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Paper Class Name Term

English 8th First Marks: 100

MCQS: 1.I started attending classes regularly. a).has b). have c). had d). is

2. He .. himself under his bed. a). hid b). operate c). forget d). hit

3. means to bear pain with patience. a). tolerance b). hardships c). amnesty d). troubled

4. Hazrat Ans Bin Malik (R.A) served Prophet of God for.. a). 11 years b). 10 years c). 13 years d). 15 years

5. Akbar had been collecting: a). sea shells b). bones c). rocks d). dolls

6. . Means exchanging goods with goods.

a). barter

b). money

c). growing

d). producing

7. The children were always hungry, hungry means: a). without food b). without water c). without money

8. The youngest son gave the utmost anxiety to his parents, anxiety means a). joy b). sadness c). worry

9. It stores in its .. large amount of facts and figures. a). data b). memory c). information d). add

10. The first computer was invented in the year a). 1942 b). 1842 c). 1742 d). 1642

Translate into Urdu: The boys felt a kind of shudder. They began to shout and call for their father, thinking that he might be playing some kind of trick with them. When, however, he did not appear for quite some time they really felt frightened and began to cry bitterly. Then the clever Mirchu said, do not worry, boys, I know the way of home. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Answers these Questions: What did Hazrat Jibrael ask the Holy Prophet? What do we mean by Barter? What does the Magician tell the boy? Why did the boys begin to weep bitterly? Name some of the languages of the computer?

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