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Daniel Concepcion Roig

Born March 1930 Conductor/violinist/composer Came from a Je ish!"merican famil# of musicians $ather! singer% voice/piano teacher% Mother! founder of &itts'urgh (outh )#mphon# *rchestra% +randfather! violinist in Metropolitan *pera *rchestra,

Child prodig#% ta-ing his first conducting lesson at . and ma-ing his de'ut at /0 Conducted 1BC *rchestra at 11 #ears old 2oured the 3)" at 14 to conduct ma5or orchestras Made violin de'ut at 16 )tudies at 3niversit# of &itts'urgh later

$irst "merican to conduct at Ba#reuth Chief conductor of Deutche *per Berlin 71986!19.1, 9 Berlin Radio )#mphon# *rchestra until :.6 Became music director at the Cleveland *rchestra in 19.4% hich as the orchestra he conducted ith the most throughout his carreer0

;motional% rich interpretation of music contrasted his successor +eorge )<ell 7crisp 9 precise, Became conductor of 1e (or- &hilharmonic in 4004 71e =orld )#mphon#% >orea/3)" 1ational "nthems, Conducted the music for Don +iovanni% Carmen% and *tello0

Composed pieces such as 19/? *perates the Castleton $estival ith his ife at their estate in Castleton% @irginia0 RecordedA Romeo and Juliet 7Cleveland, Complete s#mphonies of Beethoven 7Cleveland, Complete s#mphonies of Rachmaninoff 7Cleveland,

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