale (alue of the stor!. Reflection :

Appendi +

The Magic Lamp 5aniel recei(ed a magic lamp as a birthda! present. 4is father e plained that the magic lamp %ill ma2e his %ishes come true. )ut* it %ill onl! grant %ishes that are trul! good for him. 4e 'ust needs to rub the magic lamp se(eral times. The genie %ill come out and fulfilled his %ishes. &ne da!* 5aniel $uarrelled %ith his friend* 5ann!. 4e rubbed the magic lamp and %ished 5ann! %ill lose his bic!cle* but the genie did not come out. 4e %as frustrated and thought it %as not a magic lamp. After a fe% da!s* 5aniel7s father %as (er! sic2. 5aniel %as %orried. 4e rubbed the magic lamp and %ished that his father %ill get %ell. The genie came out;..

Appendi 2 "Sentence strips#

He was frustrated because the magic lamp did not work. Daniel received a magic lamp.

Daniels father was very sick.

He rubbed the magic lamp and the genie came out.

Daniel wished Danny will lose his bicycle.

The magic lamp will only fulfil the truly good wishes.

Appendi 3 ".oster#

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